Chapter 3B - The Kidnapping

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#3 of Runaway

To cast your vote, please comment in the story with the option you choose. If you have a suggestion that's not in the choices, feel free to say that too! After a few days and I feel there have been enough votes, I'll post the next part of the story. I'm not going to involve extreme violence in this story, but remember that not all choices will have a happy ending!


Option A: "My name is Toby. I think I was kidnapped. Do you know a way out of here?"

Option B: Say nothing and quietly try to go to sleep. You're just too exhausted right now.

Option C: Say nothing and start banging loudly on the door, someone has to hear you!

Option D: "That's Super Roo!" you say, pointing to his t-shirt. "I really wish he was here right now."

Voting has closed!

Option D wins with 6 votes!

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of incest and bestiality. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy.

Chapter 3B - The Kidnapping

Tags: Cub, Kangaroo, Roo, Weasel, Bear, Danger, Kidnapping, Mild Violence, Runaway, No Yiff, Choose Your Own Adventure, CYOA

_ You chose Option B: Start running away with the phone and the backpack, calling Justin for help. There's no way you're going to let these bullies have your stuff, but you can't handle this alone._

_ Authors Note: So the story takes a bit of a dark turn in this chapter; I just wanted to warn you. This differs quite a bit from most of my writing, but I thought this was a good opportunity to add some more drama and focus on character development. I don't particularly like writing about abuse and violence, but as I said, not all choices will have happy outcomes. If you're expecting a yiff story, I still intend on taking things in that direction, but only when it makes sense contextually. Things can get better for Toby, there's still much more to come. It all depends on the choices you make!_

To cast your vote, please comment in the story with the option you choose. If you have a suggestion that's not in the choices, feel free to say that too! After a few days and I feel there have been enough votes, I'll post the next part of the story. I'm not going to involve extreme violence in this story, but remember that not all choices will have a happy ending!


Toby sprung back with a yelp. He made a quick turn in the dust and kicked sand back at the two men, taking off down the road as fast as he could hop. The weasel covered his face with his bony arm and growled, grunting as he spat on the pavement and took off after the boy. Toby pulled the phone up to his muzzle and hit the voice command button. "Call Justin!" he yelled frantically.

"Calling Justin." the phone replied with a calm tone, clearly unaware of the turmoil surrounding it right now. It rang once, twice, Toby started to worry that the rat wouldn't answer. He looked back over his shoulder, the bear was lumbering a ways behind but the weasel was gaining on him. The weasel moved incredibly fast for someone who looked like he didn't have a scrap of muscle. Finally midway through the third ring he heard Justin's voice through the speaker.

"Hello? Toby? I didn't expect to hear from you so soon." his voice sounded calm and happy, but the demeanor switched rather quickly when he heard Toby's heavy breathing. "Is everything okay? What's going on?"

"They're going to hurt me!" Toby yelled, a tears starting to well up in his eyes. He was starting to regret everything. Why did he ever run away? His parents were mean and yelled, but they never scared him with baseball bats! He pulled the backpack up tighter with one paw as he held the phone with the other. He wasn't carrying too much, but the added encumbrance was still slowing him down a little.

"Calm down Toby! Who's going to hurt you? Where are you?" Justin replied, his voice lowering in concern. Toby heard tires squealing in the background over the phone. Justin was coming back for him! He had to!

"I'm running from the freeway, two men, a weasel and a bear, one has a baseball bat, his name is Duke I think. They're going to hurt me Justin, help!" he started sobbing, his eyes getting blurry. He watched in terror as the metal baseball bat came whipping through the air just a few feet to his right. It flew past and skittered on the ground, rolling to the other side of the road.

Toby looked back over his shoulder, "Yeehaw!" Duke yelled with a sadistic grin, causing Toby to not notice the big rock a few feet ahead of him. He tripped and screamed as he tumbled, falling onto his front into the gravel and dirt. His right knee hurt tremendously as he tried scrambling back to his paws. However he wasn't quite fast enough and seconds later he was lifted up into the air by the straps on his backpack. "Gotcha ya little punk!" the weasel scoffed.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go!" Toby yelled, fighting with tears in his eyes as he kicked his powerful footpaws back at the weasel. A few of his kicks landed, causing Duke to grunt and yelp, but his grip was still held tight.

