Happy Cub Summer Retreat Chapter 2.5

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Happy Cub Summer Retreat

Chapter 2.5: The Latecomer

It was a normal day at Happy Cub Summer Retreat. The camp had been going for almost two weeks and as far as the children knew, it was a normal summer camp. They played games, did arts and crafts, and did campfire activities. Fire, a little foxcub, had enjoyed his time there so far.

In reality, though, out of all the cubs ever to attend the camp, he had come the closest to realizing its true purpose. On enrollment, due to a stroke of bad luck (or good luck, depending on your point of view), he had been absent when the counselors had subjected the children to a special hypnotic programming session. Thus he had been fully conscious when he returned to find all of the children naked, entranced, and having intimate encounters with each other.

One of the counselors, Jenn, a cat, had chased him after he panicked, running away. He had tried to climb a fence and injured himself. Jenn, being a kind-hearted and gentle woman, had dressed his injury and explained that the adults had done this for their own good, to help them discover themselves.

Then, her eyes swirling hypnotically, she had entranced the little fox, and put him to sleep, erasing his memories of the events, and inserting some post-hypnotic triggers.

Afterwards, Fire had been right at home in the camp. He enjoyed playing with his new friends, and exploring the campgrounds. There were times in his memory though that were fuzzy and indistinct, but he didn't think too much about them. He was having far too much fun, and most of the day was a blur anyway, so he wasn't surprised he couldn't remember some pieces of it.

He was currently sitting in the shade of a tree, lazily watching some of the other cubs rowing boats on the lake. Suddenly, his relaxation was interrupted when an announcement was blared from the many speakers set up over the campgrounds.

"All campers, please report to the main flagpole at camp center!" the voice announced. Fire stood up and scampered off towards the flagpole, wondering vaguely what this was about.


Fire arrived and pushed his way to the front of the crowd of cubs. The counselors were standing in before them, smiling. Behind them was a small figure, but he could not make it out.

"Good, you're all here. We called you here, because we had a couple of announcements," said Deb, a mouse. She adjusted her spectacles and began reading off a clipboard. Most of the announcements were of no real consequence to Fire, and he found his attention drifting. However, when Deb reached the end of the announcements, he looked up.

"And lastly, we have a little latecomer today. She moved here from another region, so she wasn't able to make it to camp until today. Let's give a Happy Cub Welcome to Arisa!" she said, stepping aside. Behind her, was a raccoon girl. She was roughly his height, maybe a little shorter. Her fur was a bright pink with purple stripes, and her long hair, a cool shade of blue, was tied in a little tuft at the back of her head. She was wearing a tank top and shorts, and she had an easygoing posture. She smirked out at the crowd of cubs, and gave a little jovial wave.

Fire felt a strange sensation in his tummy at the sight of Arisa. It did a little flip-flop, and he felt his cheeks burning. He shook his head, trying to clear it a little, as the crowd dispersed and the new girl walked off to explore a little.

The fox wondered what the strange sensations were. He shook his head, deciding that he'd try and talk to her later, and maybe make a new friend...


Arisa strolled into Girls' Cabin A to find her bunk. She looked around at the numbers on the bunk beds until she spotted the one she had been assigned. The raccoon girl's luggage had been dropped there already, having been moved while one of the counselors was programming her upon her arrival.

She glanced beside her, and saw another young girl lying on the upper bed, reading a book. The girl was a fennec, which in itself was unremarkable. What was remarkable was her bright pink hair, with a blue forelock dangling over her face, and the pair of golden-feathered wings on her back. She was wearing a silvery collar around her neck with a pink gemstone embedded in the front. The girl glanced up, looking Arisa over.

"Hi. I'm Arisa, nyu!" the raccoon said, smiling warmly. The fennec returned the smile.

"Heyas. My name is Skye. Nice to meetcha," she said. The foxgirl put aside her book, and hopped down. She shook paws with the other girl, smiling.

"Nice to meet you too, nyu," said Arisa. Skye raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you do that?" asked the fennec.

"Do what, nyu?" said the raccoon, tilting her head curiously.

"End every sentence with 'nyu?'" replied Skye.

Arisa looked very confused and said, "I have no clue what you're talking about, nyu." Skye shook her head, deciding it wasn't worth pursuing...

