Welcome to Gale Side Resort

Story by Seigi on SoFurry

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#5 of Incest Stuff

Alright so, this is my very first attempt at straight porn. Not only that, but it's the longest story I've written to date and a gift for the very talented tasteslikegreen (whom you can find here, FurAffinity and SoFurry, and I highly suggest giving a read to some of his work, and watching him as well).

Seeing how this is posted onto FA, I didn't think this monster of a story had so much talking @_@... Well... guess it was a good way for me to practice my dialog then ^^;

Characters (c) me

Edit(s) done by Douglas Fontaine (from here) and xxxfoxyxxx (from FurAffinity)I would absolutely LOVE to hear your thoughts/opinions/ etc etc on the story! Feedback is something I really like hearing from those that read my stuff ^,^

Sunlight, unhindered by the atmosphere of planets and clouds, traveled freely through the cold empty vacuum of space moving faster than any current sentient made vessel could hope to achieve, until all to abruptly it lit up the silver colored side of a traveling cruise ship. More of the silver ship became illuminated as it slipped out from behind a near by moon revealing it to be long and sleek. From bow to stern, a half dome of specialized see-through material covered its top half and its underside a high grade metallic mixture nearly a hundred times harder than steel.

Along one side the word 'Myris' adorned the vessel in large black letters, signifying it to be the famous cruise liner talked about by so many. Such was the case when the luxury liner's owner held a contest for thirteen families to come aboard for its last voyage across the stars.

Over the course of two weeks, everyone from nearly all walks of life on planet Adtor had been abuzz about the contest. But more so about the winning prize; an all expenses paid trip to Letar, one of the top destination spots in the quadrant, and a month long stay in one of the planet's many resorts.

And so as the cruise ship fully rounded the small ice covered moon, the few children aboard from the winning families gathered around the edge of the dome, staring in awe as the ship's destination came into view.

Having never been off their home planet, and in turn never traveled to another, a slow but steady rise in excitement came from the younger passengers. Enough noise though, that it roused their parents from what they were doing to go to their kids and make sure they didn't cause too much racket. But they still let the younglings continue enjoy their new experience. The children weren't the only ones enjoying the sight of Letar; several passengers, from the dozens around and within the mega sized swimming pool, pulled out cell phones or handheld cameras and took quick photos of their destination.

"Look at that," Margaret chimed to her husband after snapping a few more pictures "isn't that beautiful?"

"I guess... I mean, sure if you consider it being as "beautiful" as the salsa you made for Sarah's party." He chuckled lightheartedly as his wife playfully elbowed him in the side. In truth he wasn't all that off in describing how Letar looked. Streaks of white and bright orange tore through the pinkish-orange dominate coloration of the planet. Various colors of green covered the ground where plant life and forests dominated the area, while the royal dark blue of the seas kept prying eyes from discovering any mystery it might have held.

Wrapping his arms around her petite bikini clad form, he pulled her close to his body in a tight hug. "So what do you think, after going to the hotel I take you out for one of those famous spas that make your fur super soft and then take you to one of those really nice restaurants near the beach?"

Nipping gently at the base of her neck where her fur began to turn from black to white, like it did on other stabyhouns like them, just enough that his teeth barely grazed against her skin, he moved his brown furred muzzle next to her ear and whispered in a lustful tone. "And after that I can give you one of my special "massages"."

"F-frank, stop it!" Margaret giggled as she tried to pull away from the male canine. After a few brief attempts to get away, she gave up in her movements and relaxed back into his firm body. Frank simply grinned giving his wife a soft squeeze around her waist and kissing her on the cheek.

"That sounds like a lovely plan dear, but what about the kids?"

"What about the kids? They're not going to be in the same room as us, hun. We were given two rooms to stay in; we'll have one and the kids can share the other." Smiling softly, Frank gave Margaret one last quick peck on the cheek before letting go of her.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"I know what'cha meant hun. You really shouldn't be worrying about those two, they're not kids anymore. I'm sure this trip won't be all that boring for them."

Just when Margaret was going to respond, a loud crackle from the speakers reverberated throughout the spaceship.

"Good afternoon everyone, this is your captain speaking." Came the broken up, deep male voice over the speakers.

"Currently it is one thirty-five in the afternoon and we are only a short half hour away from landing on Letar. We ask that at this time, can all passengers please get ready for landing and we hope you enjoyed your stay on the Myris."

A moment later, the speakers turned off with a 'click' and the low rumble of the engines intensified. As the ship sped closer to the planet, the passengers aboard began gathering their belongings while the stewards went around collecting trash and helping those in need of it.

"Samantha! Derek!" Frank called out, catching the attention of the only other two stabyhouns on the cruse.

Samantha, the elder sibling of the two, was just getting up from her pool side seat when the elder canine called her name. Slender enough to pull off an almost perfect hourglass figure and wearing one of her favorite two piece bikinis, specifically the one her father disliked greatly due to how other men eyeballed her, she looked very much like her mother. If it wasn't for her dark brown hair and lighter brown fur from her face to her neck, the two could have almost been mistaken as sisters. Twins if Margaret had a bit more curve to her form.

Derek was just coming back from a bathroom trip when he heard his father calling for him. Just a few inches shorter than his sister, something he used to be picked on about during his years in high school, Derek made up for it with the athletic build and stamina that helped his college swim team win several competitions. Unlike his sister, who got the brown of her fur and hair from their father, he got his black hair and fur coloring from their mother.

Picking up his pace he quickly made a B-line to his parents, reaching them just before his sister. "You two hear what the captain said?"

"Kinda hard not to hear it." Derek replied in an attempt at a clever response.

"Don't need to be a smart-ass, smart-ass." His father chimed in with a grin. "You two ready to head back and pack?"

"Yeah." Both siblings managed to say at nearly the same time, a bit more excitement in Samantha's response than her brother's. It wasn't a real question as to why she seemed more excited either. Interplanetary cruses like these only had a handful of things to do on board. That way, tourists would be more likely to buy things after reaching their destination. Then after little more than a week of traveling through space, the things available on the ship had gotten slightly boring.

After a friendly reminder from a passing steward, the family of stabyhouns, without saying another word, made their way past the pool and nearly to the stern of the ship, where the passenger quarters were.

Even for such a small ship compared to other cures liners, by the time they (and the other families on board) finally reached the rooms, the speakers crackled to life as the captain's voice echoed through the ship.

"Good afternoon everyone, this is your captain once again. We have currently begun our decent into the atmosphere and we should be landing in eighteen minutes. If you have not done so, we ask that you please begin packing and make your way to the lobby once we've landed. We hope you enjoyed your stay on the Myris and please enjoy your stay at Gale side resort."

Another click of the speakers and the busy passengers were left with silence and the low rumble of the craft's engines. Having used little of his belongings since being aboard, Derek was done with his packing just in time to watch as the Myris descending through the last bit of multi colored clouds along side dozens of other people.

Finally breaking through the colorful fluff of condensed water vapor, they were immediately met with a luxurious resort just by a sandy, pink-tinted, beach. On either side of it, what barely looked like various stores, restaurants, and miscellaneous buildings stretched down the beachfront and slightly inland. Just beyond the buildings, surrounded by dense forestry, lay a large landing pad big enough for the ship to land on, and a refueling station just a few yards away.

Watching as the land below rapidly grew ever closer, Derek's attention was drawn away from the translucent dome by the familiar voice of his older sister.

"Hey fuzz butt how's the view?"

Turning around to face his sibling, he saw that she and their parents were walking towards him, each carrying a small luggage bag with them. Before getting close enough to even get a glimpse of the ground, Samantha stopped in her tracks.

A grin slowly formed at the corners of Derek's mouth and he gestured for her to come over. "Take a look for yourself sis, it's quite a sight."

"I'm fine." She said a bit sheepishly, waving the offer away.

"Derek Ross, leave your sister alone; you know how she is with heights." Margaret scolded her son, though she knew he wasn't being all that serious. Feeling the ship tilting beneath their feet, Samantha tensed up suddenly as the tips of tree tops came into view. Quickly she spun herself around.

"I-I'm gonna go back to my room guys, see you when we land." She said before swiftly heading back to her room.

"Think I should go see if she's okay?" Frank shook his head lightly.

"No, she'll be fine. Remember how she was when we started to leave Adtor? She'll find something to distract herself with."

Not long after Samantha disappeared into the crowd of people coming to look at the view, Margaret began heading in her daughter's direction to catch up with her. "I'm going to go see if she'll be alright."

"Alright hun, we'll come get you two when we land." Going back to watching the landscape grow closer and closer from the ship's continued decent, Frank and Derek let a few moments of silence passed between them until the ship was halfway to the landing pad.

"So," the elder Stabyhoun began "what'cha plan on doing after this thing lands?"

"Well... I've heard the water here is great; probably going to swim for a while." Seconds after that last word slipped past his lips, a firm hand took hold of his shoulder and sharply pulled him sideways.

"H-hey what are you doing?!" Derek demanded as he tried to pull himself away from his father, who had begun intently searching for something hidden in the fur on his son's neck.

"You've been swimming since the day we left. I'm just making sure you haven't grown gills or something." Frank chuckled softly as he kept his search going for nearly a full minute before giving up and patting his son's head.

"Huh, well I can't find anything. Looks like you're not part fish... yet. I still don't get how you can enjoy the water so much. Maybe I was right when I first thought your mom had slept with Bernard when she was pregnant with you."

"Bernard? You mean the mailman?"

"Yeah that's him. Probably have some otter-blood in you and would definitely explain your liking to water."

"If mom did do that, it's a good thing her nanobots kept his DNA out of me. Pretty sure an otter/stabyhoun baby would lead to one awkward situation in the delivery room." Derek joked as he fixed a bit of hair that his father ruffled up.

"Yeah that's true." Frank nodded as he peered out of the dome and saw that the ship was just over the resort.

"No wait, I take that back," He said realizing what his son said "N.S.I.P. didn't start using nanobots until your sister was nine. Oh, by the way, your mother has been wondering if you've filled out those papers to hopefully be able to have kids some day."

"Not this again." Derek groaned, obviously annoyed by just the mention of those papers.

"Yeah I know she shouldn't be bugging you so much about it, but she just wants to make sure you won't regret not sending them in down the road. Guys your age have a far better chance of getting picked to have kids when they're older than I did. Hell, your generation has far more of a chance than my grandfather, or even his father."

