Rebellion Chapter 5

Story by Chaos121 on SoFurry

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#5 of Rebellion

Hi again, this is a long chapter so bear with me on this, I'm trying to keep the story moving and get to the good stuff as fast and as fluidly as I can.

I also would like to say that this chapter does have a lesbian sex scene in it so please let me know what you think.

If you have any ideas for future chapters please let me know, It gets harder to write chapters that don't suck as I progress

other wise enjoy this instalment of rebellion

Hornet, NSW, A few minutes later

Marci continued to talk about the Hornet as the two worked their way to the engine room. So far Mike learned that the ship was a former Imperial frigate that she had remodelled as a heavily armoured freighter equipped for smuggling and she was constantly modifying the ship for any situation. To her it was more than a ship, it was her baby and if she had a choice she would fight to keep it even if it came down to the wire. Mike had said to her that he thought the ship was beautiful and it struck a chord with her even getting a thankyou out of her that made him smile.

It didn't take them long to reach the engine room only to be stopped by a large set of containment doors several meters thick, Mike looked around for a manual release but couldn't find one 'great now what are we going to do?' he thought to himself. The idea hit him like a tonne of bricks causing him to face palm "were there any people in the engine room at the time of the crash?" he asked.

"Yes, hold on I'll try to raise them on the comm" Marci replied she wiped out her personal communicator; it was the size of a small smart phone with what looked to be a holographic projector attached to it. She attached the device to a socket on the wall and tapped a few buttons before speaking "Hayley are you there?" she asked

There was a static burst and the voice of what Mike figured was the Chief Engineer replied back, "yeah I'm here, we're fine though and the core is within optimal working temperatures" Marci sighed with relief knowing at least she was alright.

"Glad to hear it, we can't get to you can you get the blast door open?" she asked a few minutes later the door made a large clunk as locking mechanisms deactivated and the door began to open.

"Was on it just before you asked" Hayley said before closing the comm channel, Marci placed the communicator back into her pocket and entered the room with Mike following close behind. The room was a huge circular chamber with several catwalks at various levels around the drive core, in the centre was the drive core, a large glowing energy ball suspended in a series of rotating rings encased in what looked like a glass sphere, the sphere was placed between two shafts that looked like large power conduits surrounded by a transparent cone that contained a large network of pipes filled with a swirling red liquid. "So captain, who's the human stud?" Hayley asked as Marci approached what looked to be the engineering control hub, the control hub was enclosed in a room that looked like it could be used to monitor the core if the chamber had to be Isolated for some emergency through a pain of heavy reinforced and radiation shielded glass the engineering team could work to keep the engines running without being subjected to harmful radiation.

"He's from Earth which by the way is the planet we crashed on, plus he has the artefact the Doc brought on board active and ready to help" she replied. There was some scuffling from an access tube on the far wall before the door flung open revealing a dainty female Mouse morph with brown fur covered in grime.

"Did I here right? He activated a piece of paleo technology?" the Mouse asked climbing out of the tube, "if that's the case it may be like the other devices we found" she ran up to Mike and began to fiddle with the device till Angel's Avatar appeared "bingo, just as I suspected!" she yelled with excitement.

Angel folded her arms and gave the Mouse a stern look "As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, I don't take kindly to nosey little engineers and tech experts fiddling with technology already set to a specific user" the mouse gave a frightened squeak and ran behind Mike as all mice we prone to do, "but I can see you know your way around the device and other tech developed by my creators so I'll let it slide" she continued letting her face relax into a smile before returning to the device.

"Ok, next time I ask before I go tinkering" the Mouse breathed before moving out of her hiding place, she turned to Mike and smiled before holding out a shaking hand "I'm Ashley but you can call me Ash" she said, Mike nodded and introduced himself in kind.

"Ok now that's done let's get to work" Marci said cracking her knuckles, she called Mike over and the two discussed what he should do first. Once he was given his assigned tasks he got to work, much of the work he didn't understand but then again he was working on alien tech, luckily he was helped by Angel much of the time.

Mike worked his way through the list of jobs as quickly and as fast as possible until he got to a power coupling in one of the maintenance access passageways, the device was very badly damaged and no matter what he tried the coupling was fused to the system. He was about to give up when Angel suggested something, it was so unexpected he almost jumped bumping his head on a series of what looked to be gas pipes.

