Replacement Plan- Part 2

Story by Thisguy42 on SoFurry

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#3 of Replacement Plan

Well here's part 2! More to come!

Replacement Plan-Part 2

"I'm fine... This is just a dream. Yeah that's all, just a bad dream..." Christa babbled, pacing around the bathroom, blatantly ignoring the wobbling objects between her legs.

She stopped and glanced down at her nude body. It was all still there, the plump sheath that hid the very thing she dreaded to admit was inside, and the large set of furry testicles. All were swaying and shifting heavily with each slight movement. She poked at the sheath hesitantly and she felt something twitch inside of it but she dared not explore any further.

"Okay, this is real. I just need to stay calm and collected..."

She glanced at the spot where she had woken up. Her clothes sat on the floor in a pile, soaked in a fluid that she did not want to admit came from her. It had thoroughly coated the floor in front of the sink and even some places on top of the sink itself.

"What a mess... how does it manage to get everywhere?" She said to herself.

She was beyond desperate to get it cleaned up but she was afraid to touch anything it had touched, it would make it too real and shatter any hope of this all just being some nightmare.

After a few moments of allowing her overactive mind to wander, she sighed, opened the cabinet doors beneath the sink and found the old towels she had hoped were going to be there. She wet them and started with the counter top, trying to be as quiet as possible as to not disturb Faith in the next room.

"Blegh, well the counter's done..." She said, tossing the towel into a corner after remembering the basket for dirty clothes was in the bedroom, but did she really want to have a chance of her mother finding the soiled garments? No.

She grabbed another towel and knelt down to set work on the floor and after several minutes of mopping, the floor was relatively clean. She would need to go over it with some soap but this would do for now, as long as the actual mess was out of sight.

"I'm gonna need to burn these now..." She said, throwing the towel along with her clothes in a pile in a corner by the door. "And I'm not too clean myself..." She stated with disgust, referring to the large spot of matted fur around her legs and the dried sweat on her body.

Christa turned on the shower and jumped inside. Here she was given a chance to think of her course of action, she knew Faith would find out about this whether she wanted her to or not. How would she react to it? Did she know this would happen? However, that was beside the point, her mother was the person she should be worrying about, this would only make it that much harder to hide all of her previous changes from her.

Still thinking, Christa started to clean herself, paying extra care to clean out the areas of thick fur that now covered her lower body, which would probably soon be covering her as it now reached to just above her navel and extended down her legs. Christa gritted her teeth as she moved past her stomach and now came the part she was dreading. Using the washcloth she tentatively touched it to the fur covered pocket of flesh between her legs, then vigorously rubbed while purposely avoiding any pleasure that could be gained from simply touching it, but the rough scrubbing proved to be much to painful and she had to slow her motions.

She felt IT twitch, but refused to look down and completed her cleaning, dropped the towel inside the shower and turned off the water. When she stepped out of the shower she shuddered then shook the water off her fur before she realized what she was doing.

"Woah... That was neat. Now if only I could do that with the rest of my body," Christa said, running her finger across the near-dry fur and continuing to dry herself off with another clean towel.

Christa stopped suddenly when she came into view of the mirror on the back of the door. She dropped the towel and stepped closer. Only inches from the mirror now, Christa ran her finger across the foreign pocket of flesh; she felt a quick pulse beneath it, prompting her to stop the touching and move on.

"So am I really..." She said under her breath as she lifted up the spheres hanging beneath the appendage that refused to be ignored. She looked in the mirror as she ran a finger across the blank patch that had once housed her female sex, she was, for all intents and purposes, male. "I-I am... This is just-"

"Christa? Are almost through in there? I need to use the bathroom!" She heard Faith say through the door.

Startled and nervous, Christa's heart raced and her voice caught in her throat when she tried to speak.

"Okay, okay... Just need to calm down..." She mumbled to herself.

"What was that?"

"N-nothing! Uh, just give me a sec..." Christa stammered as she grabbed her towel, wrapped it about her body as best she could and opened the door quickly.

"Morning... I'm not inconveniencing you am I?" Faith said, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Oh, uh, no no. Not at all," Christa said.

Even in the morning with her tired eyes and messy hair she still looks stunning... She thought to herself, failing to move out of the doorway.

Faith waved a hand in front of Christa's trance-like stare. "Hello? Christa, can I, um, get in here now?"

Christa blinked, her face burning with embarrassment. "Er, yeah... I'll just be, in here..." She finally said, stepping past Faith.

Faith gave her an estranged look then closed the bathroom door.

"Stupid, stupid... Get it together!" Christa said, pacing around the room.

Something then came into view when she looked down. Her eyes widened when she saw that the towel was tented obscenely. Christa heard the toilet flush and the water from the faucet run.

"I-I can't let her see me like this!" She seethed, dashing toward the closet.