"Ooh? What's that, nyu?" she asked, pointing. Skye glanced down. She was pointing at the side table near her bed, at a gold necklace with a clear glittery crystal pendant. Skye picked it up, grinning.

"This is my favorite necklace! I bought it during the school year at the Academy I go to," she said, smiling. The cub slipped it on, showing off.

"Can I try it on, nyu?" inquired Arisa. Being a raccoon, she had a very strong instinct to look at and admire shiny objects. Skye's necklace was no exception. The fennec girl frowned.

"Sorry, Arisa... It's very precious to me, and I don't really wanna let anyone else hold it," Skye said, politely but firmly. Arisa frowned as well.

"Aw, c'mon. I'll give it right back, nyu," she said honestly. Skye shook her head.

"No, sorry," she replied.

"C'mon, please?"



Skye and Arisa argued for a while, Skye refusing to let her see the necklace, and Arisa stubbornly refusing to give up. Skye had walked out into the forest to get some fresh air, but Arisa had followed. Skye found that while she actually kind of liked the other girl, she was being infuriated by her insistence on seeing her crystal necklace. Finally as she walked into a small clearing, Arisa ran and blocked Skye's path.

"Please? This is the last time I'll ask, nyu..." Arisa begged. Skye sighed deeply, burying her face in her paws.

"I'm really sorry, Arisa, but no!" she said, stomping her foot in frustration. Arisa sighed as well, not wanting to have to do what she was about to do.

Arisa had been born with special glands through her body. At a fairly young age, she found she could activate these glands and release pheromones into the air that made anyone around her become temporarily lovesick with her, wanting to do anything they could to please her. She had never really questioned this gift, and had used it to her advantage many times. It was nowhere near as effective on adults as it was on children, but then again, her target was the same age as her. She smirked to herself as she released the scent into the air.

"I'm sorry, Skye. I didn't mean to bug you about it... Say, do you smell something, nyu?" asked Arisa slyly. Skye looked around and breathed in deep. Instantly she smelled a flowery scent, something amazing.

Skye sniffed the air, wondering what the enticing scent was. She looked around, feeling strangely light-headed. The fennec turned around slowly, realizing the aroma was emanating from Arisa.

Her heart leapt in her chest. She could not believe it, but she had never realized just how beautiful the other girl way. She blinked a little, her eyes glazing over slightly as she gazed admiringly at the other girl. The fennec found herself wanting to do anything and everything in her power to please Arisa.

The raccoon smirked wide. Her pheromones had never failed her before, and now was no exception. She watched amused, as Skye's expression changed from reluctance and annoyance, to confusion and curiosity, to enchanted adoration. She stepped up, and tried again.

"Skye? Can I please borrow your necklace, nyu?" she asked, batting her eyelashes, and smiling at the other girl. Skye blinked and returned the smile, hearts in her eyes.

"Of course... Anything for you," she murmured happily, gazing adoringly at the raccoon. She slipped the pendant from around her neck and handed it to Arisa without a second thought.

Arisa laughed happily, admiring the crystal pendant, before slipping the chain around her neck. She looked at Skye, who was wearing a goofy grin.

"How do I look, nyu?" she asked, striking a little pose.

"Gorgeous..." Skye sighed, feeling her heart skip a beat, her green eyes gone slightly glassy as she gazed at the girl who had enchanted her. Arisa walked over and gave the charmed girl a hug, laughing. She pulled back a moment later, having felt something strange during the embrace. The raccoon glanced down, noticing that there was a small spot of dampness on Skye's shorts. But what drew her attention was the slight tent above that.

"Oh, my! What is that, nyu?!" she asked, her eyes wide with surprise and curiosity. "Mind showing me, please, Skye, nyu?"

Skye nodded, smiling happily. She slowly untied her shorts, dropping them. The vixen was wearing blue panties. They had a large dark spot where they were soaked through, and the elastic was being strained by something under the fabric. Arisa waved a paw, gesturing for her to continue.

The raccoon girl watched eagerly, her tail waving behind her as the enthralled fennec slipped down her panties. Her eyes went wide, and she gave a gasp of surprise as a long, thick, pink shaft of flesh sprung free. She gasped again, louder, her knees almost giving out under her as she spotted it.

