Hung Like A Horse

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#33 of GenderShifting

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

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"Budge over!" A short shove sent Kevin nearly off the stone bench that he was currently inhabiting, making him glare as his older brother took the bulk of the seat with a grin."Oh don't glare, there isn't enough of you to take up this much room!"

"Fine.." The younger boy muttered the word, biting back the urge to say more by the very skin of his teeth.

The rough jostling continued for a few minutes as his brother settled himself, using his larger weight and muscled body to make sure that he was sitting on the very edge of the bench where there was no way he could lounge comfortably. That was nothing new, Nathan was always trying to take the lion's share of anything he had, and the only thing different today was the fact that he hadn't arrived sooner once he had sat down to eat. The reason being, he was having lunch with one of the new students that had signed up for the fall semester at their college. And that was the reason he didn't start protesting as loudly as he normally did when he was being pushed around. Sarah was sitting across the stone table with her meal laid out in front of her and a smile on her face as she greeted Nathan.

Kevin struggled to keep his features pleasant as he pulled his own lunch tray towards him and stifled his disappointment that his quiet meal with her was interrupted. He had been so excited to catch Sarah well before the normal lunch hour and found out she was hungry and had some free time. The short blond haired girl was the most attractive person he'd ever seen, she had a pixie style hair cut that framed her bright blue eyes making him want to stare at her for hours. Her body was curved, not fat, just curvy so that her full breasts and curved hips could distract him for hours when he saw her walking along the path. She was everything he wanted in a girlfriend, everything he day dreamed about, and, unfortunately, also everything that his older brother wanted.

Nathan was a more muscular, more refined version of him. He was athletic, he always had been, hell, he was even on the college football team and had earned a scholarship that way. Not through being intelligent, no, just because he could tackle people and take them down to the dirt. It was the most frustrating thing in the world to be stuck as his younger brother. Kevin was smart, he knew it, he loved books and learning, he had even gotten several grants on that account, but everyone was more impressed with the athlete. He was also thinner, less muscular, less impressive looking at first glance. And that was mostly all he got once someone looked at his older brother. Normally he really didn't care, but that was before Nathan had turned his eyes on Sarah.

"... afterwards, but I could probably manage something this weekend." Sarah's soft voice brought his attention to Nathan who was leaning forward over the table with a grin.

"What about this weekend?" He chimed up and tried to shove his brother off part of the bench so he could get a better seat.

"Nothin' about you, Kev." Nathan gave him a patronizing smile. "You know you're not into sports or anything." It was utterly demeaning the way Nathan looked at him, making him bristle, but Sarah, thankfully, took pity on him.

"Nathan wants me to go to the Historical Society, you know, they do the old 1900's baseball team around this time of year." Sarah's smile wasn't patronizing, it was warm and he smiled in response before straightening up.

"Well I'd be willing to go too." He inserted himself, ignoring the kick of the foot beneath the table. "You know, I'm not adverse to sports like that. It sounds really interesting."

"Then we can do that, then!" Sarah looked brighter, something that he took to heart when she glanced back at Nathan. "We can check out the village afterwards, they do all sorts of neat stuff there craft wise, I've never been since I moved here."

"Oh yes, it's amazing! It's actually on the site of the old Fort so you can see some of the walls that used to be there, though they're badly degraded-" Kevin started to talk animatedly, bypassing the topic of sports to one of his passions about history. He tried to keep the smile from his face as Nathan was forced to shut up since he had no idea what was being discussed. That would teach him to try and steal Sarah out from under him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sound of the door slamming made the cupboard doors actually shake as Nathan's arrival at the house was announced. Kevin heard it all the way in the shower, pausing to listen to the sound of footsteps stormed through the living room without missing a beat. He tried not to grin smugly at that sound, he had known that his brother would come home pissed off to no end, but it was worth it. He had managed to spend the entire lunch with Sarah enjoying a shared love of history. She had just moved here, so he was happy to give her local history and lore, he knew most of it ever since he had worked through high school at the town museum. Nathan had even left the table before they were done talking, another victory for him. He was slowly going to win her over one way or another.

Now she's just thinking about the village, not about some stupid baseball game. His lips twitched with a smile as he heard a thud as a book bag was tossed.

He ducked his head back down into the shower, letting it spill down his back and get rid of the worst of the sweat he'd worked up when he'd gotten home. Despite the fact that they'd moved their horses to a boarding facility nearly a year ago, his parents hadn't done anything with their old barn. It was mostly falling down anyway, but his parents were insistent that they wanted to change it over to storage for his father's antique shop and the things he kept bringing home. So they had given Nathan and himself the job of clearing it out, taking down the stalls and making space where things could be stored without becoming damaged. Of course, Nathan had shoved most of the work on him, despite the fact his older brother was larger and stronger. So every day after school he worked for an hour or two, doing things the best that he could.

He leaned back and let out a soft sigh that blue water from his lips as he reached up to grab some shampoo to work into his hair. Some of his triumph was dimmed as he thought about all the work he still had to do in there all by himself. Nathan should have been helping him, the jock was big enough that he could have been doing the work so must faster than Kevin was doing. He plunged his head under the water to rinse of the suds, quelling down his annoyance as he did so. At least until there was the sound of the door opening and a waft of cold air spilling around the opaque shower curtain.

"I've had it!" Nathan's voice was almost a growl as he walked into their bathroom without even knock. "We're not playing this back and forth game. What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"What do you mean?" He spit out some water and shifted the curtain partially open just as brother pushed the lid up of the toilet.

"Listen, I don't care what you do, but you are damn well not going to be going after Sarah." His older brother glared at him as he undid his jeans. "She's too damn good for you, you're shooting out of your league, bro."

"I don't think I am." Kevin replied stiffly, shift his eyes away as his brother pulled out his cock to take a piss. "She seemed to like me well enough at lunch to ignore YOU."

He ducked back into the shower, not comfortable talking to his brother face to face while Nathan was taking a piss. It wasn't that he hadn't seen his brother naked before, they had been forced to share a shower for so long that they had both seen each other naked in the past. What made him uncomfortable was the fact his brother was almost obscenely hung when it came down to it. It was humiliating to see just how large he was when compared to the four inches that he had. It was like everything in the world had been given to his brother out of hand, leaving him with the bits and pieces left over.

"Seriously? You think she likes you like that?!" Nathan actually laughed at him. "She's just being nice to you. Jesus!"

"Oh yeah, because they all want a dumb ass jock!" He snapped back angrily, reaching over to turn off the water. "She likes to actually think, not watch you flex at her."

"Really?" Kevin didn't even get a warning as the shower curtain was whipped back by his brother, it was yanked all the way open leaving him trying to grab the edges to pull up. "Damn, don't try to act like such a fucking girl!"

"I was showering!" He got ahold of the curtain and yanked it up. His cheeks burned dark red as he noticed that his brother had glanced down before he got the fabric up. "What? You just come in to stare at my junk?"

"Ha! I forgot how tiny you are." His brother smirked. "You think any girl would want that? Maybe if they were a dyke and into big clits. Just give it up and go back to whatever the fuck it is you do all day!"

"I'm not going to give up!" Kevin snarled out angrily, humiliated beyond reason while his brother continued to smirk at him.

"Fine, don't give up! She'll just laugh at you if you ever get naked with her." He let go of the curtain and turned away. "Fuck, I'll even set you two up so she can have a good laugh at that pathetic prick! It'll be worth it!"

Kevin was left almost shaking with anger, his face a dark beet red as he tried to come up with a good retort to his brother. He couldn't even find one. He knew he wasn't big, but he wasn't that small, damnit! He as average!

And who would want that when they could have Nathan... The treacherous thought slipped through his mind as he climbed out of the shower.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Nathan! Get up!!" A loud voice reached Nathan in the midst of his dreams, slowly at first, but gradually pulling him out of the sleep that he desperately needed.

With a growl he made a reply as he pulled himself deeper under the covers and tried to will away the sound of his mother trying to get him up, offset by the sound of his beeping alarm. It was loud enough that there was no way he could ignore it, not now that he had been dragged out of the rather erotic dream he had been having. With a groan he threw his covers off and blinked a little bit at the bright sunlight that was filtering in through the window while he tried to get his mind awake. His mother gave him a smile from the doorway, a hurried look before going down the hall, likely already running late to get to the shop in time to open it up. That was nothing new, she was always running late and trying to play catch up. Especially on Friday mornings.