"I remember you telling me." After all the times the younger stabyhoun's father told him about the government's means of population control and what Adtor was like before hand, Derek could easily retell, word for word, what his dad told him.

Almost over three centuries ago, the populace of the planet had grown to a point of such overpopulation that without help, resources on the planet could no longer support the majority of people. Even with established trade between other civilizations, it barely helped in keeping the people from outright fighting over food or water. To try and combat the growing population and, in turn, ease the ever growing tension, the government passed a series of bills that lead to the creation of the Nanorobotic Sterilization and Impregnation Program, or N.S.I.P. for short.

Of course, N.S.I.P. had been built years after the bills were passed, due to the technology simply not existing at the time. It took over two hundred and eighty-one years to be precise. Like one would expect, these bills weren't met with any particularly happy response; more so from the males that the bills targeted requiring them to take medication crafted to make them sterile and unable to bare children.

For decades afterwards, the bills found resistance, but as the years passed and the population began to dwindle. Those who opposed it slowly changed their opinions as the resources that were once almost fought over became more than plentiful. During those years, it was near impossible for anyone to have children from new sets of laws that were put in place. After enough of the population had shrunk, the government created the Civil Procreation Program, what would later turn into N.S.I.P., and set up a system to allow select individuals to have children.

By the time nano technology developed enough to alter the genetics of an individual, the use of medication for males had become obsolete. After the Nanorobotic Sterilization and Impregnation Program was built, the old bills were revised and passed once more. Now, with the use of nanobots, not only males were affected by them; females, after reaching puberty, were required to receive an injection of nanobots to make them unable to give birth to children.

Since then anyone who wanted to have children had to fill out a series of documents that would give them the chance to have their nanobots reversed, allowing them to become fertile once more.

A sudden quick pat on the back brought Derek back to reality.

"I mean, it's not like you're having sex with your sister." Frank said casually, despite the topic being something that would have been better said indoors. Derek froze, his heart skipping a beat, and was thankful for having his mother's black fur to hide the sudden reddening of his cheeks.

"Oh yeah," he chocked out as sarcastically as he could "we go at it all the time, like you and mom wouldn't believe!"

Frank stood silent for a moment, just a bit longer than Derek would have liked, before burst out with a short deep laugh. "Boy, I'm really glad you weren't born with your mother's sense of humor!"


Getting out of the elevator, Margaret stepped into the brightly lit corridors of the passenger's wing. Compared to the vast amount of space from up above, the sudden change to a narrow hallway and short ceiling, just high enough that the tallest passenger (who stood at nearly six and a half feet) barely touched it, was enough to nearly give some people aboard a temporary case of claustrophobia.

The only thing that could have probably made the transition worse would have been the elevator opening up to the sight of an almost never ending hallway, from one end of the ship to the other. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. Along the inside of the ship, the passenger's quarters were broken up into several sections that could be accessed by an elevator just above it.

Stepping briskly to find her daughter, who managed to reach the elevator to the passenger's quarter before her, Margaret headed towards the room Samantha was assigned to for the duration of the trip. Making her way down the corridor to the twelfth door on the left, passing several remaining passengers who had finished packing their belongings, Margaret caught the soft sound of someone counting.

"...two zero eight nine nine eight six two eight one, no wait that's not right..."

"Knock knock," Margaret spoke softly as she rapped lightly on the wooden door "you okay sweetie? Can I come in?"

There was a brief moment of silence from within the room before the door opened partway with the quietest of squeaks. Samantha peered out around the opening of the doorway, only opening it fully when she saw who it was.

"Oh hey mom, I'm alright." Quickly steeping out of the way, Sam gestured her mother inside the moderately sized bedroom. Along one side of the room, a small dresser was firmly pushed up against the wall next to the single person bathroom; atop of it a small mirror reflected the bright fluorescent lighting from overhead. On the other side of the room lay an almost queen sized bed covered with a puffy comforter and her daughter's suitcase resting in the middle of it.

"Just got a bit stuck on pi. Got eighty seven numbers down, just can't remember what comes after six two eight..."

"Sure you're alright?"

"Yeah I am, mom."

Trying to remember the number that eluded her, Sam ruined an old trick which she learned years ago for distracting herself from how high she was from the ground. Shaking that thought from her head, she started over at the beginning of pi as she went to her suitcase and unzipped one of the pockets on it. After fishing out one of the dozen hair scrunchies (a black one that had a small amount of shine to it) she had packed, she pulled her hair back and fashioned her hair into a ponytail with relative ease.

"After we land, do you want to go to a spa or something?"

"Hm? No, no it's fine. I was actually planning on going out for a quick swim and relax on the beach. Though going to a spa does sound nice; maybe afterwards. Definitely!"

As if on cue the entire ship suddenly shook hard, Samantha froze up out of fear for the worst as the hull continued to shake for a few more seconds. Once the vibrations no longer reverberated throughout the frame, the younger stabyhoun was sure everyone on board was doomed to an explosion that was soon to follow. However, instead of shredding metal, searing heat and flames that she expected, the com system of the ship popped and the captain's familiar voice came through.

"Good evening once again everyone. It is my pleasure to announce that the Myris has successfully landed on Letar. We are not beginning our departure process and we ask everyone to please head to the designated departure areas. Have a nice day and enjoy your stay at Gale Side resort."

"Oh thank god." Samantha muttered under her breath before zipping the pocket of her suitcase up and sliding it off the bed.

"Take it you're ready to go?"


Without another word, the two made their way towards the elevator. Sam was walking just a bit faster than her mother. The ride to the top seemed much longer than the younger canid had remembered it to be, even after so many times she had already taken the lift during the trip. However, the thought of leaving and actually being on the ground occupied her mind when the elevator finally reached the top. Hastily moving forwards, she didn't register the sight of her father and brother, who were waiting for a ride down to get them, until she was already bumping into her brother.

"Whoa there missy, where's the fire?" Frank asked his daughter while she backed away from Derek.

"Sorry." She said, rather embarrassed from what happened.

"Now that we're all here we can finally get going, though that's if Sammy doesn't leave us behind first." Frank teased.

Folding her ears back slightly, Samantha made sure to slow herself down and staying just behind her brother as the family of four began heading towards one of the several exits. Thankfully enough for the female canine, the nearest exit, one place she had been looking forwards to going to when the Myris had taken off back on Adtor, was located just off center in the nearby casino section of the ship.

The second largest area on the top of the cruise liner, just slightly smaller than main swimming pool, half dozen Jacuzzis and a few children pools were combined. Past the second elevator leading down to the second passenger's quarters, dozens upon dozens of various gambling machines and card tables; resting on bright red circular carpets, filled the deck. Some of which, for one day and a very, very brief amount of time, Samantha and Derek were able to play after their father convinced Margaret to let them. It wasn't that the two siblings were underage either; both were old enough to legally gamble, though Derek just barely qualified thanks to his birthday just a few months ago, their mother just didn't want them to get addicted to it like their uncle was.

Passing row after row of green cloth covered tables, they quickly closed the distance to the way off the ship. A growing line of families and couples stood patiently waiting for two stewards to open the exit, each diligently working in an enclosed control room beside an arched doorway, that itself only served to separate the entire inside of the ship from another airtight door. Outside, several large moveable staircases were worked into place to connect with these doors so everyone had a means of getting onto the ground.

After each staircase clasped firmly into their proper places, each set of control room enclosed employees punched in a series of numbers into their terminal, angled just enough that no one could see what they put in, and turned a small silver key at the same time.

Moments later, a sudden hiss came from the doorways leading to outside, several people in line, including Derek, jumped slightly from the noise and the inner door slid open with ease. Seconds later, the outer door followed the first and the stewards signaled that the vacationers were able to leave.

No longer bound to the confines of the ship, streams of people flowed out and down the staircases to the ground. Quickly the line diminished as more and more people left, heading off towards the resort. Three minutes later and all four stabyhouns found themselves outside for the first time in just over a week; Samantha sighing with relief after a deep lungful of air.

"Hold it." Frank said immediately after hearing Derek mutter something about the ocean. Although he had directed what he said at his son, both siblings turned to face him.

"You're not going anywhere near the ocean yet, not until we get the rest of our bags and put them up in our rooms."

Derek practically whined like a feral, being denied doing something he loved; even if it was to do something that wouldn't take very long to do. Samantha giggled softly watching her brother's shoulders sag in, what could have been, mock disheartenment as he nearly immediately started scuffling his feet along the landing pad.

Frank shook his head lightly as he walked up to his son and firmly patted his back, right between the shoulder blades.

"You know, the faster we get this done the faster you can go swimming right?"

A small grin grew across the younger male's muzzle. "I know and I can wait. I mean it's not like I'm obsessed over swimming."

"Really? Could'a fooled me after this past week. Surprised you're not permanently pruned from how long you were in that pool."

"Hey you can't expect me not to keep practicing my strokes when there's a giant pool to swim in."

Clearing her throat with a cough to catch the attention of her father and brother, Samantha hoisted up her suitcase with one arm.

"Don't mean to interrupt you two, but could we please get our rooms and drop these off? I really don't want to be lugging this around all day."

Without another word, the four canines continued making their way to the resort. Yards away from them, Gale Side towered over head above the treetops swaying softly in a gentle warm breeze. Light from the afternoon sun reflected brightly off of the windows of the upper rooms near the top of the building.

Various forms of colorful flora grew along the path towards the resort; some of the plant life seemed to grow nearly unhindered as it spilled over and onto the concrete path. By no means did the slight overgrowth mar the scene around them. In a strange way, it enhanced the natural beauty of the forest and man-made structures.

Passing by numerous flowers and a few different types of fungi growing at different heights on the trees, the Ross family stopped on several occasions to look at the differing plant life that wasn't found on their home world. Even a few times for a couple plants with colors, they had never seen before. Distracted throughout the majority of the way to the resort, much like the other families (especially a pair of beavers who were very interested in the variation of trees growing on the planet) everyone found themselves on the doorstep to Gale Side faster than they thought it would take.

Going past the automated glass doors, they found the lobby bustling full of staff and guests; some of whom were loading their luggage into conveyor belts, depositing the mass of suitcases into a baggage cart ready to deliver them to a secondary ship to transport the luggage anywhere in the planetary system.

