Five Stars - September 2008

Story by derektehwolf on SoFurry

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September 2008

Erik was the kindest stallion Don had ever met. Their meeting had been a bit odd, but welcoming. The red wolf had been asked out by him while at the gym one day. Don had barely started his membership at the gym. He had been on the treadmill for five minutes on his sixth visit when a golden stallion approached him.

"Hi, I'm Erik."

Don removed his ear buds and slowed down his speed.

"What?" he asked.

"Sorry," Erik said, "I just wanted to let you know that I've seen you the past couple of times. And I think you are pretty cute."

Don would have thought it could have turned into a porno right there had it not been crowded. Don found himself intrigued by Erik's confidence. He could not help but agree to his offer of a date. But after spending time with Erik, Don no longer went to that gym.

The first two dates had gone beyond well in Don's mind. Erik picked the places to go. Dinner one night, a movie the next. He paid for both like a true gentleman. He even waited till the second date for the two to share a kiss. By the time Don got home that night he was more than willing to be fucked by the stallion the next time they met.

Then the third date came around. A beautiful art museum with dinner afterwards. Of course, Don wished it could have been a film museum (though the immediate area lacked any such museums). At least it let him know the man he was dating had class.

As dinner came to an end, Don felt tipsy. The three glasses of red wine he drank had contributed this. The last glass had stained some of the fur on his muzzle as he became sloppier. To him it did not matter. He could tell by the expression on Erik's face the whole night that he had the same thing on his mind. Sex.

"Why don't we head back to my place after the bill is taken care of?"

Don giggled and replied, "Of course."

The brisk air of autumn ruffled the cinnamon fur of Don. However he had a nice, warm body to keep from being chilled. He kept his arm locked with Erik's. The large muscular arm made Don feel safe and aroused. He had never dated (let alone had sex with) a man as muscular as the stallion. Don swished his tail against Erik's as they walked down the empty sidewalk. This got several playful looks from the towering body builder. Though only about four inches in height difference between the two, the muscles made the illusion that Erik stood at least a foot taller than Don.

The two arrived at the stallion's house after a nice walk together. Erik unlocked the door and offered Don to enter first. Don learned on their second date that Erik had a well playing job. It may have been under exaggerated. The two story home had been lavishly decorated with the finest furniture and artwork (from what Don assumed were local artist by the abstract look of them). Don had been so dumbstruck he hardly noticed when Erik took the wolf's jacket. Don's attention did not fully return to the stallion till he had lifted Don in his arms.

The two made their way up the stairs. Don gave a delightful giggle and wrapped his arms around Erik's thick, strong neck. The golden stallion winked as they made it to the second floor and approached the open door. Erik set Don down and flipped on the lights. A master bedroom indeed. A canopy bed colored with red curtains and sheets was the center piece. It looked strong enough to handle three or four individuals in the rocks of passionate love.

Don felt himself grabbed from behind by strong arms. Followed by a nibbling at his right ear. Most seemed to go for ears as a form of foreplay. Don had met plenty though who did not like having their ears touched. Lucky for most, Don loved having his ears played with. The red wolf's body trembled from each nip. His mind did not focus on the fact that a horse has a strong jaw. That Don could have his ear ripped off. No. His mind had been lost in arousal. A large hand made its way down to Don's waist and lower.

Don let his clothes be torn away. Down to just his white briefs. Don felt the large bulge of Erik's excitement against his back. The wolf's own cock was leaving his sheath. Filling his tight underwear. Don spun around and did his part. Removing his partner's clothes (with some effort), revealing every muscle and toned part of his body. All but one muscle still hidden beneath grey boxers. Boxers that clung just as tight to Erik's legs and groin as Don's briefs did to his.

Erik lowered his head so his lips were inches from Don's. The wolf lifted his muzzle and met Erik's lips. Engaging in a deep kiss. It felt magical even better than their first kiss. Exactly how Don imagined this moment could be. The kiss held a few moments more. Erik was courteous about the lust filled kiss. He made it as passionate as a kiss could be without being too intrusive or uncomfortable with it.

When the kiss ended Erik gave a nervous chuckle.

"What's wrong?" Don asked.

"Well...I didn't want to bring this up for our first time," he said with a blush forming on his cheeks.

Don chuckled as well.


"I'm...Well, I have a fetish. It's been awhile since I got to try it with anyone. It's kind of kinky though."

