The Agoge Club: First Chapter Teaser

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#2 of The Agoge Club

I'm working to get the first chapter of The Agoge Club finished up pretty soon, so I've decided to share a little teaser of the first chapter.

This is my first yiff story and I hope you will all like it. I welcome thoughts and comments.

Disclaimer: This is a story series that will involve cub on cub action, although this teaser is 100% clean.

A light breeze swept through the street as Homer, an eleven year old American Alsatain walked to his new school. Even though it wasn't far, he would occasionally pull out the map quest directions to make sure he was heading in the right direction. Homer was thankful that it wasn't too far for him to walk as he wasn't the most physically active of cubs his age, and his mom Joy always told him to be a little more self-reliant. Although she did want to drive him and see him off on his first day, she had to leave for work early that morning; but not before making a big breakfast for him and wishing him well on his first day.

Homer had lost his father a year ago to a car accident and since then it's just been him and his mom. After learning to get past her grief, Joy felt that it would be best for the two of them to start off fresh somewhere else. So she decided to move the two of them to Cape Shoal, a town on the east coast where Joy spent summers with her grandparents when she was a cub. There she took a management job at a local auto plant. While the salary was enough to provide for the two of them, her hours were at times quite demanding. Every Friday she slept during the day so she can work the late shift from 8pm to 4am of the next morning. Joy made sure Homer learned how to look after himself; fixing his own meals, locking doors entering & leaving the house, and thoroughly emphasizing him to brush his teeth, bathe and finish his homework before bed.

All of this Homer did without any form of protest or reservation, despite being scared of the concept of being all by himself for a whole night. While most boys his age would kill to have the opportunity of being without adult supervision for a while, Homer didn't like being completely alone. Joy fully understood Homer's feelings, and she reassured him that it was only one night out if the week and pointed out that he was getting to be a big boy and he needed to learn to get used to it. As a token to Homers new responsibility, as well as providing him a degree of assurance, Joy gave Homer the best gift he had ever gotten: his dads old iPhone. Even though it was scuffed up a little, Homer treasured it none the less. Joy told him that he could call her if he needed anything and made sure that Homer learned important numbers and not to use too much data.

Homer arrived at the corner across the street from his new school and paused to take in the sight. The campus was only recently built a few years ago, although to Homer when he first saw it, seemed like it was finished a few days ago. Homer remembered his mom telling him that a few years ago, due to the growing number of cubs; the city had decided to build a much larger Elementary School and close the smaller and much older ones. Homers old school was an ancient ruin compared to one in front of him. From what he could tell, they also just finished a brand new Jr. High school right across from it and where laying the ground work for a future High School as well. Homer had been here once already when he and his mom toured the place. They even got lost a few times trying to find homers classrooms. The grounds were swarmed with cubs of various ages and species roaming about the outside of the main building. Others were being dropped off by parents or getting off the bus. Homer was frozen solid, he felt like a stranger in a foreign land with no one to help him.

As if as an answer from the heavens, he jumped at the sudden chirp from his iPhone. He retrieved it and saw a single text from his mom:


This text, along with the family photo that served as his phone background helped relax the nervous cub if only a little.

"Thx, love you too :)"

Homer takes one last look at the family photo before pocketing it, it was the last photo taken of him and his parents before the accident. All three of them were snuggled up together on the couch smiling warmly, his dads arm extended out to hold the phone while he took the picture.

"Wish me luck, dad" he says to the picture before putting it back into his pocket, looking both ways and jogs across the street.