My Wave, Chapter 3

Story by dragondoc on SoFurry

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Third chapter of my story. Ryan the shark and TJ the dolphin have some fun after hours on the beach. Finally getting smutty!

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

The bar traffic had slowed down considerably by the time Ryan had returned. It was now in the wee hours of the morning when most sensible folks were in their beds. As he approached, Miranda shot a look of half displeasure and half confusion at him as he got near. It had been close to an hour since he had chased the pranksters from the ocean. Luckily he kept a dry set of shorts and another tank top over at his lifeguard post.

"What did you do?" Miranda pouted at him, one of her hands perched on her hip. She kept her voice low. Ryan glanced over her shoulder, squinting in the contrast between the bright lights of the bar and the night's darkness. Just as he suspected would happen, the three he had met out in the water were now seated at the bar.

"Went for a swim." He shrugged, playing dumb.

"Hey." She poked his chest with a finger and pushed him back as he tried to go around the counter. "They told me they were attacked by a shark. You know when they see you they're going to figure it out."

"Yeah." He nodded, breaking eye contact and biting at his lip. "Erin hasn't said anything?" Ryan asked with a puzzled look on his face. She had seen him go out into the water, and it looked like she knew the three would be pranksters; certainly she could put two and two together.

"No... She did think it was funny though." Miranda let out a little chuckle at the end of her sentence. "But she's told me her green friend isn't the most cool tempered..." Miranda trailed off and nodded in the direction of the croc seated at the bar.

"I'm not worried." Ryan flashed a toothy smile and continued around the bar. He took a couple of glances over at the group that was still in their stools. Tj, the dolphin that had left his friends in the ocean earlier, was chatting with Erin. Alex was joining in occasionally but paid most attention to his drink. Nick, the particularly grouchy looking croc, was silently spinning an empty glass in between his hands.

Ryan did his best look look inconspicuous. He returned to his three quarters full beer from earlier. He took a sip and grimaced. It was lukewarm and flat. He dumped it into the sink and poured himself a fresh one.

"Oh, Ryan!" Erin called out, seeing him just as he tried to disappear to the other side of the establishment to wash dishes.

"What's up?" He nodded at her as he set his drink down. He avoided eye contact with the others at the bar but could still feel their stares.

"I think Nick could use another drink..." She trailed off while looking over at her angry friend, a devilish look on her face.

"What can I get ya?"

"Just another beer.." He answered, sliding his empty glass down the bar. He kept his eyes down, occasionally glancing over his shoulder.

Ryan took the glass, setting it in the sink as he pulled down a fresh one.

"Erin. Where the hell is he? He should be here by now." Ryan could hear Nick growl at Erin.

"Relax, its only been a few minutes." She shot back after glancing quickly at her cell phone.

"Yeah, but I don't want to be stuck here with nothing to wear but a dish towel."

Erin laughed, letting out a quick snort.

Ryan had finished filling the glass, and brought it back over to where Nick was sitting. The croc accepted the drink with a nod in thanks. Ryan noticed he did a quick double take, his eyes widening once he realized a large shark was his bartender.

"A shark, eh?" Nick asked after a few moments.

Ryan merely nodded in response, not pausing from his task of stacking away cleaned dishes. A few awkward seconds passed before he realized this was probably an attempt to strike up a conversation. "Yeah." He answered simply.

"I don't see many of your... Type around here." The croc's beady eyes looked him up and down.

Ryan shrugged, trying to suppress the grin that was slowly spreading across his face. "Surprising right? Considering how close the ocean is, and all.." He raised his own beer out towards the sea.

"Yeah, that is odd." Nick's eyes narrowed as he took a sip of his own drink. "You don't know any other sharks that frequent this beach, do you?"

"I doubt there is..." TJ had jumped into the conversation. Ryan got a close up look at him for the first time- at least in the light. He was in his early 20s, had a natural swimmers build, and a strong air of confidence about him. He was wearing a tight fitting damp polo shirt, as if he had just thrown it on without drying off first. He certainly piqued Ryan's interest.

"And why do you doubt that?" Ryan leaned forward on the bar, resting his chin onto a hand.

"Sharks are notoriously antisocial. They usually won't share a beach with others of their own kind."

Ryan scoffed. "Anti social?"

"Don't you lie." Miranda chimed in. "I know how much you hate everyone." She teased.

"So you are the only one around here?" Nick spoke firmly, directing the conversation back to answering his question.

"As far as I know." Ryan stared back at him, tossing back the rest of his drink. He stepped back over to the tap to get a refill.

"Well, I think another one has moved in." Nick shot back, his voice soaked with sarcasm.

"Doubt it." Ryan responded nonchalantly.

"Then you must have been the asshole that ate my shorts." Nick was angry, his jagged teeth stuck out as his lips curled.

"And you must have been the asshole who was pretending to drown on my beach. And I didn't eat your shorts."

"Then what happened to them?"

