Vulpine Ecstacy Ch. 1-4

Story by Ixious Draconia on SoFurry

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***Warning, this story contains consensual oral and anal sex and mutual masterbation between two consenting legal male adults in an imaginary setting. Also contained in this story is "yiffy/furry" pornographic materials and themes. Thus if you are under 18 or offended by same-sex intercourse or anthropomorphic sex please do not read this story. *************

Thank you for reading my story. This is my third attempt at a "yiffy" story. I came from science fiction writing so it is long and has some longer character development softcore sections. For those looking for a quick paw-off scroll to chapter 4, everyone else enjoy and email me your comments at [email protected] .

Dedicated to Pyre

May 30th 2005

Chapter 1

Six days, that's 144 hours, since Ixious has seen his fox-friend's cute little muzzle. Traveling all over the southeast going to conferences Ixi has been deprived of a certain little red fox's soft embrace. Today that ends. Seeing the sign for his exit a tear falls down his muzzle."I'm home stud!"

Stepping through the front door of their house Ixi's little puppy comes galloping to his foot, jumping up my leg barking in a high pitched whine. "Hey Pepe, how's my little boy?" "Yipp Yipp Yipp!" Pyre's cat gives a labored "meoow" before returning to it's slumber. Loosing his tie and unbuttoning the top two buttons the big blue fox crashes on the couch and turn on the TV. Anime characters with exaggerated emotions light up the screen.

"Hehehe, Pyre and his anime" ^^ A few more hours and Pyre will be home from his job. Continuing to watch this bizarre deviation of a cartoon Ixi's eyes grow heavy. He and his small dog fall into the depth of sleep.

Spread out on the couch lie a 6'4 blue fox with black highlights on his chest, tail, and ears. His medium length headfur is jet black and always messy. His muscular body, defined after years of wrestling and running, stand out from his workshirt, even as a trail of drool exits his smiling muzzle. Lying on his chest is his tiny pet, a Chihuahua with vulpine colorations. Ixi and Pyre view Pepe as their little equal, often joking "if you were just a few feet taller! ^_-"

Fuzzy images of the short red fox merge with bizarre images from deep within Ixi's unconscious mind. Focusing on Pyre, Ixi begins to see Pyre's arms wrapping around him, drawing him close and resting his head on Ixi's chiseled chest. Pyre's paw rests softly on Ixi's bulge. *LICK*

A long wet tongue mats the fur of Ixi's muzzle. Pepe yipps loudly and hops off Ixi's lap as Ixi lets out a loud moan. "Murrrrrrr, welcome home babe" "Shh, I ain't done yet!" Pyre's tongue roams from Ixi's muzzle to his erect ears, scritching and petting his soft headfur. Moaning loudly Ixi extends his neck and licks Pyre's fire-colored ears with their soft white highlights. Licking a trail down to the nap of Ixi's neck, Pyre runs his soft tongue along Ixi's most sensitive areas and gently running his teeth across the soft skin under the fur.

"I was thinkin us going clubbing tonight, there is a new club opening up and it appears you already got your nap" XD Neither of us were much of the "clubbing type", but it had been a week for each of us, and if we didn't get out now it would be a "wild yiffing, then collapsing" night, not that there is ANYTHING wrong with those ^^. "Sure, as long as you don't find yourself a better looking fur while we are there and leave me all alone tonight" ^^ "Ok, already laid out what I want you to wear, hope you don't mind" squeezing Ixi's bulge "I figured you wouldn't'"

Chapter 2

The jets of water soak Ixi's soft blue fur as the smell of lavender and basalm suds on the soft black fur of his chest. Dreaming again he takes hold of his increasingly thickening sheath and envisions Pyre taking hold of his bulge and pushing his muzzle down where his wet quivering nose is against Ixi's pubic fur. The bright pink tip of his foxcock slides out of the sheath as Ixi's massaging gets more intense. Closing his eyes and massaging his sheath even faster, the sound of the curtain opening forces his eyes open.