Friday, the best damn day of the week for him. He only had a single class in the morning to make and then he had practice in the afternoon. Afterwards, he'd be able to enjoy the entire evening to himself, maybe even make a party if things lined up right. He pulled himself out of bed to stretch himself out, cracking his back slightly as he scratched his chest and glanced at where his brother was already up and getting ready for the day in the bathroom. He hadn't even closed the door that led into his bedroom, probably just to be an ass after he had teased him last night. In revenge he peeled off his boxers and started to hunt for his clothes after closing the door that led to hall.

He flaunted the fact he was half hard, ten and a half inches of thick flesh bobbed against his thighs back and forth with each movement. Ever since he'd been old enough to know what he could do with his cock he knew he was well hung. Hell, his first girlfriend had been more than satisfied with him, hell she had complained it hurt when he fucked her. That made him proud, that he could fuck a girl until she walked funny the next day, unlike his brother. He saw the flush on the ridge of his brother's cheeks before Kevin stormed out of the bathroom wordlessly. He grinned and started to get dressed, he knew exactly how to get a rise out of his little brother, it was ridiculously easy.

It made him feel better about Saturday, it meant that he could keep the kid on edge and not have to deal with him trying to turn the conversation to something he had no interest in. Nathan wasn't that worried that Sarah would fall for him, Kevin was too scrawny, too awkward and not confident enough at all. He didn't even really know how to talk to a girl with an eye to seducing her, he just babbled and struggled to keep a conversation going. It annoyed him that it seemed as if Kevin was convinced he had a chance and was refusing to give it up, at least he had before last night. Last night he had taken the gloves off with the situation, showing his younger brother exactly what Sarah would be looking for in a boyfriend, and it certainly wasn't going to be found on him. He doubted his little brother would try for her again, not after he had humiliated him.

It didn't take long for Nathan to get dressed for the day, he didn't really care what he was wearing as long as he had clothes on. He was running behind his younger brother, but Kevin was always worried about getting places on time. He gave his younger brother a look as he walked into the kitchen, wrinkling his nose in disgust at the fact he was neatly cutting up fruit for his breakfast. Nathan, on the other hand, pulled out some of his protein powder and started to put together the mixer so he could make his own breakfast. There was a reason that he had a toned body, and part of that was making sure that he was fit instead of nibbling on things like a fucking rabbit.

It was while he getting the milk that he noticed that there was something sitting on top of his brother's bag. It wasn't large, normally he wouldn't have even seen it, but it was brightly wrapped in silver foil picked out with gold stars. There was no mistaking the shape, it was some sort of jewelry box carefully sitting on top of his book bag, the ribbon was fluffed up and obviously would have been smashed if it had been in the bag.

"Are you serious??" Nathan reached down to pluck up the package. "Didn't we have a talk last night?!"

"HEY!" Kevin tried to grab it out of his hands as he nabbed it. "Give that back!" The boy's cheeks started to color a bright red.

"So what? You plan on buying her off?" He lifted his hand up high so that Kevin couldn't grab the package. "I told you, limp dick, she would laugh in your fucking face if you were nude in front of her!"

"No she wouldn't!" The flush on Kevin's cheeks was growing as he struggled to grab the package again, but this time Nathan had had enough.

He wasn't going to tolerate Kevin's attempts to seduce Sarah, it had been funny at first, but enough was certainly enough. He twisted his hips and threw his weight up against his brother so that he stumbled forward. Kevin tried to catch himself while he moved to catch the slender arms with his free hand and gave a yank so that he stumbled forward where he could be pinned against the corner of the counter. He used his greater weight and leverage to make sure that there was no way for his little brother to escape as he grinned wickedly.

"Say uncle, squirt." He said it in a sing song voice, just like when they were little and shoved his arm forward so Kevin was forcefully bent over the table.

"GIMME IT BACK!" Kevin's voice was enraged while he struggled to get his way free. It was a losing battle, Nathan weighed more and he pushed his chest forward to make sure that he couldn't wriggle his way free. "That's not yours!!"

"Is now." He grinned and gave a push that forced Kevin's cheeks right against the counter. "Say uncle, little bitch."

"I'm not a bitch!" He yelped out only to be shoved again, this time Nathan used his elbow to shove roughly between his shoulder blades. "LET GO!"

"SAY IT!!" He gave another push, this time bruising against the shoulder blades roughly enough that Kevin let out a pained noise.

"UNCLE!" Kevin got the words out, angrily snarling them up at his older brother while Nathan let out a victorious laugh.

"Damn straight!" Nathan stepped back as his brother glared at him. He tossed the package up and down smugly. "And this is gonna be mine now, I bet I can find a use for it. This is too good for you. You better eat your fucking fruit, limp dick."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kevin's shoulders hurt where his brother had pinned him down, but it didn't hurt as badly as his pride did. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole at the moment, but he did nothing more than to continue eating his food while watching his brother leave. He didn't ask for a ride, he'd just walk, he wasn't going to ask his brother for anything, especially seeing that he had taken the gift that he'd gotten for Sarah away from him. He was bristling with anger, ready to call his mother just to tell her what Nathan had done, but that was his childish side. She would just tell him that he was being a child about it and to demand his property back. She didn't want to hear about their spats when she had other things to worry about. And that just made it worse that no one would listen to him.

He had stormed off last night after being humiliated, he hadn't had the drive to do his homework, he hadn't wanted to be in the house at all. And he certainly didn't want to be around Nathan, he'd taken time to go out to the stable where they kept their horses and took a long ride. It had been too long since he'd saddled up his gelding and taken him out for a nice gallop that would let him take out some of his frustrations. It had even mostly worked, by the time he was wiping down his gelding he had felt better, much better. He'd even taken time to go see the youth horse show that had been going on, nostalgic for the times that he had been younger and bringing home ribbons.

The little make shift festival had not only shown youngsters jumping, but vendors had set up various tables where you could buy new tack or things for yourself. He had spent nearly an hour wandering around, soothing the last of his anger by buying his horse a new black bridle that had silver etching around the edges. One of the last tables had been a woman selling jewelry patterned after the celtic goddess Epona, all sorts of horses that were leaping and creating intricate knots. There were a few things for horses, but most of them had been for their riders. The woman running it was quite nice and chatty, obviously enjoying someone that liked her jewelry and he had started to spill his own woes into her sympathetic ear.

He had heard himself whining and tried to stop, but the older woman had seemed so cheerful and nice, murmuring her own sympathies and offering advice on how he might gain her attention. One way, had been a set of rings that she had under a plexiglass box and nestled in a blue velvet nest. One was solid gold with silver horse's running around the edges, the other one was a little thinner and silver with gold horses. They were all done in celtic style and she'd offered them to him with a smile, pointing out the craftsmanship and detail. It was supposedly what one of the celtic tribes did when they were getting married.

"It will make a man have the virility of the stallion and the female the fertility of a mare." She'd laughed softly as she pointed first to the gold and then to the silver. "For a fruitful courtship."

Kevin had been so happy to buy them, the story behind them making him flush, but it had been a last bid he had planned to give Sarah. He pushed his plate away and stared down at the ring on his thumb, the gold gleaming in the light as he considered just how much he had spent on the set, one half that had been hauled away by his brother. How could Nathan be so damn selfish?! They should both get a chance, not just his older brother because he was hung like a fucking horse. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right. He didn't stand a chance, and now he knew that the present would likely be handed over to Sarah in his brother's name. It would be his bid to get her more interested.

He ran a finger along his ring, turning it back and forth over his thumb so that he could feel the ring within the ring spinning around slowly. The horse's shifted position as he did so before he swung it back again. He'd loved that part of it, especially when he thought of Sarah, she was always playing with her jewelry and the spinning disk in the ring would have been perfect. He nearly pulled the ring off to shove in his pocket, but he stopped himself and left it on. Maybe if she saw it on him after Nathan gave her his present, she would figure out it wasn't something that he had picked out. Vain hope. But that's all he had as he stood up and grabbed his bag so he could head to school

~ ~ * ~ ~

"What the fuck?" Nathan turned the ring in his fingers before barking a laugh to himself as he sat in his truck in the parking lot. "Little shit."

