The life of a cub (Part 3)

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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Okay, this was the final part of "The life of a cub"-series but more will follow about Timothy's life in due time but until I get things sorted out in my life, stories to post her comes as perhaps a distant second. This DOES contain yiff, of the very naughty kind between a cub and an adult but you'll just have to deal with it, it's the way things turned out and I'm quite pleased with my work. But don't hesitate to criticize my work anyway. Look at the bottom of the page for a link to a pic. * * * Trina awoke late that morning, everyone in the whole mansion seemed to awake late except the handyman who had been up with first light, he always was. But that wasn't what worried her; she knew it had been thundering all night so it had been hard sleeping properly, waking up every now and then. What worried her was that when she opened the door to Timothy's room, it was empty already and that was definitely rare for Timothy. It wasn't just Timothy's room that was empty, her employer's bedroom was empty as well, at first she figured the two were off doing some mother-son thing but as she thought, the thought got worse and worse with kidnappings and murder and the like. Luckily she found the two at the same time, looking out the windows that faced towards the back of the mansion, where the terrace was and the out-door pool but it was way too cold to swim now, wasn't it? Yet there they sat, wearing nothing but a robe each and Timothy safely perched in Amanda's lap. It didn't take an IQ of 150 to figure out he was sleeping soundly by the looks of it, still moist from the cold dip but warmed by his mother's embrace. Trina dared herself to go out on the terrace and approach Amanda. She didn't get very far before Amanda turned her head and smiled to her, a warmth in her face she hadn't seen in years. For someone who didn't know how to be a mother, Amanda seemed to finally cope well with it, rocking lightly from side so side as her head rested on the top of the cub's head. "He came to me last night, he was afraid of the thunder..." Amanda spoke softly, afraid to wake the cub up. Trina simply looked at the two, one part of her happy that they finally found common ground, another saddened as she had more or less come to view herself as the mother of Timothy, Amanda never having shown that sort of interest in him. Trina took up a mocking tone, knowing very well Amanda would never dare fire her for such a thing, she had come to depend on Trina's arrogance as a counterbalance: "Are you sure bathing was all you did?" If looks would kill, Trina would have her head cut off, limbs severed and strung up to dry in her intestines, that's what the eyes of Amanda threatened her with. "He's my son..." And Trina knew that it was final, there would be no going back for neither of the three, on that day the fate of the world was decided. But only one would live to understand in the end... Needless to say, mother and I grew to be a real family then, before that week it had been just words, really. We were family only on paper but after that night we became close like the eleven years we had missed were unimportant. But it's hard to explain, just know that from day on, she was my mother for real and it didn't matter what the papers said, as far as I was concerned, I had never been an orphan. It was also around that time that I was given my birthday. You see, I never had a birth certificate, no-one ever knew how I was born, where or even if to be honest, I had just been there on the doorstep to the orphanage and being what they were, they didn't have a real choice but to take me in. But mother had already decided, she came to me and said that: "January 16 will from now on be your birthday." I looked at her, puzzled while trying to understand why January 16 of all dates. But she explained very well. "That was the day I adopted you and Timothy was born... isn't that proper?" With a giggle I nodded to her, happy to have a birthday for the very first time, one of my own. I don't doubt to say that I went around that entire day asking people if they knew my birthday. If they didn't know, I would enlighten them and come back half an hour later to make sure they remembered. The time passed pretty quickly after that. I got closer to everyone working in the mansion, learned everyone's name and got a lot closer to my mother and Trina, who I had come to see more like my big sister, always knowing she'd be there when I was afraid to confront mother about something, if I doubted something. I grew as Timothy and every day in the mansion allowed me to forget about the orphanage, being able to grow up like a normal brat. A whole year passed, I made friends in the neighbourhood, not all of them were snotty brats and we had some great fun together. No-one really cared that I was adopted. I was Timothy Benedictson, son of Amanda Benedictson and heir to one of the largest companies in the world, manufacturing medicine for the people. But I should've known something was up, Amanda would never be the same again and at New Years Eve 1999, millennia-eve, the announcement went public. For the last few months, Benedictson's Pharmaceutical had overgrown major changes and at January 1 the company no longer existed. Instead it changed name to "Benedictson