Her legs almost buckled when the pointed tip of her aroused shaft rubbed in the just the right way across the soft towel but she held her composure and she hid inside.

Faith stepped out of the bathroom and looked around the empty room in confusion, then heard rustling in the closet.

"Christa?" Faith said, inching closer to the closet.

"I-I'm getting dressed! Be out in a few!" Christa said, sighing in relief. "Whew, that was a close one..." She said a bit too loud, unknowing of just how close Faith was to the closet.

"What was that?"

"Uh, nothing..." Christa lied terribly.

"No, really what do you mean 'that was close?' " Faith asked suspiciously. "Are you hiding something in there?"

Christa sighed. "I-I don't want to say..." She said, looking down at the towel. The thing had retreated into it's sheath once more, though at this point, it didn't really matter. She had to tell Faith now...

"C'mon! How bad could it be? Trust me, I have seen some shit being a witch and all..." Faith said with a chuckle.

Christa said nothing for a few moments then finally said, "Okay... fine..." Then opened the closet door slowly.

Faith looked Christa up and down, nothing seemed different. She smiled, "Are you screwing with me?"

"What? No! It's just... Do I really have to do this?" Christa said more to herself than to Faith.

"Christa... What are you- Oh my..." Faith said as Christa shucked off the towel. Christa's not so little problem was now put out on display. Faith swallowed, "This is... well, unexpected... I mean, 'Honey' sounds like a name you would give a female dog wouldn't it?"

"That's not exactly what I thought you would say..." Christa stated, covering her breasts with her arms.

She examined Faith's face closely. Her face was flushed and her eyes were glued to her crotch. The thought of Faith being aroused made the canine shaft slowly emerge out of it's sheath. Christa gasped when she felt the organ grow harder and scrambled for the towel to cover up.

Christa looked at Faith's flushed cheeks and glazed stare again, they told her everything. "You really are turned on by this aren't you?" Christa said half-jokingly. Truthfully, she found Faith's strange attraction for her transforming body to be beyond arousing.

Faith cleared her throat, she felt warm. "I-I I'm sorry. It's just I've never actually seen anything like this before... I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable,"

Christa crossed her arms, "So much for having 'seen some shit.' Some bluff! Now if you will excuse me I kinda need to get dressed..."

"Oh yes, yes of course. I will just, uh, be right here..." Faith said, lost deep in some fantasy world that Christa dared not think about... especially if she wanted the swelling to go down.

Christa searched the closet a bit and tried on the few pairs of pants she had brought with her, all of which were entirely too small for her to squeeze her way into, even after the protruding annoyance had disappeared back into its sheath. Finally and regrettably she decided on a dark blue sun dress that reached down just past her knees.

She emerged from the closet and saw Faith sitting on her bed. She was turned around, hunched over something and she jumped in surprise when Christa opened the door.

"Faith? What are you doing over there?" Christa asked, stepping toward her.

Scrambling to hide whatever she had been working on Faith said, "Oh, uh, nothing. Just sitting here is all and may I say you look quite pretty in that dress."

"Oh yes, I bet I do with these," Christa said, lifting a fur covered leg. "I just kinda wish these would change already, at least it would look more natural... I guess."

"Oh, c'mon. You don't look bad at all! In fact, you would fit in quite well in Europe, I hear in some countries body hair is all the rage!" Faith said with a laugh.

"Hehe, funny... I doubt that a furry set of male canine genitals would fit in well anywhere, except maybe on the internet... I mean I can't even wear pants, let alone underwear! I'm pretty sure dogs' junk is not normally this big... It must have something to do with the magic..." Christa said, sighing.

"It probably just seems bigger than you think it should because you aren't supposed to have it," Faith said quickly, seemingly trying to cover something up.

Christa eyed her suspiciously then frowned, "I guess... Agh! What have I gotten myself into?!" She said, sinking to the floor with her head in her hands.

"Now just how many times are you going to ask yourself that? I know this is probably hard for you, but everything will be alright, who knows maybe it won't be so bad..." Faith said, sitting next to Christa and putting her hand on her shoulder hoping her little joke would coax some sort of response from her.

Christa looked at Faith and sighed, "I don't know... I'm not too keen on this."

"Well it's too late to back out now I'm afraid..."

That's when Christa's cell phone rang. Curious as to who could be calling her, she went to the nightstand and picked up the phone.

"Oh no. No no no. This can't be happening..." She said, staring in disbelief at the caller ID.

"What? Who is it?"

"It's my boss..."

"Well answer it then! It's not like they can see you," Faith urged.

Christa looked nervously at Faith, then at the phone. She pressed the answer button. "Hello?"

Faith couldn't exactly hear the conversation but the person on the phone, sounded very serious, and the longer that Christa was on the phone, the paler she looked. Finally after several minutes of the one-sided conversation, Christa hung up the phone.

