
Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Drako Wolf


The World can be a cold and lonely place full of death and despair. What did life madder to any one when one day it would all come to an end. Either from a tragic accident, old age, or murder.

This is what a lone grey wolf thought to himself as he walked slowly through the cold snow. Then way was he still alive after all that had happened. It was not fair at all he was left behind as his world fell apart before him. Only a few weeks ago he was the proud leader of Redstone Pack in Yellowstone, a proud strong alpha male.

His pack was the strongest in the land at one time not because of its numbers but from him. His pack had only six members in it not including him. He was so strong in battle that no wolf would even try to enter his territory to even try to changing him. He was given the name Drako by the other wolves a word that meant war god in wolf speech. Some said he was possessed by an evil spirit to be so strong.

A tear fell from his eyes as he thought back to his old life and how it had been taken away from him. The members of his pack had three females (Blue, Zone, and Luna his mate.) and three males (Tie, Bo, and Lee).

"Human scum." Yelled Drako as he stopped under a tree to sit and cry for his dead pack

They had been hunting one night just a few weeks ago trying to get food for Luna. She was going to have his pups and the pack was excited about it. He could remember it all like it had just happened.

He was about to take down a large Elk when out of no where a loud noise shot through the air fallowed by a loud yelp from Bo. Fearing for his pack member Drako stopped and saw the others surrounding Bo a spot of red snow next to him.

"What happened." Yelled Drako

"Don't know sir but Bo is not breathing." Yelled Zone tears flowing

Drako had ran up to his friend getting close to his motionless form. He saw a small hole in his chest near his heart. The eyes looked at him no light in them and no breath coming from the young wolf. He was dead.

"We need to leave now what ever made that noise came from man and they are out to kill." Said Drako looking down at his fallen pack member

"But what about Bo's body Drako we cant just leave it here." Said Luna coming up next to him

"We have to my love because if we don't we will all be killed they are watching us from some where right now." Said Drako

But they had no time to do as much as walk a few feet from Bo before the sound of some loud things came from the trees. Out of no where eight men on some strange things that moved through the snow like it was water came flying at them. They had never seen snow mobiles before and did not know what to do about them.

Each snow mobile had two men on them for a total of four snow mobiles and eight men. The ones on the back had rifles with them. Drako knew that the men must be ranchers from not far from the packs living aria because the had a look of hate in there eyes. The men on the back took aim at them and fired. Blue and Tie both fell with a bullet in there heads.

"Run." Yelled Drako to the others as the men took aim again

They all bolted trying to keep away from the men. But they could not do much Zone only made it a few feet before she got ran down. Lee ran off with Luna trying to keep her safe. She could not run fast so she needed the most protection. Drako was trying to lead them away from the other two. The men were yelling in delight at the fleeing animals. This was not enough to stop them from chasing them. A man took aim as Luna and shot but Lee had jumped in the way trying to save his alpha females life, he was dead before his hit the ground.

Luna ran and hid in a small den just out of sight of the in the cliffs just by the forest. Drako had ran to the safety of a clump of bushes where he could see the den and stay hidden at the same time. The men stopped the snow mobiles because they could not get through the trees. They got off and walked over to the cliffs and the den they knew was near by. Drako could only see seven of them.

"Where did the other on go." Said Drako as he got ready to stop the men from getting to his mate

Then out of no where a net was thrown on top of him and he was drug out of his hiding spot yelping and trying to fight his way out.

"I got one" said the eighth man that had snuck up on him

Drako could not under stand him but he knew the man thought it was funny. He could do nothing but watch as the others pulled out his mate with a pole that had a wire on it wrapped around her neck. She was snarling at them as she was forced out and made to put her head to the ground.

"What should be do to this one looks like she is going to have pups soon." Said one man to the other kicking her hard in the gut making Drako howl in rage as he saw his mate start to bleed out of her slit.

"Like I said before we need to kill them all to stop them from killing our live stock shoot her and him and let's get out of here before we get found out."

The men laughed and Drako howled as he watched a man put the barrel of a rifle up to his mates head. She looked at him with sadness in her face, she knew what was about to happen.

"Live on my love and get away." She said right before the man pulled the trigger.