It was a silver ring, nearly a quarter inch thick and was block and octagonal save for the middle part that was a smooth circle. A touch proved that it was meant to be spun around, almost like the cheap rings that he saw on street fairs and the like, except it was sturdier. It was far thicker than they normally were, so obviously it was some quality, but it didn't look like a girls ring in the least little bit. The silver was too blocky, and the figures of the horses were all wrong and long, stretched out weirdly with the legs curled under and heads twisted around. They didn't look like something a girl wanted to have, and who knew where the fuck the little shit had picked it up and decided Sarah should have it.

He was a bit amused as he stuck the ring over his thumb, finding that it fit, though a bit tightly, around his finger as he settled it there and snorted. It was obviously a guy's ring, no wonder his little brother would never get a girl if he didn't even know how to pick out jewelry. He spun the ring around, amused at the way he had to really push to even budge it, more proof that this was meant for a guy. It was just one more thing he would tease the boy about once he had Sarah his own girlfriend. With a smile he swung his door open and stepped out into the parking lot. He grabbed his bag and closed the door, admiring the fit of the ring before starting to head up the long stairs that led towards the college.

His one single class for the day was never entertaining, but it was one of the few he needed to keep his scholarship. He made it by the skin of his teeth and sprawled out in his desk near the back of the class so no one would really comment on it if he tried to bolt out before the end of class. He really didn't like Chemistry, it was one of the suckiest classes, but the Friday class was just a review of the lab that they did earlier in the week. It gave him a chance to zone out as he sprawled his legs out under the desk and started to make idle notes down on what was being said. He hated the fact that he had his classes laid out for him by his coach, but if he wanted to keep his scholarship he had to follow through with his classes and he wasn't allowed to take easy courses that he wanted to take.

That had happened the first year he was here, a big overhaul of the system when jocks were taking easy cake classes just so they could keep on the team until they go onto the pros. So he had Chemistry, Biology and Anatomy to fill his time due to the fact he had shown interest in being a coach sometime in the future. Anatomy wasn't too bad, but the other two he could do without. He let himself zone out, rolling the spinning ring back and forth as he contemplated his plans for the future. He'd get out of college and hopefully get picked up by a pro team, but if not, he needed to start researching becoming an assistant coach somewhere reputable enough to build up his resume.

He mostly wasn't paying attention to what was going on with the class when he began to feel restless and his shirt itched horribly. It felt tight along his chest as he shifted back in his seat and started to draw along the edge of his notebook idly, ignoring the fact that the sensation of his shirt rubbing against his chest was irritating. It was a new shirt, and he ended up pulling it a few times to loosen it when it brushed right against his nipples, feeling it scrape uncomfortably against them at times. He felt flushed and uncomfortable, a heat rising up towards the edges of his cheeks the more he sat in class and ran a hand along his forehead, trying to see if he felt hot to the touch.

His skin felt a bit tight over his body, he could feel every brush of his clothing along his upper body and the edge of his shirt was too tight around his neck. He pulled a few times in an attempt to loosen it, but it was a new shirt and wasn't about to stretch that easily. The tag was rubbing against the back of his neck, just beneath the line of his neck and he hated the feel of it brushing back and forth. The voice of his teacher was loud, it was sharper while he struggled to ignore the sound of the voice. Had the milk been sour? He hadn't tasted it before blending it in with his protein powder and he hadn't woken up with this sensation of something being off.

It would be just his luck that he was coming down with something on the weekend when he had plans with Sarah. He ignored it, even when the itch on his cheeks began to make him feel uncomfortably aware of the beating his heart in his own ears. He nervously turned the ring, hoping that his teacher would wrap up class so that he could get done. Each moment seemed to take forever while he brushed his fingers down along his shirt and tugged at it again. It felt too hot, uncomfortably hot while the voice of his professor was quite loud in his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut a bit to block it out and kept his head down so that no one would notice that he was rapidly having problems paying attention. He was coming down with something, no doubt, he could feel the sense of being 'off' all through him despite the fact that his head didn't hurt and didn't feel as if he were about to throw up.

It was a shock when he moved his hand up and brushed along the edges of his cheeks that he didn't encounter the stubble that he half expected to be there since he hadn't really bothered shaving earlier in the morning. He opened his eyes as he felt a smooth patch right along the line of his chin, and as he moved higher up he felt more of it smoothing out at the touch from his fingers. A rush of fear perked up as he looked down at his notebook and saw flecks of his stubble coating the white paper. He moved his fingers down and brushed it off, breathing a bit faster as he ran his nails along his other cheek and against the stubble. The hairs fell down to the paper in a speckling, as if he had just gotten a haircut and the hairs hadn't all been brushed off, but it wasn't his hair cut. It was his start of a beard falling smoothly away from his face.

The fuck?!?!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kevin slammed the door open to the bathroom and stumbled in with a bit of a shake that made his breathing come out faster as he looked around wildly to make sure that no one else had come into the bathroom in front of him. Seeing he was in the clear he stumbled towards the large stall at the end meant for handicapped people and he got the door open while he was still able to keep his legs up. They were shaking, the muscles twitching and jumping as he dropped back against the wall and curled forward a little bit. Something was very wrong with him, it had started before he'd even got to school, it had been an ache along his back, his hips as he walked, and he'd barely made it here.

He should have been in class, but there was something very wrong, he could see it in the way that his pants were biting around his hips, painfully so. He could feel the band pinching him and chaffing against his skin as he let out a whimper and looked down at his legs. He had been wearing loose jeans, cast offs from his brother, but now they were tightly wrapped around him so there was no looseness around his upper thighs. And that wasn't all, his cock hurt, it actually hurt as it pressed up against the line of the jeans and that was what had sent him scrabbling for the bathroom so he could yank and pull against the edge of his pants. The button popped open so he let out a groan of relief while it sagged open and he was able to wiggle them downwards, albeit a bit awkwardly. It didn't matter, he was no longer being pinched as he leaned backwards and let out a sigh of relief.

His brother had done something, something stupid to his pants or something to just humiliate him. He reached down and shifted his underwear, they were tight, but the elastic made it able to stretch as it shifted back and forth. As he reached down he felt his own cock against the palm of his hand, and froze as the weight of it filled the palm of his hand and weighed him down, sagging forward and pulling the material tight. The shock of feeling the weight made him drop his head and yank against his underwear so that something heavy and dark spilled out from his loins. It wasn't his cock, it wasn't remotely like his cock, it was weighed down and heavy as it hung all the way down to his upper thighs, sagging out from a thick roll of flesh right around the base. And brought with it the harsh scent of horse.

WHAT?! He stared in shock, his hand moving down to cup right around the tip of his cock, feeling the warmth that pressed right against his palm.

The only reason he knew what he was looking at was a life time of being around horses, it was a short fat horse cock hanging down from the start of a sheath between his legs. The skin around the area was dark ebony, forming a triangle mark that ran up along the line of his belly button and it flopped along his muscular upper thighs. He had skinny legs, he always had, more bone than flesh, and now he was looking at the weight of them with dawning horror and confusion. He moved his hand up to touch the edge of his cock and paused as he stared down at the ring on his finger. It wasn't the same, it was turning silver around the edges instead of gold, leaking outwards to the edges while the band in the middle showed the horses turning gold instead of their normal silver.

"It will make a man have the virility of the stallion and the female the fertility of a mare" The words that the merchant came to mind as he stared at his changing cock. His breath caught in his throat and he lifted his head.

"Sarah.." Fear rose up in him and he forced himself to grasp the edges of his jeans to yank upwards.

If Nathan had given Sarah the other ring, was she changing even now? Turning into a mare in response to the ring that she had been given? The thought didn't just rouse fear in him, but a flaring of his nostrils that got him through the pain of fastening the too tight pants. If Sarah was turning into a mare, than perhaps it would be a stallion she would be attracted too.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Get your ass up, Arnolds!" The coach's voice was a roar in Nathan's ears as he leaned forward against the bench and rested his head in his hands.

