Coming out? 2

Story by Sheerahimae on SoFurry

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After humming my favorite 3 minute song 3 and a half times, a candy apple red PT Cruiser pulled up in front of me. I grinned as Cassy sashayed from the driver's side, her long tail sweeping gracefully behind her. She grinned back as she swept me up in a warm fuzzy hug. "You look absolutely gorgeous Faye," she chimed squeezing me tight.

"Heh, thanks, but not as good as you," I said as I looked her over.

She was about 2 or 3 inches taller than my 5"1 frame, slim yet toned and covered head to toe with silky white fur with some black splotches, her little pink feline nose set like a cute button between her dazzling green eyes. Cassy blushed and punched me lightly on the arm, "Oh Faye, don't look at me like that."

I blushed a little too, "Sorry, I just cant seem to get over how pretty you are."

She laughed and opened the passenger door for me, "Well you wont be able to stare at me much longer out here, lets hurry up and get to my place." I clambered inside, then me and my genuine cat girl were on our way.


About 10 minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot of Oak Meadows apartments. I grumbled when Cassy mentioned that she stayed on the 4rth floor, but quickly cheered up when she was the one walking in front. We stopped at room 422 and she pulled out her keys. I smirked when I noticed a cat bell on the jingling ring. "Here we are," she said with a flair as the door opened. It was a rather spacious apartment, the walls and carpet were a pale cream only interrupted by framed pictures, home décor, and a nice rug or two. The room had a nice cozy feel to it, making me feel instantly at home.

While I was making my observations, Cassy had went into the kitchen space. I heard some clinking as she went through the fridge, "Are ya hungry Faye?" she called. My stomach made a violent roaring sound, Cassy giggled, "I'll take that as a yes." A few minutes later we were both curled up on her sofa eating microwaved lasagna and watching TV. She flipped through the channels- "Jenny Craig- the weather today is- furries-",

I looked up

"Cassy, go back to that one." She clicked back. A guy with a bad hair piece and an ugly grey suit was reporting, "There has been another uproar regarding the ground breaking new procedure dubbed 'Anthropormorhping'. A process, created by the new super science facility Anthrogen, in which a human's basic genetic material is manipulated by synthetic biological microbes to restructure their DNA to the point where it emulates the traits of a certain animal species. There were only 6 of these facilities in the entire U.S., but now there's 7. Sheila Knowles is on site, Sheila."

They cut to a woman in a navy blue dress suit

"Thanks Jim. I am standing in front of the newest Anthrogen facility in Dallas, Texas." My jaw fell open. Dallas was only about 3 hours away from my Houston residence. I leaned towards the TV, my lasagna all but forgotten now as the reporter continued,

"Nearly 1,000 people have come to protest its opening here in Dallas."

A dumpy looking middle-aged woman with ratty brown hair glared into the camera, "We don't need no mo' of them stinkin' animal people 'round here. They're freaks and an abomination afore the Lord!"

My stomach clenched with suppressed anger, Cassy even let out a theatrical hiss.

The dumpy woman was then replaced by a remarkably handsome teenaged tiger boy,

"I think this is a matter of realizing who you truly are. I was never really happy as a regular human. I felt trapped in my own skin, but since I went through my anthro surgery, I've never felt more at peace with myself,"

he raised up his arms and flexed his stripes proudly,

"this is who I always was, but now my outsides match my insides."

I smiled brightly, Cassy tilted her head and purred, "Hm, he was kinda cute."


I pulled down a heavy blanket and pillow from the hall closet. It was already half past 1AM and I had already showered, so I figured it was time for bed. I yawned drowsily as I snuggled down into the comfy couch. I was just about to drift off when I heard,

"What the heck do you think you're doing on the couch?"

I cracked open my left eye to find Cassy standing indignantly with her hands on her hips and not much else. She might as well have been naked, considering that her short tight blue night shirt and matching boy shorts left very little to the imagination.

I blinked stupidly, "What?"

She tsked at me like you would a slow child and pulled me up, "You're not gonna spend your nights on that ol' couch. You're sleeping with me."

I stammered as she dragged me towards her bedroom, "But- um- hey-" I looked down, round swaying white hips filled my vision.

"Um, okay" I sputtered.

My heart was thudding as Cassy flitted about her bedroom doing those last minute before bedtime things. When she finally sprang onto the bed and patted the spot next to her and smiled her big smile I wanted to faint. I walked over awkwardly and settled down beside her as she reached for the lamp and turned it out.

"Oh man, what a day," she said yawning, "I'm certainly glad I've got you here to keep me company Faye. It gets dull around here without you."

I smiled back, "Glad to be here Cassy."

A moment passed, then I suddenly felt furry arms and legs wrapping around my body. I managed to not jump in surprise as Cassy snuggled up against me then started to purr contently. I relaxed and smiled, 'what a cutie' I thought as I scratched behind one of her soft ears.

The purring suddenly got louder.

I don't know much about cats, but now I was fairly curious. I firmly rubbed her ear tips between my fingers.

Cassy bolted upright with an odd mrow sound.

"Jeez-! Im sorry Cas, I didn't-" Cassy's nipples were straining out against the thin fabric of her night shirt.

The sight made my breath catch for a moment, but my thoughts were floundering.

The last time I checked, Cassy was straight as could be and didn't mind the littlest bit when I first told her I was bi. She was so comfortable with it that she never freaked out whenever she caught me staring at her or when I told her how beautiful she is, but that didn't explain what I was seeing right now.

Cassy stared at me with the same bewildered look I gave her. There was no telling what she was thinking behind her shroud of confusion, but before I could even begin to guess she cupped my cheek in her warm palm.

I went completely still as she traced her fingertips down my neck and onto my shoulder. A shudder broke over me.

'This cant be happening', I thought to myself, 'I've wanted Cassy this way for a long time, but I know I can't have her and yet here she is, touching this'.

Her delicate fingertips trailed down my chest and onto the swell of my right breast. I couldn't help sighing when she circled my stiff nipple, "mm Cassy."

She blinked as if coming out of a trance and quickly took her hand from my chest, "Faye- I'm sorry," she stuttered, "I-It's just... when you touched me, I didn't know I'd react like that... I thought I was..." She blushed deeply, "I thought I only liked guys, but... when you rubbed my ear like that and how i... felt when I touched you..."

I didn't know what to say. Here was one of the stars of my many fantasies admitting that my touch aroused her, that touching me turned her on. I couldn't let a chance like this go by.

I grabbed her shoulders and gazed into her startled green eyes. My heart skipped a beat, then before I could even question my judgement, I pressed my lips against hers.

Alright ^_^ the next story will most definitely be in the Adult section. Enjoy ;D