All you need is love

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#1 of Life, love, and the Universe in General

This is one of my first stories, to put up on here I already have some ideas for extending it to something more and adding more to it as a series, comments would be welcome.

My name is Solaris Twinstar; I am a twenty-four year old Husky and live in Spring Falls with my boyfriend and lover Zachery Dawson an arctic rabbit. We have known each other since our first year of college when we were placed together by random room assignment. It has been a good pairing so far I work as a graphic designer for an advertising company meaning all those annoying ads you see, yeah I do those. Zach works a for a similar company only he works in the IT department and writes software and programs for the company website or as needed. We love our work especially since we can both work from home; today finds me driving home from the office. I had to go in and get the feedback from a client. I was only a few blocks from our apartment building which is in one of those high end neighbor hoods downtown. We are lucky enough to have our own parking garage under the building. All of that is not really important the client I dealt with today is a bit of a slave driver and I was feeling a bit strained and in desperate need of some cuddle time with my bunny.

Getting into the parking garage I pulled up alongside of Zach's little red coupe. I envied him he was able to stay home most days and work from there in our shared office, this meant that he could have more fun during the week then I could. Still if absence makes the heart grow fonder then my heart was pretty darn magnetic right now, parking my blue Novastar I made my way upstairs.

"Honey I'm home" I called as I entered the apartment I share with my boyfriend of five years.

"Bunny where are you?" I asked of the empty air as I set my bag down on the couch.

"Now I wonder where he could be" I asked myself, his car was down in its parking spot and I know he planned on working from home today. 'Galoosh' I heard a flush coming from the guest bathroom just off of the living room. Shortly followed by 'hork' and a watery splashing sound and a low moan, "Sweety are you okay in there" I asked as I crossed the room to the closed bathroom door.

"I-I feel pretty crummy in....Hurk"

"Do you mind if I come in and check on you dear" We had always given each other as much privacy as possible when one of us was using the bathroom, even though we had been together since college and had seen each other naked thousands of times by now, we still liked to give each other space.

"Ar-Are you sure you want to see me like this?" "I am not exactly at my ...Ungh" was his reply broken up by more watery splashing and another flush and some more moaning.

I made an executive decision; I opened the door and went in. The smell was not all that pleasant and it was fairly obvious that my bunny had been feeling pretty off all day. Waving a paw in front of my nose "What did you eat" I joked until came round the corner of the shower stall and saw my poor bunny in a kneeling position in front of the toilet. It was also obvious that he hadn't gotten any work done that day, that is unless he was planning to surprise me with a little session of lovemaking as soon as I got home, he was in his sexiest pair of red jockey shorts, or rather he had been in them they were stretched around his ankles and I could see that he had been alternating between diarrhea and vomiting.

His snow white fur was stained a little brown at the base of his fluffy white tail, and there was a little bit of gak around his mouth. I could also see that the strain put upon him had given him a bit of hard-on and a small murr escaped me. "Poor bunny" I said if it is any consolation you can still make this husky hot while you are sick. When did this come about you were feeling fine last night, and I was sure you were fine after breakfast and before I left for work.

I think it started after that late night on Saturday I spent with Daryl, Greg, and Logan. We got up to some pretty weird things...moan. No we didn't do anything together if that's what you're worried about Solaris. Just a few rather unique drinking games and a couple of different dares involving food, and how much of it we could stand to eat.

"Well I at least I know I can trust your heart after seven years together" was my snarky reply to this. Unfortunately I can't trust your stomach so when did you first start to feel crummy just today or should I be preparing to worship that porcelain god of yours as well?

"I didn't feel that bad on Sunday morning when you woke me up in that special way of yours". However by last night I felt a little weird. I felt somewhat good this morning if a little funny. After lunch though I felt kind of full, like I had eaten too much and needed to rest, then I began to feel nauseous and then I felt full in a different way and rushed in hear. I have been in and out of the bathroom now for the past three hours.

He followed this up by flushing the toilet, standing up and promptly planting his rump back down on the seat and groaning, while watery gunky sounds echoed out of the bowl.

