Learning Your Place

Story by Blackstone on SoFurry

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#12 of Three Masters

Thank you for all the kind feedback on the last chapter! Teiran and I hope you enjoy this one even more!

Written by: avatar?user=259&character=0&clevel=2 Teiran Story by: avatar?user=259&character=0&clevel=2 Teiran and avatar?user=390204&character=0&clevel=2 Blackfire Editing assistance by: avatar?user=57822&character=0&clevel=2 saintajax33>

The huge dining room was as ornate and impressive as Edwin remembered it from last time. Wood paneling dominated this room like the rest of the mansion, and was accented with large portraits and landscapes. Expensive, antique grade side tables and liquor cabinets dotted the massive room, outshone by the massive table filling the room's center. None of that mattered to the wolf though.

All Edwin cared about was that the room was blessedly empty. 'I bet I'm going to say that about every room I go into now,' Edwin thought bitterly, his face still hot with embarrassment. Several of the servants had seen him in the halls as he made his way to the front of the house and down the central grand staircase, and they had made their attention... obvious. He'd tried to walk by them normally, like nothing was wrong, but he couldn't, not with the buzzing, vibrating butt plug that was lodged inside his tail hole. The wolf's ass was shuddering and flexing around the vibrating silicone invader with every step, and his dick was trying hard to burst out of his silk panties. Now that he was alone, he reached back and turned the thing down. If he turned it off, Daddy would notice, but he probably wouldn't notice a reduced speed setting.

The young wolf had never imagined he would ever want to wear a dress, but right now Edwin wished he had on a floor length one, even if it had to be pink. The skimpy pink t-shirt and red panties he was wearing did nothing to hide his body at all, and the buzzing butt plug under his tail kept him as hard as the tormenting chastity cage ever had. He'd tried to hide his groin with his tail, tucking it completely between his legs, but the butt plug's broad base got in the way, and his cock strained the red silk so much that his tail couldn't hide anything. So he had been completely exposed as he made his way downstairs, and the servants had certainly taken notice.

The men of Daddy's household watched him with hungry eyes as he went by. He'd passed six of them as he left Daddy's room, and each man's eyes were fixed firmly below his waist. Edwin's ears still burned from the loud whistle a horse had given him.

That had been the last straw for the nineteen year old wolf. Edwin had run the rest of the way, one paw covering his crotch, the other hiding his face. Now that he was alone, he tried to pull himself together, but there was no point. He was going to have to go into the kitchen to order Daddy's breakfast. There would only be more people there. He wiped his eyes went through the door he'd seen the servants passing through before and into a short hallway to the kitchen, where he heard several people talking cheerfully.

Ears flattened and eyes downcast, Edwin pushed through the second wooden swinging door. The babble of voices washed over him, along with the hot spicy scents of a kitchen. For just a moment, it reminded the young man of home, of his family's big house and the smiling, chatting women who ran the kitchen there. They had always had a snack for the young master of the house, and he'd spent his free time there, learning to cook and talking to them about all sorts of things.

This time, the chatter died the moment he entered. Six men turned their heads and stared at him, eyes uncertain for a moment, surprise clear as day on their faces. There was a raccoon, a ram, a whip thin rat, a pudgy squirrel, and an impressively built Clydesdale in a full chef's outfit, and they were all staring back at him. "What are you doing in here bo- girl?" The Clydesdale said in a firm voice.

Behind the imposing chef, something caught Edwin's eye. The ram, who was dressed in a waiter's uniform, stepped away from the wall he was leaning against to block what looked like a back door. The light coming through the window looked suspiciously like sunlight, and the man's posture made it clear that Edwin was not going to be able to find out if that was true. Edwin looked away from the ram, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that he'd noticed the door. So he met the horse's glare, opened his mouth to say something, and stopped when he had a horrible mental image of the man's dick.

Edwin could see it, the broad tip coming at him head on as it poked through his glory hole. The chef's dick was as thick as Daddy, but only eight inches long, and with the two toned spotted color common among horses. The chef had a spot on the underside of his shaft that drove him wild when you used your tongue on it. Edwin had swallowed three of the man's loads, and drunk his piss afterward each time. Now, Edwin knew what his face looked like, and it made his stomach twist into frightened knots.

'I've probably sucked every one of their dicks already,' Edwin thought with horror, his lack of pants and bulging panties suddenly even more embarrassing, his dick aching as the butt plug pushed and vibrated against his prostate.

"Daon - Daddy" Edwin corrected himself, voice shaking as he forced the words out, "sent me to make sure his breakfast was ready. He's coming down once he's dressed." Hot embarrassment made his words sullen, but he forced himself to look the Clydesdale, who was clearly the head chef, in the eyes as he spoke. "He wants eggs, bacon, and pancakes."

"The usual then," The big Clydesdale said sharply. "He shoulda just called down like normal." The chef's glare was piercing, and Edwin flushed under it, his tail and paws feebly trying to conceal his bulging panties. The Clydesdale didn't look down though; he kept his eyes solidly on the wolf's face. Edwin realized that the horse was the first person who had looked him in the eyes besides Daon. His staff on the other hand was not hiding the fact they were staring at Edwin's groin.

"And hash browns," Edwin said quickly, voice shaking. "He said make sure not to burn them."

"Don't start thinking you can order us around, Missy." The rat working the griddle said sharply, waving a spatula threateningly.

"Eyes on the stove, Chip" the Clydesdale barked, his own eyes never leaving the young wolf. "What about you?"

"Like she's going to get anything to eat," the ram snickered. "We haven't taken our pants off yet." The raccoon and squirrel laughed with him, and all of the men behind the chef got evil grins on their muzzles.

"Yah, you want a drink babe?" The raccoon said, thrusting out his hips and rubbing his bulge. "You don't have to go upstairs to get a glass of milk from us."

The ram grabbed at his crotch too, and Edwin backed away as he saw the spark of lust in the men's eyes. The wolf felt the pressure of their eyes on him, along with the aching pressure of the butt plug buzzing inside his ass.

"What did Mr. Daon say to give you?" The Clydesdale said firmly, brushing away the lewd suggestions with a flick of his tail. The others stopped talking, but continued to leer.

"He didn't say," the wolf replied, heart sinking as the smells of the cooking food made his mouth water.

"Then you'll be getting nothing until the master says otherwise." The Clydesdale snapped, returning to chopping some vegetables for a stew.

Edwin started to protest, but he saw how the rest of the men were looking at him now that the chef wasn't paying him any attention, and decided that he didn't want to spend another second in that kitchen. He dashed back out into the dining room, and as the door swung shut behind him, he heard their laughter. A few made lewd comments about his ass, and someone, the raccoon from the sound of the voice, added, "How long do you think it'll be before we get to have a go at that pretty ass of her's?" The resulting laughter was tinged with lust, and Edwin's ears pressed against his head to block it out.