No longer gawking at the surroundings, at least for the moment, Samantha noticed an empty spot at the front counter and managed to quickly nab it before another vacationer could.

"Welcome to Glade Side Miss, how may I help you?" Asked a very lively male squirrel behind the counter, his bushy tail twitching every so often behind him. On his chest, a strip of gold shinned brightly in the artificial light with the name 'Robert' on its front.

"Actually she's with us." Frank chuckled as he and the rest of the stabyhoun family caught up with Samantha.

"We're one of the winners for the contest held back on Adtor."

"The one for the Myris?"

Frank nodded with a smile. "Yep, that's the one."

"Congratulations. Now despite you winning an all-expenses paid trip here, you have been told that, due to our other visitors, you'll only be able to get two rooms, yes?"

"Yes sir."

"Your ID please." The squirrel asked, still just as cheery as he was when greeting Sam, even though he seemed a bit rushed while the line behind the stabyhouns grew longer. Handing over a small plastic card, the elder canine only had to wait a moment as the fluffy tailed rodent typed something into his computer.

"Let's see here... ah, here you are. With your stay here is being paid for you, you and your family are entitled to two suites while you're here. I can have any extra luggage you may have brought to them now if you wish." Moving to a wall lined with keys, specially designed to only work for the room it belongs to, hanging from hooks Robert plucked two brass keys off of the wall.

Before handing the keys over, the bushy tailed male hesitated for a moment. "Because of recent problems with a celebrating sports team from Rorip, only room thirty five has an undamaged single bed at the moment. Is that going to be a problem with you, Sir?"

"Oh no, no, that's actually quite perfect. Thank you." Frank replied accepting the keys with one hand.

Getting back his ID, Frank gave the room clerk four strips of papers with a series of digits on them, the same digits also found on their extra bags. After getting directions to get to their suites and assured that their luggage will be waiting for them inside, or being delivered as they get to the rooms, the elder canid politely finished up talking with the room clerk.

Rounding the corner, they found that the lobby was a lot larger than they first thought. Past where they entered, which seemed more like an exit compared to the rest of the place, the lobby opened up to a spacious and welcoming area lined with potted plants; including on either side of another set of glass doors leading to outside. A few vending machines were on the furthest side of the wall, next to an elongated bench that was occupied by a handful of tourists.

Following the directions they were given, the four made their way to a pair of elevators across from the, actual, entrance. Waiting only a moment for the doors to open, they were joined by a reptilian couple, who came to Letar on the Myris, as they stepped inside. Up thirty something floors later, with some fairly bad stereotypical elevator music, the elder canids reached their floor.

"You two get ready as soon as your bags are brought up okay? We'll meet out front afterwards." Margaret said as she and her husband stepped off.

"Alright, mom." Samantha managed to say before the doors closed again. Due to the amount of other guests still staying there the rooms, Samantha and Derek's room was just one floor above their parent's floor; something they didn't seem all too disappointed about.

One very short ride up and the two siblings stepped out onto their floor, leaving the couple behind and headed towards their room. Walking briskly down the long creamy tan hall way they came upon the door to their room, number forty-eight.

Sliding the small brass key into a black box next to the door handle, a short series of lights appeared on its top before a soft click came from the door. Going for the handle both of them were surprised when it turned on its own accord and stepping out was one of the resorts many bellhops. Pulling along a large golden colored trolley, the light brown otter was startled to find the room's soon-to-be occupants were standing outside.

"S-sorry, I was just dropping off your bags." The lutra stammered as he pulled on the trolley. Moving out of the way for the semi aquatic mammal Samantha was the first to ask the obvious.

"How did you get up here before us?"

Straightening out the trolley so the siblings had enough space to get into their room, the otter turned to face the canid female.

"Hm? Oh, I was on this floor already when that thing over there went off." He said pointing down the hallway to a light grey panel on the wall next to a laundry chute.

"That thing there is where any extra baggage is brought up. The Chute in there moves faster than the elevators so bags are ready to grab when we get here; though if I wasn't here the closest bellhop would have gotten a message on their pager."

"Wait, you guys use pagers?" Derek chuckled.

"Yep. I thought they stopped making'em centuries ago, but apparently not."

"Hey, do you know any good relaxing spots around here?" Derek asked before the bellhop could move on.

"Yeah I know a couple places like that."

Letting the two guys talk for a bit Samantha made her way into the room and let out a quiet little gasp. For the first time being in a suite, much less a hotel for that matter, the sheer size of the room itself was impressive to her. Nearly three times bigger than her and her brother's rooms put together, it didn't help much that, individually, each one was fairly small, the suite was a good two and a half times bigger and almost half that in height.

Off to the left side of the room there were two king sized beds, one having Derek's and her brother's extra suitcase on it, covered in a silken comforter. Hanging on the wall in front of the beds was a slick black plasma television, nearly the size of the wall from ceiling to floor and almost from wall to wall.

Where the TV didn't reach a large oaken door covered and from what she could manage from where she was standing and the fact the door itself was open, it led to probably just as spacious bathroom. Near the beds the entire wall wasn't even there; instead it was three large panels of glass overlooking the ocean below and heavy drapes pulled back to the sides. Though she greatly ignored looking out to see how far up she really was.

After getting over the initial awe of the room Samantha walked over to set her carry-on suitcase on the closest bed, which thankfully had the extra bag she couldn't take on the flight to Letar.

Unfortunately, thanks to her parents wanting to meet outside soon, she couldn't look around at the other things that didn't immediately catch her eye upon entering the room. Laying the suitcase in her hand onto the silk covered bed she opened it up and rummaged through it for one of her swimsuits.

Pulling out a light purple two piece, one of her favorites, she padded off towards the bathroom, which was exactly as large and impressive as she thought it would be. Figuring she'd have plenty of time to admire the work that went into the bathroom, she went about changing into her bikini.

Laying the soft cloth down on the well-polished marble sink the stabyhoun took hold of the hem to her shirt and pulled it over her head. Setting it down next to purple cloth Samantha then unhooked her bra next, freeing her small breasts, though still gorgeous and a very fitting size for her body, to the world.

Slipping the first item of her two-piece on, Sam hooked her fingers under the waist band of her tight jeans and panties and pulled them down. Just as she did, her brother opened the door to the room. Walking past the bathroom while she was in the process of bending over fully, giving him a full view of her lush rump and tail swaying barely enough to show the puffy pink lips of her nether regions, she stopped in the doorway of the bathroom and grinned cheekily.

"Heh, well now... isn't that a wonderful view." She heard him chuckle in a rather throaty voice. Heat slowly rose in her cheeks as she realized she had forgotten to shut the door, Samantha glanced back, not moving an inch even as she watched his eyes roam over her half naked body hungrily.

If it had been some other older sister being stared at in such a way by her younger brother, after walking in on her while she was bent over, there would have been yelling for him to get out and afterwards a long silence between the two. However that was only if it was a different older sister and a different little brother.

Unlike most, if not almost all, siblings Samantha and Derek's relationship was far closer than what society thought was 'right' or allowed. Years ago, when their parents were at work, Samantha's higher than normal sex drive, a rare side effect from the nanobots, had gotten the best of her and her normal means of reliving herself just wasn't doing it for her.

After a fairly quick moment of debating with herself, she went to find her brother and surprised him with one of the most shocking bargains one sibling can offer another. Thankfully enough for her, she had caught him when he was "reading" one of his favorite magazines he usually had hidden away from their parents. After that day the two always helped each other out if they needed some "stress relief", or if either was just interested in a good lay.

Even with such a relationship, the two never saw each other being anything more than just siblings and neither had any real interest in going any farther than that. Though that still didn't stop them from joking around about seeing if someone they were with would be interested in joining a bit of incestuous fun.

"You going to go change too?" She asked grinning back at him, just as big as his own, as she noticed a slight twitch in the bulge of his shorts.

"Considering it... Think mom might come get us if we have a little fun first?" Samantha paused as she stepped out of her pants, rolling the thought over in her mind.

"Hmm... god knows I need it after taking your bet, but..." She trailed off, thinking about the bet and the long, agonizing, nine days of not being able to get any sexual relief while her little brother teased her every chance he got. Grabbing the last piece of her swimsuit and bending back over to slip one foot in, then the other, and pulled the thin cloth up.

Gathering up her clothes she turned around and faced her sibling. "I'd rather not risk mom catching us."

Derek simply chuckled deeply at her remark as he moved over to let her pass by.

"Oh really? So what do you call getting me to eat you out under the table at Sarah's party?"

"That? That was just uhh... some stress relief that I needed."

"Mhm." He said watching his sister put her clothes into her suitcase.

"You know I'm surprised you were able to last so long." He said walking over to his own bag as he stripped his shirt off.

"I honestly thought you'd cave in before we got here."

"Yeah, well you sure as hell didn't make it easy, but now," she growled softly, propping her elbows up on her bag and resting her head in her hands "you got to do whatever I want until we get back home."

Hearing that all too obvious hint of mischievousness in her voice almost caused a chill to run up his spine.

"You're uhh... gonna go easy on me right?" He asked nervously.

She just kept smiling, not saying anything to him.


"See you outside." Was her only response to his request as she left, the large toothy grin she wore, which she only made when she had something very naughty in mind, made him almost instantly regret ever thinking of his bet. Or, at the very least, working harder to try and get her to fail.

Left alone in the room the younger stabyhoun glanced down at his bed and felt a phantom pain in his hips. The last time he had heard her talk like that, his eighteenth birthday to be precise, he woke up tied to his bed and her riding him until he was walking funny the next several days.

Several minutes later all four were back down at floor level, outside the main doors to the hotel.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Margaret asked looking up and down the strip at all the shops, restaurants and other buildings there for people to go to.

"Well I'm pretty sure Derek and Samantha were going to go head to the beach." Frank said pointing out the obvious since the two had changed into swimwear and each carried a decent sized hotel towel for guests to use when going to the beach; something the oldest sibling seemed to forget to grab on her way down.

"Yeah and I wasn't going to spend a whole lot of time swimming anyways, so me and you could go to a spa afterwards." Samantha chimed in.

"Oh, right. Your father and I were planning on going after this. That's why I had mentioned it after I went to check if you were alright or not."

"I don't mind if we go later then, if you want. This is our first day here so it's probably not a bad thing if we go do whatever instead of planning the day out."

"Personally I like the sound of that." Derek said with a grin.