"I'm sick, Coach.." His voice cracked slightly as he felt the heat pounding in his cheeks. "I'm gonna head out."

"Jesus, you fuckin' pussy, you can't get past it?!" The coach's voice was harsh and mocking, making Nathan flinch a bit. "Fine, you ain't starting next game, then!"

"I was supposed to start!" He protested, lifting his head up only to see the coach calling up someone else to get out onto the field.

God, I just need to get home, I need to get out of here. Nathan kept himself from trying to argue with the coach, he couldn't practice like this, there was no way he could keep running on the field when he was feeling dizzy and over heated.

That wasn't the only thing that was wrong. He had noticed that his pants were hanging along his hips, the legs of his jeans were too loose, normally they were tight along his upper legs, but they were hanging a bit as he left the field and swallowed roughly. The only reason that his pants were still up was the fact that his hips felt swollen and larger than normal. He didn't know why, but at this point all he wanted to do was make it home without any issues and lay down. He was sick with something, and his mind flickered towards just going to the hospital, but that would only get back to his coach. The moment he started having health issues there would be repercussions on the team, one of which would be losing his position and it was already suffering from a single sick day.

As he walked he winced at the way that his shirt was rubbing back and forth along the edges of his chest. His nipples were aching and sensitive feeling from the way they were being tugged back and forth awkwardly. It made him flinch a little bit while he let out a shuddering breath and swallowed another one down. They were perked up which made it worse, he could feel the material clinging to them as he started to walk forward and looked down. They were hard nubs, not small ones either, it was like two ripe blackberries were perked beneath his shirt, so warm and the material working over them just kept them humiliatingly erect. He almost wanted to use his hands to cover himself, but the thought made his cheeks flush with humiliation. He'd look like a girl.

"Hey! Whoops Nathan easy!" Sarah's laughter reached his ears as he swayed a little bit and nearly cracked into her shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine just in a rush." His voice cracked again, like he was a teenager, but it was too late to stop himself. "Gotta run."

"You don't look very good." Sarah's voice was flavored with concerns and one of her hands moved to touch his elbow. The touch sent a shock through him and made him swallow again roughly.

"I gotta go!" He snapped the words, it didn't matter that Sarah gave him a startled look as he nearly pushed past her. "I'll talk to you later!"

"Nathan?" The words were hesitant and hurt, but he didn't care, he needed to get home. "Here, let me help you."

The hand moved to curl beneath the edge of his arm again, resting there lightly along the edges of his forearm, lightly brushing there and carefully helping to stand up a bit straighter. He hated that the touch made his nipples stiffen a bit too much, the stroke of the cloth didn't hurt, it was almost pleasurable as he let out a breath. He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a short puffing noise while straightening up. He blinked his eyes rapidly to see Sarah's concerned face and then another hand touched the edge of his shoulders. It was a firm touch that helped brace him upright, and it wasn't hers, but it was a touch that made his stomach tense up slightly.

There was a warm rich scent, a taste of musk on the air that made his nostrils flare open wide before twisting away and stumbling backwards. He pulled away from Sarah and nearly crashed against Kevin's chest as the arms caught him. He saw his little brother's startled face as broad feeling arms wrapped around his chest and stomach. The warm rush of scent hit him, sending a twist through his stomach that made his pants suddenly tighten in a way that they hadn't before. And it wasn't because he was filling them out with his normal muscular form, it was filling out as his cock flexed beneath the front of his pants. Reacting to the scent and feel of the warm male arms wrapped around him.

"I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Nathan's words came out high pitched and feminine sounding, but he didn't care.

He roughly shoved against his brother's chest, pulling from the arms and bolted. He was feverish, hallucinating and he needed to get out of here before he could humiliate himself any further. He tore away, ignoring the startled look of Sarah and stumbled towards his truck. It didn't matter, nothing mattered, except getting out of here and getting home as soon as humanly possible.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"What's wrong with him?" Sarah's voice was soft and hurt as Kevin and she watched Nathan scrambling away, awkward looking in his outsized pants.

"I don't know." Kevin put worry in his voice while he licked his lips and ran his fingers along the hips of his jeans. "I should go take care of him though, he looks sick."

"I guess.." Came her doubtful reply and made Kevin hide a tight smile towards her. Nathan had just dug his own grave with the rough way he'd treated her.

"Don't worry, he's always been a little odd." He tried a slow smile on her. "How about I take you to the Historic Village tomorrow? Just us? I'd love to show it too you."

"I'd like that." Sarah's upset face turned into a smile towards him. "Tell Nathan I hope he feels better."

"I'll get him squared away in no time." Kevin promised, his own mind rushing towards the scent that still lingered against him. And what he'd seen.

There was a ring on his brother's finger, the ring that he had meant for Sarah, but he'd put it on himself. The idiot. The moment he'd come up and seen his brother freaking out his eyes had looked over the curved body he had seen exactly what was going on. He had never given the ring to Sarah, instead, whatever fae magic that was pouring between them was working on his body. He had felt the curve, the firm muscled ass that Nathan had boasted had become soft and malleable along his groin. His brother had smelled intoxicating, the warmth coming off him had been more appealing than even Sarah in that moment.

He gave her a soft goodbye, turning already to follow his older brother. The plan wasn't quite forming in his mind, he was too busy trying to catch a hint of that scent as his jeans became even more uncomfortable and tight.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Nathan had his head down on the steering wheel of his truck, waiting for it to warm up when the driver's side door was suddenly opened up. The cold wind spilling in, along with the hot harsh scent that he had fled from. He lifted his head slowly, his breathing came out in a trembling rush as he found Kevin grinning down at him. His little brother wasn't lost in his normally loose clothing, it was tight across his broad chest, his arms muscled as they casually rested on the open door and peered at him. Everything about him was subtly different, from the muscled chest and body, to the look in his eyes which were darker and the pupils looked strange as he moved around the door.

"Scoot over." The brisk voice was even deep sounding instead of a soft tenor, commanding so that Nathan stiffened.

"Get the hell out of here, Kevin." He tried to put force behind his words, but they were trembling, not quite as strong as he wanted it to be.

"I said scoot over." Kevin moved forward, using one broad shoulder to actually shove him roughly. "You don't get to drive."

"I...." That scent, it was coming closer and hotter while his breathing came out in short shallow pants. It was harder to think about what he should be saying, instead of the sudden need to obey, it was wrong, too wrong.

He let himself be shoved over, feeling smaller and soft than his younger brother who casually swung into the passenger seat and firmly shut the door behind him. The cab of the truck was suddenly confining, bringing panic up rapidly to his throat as he looked around wildly and tried to lift a hand to get at the door handle. This was all wrong, whatever was happening to his body was wrong. Kevin was wrong. He nearly got his hand up to the door, but a glare from Kevin made him drop his hand before the truck was put into gear and rolled backwards out of the parking spot.

This isn't anything like me... Nathen stared straight ahead as the confined cab was suddenly thick was that musty scent, familiar, almost like horse scent filling his nose. Had Kevin been riding?

He glanced at the hands gripping the wheel and realized that his younger brother was wearing the ring that Nathan had taken earlier in the day. He frowned and stared down at his hand, realizing that the metal was starting to look gold instead of silver, more feminine appearing and soft than the blocky octagonal ring he'd pulled on. Was it the ring? Was there something in there, some sort of drug?

As they drove down the road he tried to get the ring off, pulling along the edges roughly to try and peel it up along his thumb, but it wouldn't budge more than half a centimeter before sticking fast. The skin bunched up around the edges, reddening as he yanked harder and with increasing panic. It hadn't been that tight this morning, he'd pulled it on and it had even felt a little bit loose as he twisted it back and forth. Now it was as if it had been glued on, that, more than anything, let him know that there something to do with the ring that was in charge of all of this.

"Stop fiddling with that." Kevin glanced over as turned the truck up the long road that led to the farm. "I'm tired of you, tired of how you act like you're too good to do anything except football."

"It's what I'm good at!" The words were shrill and he coughed a few times, trying to make his voice deepen even more. It was hard to think with the thick scent in the air, it was filling his senses by the moment. "It's not my fault I'm not an egg head."