Edwin leaned against the wall of the dining room and fought back tears. The wolf let his ears come forward and rubbed his face with his paws, taking deep breaths to calm down. But... how long would it be before Daddy did just that? The looks on their faces... Edwin knew he'd sucked those men off already. How long until he was on his back in a circle of them, each one taking turns not just fucking his face, but his ass too? Would he enjoy it? How long before he begged Daddy for it happen if it meant he could cum? Another week? A month? Edwin's stomach twisted in knots but... he was coming to actually enjoy what was happening to him more and more. He'd really gotten into sucking Daddy off when he was asleep, and he was blushing hard about the idea of being gang banged by the kitchen staff. He was submitting more easily each time.

The wolf's dark thoughts were derailed when a deep voice purred out, "Well, well, well, good morning." The powerfully built tiger that was Daddy's head of security came stalking into the room, adjusting his suit coat. The man's clothing was black, but not a neat black. Just the black of a man who didn't want anything that got on his suit to show. It wasn't expensive, but had been tailored to his powerful body. "How is Daddy's little Missy this morning, hmmm?" The tiger scratched under the wolf's chin, playing with the tag hanging from Edwin's collar. The touch made the wolf flatten his ears again.

"Fine," the wolf said, trying to keep the sullen defiance out of his voice and utterly failing.

"Hmm, still pouting I see. I don't see why, you put on such a good show last night." The tiger grinned wickedly as he pulled out a chair, the last one along one side of the massive table. "Here, this is your seat." The tiger acted as if he were being a gentleman by offering a lady her seat. But a gentleman wouldn't have fondled his ass, fingers pushing at the butt plug and making the young wolf grunt as he sat down. The tiger went and sat across from him at the table, smiling like he was hunting for his breakfast, not about to have it served to him.

The tiger's gaze was hard, and a sly little smirk twitched at the corners of his muzzle. They sat in silence for a moment, Edwin squirming in the face of the huge cat; unsure how he should respond to a man who so clearly thought of him as nothing more than a new toy to play with. The tiger's stare went on for a long minute, an oppressive silence filling the dining room.

When the ram waiter came out to take the tiger's order, Edwin breathed a sigh of relief. He did not want to be alone with the tiger. At least, the wolf was relieved until he saw how the bulky herbivore's eyes strayed downward as he passed behind the young wolf. The nineteen year old wolf's fur crawled as the forty-something man whose name he did not even know checked out his ass. The wolf did the best he could to cover his butt with his tail, but unless he intended to sit on it like a puppy, there was no way he could avoid feeling horribly exposed by the chair he was sitting in.

The dining room chairs were designed to fit any types of tail that a bidder guest might have, so they a wide opening at the back, which framed his panty covered ass perfectly. He was about to get up and move so his back wouldn't be to the servant's door when Daon came into the room.

The big bear was dressed in a crisp grey Armani suit. It was expertly tailored, hiding the slight bulge of his belly while highlighting the bear's imposing build, burly shoulders, and powerful arms. Daon adjusted the cufflinks of his bright white shirt while beaming at his slave. "There's my girl!" He said cheerfully, his suit looking like heavy fog in the morning light. "You tell the kitchen what I wanted, Missy?"

"Yes Daddy," Missy replied, and she managed to keep the simmering resentment she felt out of her voice, sounding almost cheerful to see her master as the bear was to see her.

"Such a good girl," Daon mumbled as he kissed her, taking advantage of his property rights by making the kiss a full one with tongue. Edwin squirmed during the kiss, especially when one paw reached down to pat at the wolf's exposed rump. The bear's thumb bumped the butt plug, pushing and twisting the base slightly, turning up the vibrator and making Missy shiver. "I was right about you, Missy. You are the perfect pet." The wolf's ears splayed backwards, and she slunk downward in her chair, embarrassed and cowed by the bear's looming presence.

A loud, mechanical buzzing filled the room as the base of Missy's butt plug came into contact with the wooden chair. The buzzing seemed to run up the wolf's spine as the butt plug shifted and jumped against his insides, the flared bulge pushing against his prostate as the rubbery base bumped and bounced against the wooden chair rapidly.

Missy sat up straight instantly, her cheeks coloring as the bear laughed softly and the tiger grinned. The young wolf's ears twisted backwards as Daon playfully cuffed his cheek and sat down. Edwin wanted to apologize for the buzzing. It felt vaguely liked he'd farted, but what could he possibly say? Besides, slaves weren't supposed to speak unless spoken too. So instead Missy sat up properly, paws on the table, clenching her ass to keep the cursed butt plug from making more noise, and just dealt with the embarrassment and horny frustration the thing caused her.

The new position thrust Missy's butt out even more, and made the vibrating bulge of the butt plug push hard against her prostate, so it was kind of hard to pay attention to what the two men said to each other.

"How are you this morning Bishop?" Daon asked the tiger, and Missy made a mental note of the tiger's name. She hadn't been able to learn any of the house staff's names yet. She'd need to know them if she had any hope of navigating this mad house or escape this place.

"The day is starting out right," the tiger said with a throaty purr as the ram brought them both coffees. Bishop's muzzle was pointed at Daon, but his eyes were fixed on Missy, and his knowing grin told the young wolf that the head of security was up to something.

"Yes it is." Edwin jumped a little as Daon reached over and took his paw. The big bear's paw cupped Edwin's closed fist, fingers rubbing the wolf's knuckles. Edwin blinked and stared at the big bruin in surprise as Daddy smiled at him, his eyes full of warmth and his voice loving. "Missy woke me up this morning all on her own. She's such a good girl Bishop. I'd be running late if it wasn't for her." The brown bear squeezed Edwin's paw, and the wolf wasn't sure how he felt about the man who was his slave master looking at him like that.

Bishop didn't respond, because at that moment the ram came back through the swinging door with a big tray of food. He set a big plate of eggs, bacon, hash browns, and pancakes in front of Daon, and a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon for the tiger. Juice, jam, toast, and muffins followed, all set between the two men and out of Missy's reach.

The scent of food hit Edwin's nose yet again and made his stomach hurt. When was the last time he'd eaten? The night before? No, yesterday morning. He'd missed several meals over the last week. The wolf licked his lips and looked away from the food, looking at his paw as it was held by the bear. Daon picked up his fork and then frowned slightly. "Missy, aren't you hungry?" he asked with concern.

Missy's ears flicked, and she bit his lip as considered her reply, head tilted slightly away from the other men. The wolf didn't see it, but the expression on Missy's face made the bear's eyebrows lift and a worried look entered Daon's eyes.

"Yes Daddy, I'm very hungry," Missy said softly.

"Well, why didn't you order something honey?" Daon asked, his face twisting with confusion. The bear turned to the ram waiter, who was hovering in the corner. "Parks! Bring Missy something to eat, she's supposed to have breakfast with me every morning." He barked, and then paused, turning back to the wolf with a bright smile. It was like a switch was flipped when he looked at the wolf. Daon beamed at his Missy, with something akin to pride in his eyes. "What's your favorite breakfast, sweetie?" Daddy asked with a smile as he patted Missy's knee.