Below the throbbing member, was a second identical penis, twitching and pulsing with arousal. The ten-year-old raccoon had to take a minute to rub her eyes and make sure she was not seeing double. Skye still had the same silly smile on her face, completely oblivious to anything except the idea of pleasing the other girl. Arisa's delicious scent had put her mind in a deep haze. The pink-furred raccoon reached out and poked first the upper shaft, then the lower, checking if they were real. She was shocked to see them both twitch and jump under her touch.

She could feel her own panties sticking to her fur as her nectar flowed. Arisa had found two similar side effects of her pheromones. For some reason, which she could never figure out, using them made her feel tingly and strange, and her panties usually were wet afterwards. She also knew that her scent could, and usually did cause other people to get stiffies or grow wet, but she had never seen anything like this. An idea popped into her head, and she grinned mischievously.

"Say, Skye? Why don't we play a game, nyu?" she asked. Skye nodded dazedly.

"I'd love to play with you, Arisa..." she murmured happily.


At that exact moment, Fire was taking a stroll through the forest. His mind kept coming back to the raccoon girl he had seen that morning, and wondering why his stomach kept doing gymnastics at the very thought of her. His walk had taken him around the lake, near the girls' cabins, and he was so deep in thought, that he did not know where his feet were taking him.

He suddenly became aware of female voices talking nearby. He was a curious boy, so he went to investigate without a second thought. He worked his way through the foliage, and came upon a clearing. Within the clearing was the new raccoon girl, Arisa, with a fennec girl he had seen around the camp from time to time, but did not know her name. The foxgirl had a dreamy expression on her face, gazing adoringly at Arisa.

What was surprising, to say the least, is that the fennec girl had her pants down around her ankles. What was even more surprising is that she had a long red shaft sticking out from her hips. And what left Fire completely without speech was the fact that she had a second one right above it!

Fire had always thought that girls had different parts than boys. But here was a girl with not just both parts, but two boy bits. He was curious as to why she was showing Arisa those, as well. Deciding to listen in on their conversation, he hid behind a bush.

"Say, Skye? Why don't we play a game, nyu?" Arisa asked the girl, rubbing up against her a little.

"I'd love to play with you, Arisa..." replied the vixen, her voice faraway and sighing. Her eyes seemed a little funny, glazed over. Fire had a sudden feeling rush up inside of him. It was similar to anger, but not quite. Why would she play with Skye, but not him? He suddenly found himself barging into the clearing, strutting right out.

Arisa spotted him immediately and gave a look of alarm, glancing around for adults nearby. When she spotted none, she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Skye seemed oblivious to his existence, completely ensorcelled by the raccoon.

"W-what's going on here, Arisa, and how come that girl's underwear is pulled down? I-I was gonna ask if you wanted to go swimming, but I heard you say you were gonna play a game... C-can I play too?" babbled the foxboy, words tumbling out of his mouth without any input from his brain. Arisa blinked, momentarily stunned by the verbal barrage.

"Uh... Who are you, nyu?" she asked, sweatdropping. She thought to herself about how she needed to handle this carefully or risk getting in trouble.

"I-I'm Fire... Boys' Cabin 1. I-I'm sorry, do you want me to go away?" the cub said, blushing, rubbing his toe in the dirt sheepishly.

Arisa looked Fire over. He was of average height and build, and had brilliant red hair and orange fur. His bright blue eyes looked back at her, as he awaited her answer. Arisa's tummy felt a little strange as she looked into his eyes, and she vaguely wondered what the feeling was. However, her first concern was keeping out of trouble. She sauntered towards him, her tail waving sinuously behind her as she gave a sly smile to the boy.

"No, I'd definitely like you to stay. Why don't you come closer, and we can play, nyu..." she said, grinning. Fire walked forward, smiling innocently.

"So what are we gonna do? Is it like 'Simon Says' or something?" asked the kit. Arisa stepped right up to him, wrapping her arms around him, a big smile on her face. Fire blushed deeply, and Skye gave a growl of jealousy, but remained watching.

"Something like that, nyu..." she said, grinning. She released another dose of pheromones into the air, feeling her panties grow damp with a fresh rush of wetness. Fire sniffed the air, and looked around confused.