I stepped over to the sink and took one of the washcloths we keep in a drawer for visitors, wetted it under cold water and squeezed it out so it would just be damp and not soaking. Then I came over to where he was and began to gently dab at his forehead trying to see if he was warm and to help try to make him feel a little bit better. I put my hand across to feel and he did feel like a pretty warm, hot in fact and not in a fun way. With a quick but gentle shove Zach pushed me a way and fell back onto the floor in his kneeling position and began to vomit again. Out of support and a little bit of greed I grabbed his ears and held them back behind his head for him. This was the final clincher for me; Zach usually keeps his ears up at all times when he feels well his ears were in a constant droop right now and to help keep them from getting splashed by the ick he was producing into the bowl.

After this fresh bout of vomiting had passed I lifted him up and sat him on the seat which I had flipped back down. Then while he gently pissed into the mess in the bowl I wiped his mouth clean with the damp cloth I then stood him up and put the thermometer I had found in another drawer into his mouth. While he stood there feeling embarrassed I used some toilet paper to wipe his tail hole clean and the mess on his cheeks away dropping each piece into the toilet bowl and flushing when I was done.

The next thing I did was to a clean towel out of the linen closet a fresh wash cloth and a bar of soap from the master bathroom connected to our bedroom. When I came back in Zach was still standing where I had left him, thermometer sticking out of his mouth, red underwear around his ankles, ears like two stalks of limp celery, and limp cock hanging out of its sheath virtually flapping in the breeze. I had to suppress an urge to give it a little squeeze and coax it to its fullness, my bunny needed me to be his nurse for now. I set my collection down on the sink top and walked over bent down lifted one of those lucky feet and pulled off one side of the underwear set the foot down and did the same to the other side. For my effort I got a muffled "what are you doing" to which my reply was if you are just going to stand there with everything hanging out I might as well take these to the laundry hamper. "While I do that you can sit down on the toilet" I said putting both lids down, and when I get back I will see what your temperature is and then you can have a shower.

Having said this I went back to the master bathroom and tossed the underwear in our laundry hamper then I made my way back to the guest bathroom with a quick stop for clean sheets from the linen closet in the hall. Before going into the bathroom I tossed the loose bundle onto the couch. My first step when entering the bathroom was to turn on the shower and get the water so it was nice and warm. Finally I stepped back over to my bunny and took the thermometer out of his mouth, and while gently rubbing one ear I read off his temperature. Trying to get a laugh out of him, wow bunny I always knew you were hot but now I know just how hot, 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. No wonder you feel and look like death warmed over, well mister you get into that shower and wash, you might want to pay some attention to your area in general, there is only so much toilet paper can do.

"Ha ha ha very funny" was the reply to my orders, and what if I don't want to get into the shower. I really don't relish the idea of trying to stand up for the length of time it takes to get a shower, and I really don't like the idea of being cold and wet and needing to dry off afterwards.

Don't you worry about that I have a nice fluffy towel here for you. You could take a bath but I really think that the steam from the shower would help you feel a bit better, I would strip down and help you but I need to get a few things ready while you are in there, otherwise you and I could have a little bit of fun trying to get clean. Now get in there and scrub, I said handing him the soap and the wash cloth, and when you are done call for me and I will dry you off. So with a few grumbles and a gentle squeeze and pat on his rump from me he climbed into the guest shower and began to wash off.

Satisfied that he was getting cleaned up from his ordeal I headed off to get things ready. Our apartment is pretty special in that it is pretty large it was a three bedroom two bath with laundry room kitchen and dining room. We remodeled one of the bedrooms into an in-home office, the guest bathroom connects up to this room as well as the actual guest bedroom which we leave empty and ready for any family that drops in wanting a place or needing a place to stay for a couple of days, of course one more door connects it to the living room. I went through the door into the living room picking up my bag from the couch went down the hall and into the office to put my bag away, it was fairly obvious that Zach had attempted to work that day his computer was open and data entry and upgrade request sheets littered his desk, ignoring the mess I set my bag down next to my desk and went back out into the living room and then down the opposite hall to our bedroom to get changed out of my business suit.