"How about we all do what we want and meet back up for dinner?" Frank suggested, not too keen on spending half the day discussing what they should do.

Thankfully for them all, that last proposal was something they were able to agree on without much trouble. Settling on a rough time frame for them to meet up, they went on their separate ways; though not before Margaret had told the younger stabyhouns to be careful.

Walking down to the beach took little time due to it being practically on the resort's doorstep. Various species of nearly all types were enjoying themselves on the warm pink-ish sand, while many more splashed around in the shallow waters.

"Hey Sam, did you know that despite how dark the water is here, no one has ever gone missing here?" Derek asked rather enthusiastically as he stared out at the dark blue ocean. Unlike her brother Samantha was far more interested in ogling a Dalmatian lifeguard who was busy pointing something out to a scrawny fruit bat; following where the lifeguard was pointing and noticed a long row of changing booths.

"Sam, is this a good spot?" Derek asked, pulling his sister out from her thoughts.

"Umm yeah." She responded, feeling her cheeks start to heat up at the idea that popped into hear head. Without missing a beat her brother laid his towel out on the sand and trotted his way down to the water, splashing into the oncoming waves as he dove in the moment he reached deep enough water.

Gliding through the water with the skill gained from years of practice, the same skill that came as a natural talent to semi-aquatic mammals, Derek easily swam down towards the sea floor. Passing the submerged bottom half of other vacationers without disturbing what they were doing, he reached the sandy bottom in mere moments.

Even with the waters being fairly dark and hard to clearly see a few feet away from him, the depth to the bottom wasn't that to far off of a distance to swim through. Reaching the bottom the seemingly aquatic canine kept his body just above the surface of the sea floor, the slow gentle movements from his feet and tail kicking up the sand in a miniature swirling cloud of dust.

Thanks to hours upon hours of breathing control allowed him to stay where he was for some time, while he tried to peer through the deep blue darkness. Looking around for a good while, he ignored the ever increasing need to breathe and the light burning sensation from his lungs until he barely caught a glimpse of a pale white light near a gradual slope to even deeper water.

A moment later and his black furred head broke though the surface of the water to take in several lungfuls of air. Once he got control over his breathing, Derek headed out towards the area above the light he saw.

Not even a minute later he reached the spot he thought was over that strange light and immediately he found couldn't go any further. It wasn't that he didn't want to go further, but that it was literally impossible to; moving his hand forwards he pressed it firmly against what was an invisible wall, until the area around his palm lit up in a purple glow.

He had only read about what this thing was in the brochure about Glade Side, and a few other places back on Adtor, but didn't really believe it until now. Due to the oceans of the planet being such a deep blue color, it was really easy for anyone to not see any of the wild sea creatures under the water. And from Letar having some fairly dangerous predatory sea life, building a vacation resort like Gale Side and letting anyone go out into the ocean wasn't the best of business decisions from the repercussions that could occur.

That was until a particularly peaceful race, whom believed the use of violence to be a sin against all life and were very adept at constructing various shields and barriers to protect themselves, had shared some of their technology to other races as an offering of peace, just a few years before the construction of Gale Side began. With such technological engineering the CEO for the resort had one particular barrier installed to ensure the safety of anyone that wished to swim in the dark water. It was a simple function really, keep anything living on the outside from getting in, and keep anything living on the inside from getting out.

Interestingly enough, Derek noted that as he ran his hand across the purple barrier, it didn't seem to hinder the flow of water in any way.

Distracted trying to figure out how something like this worked in such a way, the male stabyhoun didn't notice a shift in the water behind him, coming ever closer while he examined the many shades of purple created by his hand touching the barrier. Nor did he hear the soft splash of water as it came to a near halt behind him, right before dipping below the surface.

However, what he did notice was something brushing lightly against his tail, then tug on it lightly. Spinning around as quickly as he could in water Derek half thought the barrier failed and something had gotten through. Another brush against his and the startled male dipped his head underwater to find whatever it was that was touching him, only to see nothing from the ocean's dark color.

Bringing his head back up, he nearly jumped out of his skin feeling something wrap around his waist and pull him backwards.

"Hey there little brother." He heard the familiar voice of his sister purr behind him, as he briefly struggled to get free of what he thought was a monster about to drag him underwater.

"Sis?!" Derek exclaimed after calming down enough to realize what had a hold of him.

She just giggled softly wrapping her other arm around his body, though a fair bit lower than the first. "Well aren't you observant today?"

"W-what are you doing?" He asked, feeling that lower arm continue downwards until the tips of her fingers brushed against his trunks. A brief moment later and he felt those fingers slip underneath the waistband and move further down, stopping as they reached his limp shaft.

"Oh nothing, just thought I'd have some fun with you is all." He could almost feel her grinning when she said that, emphasizing what she meant by curling her digits around his length and giving it a light squeeze.

Stiffing up, in more ways than one, Derek bit his tongue as Samantha used her thumb to rub slow deliberate circles just under the mushroom shaped head of his shaft. From years of sharing such intimate contact with each other, it wasn't at all surprising she knew just what buttons to push to affect his body the most, just like he knew what pleased her the most.

Watching all the people on the shore enjoy themselves as his head bobbed up and down with the ocean, Samantha's head just behind his so she wasn't seen, Derek couldn't help but wonder how much fun his sister was having stroking him past half mast out in the open like this.

It wasn't the first time she'd done something like this, thanks to her higher libido often getting the better of her, nor would it be the last from the rush they both got out of it. There was something about doing such a taboo-ish act out in the open, the rush they both got out of the chance to be caught together in a way society deemed wrong, that both siblings enjoyed so much.

"Mmm, you know, brother," she growled softly into the back of his ear "you should really relax; we are on vacation after all."

With that she took hold of his trunks and pulled them down enough to make it easier for her to continue stroking his stiff prick. Although Derek never consider himself on the large side, the elder sibling couldn't help but shiver as her hand glided over his handful of warm flesh.

She smiled to herself feeling his body sag ever so slightly as Derek relaxed in his sister's grip. He wasn't the only one getting worked up either from her movements either. With both arms around her little brother, Samantha found she wasn't able to attend to her own growing needs. Feeling the base of his tail, where it attached to his body, rubbing ever so slightly between her legs, just enough to barely touch her clit, Samantha found herself becoming fairly restless just pleasuring her brother.

Not to mention that nine days of sexual frustration was starting to boil over and she was very certain that he could feel the heat radiating from her mound through the cool water. Only able to take so much Samantha stopped fondling his member and gingerly pulled his trunks up over it, pinning it to his stomach.

"W-why'd you stop?" Derek whined as he looked over his shoulder to see his sister grinning wide.

"Changing booths."


"Near the lifeguard. Meet me in the middle booth in five minutes." She growled playfully, licking his cheek.

"Don't be late." She said just before diving underwater and disappearing from view. A few moments later and she found herself wading onto the pink sandy beach. The grin from before returning in earnest as she glanced back at her brother, watching him stare at her with that familiar hungry look in his eyes.

Not wanting to waste any more time than she did while getting to the shore, Samantha turned her attention to the changing booth and the plans she had. Striding quickly towards the booths she couldn't help the shiver that came over her; both at her thoughts and the excitement that came over her in the water causing her nipples to perk up and rub against the rough inner fabric of her bikini top as she moved.

Passing by a handful of vacationers lying out to soak up the sun, the idea of them knowing what she had just done to her brother and her plans for him popped into her head, causing her already wet bikini bottom to become just little more soaked.

Almost three minutes had passed by, by the time she had reached the booth she told her brother to go to and pulling the door open, she was glad no one was currently using it. If someone else was in it when Derek arrived... it diffidently wouldn't have ended well for the person her hot and bothered brother might have walked in on.

Stepping inside and closing the door she found herself in an area just big enough to barely fit two people, though for the siblings needs it was the perfect size. Ahead of her a small plank rested on the wall for people to sit down when they changed. Next to it on the wooden wall, hung a metal container with black pouches in it; probably something for people to put their stuff in, so it's not stolen while they go out for a swim. Resting herself on the bench, the little glimmer from a small locking mechanism on the door caught her eye.

It occurred to her that getting up and locking it would make it impossible for some random stranger to walk in on her, and get the surprise of a lifetime. Getting up to unlock it when her brother showed up it wouldn't be all that much trouble either, but the rush she got from knowing at any moment someone could open that door and find her increased the sensation of her hand running through her soft stomach fur nearly tenfold.

Slowly running her right hand up her trim tummy to her right breast, groping it firmly through her bikini top, her other hand slipped down towards her mound. A moment later after its decent, that black fur covered hand reached its destination and Samantha bit her lower lip, whimpering softly, feeling her fingers trailing along the outside lips of her pussy.

Pressing her fingers a bit firmer against the cloth covering her pussy, Samantha tilted her head back, closing her eyes as she squeezed the small mound in her right hand once more. Before long the hand squeezing and groping her breast found its way under the fabric and the hard nipple sticking out amongst the soft fur; pinching the nub every so often and adding to the pleasure coming from teasing her mound.

That too didn't last long, thanks to her near hyper sex drive and nine days of Derek teasing her relentlessly without her being able to take care of herself; Samantha peeled the thin wet cloth to the side allowing her furred digits to finally come in contact with her equally wet sex. Far to pent up for any more solo foreplay she spread her legs apart slightly for easier access to herself and ran her middle finger along the lips of her treasure, adding her own juices to the drying water on her fur, before quickly tucking the digit inside with a gasp.

Pulling the now fairly soaked finger out, she groaned softly as it was just as quickly pushed back in. Once more it was removed from her slick tunnel only to thrust it back in, smoother and faster now without the slight stopping in between, while her other hand worked to message her breasts and tweak one of the stiff nipples poking out into the air.

Unfortunately for her, her solo session was short lived from her not keeping track of time. Just as she was in the middle of pushing two of her digits into her hot depths and her little brother stepped inside, opening the door enough to let himself inside without anyone being able to see his sister fingering herself.

A fresh, low, moan escaped her lips as she continued to play with herself as he shut the door behind him, gawking at her near naked form. The throb from his slightly bulged trunks, an obvious approval of the position he caught her in, only caused a smile to cross her narrow muzzle.

Derek himself was wondering if she had planned for him to walk in on her like this; bikini bra pulled over both small mounds with one hand groping a breast. The other had two fingers tucked inside herself and her juices, clearly visible in what light was sipping through the cracks in the booth, spilled out over the bench and her left hand.