"Don't get started without me! No Fair!" Jumping in Ixi sees for the first time in a week the naked body of a vulpine Adonis. His fire red fur with it's orange and auburn highlights contrast sharply to the soft white hair of his chest, ears and the tip of his tail. The soft white fur of his chest covers a well defined smaller build of an avid runner, If not for him Ixi might not be so in shape, amazing what a bit of motivation can do. Years of himself running has left his chest and stomach like a firm slate the white hair lie upon. Leading down his stomach the white fur gives way to a thick sheath and two tightly hanging balls. His runner's legs and long bushy tail continue the fiery coloration of this sexy stud. A fancy "Lionheart" cross is the only jewelry on his body, no matter how many times Ixi says he would look good with a nip piercing. Hoping in the shower a smirk comes across his muzzle as Pyre's paws rub Ixi's back and tail, then reaches around and grips his still thick sheath and glistening shaft. Gently running his sudsy paw along Ixi's body a soft moan exits the blue fox, and a light growl from the red fox as their bodies press together.

Cascades of water runs over their bodies as Pyre's sheath thickens and the tip of his shaft peeks out. Rubbing against the base of Ixi's tail, letting the revealed tip rub against Ixi's wet tailhole, Ixi lets out a soft "Yipp!", turns around gripping Pyre's bulge firmly and rubbing it against his wet matted fur before falling to his knees. The falling water and taste of precum overwhelm the senses of Ixi as Pyre lifts him up and kisses him deeply. "Not yet babe, let's get going." "Ok stud" giving one last squeeze Ixi steps out of the shower and gets ready for the bright lights and crowds of people, reluctantly Ixi glances over at Pyre, whatever makes him happy.

Chapter 3

Two wild beasts and one mad beat rock the dancefloor of Masquerade's Hell. In the middle of hundreds of feral and futile humans move two bodies in perfect unison. The techno madness of DJ Kim Crawford united the crowd, and fueled their passions. Nothing but the tight black shirts and strained pants protected these two ravenous creatures from erotic ecstasy. A small collar ruffles Ixi's fur around his slender neck. A tight leash leads from the Ixi's collar to his master's hand. Pressed tightly against Pyre, Ixi's paws find themselves pressing against Pyre's runner legs. The Ixi's soft brown eyes glowed brightly as he "felt" the room. Intense heat rolls over him as the beat goes faster, sweat rolls down his well combed fur, as his master's firm chest rub against his back. Grinding into Pyre's fiery fur, the blue fox's vulpine lust begins to display.

Placing one arm around his master's strong neck, the other unbuttons his shirt. The well defined slate and groove of Pyrefox lay covered in his soft red and orange fur with the white highlights. Moving his long blue tail quickly to the side, it's black tip brushing the bare white chest of the Pyre's now unbuttoned shirt, the fox allows Pyre's bulge to meet his barely covered tailhole. Grinding harder and harder Pyre stands tall, making sure "everything lines up". Ixious feels the wet place on Pyre's pants where precum has surely soaked a spot. Grinding harder the blue fox becomes hungry for Pyrefox's touch.

Tilting his head backward toward the muscular beast their tongues intertwine. The taste of Pyre's tongue made a shiver pass through Ixious's body. The soft lips of the two vulpines explore each other with a passion like electricity during a late august storm. The blue fox's paw brushes across Pyrefox's muzzle and rests next to his large left ear. Gently rubbing Pyre's ear, Ixi plunges deep into his mouth, feeling his sharp teeth and gentle tounge. The blue fox's darting tongue finds the roof of Pyre's mouth exploring every inch. Breaking the union, Ixi rubs his sweat covered muzzle across Pyre's own. Making one final thrust into Pyre's bulge, the fox turns around.

