What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Twelve.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Twelve By Roofles

A week before the next full moon.

In the past couple of days Marco had been finding himself more and more alone. Kenny snuck out every day before the sun even set to "take care of some matters." Marco didn't ask even after he returned with blood covered paws and his muzzle still dripping that red, sickening fluid. Each night was the same. The wolf would go over to look at the folder Marco had been given, tap his claw on a few figures and then disappear out the window without even a simple farewell. He'd return hours later, take a shower and then come out as if nothing had happened at all.

Marco wasn't stupid enough to ask. He didn't read the newspaper or watch the news knowing he'd get more information on the matter than he could handle.

From there things turned out to be rather normal, given the circumstances. Drinks were shared, food was eaten, games were played as they chatted and talked about the most random of things. However one thing really did bother Marco. He hadn't the permission to leave.

Kenny had phrased it different but the jist was that. He wasn't allowed outside without the canine accompaning him. He had claimed it was for his own protection but Marco began to fear otherwise; as if Kenny was beginning to fear that the single thing he had never admitted. Being alone once more.

Whatever happened during the year of Kenny's absence from school seemed to have taken a toll on the man. It was brief and only ever in passing that he mentioned the pack he used to belong to. And the one conclusion Marco drew from it all was just how fucked up it all had been in the end of things.

The way the wolf clung to him at times, always around him or with him in some nature was proof enough of that. The need for the physical contact. Simple, subtle almost subconscious gestures that piled up one on top of the other until it was right in Marco's face. A fear that seemed to be haunting his friend, mocking Kenny every night as he clung to Marco shirt tightly to the point his knuckles would be bruised in the morning, holding his body with his own and entangling their legs together just to make sure he wouldn't just slip away in the wind.

It wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't a several hundred pound nine foot wolf. Whose breath was like the inside of a toilet bowl, his body a furnace and fur wool vest covered his entire body. An itchy one at that even if the undercoat was softer. The wolf's natural musk clung to his cloths and the sheets every day Marco found himself, even after a refreshing shower, smelling like the canine.

The changes became less constant and Marco began only ever seeing his friend as the four legged furry wolf that he always knew he was and only ever had hoped wasn't the case. As the full moon began to loom on the horizon and the days of that final week counted down Kenny became less and less...himself. An odd change Marco had noticed, and always half joked about saying it was his time of the month previously. Unwittingly not knowing that it in fact was just that. And the sheer truth behind it was now staring him in the face.

And as the minutes ticked by, the days passed the man began losing it. There wasn't a time Marco didn't have a cigarette in his mouth. Smoking as he poured himself more coffee. Partaking in this almost ritualistic manner while he stared out the window into the dark night waiting for his friend to return. The rainy season had begun and with it an unnerving silence had set.

They had begun talking less and less as the days ticked by. It was as if, in his wolfen form, his friend couldn't even speak. Or at least that's how it seemed. And even when he left on these rainy nights no words were exchanged from either party.

It was on one of these occasions that Marco found himself resting against the window seal staring out into the night rain that he ended up coming across something he hadn't even thought about. He ran out of smokes. Fifth pack empty within the past week. It wasn't during the last smoke but as he stubbed it out and reached for another that he realized he was out.

Crumbling the packet he got up.

At first Marco headed for the door planning on just going down to the small market on the street corner to buy another pack (or box) as he had done so many other times since he's lived here. Even before his hand gripped the door handle he stopped, turning around to pace back towards the window. Within the first two steps Marco turned back.

"It'll only take a little bit..." He muttered chewing on his thumb as he weighed the options in hand and tried to come to a decision. Even though Marco didn't want to he knew it'd be best if he got it. Otherwise the rest of the night would be hell. The week, the month, the year, his life would be hell if he didn't have another one of those teeth staining, hair curling, sin sticks clutched between his boney white knuckles. Marco had lost Ten pounds since he found out about his friends secret.

Grabbing an old tattered, rust colored sweater he slung it over his head, tossed the hood up and over his face, stuck his hands in the front pouch he was off. It'd only take a couple of minutes after all. Door locked, he made his way down the stairs keeping his head down. The breath was clear in front of his face, half afraid the sound of it wasn't his own but another. He chuckled a bit at the notion but still found himself looking over his shoulder as he made his way down the street.

The desolate empty street brought little solace as he scurried towards the corner street market and into it's windy doors. The warm air stung at his face as if it itself was punishing him for going out. He didn't say a word as he pointed his packs out and paid for his purchase, almost afraid his very voice would betray him at this point. Ignoring the friendly banter of the older woman behind the desk, Marco quickly retreated back out into the cold where he belonged.

As the doors shut behind him he already found a lit cig sealed between his lips and with it taking a fresh new breath that eased, calming his nerves as the acrid ashen smoke filled his lungs. Tendrils of smoke escaped his nose as he made his way back down the street and towards the apartment.

