Tales of furlingas- choose your own adventure part 3

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#3 of Text adventure

The idea of this choose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

OK today's choice is a rather kinky one, still it's up to you guys what you want. Five options this time.

Aleoric shook himself free from his shock and crouched at the side of the road watching the figures as they got nearer. The poor fox was being dragged by the orcs, stumbling and falling, the earth of the road further staining his fur. The vulpine was walking backwards and as they entered earshot Aleoric could hear him begging.

"Please, please, don't do this... I have a family, they will starve without me to provide for them." The red furred creature begged pathetically.

"Ha!" The orc holding the rope replied, his voice booming loudly to match his hugely muscular dark green build. His chest was a mat of curly black hair, to match his head and arms. "We ain't letting you go boy, got a bunch of guys just waiting to play with your pretty ass and muzzle."

"Aye, and they'll pay a pretty penny for the privilege, we are going to make a fortune off your scrawny ass. Then when you are too worn out for fun it's to the mines for you." The other lighter green orc cut in, he was a slender build compared to the first orc and while he had a good covering of body hair it was nothing to compare to his friend. Who Aleoric had originally mistaken for wearing a fur coat. They were both dressed in nothing more than a loincloth and carried a heavy club each.

"Oh, no. Isn't there anyone who can save me?" He cried out his paws moving up to his face as he cowered beneath the two brutes.

At that moment Aleoric jumped forward crying out. "Maybe, I mean I'll try. Tempest" The bear waved his paws drawing out several ancient symbols which glowed and hung in the air circling his paws.

"Ere, what's going on?" The larger orc said.

"Nobody said anything about a rescue." The smaller orc said looking at the fox questioningly. However neither had time to even raise their weapon before the bear released his spell. He had chosen to use a wind based spell to knock the orcs clear of the fox. He was worried if he used a fireball then he might hurt the poor prisoner.

The roaring ball of wind knocked into both orcs sending them flying into the bushes cursing and howling in pain. The bear ran to the fox and grabbed his paws. "I'm Aleoric, I'm here to rescue you now come on!" He shouted, his body alive with adrenalin, he had done it his first heroic act! Saving this helpless and harmless Fox.

The fox looked up at the bear his face a mask of pure rage. "You've RUINED EVERYTHING!" He screamed at the bear who took several steps back.

"Wha..." Was as far as the bear got before the fox started shouting again advancing on the bear with all the fury of an angry god.

"Do you know how long this took to PLAN?" The fox screamed, starting to beat the bear with his bound fists. The enraged vulpine didn't have the strength to hurt Aleoric, but the bear found himself cowering a little anyway. "How much it COST? How hard it was to get my bitch wife to bugger off for a couple of nights?!!"

As he screamed the smaller orc emerged from the bushes. "Ere you gave Theodore and me a right push. He landed on a nasty rock and bruised his ass! We weren't paid for this Mr Round."

The fox spun around. "This wasn't part of the plan I promise, it was his fault" The fox pointed his still bound fists at the baffled polar bear.

The second and larger orc emerged from the bushes rubbing his ass. "Oww, shit I am gonna have to stop bottoming for a week thanks to you."

The fox fell to the floor and started to whimper. "It's all ruined!" His lips began to tremble and his eyes were glassy with tears.

Theodore tapped Aleoric on the chest with a huge meaty finger. "Look what you did, you made Mr Round cry, it's his birthday and he was treating himself and you ruined it! I hope you are proud of yourself, going around attacking decent people..."

"And their whores!" cut in the other Orc.

"I was getting to is Oswald, and injuring their whores." Theodore finished slightly lamely his thunder partially stolen.

"I... I..." Aleoric stammered to find the words his mind blinded by a mixture of embarrassment, fear and pure bemusement. "I'm sorry, I really thought you were abducting him."

The foxes ears perked up and he pulled away from Oswald's manly embraced to ask. "You did? It came off as authentic?" There was almost a smile on his face.

"Yes!" Aleoric half shouted grasping at the straw of hope the fox had just offered him. "Totally one hundred percent authentic, I really thought you were being abducted to be taken away and raped."

"Well, I have been practising my begging for weeks." The fox said with false modesty. "You know, maybe we could keep going with my little birthday gift. If you'd be willing to help us?" The fox asked his voice coy but his expression that of a pure predator.

"Sure, you want me to role play a fight with Theodore and Oswald, let them take you back from me and drag you off right?" The bear said giving a wink to the two orcs.

"Well, not exactly." Mr Round replied getting back to his feet and walking over to the bear swishing his tail and hips flirtatiously as he did so. "I want you too offer to let my captors live and keep their prisoner, if they let you ravish me first. I'll even throw in say two gold pieces for your trouble. What do you say?"

Option A:

Hell no! Look I was just trying to help someone in need I don't want in to this kinda charade .

Option B:

Sex and gold? do I look like a prostitute lose the gold and lift your tail bitch.

Option C

Sex and gold? Fuck yeah sign me up, Theodore, Oswald lets keep this a really realistic performance

Option D

Just 3 gold pieces I want at least 5 before I dip my wick in your perverted ass.

Option E

Just 3 gold pieces? I want 5 and to keep things authentic I think after, I fuck you I should make the orcs I bested lick my cock clean and suck me off before I let them go with their prisoner. After all I did just kick their asses.

OK guys you know the drill vote for the option you want by commenting below.