Drako watched as her life was destroyed. Then anger filled his mind and he saw red. With a huge amount of force he throw the man holding the net off and got out. He attacked the men with fury in every breath he took. He wanted to kill the men that took his pack away from him. He was so strong that he was able to rip two of the rifles from them men before they ran off.

Drako did not run them down because he knew they would not be back. He walked up to his mate and ran a paw over her soft form. He felt her belly to see if the pups had still lived nothing moved. He had lost everything now and he was not lost.

Now he was alone walking out of Yellowstone and heading north not knowing where he would end up and he didn't care one bit. What did it all madder when he had nothing? Why should he stay alive when he had nothing?

He was only three years old but he felt like her was older having lost so much. But something inside him told him to stay alive and keep moving. Now he was under a tree crying for his lost pack in a northern state called Minnesota.

"I have been so pathetic." He said out loud "I was once the most powerful male in Yellowstone and now look at me crying under a tree in the middle of nowhere."

A cold wind had picked up and he could smell something in the air it was sweet and wild at the same time. He tried looking around for the source of the smell and saw a wolf out in the distance. It was watching him from a hill top looking down on him with a little fear in its eyes.

He looked back at it and said "If I am in your territory I'm sorry I will leave right away."

The wolf started to walk to him and said "This is not mine I was about to ask if it was yours."

Drako sat up and walked out from under the tree so he could get a better look at this wolf. Once he was close he said "I'm just passing through sorry if I have bothered you."

"It's fine with me I'm a loner and passing through myself. Why did you not attack me when you saw me?" said the wolf that was female by the sound of her voice

"Where I come from we talk before we attack. It helps to keep us from killing a friend by mistake." Said Drako

"I'm not to used to that around here you have to be careful not to get hurt if you enter another wolfs territory. My names Ariel nice to meet you."

"Same here the names Drako now leave me alone if you don't own this land then I will stay here for a bit longer." Said Drako tuning and sitting back under the tree

"Well that's not a nice thing to say to a girl you just met." Said Ariel

"Ya well I don't care what you think I don't want to be talked too." Said Drako

"You look sad what's wrong with you are you sick." Said Ariel

"No I'm just not in a good mood."

"Why not?"

"Don't ask now leave me to rest in peace you little annoying She wolf." Yelled Drako

"Wow you get mad fast don't you but I bet it's all talk and show but no action." Said Arial with a smile on her face

"You want to find out the hard way."

"Now Drako I'm just playing with you I want to know if you plan on sleeping out here tonight."

"Yes why should you care?" said Drako looking at her with a sad gleam in them.

"I can see you could use a nice place to sleep and there is a storm coming in. You'll die out here so why don't you come back to a small den I found just back this way."

"I don't need your help I am an alpha male from a great pack I think I can live in a snow storm."

"Are you from this aria Drako?"

"No I'm not I'm from Yellowstone."

"Then you need to find shelter the storms here are way bigger and colder than the ones you know. Come on I promise you that you will not regret it. I think even a big old Alpha like you could find it in yourself to take help when it is needed." Said Ariel

Drako looked around at the surrounding trees and then the sky. It had started to snow and the temp dropped fifteen degrees. He knew she was right and he hated to have to say it to her. But what would this mean now he was going to a den with a female that he didn't know. Would this be a bad call on his part toward his fallen mate?

"I guess it could not hurt but don't be a bother to me." Said Drako

"Can do fallow me it is just over the hill." Said Ariel

She turned and started to walk back in the direction she came from her tail raised high in the air showing some Alpha in her. Drako knew that she must be a brave female to do so around a powerful Alpha like Drako. He could now smell the same sweet wild smell he did before and now knew it came from her. He had smelled something like it before but he could not remember where because he was to upset to think to hard on it.

He had to admit she was a beautiful young Wolf not much older then two. She must have just become an adult. She was smaller then he was but looked like she could put up a good fight or take down any pray she wanted.

As they walked Drako lightened up a bit and asked "So why is a young wolf like you doing as a loner?"

"My sister is the alpha of my old pack and kicked me out because she saw me as a threat to her new mate. I didn't like him much and left. I could have fought her and became alpha but the pack liked her and I know they would not respect me as they did her." Said Ariel

"I'm sorry to here that." Said Drako

"Don't be she is an older sister and I just became an adult I have much to explore before I take over a pack."