Samantha didn't stop playing with herself the entire time he gawked at her either, or when she spoke between pants, voice husky and lustful all the while. "H-hey there little brother... where've you been?"

"Sorry sis, got a bit distracted out there." He said half-jokingly, one of his hands moving down to the waistband of his trunks. In truth he had only taken a guess at how long he'd been waiting outside, while trying to maintain his erection underwater without getting caught and it wasn't necessarily easy trying to do both at the same time. "But I can definitely think of a way to make it up to you."

Letting out a throaty growl of approval, she pulled her drenched fingers free from between her legs and spread those puffy pink pussy lips Derek greatly enjoyed, apart.

"Well then don't just stand there, get your butt over here."

One step towards his sister though and the male canid was, to his dismay, immediately stopped.

"Hold on, mind locking the door please? Don't want someone walking on us doing it right?"

Although the prospect for such a thing to happen greatly enticed her more voyeuristic side, getting caught having sex with her brother of all people, and the possibility of having to explain that to their parents was a risk she didn't want to take. Even after risking someone walking in on her playing with herself, just moments ago.

Quickly locking the door so no one could get in, Derek turned his attention back to the sister he had enjoyed teasing over the past nine days. Roughly two or so steps forwards and he found himself in front of his older sibling, nose twitching every so often as the musky scent coming from his sis slowly filled the small space they were in.

Guiding Derek down to his knees Samantha carefully adjusted herself on the bench, while he moved forwards to nuzzle and kiss her inner thigh. After all the time they spent together like this, he could practically read all the little signs her body gave off; the way her back arced as his kisses trailed upwards. The way her tail twitched when he combed his hands up her sides, until they came to reach her breasts and he cupped them softly, and the cute little moan that pass her lips when his hovered over her crotch to touch her pubic fur.

To anyone that had no knowledge of their relationship and the agreement the two had come to, such actions might have come off as romantic. However, that was not the case. Each placement of his lips and hands were but a predetermined strike to some of the spots that affected her most. Not to mention that he knew just how much she needed this, which meant he also knew exactly how to tease her even further.

So with a mischievous grin on his muzzle, one that paled in comparison with hers, Derek lolled his tongue from his maw and slowly dragged it just barely along the outside of her pink lips. The frustrated little growl she made while his tongue lapped at the silky short fur on either side of her lips, only served to edge him on.

Eagerly cleaning up the feminine juices soaking her cunt Derek gave a light squeeze to her soft breasts. After a few more minutes of kneading those wonderful mounds he very much enjoyed playing with, the younger canine left them alone for a moment and brought his hands down her front. Slowly running them along the outside of her thighs, grasping her knees to spread her legs apart just a little farther, while he switched to the other half of her treasure after he was satisfied what he was working on had been cleaned up enough.

His sister on the other hand, wasn't enjoying her brother's tantalizing licks and touches as much as he was. Feeling his hands slowly run up her inner thighs, short blunt nails gently scraping against her skin, and warm tongue barely coming in contact with her groin sent a dim twinge of the delight she sought for through her form.

To her great displeasure, grinding herself against his maw proved to be ineffective in getting the pleasure she wanted. Each eager thrust of her hips Derek countered by pulling his head back, forcing her to experience the same constant teasing for what felt like ages to her. Only moving one hand to grasp her hip and using the other to very lightly rub the hood of her clit during the entire time.

After a few more minutes under her brother's treatment Samantha finally had enough. Raising one leg up onto his shoulder and then the other, something Derek didn't seem to pay any mind to, she swiftly crossed her legs together behind his head and tightened them together, drawing it forwards with no chance to pull away this time.

"Will you fucking stop teasing and eat me out already?" She practically snarled, panting fairly hard out of sexual frustration as she looked down at her little brother locked between her legs and squeezed her thighs together a bit more to get her point across.

'Too bad you weren't like this on the ship.' Derek thought as he fulfilled his sister's wish.

The moment that rough tongue of his touched her soaked folds, Samantha's entire body shivered from the contact, head leaning back against the wall as she muttered 'finally' to herself. Another swipe and her form sagged a little, legs releasing their hold on his head enough that his task wasn't wholly uncomfortable. That didn't exactly stop all of him from being uncomfortable; having been ignored since the younger canine entered the booth, Derek's length throbbed needfully, forcing his trunks to tent outwards, for attention.

Although it would have been easy to reach down to free his shaft, he decided against it. Enjoying himself far too much to deal with his own needs, Derek tended to further pleasuring his elder sister. The deep satisfied groan she made as his flexible tongue slipped inside her depths and pulled back out to swirl around her clit, along with the strong taste of her in his maw did help in making his final decision.

Not dwelling on the wants of his own body, the younger canine repeated that same lick and whirl motion again and again; watching his sibling writhe above him, while trying to keep herself from being too loud and getting them caught.

Biting her lower lip to stifle a gasp from a particularly deep swipe of that dexterous tongue, Samantha's right hand moved down to rest atop his head, while he continued to slurp away at her mound. As the minutes passed her brother altered how to please his sibling; altering between using his tongue and slipping a finger or two inside her tunnel, all the while never ceasing to pay close attention to her clitoris.

"Thaaaat's it, little brother." She cooed breathlessly, scratching behind on of his ears. Tilting her head back again, closing her eyes as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her. Little sparks shot up her spin causing her hips to twitch to the point that Derek wrapped his arms around her legs to keep her from moving.

All the while a familiar pleasant warmth rapidly began to build at her crouch and work its way up her form. Letting out a soft whine she gripped a handful of hair and pulled his head firmly against her mound.

"Oh yesss, just a bit more." Samantha hissed, tail wagging hard enough to make a soft slapping sound between his legs. Then he pushed forwards a bit more, cold nose bumping against her clit as his tongue delved further inside and bumped against an especially sensitive spot.

"Right there! Oh fuck, right there!" She practically squealed, half forgetting, and caring, their whole reason to be quiet in the first place. Derek wondered, though only for a split second, if anyone outside the four wooden walls had heard his sister, before he obliged Samantha's plea and focused his attention on that spot inside her.

Not long after that, the only sounds that came from the two siblings was the soft lapping from Derek and Samantha's labored breathing, along with the light swishing of her tail against the ground.

And even that didn't last more than several minutes, after the older stabyhoun leaned over and took hold of Derek's hair with both hands to keep him from going anywhere, in turn burying a good inch of his muzzle past her folds. Though the chances of that happening while he quickly worked to clean up Samantha's addicting fluid were slim to none.

Glancing up Derek gave a quiet groan of his own, watching his sister's face contort with pleasure, muttering some obscene word over and over again, until her entire form jerked suddenly. In that instant the grip on his hair grew tighter, the hot tight walls of her tunnel clamping down hard around his snout. Another second later, with the help of her clenching pussy, a torrent of female ejaculant flowed heavily over his appendage and around his snout, as she let out a long, drawn out, silent moan. Being practically doused with her feminine fluids Derek never stopped furiously rubbing her stiff love button, doing everything he could to extend his sister's climax.

"God damn did I need that..." Samantha sighed contently after she finally came own from her euphoric high, slumping backwards on the bench while she took a moment to enjoy the pleasant tingling sensation of afterglow. Feeling the grip on his hair lessen Derek pulled himself away from his sister's crotch.

"I can tell." Derek snickered licking his soaked chops briefly while he sat back on his haunches. Samantha giggled too watching him lean back, and smirked when she noticed the straining tent in his shorts.

"Mmm, looks like you could use some help yourself. Here," she started, carefully standing up in the small space "take a seat and let your big sis take care of you."

"Yes ma'am." Derek growled playfully as he stood up, hands moving to grip the waistband of his trunks to pull them down, while he and his older sibling switched spots in the booth. In the midst of getting changing spots, Samantha glanced down just in time to catch the sight of her little brother's shaft sliding out into view. Both siblings shivered slightly as they pressed against each other, rotating around so Derek was just in front of the bench and his sister was where he once was, causing the exposed portion of his length to rub between their furred bodies.

Once they were finally situated how the elder canine wanted, Samantha pushed down on the younger canid's shoulders forcing him to sit down. A swift tug later and she pulled his semi-wet swim trunks past the younger stabyhoun's knees and to the ground; his male musk immediately rising upwards to start filling out the small space they were in.

Hesitating for only a moment to consider what to do, Samantha stepped forwards to straddle Derek resting her knees on either side of his hips. Seconds later groan escaped Derek's lips, slightly louder than he'd meant to make it, at the familiar warmth of his sister's swollen slit grinding against his steel hard cock, slickening it up with her juices.

Samantha grinned cheekily at his reaction, wrapping her arms around his neck while she continued to press her folds on his member. Moving her muzzle close to Derek's right ear so he could clearly hear her hushed, lust filled question. "You ready?"

Derek simply nodded in response, grunting as he drove himself forwards to meet his sister's movements earning a short giggle from the elder canine. Taking a moment to lift herself off his lap, making sure his length was lubed up enough with her feminine fluids, she gingerly took hold of his prick and held it up pointing at her moist treasure.

Pushing down firmly on the rounded head against her lips, both siblings gave a quiet groan feeling the head of Derek's prick suddenly slipped inside Samantha's hot tunnel. Inch after inch of his steel hard maleness slowly worked its way into her while she carefully settled herself down into his lap. After a few more moments pasted, and what felt like half of her little brother's shaft residing inside her, Samantha let out a soft growl as she rose up off of Derek's cock and all but forced herself into his lap, taking every inch he had to offer.

"F-fuck..." Derek grunted feeling the tight warmth suddenly enveloping his shaft. His sister didn't give him much time to get used the feeling either, already picking herself up just seconds after saying anything.

With just the round head of his pick between her folds Sam drove herself back down, just as hard as before. Firmly grinding herself against his groin, Samantha shivered in delight from the mixed sensations of his short-ish pubic fur tickling her clitoris and that girthy length throbbing inside of her. The female stabyhoun repeated her up and down motion, quickly finding an easy steady rhythm as she bounced on Derek's lap; squeezing down on him with every rise and relaxing herself with each downwards stroke.

Derek himself had taken to gripping her rump, kneading the tight cheeks softly, while his sister rode him at her usual pace. Not one to make a whole lot noise during any kind of intercourse, even while he was alone, Derek rolled his head back, letting out a deep throaty groan from the pleasure coursing through his body.

