The Fursuit's Lament

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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Should a deceased furrier's fursuit be worn. A fursuit's point of view

What happens to a fursuit when it's wearer dies. Does it understand what has happened, why are all the character's friends are so sad. This was brought up on Furaffinity re should a deceased furry's fursuit ever been worn. For myself I hope my suits will go to a good home and I in spirit continue to make people laugh and smile. After all - often our suits bring out the very best in us.

The Fursuit's Lament

I hang here in a darken closet

Dusty, cobwebs

All but forgotten

Why did the other part of me go

Leaving behind tears of woe.

And sorrowful lament of our times gone past.

I miss the lights, and the sun

The smiles, the laughs, the fun

The silly games, the hugs and more

That is what I was created for!!!

So please someone take me down

Hold me close and then lay me out

Brush and comb me, stitch the holes

Let me be what I was before

So my spirit can leap and soar

Touching those that I adore

Prancing, prowling, making fun

Always hugging on the run

My dear friends let me be there

Sharing, caring, not ignored

No sad tears nor worried frowns

Or regrets, let smiles abound

For I am meme and not forgotten

(Even if I was a teasing rotter)

So dust me off and make me proud

And let the mischief abound

Give my spirit flesh to run

And make happy everyone.



The grey wolf sat on the park bench overlooking the river. The brilliant sunset with all of it's rainbow hues were lost on him, if a passer by were to look at the handsome muscular frame, tall ears and strong muzzle they would have also seen a...

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Oh yes.. He's licking my neck.. my throat, and my chest.. No.. No.. not the Nipples. Oh no Not the.. Arrrrrrr... He's going lower.. will he.. Is he.. Yes.. Ohhhh that tongue is so talented... Close.. So close and Ah.. AHH Yes... ......... He pulls...

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[Part 1.]( Part 2. Doylen looked at the old man.. Doctor Chandra the father of the Lupins. If was only a few hours before the new Lupin was to be untanked and Doylen was curious, puzzled about a species...