"French toast, eggs over easy, and bacon," the wolf replied warily, half expecting this to be a trick of some sort. But Daon just smiled and nodded at the ram, who gave a slight bow and left to get the food.

Daon didn't start eating though. Bishop didn't appear to think that waiting for a slave to be brought food was worth letting his food get cold, so the tiger dug in, but Daon set his fork down and grabbed a piece of toast. "Jam?" the bear asked Missy sweetly, indicating the two jars on the table.

"Strawberry?" the wolf whispered, his eyes wary as Daddy spread the jam across the toast and held it out to her. Edwin didn't want to be fed, but he wasn't going to turn down the first food he'd been offered in a day. So he bit into the toast, forcing a smile as the beaming bear squeezed his paw. Daon kept feeding him the toast, one paw holding Missy's, eyes on the wolf as if this were the most romantic thing ever.

The bear carried on like that for several minutes. Daddy was beaming at Missy and offering her little bites of food, holding her hand and rubbing her knee until a plate of her own was set before Missy. There were three slices of French toast cut in half, two eggs, sausage, more toast, and even fresh orange juice. Sausage links, not bacon, the wolf noted, though Daddy didn't seem to. Edwin wondered if that was a deliberate mistake on the chef's part, or a not so subtle hint. The three of them ate without much talking.

The silence wasn't comfortable though.

Daddy didn't stop the doting lover act when he began to eat. The bear held Missy's paw through the whole meal, which made it hard to eat because Missy was left handed. The bear's foot playfully rubbed at Missy's leg, while the vibrating butt plug in her ass pushed hard at her prostate, making every moment an aching torture for the wolf. The silk panties that Missy was wearing quickly grew damp with pre, and both of the other men grinned as she squirmed, each of them getting off on the fact he was sitting there, helpless to find release as she was constantly pleasured.

It was probably the most humiliating meal of Edwin's life, and that included the last time he and Daddy had eaten together. That had involved him actually sucking the bear's dick under the table as Daddy had eaten until he had been forced to drink the bear's piss. This was worse because Edwin couldn't just zone out or get caught up in what was happening. There was just the humiliating doting of the bear and the tiger's smirking grin, the audience making everything Daon did worse.

It would have been absolute hell if Daddy hadn't looked at him the way he did. Daon beamed at the wolf, his eyes bright with affection. His gaze felt like a hot light on Edwin's face as he fed the wolf little bites of food. He even coaxed Edwin to do the same back, as if they were lovers on their honeymoon at some bed and breakfast. The wolf shivered, watching the bear's eyes as he realized that was exactly what Daddy thought was happening.

Eventually they were done with the food, and when the ram started to clear the plates away the bear turned to the tiger beside him. A business like air settled over him as he turned away from Missy. "Bishop, I'll need you to look after Missy for me today if you don't mind. I need to go into the office to sort some things out with the East-end contract, and I don't want her pouting or backsliding. Now that we've dealt with Tom, I want to make sure she keeps improving, and that means a strong masculine influence at all times." The bear squeezed Edwin's paw as he said that, and the wolf wanted to crawl under the table as the tiger smirked at him.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind watching her at all. Do I have any special permissions to make sure she improves?" The question seemed innocuous, but the words sent a chill down Edwin's spine, a feeling that was heightened by the vibrating butt plug.

Daon looked momentarily concerned, but his face flickered back to the businesslike demeanor. "No, I don't think so. Not unless she disobeys you, and she'll be a good girl I'm sure." Daon didn't see the tiger's reaction because he turned back to Missy, smiling brightly once more, but Edwin saw it. The tiger's brow creased as he was told no, and his tail lashed once, but then when Daon added the part about disobedience, Edwin's heart sank at the look of pure malicious joy that crossed the tiger's face. The tiger was planning something, and Edwin was sure he wasn't going to enjoy it.

"Did you enjoy breakfast honey?" Daddy asked sweetly, leaning towards his slave.

"Yes, yes it was very good." Missy said, embarrassment mixing with actual enthusiasm. That breakfast had been the largest meal she'd eaten since being kidnapped, and it felt so good to be full for once.

"Well I think you should go thank Chef James then. He whipped that up for you in no time, and that was very inconvenient of you. Let him know what you like to eat so you don't cause him trouble in the future like you did today, my pet." Daon playfully shook his finger at the wolf as he stood up. "I'm going to take care of something upstairs. I'll meet you at the front door for a kiss goodbye."

Edwin nodded, getting up when Daddy did. The bear patted his cheek and left, humming happily to himself as he went upstairs. Edwin watched the bear go, and then a flicker of movement drew his gaze back to bishop. The tiger's grin was wholly malicious now that the bear was gone, and his tail flicked back and forth like it had a mind of its own. Edwin took a step backwards, and felt the butt plug shift inside him, pushing hard against his prostate. The sensation made the wolf gasp slightly, which made the tiger grin even wider. The big tiger stood up and adjusted his coat, momentarily posing his muscular body for the young wolf. The tiger's stretch pulled his white dress shirt taut across broad chest muscles. Bishop let out a throaty purr that sent a shiver down the teenage wolf's spine. It reminded the boy of the vibrating plug in his ass, hot and pleasurable, but it also made his chest tight with fear. The wolf turned and fled through the swinging door, wanting nothing but to get away from the big tiger.

He didn't think about where he was fleeing to, and Edwin had another pang of fear as he emerged into the kitchen again. He breathed a sigh of relief that only the Chef and the ram waiter were there.

The Clydesdale, Chef James, looked up and once again met the wolf's gaze. "What are you doing in here?" he said sharply, but not with any anger.

Edwin steadied himself, forcing himself to be calm. "Daddy sent me. He wants me to tell you what I like to eat, because I'm supposed to join him for breakfast from now on."

"Alright," the Clydesdale said, grabbing a pad of paper. "There anything in a normal breakfast line up you don't like?" the chef asked.

"Not really. I like pancakes and eggs over easy, but French toast is my favorite. Omelets are good too," Edwin said calmly, taking his cue from the horse and acting as if nothing were wrong. He carefully ignored the grin the ram was giving him.

"What do you like in your omelets?" James asked, meeting the wolf's gaze again. His tone was casual and easy.

The wolf blinked. "Ham and cheese, but no peppers," Edwin replied. After everything that had happened, being talked to normally felt weird.

"What about other meals. You're a fan of steak and chicken I expect. What about ham? Seafood?"

"Ham's alright, but I'm not a big seafood fan. I love steak, medium rare."

The Clydesdale nodded firmly. "What about salmon? Daon loves that."

"Salmon is good with lemon." Edwin said with a shrug, for the moment ignoring the vibrations coming from under his tail. "Especially broiled, though I always think searing it tastes better." The horse looked up, an eyebrow raised. "I like to cook," the wolf said with a sheepish smile.

