Hibana and Jasmine - Fire

Story by AlejandroDelFuego on SoFurry

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Kind of a dark story I came up with the other day... Wrote it quickly while a party was keeping me up tonight... Its almost over now.

Anyways... There's more to come of this story, and these two.

The alarm clock gently buzzed on the desk by the bed. The flaaffy moaned softly as she stirred from her sleep to slam her tired hand on top of the device. She closed her eyes once more, wanting just a few more minutes of rest. She knew it was Thursday, but she still wanted to sleep in. Her body refused to let her wake up, despite her mind not wanting her to miss her class. She only had one class on Thursdays, yet it had to be early in the morning...

The alarm clock buzzed once more to wake her. This time, she turned off the alarm and gently sat up in bed. Little by little, she managed to stand up and get out of bed. She went to the wall and turned on the light. Blinking a couple times to adjust to the light, she went to the other side of the room to open the curtain. As it was half way up, she noticed a couple males just outside the residence hall near her window.

They were talking about something. It was a large male anthro Charizard, and a slightly smaller threatening looking Houndoom. They were whispering, and Hibana couldn't help but be curious, as the houndoom reached around for his back pack. Suddenly, he saw her and looked over, then the charizard followed suit. She wondered why, when the houndoom called out to her. "Nice tits, girl!" The other laughed.

She looked down, and realized she had slept topless last night. She quickly covered herself then pulled down the curtain, blushing in embarrassment. Wasting no time, she quickly got dressed. As she did, she looked over to the other side of her dorm. The empty half, where her room mate once was. She dropped out the first week for reasons she never told Hibana, though it seemed serious. In any event, she was stuck with a double to herself with no one to share it with.

She put on a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt, after making sure to wear her underpants and bra. It looked chilly outside, so she wore a sweater. Finally, she packed her bag with her English notebook and textbooks and left for the dining hall.

She sat in a small table in the corner of the hall, sipping a cup of coffee. She was worried about her essay, if her professor had graded it well or not. Of all her classes, English was her favorite. Not because of the actual material, which she couldn't seem to grasp already a month in, but because of the teacher.

The professor, miss Jasmine Sapphire, was an amazing woman. She was attractive for her age, dressed well, was always in a good mood, and has known Hibana before she was her professor. A friend of her mother, she was quite familiar with Hibana. Ms Sapphire was her favorite professor in the university.

As her mind wandered, someone ran in to the dining room. "Turn on the news! Some professor's house burned down last night!" With that, Hibana looked over to the large television at the other end of the dining hall which normally displayed campus event schedules. It switched over to the news. <<...Home of English professor at the University of Pokemon, Jasmine Sapphire.>>

Hibana's heart sank at that as she heard that. She continued to listen. <<The fire was started late last night, and fire fighters quickly realized that the cause of the fire was no accident. Authorities have no doubt that the arsonist's aim was to kill the university's sole openly lesbian faculty member. No leads are present as of current, though a neighbor who wishes to remain anonymous did report seeing two suspicious looking men on the street. The only defining detail they could provide was a visible fire behind one of them. Professor Sapphire could not be reached for comment. Despite the strength of the fire that destroyed her home, she was reported as alive and unharmed, and is ...>>

She drained the rest out, completely relieved to hear that she was alive. Immediately, she finished her breakfast, grabbed her bag and ran for the liberal arts building. She knew that Jasmine was disliked by some for her openness, but she never thought anyone would sink so low...

Without knocking, she barged in to her office. She looked and saw something she thought she'd never see. Jasmine had her arms half covering her head, as a look of fear and sadness was on her, tears silently escaping her eyes. She looked up a bit and saw Hibana there. She wiped her eyes with the back of her arm and sat up, trying to pull herself together. "... C-can I... Can I help you, miss Sparkles?..."

"Professor... I saw the news... I am so, so sorry..." She sat in a chair in front of her desk. "... Are you okay?..."

She sighed and regained her depressed position on her desk. "... I... I didn't think... Anything like this would happen... I mean... I expected some crap for coming out... B-but... To think someone would... Go as far as to try and kill me..." She buried her head in her arms, and silently started to cry.

Hibana couldn't believe someone would want to harm such a nice gardevoir just because she liked her own gender. She stood up and walked around the desk, gently placing a hand on her back. She had absolutely nothing to say, knowing there is nothing she could say to help, so she simply hoped a caring paw was enough for the moment.

After a moment, she turned her head sideways. "Thank you... I just, need some comfort right now..." She slowly stands up and holds Hibana closely. "... Go tell the others class is postponed today... And, tell them to email me their essays... They were at home last night, and..."

"Professor... I will tell them..." She held the elder gardevoir closely, comforting her. "... Where will you stay now?..."

"... I suppose I'll just, see if the university will... Let me sleep here..."

"In your office?..." She nodded in response. Just then, Hibana remembered her empty room. "P-professor... There's an open bed in my dorm... My room mate dropped out... I'd be honored if you considered it..."

She looked down at Hibana. "... I'll talk to housing about it... For now, just... Tell the others our session is cancelled... And about the essays..." Though still deeply saddened and afraid, Jasmine felt great comfort from hibana, feeling safe with her. After a moment, she let go of her and sat back down at her desk, hiding in her arms once more.

Hibana stood there in silence for a moment, looking at her professor. "... I'll be back later to check on you..." With that, she left the room. Closing the door behind her, she went down the hall to the lecture hall class was usually held in to alert the others of the state of the professor and the class.