Walls - Apollo's Bathhouse (XXX)

Story by Raedwulf on SoFurry

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#26 of Walls

A bathhouse, two horny wolves, what more could one need?

This lewd mini-chapter is part of the Walls series but can be read by anyone without needing to know any backstory.

There's no plot-relevant information within so those that don't like it can just skip ahead to the next chapter.


Chapter 19.5 - Bathhouse (XXX)

511 A.R. November 3, Apollo's Bathhouse, Midday

Peter opened the door to the private bath and glimpsed back with an expression that seemed to freeze in my mind. It was a slight smile mixed with both uncertainty and excitement while bonded with just a tad of nervousness.

I followed, shut the door, grabbed the lock, and turned until it made a resounding click as my eyes were locked on his backside and watched the big wolfish tail sway back and forth.

Peter glanced around the small changing room while my focus wandered to the blurred curtain that led into the bath itself. The air was humid yet cool and one could see puffs of warm fog wafting through the gaps in the curtain.

A different kind of hunt began to cloud my mind as I stepped closer and grabbed his tail.

Peter tensed up and glanced back in surprise as I flashed him a big grin, "Hey handsome."

His tail started to wag in my hand as his ears perked while his smile brightened, "... Hey."

I let go, stepped closer and let one hand rest by his back while the other touched his chest and began to unbutton his dress shirt.

"Happy birthday Peter," I whispered as I leaned in and let my nose brush by his ear.

His heart pounded in his chest and I could feel his breath near my neck as it picked up pace, "Thanks."

I eased his shirt open and let my hand trail through his chest fur, the topcoat was rich brown and grew to the hue of dark chocolate by the wooly undercoat. His shoulders were broad and his chest defined but soft enough to make him cuddly like a bear.

The shirt slid down his arms and then dropped to the floor as I reached behind his back and aimed for the shorts. The base of his tail was thick and warm as I searched for the latch and popped the shorts open.

Warm rich musk with an acrid but arousing tint began to fill the air as Peter fumbled along the buttons of my shirt. I let him do his thing as my own hand massaged the base of his tail and made him squirm and pant.

"Ungh..." Peter moaned as his hands pulled at my shirt.

I relaxed for a moment and let him slide the shirt down my shoulders as I let it drop and glanced down at his crotch. His furred sheath stood proud and the dark ring at the top had parted way as the red tip of his shaft poked out.

Droplets of precum seeped from the tapered end and gathered by the ring of fur as if trapped in a pool.

The sight made my chest rumble with approval as I reached back and let my own shorts drop.

Peter's chest moved in tune as he panted with excitement while his eyes kept darting down as I stepped out of the shorts and stretched. My own scent wafted from my body and I could sense as it overpowered the rest with the strong if pungent tint of a mature alpha.

I turned my attention to the curtain and reached out with a claw as I pulled it open and glanced inside. The pool radiated with a blue glow and a beautiful mosaic along the walls painted a dark gray surface dotted with big spheres of iridescent gems in blue and green.

A gentle fog rose from the pool and the air was refreshingly cool as I stepped inside. Peter followed and brushed up by me as I felt his hand move along my backside.

Not today...

I reached back and caught his hand as I met his eyes, he seemed surprised for a moment and I used it to pull him along as I approached the steps leading into the pool.

The water was warm and sent a spark of sensation up my leg as my paw eased into and touched the marble surface of the step. I glanced back once more as I descended and pulled Peter along until the water lapped at our midsections.

Peter was quick to hug me once and was about to reach for my backside as I resisted and forced his hand back.

"What?" Peter asked in surprise as his ears dropped.

I faced him and met his eyes as I leaned in and brushed by his muzzle while our sheaths touched and rubbed against one another, "Do you remember what you said?"

"... Huh?" Peter asked as his ears perked.

"That you like a bit of variety, isn't that true?" I asked.

Peter made a sheepish smile and nodded, "I remember."

I leaned against him and slipped a hand along his backside as I rubbed at the sensitive cauda by the base of his tail.

"Mngh..." A slight whimper and a groan escaped his muzzle as he was forced to move backwards to keep from falling back.

"You've been avoiding this for over a year Peter," I whispered with a mischievous grin.

"I..." Peter's voice trailed off and his eyes widened in surprise as I let my finger slip underneath his tail.