Squeezing her rump tighter in his grip on a particularly hard downward thrust, forcing his hips up as best he could, given the position they were in, to drive his cock deeper into her, the younger canine nearly bit his tongue to keep back a loud moan as his cock throbbed hard against his sibling's tight walls.

"You a-alright there, Der? You're a-ah-cting like you're gonna blow already." Samantha asked, slowing her pace down slightly.

"V-very," Derek panted hard trying to keep himself from moaning too loud "you -hah, fuck I'm close- you weren't the only one not getting any relief during the flight here."

"What?" Although she clearly heard what he said, what he meant by it didn't quiet register in her sex idled mind.

Derek smirk slightly to himself while he leaned forwards and licked his sibling's neck affectionately, something that wasn't completely easy with her continuing to ride him.

"You didn't think I'd let you suffer alone with that dare, did you?" With what he said explained Samantha stopped her movements all together as she stared at her grinning brother. A grin of her own spread across her muzzle before she picked up her pace once more.

"Heh, if that's the case," she said as she grasped one of the male staby's hands and brought it around to the point where their groins met "I'll have to think of something really special for the "suffering" you went through, if you don't mind getting this for me."

"Mmm I like the sound of that." Derek growled nipping at Samantha's neck softly while he pressed his thumb firmly against her hard clit.

Samantha's entire body tensed as Derek began feverishly rubbing at that swollen nub, inadvertently causing her inner muscles to clamp down around his prick and a breathless moan to come from her brother. Each pass of the rough pad on her brother's finger sent bolts of pure ecstasy racing up her spine, making the older canine bite into the younger staby's shoulder to muffle a fresh series of gasps and groans to keep from, hopefully, being heard by anyone outside.

Panting hard through her nose Samantha wrapped her arms around Derek's waist, hugging him close as she felt his shaft throb hard within her. Although that made it hard for him to stimulate her like she wanted, Derek continued as best he could while his own climax came ever closer.

With that familiar pressure in his loins increasing by the second, he had half a mind to stop what they were doing long enough for him to get into a better position to eagerly thrust into his sister. However such a thing was destined to stay as just that, a thought. After nine days of teasing his sister, and in turn himself, the intense need for release that burned within him saw to keep the stabyhoun from doing anything but try to bury himself as deep as he could into his sibling.

"Yeah, that sounds cool. Just let me change alright?" Came a deep male voice from outside the booth.

Both siblings tensed up hearing the handle jiggle as the person outside tried to get in; if it wasn't for Samantha's hindsight in having Derek lock the door, whoever was outside would have gotten quite the surprise catching them in the position they were in.

Just thinking about what might have happened if the door had swung open, whether the stranger would have made a scene for discovering two people being intimate in such an area, or simply leave and let them finish up, sent a mixed rush of pleasure and adrenalin through Derek's form, practically launching him over the edge of his long awaited climax.

Samantha shivered in delight, biting down on her brother's shoulder to suppress a deep moan as she ground harder against him, feeling his cock stiffen up just before jerking suddenly, over and over, sending what felt like volleys of his hot essence deep inside her. Gasping out in a breathless whine Derek's body convulsed under his elder sibling as he rode out his climax, the sounds from outside, including the sound of the person trying to get in moving on to a different booth, becoming nothing more than distant roars while he held onto his sis tightly.

Each new onslaught of pleasure accompanied by his balls contracting against his body, sending its contents upwards and outwards into the female staby's depths; Samantha herself held Derek close to her, nuzzling into his neck the whole time, and murring softly from the warmth spreading through her body with each pulse and throb of his shaft.

Close to a full minute had gone by feeling her brother empty himself into her, easily outlasting the first time their parents nearly caught them together, before she felt that hot sticky flow begin to wane to a slow trickle. Soon afterwards Samantha felt his body sag slightly beneath her, a large satisfied grin plastered across his face.

"Mmm, you seem like you enjoyed yourself." Samantha cooed, nipping at her brother's chin while he took a moment to catch his breath, gasping in deep breaths of warm musky air.

"Ooooh yea." Derek groaned feeling his sister's come painted walls clench down around his prick to make sure everything he had to offer was milked from him.

Pushing herself up off his lap, Samantha and Derek both shivered as the younger staby's shaft was pulled free from her treasure; the moment his head popped free his seed followed suit in a thick white dribble. Samantha let out a soft murr feeling that warm sticky substance start to slowly run down the inside of her thighs.

"You know whenever you find a girlfriend I'm going to have to warn her about how productive you can be, right?"

"Whenever I do find a girlfriend, I don't think she'd be happy to know I've been fucking my sister." Derek countered as she settled back down on his lap with a giggle. Resting against him the two stayed like that for some time, simply enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies in the mist of afterglow.

"So," Samantha said after they spent what felt like an hour together, breaking the silence that fell between them "have anything planned after we get out of here?"

"A few ideas, yeah." Derek replied, still resting his head against the backboard of the booth as he glanced down at his sibling.

"That bellhop that was in our room gave some suggestions for some stuff to do and all that. Thought I'd check the pool he said they have here, for a bit."

"A pool? Really? You do realize there's an ocean right outside of here, right?" Derek cracked a grin at that and chuckled softly, swatting his sister's rump playfully.

"And who said I was going to swim? They supposedly serve free drinks to people at the pool and I'm curious if they have anything mango flavored."

"Heh, you do remember anything we get here is already paid for. I spotted a Jamba juice just down the road; just go there if you want something with mango. You'll still be getting it for free."

"Eh," The younger canine simply shrugged "free is good, but freer is better." He grinned, sticking his tongue out at his sister.

"What about you? Got any ideas for something to do?"

"Not really." She groaned, stretching out her slightly stiff limbs after staying in one position for a tad too long. "May just walk around a bit and look at they stuff they have here."

"Mmm, sounds like plan. So when do you want to get going? Pretty sure there's at least one person that saw one of us come in here and not leave yet."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Samantha said as she started to slide off her brother's lap and grabbed her bikini bottom off the ground.

Taking a moment to redress herself, Derek doing the same though more carefully due to the limited space, the female stabyhoun stood straight and brushed down the ruffled fur of her trim stomach.

"Want me to leave first, or would you want me to?" She asked as soon as her younger sibling finished pulling his swim trunks up and tucking himself away.

"Doesn't really matter to me, but you're closest to the door." Derek grunted, arching his back enough to cause a short series of popping sounds to come from his lower back. A quick turn of the lock later and Samantha cracked the door open enough to peek through; the fresh smell of warm sand and salty ocean immediately flooding inside faint musky smelling room.

Once the coast was clear enough to not be seen Samantha quickly slipped out of the booth, thankful no one had yet noticed her leaving the changing booth as she closed the door behind her.

Just in case anyone had seen her, she gave two quick taps against the wooden door, one of several ways the two talked to each other when speaking was out of the question (this one in particular meaning 'sit tight'), and walked away. After several minutes had gone by without any sign from his sister to come out, Derek was just about starting to think she'd left him in there to wait while she was out doing whatever for who knows how long.

That was until the younger staby heard a short series of knocks coming from the back wall, a slightly altered version of the 'shave and a haircut' jingle that the two used to signal when the coast was clear.

Stepping out onto the warm sand and once again met with the pleasant heat from the sun warming up his fur, Derek set out to retrieve his towel and headed out drop it off in the hotel room before getting something to drink. Quickly tucking the sand dusted cloth under his arm while he made his way back, he found his path blocked by his sister who was making her way to him.

"Hey Derek, would you mind grabbing my towel too? I think I'm gonna see what mom and dad are up to."

"Uhhh, sure."

"Thanks!" Samantha said cheerily.

"Oh and Derek, I can't wait for tonight." She winked as that familiar, near-predatory, grin that made him shiver almost out of instinctual fear crossed her face. And like earlier in their room she turned without saying much else, though this time with a bit of a sway in her hips as she walked away.

After that the rest of the day seemed to go by fairly normally while he tried to distract himself from the fearful prospect of what his sister might have in store for him later; especially since she had won his little bet and was obliged to do whatever she wanted. Not even the retro human styled arcade down the road from the hotel helped keep his thoughts away from it.

Giving up on games, he headed back outside to see what else he could find. To his left there were several restaurants, tons of various souvenir shops and what seemed to be a couple more places like the arcade behind him. On his right there were even more places for food, a couple places for a spa or massage, and a few other buildings that he couldn't quite make out what they were.

A low rumble from his stomach caught the staby's attention, reminding him of the fact he had not had eaten since landing. Taking a moment to consider which one of the near dozen businesses to get food from, he decided to head back to the small little shop his sister pointed out that served mango smoothies.

Several minutes later with a six inch cold cut sandwich in one hand and a medium sized mango drink in the other, Derek was starting to feel a bit better while he walked down the sidewalk.

Making his way past the buildings, and eventually the hotel itself, Derek took note of the wide verity of different foods being served at the different restaurants, which was quiet impressive considering where his family lived. Eventually though he came upon the literal end of the road and the last of the fourteen establishments, the last teaching yoga to anyone interested to learn.

Quickly turning around he started his way back the way he came, noticing the sun was already halfway towards the horizon. Much like the barrier used to keep guests safe; Derek had read something about the typical day on Letar being several hours shorter than the typical twelve hour day on his own home planet.

He had thought that the brochure meant it was an hour or so shorter, but watching that yellow ball of gas fall further down the sky and the white streaked orange and pink starting to take on darker hues, the canine started to think the pamphlet had meant a fair bit more than just one or two hours. By the time he reached the hotel, the sun had nearly reached the point where the dark blue water met with the sky; hints of purple and green began mixing in with the already colorful sky as the sun continued to descend.

Figuring it better to check out the rest of what the resort had to offer when there was some daylight, the stabyhoun headed inside the hotel lobby. Once inside the well-lit building, Derek headed for one of the benches lining the walls to rest his feet.

Surprisingly, despite the growing darkness outside, there weren't all that many people inside the lobby while he looked around the room. The squirrel from earlier was still there, this time helping out a doberman couple. A jet black panther was across the room fiddling with a holographic display on some silver grey device attached to his wrist and off near the elevator three other guests were waiting for a ride up to their floors.

Only a handful of other guests had came into the hotel, or left with a friend or someone they were obviously seeing, by the time he finished his sandwich and was getting ready to head off to the room he and his sister were staying in.