"What's that smell... I feel... kinda funny... Happy funny..." said the foxboy, trailing off. His eyes glazed over slightly and a silly smile grew on his face. He felt his stomach do more acrobatics inside him, and he suddenly had the uncontrollable urge to do anything and everything the beauty before him asked of him. His shorts tented slightly, pressing against the raccoon.

She felt this, grinning. The pink-furred girl led Fire over to stand beside Skye, grinning as she looked at the two entranced foxes.

"Skye, take off your shirt. Fire, get naked," she said, taking a bossy tone. The fennec stripped off her shirt, tossing it aside carelessly, stepping out of her shorts and panties. Fire likewise tossed away his t-shirt, and then slipped off his shorts. The elastic band of his briefs was being strained by his erection, and when he slipped them off, his penis literally sprung to attention, slapping against the fur of his stomach.

The two foxcubs stood side-by-side as Arisa looked them over. They gazed at her adoringly, feelings unlike anything they could remember feeling taking hold of them. Lust, attraction, and obedience clouded their thoughts, as they watched her lovingly.

Satisfied that they were deep under her spell, Arisa slipped off her own clothing. She pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her flat chest, her pink nipples poking through the fur. She slowly lowered both her shorts and her panties at the same time. Her cleft was damp to the point of literally dripping down her thighs. Above her slit was a long, pink shaft of her own, throbbing with arousal.

Arisa never really knew why she had both boy's and girl's parts. She had heard someone use the term "hermaphrodite" before to describe her, but had no idea what it meant. All she knew is that up until she met Skye she thought she had been unique for this.

She knelt down between the two ensorcelled foxes, smiling. She reached up and gripped Skye's lower shaft in one paw, and Fire's in the other. The boy and girl gasped in surprise, their cocks twitching in her hands. She slowly stroked them, her paws sliding up and down the hot, pulsing flesh.

Skye's penises seemed massive to the raccoon, long and thick, larger than her own by far. This combined with the fact that she had two of them, and a cunny below that made her fascinated with the vixen.

Fire however, for all she could tell was a normal ten-year-old. His shaft was fairly average for a boy his age. She glanced at his cock, then at hers, comparing sizes. She was perfectly identical to him.

Arisa's paws slid up and down slowly, the incredibly soft fur of her hands stimulating every inch of their lengths. Skye gasped, and Fire moaned, their hips bucking forward a little as she squeezed the heads, then slowly slid her fingertips down the shafts. Her tail waved behind her in an almost canine manner as she explored their cocks, moving closer to get a better look.

The raccoon was caught up in a wave of sensations and hormones. She herself wasn't thinking quite as clearly as she should have been, after two uses of her pheromones. The girl glanced at Fire's cock, throbbing heavily in her paw, and she had the sudden inexplicable and uncontrollable urge to taste it. She stuck out her tongue and dragged it along the tip of his prick, and he gave a yelp of surprise, jumping in shock. Surprise quickly turned into pleasure, and he closed his eyes moaning in joy.

"Oh, Arisa... That feels so good..." he murmured. Arisa lapped at the tip for a moment, before sliding her tongue down his shaft, her paw continuing to rub and stroke Skye's lower member. The fennec moaned and shuddered, while the foxboy beside her gasped loudly, arching his back. Arisa's tongue lavished Fire's cock, swirling around him, and her free paw gently cupped his testicles, rolling them around and feeling their weight.

After a minute, she switched off, taking the tip of Skye's upper shaft into her mouth, returning to stroking him with her free paw. The fennec gasped in surprise, bucking her hips forward, making the other girl gag slightly. Skye's shafts throbbed and jumped in her paw and against her tongue. Fire gave a whine of frustration and disappointment at being let go from her mouth, but soon was moaning and bucking his hips into her paw.

Arisa began to switch between the two cubs, licking each of them in turn like a child holding two ice cream cones. The fennec and the fox grunted softly, feeling a pressure slowly beginning to build within their groins. It was Fire who first arched his back, letting out a yelp of surprise, as his penis throbbed hard in her mouth. A massive gush of warm sweet-tasting fluid entered her mouth, and the raccoon had no choice but to swallow, or she would have choked. A second gush followed less than a second later, but this time she was ready for it. She savored the flavor, murmuring happily.