"You gotta be smart to help with the work around the house? To help clean out the old stables?" Kevin turned the truck so sharply that he nearly was thrown right against Nathan's side. "Because I'm tired of it. I do all the work, I pick up the slack, and you think that you're too good for it?"

"No..." Nathan felt his cheeks burning, this wasn't right, it just wasn't. His eyes flicked towards the door as Kevin turned towards him. He couldn't get his hand towards the door, he didn't want to upset his little brother. It was almost instinctive.

Nathan couldn't keep himself from looking down towards the bulge along the front of the tight blue jeans. It was too big for what he knew Kevin had down there, but it was thickening out slightly and pushing against the jeans that were far too tight for him. He found himself watching that bulge, some part of him flaring up in a hot rush as he swallowed roughly and turned his eyes back down towards the door again. The heat was burning along the edges of his cheeks and towards the tops of his ears. He drew in a shuddering breath and panted it out again, shaking his head to try and clear it while Kevin glared at him.

"C'mon, you're going to do chores today, I'm done busting my ass because you think you're too good to lift a hand." Kevin grinned as he spoke, the flush kept rising on Nathan's face.

"Fine... J-just fine, whatever. I don't even fucking care!" He finally got the words out, sharp and angry, even if his voice did crack and suddenly sound horribly feminine.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kevin watched Nathan storm into the house, but his eyes weren't on the tight shoulders or the way that he carried himself, his eyes were locked on the curve of his older brother's ass. It wasn't the hard muscled ass that he was used to seeing, it was soft looking and plush, something that made him itch to reach out and grab it and feel the way that it flexed beneath his fingers. He licked his lips nervously, drawing in a deep breath and partially closing his eyes as he tried to keep control of himself as best that he could. He'd never seen his brother this way, there was just a subtle feminine shape to his body, the way that he held himself was no longer dominant and powerful. Everything about him had started to change.

"You can start with dishes.." He stopped Nathan as soon as they walked into the back door, watching as the older boy reached down and started to pull his belt tighter around his waist.

"Fine.." Nathan gave him a look, but walked over towards the dishwasher, bending over to yank it open in a fit of anger.

"Oh no.." Kevin grinned wickedly, moving his hands down unbutton his too tight pants, they weren't loose enough to be remotely comfortable at this point and it was a feeling of relief to have them go loose around his waist. "Mmph that's better, you have to do them the old fashioned way. You're not gonna get babied today."

"Why the fuck..." Nathan turned to glare at him, but Kevin was already grinning and pulling his pants downwards so that the tip of his cock started to come out into view. The moment it did, his brother blanched and jerked away roughly.

Kevin didn't strip his pants off all the way, he just let the black swollen tip of his cock hang free from the open jeans before leaning back and grinning indolently as Nathan started to turn on the sink and gathered the dishes. Most mornings they were all too busy to really do dishes and do more than a cursory cleaning of the place, and this morning had been no different. Normally he came back from school to do dishes, washing the worst of any crumbs off it and tossing them into the washer so he could work on other chores, while letting them get cleaned. It was more than pleasurable to watch Nathan stacking the plates in the filling sink, the other boy's shoulders were hunched slightly.

His shirt was so heavy, it was hanging loose around his upper shoulders and billowed around him, but Kevin could see what was beneath it well enough at times. The hips were soft and spread open, a bit wider than normal and a softness to them that made his chest tight as he watched the steady movements. He had the urge to walk up behind his brother, to press himself along the line of that slender back and lean forward so that he could feel the warmth of the other boy's body against his larger one. Nathan probably couldn't even struggle to get away at that point, he'd just have to hope that his brother let him go. How often had Kevin been in that position?

~ ~ * ~ ~

Nathan trembled slightly as he felt the gaze on him, the eyes watching him closely as he lowered his head and started to scrub at the dirty dishes with the old sponge. The water was warm, nearly hot, and he didn't care, he leaned forward and tried to breathe in the warmth of that lavender scent he always teased his younger brother about. It didn't matter if the scent was wrong, what mattered was that he was no longer breathing in the warmth of his brother's scent. There was something about the way that Kevin was watching him that made him feel flustered and upset. His little brother wasn't acting as if he were scared or in awe, he was bossing him around as if he were the boss of the entire place instead of just his younger brother.

He had seen enough when he'd glanced over and seen the dark cock tip edging into the light. It hadn't looked like his brother's pitiful member, it had been thick and swollen, full and heavy looking. He had pulled his gaze away before too long, he hadn't wanted to gape at it, he hadn't wanted to feel drawn to the sight of it. Whatever was happening, it was happening to them both, but he wasn't getting the better end of the deal, he was the one that was suffering for it.

Cleaning the dishes was made a bit harder by the fact that his fingers were shaking as he worked. His body felt strange, over heated and tingling in places that made it hard to concentrate. His nipples no longer felt raw and chafed by his shirt, instead, it felt pleasurable to feel the cloth stroke over them at times. It sent a shiver down his spine while he drew in a breath and started to use a stiff bristled brush to clean a pan that had been used that morning. He put his muscles into it, but it wasn't enough, his arms were weaker than they had ever been in his life. It made everything harder as he rinsed the pan off and tried to get the worst of the food off the silverware in a group.

"Oh come on, you can't do it like that." A rough voice made Nathan stiffen before a large body pushed up behind him.

The former jock was forced forward as he felt a hot breath hitting right against the back of his neck, the harsh musk was filling the air, the scent of it flooded his senses. It made his heart start to beat faster as the weight pushed against his back and pressed forward so that he felt a sudden nudge right against his ass. The bulge of his brother's cock was suddenly shoving right against his ass cheeks and the large hands moved down to pull the silverware out of his hands and cast them back into the soapy water. Nathan swallowed, feeling light headed as part of his body was flaring with a rush of humiliating arousal at the feel of the body pushed up against him.

"Wash them one at a time, Nathan. Don't you want to be a good wife?" Kevin rumbled against his neck, the sound vibrating as Nathan tried to keep his mind away from the feel of the bulge grinding up against him.

"I'm not a wife." He snapped out, his voice coming out high pitched and feminine sounding. "I just thought this was faster."

The large hips suddenly pushed harder, wedging his body up against the edge of the sink for a moment so he was nearly being bent over the water as his breath came out in a rush. His eyes squeezed shut while he tried to squirm to one side to escape, pulling roughly, but the press was hard enough that he could only stand there and feel the lips nearly touching his neck. He wanted to grind backwards, some horrible part of him was ready to jerk his hips up in the air for his brother, but the moment passed as Kevin pulled away and used a rough hand to clap him on the ass.

"I heard that about you, that you preferred to be fast. Do it right." Kevin's voice was mocking, and it brought heat to Nathan's face.

Normally he would have had a smart remark right back, but he didn't voice it, he didn't trust himself. He was still shaking from the sensation of being pinned so briefly, but he cleared his head enough to start scrubbing down the silverware in his hands, running it through the water one at a time instead of as a punch. All his mind locked on that as he finished the job as swiftly as he could. He just wanted to get up into his room, lock the door, and figure out what was going on. He knew that his body was changing, he could feel it beneath his clothes, feel the way they hung off of him. With relief he finally turned the water off and started to turn around.

"Living room is next, some asshole left it a mess last night, you know." Kevin leaned back in the kitchen chair

"Fine and then I'm done." Nathan spoke, his voice high pitched, not even a tenor, it was more feminine than that.

"Better take off your shirt, you look overheated from cleaning the dishes." Kevin's voice dropped a little bit, sounding heated as he did so. "Don't want you to get overworked."

Nathan flushed hotly, angrily glaring back at his brother before storming into the living room. He almost didn't peel off the shirt, but the tone of his brother's voice, the scent, the sight of him teased at parts of his mind that he didn't even know he had. He wanted to obey, even through his humiliation as he peeled the shirt up and over his head. He stared down at his chest and felt a moment of horror as he did so. He gaped at himself, his chest was smooth and silky, the stiff curled chest hair entirely gone as his nipples jutted out in front of him. They were mounded slightly, almost like breasts, but not quite. And all over his skin was a scattering of golden hair that laid flat against his skin.