Coming back into the living room now in a nice pair of jeans and one of my favorite t-shirts that said trust me I'm the doctor I set about my little tasks. The first thing to do was to get the couch ready, taking the sheets from earlier I tossed the throw pillows down on the floor and covered the couch with the sheets I then went and got a couple of pillow cases and put them over the throw pillows. The final touch to this sick bed was to put a couple of buckets within easy reach and a small bundle of blankets on one of the couch ends. Pausing to catch my breath I twitched my ears about and listened the water was still running, so I took a short breather, I'm not overweight by any means I pride myself on staying at 205 pounds exactly but still I wouldn't win any races, Zach on the other hand constantly looks like a scarecrow liberated from a cornfield, he could out pace any fur in a six block radius.

My next destination was our kitchen. One of the first things I did was to take a partial inventory of each and every cupboard as quickly as possible and to make out a list of things I would need. I found a bottle of ginger ale in the cabinet and so I put this into the fridge and since I was already in there I took an inventory of this too. I took this list with me and headed back to the master bathroom and began to search the medicine cabinet above the sink I found some bottles of expired aspirin a few bottles of stomach aid that I quite frankly didn't trust and some old cough syrup, so on my list under medicine I just wrote everything for the flu/stomach trouble. I took our toothbrushes and put them in the garbage along with the bad medicine. The next step was to search the guest bathroom, not that there was much medicine in there to go through. We figured that any fur who was visiting us would be in perfect health, and I was rewarded for this thinking, the only thing in the guest bathroom were some bottles of aspirin, ibuprofen, and some cough drops. Zach was still washing up I asked if he intended on growing gills and moving in there completely. He laughed sarcastically and turned off the water preparing to step out. I was ready for him holding the towel ready to snuggle him and dry him off, which I preceded to do pausing over bits that I enjoyed.

I rubbed him all over paying particular attention to his ears and tail when I got to his penis I couldn't help but give it a little squeeze and rub; he must have been feeling a little bit better because he gave a small moan and churl at this. I smiled and continued on knowing that even though he smelled fresher and had some more color under the fur of his cheeks that I was a ticking time bomb now and so had to hurry this along. I played with his tail a little and put a finger in his tail hole as I passed the towel over his cute bunny rump moving down to dry his legs and feet. Finished, I said now go lay down on the couch "Why the couch" he asked "Because it is the best place for you when you are sick" also I have fixed it up for you.

"Umm have you noticed anything wrong with this picture"

'Like what?'

"Well for one thing I am naked, you promised I would be warm"

'Yes I did didn't I well go lay on the couch and I will take care of that'

I watched him pad off to the living room watching that cute little rump of his sashay and wiggle. I had to take a deep breath and release, it was amazing how he could look that sexy even while sick, and I would have to say that my member agreed as I felt a tightening in my pants. Steady I cautioned myself can't do anything right now need to get to the store before we are both down for the count.

I passed through the living room still carrying the towel and passed him sprawled out on the couch he had wrapped his arms around his chest and his penis had returned to its home in his sheath, I hurried on to the bedroom again tossing the towel into the laundry hamper I went over to Zach's clothes bureau to grab a pair of underwear for him. I had considered putting him in a pair of his pajamas but decided against that for two reasons one being I didn't know how his fever would progress if he would feel chills or if he would suddenly heat up and I didn't want him to overheat while I was away. The second reason was two part all of Zach's pajamas had cotton drawstrings which he cinched tight anytime he wore them so if he had a sudden need to be out of them to relieve himself, or other he would have a hard time escaping them.

I hurried back into the living room and showed the underwear to him, Zach was less than thrilled. He protested that he would be cold without something to cover him properly. I just kept working the shorts up his legs covering his loins and gently turning him on his side to slip his tail through the precut hole and giving it a gentle fluff. Turning him gently so he laid back down on his back I grabbed some of the blankets I had put on the end of the couch and covered him up in them. Then I fluffed the pillows he had laid his head on stroked his ears a little bit and asked if there was anything else he wanted from me before I left.