"Dangit Odie, get over here and hold this little runt." he spat on the ground again, a thick disgusting yellow mucus. The bear caught up with them and wrapped his big thick arm around the roo's chest and arms, then the other around his legs.

"I thought we wasn't usin' real names Duke?" the bear replied back, tightening his grip. Toby squirmed and kicked, but the bear was just too strong and soon he had no choice but to give up, sobbing as he dangled helplessly in the bear's grip.

"Eh, too late for that ain't it? Fuck me boy, you got a little spittle in ya, don'cha?" the weasel cackled. He got so close to the cub's face that Toby could smell his horrible breath. It was like rotten milk and old tobacco. The stench was so unbearably strong that Toby had to hide his muzzle down against the bear's arm to get away, but the bear just smelled like sweat and cheese, which wasn't much of an improvement. Toby gagged and pulled his muzzle back, then turned and spat defiantly right in Duke's face. The weasel just glared back, then cracked an unsettling smile. "Yup. Spittle." he said, wiping the spit away from his muzzle. "Aw hell, will you look at that? The screen's all busted up!" he growled, picking up the iPawed and looking it over. "This ain't worth shit now. God dang pup, this would'a been a lot better fer the both of us if you hadn't gone runnin' off! Now we gotta get our cut some other way. What'chu got in that bag, boy?" the weasel slid the broken phone into his pocket and reached over Toby to get at his backpack, pressed tightly between him and the bear.

"No leave it alone! There's nothing in there! I don't have any money, I swear!" he tried kicking and squirming again but the bear's grip only tightened. The weasel poked and prodded his gangly arm around the backpack, trying to reach in and get a hold on something. Then Toby heard a rip as the weasel pulled his arm back. He gasped and stared. Barkly's head was in the weasel's paw, torn off his body with white fluff coming out the gap in the neck. Toby's eyes went foggy again and he started crying. He'd had Barkly since he was just a little cub, his mom gave him to Toby for his birthday, and now this stupid, stupid weasel had ripped his head off! How could he!? He cried louder until the weasel pulled hard on one of his ears, causing him to yelp.

"Shut up brat! Let him go Odie, there ain't no score to be had here. 'Sides, he made a phone call before we grabbed 'im. What if it were the five-oh?" he grunted, tossing Barkly's head on the ground. Toby sniffled and cried softly into the bear's arms.

"But Duke, don't Rusty know a guy who buys kids?" the bear replied back. "I hear it pays real good if you can keep it quiet."

"Hey you're right, we could get us a few eight balls for that kinda dough. Good thinkin' Odie! Tie him up and load him into the car, we gotta be gone quick if cops are gonna show up. And lose that backpack too, we ain't takin' his garbage with us." Duke ordered. Odie loosened his grip and grabbed Toby firmly by the scruff of his neck and his shirt collar. He pulled the backpack off and tossed it on the ground, then started leading the boy back up to their van. Toby looked back over his shoulder where Barkly was laying with a tear in his eye. He wasn't even fighting them anymore, he was too heartbroken. Odie bound his hand and footpaws with zip ties and tossed him into the side door of the van, shutting it after.

It was cold and dark in there, there was no floor other than the metal carriage of the car itself. Otherwise the back was empty with a few scattered lighters and cigarette butts. There was a metal grating separating the back of the van from the driver and passenger's seat, so Toby had a little light, but the last thing he wanted to see right now was those two bullies. He sat down against the side of the van wall, burying his head in his arms and crying to himself. Barkley was gone, Justin never came back, and his parents probably didn't even know he was gone. He never felt so alone.

Odie climbed into the driver's seat and Duke into the passenger. The van started up with a rough rumble and rolled back onto the road. Toby kept his head down and didn't see much of where they were going, not that he could move very well with the zip ties anyway, but he could tell by the frequency of the passing street lamps and the turns that they made, they hadn't gone very far down the highway. His knee still hurt really bad and when he touched it his paw came away with some blood on it. He could still move his leg alright, it was probably just scraped really bad, but he really wished someone was here to put a band-aid on it and tell him everything would be okay.

