
Story by Playfulmutt on SoFurry

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Writers Notes: This is a paid commissioned story for Eronu Redsky. You too can have me write for you. :3 Anyway, this was kind of a killer for me. I'm sure we have all been in Simon's situation once or twice, maybe not literally, but figuratively. I hope you enjoy.


Evening was drawing to an impressive sunset in the western coast, providing all of the suburban city-dwellers a pleasant moment to catch their breath and review the day. Two such individuals were Claire and Simon. Simon was a gray wolf, and like many other wolves he was rather athletic. His build was muscular and tall, and his ego knew no bounds. He was the perfect spunky twenty-year-old for Claire, or so she thought. His hair was black and cut short with gelled spikes and his eyes were a calm blue hue. Claire was a white mare, full of elegance and beauty. Were she a bit more rigid she could easily be a unicorn, and Simon teased her often about this. Her hair was long and blonde, and her eyes shone like bright blue sapphires. The couple had special plans for this evening. It was their two-month anniversary and to celebrate Simon took Claire shopping. It had never been Claire's deepest desire to spoil herself with lavish outfits, but as Simon said "Today is special, baby."

The two shopped much of the afternoon away and then went to the pier to watch the sunset.



"Thanks for taking me shopping."

"Heh. My pleasure, hun." The wolf responded, slinking his arm around the mare's backside, looping his fingers around her waist. The hot summer evening left the mare wearing a swimsuit in lieu of an outfit. The mare knew what she had; long slender legs, thick near the thighs, perky C-cups, and a very fine apple-bottom. To conceal her shapely bottom, she wore a short vibrant peach skirt overtop of her matching peach two-piece. Simon told her to dress for swimming, and it was nothing out of the ordinary to see people in swimsuits all day in coastal suburbans. Simon was far more moderately dressed, he was wearing cargo-shorts and a loose T-shirt with a logo of a rather skimpy looking bunny lying on a beach.



"What are we really gonna do when we get back to your place?" she inquired, as she knew that he didn't own a pool.

"Heh. Take a guess, baby."

The mare giggled and whinnied, "Oh Simon!" she leaned in and gave him a wet kiss on the cheek. In response, Simon let his paw drift lower on his mare lover, gently squeezing at her fine featured ass as he ran his long tongue over her lips several times.

"Uhnnh. S-simon! Be a good boy and wait until we get home."

"Mmnn. I don't wanna, baby. I want you now."

Claire let her lips part, timidly slurping his tongue into her mouth and gently suckling on it. Simon had always been fond of sloppy kissing. As she did this, she opened her eyes and looked across the street, spotting someone. That was all it took, Claire was horribly shy in expressing affection in public, and god forbid if it was someone that she knew! As Simon dug his paw digits down the back of her skirt and dipped into the deep crevice of her ass she jittered and yanked away, letting a thin line of spit run down her chin. She took a few steps away from her boyfriend and sat down on a near by pier bench.

"I-I'm sorry, that was too much."

"D-don't be sorry, hun. It's just...that male, he was watching us."


Claire gestured to a smaller-statured fox standing at the corner of the boulevard.

"Heh. He's just jealous that I've got you, babe." Simon walked over to her, picking up two white plastic bags containing the spoils of their shopping spree. "Why don't we head home? After some dinner, I can show you what he's got to envy."

"Heehee. Alright." She stood and took the wolf's hand, watching the red fox out of the corner of her eye as they crossed the street and moved towards the parking lot meant for the near by strip mall. The couple lagged in their step, rubbing and kissing each other on the way to the wolf's car. By the time that the couple got to the parking lot the street lights had begun to turn on. The wolf picked up his lovely mare and gently crammed her against the passenger side of his car. He looked around the parking lot a moment. Aside from a few empty cars, they were alone. Simon slid his hips between Claire's legs, causing the thick white thighs to spread.

"Mmmnnn. Fuck dinner, I wanna eat you, Claire."