"Well? What did they say?" Faith asked.

Christa looked over at Faith, she was as white as a sheet.

"Christa? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. I have to be at a business meeting in two hours or I lose my job to some other shithead that I don't even know! They've been laying people off left and right lately so if I don't prove I want to keep my job, I'll lose it... I-I don't know what to do! I can't go there like this!"

"Okay okay, just relax... We can figure this out," Faith said in a soothing voice. "Now where is the meeting?"

"In the next town over."

"About how long is that from here?" Faith asked, reaching into her purse.

"A-about 30 minutes... Why?" Christa asked, while she watched Faith take out a familiar pouch.

"Well... I just might be able to help you out of your predicament," Faith answered as she looked through a pocket in the pouch Christa had never seen before. "You see, carrying this around with me..." Faith said motioning toward the pouch of vials in her hands. "Comes in handy every now and then," Faith pulled out an empty syringe along with several vials of glowing liquid out of the tiny pocket.

"What exactly do you plan on doing to me?"

"Well that's easy, I'm helping you. I always keep a "failsafe" which I usually have made before hand so if I get into a bind, I can change myself or someone else back immediately," Faith said, mixing and stirring the vials together into one. "Now this is some powerful stuff but I am somewhat... unfamiliar with the way the serum I gave you works exactly..."

Christa glared at Faith. "You're unfamiliar with it?! That's not what you told me to begin with!"

"This is no time to get upset at me now. Do you want my help or not?" Faith said, still focused on her mixing.

Christa sighed, "Alright, yes I want your help. I can't lose this job."

"Okay then, well it is finished, but because your case is a bit different I am going to have to inject it directly into your bloodstream..." Faith said holding the syringe and pushing the stopper slightly so that a thin stream of the fluid shot out onto the floor.

Christa looked, wide-eyed at the needle and backed away slowly. "heh, I, uh, think I'm good I can just find something to cover up the obvious features. Just please don't stick that needle in me..." She said, backing into the wall.

"Afraid of needles? Well that's unfortunate... Now come here so we can just get this over with, you don't have much time," Faith demanded. "And surely you don't believe you're going to be able to hide that!" Faith said pointing to the obvious bulge in Christa's dress.

Christa looked at Faith and whimpered, then held out her arm. Faith stepped forward and grasped her arm firmly. "Just relax and it will be done with soon," She said gazing into Christa's eyes before turning her attention to sticking the needle in. Seconds later she removed the syringe.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Faith said with a smirk.

Christa stuck her tongue out at Faith then gasped and held her head.

"Woah..." was all she could say as she leaned against the wall.

"Just stay calm and let it happen..." Faith said, watching Christa's fur covered legs shed, leaving them as smooth and hairless as they were before. The changes came quick and only took little more than a minute before Christa's final canine attribute receded with a slurp into her body.

"Wow, what a rush! You weren't kidding when you said it changes you back immediately!" Christa said, marveling at her fully regained humanity.

Faith did not seem as joyous. "Now there's something you need to know about this. Since I have no idea how it is going to react with the other serum I gave you, you most likely only a have a couple hours at the most before you start to change back, but even that is just a guess. So make sure you are back here as soon as your meeting is over with! We can't have you running around as part animal in public," Faith said, winking.

"Right, well good thing I packed something relatively professional..." Christa said, stepping into the closet.

Moments later she emerged wearing a semi-formal black skirt, white blouse with short, black heels and sheer, black nylons.

"I guess I'm ready as I will ever be," Christa said, shrugging.

"You look great! Just remember though, be back here as soon as possible," Faith reiterated.

"...Hey Faith, do you think you could, erm, come with me. It would make me feel a lot better having you there in case something happens," Christa said, gazing at the floor bashfully.

"That's actually a great idea! I haven't seen much else in the surrounding towns anyway so it would give me a chance to look around a bit and I will be right there for you if you need me," Faith said with a wide grin.

"Oh, you're awesome! Let's get out of here, I need a little time to build up the nerve for this anyway so maybe we can get something to eat too..."

"Sounds like a plan! Let's get going," Faith said heading toward the door.

"Wait!" Christa exclaimed as Faith's hand rested on the doorknob. "My mom doesn't know you're here, let alone even who you are and I hate to ask you this but can you maybe sneak back out the way you came in? It would really save a lot of explanation and awkward conversations..."

"Oh! Right! Haha, my bad. I completely forgot about that... I would like to avoid trying to explain myself so I will just, uh, meet you down stairs," Faith said, walking over to the window, opening it and slowly climbing back out.

Christa watched Faith jump down from the window and hover just inches above the ground for a moment before she landed gently onto the grass silently.

"No fair..." Christa whispered to herself before closing the window and stepping out of her room.