There was a clutter of cans to his side making Marco freeze where he stood. Turning he looked over quickly, his neck nearly snapping at the quick motion. Nothing but an alley cat that meowed at him before vanishing into the night. Breathing heavily he wiped the cold sweat off his brow as if he had been caught red handed with a hand in the cookie jar.

Goosebumps ran down his arms as he fumbled with his keys taking two steps at a time up the stairs and fighting the lock he finally managed to slip inside; shutting and locking the door behind him as he rested against it. The lights of the apartment were out and as he turned around that chill ran down his spine as the clear sight of anothers breath was visible in the cold apartment.

The window smacked against the wall as the wind blew, rustling the curtains and with it the dim rays of the city poured inside barely outlining the wolf now staring at him. That obsidian fur clung to his muscular form from the rain and the smell of wet dog was strong in the air.

"You went out?" It was almost a question. A snarl soon followed this. "You went out!" It's ears twitched and nose wrinkled as those eyes centered on the lit bud in his mouth. "For this? This!" It snarl standing up and with a swipe knocked the still smoking bud from Marco's lips. His nails cut Marco's cheek.

In the next second Marco was slammed against the door, lifted up by two strong paws gripping his sweater. The wolves nails dug, ripping into the shirt as he was hoisted into the air and forced against the wooden door that didn't even shake from the force as if too afraid to move.

"Haven't I been good to you?" That hot, humid breath washed over his face like an old damp rag from the sink. "Provided?" He breathed the words holding back the anger within them. "Why do you do this to me? Why do you make me do these things!" Marco was pushed against the door as the looming obsidian tower in front of him took a step back, breathing heavily as the corner of its lip twitched in a snarl. "What if something happened?" The voice was far softer now as a hand, a clawed paw reached up and stroking the side of Marco's face (roughly), wiping away the blood that very same paw had caused.

"I just needed a smoke." Marco tried to be light hearted about it but couldn't even look into his face, let alone into those cold eyes. A cold black, bumpy nose touched his forehead. A tender gesture that sent shivers up the smaller man's spine in freight as it gave him a very clear view of those massive fangs jutting out of the wolf's maw.

Lips soon followed this nose bump. Moving down to nip at his nose, before pressing against his lips and forcing that long, large tongue into his mouth as his body was once more shoved against the door. The paws holding him soon loosened to roam his body, groping and molest every inch of it before the wolf's right hand slid between the man's legs.

Marco groaned, pushing back against him as a leg was forcibly lifted up and a wolf's thumb was slipped into the top of his pants and briefs. A dominating growl filled the room as the wolf continued to grope him, rubbing with that thumb as he pressed against him with his heavy, hot body. A heavy panting from above filled Marco's ears as he closed his eyes trying not to enjoy the feel of his body being taken advantage of.

"Why can't you just follow these simple things?" The canine panted placing his snout against his ear. A paw gripped at the smaller man more as the other hit the door. "I don't like doing this," it chuckled. "I could treat you so well." The paw tightened a bit. "Or not." It loosened, if only a little as Marco winced from the pressure.

Marco finally gave him a shove and the wolf backed up, if only a step. "Kenny. I just needed a damn fuckin' smoke. For fuck sake." Marco nearly shouted, hot in the face and breathing heavily as he flushed. Marco covered his mouth, breathing heavily still as he tried to calm down the blood rushing to his face and other parts of his body tenting his pants.

The wolf lip rose for, only, a half second before his pointed ears folded back and he took another step away. A large paw covered the side of his face as Kenny shook his head a bit trying to clear his thoughts. "Sorry." He muttered not even looking at his friend now. "Sorry I just." He shook his head again.

"Are you ok? You've just been...acting strange lately." Marco said after a few heavy breaths and a moment of silence passed by. He swallowed afterwards waiting for some rebuke but only got silence in return. Marco nearly flinched as the large canine moved. The action alone was a slap across the wolf's face who, in turn, moved back more and away as if now afraid that he would hurt his friend. As if only now grasping the difference between them.

Only his outline could be seen in the dark apartment as the wolf crouched down onto all fours. Kenny looked to one side then the other as if confused, bewildered to where he was. Like a wild animal just waking up in a cage. He soon vanished down the hallway with heavy, lumbering steps still a bit wide eyed.

"Kenny." Marco said feeling guilty and following after his friend though as he turned the corner and saw the canine looking back at him. He stopped. The way those ears were lifted and eyes were looking back at him. He seemed nothing more than a bear sized wild animal that had snuck into his home.

Marco found himself hugging the wall at his side his legs nearly giving out. Sleep deprived, malnourished and on his last ropes the man was beginning to feel it all.

So as this creature slipped inside the bedroom, Marco found himself just standing in the hallway staring after him. Marco soon fished another smoke out, fumbling with the pack and nearly dropping it, before sliding that calming relief into his mouth and with slightly shaking hands lit the end of it.

Marco figured he'd be sleeping on the couch this night...