"Uhnnh! S-s-simon, s-stop! Not in public!"

"No one's watching, baby."

As if on cue, a third voice added itself. "Or so you think." A short red fox stepped out of the shadows from a nearby building. He had a loose-fit long sleeved shirt on with a rather fancy palm tree stemming off of it. In addition, he wore long tattered blue jeans and thin white sandals. His hair was a burnt brown hue, longer than average for most males but not quite long enough to put into a tail. He held a smug look on his white and red muzzle, and two black accents on his snout made his eyes seem like a pale white-blue. Claire recoiled, almost climbing her way on top of the car as Simon turned on him.

"Who in the hell are you?"

"Does it matter?"

"Rrrr. You punk! What, you think its funny sneaking up on people like that?"

"Please. I don't give a shit about you." He waved his paw dismissively, then pointed at Claire, "I'm more interested in her. Tell me, hot stuff, want to ditch this low-life and date someone worth your while?"

"Like hell she will!"

Simon dashed forward, throwing a powerful haymaker at the fox; despite Simon's obvious strength, the fox side-stepped his swing easily. The fox retaliated with a spinning side-kick to Simon's gut. The wolf fell back and looked up just in time to see the fox peel his shirt off, revealing an extremely impressive body; one that rivaled, possibly surpassed, his own.

"Alright. That's it, shitkicker." Simon hopped to his feet and swung again. The fox artfully snatched Simon's fist out of mid-air and rolled with it, flipping Simon onto his back. The crushing force, combined with Simon's head painfully impacting the concrete, rendered the wolf unconscious.

The fox produced two pairs of zip-lock cuffs and cuffed the wolf's footpaws and paws together, then pushed him up against the near by street lamp. Now the daring fox turned on Claire with a cold, determined look in his eyes.

"Now then...Claire, was it? You are coming with me."

"N-no! Never!" Claire choked behind tears, staring down at poor Simon, he was still knocked out cold.

"Listen, slut!" the fox growled. He stepped forward and grabbed her by the neck, holding her back against the car very firmly. "I want everything on the menu, and if you don't offer it, I'll take it."

"O-oh my god." Claire whimpered, "P-p-please don't hurt me."

"I won't hurt you..." the fox growled as his paw released its grasp on her throat. Slowly, it drifted down to her supple breasts, barely covered by her peach bikini. Quickly, he looped his fingers in one strap and threw it over her shoulder, then the other, letting her top fall down and off of her chest.

"Get on your knees."

Claire quickly recoiled at the fox's determination and quick moves. She quickly covered her chest with her hands, but the fox pushed them down again. She looked around nervously, and then slowly got down onto her knees. The fox hastily unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop. As if Claire hadn't already been impressed with the fox's body, his malehood was equally impressive. It was long, thick, and black. How exotic. It was far larger than Simon's.

"Suck." He commanded. And just as he demanded, Claire leaned forward and gently flicked her tongue over the tip. A sigh of relief puffed out of the fox's maw as he shuffled forward, parting his legs around the equine's head.

"Suck!" he said again. He grabbed the back of her head and forcefully thrust his hips forward, pushing half of his length in. Claire's white cheeks flushed a rosy red and she looked up at him with uncertainty, and then looked over at Simon. Slowly, she tightened her lips around the thick black shaft and suckled gently.

"Fuck yeah, baby. Just like that." He thrust in a ways, causing the ever-fidgety Claire to gag and spit up over the fox's furry white nuts. He took advantage of this moment and gently ground forward into Claire's face, grinding her nose into his musky crotch. A slight stirring noise sounded Simon's awakening. He groaned and looked on as his girlfriend was viciously face raped. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The fox turned his head and grinned. Slowly, he pulled back and then thrust back into Claire's maw, making her gag again. Slowly, he built speed, fucking the mare's mouth.

"See something you like?"

"Y-you bastard! Claire! Claire stop it!"