After discovering her mother was still asleep, Christa went downstairs and wrote a note for her mom, explaining only her work situation, then stuck the note on the fridge and left the house.

"You ready yet?" Faith asked Christa.

Christa trembled as she spoke, "I don't know... I can't get these negative thoughts out of my head, I'm afraid I'm gonna change back or-"

"Christa, Christa just take a breath. You don't want to lose your job right?" Christa shook her head. "Okay then, you can do this. Everything will be fine!" Faith said, cracking a smile although she was still unsure of just how long Christa had before the "antidote" wore off.

Christa took a deep breath and stepped out into the hot parking lot in front of the daunting office building.

"Good luck! Everything will be fine! Just relax and don't let your mind wander," Faith said from the driver's seat. "Call me when you're ready, I won't be far away..."

Christa smiled meekly, turned and walked into the office building.

During a silent elevator ride Christa was able to regain her composure and prepare herself for the task at hand. For the first time in days she felt completely at ease and she was going to use it to her advantage.

Christa walked into a large waiting room where she was told to meet her boss. She felt fortunate that she knew her way around the building since she had been to this same building multiple times, but what unnerved her the most was the fact that she had never been asked to play host to clients before. The company she worked for produced a photography magazine that showcased both new and professional photographers' work, she worked as head editor and this kind of thing was meant for people higher up on the chain of command so the demand for her presence was a shock.

Christa heard the door to her left open and in walked her boss. She was dressed in an outfit similar to hers except the clothing appeared to be much more expensive and she assumed it was specially tailored for her. Christa liked her boss, she was nice and friendly, not a complete hard ass, but she still made sure the work got done.

She's hot as hell too! Christa suddenly thought to herself. She shook her head, Where did that come from? They were friends and yes, she was attractive, but she had never thought of her boss in that manner before.

"Hi Christa, glad you could make it!" She heard her boss say, breaking her internal monologue.

"Hi Tina," Christa said with a forced smile.

"I'm sorry for the sudden demand that you show up but my hands are tied, the "big guys" of the company have spoken and are making a lot of cuts. I would prefer to give you this promotion over whoever else they decide to send in..."

"Promotion?" Christa asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, silly me. I didn't tell you! If all goes well, you will be getting a promotion, you will be doing about the same thing but with a nice pay raise!" Tina said with a smile.

"I-I don't understand..." Christa said, growing nervous. There was much more at stake now than she originally thought.

"Well, with all this downsizing, they are afraid employees are going to get restless so they are giving those who they think deserve it a promotion as an "incentive" to stick around. Anyhow, don't worry about the details, you are getting more money so just be happy!"

Christa forced another grin. She was thankful but incredibly nervous.

"We're ready for you in here," Said a woman poking her head out of the conference room. She gave off an air of superiority that just made Christa even more nervous.

Tina put her hand on Christa's shoulder and whispered into her ear, "You'll do fine... Just relax. Here, take this." Tina handed Christa a briefcase. "It has all of the information you need to answer any questions they might have, read it and you'll be just fine."

Her voice was soothing and hopeful, oddly enough it seemed to put Christa at ease. She lingered for a moment, took a deep breath and went into the room.

There were four other people sitting at the large rectangular table in the middle of the room, they all stood and Christa shook each of their hands. Her nervousness was getting the better of her and as a result, when she reached the final person at the table, which happened to be the woman she saw peek out from the room earlier, she didn't even register her name. Now that she thought of it, she couldn't remember any of their names. Her heart was racing and the room was starting to spin around her, with each passing moment she was convinced this was all a terrible nightmare, none of this was real...

"Christa?" She heard her boss say with concern. She blinked, coming back to reality. She was still grasping the woman's hand firmly.

Christa's cheeks turned crimson and she quickly pulled her hand away. "Sorry about that ma'am, l-let's get started shall we?"

She walked to an empty spot at the end of the table and placed the briefcase on the table. With shaking hands she pushed in the latches and pulled the case open. Christa stared, eyes wide when she saw what was inside. It was a dog toy, a squeaky dog toy. She rubbed at her eyes and blinked, she was convinced this wasn't real. She looked again, it was still there.

"Christa? Is there a problem?" She suddenly heard Tina whisper from right beside her.

Christa looked over at her and opened her mouth then turned back to the open briefcase. There were only papers inside.

"Uh... n-no, no problem here. I'm good to go," She said with a strained smile.

"Okay then, the sooner we start the sooner we can get out of here."

Christa grabbed the papers and laughed nervously under her breath.

"Alright, I got this..."

45 minutes later...

The meeting thus far had gone off without a hitch and Christa was grateful that it seemed to be drawing towards an end. She was surprised at how well she had adjusted to this new environment but she knew she was running short on time by now...

"So Christa, what do you think of these?"