Goodwill" and the new tagline was: "Benedictson Goodwill, the will to carry on!" I know, cheesy but it served purpose, it was now a company that helped orphans, homeless and poor, there was no risk at running out of funds as the organization, it stopped being a "company", ran solely on the interest of the wealth Amanda had accumulated over the years. But that's not all that would change our lives then. Well, not just our life, just like the company hadn't just changed our lives altering its' image, but everyone's life in our city and the world as it started a new trend. And it was reported all over the news... Timothy sat alone in his small room, it had now been redecorated against his wishes, the walls a light blue and the carpet a darker blue. But he got his wish to keep the red and pink bed-covers but all other stuff had to go. He was alone now, however, watching TV as the late news was about to start, something he usually sat through as his favourite show was interrupted and he was too lazy to go do something else while it was on. This night would be different, with the headlines: "Superhero no longer Stan Lee's fantasy!" it pretty much glued anyone watching to the screen. The newscaster said in a calm, professional voice: "Today Garaland City saw the start of a new era. A 32 year old bank-robber was caught red-handed leaving the bank with two bags of cash, believed to contain over three million dollars, when he was apprehended by a female, believe it or not, that came from the sky." Timothy was interrupted when the door was suddenly opened and his mother stepped in. "You're supposed to be sleeping, young man!" Of course, Timothy was going to protest when he heard the woman on the TV continue: "Dressed in blue and green, having huge wings on her back of what seemed some kind of crystal, she took out the robber single-handedly and when done she tied him up and left the bags with a cop who had rushed to the scene saying this: Crystal Angel will from now on watch this city when ever she can. Low-lives of Garaland City, beware!" Quickly he looked at his mother and his face shone like the sun even though it was very dark outside. "Wow, did you hear that, mom!? Doesn't she sound cool?" Amanda, however, wasn't as enthusiastic, looking at the TV-screen with the greatest of concerns. "No, Timothy. She sounds like a vigilante, cool wings or none. I don't want you to pay too much attention to her." With a dissatisfied curiosity, Amanda turned the TV off and stared at her son. For a while, Timothy dared to stare back but this was a game Amanda always won and so she did this time as well. "Fine, fine, but I'm gonna miss my favourite show." Amanda walked up to the side of the bed as Timothy crawled down under the covers, leaning down just as he settled down and kissed him on the forehead. "Sweetie, if you love the series so much, why don't you just ask for the DVD-box for your birthday?" As Amanda left the room, Timothy remained silent for a while, knowing very well that his mother was standing outside his door. Not only was this common practice these days but he could also see by the little strip of light under the door and the two ominous pillars of shadows. After a minute or two, the door opened slightly and a head came in. "Sleeping yet?" Timothy giggled a bit, pulling the cover up over his head. He replied quickly: "Yes!" And after his mother's snicker the door was finally closed and he heard his mother head down the hallway. After even a little longer, Timothy finally dared to turn the TV back on and was rejoiced as he saw the part about the Crystal Angel was still on, now interviewing some of the witnesses: "She came up to me and said that part about the low-lives of Garland City, she was a fox, literally and no doubt about it, then she took off! Just like that, I swear. Her wings didn't flap, no nothing, just zoom up in the air!" It was the police-officer that had been approached by Crystal Angel who explained vividly with his hands how it had been. Then it went back to the newscaster who spoke ever so professionally, really pausing on the most important words: "Who is this Crystal Angel? A professional artist drew her according to the witnesses' stories and this is what he came up with..." The picture was pretty tacky and didn't resemble a canine at all, one of the few points all witnesses had agreed on.* But it didn't matter since it gave a pretty good idea of the Crystal Angel as none of it had been caught on video, neither by the bank's security-cameras or any tourists standing by. Economy and culture didn't really interest Timothy so he shut the TV off and curled up under the soft covers, muttering to himself about the Crystal Angel. He had always been a big fan of super-hero comics and shows and the like but that's all it had been, a fantasy. Could this really be happening? If it did, he was really hoping he'd get to meet her one day. The appearance of Crystal Angel was very sudden and maybe not very needed. But rash persons often do the right thing, with the right intentions but at the wrong time and with the wrong consequences. There was no real super-villain at that time. Sure, there were mafias, murdering and fraud but that all came with the territory, being a metropolis. But none the less, Crystal Angel went down in history as the first super-hero in our world. She would be the one and only to her death but after that the