Yin and Yang

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#1 of Lucario meets Renamon

Legal Stuff: Renamon is � to Bandai and the Digimon world. Lucario is � GameFreaks and Nintendo. This smut is totally my idea after realizing that there was a surprising lack of these two fucking.

Renamon ran through the forest, having sensed something strange coming into the world. At the rate she was traveling, she'd probably get there long before Guilmon or any of the others got there. Her frenzied run slowed, allowing her to move quickly but much quieter through the treetops. After just a moment more, she stopped and crouched on a branch, looking at the mist-filled clearing that signaled a digimon was there. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to pick out a shape, finally seeing something moving around inside the mist.

Lucario didn't know what was going on, one moment he had been in a forest outside of Canalave City. As he was training, a strange mist developed and he felt like someone had hit him in the gut. Next thing he knew, he was here in this strange forest and its strange smells. "I am so friggin lost." He looked around, his ears twitching, as he felt the fur on his neck raising. Someone was out there watching him. The jackal-like creature let out a slow breath as his eyes closed, feeling out the aura around him, one paw out as he zeroed in. "I know you are out there, why don't you just come on out?"

Renamon jerked when she heard the strange creature call her out. Well if he knew she was out there, he might just be preparing an attack; and she couldn't have him striking first. Springing off the tree branch, she curled her arms in front of her and focused her energy into an attack, "Diamond Storm!" Tossing her hands out, the cloud of energy she gathered formed into razor sharp shards of ice and hurtled towards the other creature. Lucario felt the other one's aura flare with hostility and leapt back as he heard her cry out. Most of the attack missed him, but a few pieces of the ice-like energy hit him and gave him cuts on his body. Growling, he quickly gathered an orb of energy into his palm and hurled an aura sphere at his attacked.

Renamon smiled at the sphere that was coming towards her and jumped to the side. Imagine her surprise when the orb curved in its flight and slammed into her body, making her call out as she was knocked to the ground. What was that attack? She looked up as the blue-furred male leapt through the mist at her. He was holding a bone made of the same blue energy as the sphere he just used. Darting to the side, she glanced back as the staff slammed into the ground. Tossing her hand, she threw another storm at him as strange warmth began to well up inside her body. The female cursed to herself as she began to get aroused from the ferocity of this fight. She watched as the mist parted from her attack. Lucario's staff spun around quickly, deflecting the shards away from his body. Growling, she gathered her energy into her hands and charged him. She would finish this quickly then go play with herself after she absorbed his data. "Power Paw!" Her hands and feet erupted into blue flames as she used the power on her feet to speed her forward. He saw that she was rushing him, probably to try and finish this. Lucario dropped back a step and gathered aura energy into his palm, confining it there as he waited for her.

Renamon sprang forward, both her hands clenched into deadly claws as she swung at him. Lucario managed to duck one of the hands, but the other got him in the side, making him hiss and wince as he trapped her hand. The fox-like female smirked, "Fool, you could have easily blocked both."

He chuckled softly as he held her hand, "But then I couldn't counter." Her eyes went wide as his palm hit her stomach, releasing the energy with a burst of light and a discharge. She screamed and tried to jerk away, but her body wouldn't respond.

Lucario let out a breath and lowered her to the ground as he looked at her, "Don't worry, the paralysis will pass in a short time." He began to walk away, to try and find a way back, when he noticed an alluring scent in the air. Tilting his head back, he took a couple sniffs, before his eyes were drawn to the other creature's crotch. She blushed as he saw her thighs, coated in her own juices. The fight had aroused her and his final attack had sent her over the edge. The male was so strong, so powerful; he was more than a match for her and had shown her mercy by not destroying her.

He licked his lips slowly as his eyes were drawn to that wet fur between her thighs. He knelt next to her and pushed his hand between her legs to rub her sex slowly, "What is this?"

She blushed and tries to move away, but her body wouldn't respond; "Its nothing, get your paws off of me."

Lucario smiled as he pushed a finger into her slit, wiggling it around inside her. She let out a low groan as he leaned his maw down to nip her neck, "Oh I don't think its nothing. In fact, I think you got very aroused during out little fight." She let out a hiss of breath as this stranger's finger penetrated her moist depths and worked inside her. "And from what I feel, I can guess that our fight made you cum." She bit he lip and turned her head, not saying anything. His finger worked against her as he rubbed his palm against her clit slowly.

She growled, "Get your hand out of me," but her demand didn't hold much weight since her hips were pushing against his hand and she was moaning. He smiled and laughed softly as he sat up; untying his black belt and letting his loose, karate-styled pants slide off his body. Renamon's eyes went wide when she saw that red, canine-like cock standing up from his black furred crotch. He gripped her hips and rolled her over onto her belly before lifting up her rear. Her cheeks colored red in a blush as she felt her body being manhandled by this male that had just beaten her in combat. Her mind wanted to reject what he was doing, but her body wanted this so badly. The logical part of her mind screamed that he was going to rape her, but the primal part (as well as her body) was begging for it and saying he had won the right to do this. Her body had already started to respond again, if a bit sluggishly, but she made no move to flee. Pressing her hands against the ground, she moaned as his tongue swept over her pussy.