"Hey, there you are! Been wondering where you went off too." Derek heard the familiar voice of his sister say after the brief sound of the automated doors opening.

Turning around he noticed Samantha was looking remarkably pristine after what they had done earlier that day; not to mention her fur seemed fluffier than normal and he could barely detect a faint fruity scent coming off her form. He didn't have enough time to guess at just how long she probably spent at the spa, before she spoke again.

"I am so taking you to the spa mom and dad went to, tomorrow."

"Take it you enjoyed yourself?"

Samantha nodded with a goofy grin. "Oh big time, I haven't felt this relaxed in ages. And the masseuse I had, god his fingers were like magic... not to mention he was really cute. So what have you been up to?"

"Oh, nothing really. Walked around, looked at the sights."

"Well that sounds like you had a whole bunch of fun." Samantha said in a mock-sarcastic tone as she stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

"So what're you going to be up to for the rest of the day?"

Derek shrugged "Not much, I already ate so I'm just gonna head up to our room and see what kind of movies they have to watch."

"Mind if I joined you?"

"If you want, but I call dibs on the remote." The younger staby said as he turned to walk towards the elevator.

One short ride up later, and some not-so-teasing gropes from his sister when she thought another guest sharing the elevator with them wasn't looking, and the two siblings reached their floor. Derek was blushing profusely when he opened the door, quickly stepped inside while trying to hide a noticeable bulge in his shorts with Samantha following suit.

A firm tug on the door and turn of the lock later Samantha let out a fit of giggles at her brother's expense. Derek felt his cheeks heat up even more, ears folding back, as he turned to face the elder canine.

"You know, when I had said I was going to watch a movie, I didn't mean grope me while I'm practically standing next to someone." He said, a hint of irritation in his voice.

"I couldn't help it." Samantha said after she was able to calm down enough to talk.

"Besides, it seemed like you were enjoying it." She giggled again, pointing at his crouch. Derek was about to say something, but stopped himself simply because she was right. After all their little 'sexcapades' in public part of her exhibitionist (and voyeuristic) side had rubbed off on him.

Instead he opted to turn around and snatched the TV remote off of the small night stand in between their beds and plopped himself down on his, before switching the large television on. Flipping through the various channels Derek noticed, out of the corner of his eye, Samantha pad over to her bed and strip out of her swimwear. Watching her slowly bend over in his direction, exposing those pink pussy lips as she pulled her bikini bottom down her legs, he felt his semi-hard shaft twitch against the fabric of his swim shorts.

Derek chuckled softly to himself as he turned his attention back to the TV; no doubt she wasn't interested in what was on and his own plans weren't going to last long, but in all honesty he really didn't mind in the slightest. With a sister like her, it was only a matter of time before she tried to jump his bones again, when they were alone.

"Find anything interesting?" She asked, striding over to the bed and climbing on top of the bed.

"Not yet." The younger canid responded as his sibling cuddled up to him.

"Mmm, I'm sure something'll come up." Samantha cooed running a hand along his chest. Derek let out a pleasant rumble at his sister's touch, feeling those short blunt nails parting his fur and scraping lightly against his skin, while her hand descended to his belly button before going back up along his chest.

Convinced that how what she had said earlier was simply his big sis messing with him, Derek let himself relax and enjoy the sensation of her fingers tracing along the light hint of muscles hidden underneath the fur of his torso. Half a dozen channels later and he finally landed on one to stay on, though he wasn't paying much attention to the comedy roast as he felt that hand wonder lower down his body.

A moment later Derek grinned when that furred hand slipped under the waistband of his shorts and brushed along his length. Wrapping her digits around his shaft the older staby found that, not to her surprise, the lack of stimulation since leaving the elevator had caused the younger canine to soften back down to a flaccid state.

That didn't stop her from continuing to message the limp appendage though, feeling it once again begin to harden to her touch. Her brother on the other hand, groaned softly as those soft finger pads rubbed against the skin of his manhood. Minutes passed while Samantha played with her brother's member, running her hand down to the base before going back up to the tip, only to repeat the movement again, until the soft length stiffened to half-mast.

"You know," Derek started, looking over Samantha's head resting on his chest to watch the bulge of her hand moving in his shorts "I've been thinking."


"Well, back on Adtor you started cuddling with me a lot."

"There something wrong with that?" She asked, momentarily leaving his shaft alone for a moment as she tilted her head back to look up at the younger stabyhoun.

"No, no there's nothing wrong with it. I was just thinking.... does this mean you're, you know, getting feelings for me?"

Samantha all but froze after hearing that, staring at him with an expression Derek couldn't make out other than possibly being surprise or shock, or even a mix of both. By the time the silence his question caused was on the verge of becoming uncomfortable, Derek was about to say something when the elder canine suddenly burst out laughing. Completely unsure as to what was funny Derek watched on while the elder canine continued to the point she was almost heaving for air.

"Y-you... actually think... just... just because..." She managed to gasp out after nearly two minutes before she finally tried catch her breath. Another few minutes later after trying, and failing, to finish her thought, she had calmed down enough to speak coherently.

"I'm sorry Der," she said after getting the last of her laughing fit out of her "you're cute'n all, but you're not that cute. Don't know how you got it into your head that me cuddling with you after we fuck meant I was starting to love, love you, but that's not gonna happen. It just be... too weird, yea know?"

"Yeah, cause us having sex isn't weird at all, but getting all lovey-dovey is." Derek pointed out as his sister sat up on the bed, to which she stuck his tongue out at him in response.

"You know I wasn't serious about that question, right?"

"Uh-huh." Samantha grinned as she leaned forwards to rub her nose against his; something they did to show their affection towards each other without need to kiss, since Derek believed such a thing is too 'romantic' for the relationship they were in. Though that didn't stop it from happening the few times they were spurred on by the moment.

"I'll believe you, but before you say something else that'll make me laugh like that again, mind taking your trunks off so I can give you that special treatment I promised earlier?"

Taking a moment to stretch out on the bed, shivering a little at the sensation of his semi-hard shaft rubbed against the fabric of his trunks, Derek grinned as the older staby moved herself between his legs.

Not one to keep Samantha waiting, the younger canine took hold of the hem of his shorts and, while lifting his hips into the air, pulled his only article of clothing downwards. One firm tug from his sister later and Derek was fully exposed to his older sibling, who had taken his shorts and tossed them onto the ground. Leaning back against the bed, Derek folded his arms behind his head with a grin as he felt his sister's eyes roam over his form.

"So, do you like what you see?" He asked spreading his legs apart more for the older stabyhoun.

"Very." Samantha growled in approval, which made Derek grin wider.

"You ready for your gift?" The elder canine asked, gripping his shaft with one and giving the taught, firm, length a squeeze. All that left Derek's lips was a low groan as she bent over and took the tip of his shaft into her warm maw.

Derek visibly shuddered feeling that rough tongue move along the underside of his shaft for the first time in what felt like forever; those near velvet soft lips sliding down his stiff prick.

Samantha out a muffled moan of her own around her brother's swollen erection, sending a pleasant, though brief, vibration from the tip of Derek's penis to his base. With half of the younger stabyhoun's cock throbbing against her tongue, Samantha used on hand to tenderly knead and message his scrotum, while moving the other to tend to the growing dampness between her legs. Drawing her head up to his tip, Samantha slowly worked her way down, then back up as she got herself into a steady bobbing motion.

Panting softly as he closed his eyes to focus on the pleasing sensations Samantha gave him, Derek moved a hand down to softly rubbing one of her ears while she worked diligently to please him. As lost to the pleasure as he was, or at least as close to it as he could be before the main event, Derek felt that hand massaging his sac shift slightly and not a second later a finger rubbing against his taint.

He didn't pay much mind to the sensation, however, as he waited for 'special' treatment Samantha had promised. The whole "taint rubbing" thing she had introduced to him months ago, was practically like when she decided to play with his family jewels; he didn't find much pleasure from it, but never really complained about it.

Minutes went by as she bobbed away on his length, the finger under his balls moving in a slow clockwise circle. Every so often its movement would change and it would go into the opposite direction, but other than that he didn't pay much mind to it. Most of his attention, however, was focused on that dexterous tongue of hers rubbing along all of his most sensitive spots right under his glands, or pushing his shaft against the roof of her mouth on each down stroke.

Gripping her head just a bit tighter in his hand he lightly thrusted himself up into her muzzle, groaning happily feeling the head of his shaft sliding easily into the hot confines of her throat. On several occasions Samantha buried her nose into his crotch in one swift downwards motion, earning a deep guttural moan from her brother as she used a swallowing motion to cause her throat to ripple around his cock.

During one of those times that finger on his taint had vanished for a moment, coming back just seconds later, though he could have almost sworn it was wet with something. He didn't pay attention to it, however, as the waves of bliss from her suckling on his length was something far more interesting to focus on.

That was until that digit had started moving lower ever so slowly down his taint, and lower until it stopped right on his pucker. Derek didn't realize what was happening immediately, and when the circling motion came back again, though his time directly on his back entrance, it actually added to what he was feeling.

Out of reflex Derek let his entire body relax under his sister's touches, which allowed Samantha to start adding a bit of pressure behind her finger. Such actions didn't go fully unnoticed to the younger stabyhoun, but never fully got through to him as time went on.

Samantha herself noticed her brother's reaction to her finger against his ring of muscle and, with a smirk, began pushing that, indeed, wet finger she had slicked up with her own juices into her little brother's rear. Though as his ring started to part for her furred digit, the older canine didn't want to spoil her fun just yet, if what was going on finally got through to the other stabyhoun.

So reluctantly she pulled her finger back and went back to the tender circles she was doing before. But that didn't stop her from doing it again sometime later, getting her finer slightly further before going back to the circular movement. And doing it again after that, which made her brother grunt and hump forwards as the tip finally entered him for a second.

By the fifth time it happened Derek had noticed what she was doing and lifted his head up, ears folding back, as he looked down at his sister. That was when he saw she, too, was looking up at him and he practically whined at the mischievous look in her eyes.

Without any more warning Samantha forced her finger forwards and that slick appendage slid into the younger canid's body.

"Sa-ah-m?" Derek groaned feeling something enter his rear, which clamped down hard onto the intruder. The only response Samantha gave was a low moan as she took the maleness in her maw down to the root again, twisting her finger while managing to wedge more of it into her sibling's backside.