"Where are you going and why are you leaving me like this?"

'I have to go to the store to get some medicine and some food to have that we can prepare pretty easily since you and I enjoyed each other's company Sunday morning, afternoon and last night I am at risk of being just as sick as you are'

"In that case something to drink would be nice"

'You're in luck I just put a bottle of ginger ale in the fridge while you were cleaning up'

"yes please"

'Had a hunch that, that would be your response' okay one ginger ale with ice. I headed off to the kitchen to prepare the drink order.

Zach meanwhile had gotten a hold of the remote to the T.V. and had switched on one of his favorite old cartoon programs. Giggling at the antics of the old program he began to feel a little bit dizzy and suddenly a little bit nauseous. Solaris...Solaris...puppikins, I feel like I am going to throw up.

"There are some buckets on the floor for you just reach around the side of the couch"

'Thanks sweetie I ...urp found them' just in time too right after that I began to feel my stomach compress and bunch and then I hurked up some thin watery vomit after a few minutes with the bucket I set it back on the floor and laid back down. Solaris walked in a moment later with my drink.

'Well bunny looks like you are beginning to run on empty' hear is your drink just sip it slowly and try to get some rest I am going off to the store be back in about an hour or so.

With that I grabbed my car keys and left Zach to his rest. It did take me about an hour to get everything on the little list including some fresh carrots, for both of us, some carrot broth for Zach, some chicken broth and soup for the two of us, several other different watery soups and broths with a high salt content, plain vanilla ice cream,(not that I intended to let either of us have any dairy until we were better). I also got the medicines including a couple of over the counter flu beater pills, some stool hardeners and softeners. You may think it odd that I bought stool softeners when it was likely we wouldn't need them, but a previous incident with hardeners as a puppy had taught me it was important to have both on hands.

Mom had a hard time with us when we were puppies. There were four of us me and my twin brother Polaris, our sister Stella and our youngest brother Sirius (mom and dad had a great sense of humor by the way). Anyways it was during about of flu when I was about 6, of course Polaris caught it from me and it spread down the chain to Stella and Sirius as well. From previous illnesses in our family we all had a mutual dislike of medicine. Mom had consulted a doctor for what to do the doctor had said not to stomach aid but a stool hardener could be used for all of us to help alleviate bathroom time. It just shows you how stressed mom must have been because by mistake she gave me two doses of the medicine and none to Polaris, not that he was complaining about that, a few hours later I was feeling crummy for a different reason and mom was trying to figure out what to try next.

So since that day I make sure to buy whatever I need to counteract what I am giving somebody if I can. Along with the stomach and stool supplies I also bought some easy break cold and heat packs, some warming relief medicine and some cooling relief and each of their night time brands. By this time I was beginning to feel chills, so I hurried up made my purchases and got out of there heading for home.

By the time I got back to our building I was feeling really chilly and was actually shivering, I had the heat going full blast but had to open the windows as well since it was 80 degrees outside that day. Somehow I managed to get all of the stuff upstairs and mostly put away, I gave each of a dose of the flu medicine and Zach a dose of the stool hardener, then I rushed and got a shower, after drying myself I walked naked out to the couch and began to snuggle with my bunny under the blankets watching one of his silly old cartoons.

I don't know if it was Zach's musk, the medicine or the fact that we were so close to each other spooning on that couch but I began to get hard, my shaft slipped out of my sheath and pressed all 6.5 inches of myself into his back, Zach gave a small churl and began to grind his rump gently into my loins causing pre to leak from the tip of my shaft.

I moaned and murred a little bit, then asked if he was up for something like this considering his day. The reply was a firm yes since we wouldn't likely get a chance for this kind of fun for a few days. So with his permission I pulled the blankets off of us and the underwear I had so lovingly put on him off and flung them to the floor. Once free Zach's bunny cock sprang up to its full 5.8 inches and began to leak pre like a faucet.