"She's done with you, wimp. She's my slut now."

To prove this, the fox pulled out of her mouth and slapped her tongue furiously with the fat tip.

" him what a good slut you are, Claire." Claire looked up at the fox and then down to the cocktip. She licked her lips, cleaning stray spittle from her mouth as she worked her tits up around the fox's cockbase with her hands.

"What a novel idea." The fox grinned from ear to ear. His hips slid forward, thrusting the long shaft up through the deep dark cleavage of the horse's bust. Claire wasn't especially large around the chest as far as mares go. But she had given Simon more than a few favors before. Nothing could prepare her for the engorged black tip poking out of the top of her breasts. The tip stretched just far enough to poke into her mouth with each thrust. Each time it rose, she lewdly suckled the bulbous head and whinnied out, "You're--mmmf--so--sllcch--long! Mmn."

"That's right, slut." He spat down on her, the glob smacking her right on the cheek. "And it's all for you." The fox continued to thrust for a few short moments before he reared forward, pushing out a full pint of thick ropey cum all over her face and tits.

"Nnhh...fuck yeah. Your girl has the softest tits." The fox grinned, looking over at Simon.

"Okay, you've had your fun, now scram before I get loose!" the wolf snarled.

"Oh, I don't think so." He pushed into Claire's mouth, forcing her to clean his entire length with her tongue, then he stepped back. "Turn around and bend over the hood. Spread your legs and beg like you need it."

Despite her boyfriend's protests, Claire willingly turned and bent over the hood of the car and spread her legs. Her captor moved in behind her and dropped his muscular paw down on her pale ass cheek. As the fox moved into the light, it became clear that Simon was no match for the stout muscular male. While Simon was undeniably an athlete, the fox looked more like a lightweight body builder. His slick footlong stood proudly between his legs. The entire thick, black shaft glistened in the light of the streetlamp; the mare's spit doing the trick. He pulled at her bikini bottom, causing the thin fabric to strain against her tender sex and tickle at her backdoor. Her tail flickered with anger as she squealed and spread herself further across the hood.

" know what I want, don't you?" The fox grinned as he quickly yanked down her swimsuit's bottom to her hooves, then pressed his cocktip roughly against the already wet lips of her pussy. Claire bobbed her head and shuffled her hooves out of the bikini bottom. That was all of the confirmation the male needed, he slowly pushed his aching girth into the tender mare pussy while sticking his tongue half-way out as he shot Simon a filthy look. Claire dropped her jaw and moaned shrilly as each amazing inch slid deep down into her. As the fox hilted himself inside of the mare's tight well, all of his cock fit into her snugly, the tip pushing firmly against her cervix.

"Ohhh god!" she cried.

"Fuck yeah, your girl is a tight piece of of ass, let's see what else is tight."

Simon couldn't believe what was happening, scenarios ran through his head and his pants bulged with a boner that he simply couldn't talk down. The fox wrapped one paw around Claire's hip while the other spread across her fat ass cheek, his thumb digit gently digging into her tailhole just beneath her frizzy white tail.

"Mrrr. That's tight too!"

"O-oh god, please, not there! Uhnnhn. Oohh shit!" she huffed, "I-I'm sooo full!"

"Mmn. You're gonna be a lot fuller in a minute, babe."

The fox pulled back then pushed back in, violently rocking Claire over the hood of the car. As the fox's hips began to thrust faster and harder, her squeals became louder and shriller. In just a few seconds of thrusting her tight equine snatch quivered and spurted viscous clear liquid. The fox grunted as her pussy juices literally shot out around his cock; she was a squirter. His thumb digit dug and ground deeper into her ass and the mare cried out.

"Okay, here we go." The fox huffed as he picked up the power of his thrusts. Each bone-shattering thrust jostled the immaculate mare, causing loud wet claps between the lover's bodies. Claire felt another wave of pleasure wash over her. Her hips jiggled and she sounded off a sharp whinny. More pussy juice sprayed out across the male's white ball sac. His hefty balls then strained as he shot another pint of thick heavy cream up inside of her, filling her womb.