world would see a flood of super-heroes, whether this was for the best or not, no-one knew then and not today either, maybe it was just the natural course of things, it was just that Crystal Angel came before any big villain, perhaps it didn't make any real difference. Like a child should, Timothy was awoken one early morning by cheery voices singing a song he'd only heard on TV before and it was meant for him, he figured that out when they got to the "... dear Timothy, happy birthday to you." After rubbing the sleep from his eyes and cracked the night's stiffness from his bones, Timothy saw a tray on his bed and six presents and they all had his name on them. For a reason Timothy didn't understand until many years later, he broke into heavy crying, embraced by his mother who too cried: "Today's your first birthday, Timothy..." DVDs of his favourite show, toys from the very same show and some other stuff came into Timothy's possession that day. And later that day his mother took him out to the city's best amusement park where he got to ride all the rides and then some. That visit was followed by the visit to one of the city's finest restaurants but to Timmy's great amusement, it was food he liked very much only a little bit better and of course a slice of the restaurants best cake. After that they went home and Timothy was more than tired, he fell asleep in his mother's arms on the ride home and how he got into bed was to him unknown, not that it mattered because Timothy had turned twelve. He had been celebrated in a way he never thought possible, a lot of people had shown their love for him even though they didn't do it with a gift and he had one of the best times in his life. I still remember that day very fondly. It was my first real birthday, many would follow but of course, that day will always be the best birthday I ever had. Many would come closer, in fact I never really had a bad birthday, except one but that's a story for later. There's just one more little thing I need to tell you about before this part is done. After this, it might be a while for my logs to pick up again but don't worry, my story is far from over. A few weeks passed for the now twelve year old Timothy, a cub who had just a year ago thought himself worthless in the eyes of the world. Now he lived his life to the fullest and then some, making up for time lost as an orphan even though he mostly denied that time had ever occurred. "Come on, Timmy, we're going to the forest to play super-heroes!" Timothy, often called Timmy these days by his close ones unless it was some serious business going down, looked at his friend Sheeva, an older bunny who really held on to her childhood and times as a cub. It was quite obvious that Timmy wasn't in a too happy mood. "I can't, gotta go shopping with Trina..." Sheeva laughed then waved at Timmy. Another friend ran up to her, grabbed her in the arm and started to pull her off towards the forest which was mostly just a grove. "Too bad for you!" Sheeva was then dragged off by her friend, both laughing madly as they ran off. Timmy cursed them and stared at them as they left. His grumpy attitude was cut off sharply as he was grabbed by the shoulder and yanked towards a red cabriolet of some brand. It was Trina, who merrily said: "Oh, don't give me that, you've known about this for a week!" Indeed he had but refused to believe it. Going shopping on a Saturday had felt like some universal offence, it was stuff you did coming home early from school. This wasn't exactly the first time I had been dragged off shopping with Trina; this was mostly to get me clothes or something and for me to get out of the Balame area, to see the real world, as mother said it. Of course, I told myself and still do today, that it was just an excuse she said to be alone for a while. These days I don't blame her but back then I really hated it. Protesting didn't do much good and I soon found myself zooming down the avenue to the "poorer" areas of town with Trina by my side. "Oh, don't be so grumpy, Timmy! We're not going to go shop today. I got a surprise for you." Instruments at that time were unable to measure the time it took Timothy to get interested as it was below nanoseconds. "A surprise?" Trina merely chuckled and shifted a gear, having her eyes fixed on the street. "Yes, cute stuff, a surprise that's gonna be a secret between you and me, right?" It didn't take much other than that to convince Timothy that it indeed HAD to be a great surprise. A red cabriolet came to a stop outside a motel in the outskirts of Garaland City, one of the more sleazy ones and an equine stepped out, telling a younger feline to stay put in the car. What happened after that was no surprise, money was exchanged and keys ended up in the equine's belongings, a key which no doubt led to one of the rooms in the motel. The room was pretty small and only had one bed. In the back was a smaller toilet with shower, below the standards that Timothy had gotten used to. "Umm, Trina? What are we doing here?" Little Timothy stood near the door which had just been closed behind him by the older equine that had then walked up in front of him, watching the room over before turning, hearing the young cub. "Well, Timothy, it's another little late birthday present." All worries were gone from Timothy's mind at once, he trusted Trina with his life and at the mentioning of presents