"I'm only three and I led a pack well." Said Drako

"Ya that is different why are you not with them did you lose a fight?"

Drako looked down at this and said "In a way but not with another wolf. I was the strongest wolf in Yellowstone but I could not stop the humans from Killing my pack along with my mate and unborn pups."

They had gotten to the den by the time he told her this and she stopped in front of it as she said "I'm so sorry Drako now I can see way you wanted to be left alone."

"It's fine if you didn't come along I would have not left the tree and gotten stuck in the storm." Said Drako as he went inside the den.

The den had a small opening that was hidden from most but was big on the inside and warm at the same time. He looked around the place loving the look and feel of it. He jumped as Ariel came up behind him and touched his tail.

"Don't sneak up on my like that." He yelled but he soon changed his tone when he saw her eyes filled with tears "What's wrong Ariel?"

"I was wondering what I would be like to have a mate then to lose them like you did. I bet it is the saddest thing you could ever go through."

"It is hard but time may help me get through it. What are you going to do you must be looking for a mate or is it to late for that." Said Drako

"No I have not been able to find one you see I'm late going in to heat and most the males have found a mate by now." Said Ariel

"Well I'm sorry to hear that but once you do it will be worth the wait." Said Drako smiling for the first time in weeks

"Thanks Drako, Well lets be getting to bed its late and I'm pooped from the day already." Said Ariel walking to a corner of the cave and lying down on some dried leaves

Drako went to the other end and imitated her by lying down. He slowly closed his eyes letting sleep wash over him. Soon he was dreaming of a better time. When he was only a pup and he was playing with his best friend Luna. They had grown up together like brother and sister. Drako's family had been wiped out and he was taken in by the Redstone pack.

He remembered when he was almost two and he mated Luna for the first time with out the pack leader knowing. When they had been done she had looked at her love and said "Drako why do you let my father push you around like that."

"What do you mean Luna?" Drako had said

"I love my father but you are so strong for your age and I don't know why you let him walk all over you like an omega. You have what it takes to be the Alpha. You mated me and only the Alpha is aloud to mate in a pack."

"Your father took me in and gave me new life. I could never do anything to hurt him." Said Drako

"He hates you my mother told him to take you in. He wants to have you killed or kicked out so you will not take his place as leader." Said Luna

"Why would he do that?"

"Think about it he can see that you will be a powerful enemy and he doesn't want that."

Drako had known it and later that day he had started a fight with the leader and won. He could smell his new mate at his side ready to do what he wanted and help him lead the pack to a new life. But something was wrong he could hear a female whimpering somewhere and smell a strong smell that was sweet yet wild once more.

He now knew what it was; this was the smell his mate had given off when she had gone in to heat. But it did not match with his dream because Luna did not go in to heat that night.

Drako jumped as a loud whimper rang through the cave waking him from his dream. He looked around to see Ariel shaking and whimpering in the corner. Was she dreaming or was she scared of something he could not see. Then he could smell the smell again and he knew she was going in to heat. She had said she was late but he never knew it would happen at night when she was sleeping.

Drako got up and walked up to her sleeping form intending to wake her up to make sure she was ok. But as soon as he got up to her he saw her pink pussy swollen looking at him from her rump. His mind blanked as he looked at it. He didn't know why but he wanted that pussy more than anything in the world. He knew what he was about to do was bad but he didn't care. He put his head down and liked it.

She gave a small shudder and moaned loudly then opened her eyes and said "Drako that felt so good could you to it again."

He did not want to but could not let this poor female suffer with her first heat. He put his head down once more liking her pussy long and slow letting his tongue go in her pussy a little. She through her head back and moaned loudly letting her legs part as the male wolf licked her swollen pussy. She had just met this male but in her need for pleasure and want to stop the pain she let him continue.

He could see this was making her happy so Drako did not stop. He continued to lick her pussy and soon had his tongue go in to her pussy more and more. She was moaning loudly now. Soon she felt her pussy tighten over his tongue and her juices flowed on to his muzzle. He liked it all up and still went on. His cock was now half way out of its sheath waiting for more and a place to put itself.