He reached down and brushed it, feeling his finger tips gliding over the edges and sliding around his nipples until he almost bit back a moan. There was a low noise and he dropped his hands as he realized that Kevin was watching with bright eager eyes. A few more inches of his cock was hanging out over the edge of his pants, obviously enjoying the show. That froze Nathan and he stiffened before turning away to start to clean the living room. He didn't want to touch himself, not with his younger brother watching him with obvious enjoyment. Instead he threw himself into cleaning up the living room as best that he could.

He had done some studying last night when he got home, too drunk to really study, but still going through the motions so that there were bits of clothing where he'd stripped it off, papers spread out all over the place and even a few glasses that were sticking to the table from where soda had spilled. There was also a bit of a mess from his parents and brother, so he had to clean it up while Kevin sprawled out on the couch and kicked his legs up. As he cleaned, he noticed that his nails were thicker than they had been, they were darker as well. The flat blonde hair that covered him ran all the way down his arms before turning silvery white.

It was maddening to not be able to explore what was going on, but every time he moved to use his fingers to touch the fur or try to see where it ended, his brother would make a low throaty noise. Kevin was enjoying it, but he was also enjoying the fact that Nathan was forced to gather up his own clothes to haul away. He had started up to his bedroom, but a command had sent him to the laundry room to put it in the wash before going back to work on the mess. The cups were washed and put in the drying rack , the coffee table had to be scrubbed from the tacky soda that had spilled over the edges. He had put his papers away, neatly stacking them in his back pack before taking it up.

Through it all Kevin hadn't said a word, he relaxed and watched Nathan work, he didn't even watch TV or pick up a book. It was obvious that he was enjoying the fact that he had the upper hand for once and intended on milking it for all it was worth. Every time he moved past the couch he was aware of the fact that his brother was lowering his eyes to watch his ass. Not that Kevin could see much, Nathan was well aware that the pants were baggy and sagging, they were more like the pants some of the ravers wore than his own tight jeans. It took him nearly half an hour to clean the living room, as well as vacuuming it to make sure that it was spotless for when his parents came home.

"There, it's fucking clean okay?" He tried to snarl, but his voice was too feminine sounding. "I'm going to go do my homework."

"Homework?" Kevin swung up on the couch to sit up. "Not yet, you don't. Now that this is done, you have to go work on the barn. That's what I've been doing every evening."

"The barn?" Nathan blinked a little and frowned. "What do I have to do down there, we don't have any animals."

"Storage, the last stall has to come down and things that we aren't using have to go upstairs. Heavy work, but a strong athlete like yourself shouldn't find that so tiring." Kevin drawled the last words mockingly so Nathan flushed and drew himself up.

"No, I'm not going to fucking work in the barn." He gave his head a short shake back and forth. "I'm going to go and figure out how the fuck to get this ring off, or whatever is doing this, and reverse it. You can do it!"

Nathan had had it, he had already done chores with his brother mocking him while he worked. Something was really really wrong, he could feel it in the way that his body was strangely changing. His nails were thicker and curling around the tips, the hairs were growing all over his body, smooth and sleek looking so that he could no longer see his pink skin. It was horrible to see it, the blonde was all over him except for his lower arms, it was even on his face, he could feel it with the tips of his fingers. He needed to find a way to escape all of this and get a way to change himself back to how he used to be. Kevin wasn't giving him that chance.

"Oh yeah? And I say you are.." The larger boy stood up, there was no hair on him, no hint of it covering his broad chest or arms as he took a step forward. "I guess we'll just wrestle for it."

"FUCK YOU!" Nathan snarled, the suggestion only more humiliating as he recalled all the times that they had wrestled when Nathan wanted to win. Kevin had always been too short and small to stand a chance against him.

Kevin only laughed and suddenly lunged forward, a hand hitting him hard in the stomach so Nathan yelped out and tried to curl himself up to protect himself as he was taken to the ground. He tried to bring his knees up to shove Kevin off, writhing and twisting as the larger weight brought him down onto his back, the weight nearly taking the breath out of him as one broad hand moved to push down against his chest while the other pushed against his stomach. With a growl he lunged up, Nathan put all his weight behind it, unsettling the grip his brother had on him as he did so. He rocked his hips and twisted them, rolling about so that he could lunge out from under the larger weight.

He had spent a life time wrestling with his brother, it should have worked, but at the same time, he had also had the weight and muscles to do so. Instead of scrabbling away so he could throw Kevin on his back, his younger brother lunged forward and threw his chest against the ground. The carpet caught against his nipples and dragged over them, making him cry out roughly at the sensation as a hand shoved between his shoulders and kept him pinned in place. His breathing came out in short sharp bursts as he tried to wriggle away, but the weight kept him firmly down.

"Say uncle, c'mon.. You gotta say it." Kevin laughed roughly, mocking him as Nathan tried to lunge upwards again.

"NO! I'm not cleaning the barn!" He snapped back, but another shove pushed him even more firmly down.

And then Kevin rolled over him, the weight pinned him down with his knees tucked under his body so his ass was slightly in the air. He felt something hot and fleshy resting against the base of his back, the scent of musk filled his nose and he let out a whimper. The weight of the body rocked against him, lewdly grinding while he was pinned in place and helpless to break free. He felt the breath against the back of his neck as his brothers hands moved to wrap around him, squeezing tightly as the hips rocked forward and something damp started to brush along the spot on his back where the bare cock was flopped over him. The scent just grew stronger as one of the hands moved and nearly brushed against his too loose pants. Oh god...

"UNCLE!" Nathan cried out, terrified that he'd feel his pants pulled off, he needed out of her.

"Say it again." Kevin teased forward as something wet oozed out, marking the small of his back against the blonde hairs that had grown there.

"UNCLE ALRIGHT!" He yelped angrily. "I'll go clean the barn!!"

"That's a good.... Boy." The last word was hesitant, almost like his brother was deliberately trying to get a rise out of him. Nathan shoved harder to try and dislodge his brother, and this time he felt the weight sliding against him with a slow powerful stroke, pushing harder upwards so that the weight of the girth was nudged higher before the weight lifted up.

Nathan struggled not to show any fear on his face as Kevin stood up and let out a snort that didn't sound quite human. The former jock got up to his feet while his brother watched him, the smug smile only making his cheeks darken a bit more in humiliation that he had been overwhelmed in that fashion.

"Then go clean out the stable. " It was a reprieve, a glorious reprieve that let him bolt towards the door. He was being dismissed, that was alright by him, he'd clean the damn stables as long as he got away from his brother. "And I'll be down to check on you to make sure that you're actually working!"

Maybe I can find a way to change myself back without Kevin watching me...

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kevin watched his brother go and snorted hotly, his eyes lingering on the soft curved ass that made his nostrils flare open wide. Some part of him wanted to follow, to crowd his brother, to force him into the stable away from other males' eyes. It was an urge that made him lean backwards and swallow, his throat convulsing a little bit before giving a shake. He had nearly peeled off his brother's pants and gone further than just humiliating him. It had been thrilling to see how Nathan had been forced to act in a submissive role, his brother was entirely put in place and now he would be laboring all evening in the barn. He needed to get out of the too tight jeans first of all and then he needed to really figure out what was going to happen to him.

With a groan he moved his hands down and started to peel his jeans off, the thick black horse cock was still swollen and heavy along the tip and it spilled as he yanked his pants down lower. The moment he did, he realized that the changes hadn't stopped, the only thing that had really changed and made things a little easier to deal with was the fact that his sheath was hanging down against his belly without the cock drooping down towards his knees. It was all tucked away in that opening making it easier for him to fit in the jeans, but his balls were no longer pale small pink orbs. They were dark black and leathery looking, swinging between his legs as he swallowed and walked through the living room.

The pungent scent of horse clung to him, every breath was filled with it and making him snort out a little bit. Even the sound was horse like as he managed to get himself upstairs without any problems. He went immediately to his bedroom and dragged out the paper bag that he'd gotten the rings in. It took some searching, tearing through the piles of wrapping paper he had used this morning and hunting around. All the while he was ignoring the urge to go after Nathan, it was an uneasy feeling, like if his older brother was out of his sight someone else would get there first. Finally, finally he found the small business card and phone number. Whatever was happening, he needed to know if there was an end to it.

"Hello?" On the fourth ring a warm voice answered the phone. "This is Lydia's Jewelry and Tack."