Timmy was all ears. But she didn't pull out any beautifully wrapped gifts like last time they celebrated his birthday, there were no cookies or soda. Instead there was only a Trina who kneeled in front of the young cub and scooted up close to him. "What I'm gonna give you must stay between the two of us forever and ever... understood!?" Trina was very sharp with the "understood" part and right after Timothy had nodded, she had started to unbutton the shirt which he had worn especially for today, shopping-day. Timothy tried to protest but Trina silenced him by pressing her lips against his, something he was completely unprepared for and his back slammed against the door with a loud thud. "Trina, what is...?" But Trina couldn't stand his questioning. Instead she did it again, this time grabbing his collar tightly and holding him, kissing him until he responded. It took a while but after a while Timothy tried to mimic her motions and their tongue met for the first time. It was like a jolt of lightning that ran through Timothy's body, memories triggered and fantasies realized. Trina simply looked at him, pulling back slightly and looking in his eyes which danced across the room. "Oh god... god..." After a few seconds he looked down at his pants and Trina quickly unbuttoned them, something Timothy didn't protest too much since she actually had done it quite a bit before bed-time. But there was definitely something different this time, a dark spot had erupted on the little bulge called boyhood in Timothy's little world. He was about to cry when Trina kissed him again, wrapping her arms around him. The kiss was short, just to tell Timmy that she still intended to do it, whispering in his ear: "How was it, my love?" Timothy chuckled, a tear rolling down his cheek for many reasons. Then he looked at her, eyes on the verge of bursting into tears. "I'm so sorry, I... I..." But Trina smiled and kissed the tear off his cheek, letting her tongue linger a bit which caused a soft, low purr to erupt from Timmy's throat, only to be gone just as fast. Her fingers danced across his forehead and cheeks, her face showed no remorse or sadness, she was just happy. "You want to go through with this? I mean, you do realize what I want, don't you?" Timothy narrowed his eyes a bit and replied quickly with a low tone, something he had picked up from Amanda: "Of course, I'm not stupid!" Trina giggled and traced his jawbone with her fingertips then she let them under his chin, starting to scratch gently. "You're so much like your mother these days... that's why I want to do this." Timothy thought for a while then nodded. "Okay... I guess... I don't see any harm in it..." With a soft kiss on his lips, Trina then continued to unbutton Timothy's shirt. His chest slowly became revealed to her and once the last button was out of the way, she caresses it softly with her hand before leaning in, nuzzling at it gently, letting her tongue lick through the fur softly. His resistance grew thin and he couldn't help loosing his footing, sliding down to a sitting position. Dancing like a fly against a window, Trina's tongue made its' way through the white, soft fur on his chest. Arousal flooded his mind and the small bulge in his briefs grew larger again, his small hands combing through Trina's thick mane. "God, it feels so good..." His voice was low and strained; he had trouble breathing and even more so talking. His heart was pumping like a racing-horse's at full speed, toes curling and gripping at the cheap wall-to-wall carpet in orange. Trina's licking flowed further down Timmy's body, leading her to where the pants were supposed to be, the brief the only thing obstructing her path. "Lift your cute little behind up, love." Timothy obeyed and felt the pants slip off slowly, followed by the briefs. Not until then did it strike him how serious this was about to get. But he couldn't resist any longer, his member standing firm and throbbing at his crotch. Eyes met and a soft blush spread on Timothy's cheeks as Trina licked her lips, making it very clear to Timothy what she was about to do. And he wasn't about to resist as she bent down further, letting the member's slick head touch her snout then her cheek before she gave the root a soft kiss, tongue playing around it then touching his sack, as if tasting and judging him. Obviously she found it to her liking as she then returned to head of the untested boyhood. As her lips closed around the head, a wheezing sound was all that escaped Timothy's gritted teeth. She could without any doubt take his fully erect member into her mouth, letting him feel the warmth and moist of her tongue and mouth, dragging her tongue gently against the member, slowly dragging up to the tip from the root, only to start over again no matter how much Timothy squirmed below her. It took no rocket-scientist to figure out that Timothy wouldn't be able to last long against her delicate and gentle treatment. She knew it and Timothy too to a degree. But the result was just as given as the sun rising every morning and soon, without much effort really, Trina got to taste the white, sticky fluid squirted that his young boyhood had to offer. It coated her tongue nicely and as she got back up she managed to swallow it all down in one gulp, rubbing her belly softly. Meanwhile, Timothy was busy regaining his strength and stamina from his second orgasm, breathing