"Oohhh my god!" Claire whined, mashing her tits and face against the hood of her boyfriend's car. Simon whimpered from beneath the street lamp, his boner unbearably hard and without any way to release himself. As the fox neared the end of his orgasm, he pulled out and spanked her firmly; loving the way it rippled. He slid his cock up through the cleavage of her ass, squirting a final few strings of cum on top of the mare's virgin tailhole.

"I-I can't...I...oh god, no more." She begged.

"Mmmrrr...there's just one more thing I want from you, slut." He leaned over her and nibbled on one of her long ears, his thick boner losing no mass as it rubbed tenderly over her moist tailhole.

"Nnhnnn! What?! What?! What is it?" she whined, bucking her hips back against him.

"I want your shithole. I want your virginity." He had completely forgotten about Simon, but the wolf was more wide-eyed than ever. That didn't stop the fox. He lurched forward, pressing in slowly but surely until he stretched her tight ring around his fat cocktip. Both lovers gasped out at the same time.

"Ohh shiiit." Both of them sighed.

"You're so tight!" the fox groaned.

"You are sooo big!" the mare whined.

The male placed both paws on her big lovely rear and squeezed as he pushed all the way inside of her. Claire whimpered softly as he pushed in. She had read about this before, she had to remain as calm and relaxed as she could. Their mixture of semen and spit made for an excellent lubricant, but even well oiled; it hurt. But the fox gave her no time to adjust. By the time he had hilted inside of her, he was already starting a rhythm. The fox wound up his paw and clapped it down on her ass harshly.

"Nnnh. How do you like it? Gonna beg to be my ass-whore now?"

"Uhnn...aooowww! It huuurts!"

"For now. Mm. Just wait."

The fox's promise seemed empty to her. As he picked up in the pace, Claire only felt more searing pain. But all at once a change started to occur. As the fox dove fast, but gently, she started to feel funny and her tailhole loosened and became easy prey for the fox's lust.

"Oohhh god."

"Mmnh...I told you. Fuck you're tight..." he spanked her again and again.

"Ow...nnhhg...Owww! Aahnn! I-it's okay. Cum." She assured him.

Claire wafted her tail around in the air like a happy puppy and reached down between her legs, gently fondling at her clit with one hand while her vulpine lover gripped her tightly and set to work. His hips thundered into hers, plunging in and out of her delicate tailhole with titanous fury. Each time he hilted his heavy ball sac slapped into her soppy wet cunt. It didn't surprise the fox when he watched the mare shudder a third time, and again for a third time she soaked his powerful nuts with her pussy juice. He grinned and spanked her a final time, pressing all the way inside of her as he came. His searing hot cum plastered itself to the inner walls of the mare's anus. A sinking feeling grew in Claire as she felt her tummy gurgle. As the fox pulled out, so did Claire's anus. She shuddered and whimpered as all of that delicious cum splurted out of her and dribbled down her thick legs. The fox was quick to rebound. He pulled back and drew up his pants, then crossed to fetch his shirt.

"Mmn...good girl." He looked at the wolf with a pitying smirk, "Nice girl you've got." He chuckled, then turned and left the two.

It had been a month since the fateful night with the red fox. Claire never filed a police report, for she held nothing against the fox. She loved him. Now she spent the one month anniversary in Simon's bed. Simon had finished his lovemaking and gone to bed. "Good night" he had said, "I love you, Claire." But Claire didn't love Simon. Claire loved the mysterious red fox. She got up from bed and wandered into the hallway of Simon's apartment, then looked down from the second story at the wolf's car. Memories rushed through the mare's head and she gingerly wrapped her arms around herself, longing for the fox. She longed for his body, his touch, and his cock. With Simon, she was left unsatisfied.