"What are you scared of?" I asked as I let my finger touch and rub by the warm opening

Peter bumped into the nearby edge of the pool and glanced up at the roof as his chest shifted with every excited breath, "It's my birthday..."

I moved my claw and let it slip inside the warm confines as his ring-muscle tensed up and clenched around my finger.

"Oh..." Peter gasped.

"How's this for a birthday gift?" I said with a smirk as I let a second finger probe by the opening.

Peter shut his eyes and seemed to tremble as he tried to speak.

"Is it your first time?" I asked with a mischievous grin.

Peter's eyes flashed open as he met mine, "No... Maybe..."

I brushed by his muzzle and nuzzled his cheek, "It's a wonderful sensation, full, warm, throbbing, it'll make you shudder and tickle every nerve in your body when you finish."

My second finger pushed inside and made him groan and shift as I teased the pliable opening.

To my surprise he made a discomforted groan all of a sudden. I relaxed my hand in an instant and glanced down in worry, to my surprise I saw that his sheath looked painfully stretched by the growing knot still caught within.

"Relax, I'll fix this," I whispered as I crouched down.

"Vilkas," Peter whispered.

I touched his sheath and felt the intense warmth and thumping pulse that pulled at the sheath with every heartbeat. The exposed shaft was ill red and glistened with oily lubricant as I touched it and lubed the sensitive opening of the sheath.

"Oh... Mm..." Peter murmured as I grabbed hold of the tense sheath.

I let my tongue reach out for a tentative taste as I touched the exposed tip. Salty, rich in iron and the strong taste that screamed of his identity as male, wolf, and beta.

His chest rumbled as he arched his back and growled while I made a turning motion with his sheath and popped one side of the knot loose from its confinement.

The rest of his knot popped free in an instant as the shaft extended and blossomed. Peter made a relieved groan of relief as a spurt of precum hit my tongue. I lapped it up and withdrew my tongue as i eased his legs open and rose while taking the opportunity to guide my shaft underneath his tail hole.

"Feel better?" I asked as I glanced up and met his eyes.

Peter's tongue was hanging out of his muzzle as he nodded and uttered a distorted yes.

I eased up and let the very tip of my shaft poke at his entrance, "What do you say?"


I reached underneath his arms, grabbed his shoulders, held him tight, and then pushed up. His eyes became like saucers as pushed inside with the sensation of warm and soft silk embracing my shaft.

My legs rose as I pushed deeper and leaned into his chest with a moan of pleasure as the tunnel tightened with every inch.

A sudden resistance made me stop for a moment as we both panted like wild dogs. I made a gentle prod, nudged his back, and things lined up once more as I continued to push. The resistance eased and I slipped deeper and deeper until my shaft was hilted.

"Damn..." Peter gasped between ragged breaths.

I felt my shaft pulse and grow as his passage massaged every inch of me, it felt great and it spurred me on as I eased back for another push. His passage was tight but sent sparks up my spine as I felt my knot grow and nudge by his opening as I hilted him once more.


I picked up pace while using his shoulders to pull him tight with every thrust, it made me pant, growl, moan and drool as my control faded and my mind turned to focus on the gut need for yet another push.

The rhythmic thrusts grew in intensity and caused waves in the pool as my knot became a struggle to push inside. My peak was coming and I pulled him tight as I buried my head by his shoulder and let the wolf inside me speak with a feral murr of delight.

One final thrust and a push hard enough to make an audible pop as I pushed inside. It made my mind flare while my body trembled with as I felt the knot engorge.

I ground my hips into his backside as I let my hand reach between us in search of Peter's shaft. My hand found it, followed its length, and gripped by the very base of knot as I gave it a squeeze.

Peter's body trembled as he made a guttural roar while his knot engorged and shot ropes of cum in the throes of orgasm. Instinct overwhelmed me as I opened my maw and bit hold of his shoulder.

My mind glossed over with mind numbing pleasure as I shuddered and held him tight while my shaft pulsed over and over and made my insides clench with every rolling wave of pleasure.

Moments later the dazzling high eased down and became a soft but embracing afterglow.

I eased my jaws free from his shoulder and gasped for breath as my intellect began to return.

"Are *gasp* you *gasp* all right?" I managed to ask as I examined his shoulder for signs that I had hurt him.

Peter held onto me but his eyes were focused on the roof as he gasped for breath and uttered something unintelligible.

I chuckled and began to lap at his shoulder as an apology while easing us into the bath as we both reveled in the lingering sensations.