heavily. Trina looked at her but when their eyes met Timothy looked away, staring at the corner of the room, blushing madly. "That was fantastic..." Trina giggled and softly rubbed his thigh, knowing very well what was bothering him. It was hard for young boys, she imagined, making their sexual debut as their stamina often didn't last very long. But she was intent on going through with this so she leaned over to his head, cupped his cheek and turned his head gently so he was looking straight at her, into her eyes. "Look, love, you're doing great..." She then thought things through very quickly but the decision she made would be something Timothy would remember for the rest of his life. "I love you very much, Timothy Benedictson. And if I can't be your mother then at least I'll give you this much." Then she kissed him, more passionate than before and this time the young cub wasn't late to respond. For a minute or two, all they did was kiss. All good things come to an end as they say and even this had to. Trina leaned back and looked him over, seeing that he quite obviously had gotten his courage back. "So... I bet you want to see me naked now, huh? Well, as long as you do as I say when we're... doing it." He was inexperienced and she knew that but she wasn't about to leave him to it, she wanted it to be memorable and for that she had to teach him what he needed to know. Slowly she stood herself up, her arms already busy unbuttoning the white blouse she had been wearing. At the same time she nodded her head towards the bed. "Go sit on it, sweetheart." She wasn't going to strip slowly for him even though she would've wanted to. Time wasn't on their side, would they be gone for more than an hour or two, someone was bound to get suspicious. And more time had already passed than she was willing to admit. Timothy's entry into the adult world was perhaps earlier than most had the privilege of but it was nothing to be snorted at. In front of the bed now stood a beautiful equine, her coating an ordinary brown but somehow she made it look better, shining softly in the faint light since the curtains had been pulled. Her breast was more than a handful, nipples large and black. The rest of her body was nicely curved, hips swaying gracefully as she walked over to the head of the bed. And her hair seemed to glow, more than usual. After she had seated herself on the bed, she swung her legs up and presented herself for the young male, spreading her legs fully for him so he could see her vulvas, shimmering slightly from the juices that had started to flow by the time they got in the car. "Hun, I know you just want to jump up and mount me but..." Timothy interrupted her with a smile, getting on his knees and facing her. "You want me to lick you, right?" She hated herself for thinking Timothy never had any contact with pornography at all. She must've sounded so snobbish. He didn't protest, in fact he seemed rather eager as he got down on all four and crawled in closer. Once he was close he lied down fully on his belly and he was only a few inches from her pink mound, his breath touching it, gracing it and making a shiver ran all the way through Trina's body. "God, I can't believe I'm turned on by a twelve year old..." Trina's voice was shivering and trembling, coming out uncertain and gutless, as if she wanted to turn and run. But she didn't have the time because a breath wasn't all that touched her cunt. Timothy's lips gave it a gentle kiss, right on her clitoris, before he dug in, pushing his face against it and pressing his tongue against her slit. At first he didn't seem to like it and went on solely because felt he owed her it. His rough tongue scraped against her slit and against her clit, causing her to moan and groan as if there was no-one else in the world at that time. Trying to control her moaning, she bit her lip and pressed her chin against her chest, squeezing out a few words: "Yes, don't... stop!" Timmy had no intentions of stopping because he in fact had come to like the taste and the feeling, his face now closer to her mound, daring himself to push his tongue inside her even, rolling it up and penetrating her every now and then. He learned the trick when watching his friend's pornos, something he'd obviously never admit he had watched. More and more juices flowed from Trina much to the cub's delight, lapping it up like he was parched and had just found an oasis, pressing his muzzle so close it was on the verge itself to penetrate her and quite possibly could but it was something Trina wasn't ready to find out now. "God, Timothy, get up here!" He reluctantly pulled his muzzle from her mound and crawled up closer to Trina's face. She wasted no time in grabbing his cheeks and kissing him, a kiss which he had no trouble responding too in the heat of passion. When the kiss broke, they both licked their lips and stared into each other's eyes, Trina's voice now more confident. "I hope your cock's rock-hard 'cause I want you to give it to me good..." In normal cases, neither of them would've accepted anything in that sentence but this would hardly qualify as a normal situation. In his drive of passion, Timothy couldn't resist her offering and quickly aligned himself against her, his member right at her mound and would be penetrating her with a single thrust. This meant he had to slide down a bit from her face but he could live with that