He could feel his cheeks heating up rapidly when he finally realized what his sister had done, his shaft throbbed hard from the sensation of the furred appendage pushing further into his anus, rubbing against his tight inner walls. Seconds afterwards she started pulling it out to the halfway point, before pushing it forwards again and repeating the process.

In mere moments Derek found himself being fingered at a slow, but steady, pace while his sister continued to bob her head up and down, working just as hard to please him like she did minutes before.

Although it would have been easy for him to get his sister to stop, Derek never moved an inch. He never said anything, or made any attempt to make Samantha take her finger out of him; just laid there feeling it see-saw back and forth into his body.

If it wasn't for the black fur on his face, younger staby was certain that he'd be beat red when it slowly dawned on him, that what she was doing didn't feel all that bad and he was kind of enjoying the sensation.

In fact each time she pulled off his cock, he almost thought his shaft looked harder than usual, from what she was doing. Not to mention the fact he was throbbing a fair bit more than normal and there was a faint, but growing, pleasure that came with that digit touching places in his body he never would have guessed he would have gotten any kind of pleasant sensations from.

Hesitating briefly as he laid his head back down, panting lightly as he stared up at the ceiling, Derek refocused his attention on the new found feelings his sister was giving him. Each little stroke against his inner walls sent a shiver up his spine and drew a soft grunt or groan or murr from him; his shaft pulsed hard between Samantha's lips as his pre seed dripped from his tip, which the older staby swallowed down hungrily as soon as they formed.

It wasn't long after that, while he was taking note of how each strand of fur sent a pleasurable tingle throughout his form, when there was something else pressing against his ring trying to get inside him. No sooner than when it started did that new point of pressure move forwards, spreading him open even further.

Swallowing an embarrassed moan as that second intruder was finally inside him, and moving deeper in with every thrust of his sibling's hand, Derek felt himself blushing more as the strange new pleasure that came with it caused his shaft to throb even harder than before. When a third finger had joined the other two, the younger canine wasn't sure how much time had passed under his sister's treatment.

However, he did know that each passing moment brought him closer to what felt like a particularly hard orgasm; especially when one of those wriggling digits pressed against a spot that sent a wonderful jolt of pleasure up his spine and forced a surprised moan from his lips.

"Mmm, sounds like someone's enjoying themselves, though I guess that's obvious from how you're reacting." Derek practically froze up when he heard Samantha talk for the first time in what felt like hours. Ears flattening down on his skull, Derek glanced down and felt his cheeks burn when he saw the effects of what Samantha was doing to him.

Proudly standing tall in front of his sister's muzzle, his manhood pulsed, almost angrily, with each stroke of her fingers due to how swollen with blood it was. The once fleshy tan colored prick had turned to a more dark red shade, one that usually signified when he was seconds from climax, though he didn't feel just on the verge to it, and it looked like it was stiff enough to rival a steel rod.

A quick lick from Samantha's rough tongue across his sensitive tip, lapping up a new droplet of pre, brought his attention back to his grinning sibling.

"You know I'm surprised you even let me do this, but I'm really glad you did. And I can only assume from your little buddy here," she chuckled, leaning in to kiss his cock "you're getting close."

With a slow tug the elder stabyhoun withdrew her fingers from the younger canine's rear and slid off the bed.

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I say so. You're real special treat is next." Quickly turning she walked away from her confused sibling before he said a word, going over to her bed and bending over to unzip her largest suitcase and rummage through it.

Even though he didn't know what she had planned, a low rumbling groan rose from his throat when he noticed just how wet his sister was, though wet was probably an understatement. She looked absolutely soaked.

"I said close your eyes until I said so." Glancing past those familiar wet lips he caught her gaze staring over her shoulder, no doubt from the noise he had made.

"S-sorry." Derek stuttered, unsure why he found himself just as embarrassed as the first time they had had sex. A quick turn to the left and he looked away from Samantha, closing his eyes as he waited for whatever she had planned.

After that he heard Samantha resume what she was doing, humming softly while she shuffled through her clothing. The telltale clink of metal caught his attention, ears twitching as they worked to try and identify what made that noise.

Then there was a sharp snap of something opening and a lewd squelching sound, which was promptly followed by a long heated groan from his sister, which almost made him take a peek at what she was doing. Just a few seconds later and he heard the elder staby's, oddly uneasy, footsteps coming towards him and stopping just in front of his feet.

"You can open your eyes now, okay?" He didn't need to be told twice when something hard and slick pressed itself between his cheeks, rubbing along the underside of his balls.

"Wh-where'd you get that?" Derek asked, feeling himself blush heavily beneath his fur as he watched the bright pink and very feral canine shaped, strap-on that adorned Samantha's hips grind along his exposed rear.

"This thing?" She grinned, taking the fake phallus in one hand and waving it side to side.

"Had this for a long while now; brought it along for the trip just in case I got the chance to use it. And now it looks like I get to use it on you."

"Hope you're ready for this." Samantha murred while pulling her hips back. Taking hold of her "cock", the elder canine carefully lined herself up with her brother's hole and gently pressed the tapered tip forwards until it touched his ring.

Derek barely had time to utter a meep before he was being, once again, spread open. If it wasn't for her exploring fingers probing his depths, he was fairly certain the cockhead popping into his rear would have had him wincing in pain. Though the size of the toy probably helped in making it not hurt too. Just shy of what looked to be seven or so inches before it disappeared beneath his scrotum, and far less girthy than his own member, the only thing that seemed to be intimidating about it was the near fist sized knot at its base.

However, such thoughts were pushed out of his head as inch after inch of that silicone cock slid further into his once virgin passage, rubbing along his inner walls in ways that made him shudder and murr from the new pleasures coursing through him. After what felt like half of the toy was firmly stuffed inside his snug rear, Samantha had to change how she was kneeling so it was easier on her knees, forcing the stiff pseudo-shaft to grind against that mysterious spot that sent jolts of pleasure through him.

The sharp inhale of breath that resulted from it didn't go unnoticed by his sister, who had a very good idea what she was hitting, and, after putting his right leg over her shoulder, promptly took a firm hold of his hips as she drew hers back. Every bit of the musk scented air that filled his lungs came back out with a groan the moment Samantha sent her "shaft" forwards, dragging Derek's body back to add a bit of force to her thrust, aiming each inch at his prostate.

Derek didn't have any time to get used to the sudden thrust, or the sensations that came from it, before he felt the strap-on slide out until just the tip remained. Seconds later and he let loose a breathless moan as that strange full feeling came back, his shaft throbbing hard enough to spurt a small amount of pre onto his stomach.

It wasn't long after that that his sister began to steadily piston herself in and out of her brother's rear; never going any faster, or harder, as time went by. All Derek could manage while his sister effectively fucked him was let out a groan or occasional huff of breath as his body was rocked back and forth on the bed.

Despite how... odd it felt having something in his rear, more so thanks to a functionality upgrade on the nanobots to allow them to use what the body couldn't for nutrients as energy to continue working, the constant sensation of fullness and emptiness from that toy actually felt fairly pleasant to him.

The same could be said for the other affects the faux cock was having on him. Each, somewhat, rough stroke along his inner walls caused his own shaft to throb with need and that bulbous knot just slightly spreading his tender ring open each time the elder stabyhoun thrusted forwards. Of course that almost didn't compare to how every fiber of his being seemed to come alive as his climax neared.

Reaching down to grip his shaft Derek all but let out a ragged moan, back arching, at the added sensation. Already feeling like he was going to blow at any second, Derek stroked himself hard as a burning sensation, though far more pleasurable, began to grow at the base of his cock and spread outwards.

Pushing back as best he could to try and match his sibling's thrusts, shivering as he felt that knot slowly spreading him open, he heard a soft snicker come from Samantha.

"Looks like s-someone's getting close." Samantha panted, just as hard as he was.

"Go ahead then, come for your big sister."

Derek threw his head back with a deep groan, cursing under his breath after she said that; not out of embarrassment or fear of what she might think afterwards, he was far beyond the point of caring for that, but because she had started putting more force behind her thrusts, trying to burry that knot under his tail.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Derek muttered over and over, his voice reaching levels that were close to being very feminine, as everything he felt up to that point seemed to boil over, after what Samantha said.

While his hand flew across his length in a blur, Samantha continued to apply the growing pressure against his once virgin rear to lodge that pink knot, which was just shy of making it half way mark, inside him. That was until the sore muscle finally gave in, allowing her toy to fully sheath itself inside the younger staby's passage.

Although he had received a good amount of stretching that led to the initial penetration of the toy to be surprisingly painless, the silicone knot sliding past his ring sent a dull pain through his rump, though he'd probably regret it later, the pleasure that came from it smooshing up against his knot while Samantha continued to thrust catapulted him over the edge.

Letting out a high pitched moan that even their parents, one floor below them, could have heard, Derek's body locked up for a split second before convulsing and twisting on the bed. His hand all but froze at the base of his length, while the near diamond hard cock pulsed, almost painfully so, sending out volleys of white hot canine seed through the air to land on his stomach and chest; one ribbon of seed hitting the back wall with enough force Samantha thought it left an indentation.

She didn't stop thrusting away while Derek lost himself to an orgasm powerful enough to give him a headache, though something he honestly did not mind, murring softly as the smell of her little brother's seed filled the air around them.

By the time Derek finally came down from his euphoric high, he was gasping heavily for breath as he laid there covered with streaks of his own semen. Samantha just let out a soft giggle as she leaned down to kiss his nose, careful of the toy still buried inside him.

"Heh, looks like you had a good one huh?" Derek simply nodded feeling utterly exhausted, as he tried to catch his breath; idly wondering how long his anal ring was going to tingle, or if part of the strap-on was a vibrator that he was just now noticing. And slightly surprised his shaft was still achingly hard as it softly pulsed against his sister's furred stomach.

"That's good," she cooed, rubbing her hands along his sides for a moment "but I think you're forgetting something."

"Huh." Was all Derek replied with as he tried not to fall asleep after such a powerful climax. That was until he felt the toy stuck in him shift, causing his length to drool a small glob of leftover semen from its tip, and her hands grip his hips tight.

Prying his eyes open he looked up at the elder stabyhoun and audibly gulped seeing the grin on her face, while her hips began to saw back and forth inside him.

"I didn't get off yet, and we're not stopping until I do."