Skye gave a loud moan of ecstasy a moment later, her twin penises pulsing and throbbing as a large gout of warm, sticky clear fluid arced through the air to splash into the grass nearby. Arisa watched in fascination as another, then another spurt of precum soaked into the dirt and grass several feet away. She lapped at one of the jets, and found that Skye had a distinctly different flavor than Fire, although both were sweet.

The raccoon had completely forgotten her own arousal, so absorbed in playing with her new friends. Her penis throbbed, and her nectar completely soaked the pink fur of her thighs. Pre dribbled from the tip, streaming down her length. She was not really sure why she was doing this, but then decided it did not really matter, as it felt so good.

"A-A-Arisa!!! S-Something's... happening!!!" Skye gasped, arching her back. Her thighs tensed, her cocks throbbed, spurting wildly, and her inner muscles began to work in rhythm. Fire echoed her cry a couple seconds later, his balls churning.

Skye let out a great yelp of purest joy as her twin penises throbbed heavily. A moment later, a massive gush of thick, white, pearly fluid gushed from each tip. Arisa gave a gasp, then a splutter of surprise as the spurt from Skye's top cock caught her right in the face, the lower splashing against her right nipple. Her paw continued to rub up and down the upper shaft, coaxing out more and more of the thick creamy substance. She licked her lips involuntarily, tasting a bit of the liquid, and found it to be salty, but delicious. Between her inner thighs, Skye's cunny spasmed and twitched, her honey flowing down her legs into a small puddle beneath her.

Just then, Fire gave a shout, his body gripped by the ultimate pleasure. His cock pulsed and jerked in Arisa's paw, before jetting a ribbon of his semen straight into her open mouth. The raccoon murmured in surprise. His spunk tasted completely different from Skye's salty fluid. His was sweet, and tasted like... Raspberries?

The girl lowered her mouth over him, drinking down every shot of his sweet cream. The boy gasped and grunted, his cock pulsing and throbbing wildly as he spurted hard and fast against her tongue. Skye was soaking down her fur, changing it from vibrant to pastel as her cum soaked into it. Arisa reveled in their joy, feeling little jolts of pleasure run through her body when each spurt splashed against her.

Finally, Fire's gushes tapered off, and Arisa gave a satisfied sigh, having drunk her fill of the raspberry-flavored spunk. His knees gave out under him, and he fell back, panting and gasping for air.

Skye, however, continued to give gout after gout of thick, pearly cubcum, staining Arisa's fur white. But eventually, a minute later, the flood ran out, and she too collapsed, panting and gasping for air.

The raccoon girl looked at herself. In her opinion she looked a bit like a glazed donut. She lapped at her fur, licking off some of Skye's fluids. Skye tasted good, but she liked Fire's sweet cream better. As she licked herself clean in a rather feline manner, Fire noticed something. At the base of her tail, instead of a stripe, she had a heart-shaped mark in her fur. The boy reached out and gently stroked the mark.

The reaction was immediate. The child had always had an extremely sensitive spot on her tail, that when touched would make her cunny wet and her cock hard, and make her feel tingly. This light touch was enough to set off the cub's first orgasm. Arisa gasped in surprise, pleasure radiating throughout her tiny form, coming from the base of her tail. Her cock throbbed hard, and a pulse of semen gushed straight into the air. The raccoon's senses turned to static for a moment, and she trembled and bucked wildly, her inner muscles clenching rhythmically. The girl moaned and gasped, feeling every nerve ending in her body tingle as she sprayed everything around her with her cum. The ensorcelled fennec and the spellbound fox watched as Arisa moaned and shuddered, arching her back as she gushed her raccooncum all over the surrounding area.

Finally, her orgasm ended, and she fell on her side, panting, unable to move. Skye and Fire snuggled up beside her, nosing into her neck, and licking affectionately, still deep under her spell. She giggled as she managed to catch her breath, scratching behind their ears.

The raccoon cub felt a strange aching emptiness in her tummy. She glanced over at Skye and Fire, seeing that her scent had kept the other cubs aroused. It only took a little common sense for the cub to realize that "tab A" fit into "slot B." Skye and Fire looked at her adoringly and expectantly, waiting for them to tell them what to do.

"Okay, I want one of you to stick your thingies into me, nyu..." she said, pointing at her cleft. The boy and the other girl looked at each other for a moment. They both moved at once, trying to do as she asked. They pushed against each other, glaring.