"The device on your arm acts as a Nano Forge creating Nanites to help in situations like this, just place it near the coupling and let me do the rest" she explained, Mike complied and within seconds a pair of tiny streams of liquid silver streamed from the B.A.N.D. into the damaged component. It didn't take long for the Nanites to do their work and a second later the device had not only repaired the component but made it so it was brand new, "each Nanite has the capacity to both repair technology and living tissue but as you can see they can remake the object into a brand new and upgraded model for increased efficiency" she explained.

"Ok good to know, thanks for the assist Angel" Mike replied, he tapped a key on the devices hard light holographic display to activate the comm system built into the B.A.N.D. "Marcie this is Mike, I've finished with the repairs at junction 23B activate when you're ready" he said and waited for a reply.

"Activating now standby" replied Marcie, there was a loud buzzing sound then like someone flipped the switch on a circuit breaker everything came back to life, lights came back on, systems started up and the sound of the core became more prevalent in the small maintenance corridor. "Ok Mike you can come back now, we have main power back and" the rest of the message was lost in static.

"Marcie this is Mike, could you repeat that?" he asked into his comm but there was no reply, "Marci come in do you read me?" still nothing. Mike was getting worried now not knowing what the problem was "Angel what's going on with comm?" he asked.

"Warning, jamming signal detected!" Angel said with what could only be described as alarm "beginning proximity scan, standby" there was a moment of silence before she returned with more alarming news "Alert, cybernetically enhanced life form in close proximity".

"How close?" Mike asked, suddenly he felt something grab his shirt from behind and lift him high into the air a second later he found himself flying through a door at the end of the corridor out on to one of the many maintenance catwalks that surrounded the top half of the core.

He turned over to see a Badger looking down at him; most of its body was replaced with cybernetic implants and prosthetic limbs almost as if it were a cross between a Borg drone and the main character of Duse Ex. The Badger then proceeded to throw him from one cat walk to another all the while growling at him, Mike managed to get up and break into a run using the assortment of ladders that linked the catwalks together but every time he did that the badger was always one step ahead ether jumping down behind him or blocking him off as he descended to the main engineering level. Eventually Mike made it to the main floor neat the engineering station, he looked around to see Marci running over to him along with Hayley but his vision was blocked by the hulking form of the badger landing in front of him then slamming him against the far wall before getting pinned by the badgers robotic arm.

"Ruck!" Marcie yelled as she watched the badger pin the human against the wall "What the fuck are you doing?" she had seen him in action and he was a force to be reckoned with on the best of days but now he was about to kill an innocent.

"Ah Captain, I caught this Imperial saboteur tampering with the power systems in junction 23B, do you want me to kill him or should you?" he said aiming his free arm high ready to punch, there was a click and a large serrated blade emerged from his wrist.

"He's not an Imperial, he is a native of the planet we crashed on and if you don't let him go I will rip your implants out one by one while you're still conscious!" Hayley yelled grabbing him by the waist in an attempt to pry him away.

Ruck was stuck in his judgement of the human he had pinned to the wall; he was totally convinced that this human teenager was an Imperial saboteur against his own impulse to kill he complied but not before giving him a quick knee to the stomach with his artificial leg. The human fell like a sack of shit coughing as he tried to regain his breath; Marcie walked over to him and slammed her fist into his head while Hayley tried to help him up.

Mike was out the door in seconds like something had spooked him, Marcie looked at the door then at Ruck "you better apologise to him when you next see him and you better mean it or so help me" she hissed then pulled out her communicator. "Gal this is Marci you should have power now, I need you to check on Mike though"

There was a crackle of static before Galadriana replied "why, isn't he with you?" she asked the sound of confusion in her voice, Marcie took in a deep breath before replying.

"He had a run in with Ruck, seemed to have spooked him a little" she replied "scan for him and then go see how he is doing, I'm returning to the bridge I'll see you there" she closed the comm before Galadriana could reply then walked out the door as quickly as she could. Ruck shook off the punch then followed soon after knowing she was pissed, that only left Hayley and Ashley in the engine room.

"So what now?" Hayley asked looking at the small rodent, "the core is powered up and the computer is running diagnostics which leaves us with some time to kill". A dirty thought crept into her mind and she started to purr, she moved over to her second and ran a hand behind one of her round ears causing her to moan a little.

"I think you have an idea on how we can pass the time" Ashley replied moving her hands to Hayley's shirt, "so where do you want to do it, here or in my quarters?" she smiled as she started to unbutton Hayley's work clothes.

"Here is fine, I still can lock the doors and we can try out the new shower system Marcie installed" Hayley replied while moving her hands around the Mouses torso feeling every curve as she groped. She started to remove Ash's clothing slowly, first the belt then the shirt allowing it to fall off her with ease.