Christa snapped out of her deep thought at the sound of Tina's voice, it was different, more sultry than she was used to. Christa's jaw dropped and she had to do a double take when she looked at Tina, it had to be a hallucination. Tina was standing in front of her cupping her naked breasts and looking at her with a suggestive stare. She shook her head but it didn't go away.

Unbeknownst to Christa, the serum was already wearing off and being in a room with four other women was bringing out primal urges within her and flooding her system with testosterone as her changes began.

Tina then stuck her chest out at Christa, her ample bust only inches away now, "C'mon, touch 'em, you know you want to..." Tina said in a honeyed voice that sent a delightful shiver down Christa's spine.

Christa swallowed hard, her breathing growing irregular and quick. She lifted her hands...

"Christa?! I asked you a question," She heard Tina with irritation.

Christa looked at Tina in shock and only managed a dumbfounded "huh" before the pleasant tingle that had started in her spine spread across her body. Her tailbone shuddered, preparing to emerge once more as a tail.

No... Not here, not now, Christa thought to herself, her eyes darting toward the door. But I can't just leave... I- I can fight it. She balled up her hands into fists and breathed out of clenched teeth, trying to will the changes away as discreetly as possible.

The tingling stopped, but it now gathered in her head in the form of a constant buzzing that was far beyond distracting.

"So... where were we? Oh yes! The deal, I... think that what we have right here is fine," She said examining the document that had several signatures on it already.

As she tried to read the words on the paper, however, the contract became a confusing mess of letters that began to rearrange into a jumble of simplistic words that ran down the page.

"Sex? Sex... What the..." Christa read under her breath breaking out into a sweat.

Her vision was becoming blurry due to the strain of holding her changes at bay, she was slipping, and fast. Her shoes were beginning to feel rather uncomfortable and her body was shaking so badly she could hardly stand. All eyes on her, Christa looked up from the paper, smiled and nodded, grabbing a pen from the table. Grasping the pen firmly in her hand, she started to sign at the bottom of the paper, all the while her hand pulsed and her fingers shortened considerably, making the pen near impossible to hold steady. Just as her nails pushed out into curved, black claws she finished the signature and without another word she dashed for the door, nearly falling as her feet stretched painfully against her black heels.

"Christa? Where are you going? We are just getting started..." She heard Tina say seductively as she reached the door, making her turn.

She wished she had just left the room. Tina and the rest of the women in the room were rubbing their naked bodies against each other, beckoning her to join them. She knew it wasn't real but she couldn't pull her eyes away from the glorious illusion before her.

Now distracted, she was unable to hold off the oncoming transformation. With a violent shudder her aroused clit shot outward, growing inches by the second until an all too familiar, throbbing appendage strained at her ripping skirt; her wet labia puckered and two heavy testicles soon followed as they dropped into the waiting sac below. Christa winced as her feet burst through her heels, dark claws shredding her nylons; her tail burst out from her skirt with such force it nearly tore it right off of her.

The pain forced her back into reality and she faced a room of wide eyed women, who looked shocked and... aroused? Her mind had to be playing tricks on her again but that was the least of her worries. Her body was still pulsing and shivering, letting her know that she wasn't done. Before more could happen in front of them, Christa fled the room, passing many confused employees on the way to the closest hiding spot, which happened to be a darkened, empty conference room.

Once inside, fur raced across her sweat slicked skin, covering more of her body than ever before until all but her breasts and face were engulfed in the thick, soft coat. Christa pulled out her phone which proved difficult due to how tight her skirt had become, she could barely fit her hand inside and even the simple action of her hand brushing up against the thick, erect member made her head spin with dizzying pleasure. A large glob of pre leaked out of the tip, staining her skirt as she retrieved the phone, and after a brief moment of recovery, Christa dialed Faith's number as quickly as she could. She was trying to focus on getting it right the first time, since her fingers were becoming shorter, sinking into her increasingly paw-like hand with each passing moment, she was sure she only had once chance at this. Using her stubby fingers, she dialed and held the phone to her ear then took a step away from the windows to further conceal herself.

Before she could react her hips popped and shifted, sending her to her hands and knees. The phone clattered away from her, sliding across the seemingly endless room. She tried to make a dash for it but her altered hips sent her to the floor again so she opted to crawl. She winced and gasped when her heels raised upward forcing her to walk on the balls of her feet, the skin there swelling into proper canine paw pads. She huffed and almost drooled in ecstasy, with each movement, for the soft fabric of her skirt rubbed delightfully against the aching dog cock between her legs while her silk panties slid gently across her swollen, squirming balls. She shook her head weakly and forged on.

The phone was only inches away now but the pesky nylons that had somehow survived the changes and still clung to her canine legs, tripped her up momentarily. However, her head was now close enough to the phone that she could hear Faith through the speaker.