The song turns slow. DJ Kim Crawford is done for the night. Some 80's DJ takes the booth, and the first song is just right for a romantic slow dance. Wrapping his arms around Pyrefox's neck, the Ixi's paw manages to give him a little scritch before Pyre rests his head on the broad blue shoulders of the sweat covered half naked fox. Their lips meet again, this time tenderly. Gently nibbling on Pyre's bottom lip, the larger blue fox begins to grind his own bulging member into the inner thigh of Pyrefox.

The fiery fox's experienced hands melt the shirt from the midnight vulpine chest. Enthralled in each other's fur their embrace grew closer, grinding together Pyre felt the left teet of Ixious brushing his shoulder. Lowering his head the nipple, he takes the teet into his mouth while his hands work their way down Ixi's strong back to his tail. Taking his tail between both hands he strokes it in long gentle movements, working his way farther down, the sly fox finds his hands resting on Ixious's ass. Pushing themselves\ closer they embrace again in a romantic kiss. Sweating and half naked Pyre licks Ixi's neck and leads him to a small table in the corner.

"How was that?" The smiling fox states, his white chest bare and red fur matted in sweat. "Other than i felt like i was gonna shoot my load on the dancefloor, it was ok" XD Ordering 2 drinks, the two foxes are enthralled in each other's gaze. "So how was your trip?" "Ehh, how good can any trip be without you in my arms?" *sheepish smile* Well you are here now, and I missed you a ton too. Wanna grab a bite to eat and head home?" "sure."

Chapter 4

"Bet you have had to live off beanie-weenies all week, I sooo need to teach you to cook" Smirking and turning around, Pyre says "Yeah, you teach me how to cook, but you will have to eat the shit I make" Eating ice-cream Pyre's tongue seductively slides around the double-chocolate dessert. "So, you got work tomorrow?" "Nope, planned on finishing up this cone, going back, tackling you, kissing you until i turn even more blue, then swallowing every drop of your Pyre-cum, how's that sound to you?" "Whoa sexy, take your time with it, make me beg" Taking the collar off Ixi's neck and putting it on his own, "Make me BEG you to take it all, BEG you to let me suck your foxhood, then BEG you to bend over and take it like the fox you are." "Hmm, this sounds fun, guess you are worthwhile for something other than a nice dick" XD "Hehe thanks, anytime Ixi."

Arriving back at our house Ixi licks the back of Pyre's neck. Turning around Pyre licks across Ixi's muzzle and down the front of his neck. Unbuttoning each other's shirts (again) they hug, pressing each other's fur together as their hands roam around and down each other's tight jeans. Feeling the soft fur of Ixi's chest against his own, Pyre rests his head on Ixi's shoulder and makes tiny circles on the soft hair around his collar bone. Pulling on the leash Ixi forces Pyre into his hungry muzzle. Ixi massages the base of Pyre's tail while stroking the soft fur on the Pyre's side.

Letting his hand roam, Pyre places his paw under Ixi's jeans and onto the increasing bulge in his boxers. Pyre pushes Ixi onto the bed and begins to yip "lemme suck it, lemme suck it" "Come here, Pyrefly, you gotta earn your dessert" Ixi grabs Pyre by the waist and pulls him down onto the bed licking his nip and chest. Coming back to his muzzle, Ixi licks from nose to jowl. Massaging Pyre's crotch, Ixi stares into Pyre's eyes and says "i love you" and licks his nose in a quick slap, then smiles from ear to ear. Pyre now is massaging Ixi's package fervently ready to taste his red rocke.

Unzipping Ixi's fly, his 8" foxhood falls out at full mast bobbing between Ixi and Pyre. Lowering his head down Ixi's chest, Pyre licks his way to the throbbing member. Taking it into his mouth slowly, Pyre makes tiny circles around the pink head and dives deeper and deeper down until his nose is buried in Ixi's pubic fur. Sucking faster and faster Ixi begins to moan loudly and make a gutteral murring noise. Backing off the member, Pyre give it one last long lick, then kisses Ixi passionately.