"She asked me, Fire!" Skye said, angrily, her glassy eyes narrowed as she tried to get into position. Fire pushed her out of the way, grunting.

"No, Arisa asked me! Get out of the way!" the boy said, trying to move to mount Arisa himself.

"Oh, boy. Let's compromise. Fire, you get to stick your thingie inside me. But I'll stick MY thingie inside of Skye. How does that sound, nyu?" Arisa said, sighing. The fox and the winged fennec glanced at each other.

"Sounds good to me!" they said in unison. Skye moved over to a stump, using it to support herself as she bent over, raising her tail high. Arisa moved up behind her and pressed the tip of her shaft against Skye's cleft. Both moaned in pleasure, as the raccoon pressed inside of her, hard, hot, throbbing flesh sliding into a silky, warm, wet tunnel. Skye pressed her hips back against Arisa, moaning and sighing in ecstasy. The raccoon soon hilted inside the vixen, Arisa's hips pressing against Skye's.

Arisa lifted her own tail, granting Fire access to her treasure. Fire moved forward eagerly and pushed against her. The first two times, he missed the mark, poking into her rump and her thigh, but finally he slid inside her. Arisa gasped, feeling the ache and emptiness in her stomach being filled. Fire slowly pushed inch after inch into her, his shaft rubbing against her clitoris. Finally, he too hilted within her, and the trio rested for a moment.

Fire slowly began to rock against Arisa, just a small motion, not really pulling out or thrusting in. Arisa mirrored this movement, making Skye gasp in surprise and pleasure. The trio of cubs moaned, having never felt anything like this sensation before. It did not take long for the children to slowly begin to buck against each other, working out a rhythm. When Fire thrust into Arisa, she would pull out of Skye. When Arisa pushed into Skye, Fire would pull out. Slowly, their mating instincts took over for them, their bodies moving on their own, allowing the cubs to focus on the pleasure.

Skye gasped and groaned, her penises swaying below her, as her paws gripped the stump. Her claws shaved little curls of wood away as Arisa pumped into her, the raccoon's cock sliding in and out of her tight cunny. The fennec let go of the stump with one paw, gripping her top penis with it, and began to stroke gently, moving her hand in time with Arisa's thrusts. She moaned her delight to the world, unable to speak at the moment.

The only sound in the clearing for a while was the sound of cubs moaning and gasping, the slapping of hips and thighs, and the distinctive wet sounds of sex. Fire let out a loud moan, burying himself deep within the raccoon girl's snatch, as his cock throbbed hard, spurting his warm pre inside of her. This in turn set off Arisa, who gasped, thrusting hard into Skye, shaking the little fennec with the force of her buck, firing a massive gush into the angelfox. The winged fennec groaned long and loud as her cocks throbbed and pulsed for a moment, her cunny clenching around Arisa's member as her own clear pre jetted from her tips, soaking the wood of the stump and dribbling down her lengths.

The foxboy and the raccoon picked up speed, thrusting harder and faster. Skye was forced to release her upper shaft reluctantly to use her paw to help brace herself as her tiny frame was pounded. Arisa's tongue hung out of her mouth as she panted heavily, feeling Fire's cock slamming into her tight tunnel, her cock being gripped hard by Skye's cleft. All three could feel the strange tingling pressure building in their tummies once more.

Fire, having seen the effect just grazing the heart-shaped spot on her tail had, decided to try it again. His paw gently caressed the purple-colored heart at the base of the bushy appendage, and Arisa gave a loud gasp. She felt electricity shoot down her spine, and she arched her back, moaning loudly as her cock throbbed inside Skye and her inner walls clamped down on Fire. The red-haired fox smiled, stroking the spot faster as he continued to pump inside her.

The raccoon was completely overwhelmed with stimulation. Fire's cock rubbing her clitoris, Fire's paw stroking her pressure point, and her penis being clenched hard by Skye's cunny; all left the child's mind completely engulfed in lust.

Thanks to this, it was only seconds before Arisa went stiff, arching her back into Skye. Her member throbbed and pulsed for a moment, before Skye felt something hot, thick, and creamy splash against her inner walls. Arisa moaned loud, her inner muscles spasming wildly around Fire's penis, gripping every inch and milking him for his cum.