Panting, Christa answered Faith, "I-I'm here... oh god please come quick- oooo, it feels so good!"

"Christa? Focus on me! I need to know where you are!" Faith said, looking for a place turn the car around.

Christa wasn't listening though, the seams of her tight clothes stretching past their limit interrupted her as her skirt fell away, sliding across the now exposed beast bobbing under her, making her moan and buck her hips when her pointed shaft throbbed powerfully, sending a large spurt of pre across the carpeted floor. Her heavily altered form was no longer suitable for the majority of her clothes, the blouse falling to the floor and leaving her in only her bra and panties. Having outlived their usefulness, Christa's soaked underwear snapped off, completely freeing her genitals, and she sighed in pleasure as the cool air licked at her sweating skin.

She grunted as her chest began to barrel out, stretching her bra across her chest, her pert breasts compacting into muscle more appropriate for her male, canine self. The bra however, had not met it's match and remained tightly stretched across her chest.

All but lost to the buzzing pleasure, she had completely forgotten about the phone until she heard Faith say something else.

"Christa? Which room are you in? I'm almost at the building!"

Christa's arms and hands crunched, signaling the final changes as they became fully functional canine fore legs. Just as she started to speak, her face inconveniently began to push out into a canine muzzle, her tongue lengthening and dropping out of her mouth between sharpening teeth.

"Ruuuh... I'm..urgh emptrrrry rruuumm," was all Christa managed as she attempted to speak through her growing muzzle and shifting vocal cords.

Christa wasn't even worried about losing her ability to speak, the feeling of her writhing flesh and changing body was so arousing she almost came from the sensation of her jaw popping when her muzzle settled into it's rightful place. Her vision suddenly went hazy when her eyes repositioned on her shifting face and transitioned from green to an icy blue, bringing with it a different spectrum of colors that disoriented her for a few moments. This proved to be the only thing that could distract from her need for release.

Her transformation complete, Christa took a deep breath through her sensitive nostrils, drinking in all of the intense scents that assaulted her but one stood out among the others. It was a potent, musky scent that she assumed was emanating from her. She didn't think it possible but the scent was making her even harder than before, the only thing she could think about was pleasuring the oversized tool that absolutely demanded all of her attention. That was, until there was a knock at the door.

"Christa? Are you in here?"

It was Tina. Christa looked around frantically, trying to find a place to hide. In her haste she whipped around too fast and smacked her head into a chair, a pained whine escaping her mouth.

"Christa, I know you're in there. I can hear you! I just want to, uh, talk about what happened back there..." Tina said. Then after several moments of silence she said, "Alright I'm coming in. Okay? It's just me."

Tina stepped into the dark room but Christa was not there. The first thing she noticed was a strange smell that she really couldn't place. Looking to her right she saw Christa's tattered clothes lying on the floor. She bent down and picked them up with the tips of her fingers, she could tell, even holding them like this that they were quite damp. She then saw movement out of the corner of her eye at the end of the room to her left.

"Christa... is that you?" Tina said, stepping toward the end of the table, a soft squelching sound was made when she placed her heel on the carpet. "What the hell..." She said trying to find the source of the sound and found a spot on the carpet that glistened in the light streaming through the half closed shades.

Peeking through the chairs Christa saw that Tina had found some of the mess she had made on the carpet, there was no way that was the only spot and she would be found eventually through the trail. She was still torn between hiding around the room until she left, and showing herself, but what would she do if she showed herself? She was a dog and she couldn't speak to her, but more importantly, she was a very horny male dog. She knew Tina would be smart enough to figure out that the male dog that had miraculously appeared was her, no matter how crazy it seemed.

Maybe she could help me reach Faith though... or help get me off... She thought to herself.

She found the thought of Tina on all fours, accepting her aching shaft through any of her orifices so very appealing. She shuddered, another profuse spurt of pre-cum falling to the floor. There wasn't much more she could take of this before she gave in and let instincts take their course. It was getting even more difficult to think straight, she could feel herself slipping into the back of her own mind, there were no other words for it.

Tina took another step and found Christa's phone on the ground. She picked it up and saw several missed calls and texts from someone named "Faith." The phone rang again. It was Faith. Tina was concerned that something terrible had happened to Christa so she answered the phone on the third ring.

"Hello?" She said.

"Who's this? Where's Christa?" Faith said in a worried voice.

"I really don't know, I found her clothes though... they are torn and soaked in something I don't want to think about. I'm worried that something awful happened to her."

Christa finally decided to come out of hiding, there was no other way to get around this. She walked out from behind the table and let out a yip.

Tina jumped and a scream caught in her throat, expecting the worst, but nothing happened. She finally registered the dog beside her and sighed heavily.

"Well what do we have he- wait a minute..." Tina said, suddenly noticing the lacy bra around the dog's chest. Everything made sense now... or did it?