The Mouse pulled her Lioness lover in for a kiss locking their tongues together in a resoling match between their mouths, this lasted a few minutes until the two stopped and pulled away with a string of saliva connecting them together . "You have a point boss" Ash said trying to catch her breath "this coolant stuff can be carcinogenic" feeling the muck still clinging to her fur she guided her lover to a door that was designated as a shower room for standard uses as well as emergency decontamination.

Ash touched the door controls then entered the shower room with Hayley in tow, as the Mouse got the water running and the temperature right Hayley continued to undress. By the time Ash had finished with the shower controls the Lioness had only her bra left to remove, Ash quickly moved to her and removed the piece of clothing letting her C34 cup breasts bounce free, this set the Lioness into a frenzy of hand movements as she removed the rest of Ash's clothed and guided her with a push under the running water. Unlike Hayley Ash had B cup breasts, even with the size difference the Mouse was more than capable of gaining dominance but this time the Lioness was going to maintain her right at making the other cum first, she was about to start playing with her lover when she was stopped by Ash's hand on her mouth.

"Not yet" she said as she grabbed a bottle of all over body shampoo from the soap rack "wash me first then go to town on me" the Lioness grumbled then agreed helping the Mouse scrub her fur clean sneaking a few feels here and there to get Ash that bit more aroused. It didn't take her long to get the gunk out of Ash's fur and resume her assault on her lover, with a giggle she lifted the mouse up onto her shoulders and began to run her tongue along her pussy lips.

The Mouse started to moan loudly as Hayley used her rough feline tongue to work her slit while a claw worked her clit in tandem; the feeling was so good that Ash found herself grabbing Hayley's head with her hands and pushing in closer trying hard to not let her pull away till she climaxed. It wasn't long before the Lioness felt the first signs of her lover getting close to organism and redoubled her efforts to make the little Mouse cum, one of the good things about Ashley was that she was a squirter and when she climaxed it came out in torrents. It wasn't long before she felt Ash hit her firs climax and did her best to catch all her juices as the flooded out, with a loud squeal the Ash climaxed spraying Hayley's face with her fluids almost scoring a direct hit to the eye as she did so.

"Oh that was" Ash panted as she was lowered to the floor of the shower, "I can't describe it, I think that was the hardest I've ever came in my life". By the time she had recovered Hayley had licked what was left of her nectar of her nose and was starting to wash any spots that she couldn't reach, feeling ambitious she ceased the opportunity to return the favour and mustering all her will managed to catch her sex crazed superior of guard.

"My you do have a lot of energy today" Hayley said with a playful shriek as she was pushed to the wall, her giggles then turned to moans as Ash went to town on her pussy as is she was on steroids.

It wasn't long before the she too was in the thralls of a powerful orgasm but unlike her Mouse partner she wasn't a squirter so Ash had to make do with just lapping up her nectar as it flooded out. The two went at it under the running water for another few minutes before finally cleaning themselves off, changing back into their work uniforms and returning to the Engine room to see how the diagnostics were coming along.


Air Force One cockpit, somewhere over Australia

David Smith looked out at the ominous black that sat before him as Air Force One plunged forward towards Canberra airport, they still had several hours of flight time but to him they were on the last leg of the journey. Everything had gone according to plan even if the escort had been increased for added safety but even he knew that things would go completely ass up, suddenly something caught his eye out the front window it was like a shooting star but it was moving like it was guided.

"Did you see that?" he asked as he turned to his co-pilot, it didn't take long him to get a response from the man sitting next to him.

"Yes I did sir, and right now I have a bad feeling about it" Dan replied before keying the planes radio. "Air Force One to escort, we have a bogy bearing at twelve o'clock high be ready" he said then went about getting everyone on board Air Force One for evasive manoeuvres.

"Roger that Air Force One, Falcon one to Falcon six take Falcon four and go intercept bogies" came a voice over the radio, several minutes later a pair of F-22 Raptors shot past making their way to intercept the glowing balls of light, as they got closer the balls dimmed to a red glow then to what looked look running lights. The chatter from the two Raptors was pretty much standard till they got within visual range then all hell broke loose, most of what the pilots were saying was combat orientated but there was panic in their voices then there was a burst of static then nothing, at the same time two flashes that were most probably explosions burst into life.

"Did those things just?" Dan asked with a worried look on his face, David just nodded in silence then made preparations to get the Jumbo to decrease altitude. It would be winter in hell before he let anything happen to the President of the United States, he just hoped that the added escort and some low altitude flying would be enough.

To Be Continued