Fire and Skye came at roughly the same moment. Fire let out a loud yelp of joy, burying himself into Arisa as deeply as he could, wrapping his arms around her as he gave the girl his spunk, his hips and tail twitching with each large spurt of semen. At the same time, Skye pushed her hips back against the other girl, her twin members jumping and twitching. She craned her neck, giving a silent scream of purest ecstasy as her cocks coated the side of the stump, her legs, her stomach, and everything around her in her fenneccum.

The trio of ten-year-olds was unable to do anything other than moan, thrust, and gush their spunk into and over each other. Arisa quickly overflowed Skye, and her cubbycum was dripping out of the fennec, splattering the ground and her hips as it backwashed out of her. Fire's cock pulsed and throbbed, delivering spurt after spurt of his cream into her depths, his head thrown back as he groaned and grunted.

In the end the two foxes and the raccoon collapsed over each other, falling into a big pile of fur. They panted and gasped for breath, lying on the ground, unable to move. Arisa's fur was so soaked through with spunk that it was impossible to tell what color her fur was. Skye's shafts lay on her stomach, still spurting small ribbons of semen over her stomach. Fire was laying almost perfectly still, almost seeming to be asleep if his eyes weren't open.

Skye suddenly looked around in confusion. Her eyes were now focused and clear, rather than dull and glassy, and she seemed quite disoriented. A second or two later, Fire made a sound of confusion, picking himself up off the ground.

"What the...? What is this stuff all over me?!" Skye said, looking around in bewilderment. She looked at Arisa, who was currently panting for breath, her cock lying half-erect against her stomach. The fennec noticed something sparkling around her neck.

"MY NECKLACE!!!" she yelled angrily. Fire looked around, bemused, wondering vaguely what had happened and why Skye was angry. Arisa gasped in surprise. She had completely forgotten that her pheromones wore off after about half an hour. The raccoon backed away from Skye in fear of what the girl was going to do.

"Okay! I've seen enough! Arisa, Fire, Skye, SLEEP!" said a voice, coming from the edge of the clearing. The children immediately stopped moving, letting out a sigh as their eyes closed and their heads drooped forward onto their chests. They felt all their anger, confusion, and tension slip away as they fell deep asleep.

Out of the forest came one of the counselors. She was a mouse, about thirty years old. She had brown hair tied back into a short ponytail, and was wearing the standard counselor's outfit. Her long whip-like tail waved behind her as she sauntered out before the naked children, adjusting her square spectacles.

"Okay, let's get this all cleaned up here, real quick. All three of you, there's a creek about thirty feet into the forest to your right. Go clean up in there, and come back here," she instructed.

"Yes, Ms. Deb... We will clean up in the creek and come back here..." The cubs murmured in unison, opening their eyes. Their eyes were dull once more, but this time there was no emotion in them, no thought. They were completely entranced by the hypnotic triggers that had been planted upon their enrollment in the camp.

The children shuffled off slowly, walking to the creek. They slowly waded in, splashing themselves down, cleaning all the spunk and fluids from their fur. The children silently scrubbed their fur, making sure there was no trace of their deeds, before they walked out and shook themselves dry. They shuffled back through the forest to the clearing and stood before Deb.

"All three of you, get dressed. Arisa, give Skye's necklace back to her," said the mouse. The cubs grabbed their clothing and slipped it on. Arisa lifted the pendant from around her neck and handed it to Skye. The fennec put it on, a faint smile on her face at being reunited with her jewelry.

"Alrighty! Last thing. You won't remember anything that has occurred over the last hour or two. Arisa, you gave up on trying to get Skye's necklace, and instead have been playing with her and Fire all along. Do you understand?" she asked. The children mumbled their assent in a monotone.

"Okay, then awake!" she said, snapping her finger for effect. The kids blinked and looked around, feeling disoriented and dizzy for a moment.

"C'mon, kids, let's go back to the camp so you can play some more!" said Deb with a smile. The children nodded happily.

Skye gazed up at Deb. The mouse looked a lot like someone she knew from her school, a teacher... She wondered vaguely if they were related, and resolved herself to ask at some point.

The cubs ran off to play, while Deb glanced back at the clearing, dripping in a coat of spunk. She sighed as she thought about how much work it was going to be to clean that up...

To Be Continued in Chapter 3...