"You like spicy foods?" Edwin grinned and nodded, and James went on. "Good. What about drinks? Do you take coffee?"

"I prefer tea. You know what a London fog is?" Edwin asked.

The chef nodded, "Earl Grey with creams. Desserts?"

"I like most cakes, chocolate is my favorite. And Cheese cake," Edwin said, smiling, and then thought of something. "What about Daddy? What does he like?"

"Cheesecake and key lime pie are Daon's favorites." James replied smoothly, staring at the list.

"I like those." For a moment, Edwin felt the panic and fear that had been tight knots in his chest since he had been kidnapped loosen. Talking to the horse about food felt... normal. It was the first sane conversation he'd had with a person in months. "I could never get a key lime pie to turn out right myself. I always made them too tart."

The Clydesdale nodded, "They're hard to get right. I pride myself on my pies. Was there anything else Daddy told you to do?"

"Yes, he wanted me to thank you for breakfast." Edwin straightened some, meeting the horse's eyes to make this a formal thank you. "Thank you James, I hav-"

The sound of a zipper cut him off. The youth didn't get even half the formal thank you out before the Clydesdale took a step, grabbed the back of the wolf's head, and forced Edwin roughly to his knees. The fly of the horse's pants was already down, and he pulled his dick out saying, in that same casual tone, "This is how slave bois thank real men, slut."

Edwin gaped up at the man, shocked by how completely the horse had just disregarded him as a person. The Clydesdale's expression said everything Edwin needed to know. He didn't think of Edwin as an equal. He hadn't been talking to him normally, he just hadn't cared enough what Edwin had been saying to be emotional or toy with him. The teenage wolf was just a mouth he could use now that he'd been given the opening. Ears back, Edwin brought his hands up to grip the horse's dick before it was pushed down his throat.

The worst part about it was, Edwin had been right about which cock belonged to the Clydesdale.

When Tom sat up blinking on the cock cleaning table in Missy's bathroom, he wasn't sure if he was actually waking up, or just coming back to his senses. The rabbit had no idea what time it was, all he knew was that his balls had finally stopped hurting so badly that he could think clearly again. The chastity belt was buzzing away at his erection, and the ice pack Missy had left him was completely melted, so some time had passed. He sat on the edge of the table gingerly and tried to focus his thoughts.

The rabbit's body ached and he was so tired. Sleep had been impossible with Feral's jaws on his balls, and now that the god damned chastity belt Dr. Stone had invented had turned on, it would be impossible unless he made that fucking dog cum. Tom's gorge rose at the thought of willingly sucking that dog off, but the vibrating and stroking was making his cock so damn hard that for a moment he actually considered going back into his room to do it. Again.

'No,' Tom thought fiercely, 'That's what that fucker Daon wants me to do. I'm not going to do it... not again.' So instead the rabbit got up to get another ice pack for his balls.

Or tried to anyways. Tom's arms were trembling so badly that when he tried to grip the edge of the table to lower himself down to the floor gently, the mittens which converted his hands into feral paws lost their grip, and Tom tumbled to the floor. He ended up on his hands and knees like a dog, body aching.

'God damn Mason,' Tom thought, struggling up to his feet, the movements making his balls swing painfully. 'God damn him, Daon, and that hell spawned dog too.' The rabbit didn't look down at his balls, but the shaved and bruised orbs barely looked like his balls at all. They were dark purple and swollen painfully, and every step hurt as he shuffled across to the freezer built into the wall beside the makeup table. He did his best to cradle his balls with one mittened paw to prevent them from swinging, but they swayed back and forth painfully.

The fresh ice pack helped a lot, and Tom leaned against the wall as he let the cold numb his scrotum, his balls drawing up close to his body. Of course, that didn't help his erection at all. The numbness made the pain go away and his erection began to shrink, but that caused the humming chastity belt surrounding his penis to kick into high gear. The vibrating cage began shaking and stroking his length like mad as it sought to make him hard again. He shuddered, feeling his cock warring between shrinkage and excitement, until it finally went rock hard in the cage again, an aching frustration he couldn't make go away. He tried stroking himself, but the thing was firmly fitted to his scrotum and shaft and wouldn't shift even the fraction of an inch that would allow him to generate the friction he needed to cum. Not that getting off would be a wise idea. Tom's ungainly attempts to shift the chastity cage caused it to bang against solid metal ring locked around the top of his balls, which made the rabbit shudder.

He'd already cum once since the castration device had been installed around his nuts, and the idea of cumming and being suddenly... He shuddered at the memory. It had been the worst moment since he'd been twisted into a mute 'dog' by Master Daon, and it was burned into his mind. Everything about last night was.

After Master Mason had finished abusing his mouth and left, the servants had thrown Tom into his old room, which had already been stripped of his possessions, and locked him inside with Feral. That's how the nightmare had begun. Tom had fought the dog off as best he could. He'd been lucky at first, snatching the leash away when the dog got a drink and getting it wrapped around an arm despite the mittens on his paws so Feral couldn't use it to control him. But with the leash denied to him, the dog had gone mad and attacked. He went from obedient and loyal canine to a vicious, savage, barking monster in moments. There were teeth marks all up and down the rabbit's arms from where Tom had fought the dog, trying to stay upright, but in the end there had been nothing Tom could do. The big dog weighed almost as much as the rabbit did, and Tom had nothing to defend himself with, or even any clothes to protect his hide from the dog's teeth. It was only a matter of time before he was dragged to the ground by the snarling, snapping hound.

Once Feral had him on the ground, there had been nothing Tom could do to stop the dog from raping him. Tom had wept as his ass was violated again by the feral dog, his dick rapidly pounding his bitch's hole until he tied. With the dog's orgasm, the chastity belt keeping Bitch hard turned off. The rabbit collapsed in relief, all pain and frustrating pleasure stopped for the moment. There was just the weight of Feral on his back, a heavy pressure in his ass, and the shame burning his cheeks. Compared to the rest of the night, it had almost been restful.

It didn't stay that way for long. After he'd finished the tie, Feral had flopped down and began licking Bitch's balls. Before long, the chewing started, and Tom was screaming for help, his muted voice unable to manage any sound above heavy breathing even though his chest was heaving. It went on like that for two hours, and when the chastity belt turned on and began pleasuring him, Tom's will had rapidly broken. The pain and forced pleasuring was too much, and he had done one of the things he'd sworn he'd never do.

He'd blown the dog willing. It had been his only option to stop the torture.

Without anyone ordering him to do it, Tom had wrapped his lips around the beast's penis, which got erect again with lightning speed in his warm mouth. Without anyone there to order the dog to stay or lay down, Feral stopped chewing and straddled Bitch's head like their first time on their 'wedding night', and proceeded to rapidly fuck Bitch's face.