"It's Kevin!" He burst out with his name before swallowing again and felt relief. "You know, the person that bought the two rings yesterday?"

"I remember." The voice turned knowing, warm and expressive. "I hope that you're enjoying the rings?"

"I.. uh... I just had a question.." His cheeks flushed a little bit as he looked down at his balls. They looked larger, heavier than they had a few moments ago.

"I take it that you've put on your ring?" Her voice was even more amused. "I was going to warn you yesterday, but I enjoy surprises..."

"Yeah, but... I mean... You know?!" He felt another moment of relief, leaning backwards with a sigh. "It's not permanent , right?"

"Oh, heaven's no! You'll go back to normal easily enough, so will your lady." Lydia chuckled softly to herself. "All you have to do is touch the rings together and they'll loosen and come off. But there will be some lingering side effects."

"Like?" He thought about Nathan, that scent, that warm sweet scent that he had tasted car. The moment he thought about it the think black cock started to push outwards.

"Well, you'll certainly have improvements down below afterwards." Lydia made a soft warm chuckle. "And be careful with your girl, these are designed just to enjoy the build up to sex, not for actual sex."

"Really?" He frowned a little bit to himself. "What would happen if we had sex like this? Or um.. you know, fooled around a little."

"It's meant as a stimulant to draw her towards you, a hint of lust to one another." Lydia murmured softly. "If you go all the way, it could make things difficult. Some changes might not reverse all the way or they could go further than just slight changes. I would use caution."

"A-and if we already have?" He tried to think rationally, but his mind was already going towards Nathan. How much had his brother changed?

"Break the rings, you will need to use a hammer to break them, but destroy them." Lydia's voice was sharper. "It will be a sacrifice, but if you smash them, destroy them, the changes should reverse and you will return to a normal boy and she will return to a normal girl."

"Okay.. Thank you..." He trailed off a little, his shaft starting to spill down heavier by the moment as he thought about what might be in Nathan's loose jeans. "I'll call you when we're done with them..."

"Let me know if you have any more questions, that way you can get help BEFORE you make a mistake." Lydia went back to being amused and Nathan forced a laugh.

If Nathan is wearing the ring, is he a mare? Is that what I smell? He hung up the phone with a deep breath, a few more inches of dark black stallion cock oozed out. I can find out, I can make Nathan know that I'm more male than he ever will be... And then he'll know better than to even think about Sarah again.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Nathan felt relief the moment he began cleaning the barn and was away from Kevin, but it was short lived. He was growing smaller, the changes that were creeping up on him were starting to grow worse and worse by the moment. He now had fur, like a horse, smooth and glossy as his nails were thicker and the hair on his head had begun to creep down the line of his neck, flopping slightly over. His breathing came out in short hot puffs as he tried to haul the last bit of the stall wall towards the back. Kevin had already broken down most of them, but there was still one that needed to be gotten rid of and then he needed to find somewhere to put the hay and straw that had never gotten used once they'd moved their horses.

He didn't know what all was changing, he was terrified to find out what was going on beneath his clothes, he preferred to keep himself well and fully dressed instead of succumbing to the urge to look underneath. He had used a bit of old lead rope to tight up his pants, though his hips were larger, they still sagged at the odd moment and made it awkward for him to lift anything heavy. Every time his arms were up he could feel them sliding down along the curve of his ass, threatening to fall all the way down and flash the room. It was humiliatingly, it was actually beyond humiliating, and the only thing he could do was keep working while his mind tried to figure out the best way out of the situation.

His mind kept sliding towards the fact that his body was rapidly shifting, and in the most terrifying ways. His plump nipples had started to slide down towards the line of his belly, the thick nipples that jutted forward were so terribly sensitive. Every time he glanced down he could see them starting to go lower towards his belly, plump and almost like tight udders. His feet had begun to change as well, hardening and thickening until he was falling over them until he was forced to take off his shoes. He was trying to get a closer look at his thick nails, the tan hoof that was starting to form, he knew it was a hoof, he didn't know how, but there was no denying what he saw.

"Heh, you're doing alright for yourself..." Kevin's voice was a deep drawl, one that made Nathan stiffen up and flinch as his brother leaned over the half closed door of one of the stalls. "Not bad at all."

"I told you that I'd clean it out, now go away!" his voice was soft, feminine sounding as the muscles on his head twitched to try and pull his ears back.

"Yeah, time for a reward.." Kevin grinned wickedly, "I don't want you feeling as if you aren't appreciated, you know."

Nathan almost spoke, but his brother pushed the door open and stepped in, making whatever the former jock had been about to say die on his tongue. His brother was naked, entirely naked, he walked in with just a set of riding boots on and the dark loins hanging free. It wasn't the short prick that Nathan had known his brother possessed, but a massive black sheath with a few inches of inky black horse cock oozed out of the opening of the tip. A set of balls hung beneath it, each one the size of a grapefruit, something that would have looked perfect on one of their horses, but now graced the newly muscular form of his younger brother.

All traces of softness were gone, he was muscular and larger, he held himself confidently as he walked across what used to be a stall and approached Nathan. His eyes were bright, almost feverish as the former jock took a step back and swallowed, his loins tensing slightly with a pulse that made him whimper. He didn't want Kevin anywhere near him! There was something about the look in his brother's eyes, the eagerness, that let him know that it would be a bad idea.

"I don't want a reward." Nathan got the words out as Kevin lunged forward to catch ahold of the front of his loose pants.

"Then I want one.." Kevin let out a breath and roughly pulled at the pants. "Get these pants off, I can smell you from here. Can't you even sniff yourself?"

"I.. I've been working, I can take a damn shower!" He snapped back, jerking his head a few inches backwards as the rough tug forced him forward, almost stumbling against his brother.

That musk, that harsh male scent was invading every part of his nose and making it almost painful to draw in a breath. The fingers moved to slide along the edge of his pants while he looked up at his brother, his ears pinning flat back. Oh god, his ears were pinning flat back, why was he still changing? He needed to make it stop! He trembled in place as the hands on his pants suddenly pulled him downwards, yanking forcefully enough that he was set off balance as his pants and boxers were pulled down the line of his hips. It wasn't hard, not with how loose that had become, but he still scrabbled to try and catch them and yank them back up again.

"No you don't.." Kevin laughed and pushed the hands away, one of his broad fingers moving down to suddenly push up between Nathan's legs. "Well what do we have here... eh little sister?"

The laughter didn't humiliate him, panic rushed over him as the fingers suddenly pushed up where his cock and balls should have been, and suddenly plunged forward. The outer lips of a female sex were spread open, splaying wider as the forceful push made him... her yell out in shock as she was forced backwards. She jerked away, getting away from the press of the masculine form so that she could look down at her body. The udders stood out against her lower body, stiff little nubs, and beneath that was a dusky tear shaped sex, plump and glistening as her brother's finger pushed up hard enough that she felt the tip curling and nudging into her passage.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?!" She shrieked out, pushing the hand away, but Kevin only snorted out roughly and reached to catch the back of her neck.

"What's wrong? Poor little sister.." Kevin's hold was firm, his leg sliding out to catch behind her own and tugging roughly. Nathan dropped down, catching herself in a crouch as her hoof-like feet caught her weight easily. "Little mare so scared of being in heat?"

"I'm not a mare!" Nathan snapped back, trembling as the hand kept a firm hold on her neck, and Kevin leaned forward to reach behind her.

For a moment, her face was brushing right along the length of the dark black cock that was hanging and drooling out further from the sheath. It was thick with male horse scent, it flooded her nose making that fluttering sense of pressure grow along her belly again as she tried to jerk her head away. She wanted to draw in that scent, she wanted to rub it on her cheeks, and only her humiliation stopped her as her brother came back and reached down to force her head up and a rope suddenly slipped over her head. Metal brushed her cheeks as he fastened something over her head and gave a firm pull.

It was a make shift halter, the sort that they made using a lead when they were too lazy or too far from the barn for their horses. He tightened it over her head firmly, making her jerk her head higher up in the air, but she was pulled back down again, forcing her to lower downwards as one of his feet moved out to push against her stomach so she dropped down to all fours. Her hoof like nails clicked against the ground as she trembled, her breathing came out in short huffs, but each time it made her heat up and grow flustered. Feeling her plump mare folds start to flex between her legs, quivering in instinctive reaction to the scent of a stallion.