"I dunno, probably floating their way to the next continent." Ryan causally chugged the last bit of his second drink. He poured another.

Nick sputtered out some angry nonsense, before someone called his name. He looked to his side and a pair of fresh shorts were tossed at his face. He hurriedly put them on, took the last swig of his beer, and placed the empty mug on the counter. He made a moment of eye contact with Ryan before storming away with a new group of people. Alex quickly took off after him. Erin rolled her eyes, pulling out a wallet to pay the tab.

"You don't have to pay theirs if you don't want to." Ryan pointed at the empty drinks the others had left behind.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'll get it out of them." She left a wad of cash and a couple coins on the counter, said her goodbyes to Miranda, and was gone.

"Not going to join your friends?" Ryan asked TJ, who remained seated at the bar.

"They're not really my friends. If you couldn't tell."

"I could tell."

"Then I could use a refill." The dolphin pushed his empty glass down the counter.

"We closed an hour ago..." Ryan laughed as he picked up the empty glass. He moved towards the tap to refill it anyways, pushing the filled glass back down the counter. "So, what makes you want to stay here with the antisocial shark?" He asked as he topped off yet another drink of his own.

"Who said it was you I wanted to stay with? Maybe I just wanted a place to drink without those other assholes?" TJ turned his seat around to look out at the ocean. The lights on the cruise ship in port across the bay twinkled off of the waves. A cool, gentle breeze blew by.

"Something tells me it isn't the cheap beer thats keeping you here."

TJ didn't respond, he merely kept his gaze out at the water. Ryan looked at him with a puzzled expression for a moment. Dolphins certainly had a strange way about them. Ryan again finished off a beer, and then reached up into one of the cabinets. He pulled down his favorite brand of rum, and grabbed a couple of clean shot glasses with his other hand. He filled both of them, pushing one towards TJ.

"Well, cheers to being antisocial." He raised the glass, and then swallowed the burning liquid in one gulp.

"Oh god, you're flirty and doing shots." Miranda had come back from taking the trash out to the dumpster.

"Flirty?" Ryan asked with a puzzled look on his face. He refilled his shot glass.

"Good night." She sighed, grabbing her purse from under one of the counters and disappearing into the darkness.

TJ had turned his stool back around and was now eying his shot of liquor. He had doubts but it wasn't that often that he truly got to unwind. As crew on the cruise ship you had a limit of three drinks per night. He snagged the shot, raised it to the sky, and tossed it back into his throat. He nearly choked on the caustic liquid, trying not to turn the coughing episode into a vomiting episode.

"The first one is always the worst." Ryan grinned and swallowed his second. He could feel the warmth building in his gut.

"Oh that is truly terrible." TJ grimaced.

"It'll grow on you."

"I doubt it." TJ sighed, now reaching for his beer to rinse the burning sensation out of his throat. "I haven't done a shot in ages. I'm starting to remember why.."

"I don't do them that often either. Just... Special occasions, ya know?"

"Since when is having the bar stay open late a special occasion?"

"Its not the bar thats special." Ryan shot a wink over to TJ as he filled up yet another shot.

The dolphin laughed and rolled his eyes. Now that the big shark was getting buzzed, his moves were far less than smooth. "How could you tell?"

"Tell what?"

"That I was into guys."

"Oh." Ryan grinned. "Well, now you've confirmed it for me. But I just knew. Gaydar went off as they say. How'd you know about me?"

"It was a guess honestly." TJ took another long drink off of his beer. "I couldn't tell if you were showing off to me, or had just have such a huge ego you were trying to show off to anyone who would pay attention."

"You just got lucky." He nudged a full shot glass closer to TJ. "Huge ego, love showing off, just happen to be gay. Good guess."

"Guess..." The dolphin chuckled. He picked up the shot and eyed it closely. He surely would regret this in the morning. Tipping his head back, he swallowed the booze in a single gulp. It went down much easier this time. He followed it with a couple sips of beer to make sure his stomach wouldn't object.

Ryan stepped out from around the bar, grabbing a seat next to TJ. He refilled both of their shot glasses. They both let out a long sigh.

"How long you here for?"

"Just tonight and tomorrow. Or today, its probably 2am by now... Ship heads out 8pm Sunday." TJ rubbed his forehead. "Cheers." He lifted the freshly refilled shot.

"Cheers." Ryan smiled, raising his own. They both down the drinks quickly, and then sat for a moment in silence.

"Well, I should get back to the ship. Have to be on duty in a few hours. I'll need to be sober by then."

Ryan nodded in response.

"I'll make sure to stop by next time I'm in town." He stood from his stool, almost stumbling over into the sand. He just remembered how quickly shots could have their effect. He took a couple steps onto the beach, but something had snagged his tail and pinned it to the sand. "Hey!" He exclaimed, turning around to see the grinning shark who had stepped on the tip of his tail.

"How about a goodbye kiss?"