Faith sighed on the other end of the phone when she heard the quick high-pitched bark.

"I can promise you nothing horrible happened to Christa but you just need to tell me where you are..."

Tina explained their location to Faith with a wavering voice then hung up the phone.

"She said she would be here in about 15 minutes... She wanted me to tell you that," Tina said hesitantly.

Christa nodded her head in confirmation.

"This is... just too much, I-I need to sit," Tina continued as she pulled out a chair.

Christa whined in desperation and pawed at Tina's leg. Despite the time that had passed, combined with the many distractions, the pestering erection between her legs still raged on, it was actually beginning to hurt.

Tina looked down at the dog that claimed to be Christa and tentatively pet it's head.

Christa closed her eyes and wagged her tail happily, Tina then scratched behind her ears, making her leg kick uncontrollably.

Oh god, no wonder dogs love this! It feels so good! Christa thought, graciously accepting the scratching. She wasn't sure if it felt this good because she was so aroused but it didn't matter, she didn't want Tina to stop.

"Wow, you really love this don't you girl?" Tina said with a giggle.

Christa snickered, well, in her head, when she heard Tina say this. Boy was she in for a surprise, and she knew just how to break it to her.

Backing away from Tina, Christa rolled onto her back and exposed her dripping member to Tina.

Tina gasped and blushed. She was absolutely speechless. She just couldn't wrap her head around this.

"So, you're a- I mean, uh- it's so big..." Tina babbled, shocking herself with her statement, she felt kind of slutty for saying it, but it was true, the thing had to be at least nine inches if she was guesstimating.

Christa remained on her back, wafting her musky scent into Tina's face with her tail in attempt to draw her closer. She wanted Tina's hands on her. No, she needed them, she was ready to burst and a simple caress was practically all she needed. She whined in distress as a constant stream of sticky pre now oozed from her tip and dripped onto her furred belly. Lust was driving her actions and taking over rational thought, nothing else mattered now.

Tina's head buzzed with excitement, her desire to pleasure the turgid shaft before her, grew and grew until she could hardly contain herself.

What would it hurt? Christa's obviously more than eager and it will still be some time before Faith shows up... Tina thought to herself.

Sliding off the chair, Tina crouched, her breathing becoming more ragged when she drew closer to the source of the intoxicating scent, there was no stopping herself now. Reaching with a trembling hand, Tina rested her fingers on the underside of the hot flesh and ran her hand across it slowly until she reached the slick, pointed tip.

"It's so warm..." Tina said to herself in a breathy voice. Then, wrapping her hand around as much of the appendage as possible she said, "...and thick..."

Christa shifted and panted as Tina's soft hands explored her length. She could already feel her orgasm approaching, her swollen testicles pumping and squirming as they were kicked into overdrive. It was so different having someone else pleasure her and her boss no less! She didn't think Tina was this kinky, or into dogs for that matter. Christa then growled softly when she felt Tina suddenly tighten her grip. This was like something from her deepest,darkest fantasies she had yet to discover.

Christa's cock grew even thicker in Tina's hand as she neared her long awaited release, her large knot becoming engorged with blood.

Tina felt this obvious development and began pumping her hand in earnest, and rubbing herself through her pants with the other.

Suddenly, the door opened and Christa could faintly hear Faith say, "Christa! You in- oh my!"

Christa jumped in surprise and scrambled to her feet instinctively, but nothing was going to stop the orgasm that had already arrived. Christa howled as her balls pulled against her and her shaft seemingly tightened from the inside as she cum surged through it. She took one last guilty look at Faith and the hot, gooey fluid rushed outward, arcing across the floor. Christa clenched her teeth and bucked her hips as her bulging orbs emptied their unnaturally large load onto the carpet until they were finally dry. Christa's trembling legs gave way and she laid on the floor, spent.

Faith simply smiled at Tina, who had moved out of the range of Christa and said, "I suppose you deserve an explanation..."

15 minutes later

Tina sat in a chair across from Faith, pondering what she had just been told.

"Just give it some time. It will sink in eventually. Just remember, if you tell anyone about this, I'm coming for you," Faith said with a laugh.

Tina didn't laugh. Her eyes suddenly went wide, "Oh please don't tell anyone about, well you know, what I did... I-I don't know what came over me. I have never done anything like that before..."

"Just relax Tina, If you don't tell then I won't," Faith said with a wink.

Faith stood and with her hands on her hips she looked down at a guilty Christa.

"Now as for you, you mischievous pooch. Look at the mess you've gone and made. I feel bad for the poor soul that has to clean this up," Faith scolded.

Christa whined.

"Oh yes, I know poor you. Being pleasured, basically all afternoon must have been a terrible experience," Faith joked, scratching behind Christa's ears. "Are you ready to go for a ride?!" Faith then asked in a playful manner.