Lucario gripped her rear and rubbed it as her tail lifted by itself. Smiling, he lowered his head down and swept his tongue over her slit. The female let out a hissed moan and pushed back eagerly, letting him know she was ready. Sitting up, he rubbed his tip against her pussy and shoved in, enjoying the wet noise as she spread around him. Her fingers dug into the soft dirt as that cock speared into her, making her groan low in her throat and push back. Bending over her, he grabbed a pawful of her hair and tugged at it, as he slammed into her body harder. She let out a lust-filled gasp as her spine arched, pleasure shooting through her body as he began to treat her roughly.

His body slammed into hers hard as his feet dug into the ground as his body slammed against hers harder. Her maw opened up as she let out a gasp, pushing her hips back against his as she whimpered with need. He was grunting as his body hammered into hers, making her breaths come in short gasps. Lying down on one shoulder, she reached back and began to finger her clit as his cock spread her sex again and again. This strong, powerful male was making her his bitch; and it only served to turn her own faster than anything she'd ever experienced in her life. Groaning, she bit her lip as her thighs trembled against the brutal pounding she was taking. Biting into her lip harder, she let out a little noise as her pussy clamped around his pole and squeezed it as her body was thrown into an orgasm.

Lucario knew that she was climaxing and grinned as he yanked his cock out of her clenching tunnel. Renamon voiced a needy whine as she was left empty. But she wasn't empty for long as he flipped her over, lifted her up, and slammed his cock back into her. A yip broke free of her muzzle as she was flipped around and felt that cock slam into her again. Tossing her head back, she gasped before wrapping her legs around his body and grabbing onto his shoulders. The two fighters began to fuck in earnest now, their bodies impacting each other hard with each motion. Lucario let out a growl as he carried the female towards a tree and slammed her back into it. Now he hammered her even harder as he held her there, pinned. Her toes started to flex as she was pounded and claimed by the canine male. The knot on his cock was inflating steadily, popping in and out of her pussy. Their pants and moans reached a fevered pitch as they rushed, seeming to have another fight going as they tried to push each other over the edge.

His knot popped into her tunnel one last time and got stuck, shortening his thrusts to rapid poundings. Her back arched as she panted and huffed, her breasts bouncing quickly. Then it happened, the conclusion to their little fight. Lucario arched his spine and let out a howl as his cock erupted inside her, spraying its fountain of hot seed into her body. But at the same moment he released, Renamon let out a series of loud yips as her back jerked, climaxing hard around the male. Their bodies pressed close together as they panted, enjoying the afterglow of their fucking. He kept her pinned against the tree as they came down from their climaxes. She murred and rubbed his chin before leaning in to kiss him right on the lips. He smiled and let out a low noise as his tongue probed into her mouth, dancing with hers.

For nearly a half-hour they stayed like that until his cock slipped free of her. Laying her down, he smiled and rubbed her cheek before glancing back at the mist as it began to swirl again. Slowly a portal opened up, revealing the path back to his home. Looking from the portal to her, he chewed on his lip a moment as he thought. She looked from him to the portal and voiced a low whine, knowing what he was trying to decide. "Please, stay with me."

The tough female could feel tears welling up as he shook his head; "I wish I could, my sweet fox. But I have duties over there, just as you have them over here." Brushing his paw over her cheek, he kissed her on the lips, "But we'll always exist in each other's hearts, and one day we will meet again." She nodded and leaned into his paw, knowing that he was right but wishing that he wasn't. Rising to his feet, he handed her his belt as he pulled on his pants. Stepping into the mist, he vanished from the world. Renamon could feel the tears coming down her cheeks as she gripped his belt, knowing what it meant to him.

The next morning, she woke up in her bed and let out a groan. The night before came back to her in a rush, the others arriving after Guilmon felt the surge of power when the mist vanished. Sticking to the shadows, she explained that she already beat the creature. Then she left to be alone for a time and reflect on what happened. Shifting on the mattress she had scavenged, she let out a hissed breath as pain shot through her body. Maybe last night had been a little too rough, but it had felt so good. Murring, she lay back and opened her eyes finally to look at the ceiling of the cave she claimed as her den. About that time a strange ripple shot through her belly and Renamon lifted her head to look at her belly. A gasp escaped her maw as she saw it was swollen with something.

Another ripple shot through her body as she groaned, sitting up and starting to push. She had fucked with several males before, but this had never happened to her. Huffing, the female began to strain as the mass in her gut shifted slowly. Letting out a low whimper, she felt it spreading her insides as it moved down slowly. The pain was far beyond anything she could have imagined, her eyes tearing up as she pushed and grunted with each contraction. Her sex began to spread as the egg started to ease out of her body, but the female was afraid of what was going on and started to falter. A soft voice murred in her ear, "Keep going, you can do it," and she could swear that the male from the night before was with her. Gritting her teeth, the yellow fox pushed and heaved as she panted before the egg finally slipped out of her body.

Collapsing onto the bed, she huffed and lay there for a moment just to enjoy the empty feeling. After a moment, she curled up and began to lick the egg clean. She knew what it was and knew that she would raise their child and wait for its father to come home. Smiling, she curled her warm fur around the orb and rested after birthing. Lucario smiled and curled up behind her as he murred, "See you did it." She blinked and looked up suddenly as the male curled behind her. He smiled and bowed his head, "I told my trainer what happened and he sent me back to find you." She murred and snuggled back against him, smiling as her new mate cradled her.