'Well bunny it seems you can't keep a good fur down'

"No you can't" he said as he played with my shaft a little and rubbed my balls eliciting a murr from me and causing me to hump forward a little.

'Are you ready" I asked

"After the day I have had, you could probably put a truck inside of me with room to spare, but just in case can you loosen me up a little before you get your knot in there"

'Sure' saying this I took my paw and gathered some of the pre from the tip of my member and using this slowly slipped a finger into his hole once inside I wriggled around a little rubbing the walls of his rectum before slowly pulling the finger out and adding another finger to the first and going in again. Slowly I added a third finger until I heard Zach moan and murr that's when I leveled my member at his hole and slowly slid it into the hole. As my tip entered Zach began to moan slowly I joined in and as I slid deeper inside of him we each reached new pitches of sound. Pretty soon we were near to the base of my cock and my knot, it wasn't as swollen as it could be but that would soon change.

I then reversed directions and slowly slide back out causing Zach to groan and clinch around my dick. This in turn had the effect of getting me to churl and yip. Pretty soon we were going faster I could feel my knot begging to swell and I had to ask Zach if he wanted me to tie him or not with a yes I pushed myself the whole way inside of my bunny reaching around and gently rubbing his cock I thrust inside harder and harder till pretty soon I couldn't really pull out and then I came with a rush spray hot husky spunk in side of him. As I sprayed my load inside of Zach's bowels he began to cum as well thanks to the ministrations of my hands, as he came he squeezed over my cock and put a tight clamping motion on my knot causing me to hump into him and add another load to the first.

Things slowed down after that panting an moaning gently I took the tip of one of his ears into my mouth and gently murred "I love you bunny", he replied with a same panting tiredness 'I love you too pups'. We stayed like that for a little while, we really had no choice.

Of course a pressing urge deep in my bowels soon changed everything and I needed to get to the toilet as fast as possible. Unfortunately canine physique dosen't allow for you to leave your lover that quickly after sex so I did the only thing I could think of.


'Yes hun'

"Remember when I said I was a ticking time bomb"


"Well time has just run out and we are still stuck together for a little while"

'Well like you said the buckets are just around the side of the couch'

"Sweety it isn't that kind of need and I'm afraid you are going to have to come along for the ride" so saying so I twisted him so that he was sitting on my loins facing me and picked him up, having been this position of movement before he automatically wrapped both legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I carried us both into the guest bathroom and over to the toilet I reached down to open the lid and moved to sit down when Zach stopped me.

'Honey why don't you pull out of me first'

"are you sure you know it can be painful"

'I've taken it up there haven't I'

"well okay if you are sure just try to get most of the mess into the toilet before I have to get down to business. Saying that I began to pull myself out with a grunt and another moan, I slowly slipped out of his tail hole, with a schlk and a pop I was out, during this Zach had moaned and churrled almost immediately the goo I had shot up into him began to squelch out and splash down into the toilet bowl. I gave him a few minutes to get most of the mess into the bowl before I lifted him gently apologized for my rudeness and then sat down and with a groan began to push out my own watery mess. Zach was sweet enough to go and get me the stool hardener and give me a dose then he went over to the shower and got it ready. "Now" he said "it's my turn to take care of you"

After about five minutes of sitting on the toilet feeling like my body was trying to escape my skin and fur I wiped myself stood up and flushed. Zach checked to make sure I had got most of the mess then lead me to the shower. I had always considered it lucky we were both the same height give or take an inch, because during that shower Zach gave me a ride I will never forget I am still not sure if it was the medicine or just the fact that he was a rabbit who was a little pent up but I have never felt so dirty while trying to get clean even compared to some of our other shower sessions.

After the shower Zach lead me back out to the couch laid me down got me my own glass of ginger ale then covered us both with a blanket and snuggled in close to me. We fell asleep that way and spent much of the next two weeks in that position. Each of us would occasionally get up and work on some project from work then we would return to either the couch or our bed and snuggle and sleep proving that for a cold or the flu all you really need is love.