Somehow, this face fucking had been even worse than that first time in Dr. Stone's hospital. The cruel rhino wasn't there recording the proceedings, but this time the rabbit hadn't been restrained. Tom had thrashed and gagged, his toothless gums and mittened paws useless for fighting off the dog's cock as Feral fucked his face. Tom's struggling provoked growling and snapping jaws from the dog, until Tom had to force himself to lie still as the feral dog rapidly fucked his muzzle so Feral wouldn't bite his dick or balls. The dog's bulbous knot was soon shoved into his mouth, past his gums, where it inflated and tied with his muzzle. Tom gagged, and there was a backwash of dog cum that filled his mouth, but then the beast's shaft settled into his throat and began pumping his cum directly down Bitch's throat.

That's when it had happened, the worst moment in Bitch's rapidly worsening life. He was on his back under a savage beast, choking and gagging around the huge dick locked inside his throat. Bitch was able to breathe only through the surgically implanted tubes in his nose, which were once more pressed against the dog's heavy balls, meaning every breath smelled of sweaty dog balls. That didn't stop his gag reflex though, and his body was wracked with spasms he couldn't control.

Bitch tried to free himself, his mouth full of the bitter taste of dog sperm, when the chastity belt around his cock clicked and instead of turning off, began to pick up speed.

Fresh panic gripped the rabbit as he remembered about the ring around his balls, and he began to thrash, still gagging on the dog's dick. His bound paws flailed at the chastity cage desperately while Feral just stood there over him panting, his dick pumping cum down the rabbit's throat. And because they were right there, Feral began licking the rabbit's balls again slowly, making Bitch try to scream in panicked fear as Feral licked Bitch's balls, bathing them with his warm tongue as the chastity cage vibrated more and more.

Tom's throat began spasming as he screamed soundlessly around the cock still knotted in his muzzle, and he tried to pull away from the dog, and found to his horror that he couldn't. Feral's knot was too big; he couldn't get it out of his mouth.

As the dog's cum pumped into his belly, Tom felt his body jerk and spasm as he was stroked unwilling closer and closer to orgasm, the chastity belt's forcing him to enjoy this moment of utter abject subjugation to a dog. A feral, mindless beast was violating his throat, and it felt amazing and sickening all at once. The vibrating grew stronger and stronger, the stroking faster and faster, until Tom's whole body was shaking and twisting under Feral, his screams forever silenced by his betters. Even the rabbit's gurgling sobs were silenced by the hard dick of his 'Master', who casually ignored his obvious distress as the tie continued, his tongue casually licking the balls Tom was about to potentially lose.

Tom thrashed as the orgasm rocked his body, his throat on fire, his back arching, and cum gushing out the piss slit of his chastity cage across his belly. His ecstasy was filled with terror he waited for the sudden pain of his balls being cut away...

Tom gasped, shaking himself out of the memory. He cradled his abused balls with the ice pack and shuddered, weeping soundlessly. The rabbit's throat spasmed as if he were crying, but no sound came out but weak little choking noises.

A part of him almost wished the horrible ring had triggered, that he had been suddenly castrated, because if it had then he would probably be dead by now from blood loss. He wouldn't have had to live through another six, perhaps seven hours of fitful sleep, being woken up randomly by the agony of a dog chewing on his balls, and being forced to enjoy that by the chastity belt when it turned back on again. At least... Tom hoped he would have died. Knowing Dr. Stone, the psycho rhino might have designed the ring to cauterize the wound somehow and leave him alive. That would be a much worse fate.

Tom rubbed his eyes, chest still heaving as he pulled himself together so he could figure out some way to get out of this nightmare. With the pain no longer clouding his thoughts, Tom began to plan. He'd worked in the mansion for only two weeks, but he knew the security system's pretty well. It had been his job to make sure that Daon was taking the proper precautions as a first time owner, and the bear had been quite adamant that Missy was not to escape somehow. Tom was just starting to form a plan when he heard a door open. He looked up to see the imposing figure of Master Daon striding in from the door to his old room, with Feral sniffing at his heels. The bear was dressed in an immaculate tailored gray suit, and he smiled when he saw the rabbit's look of terror.

"Ah, there you are Bitch. Hiding from your Master, are we?" The bear smirked as he sauntered over to him, and Tom cringed back from the taller bear. "Down, Bitch." The bear said coldly, "Dogs don't stand on their hind legs, even to greet their Master." Tom glared, wishing he could spit angry words of hate at the bear, but that, like everything else, had been stolen from him. He slowly got down on his hands and knees; eyes on the bear's fine Italian leathers shoes.

"Now Bitch, open your mouth. Show me your tongue." Daon said with a mocking sneer in his voice.

Bitch tilted his head back, glaring daggers at the bear as he showed his tongue. Daon tut-tutted, wagging a finger as he pulled out his phone and pushed a button. "Just like I thought, you still haven't learned your new place. And here I thought an Organization Trainer would be better at following orders." There was a soft ping sound as a text message was sent. "Well I'm sure this next week will help teach you your place, which is good since Missy seems to be learning hers now that you are no longer corrupting her."

Tom stared up at the bear, wondering what in the hell he was going on about, when the lights in Missy's room flickered and a buzzer sounded. With a soft sliding sound, the glory hole in the main room opened and a dick presented itself for service, just hanging there in the blank part of the wall beside the lit up indicators.

It dawned on Tom what Daon was talking about slowly, like ice water trickling down his spine. The last time they'd spoken, the bear had ordered the rabbit to hold a load of Feral's cum in his mouth and show it to him the next time he saw the bear or he would be doing Missy's 'chores' for a week. He hadn't done so just now, which meant he would now be servicing anyone who put their dick through the glory hole built into Missy's room. Like the canine dick that was even now standing at attention, waiting for service.

Never mind that the bear had given him the order over a day ago. That didn't make a difference to the bear as he leaned down, grabbed Bitch by the back of his collar roughly, and growled. "Maybe this will teach you not to betray me or hurt my precious Missy. She's mine, you understand?" Daon's rage was practically a physical thing, like when he had first walked in on Tom using Feral on Missy, and Tom realized that the bear was far from done making him pay for threatening his little girl.

"If I ever see you so much as make her upset again, you'll think what I've done to you so far was a mercy. You do everything you can to please her, you understand Bitch? I want to see you groveling at her feet, until you feel proper shame for what you did," Daon said, giving the rabbit a violent shake. Bitch tried to make it clear that he was sorry, tried to apologize like Mason had ordered him too, but he didn't get the chance. There was another buzz from the glory hole alarm, and his chastity belt delivered its reprimanding shock.

Bitch made a soft squeaking sound as the jolt made his whole body jerk, and Daon threw him to the floor. When he could move again he hurriedly crawled on his hands and knees to the glory hole. Bitch began desperately fumbling with gloved paws at the smallish canine dick sticking through in order to get the Doberman, judging by the fur pattern of his balls and legs, to stop stabbing the button. But mittened hands were no good for giving hand jobs, and all Bitch could do to make him stop was to put his lips around the man's tip, the taste of his pre making Bitch gag in disgust.