They were only driving for about 20 minutes before they stopped. Duke leaned back over his shoulder and cracked his voice, "Alright kid, are you gonna cooperate? We ain't gonna hurt'cha no more, just gonna take you upstairs. You can meet Odie's kid, he's about yer age. Whadda ya say?" he asked. Toby only looked up at him with tears in his eyes, his lip quivering. "Ah not like it matters, yer comin' either way kid."

Duke and Odie got out of the van, sliding open the door as Odie reached for the roo's neck scruff again. He pulled out a knife and cut the zip ties around the roo's footpaws. Toby cooperated and followed them out, trying to keep up with the bear as he was dragged along. The street was dirty and poorly lit. One side was lined with short brick apartment buildings and the other side was a dusty lot with an abandoned rusty bulldozer by a pile of gravel. They started heading toward the closest building, the only one made of yellow brick while the rest were red. The building's yard was poorly kept with tall grass and garbage bags against the fence. Duke went first, leading them up a wooden staircase built against the left side of the building with a door on each landing. Once they were up on the third floor he pushed into a dingy white door and led them inside.

The inside of the apartment looked worse than the outside. It was clear nothing had been cleaned in ages. There were garbage bags, piles of newspapers, and other loose garbage everywhere. Plates of half eaten food and empty chip bags rested on grimy furniture and stained grey carpeting. There was a frail woman leaning against the countertop smoking a cigarette. She was a brown bear, probably Odie's wife or girlfriend. The sun dress she was wearing may once have been a bright floral print but was now just a dingy cloth that hung from her skinny shoulders like wet toilet paper on a tree. She was sweating heavily and holding her head in her paw, although she looked up as the trio came through the door.

"Oh tell me you scored somethin' baby, I'm jonesin' real bad here." she paced across the room toward the weasel, then looked down at the kangaroo cub and gave a confused look.

"Not yet baby, but real soon. We got a nice prize to sell to one of Rusty's boys." the weasel grinned and shut the door behind them. Odie let go of Toby's collar and he cowered back against the wall.

"Jesus Duke, you're sellin' a kid? Even I ain't that low." she grunted and looked down at the young roo, and then looked back at her ashtray. "Fuck it, as long as it gets the score, I ain't seen nothin'. Put him in the room with Andrew. They can make friends." she turned and coughed loudly into her paw, waving them away.

"Common kid, you'll like Andrew, he knows how to behave." Odie beckoned to Toby, who followed very reluctantly as the bear led him deeper into the apartment. He opened the first door in the hallway and directed Toby inside. Toby followed the bear's gesture and walked into the room. Odie cut the zip ties binding his wrists and then shut the door firmly. Toby heard a click and a scrape of metal as the bear closed a latch on the other side.

The room was small and mostly empty. There were a few toys scattered around, mostly old baby toys like blocks and a rocking horse, as well as a few newspapers and clothes. It smelled musty and old, but Toby didn't see any other cub in the room, just a big pile of old blankets in the corner. He sat down with a thump on the ground right where he was, burying his face in his paws. He was so tired and afraid the tears wouldn't even come, he just shivered and held his elbows. He couldn't even tell if it was cold or warm, he just shivered because that was all his body would let him do.

Then he felt a warmth come over his shoulders as he looked up, the pile of blankets in the corner was noticeably smaller and one of them was wrapped around his shoulders. A young bear cub held onto one of the corners, he was quite a bit younger than Toby, only 8 or 9. He looked scrawny and underfed. He had on a pair of grey briefs that were probably once white, and an old yellow and red t-shirt that very faintly had an image of Super Roo on the front.

"Hi." the bear cub spoke softly and timidly. "You looked cold. I'm Andrew, what's your name?"


Option A:"My name is Toby. I think I was kidnapped. Do you know a way out of here?"

Option B: Say nothing and quietly try to go to sleep. You're just too exhausted right now.

Option C: Say nothing and start banging loudly on the door, someone has to hear you!

Option D:"That's Super Roo!" you say, pointing to his t-shirt. "I really wish he was here right now."

Chapter 2C - Second Chances

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of...

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Chapter 1 - The Escape

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of...

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Just Like the Big Men

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of...

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