and any doubt was wiped as he felt her soft, warm walls envelope his boyhood. All Trina could do was lie there, letting the young cub please himself with her. In her mind it felt so incredibly good, far better than she had imagined these last couple of months and her walls more than happily welcomed him in, hugging his member tightly but not struggling at all, letting him slide in and out in his own pace which by now had already picked up to be quite fast. The orgasm took her by surprise; she didn't have hopes to reach this climax, making it ever more special. Her walls hugged him even tighter, fluids exploding out around his member in a cascade, drenching Timothy's lower parts in her fluids and quite soon, feeling the increased pressure on his member, Timothy experienced his third orgasm in less than an hour. Not a record but as Trina said later, one hell of a sexual debut. Do I regret giving in to Trina? Never in my life, except for my first birthday and the day I was taken from the orphanage, there are very few moments that I hold so dear to my heart. I wouldn't change any of it, nothing we said, did or didn't do. When I look back on that day it's like the whole scene is covered in a pink fog, these days some details may be missing but it's just like I was there to experience it again. His body loosen up to the extent that he couldn't even support himself with his arms, instead he dropped like a bag of meat on Trina who was equally taken by the experience and they both just existed there for a short period of time, regaining their breath and trying to gather the energy to move a muscle or utter a word. In the end, it was Trina that managed to perform an action and construct a logical sentence. And while pulling him up closer to her face, Trina whispered, not because she was scared someone might hear, it was quite too late for that now, but because she didn't quite have the energy for any more: "Was it good for you too?" But Timothy only managed to laugh while turning his head to watch her, welcoming the soft kiss he received after that, his thoughts getting clearer every second. After a short period of loving words being exchanged they both managed to pull themselves up enough to be sitting next to each other. Trina then looked at him, stroking his cheek gently. "I got one last thing for you... come, straddle my lap." Timothy, suspicious at first, did as she told, after his last experience he didn't doubt Trina a second really but it was just his nature. Trina then traced the outline of her breast and smiled. "Suck on it, please... on the nipple?" Narrowing one eye, Timothy at first thought she was joking, this was something she should've thought during the actual intercourse but he wasn't about to complain as she had just single-handedly given him something fit for only the most grown up of men. Alas, all his doubt were wiped yet again as the first ray of milk drenched his parched mouth, it was like some primal instinct kicked in and he hugged himself close to his newfound lover. Trina could in response only grown out his name and fall back on the bed. She felt the pressure, a pressure she had been feeling the last month, drain slowly. He felt like a baby again, eyes closed and mouth hungrily sucking on a presented breast, drinking what was reserved for babies growing up. Thick, warm milk flowed into his mouth and just as quickly down into his stomach where it mixed and caused it to warm from deep inside of him. There was a lot of milk, it had been producing for over a month, Trina couldn't quite explain why, it just did and Timothy wasn't about to complain. However, the milk dried out even though none of them wanted it to. Timothy because of the sweet taste and deep warmth it provided, Trina because it made her feel like Timothy's mother, something she wouldn't admit to anyone. When the milk ran dry, they both breathed heavily again and Timothy looked up at Trina, milked drying in his fur as he spoke: "I think we better use the shower before we go?" Trina nodded and smiled to him, sitting up again and kissing him quickly: "I figured as much, the bag has towels in it and new underwear... for both of us." The rest... is the couple's own little secret. They didn't say much on the way home, the motel-keeper had winked at them when Trina returned the key, there was something very creepy over the man, and then they had driven home. There wasn't much to say, really, they both existed together on a higher plane now, together. Words were beyond them, they just had to look at each other now to know what they felt they needed to say. I know you all think this was the start of something beautifully naughty but I'm afraid you're wrong. I and Trina never shared a bed again. We never needed to; it was never about the sex and never would be. She only did it to give me something to never forget and I never will. After we left that motel, we went back to being rich, spoiled kid and his nanny. But we knew, it was our little secret and this is the first time I ever tell anyone about it. For years to come, she was all my heart desired but not my body. Having her close, having her whisper "I love you. I love you very much." Every now and then was all I ever needed. It grieves me that she is not here with me anymore but time cannot be stopped nor undone and I have come to accept it. She will forever be the fondest of memories and loves. * * *