"Here, let me help strap you in Bitch. You can't work the Full Control strap without fingers after all." Daon laughed, following behind Bitch and pushing his head forward so his nose was pressed into the Doberman's pubes as the bear fitted the restraint band behind his head and passed it through to the other side of the wall. "And I guess all your blowjobs this week will be 'No Hands', won't they?" Tom tried to shout 'no' as his head was pushed forward and the canine's short penis rammed into his mouth, but he couldn't protest anymore. He could no longer say no to real men.

"Now don't take too long pleasuring Michael, Bitch. That's my driver, and I need to leave for work. But don't think that means I'll make you stop before he finishes. It's important you learn how to take care of a real man's needs, isn't it?" Daon chuckled, standing next to his to watch as the Doberman began to fuck the rabbit's face. Tom struggled, pushing against the wall, but the 'No Hands' light flashed and the chastity belt delivered another horrible jolt of electricity to his abused balls, eliciting another silenced scream of pain. After that, the rabbit quickly put his paws where they should be on the handles, and the Doberman took complete control, fucking his face mercilessly.

The Doberman's dick wasn't big, four, maybe four and half inches, but he made up for it in aggressive thrusting. He used Tom's mouth hard, and the rabbit felt a deep, hot shame creeping up his neck as he was used so roughly by someone with such a small cock. Tom hadn't been one of those Trainers who never used their mouths on a slave, he enjoyed all sorts of oral activities too much, but he would never have sucked a man so small off until now. It was embarrassing to have his mouth used by such a pathetic dick, but the truth was, this was his place now. The Doberman was a real man, with a real dick. Tom wasn't anymore.

After a few minutes Daon said, "You'll make a good bitch, I can tell. A week serving the staff here will make sure you know your place, Bitch, and then I think I'm going to let everyone know that you are fair game, all the time. Assuming they want to fuck the house dog." Daon laughed, as if what he'd said was actually funny. Maybe he was just laughing at Bitch's reaction, since the rabbit's face was now stricken as he thought about all the horrible things he'd known a master to do to a slave they disliked. "You'll make a much better house Bitch than you did a male, especially when these are gone." The bear reach between his legs and squeezed Bitch's balls, sending a wave of agony through the rabbit, whose whole body jerked when the bear's paw squeezed his bruised nuts. "This is your place now, Bitch. you'll learn to enjoy it. Won't you girl?"

Bitch had no answer for that of course, he just tried to zone out as his face was humped by the canine in front of him and his balls were fondled roughly by the bear. Daon stood there beside him, watching and laughing, his paws petting Bitch like he was a real dog, and Tom could see the bear's huge cock stretching out the leg of his pants. The Doberman was not going to be the only real man whose needs would be met before Daon left for work it seemed.

After going down on the horse, Edwin had to blow the ram waiter to 'thank' him for his service as well. They hadn't been gentle blowjobs either. The Clydesdale lived up to his species reputation for size and thickness, and the ram had used a lot of hip action, fucking the wolf's muzzle roughly.

Both of them had large loads of cum, as if they hadn't gotten off in days, and of course they had made him swallow. At least that meant his fur was clean, rather than splattered with cum, and neither of them tried to make him drink their piss. The Full Service option was apparently only available to the staff through the glory hole.

After they'd finished, Missy bolted out of the kitchen before anyone else on the kitchen staff came to collect a 'thank you'. Edwin went out into the front hall, where the young wolf found a bench near the bottom of the main staircase that was a familiar design. It was the same design as the bench in Daddy's study he'd been ordered to sit on when Doctor Stone was come to visit, and he realized that they were meant for him. He'd seen several of them around the house, and each was the same design, soft but firm cushions, no back, and a sloping armrest on only one side. It was the kind of bench that you could bend someone over the armrest, or fuck missionary style, using the slope as a backrest.

Edwin shivered but he sat down where Daddy expected him to, and began rubbing his sore jaw to relax the muscles. Was this what it was going to be like all the time? Dodging not just Daddy, but his staff too? The glory hole had been bad, but 'thank you' meaning 'fuck me' was worse somehow. It meant that given half a chance, the staff could rape his mouth any time they wanted. And Daon had sent him into the kitchen to give out muzzle jobs without even batting an eye or warning him what was happening. What other awful surprise was waiting for him somewhere in the mansion? It was hard to imagine something worse than his own room, a sex dungeon done up in pink, but he was certain that the Organization could come up with something to sell to Daddy. Edwin folded his ears back and hugged his arms to his chest. He had to think of some way out of this place.

It was hard to think though, because he wasn't alone. Servants kept passing through the central entry hall, meaning that a parade of virile men, both young and older, passed him by. The young wolf squirmed under their gazes, trying to hide his erection, but the butt plug in his ass kept him from going soft.

The servants stared at him lustily, eyes on him whenever they thought he wasn't looking. Some of the bolder ones touched him, their paws lingering over his shoulders or reaching down to pinch his ass as they passed by his bench. One, an otter with an evil grin, even snapped the elastic of his panties. Edwin flattened his ears and blushed when he recognized the man, or at least remember his dick. The otter had a prince albert.

Probably half an hour passed like that before Daon came back downstairs. The bear saunter happily down the grand staircase with a grin on his face, and an erection in his pants. Edwin could see it running down one leg and straining the fabric of his crisp slacks. Behind him, the Doberman driver Michael came down the stairs, tucking his shirt in.

The teenage wolf's eyes snapped from the dog to his master when Daon spoke. The bear's voice was full of satisfaction as he said, "Well Missy, I'm off to the office precious. I'll probably be late coming back too late for dinner, so have something without me. I'm getting a late start despite you kindly waking me up early. Now, give Daddy a kiss before he goes," Daon commanded, and Edwin practically squeaked as the humongous Master pulled him upright and into a crushing embrace. The bear's big arms surrounded the wolf's slender shoulders as they kissed, and Michael passed them by, opening the front door to get the limo ready. The dog gave Edwin a lust filled look on his way out the door.

Daddy broke the kiss, but Edwin was the one who pulled away, arms folded across his chest protectively. "I love you Missy," Daddy said, and there was a significant pause as the bear looked at the young wolf.

Missy looked down, cheeks burning. The wolf knew what was expected of him, and he huffed out, "I love you, Daddy." He hadn't been able to keep the bitterness about the staff and 'thanking' the chef out of his tone. The big entryway with its sweeping staircase was quiet for a moment, just the two of them standing there.

"Can't you... say it like you mean it?" Daon whispered, his voice taking on a pleading edge.

Edwin's ears flicked forward and he looked up at the bear in surprise. He'd never heard the bear sound like that before. Daddy's words sounded... sincere, and his eyes had a soft, desperate expression. It was akin to the loving look Daon had given Missy several times, but now his eyes were full of hurt. The brown bear's posture had changed too. Instead of looming, he seemed off balance, and the bear's rounded ears were folded against his head. The wolf's first instinct was to sigh and roll his eyes, but he couldn't say no to that look. The bear wasn't demanding or commanding him as a master, he was asking, and kindly.