"Ariel you need to turn over so I can reach you better." Said Drako

"I can't just do what ever you can let me stay on my back." She panted back to him

A little annoyed but wanting his own pleaser he let her stay on her back and he moved up. He put his now hard cock up to her pussy and let it slid in. it was a slow thing because she was still a virgin and was tight. He put his entire ten inch cock inside of her all the way to his knot.

She let a huge gasp as he stopped and then she fell to the ground letting another orgasm come forth. He felt the sex juice run down his shaft making it easier for him to move it in and out. As he did this he felt something pop in her and saw a bit of blood. He had popped her cherry making her a real adult.

"My god." Yelled Ariel as she felt it pop sending shouts of pain up her body soon replaced by pleaser

"You are now an adult Ariel." Said Drako with a smile on his face

"Shut up and fuck me harder." She yelled panting a bit

He just smiled and did as he was told. He moved faster and faster pounding her harder and harder. Soon her body was moving a bit toward the other end of the cave. She let small screams come out of her as she was fucked. She let go to five more orgasms as he pounded her. The cave was now getting so warm you would have thought it could melt the snow outside.

Ariel wanted this big wolf more then ever now as she saw the once sad face filled with pleasure and joy at being able to fuck another wolf. She looked down and saw his cock going in and out of her making her stomach bump up a bit when it went in. She wanted to taste it so she leaned forward and licked it as it was going in and out.

Drako panted harder as she did this. The feeling of her tongue going over his cock and her pussy made him lose some control of what he was doing and he pushed to hard making his knot pop in to her. The two of them howled as it entered. Drako's cock twitched inside and blasted a hard load of cum deep within her.

Ariel Howled as she climaxed long and hard mixing her juice with his seed. It was too much for both of them and they both passed out on the floor. Cum was running slowly out of Ariel's pussy as they slept and Drako's cock still was twitching and shutting more cum.

They slept for an hour before Drako awoke looking down at his cock still inside the young female. He was shocked to see what had happened and pulled out. She did not wake up as he slowly moved away from her.

"What have I done?" said Drako looking down at the worn out Female covered in small bits from him and full of his seed

He knew he had tarnished his mate's memory by doing this and he was ashamed. He walked to the mouth of the cave and went outside. He looked around at the dark night slowly tuning in to day. Now what would he do.

"I can't stay if I do she will think I'm her mate and I will be an abomination for mating any other but my mate." Said Drako

"No you wont." Said Ariel sneaking up on him again

He jumped then yelled "I said not to do that."

"So are you leaving me?" said Ariel not sounding shocked or sad just a little disappointed

"I have to, you see I had a mate and now she is dead. It was because of me that she died. I have to go the rest of my life with out a mate." Said Drako

"Why is that?"

"It is just they way of things." Said Drako

"No it's not Drako you see you don't have to be alone just because you lost your mate. I bet she would have wanted you to be happy and find some one new." Said Ariel

"But it was my fault she died and so did the pack."

"How is it your fault, did you help the humans or leave a wolf behind when they could have been saved."


"Then it is not yours but the humans for being so horrible." Said Ariel

"I'm scared Ariel."

"Then tell me this Drako. Do you like me?"

"Yes but..."

"No buts, if you like me or even think you may love me then come in the cave if not then leave but don't go just because of your dead mate. You are still alive and there is a reason for that." Said Ariel tuning and walking back in to the cave

Drako sat there looking around and wondering what to do next. He then knew why he was alive even though the pack had died. He was here to make more pups and help the world grow. He got up and walked back it to the cave.

He was greeted by Ariel coming up to him and liking his face. Then she moved down to his ball sack and gave it a small lick.

"What are you doing?"

"Saying thanks for a great night and for coming back."

She then began to lick his balls with more force making is cock slowly come out. Once it was half way she started to suck on the red soft skin making it get longer and harder as she did so. Drako let out a long moan as he felt her deep throat him taking in all his cock and his knot. Her tongue would then come out and lick his balls a bit as she still had his cock in her mouth. It was not long before he shot cum all inside her mouth filling it and making some fall to the floor.

"That was fun." She said with a grin on her face

"Ya it was not even my old mate would have done that for me. Thanks Ariel." Said Drako

She walked away from him putting her tail up and looking at him with an grin saying "You can thank me a different way my love."

"I think I'm going to like this one." Said Drako to himself walking to his new mate.