Placing Ixi's paw down the front of Pyre's jeans, Ixi is soaked by Pyre's precum. "Damn boy, you getting ready for something?" Glancing away with a sly smile Pyre retorts, "Maybe, think you can handle it?" "Mrrrouw now you got ME ready to beg" Licking his soaked paw, Ixi removes Pyre's jeans as Pyre unbuttons and slips off Ixi's the rest of the way off. Rubbing into each other their soft fur is soaked by Pyre's continued precumming. Kissing, Ixi massages Pyre's bulge through the transparent fabric of his briefs.

Pyre massages Ixi's tail and slips down to the meaty base. A hole just the size of his tail had been cut in his boxers. Running his paw around that opening he finds the tender ring of muscles, Ixi's tailhole. Forcibly kissing Ixi, Pyre's paw rips the back of Ixi's boxers to reveal more of his tight ass. The wet, throbbing member of Pyre and the long, thick foxhood of Ixi grind together as Ixi slips the briefs off Pyre. Pyre's white highlights extend all the way down to his soaking wet member and it's well hung balls. Pyre jumps over Ixi and lay chest to back with him.

Grinding against his tail, a wet trail is left wherever Pyre's foxhood grinds. Nibbling Ixi's ear, Pyre asks him softly "Do you trust me?" Turning his head to kiss Pyre, "Babe, I trust you with my life" With that Pyre licks up Ixi's neck causing a shiver to pass through Ixi, then with one solid thrust pushes his soaking, throbbing, hot foxhood deep into Ixi's small tailhole. Stopping to allow Ixi to adjust, Ixi lets out a loud yelp "OMG, PYRE!" Breathing heavily, Pyre begins to piston in and out of Ixi, his own pre and Ixi's willingness more than enough to lubricate everything perfectly.

The overwhelming pain makes Ixi see red, but the ecstasy of Pyre fucking him makes Ixi begin to thrust back, humping his throbbing foxhood. Feeling his head pushing in and out of the innermost parts of Ixi's ass, Ixi begins to yelp to the pace of Pyre's thrusts. Pyre begins to breath more heavily "Soo close stud, where you want it? " Thrusting harder, "all over my muzzle!" Pulling out, Pyre stands in front of Ixi's face on the bed and shoots stream after stream all over Ixi's muzzle and chest. Ixi's tongue whips around his muzzle tasting every drop he can get to, and enjoys the warm shots going all over him. Collapsing next to Ixi, Pyre cuddles close and dozes off. Ixi wipes Pyre's foxjuice out of his eyes, kissing Pyre with the salty-sweet remnants of Pyre's piston, closing his eyes, Ixi feels peaceful sleep come on him as his body revels from Pyre's consensual violation.

"OHHH MMMMMM MROOUW!" Pyre's head was bobbing rapidly up and down Ixi's long foxhood, waking Ixi in the best way a fox can be woken up to, yiffing! Pyre was on a mission for some Cadbury cream. Moaning loudly Ixi grips the headboard and begins to thrust into Pyre's mouth "MRRRRR YEAH RIGHT THERE STUD!" Sucking on Ixi's dick, Pyre makes muffled sounds of pleasure while Ixi murrs loudly buckling his knees and thursting into Pyre's mouth. Quickly the familiar feeling of the edge came upon Ixi. Pyre, feeling Ixi shaking, grips the base of Ixi's cock and begins to thrust it down as far as he could and squeeze the sensitive base. Faster and faster he dove down onto Ixi until Ixi's hips buckle and Ixi screams "PYRE!!!!!!!" shooting like a fountain down Pyre's throat round after round of foxcum. Ixi runs his fingers through Pyre's soft headfur. "Now we are even." Gently Pyre wraps his arms around Ixi's naked sticky body, just as they begin to fall asleep, the familiar bulge from strained briefs presses itself against Ixi's relaxed body. "Up for another round?" ^_-


Thanks again for reading my story, please give me any feedback you want, or even contact me. I am going to thicken up some areas and remove others to make this a good short story for one of my anthologies, so I NEED your feedback, thanks!!!!

*(.)* Ixious

[email protected]