Edwin shifted his feet, biting his lower lip as he looked up at the bear. How hard could it be to lie to him? The teenage wolf uncrossed one arm and cupped the bear's cheek, fingers playing in the slightly longer fur of Daddy's cheek. Edwin fixed the bear with a look he'd once given his first crush, an older wolf at college he'd had a week long affair with. "I love you, Daddy," Edwin said softly, but with an undercurrent of conviction and sweet affection this time. The words come out easily and they didn't feel like a lie. Not completely, anyway.

It certainly hadn't sounded like a fabrication to the bear. Daddy's expression melted into a beaming smile like the wolf had never seen on him before. The bear's ears unfolded, his eyes going wide and soft, and his chiseled muzzle curved into a genuine smile. Daddy was so happy now that it made his previous cheerful mood seem like a pale shade of this joy.

Daon reached up one paw up to squeeze the wolf's shoulder gently, and for a moment Edwin thought he was going to say something, but instead the brown bear just smiled with real love at the younger wolf. Silence hung in the big empty room, and Edwin's heart skipped a beat as he met those eyes. He stared up at the taller bear, biting his lower lip again. That look, of total love and devotion, hit the wolf in the gut. It made his chest tight, and his heart began to race. The big bear leaned in for another kiss, but this time his lips brushed gently against the wolf's soft, pretty lips, and Edwin felt weak in the knees. Their lips met and the wolf's ears folded back against his head.

The kiss was gentle, soft, and not possessive at all. When Missy began to kiss him back, the bear deepened the kiss slowly, his other arm coming up to caress the wolf's lower back, pulling him into a tender embrace. Edwin's arms uncrossed and he pressed his paws to Daddy's chest under his jacket, feeling the muscles under the rich cloth of his dress shirt. Daddy's tongue brushed against the wolf pretty lips, as if asking to be let in and Edwin's heart fluttered. The teenage wolf let out a soft whimper, and closed his eyes as he opened his muzzle, letting Daddy's thick tongue slip its way in to his mouth to push against his own tongue.

Their tongues wrestled for a long minute before the bear's paws began to roam the teenage wolf's body. Edwin felt a momentary pang of fear as those big paws groped his rump, but there wasn't much point in struggling. The bear was too strong and Edwin didn't want to make him angry, not when he was being so... chivalrous. The bear was kissing him with compassion, like an equal rather than an owner, and that subtle shift in the way they embraced made Edwin's face hot and his body demand to be touched. The wolf leaned into the man, his chest pressing against his Daddy's chest, and Edwin kissed Daon for real for the first time.

The kiss felt like it lasted forever, Daon embracing his pet tightly but carefully, holding the young wolf as if he might shatter at any moment. Part of the time, Edwin opened his eyes and looked at Daddy's face, which was relaxed and full of happiness. The rest, he closed his eyes revealed in the first true kiss he'd had with the bear. Their tongues pushed and pressed against each other as they kissed slowly, until Edwin gasped into the kiss in surprise. The wolf's body jumped when the bear's paw slide down his back, into his panties, and grabbed the butt plug. Daddy's paw twisted and pushed the lubed plug in deep, pulling Edwin's hips forward against the bear's own groin. The wolf's hard on pressed roughly into Daddy's leg, and then their erections began rubbing together like their warring tongues as the bear worked the knot of the butt plug out slowly.

When Daddy began to piston the butt plug in and out of his ass, Edwin moaned openly and pressed himself against the bear, kissing him back frantically. Edwin's blunt claws dug into the bear's dress shirt, and he wrapped one paws around the bear's necktie, using it to pull Daddy down to him as he lifted up on his tiptoes to kiss the bear deeper. The wolf's silk panties and the bear's slacks rubbed together, their eager erections grinding together as Missy pressed close to her Daddy, who slowly fucked her with the vibrating butt plug. The dominate bear's erection pushed hard against his Missy's bulge, the butt plug stretching and fucking her ass as Daddy's big tongue did the same to Missy's muzzle.

And it was all loving, all tenderness. The bear wasn't using the toy roughly. He was doing it slowly, sensually, to make his Missy feel good, pressing it firmly against the spots inside the wolf that made her body shudder. Edwin kissed his Master back, eager and desperate for this kind of attention, rubbing himself against the bear, paws groping Daddy's chest and groin as he almost literally wrapped himself around the bear. They went on like that for several minutes, the Doberman driver standing impatiently by the door as the bear kissed Missy deeply and tenderly, fucking her ass with the toy, and working her up into a near frenzy. Edwin was so close to orgasm he could feel his balls drawing up, and when the bear's paw caressed his dick through the panties he closed his eyes, ready for bliss...

Predictably, the bear stopped just before Missy came.

Pushing the dildo back into place firmly before untangling himself from Missy's embrace, the big bear took a half step back, removing the pressure on their groins, and leaving Edwin gasping in need. The sudden cessation of pleasure was like cold water being thrown in his face, and Edwin whined in frustration, his paw twisting the bear's tie. He had actually felt the orgasm coming, and now it was ebbing away, and the wolf's balls churned as they were denied yet again. The moment of sensual pleasure, of connection between the two of them, seemed to fade with it.

"Oh damn, babe," the bear mumbled. Daddy's voice was husky, his muzzle twisted with a huge smile as he panted for air. The bear's broad chin nuzzled the wolf's face, one arm around her shoulder. "Missy, that was... so hot," the bear swallowed, still grinning happily as he looked down between them at the wolf's bulging panties, which were wet with a huge amount of pre. The bear's own pants were smeared with it and bulging way out, the tip of the bear's bulge rubbing against the red silk. "Could you... help me out here Babe?" Daddy panted softly. "You've got me all worked up Missy, and I can't go to work like this." The bear's tone was gentle and sweet, and he didn't move or force the wolf to do it, but it was clear he wanted his Missy to give him another blowjob.

Edwin didn't exactly want to give a fourth muzzle job today, but he couldn't say no. Not just because he was a slave had been thoroughly trained never say no to his owner, but because of the way the bear was looking at him still. Daon was asking, not forcing, and so Edwin couldn't deny him. He didn't want to deny the bear, not as long as he asked.

The wolf unzipped the bear's pants and with some difficulty pulled Daddy's hard dick out of his white underwear. The bear's pride was hard and dripping pre already, just like the wolf was, and Edwin took a moment to look his master up and down and admire him. The bear was dressed in a sharp business suit worth thousands of dollars, and with that huge cock jutting out and up from his crisp gray pants... it was a very attractive look for Daon. Edwin had seen porn stars that didn't look as hot.