Christa wasn't having any of the mocking and stood her ground like the dignified human woman she was, on the inside at least. She squinted her eyes and growled softly but this didn't keep her tail from wagging though at the thought of a car ride.

"Hey, it was a joke! Chill out. But seriously, we should probably go before someone else comes in here, I won't be sharing this with anyone else without some consequences," Faith said to Christa. Then, turning to Tina she said, "Remember, not a word of this to anyone. I already took a risk sharing this with you."

Tina shook her head and said, "Got it, tell no one."

Faith turned to Christa and motioned towards the door.

"Ooops, almost forgot," Faith said, turning to the tattered clothes on the floor.

She snapped her fingers and they burst into flames. The flames didn't dissipate like she had planned however and the fire spread to the carpet.

"Oh shit!" She exclaimed, pointing a finger at it.

A burst of freezing air spread across the fire, then across the entire floor until it was covered by a thin layer of ice. Christa stumbled and skittered, unable to maintain her footing with her paws while Tina grabbed the table for support.

"Umm... my bad. We'll just be going now..." Faith said pushing Christa across the floor and out into the hallway.

"Right behind you, we were never here..." Tina said, closing the door. "It was, uh, nice to meet you?" She said, holding out her hand to Faith while hiding the other behind her back.

Faith shook it and said, "It was nice to meet you too, we should do this again some time!" Faith laughed. "Also, you should probably wash that other hand ASAP, this magic is a bit unstable and I'm sure you wouldn't want to end up transformed into a dog or some other animal. Who knows, maybe even a creature or a monster of some sort. There's really no saying exactly."

Tina's eyes went wide, she gasped and then took off for the nearest bathroom.

Faith watched her go and then looked down at Christa. She was glaring at her.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. You might think I was messing with her but I'm really not. My magic is rather unstable, as I just demonstrated in there when I turned that room into a hockey rink," Faith said, pointing her thumb back toward the frozen room.

Christa huffed and started to walk toward the end of the hallway.

"Woah, woah. Where are you going? It's going to look just a little strange if someone sees you, a random dog, walking around the building. Follow behind me and, uh, act natural," Faith said, walking past Christa to the end of the hall.

Christa rolled her eyes and trotted behind Faith to the elevator Christa had rode up on earlier without a hitch.

After, calling it, Faith and Christa stepped onto the elevator, rode it down and fled the building unseen.

After coming up with a course of action when they reached Christa's house, Christa and Faith were sitting in the car in silence, stuck in traffic when Faith heard Christa whine from the passenger seat. With a bored look on her face, Faith turned to see Christa look away from the window and paw at the erect maleness between her legs. She couldn't tell if she was trying to hide it in her sheath or trying to pleasure herself.

Looking out the window, Faith saw a golden retriever in the backseat of the car to her left, it had to be female, judging by Christa's reactions.

"Christa, don't feel so ashamed by that, you're a dog after all and male dogs are attracted to female dogs. Judging by your charades with your boss, I can see you are quite fond of women as it is..."

Christa sensed realization in Faith's voice.

How could she know? I didn't make it that obvious that I have thing for her did I? Christa thought to herself.

Christa looked up at Faith, she was looking back at her with a sly grin on her face.

" 'How did I find out?' Is that the question running through your mind right now?" Faith said, breaking eye contact and pulling forward as they finally escaped the traffic on the highway. "Well it's real simple actually, you are terrible at hiding it! From the moment you stepped in my store it wasn't hard to tell. You practically ogled me the entire time, not that I had a problem with that..."

Christa's erection raged on as she heard Faith speak, she could hear the suggestiveness in her voice and it was driving her mad. She was so preoccupied with trying not to make a mess of her car that she didn't even notice when they pulled up near her house.

"Now Christa, or should I say, "Honey" put that thing away before we go inside. We can't have her precious dog walking in with a random hard-on. There's no way I would be able to explain that." Faith demanded, stepping out of the car.

She let Christa out into the fresh air to allow her to calm down before they went to the door. Christa felt strange, not only because she had left this house a woman and come back a male dog but it felt strange to be so excited to see her mother, like she hadn't seen her in weeks.

Must be those instincts and memories Faith was talking about... It must be Honey's memory of having seen his master weeks ago... She thought to herself. Damn, this is confusing... I'm not ready for this, my mind is a mess right now.

Faith walked over to Christa and scratched behind her ears.

"So, are you ready?" Faith asked.

Christa looked up at her and whined.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. It's just your mother! What do you think is going to happen to you?" Faith said, nudging Christa into gear.

They walked across the grass to the paved walkway and approached the door.

With her hand raised, Faith looked down to Christa, shrugged and said, "Just, uh, act natural I guess." Then she rang the doorbell...

To be continued..............................