Don was caught up in the moment and still felt buzzed from wine at dinner.

"I'm willing to try it," he said with a inviting smile.

Erik gave him a short kiss, "Thank you!"

The stallion knelt by his bed and pulled out a trunk from underneath. Don looked over his shoulder as Erik opened it up. Inside were a plethora of bondage toys and gear. This did not deter Don. In fact, it excited him more. While he could not say that he had bondage fantasies, he had been curious to try it. Now he would have his chance with a magnificent stallion.

"Have you done this before?" Erik asked.

He stood up with a pair of handcuffs and a key in one hand.

"No," Don almost whispered. Feeling intimidated.

"It's okay, I'll talk you through it. Could you hold out your paws, please?"

Don nodded and could feel his member sticking out of the brim of his briefs (Erik's gaze confirmed it was out). He could not believe he was about to be handcuffed. He held his paws outstretched and at the ready. He closed his eyes and gulped.

Rather then feeling metal click around his wrists, he felt the handcuffs and key being placed in his paws. When Don opened his eyes Erik had his back turned and his wrist presented.

Wait, what?

Don's perception of Erik took a 180 degree turn in that moment. The horse seemed less appealing in this light, he looked weak despite the muscles.

"Do I need to talk you through how to use handcuffs?" Erik mocked.

Don gave a small moan as he secured the metal bands on the horse's wrists. Erik tugged some at the restraints, testing their strength. Don scoffed at Erik's struggle since he figured the stallion could break the handcuffs if he wanted to.

"Good! Now I need you to get a couple more things from the box," Erik explained.

Don grabbed what he asked for. Two straps that attached to the front bed post were to secure Erik's legs. A pink ball gag that strapped to the head and muzzle was to keep him quiet.

It took a couple of minutes to get Erik positioned and secured to the front posts of the bed. Just before they did so, Erik had Don remove his boxers. The large, horse cock hung out erect. Don whimpered as quietly as he could. Wishing he could have it filling him, wanting a chance to brag about the biggest he had ever taken. Don grudged as he secured the straps just above Erik's hooves.

The stallion had been positioned so his rear had been invitingly lifted up. Erik gave a soft chuckle as he swished his long tail out of the way to reveal his hole. Don's eyes still wandered to the member dangling just beneath it though.

"Once you get the ball gag in I want you to do whatever you want. Feel free to use some of the other stuff if you want."

"Thanks," Don muttered.

The wolf took the ball gag in his paw and climbed on the bed. He lodged the ball as far as Erik allowed into his muzzle, buckling it in the back to keep it in place. Erik moaned and made some grunts, a smile still on his face as it pressed down into the soft bed. The pink of the ball gag caught Don's eye. He wondered why Erik had picked that color. He could have easily gone with red or black. Something As Don thought this he could have sworn Erik's coat had changed colors. The once golden stallion now looked like a pink sissy. His color matching the ball gag in his muzzle.

Don shook his head and blinked a few times to get the horse back to his normal color. The red wolf returned to the trunk and found a bottle of lubricant. He held it in one paw with the other open. Ready to pour some out and coax his cock into stop retreating into his sheath. But he stood their for several moments only staring at his bound and gagged date.

"This evening took a turn I wasn't expecting," he finally said.

"Whuum?" Erik moaned.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this."


Don put the cap back on the lube and tossed it in the trunk.

Don collected his clothes from the floor and began to put them back on. Erik strained to look over his shoulder at what the wolf was doing. The horse moaned and struggled against his bonds.

"Thank you for dinner though. But I think it is best if we don't see each other anymore," he said as he yanked his shirt over his head.

Erik began shouting unintelligible words and jerked his body as he tried to get free.

Don finished getting dressed and padded out as briskly as possible. Even has he headed down, Don could still hear Erik's muffled screams. He swiveled his ears forward to ignore it. As he picked up his jacket from the floor, he realized that Erik might not get free. Don ran back upstairs to the room. He ignored Erik's possible profanities as he found the key to the handcuffs on the floor. Don tossed it on to Erik's backside and headed to the door again.

"See ya!"

Five Stars - Wednesday

**Chapter 1 - Wednesday** "So when did you first know you were gay?" "When I had to fake an orgasm after loosing interest half way through having sex with a woman for the first time." Joel laughed out loud. His sense of humor in tact like always....

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