The young wolf was careful not to actually go down on her knees this time. Missy licked her lips as she knelt down and sat on the edge of her bench. The bench pushed the butt plug in deep, making missy shudder. If she kept her head far enough above Daddy's upward curving dick, maybe she could take it more easily. So she sat on the edge of the bench and leaned forward, legs open wide as Daon's pride was pushed eagerly into her mouth. The bench was just the right height for Missy to blow her master.

The bear didn't waste any time, but then neither did the wolf. Daddy gripped the back of Missy's head with one paw, put the other on the stairway railing to steady himself, and slowly fucked the wolf's muzzle. Daon used his girl's mouth fully, but he also didn't force her. He didn't grab Missy's head and ram his dick in like normal. Not that he had to, because this time Missy was eager to have the bear's cock in his mouth. Edwin was so horny, so desperate for release after the kiss and teasing, that he put everything into pleasuring the bear in the hope he would get to experience some of that release in turn.

Edwin was prepared for it to be rough, so he was surprised when the bear's hips didn't pick up speed and his paw didn't push down on the back of his head. Daddy didn't choke him with his huge cock this time. Edwin had the right angle, and in the hurry to get off, the bear hadn't forbidden him from using his paws. So Edwin wrapped the base of the bear's dick firmly in one paw, squeezing firmly and preventing Daon from thrusting the last two inches of his pride into his muzzle, and the bear didn't seem to notice. Daddy was too busy asking how much Missy wanted to have another load of her Daddy's cum in her belly. It wasn't a huge change, given the size of the bear's massive dick, but the paw and the angle of the blowjob was enough to keep Daddy's huge cock from choking Missy.

Moaning around the huge pole in his mouth, his spine tingling in time with the buzzing plug, Edwin carefully moved his free paw between his legs. He began rubbing his palm against the wet spot in his bulging silk panties. His dick was rock hard, and the wolf began to lose himself in the pleasure of sucking another man's dick.

Edwin didn't care that a crowd of servants began to gather around them, some of them even peeking over the upstairs balcony to watch as Daddy fucked his face. He didn't care that Daon was loudly praising his mouth, telling him to suck and lick harder, that she was such a good girl. Edwin didn't even care that he was crouched in front of a perverted slave master, his tormenter, sucking the bear's dick as he fingered his own cock through women's panties.

For once, Edwin didn't care about anything but enjoying what he was doing, and he really was enjoying it. The teenage wolf was sucking off Daddy because the bear had shown him compassion, and he wanted the bear to feel good for that. He wanted to suck the bear off because he wanted Daddy to behave like this more often. Missy knew his actions were somewhat pavlovian, but since he didn't have any sticks to wield, he'd have to be generous in pleasing the man's large carrot.

Edwin opened his eyes and looked up, meeting the bear's gaze briefly. Daon shuddered, his breath coming in ragged gasps, and his balls tightened as their eyes met. Daddy stared down at his precious Missy, watching as her gorgeous mouth took his pride, felt the tight grip at the base of his cock, and came.

The wolf felt the dick in his mouth begin to pulse, and Daddy's eyes stayed locked with his own. Edwin shuddered, once again seeing the bear's emotions clearly in that gaze. Daon was clearly in thrall of love, and he was amazed that the wolf responded as if she loved him back.

The moment lingered as the bear came in gushing waves, and then passed. Edwin let his paw drift away from his groin as the bear's cock went soft in his muzzle. He'd been close again, but there was no way he could have hidden having an orgasm from the crowd watching them. Daddy would not have approved at all. It would have ruined the moment for him to be reminded his girl has such masculine needs.

Daddy's paws cupped Missy's cheeks tenderly as his cock went soft in her pretty muzzle. He stared down at her, panting softly as his girl looked up at him, those soft, beautiful lips still wrapped around the tip of his cock. "You have such beautiful lips, Missy." Daon whispered, and he wanted to say so much, but now that the haze of lust had passed, he became acutely aware of the crowd around them. So Daon just said, "I'll see you later tonight, babe. Wear the dress I picked out for you, and we'll have dessert together when I get home sweetie." Missy nodded, standing up and blushing as she wiped the bear's cum from her lips.

Daddy smiled as he zipped himself up and adjusted his tie, talking pleasantly like he was some sitcom father leaving his wife for the office. "You won't have to worry about doing your chores; Bitch will be taking care of that for the next week or two. Since he'll be in your room all day, you don't have to play there if you don't want to, but make sure you're a good girl and don't cum," the bear's voice had a hint of parental warning in it, like he was warning a child to look both ways before crossing the street. "That little dick belongs to me now, and I don't want to regret being so kind to you this morning and letting you stay out of your cage, especially after how good you've been this morning." the bear said that a little louder then he needed too, so that it echoed in the big hall, and Edwin wondered why.

Daddy reached out and wiped a lingering bit of cum from the wolf's lips with his thumb carefully. "Be good for Bishop today Missy, if he tells me you've been bad, I'm going to have to punish you harshly. And that will be much harder on me than it will you." The bear cupped Missy's chin as his other paw grabbed the wolf's bulging panties, the young man's dick achingly hard in Daon's paw. The touch on his erection made Edwin shudder as the bear's paw cupped his balls, and he licked the cum from the bear's thumb. Then, the brown bear's touch made the young wolf feel cold as Daddy's grip tightened on his orbs. "Understand Missy?" The bear's voice was low and dangerous now, and Edwin understood the implication.

"Yes Daddy," the wolf whimpered, looking his master in the eyes and seeing the hard, prideful eyes of Daddy staring back at him. All around them, the servants watched as Missy submitted to her master.

Edwin was still turned on by the bear, the young wolf's slender body reacting to the bear's closeness, pressing against the hand holding his balls as the bear teasingly stroked him. But now that the harsh demeanor of a master was back, the wolf was also scared of him. Edwin didn't grope the bear back though, because but he didn't want to excite the bear even more than he already had. It would only lead to him getting bent over the bench and fucked in front of everyone, a thought that made his spine tingle with fear and his face burn with humiliation.

"Good girl," Daddy patted Edwin's cheek, "I'm glad you've learned your place in the house." Then he kissed her briefly, and turned away. The business man followed Michael, his Doberman driver out the front door, which one of the servants closed behind him as Edwin shuddered and let the tension flow out of his shoulders. The wolf pushed his paws against his eyes, willing himself not to cry as the adrenaline washed through him.

Edwin didn't know how much more of this he could take. One moment, Daon was a loving, doting older man who seemed to genuinely want Edwin to be happy. And the next, he was threatening to have the wolf's balls removed and disregarding everything the wolf wanted. It didn't make sense. Edwin rubbed his eyes free of tears, and felt his chest tighten when he saw the smirking smile of Bishop as the tiger sauntered over.

"Why don't we go get you dressed, Missy." the tiger purred and gestured towards the stairs which led to the second floor and back to Missy's pink and frilly room. Tail tucked between his legs, the wolf was led away from all the curious people idling around the front door so that he could put on the dress picked out special for him by the master who was obsessed with him. By the man who loved him.