"Use your tongue, girl... Be a good mare, after all, you're a little mare and I'm quite large." Kevin huffed the words out, using the lead on the halter to guide her head upwards so that she looked at the six inches already dropped from his girth.

She didn't want to lick him, she didn't want to suckle him, but at the same time her body was primed to respond to him. An innate urge to obey him was lurking just beneath the surface, especially as he held himself above her in a dominate position. She lifted her head as Kevin used his other hand to cup beneath the line of his swollen cock tip, lifting it up to press against her lips demandingly. A thick syrupy dribble of precum oozed out, smearing along her lips so that she let out a shuddering breath and licked out, the wetness catching against the tip of her tongue.

It was salty, laden with sweetness that flooded her senses as she began to use her tongue to stroke around the sweep of the glans. The flesh began to grow heavier by the moment, thickening and drooling down lower and lower from the heavy sheath. She twitched, the changes rippling down her back until she could feel the pins and needles along the base of her spine. She worked her mouth around her brother's cock tip, the oozing precum spilled along the spread of her tongue and spilling downwards as she swallowed wetly. She tightened and clutched around him as the wrinkled flesh began to smooth out and stiffen, the grip on the halter only tightening to force her to push closer to his loins.

She felt something growing from just above her ass, for a moment she had no idea what it was, and then the long hairs began to drape down along the line of her ass. A tail, she kept her ears pinned flat down to her head, flushing in humiliation as the cock started to plunge deeper into her mouth. Her tongue worked around him, the wetness gathering around his glans and spilling along the edges as she swallowed, her tongue contracting and pulling. The wet oozing saliva coated him as her tail jerked behind her, growing heavier and thicker by the moment. The harsh musk of stallion was mingled with a sweeter scent, her nostrils could pick up the scents, dragging them in as her brother suddenly gave a sharp thrust forward, driving his cock all the way into Nathan's throat before dragging back.

"Good girl.." He puffed out as the tip of his glistening cock pulled from her lips, the half-mare gasping out as the taste left her and the grip on her halter was shortened. "Time to give you a reward.."

Nathan opened her lips to protest, ready to try and talk Kevin out of it, but all that came out was a high pitched whinny. She couldn't make the sound into words, they were distorted and twisted as her brother moved and reached back to grab her tail. The pull forced her ass into the air, her hooves scrabbling slightly as her legs splayed open, a high pitched noise spilled out of her throat, a squeal as he moved around her with the fat black cock bobbing. He was too heavy to stiffen right up in the air, the heavy glans made him hang in a curved arch.

"Mmph.. look at you, winking for me, aren't you?" The rough voice was mocking as her ass was kept higher in the air, her folds exposed so she could feel her own wetness. "So eager, aren't you?"

_I'm not eager!!_Nathan was almost screaming the words to herself, but it was lost in the rush of need as she felt a finger rubbing right up against her dusky swollen lips, forcing her to shudder.

"Wonder if you'll get a foal..." Kevin moved behind her, dragging the lead tight so that her head was forced down towards her chest.

Something far larger than a finger suddenly shoved right up against her folds, goopy precum smearing messily over her as the horse cock nudged up against her outer lips and shoved forward. He was too large, he dwarfed her, but he began to shove harder and harder against her, grinding and wedging her outer lips open until the fat tip popped in with a lewd noise. There was wetness smearing out around the edges, oozing down around the edges as the girth began to sink inwards, steadily slipping deeper inch by slow inch. Her inner walls clamped down, rippling in protest as she let out a shrill squeal of shock as her brother began to drive himself in deeper and deeper.

Her body ached, the first feel of a cock within her and it was too large for her to possibly fit easily, but it was horrifyingly pleasurable as well as parts of her were stroked as they wanted to be. The thickness of the tip caressed deeper and deeper, the strokes that worked against her made her jerk her hips forward, struggling to get away, only to have him lunge forward. A hot splatter of precum plunged into her as Kevin leaned over her body, puffing out hotly as her inner walls clamped down around him and began to pull. She could feel her outer lips being pushed inwards, forced by the sheer thickness of the glans to wedge ever deeper into her body.

"Nnnnf.. this is... what you wanted... huh?" Kevin gave another thrust, a thick medial ring suddenly wedging up hotly against her. "You wanted.. my cock... that's why you were.. looking at it..."

Nathan felt her legs changing, it was growing easier to hold the position on all fours as another few inches of cock sank into her overly sensitive body. With a grunt Kevin lunged forward before dragging backwards, the wetness spilling out of her as the slickness continued to be pushed out around her body and ran along her inner thighs. Her breathing came out shallowly, the hot heavy puffs that escaped her soon turning into high pitched squeals as the strokes began to drive into her, the powerful girth plunged in deeper at the apex of each thrust, forcing the thick preseed in deeper.

"Just.. wanted your brother.. to fuck you... like a mare..." Kevin panted out eagerly as he dragged backwards, nearly pulling the too large glans from her quivering body.

The next thrust that plunged forward rocked her hips up into the air, the bare cock drove into her body deeper and deeper, until the swollen glans suddenly shoved right up against the barrier of her cervix and bowed the entire shaft. Her body shuddered in place, trembling and shaking while her fingers flexed down against the ground. A hot thick wash of precum spilled into her body, making her clench around him before he drew backwards again. It ached, her entire lower body was aching, but even through the ache she was responding to him. Her fertile form wanting a stallion, wanting to feel the sharp brutal thrusts that began to hammer against her time and time again.

Kevin's short groans and noises above her were only more humiliating as she was bracing her arms out in front of her, her hands slowly changing towards hooves as the thick precum continued to spill into her. The scent of the stallion was everywhere, filling her senses, her mind, making her splay her legs to brace herself as his weight pressed over her. Suddenly, teeth gripped against her neck, her brother's groan rang in her ears as the powerful hips drove upwards until a sudden slap hit between her legs. The oversized black balls suddenly clapped up against her roughly, slapping along her inner thighs before he pulled backwards again.

Her cheeks were flushed, her breathing short and shallow as the tip hammered up against the spongy barrier of her cervix, digging against her as if he were trying to drive past that narrow opening. Her walls clamped down a bit harder, rippling around him while she intimately felt the glans starting to swell open wider and wider. He was thickening, growing heavier, swelling rapidly as her inner walls suckled and pulled around him. She began to try and cling around him as the flared cock shoved roughly forward and suddenly an arm wrapped around her golden hip, yanking her backwards with a short brutal stroke.

The heavy balls clapped up between her thighs, tightening as she let out a high pitched equine squeal. The urethra jutted forward, pushing right up against the narrow opening of her cervix as her brother suddenly put all of his weight into making sure that every last inch of his dark leathery cock was plunged into her vulnerable body. She tried to pull away, she bucked and struggled, but Kevin only pushed down harder before he let out a high pitched cry, rough and wild as the first pulse ran along the length of his spire.

A hot thick rush of creamy seed erupted out of his cock tip, plunging into Nathan's body in a thick ooze that plunged up against the narrow opening of her cervix. Her walls started to work around him, even as she let out an equine cry of denial while the sperm rich cum oozed in deeper and deeper, pushing past the narrow barrier as the pressured rush tried to penetrate into her fertile newly formed womb. There was no escape, not with the weight holding her down for each and every throb of that powerful shaft, the tip wedged right up against her cervix so there was nowhere else for it to go, nowhere to escape, nowhere that she could turn to for help.

"God... you're right.. You're a good fuck... little sister.." Nathan panted out, rubbing the so thick black cock through her quivering passage, some of the goopy pearly cum oozed out along the outer lips. "Yanno.. I think that you're gonna have a nice week with me, I'll see you well trained.."

Nathan jerked her head up as another roll of the hips drew a whimper past her lips while her legs splayed out, her hooves barely holding her up. A week? He'd change her back, he had too! Her parents would miss her, the school, her team... The thoughts rushed through her mind, even as millions of sperm plunged into her body, writhing and wriggling in a race to pierce the vulnerable barrier of her ova to ensure she would soon be waddling and swollen with her own brother's foal.