"Are you kidding me?" TJ shook his head. He tried to hide it, but could feel his face blush. The booze probably wasn't helping. "I don't even think this counts as a first date..." He trailed off, taking a couple of steps closer to Ryan. He could feel a pair of hands wrap their war around his hips and slowly pull him forward. They both stared back into each others eyes for a few seconds before it happened. Their lips met, just gently at first. Then the pushed into each other in a quick burst of passion, the lips parting and tongues exploring mouths for a brief moment.

"Quite the set of teeth you have there." TJ commented, feeling out of breath. Ryan shot a toothy smile back in return. They stared into each others eyes again, savoring the moment.

"Well, I guess you should get going-" Just has Ryan finished the sentence, TJ pounced on him, jumping onto his lap. The stool they were now both perched on tipped, dumping both of them onto the sand with a dull thud. Without missing a beat they entered an intense, brief makeout session. Ryan slid his hands underneath TJ's shirt, running them over the dolphin's toned back. TJ responded by pushing is long tongue into the sharks mouth, swirling it swiftly over the sharp teeth.

"Careful now." Ryan warned, breaking the kiss. "Don't want to cut yourself. Sharks can get aggressive when they taste blood."

"Oh shut it." The dolphin smirked, sitting up so that he was now straddling Ryan, who was laying back on the sand. "I don't see you being very aggressive."

Ryan tilted his head inquisitively. "Was that a challenge?"

"You could say so.." TJ reached down, grabbing Ryan's crotch through his shorts, giving a firm squeeze. They kissed again. TJ slid the shark's tank top up, exposing his belly, and jerked his shorts down with his other hand. Ryan's thick erection flopped out onto his stomach, already oozing creamy pre.

"Huh." TJ paused with a confused look.

"What?" Ryan asked, with concern in his voice.

"I've heard sharks are supposed to have two." He commented, reaching to fondle Ryan's balls.

"Two what? Oh- Not all of us do.." Ryan rolled his eyes with a touch of annoyance in his voice, at the same time letting out a small sigh of pleasure as his balls were gently squeezed.

"I guess you learn new things every day." TJ shrugged, beginning to kiss Ryan's neck. He worked his way down his chest with small licks and nibbles. "Heh" He paused at Ryan's tattoo. "Interesting tat."

"Yeah." Ryan smiled. "Funny story behind that one, I got it when- ahh!" He gasped as TJ grabbed a firm hold of his dick, and licked across the tip.

"Mmm... Tasty fish." TJ licked his lips, savoring the musky, salty taste of the shark's pre. "You were saying?"

"I can tell you later... Continue." Ryan grinned, showing his teeth again.

TJ promptly licked another time, this time along the shaft from base to tip while he squeezed Ryan's balls once more. He opened his mouth, bringing almost all 9 inches of the Shark's dick into his mouth in one swallow. Ryan groaned, lifting up his shirt with one hand while the other rested on the back of TJ's head. The dolphin soon developed a rhythmic pace, sliding his mouth up and down Ryan's this shaft while continuing to fondle his heavy balls. Maybe the alcohol was helping, but this was the most fun he had giving a blowjob that he could remember. The way that the shark's muscles flexed along with deep groans drove TJ insane. The way his dick throbbed with every squeeze, the heavy smell, the salty sweet taste... It wasn't long before he was pitching a rather large tent in his own shorts.

"Getting close..." Ryan groaned through clenched teeth.

TJ responded by picking up his pace even further, feeling the tip of the shark's cock slam the back of his throat with every bob of his head. Ryan let go of his shirt and dug his hand into the sand. His hips began to thrust up into the dolphin's mouth. He could feel the orgasm building deep inside, getting closer every moment.

"Gonna cum!" He gasped as the first blast of semen hit the back of TJs throat. The dolphin swallowed, now jerking Ryan's erection with one hand and continuing to squeeze his balls with the other. He noisily slurped up another couple of thick blasts of cum, swallowing them as he could feel his own cock throb against his underwear. Ryan growled, now with both of his hands and toes digging into the sand as he arched his back. TJ released Ryan's throbbing cock as it spurted the rest of his load across his abs. They both paused for a moment, noisily catching their breath.

"You made a mess..." TJ said, still short of breath. He nodded towards the cum that pained Ryan's abdomen.

"I made a mess?" The shark laughed.

TJ responded by licking Ryan's erection clean. Ryan jumped, being extra sensitive after his orgasm. TJ worked his way up Ryan's stomach, slurping up all of the cum that had spurted up as far as his chest. Eventually, the dolphin was face to face with the shark again. They kissed, this time it was significantly saltier than the last. As their lips parted, they both stared at each other for a moment. Ryan reached up to the hard on in TJ's shorts, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Now, what are we going to do about this?" Ryan asked, running his other hand along the dolphin's firm backside.

"I have a couple ideas..."

"How about we head back to my place?" Ryan asked as he sat up. "Sex on the beach isn't as fun as they say... Sand always ends up in the worst places."