Breeding The Pack

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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One of my Halloween Commissions, a werewolf sees his chance for freedom... And to spread his seed.

"Please, Mom, I promised we could have a sleep over tonight!" Lydia's voice was high pitched and pleading at the breakfast table, bringing an end to the conversation that had been going on between their parents.

"I said no, you know that you're allowed to have friends over during the full moon, and I mean it! Your father is going to be way and I don't want to deal with the risk." Their mother's voice was at the edge of her patience, but her eyes drifted towards Henry, lingering there for a long moment.

Henry flinched a little bit and glared at his plate before stabbing a chunk of rare steak to shove into his mouth before he could say something that would get him in trouble. He knew better than to let his own two cents be entered into the conversation, instead he hunched his shoulders and continued with his breakfast. He hated that his mother never listened to him about what he really wanted for breakfast, she always gave him what she thought he would want. During the dark of the moon that wasn't any problem, but as soon as they were within the week of the full moon she started making him rare meat for every meal. It didn't matter that he didn't want rare meat, she was convinced that it was the only way that he would be settled down for the three nights of the full moon. And that, more than anything, made him want to bite.

He was the first man in sixty years to be afflicted by the curse that had haunted his family, though there were stories about it. He had hit puberty and the first full moon he had woken up to get a drink, stumbled to the bathroom and screamed as a large grey wolf had stared back at him. He had run towards his parent's room screaming and didn't remember much else. In two days his stiff backed old uncle had shown up and told him that lycanthropy ran in their family. It wasn't common, but every now and then a child grew up and ended up with it. He'd spent an entire month getting lectured, over and over again. He couldn't tell anyone, he had to be careful, he had to be locked up for his own good because werewolves were violent and dangerous. On and on and on, a hundred different rules were given to his parents to try and 'help' him, but none of them did anything that he could see.

He didn't want to rip people apart when he was a wolf, he normally just curled up in annoyance in the old barn that had been made into his 'prison'. It didn't matter that he was supposed to be violent and angry, he just felt trapped as he tried his best to find ways to amuse himself. Being a wolf was an awesome feeling, he was tall and powerful, his claws could tear through wood easily and he ran on four legs as well as two just as easily. And all he got to do with all of that was be trapped all night while his parents were convinced he would tear apart the county the moment he got free, no matter what he said. The argument continued while he felt more and more annoyed, they treated him like a monster, an absolute monster.

"Jesus, Mom, just let her have her friends over! I can't get out anyway and I'm all the way out in the barn!" He snapped, looking up from his meal finally. "It's Halloween, you won't let her go out trick or treating since she's too old, she's not allowed going to the party, at least let her do this."

Lydia cast a grateful look towards him before going back to her mother. "Please? They won't leave the house, they'll never know that he's out there. You know he's not loud either, I've never heard a peep out of him."

"And if they do find out? What then?" Their mother frowned as she picked at her own breakfast. "It's not a risk we can take."

"Jesus, Denise, let the girl have her sleep over. They'll be fine and you'll be home." Their father spoke up with an edge of annoyance to his tone. "The barn is at the end of the property and there's never been an issue."

"Yeah, see?" Henry perked up a bit. "Just let her invite her friends, there won't be any trouble at all."

"Fine, but you see that they stay in the house and you.." His mother rounded on him. "You'll be leaving early than, no lounging about until the last minute."

"Of course," Henry agreed readily, almost grateful that at least the full moon would be

a little bit of a change.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The day of the full moon started like any other day, Henry woke up twitching and shivering slightly as he felt feverish and sensitive. He got through the morning chores, but half-heartedly as he was more aware of the lure of the night calling to him. The scent on the air, the way that his skin was flushed hot against his clothes, it was all a part of being a werewolf. His sight and scent were sharper, nearly as keen as when he was changed. It was normal, he was even used to it as his mother kept him busy to make sure that he didn't cause any trouble and in the hope that he'd be tired out for the evening. He was full of energy anyway, he didn't mind, he couldn't sit still even if he wanted too. He was in the midst of scrubbing down the car when Lydia's friends arrived at the house, all together in a group. The fifteen year olds were laughing and giggling excitedly as they hauled their things out of the car as he kept his eyes on them.

He watched them like a predator, they were young, just growing into their curved forms and pulled together in a bunch like a herd. He paused in his washing as they greeted one another, their laughter making him want to flatten ears he didn't possess. The wolf in him stirred as they pushed each other around, a roiling of the beast that hid inside of him that considered them as prey. He'd experienced it before, just a measuring of them, but the wolf suddenly drew in a breath of the air and shifted his perceptions. They didn't smell like prey, they smelled like something else, a warm tickling scent that wasn't exactly right, but made him lift his head higher. They ignored him utterly as his sister talked to them, leading them up into the house. He watched as they moved, drawing in a deeper breath, he didn't know why that scent was so lovely smelling, but it was.

It made his cheeks flush hotly as the wolf stirred deep inside of him, a flash of white hot lust sliding through him. That scent, it wasn't prey, it was mate, it twisted through his mind as he started to wax the car firmly. He wasn't used to the thoughts that were brushing against his own, but he tried to ignore them, the bestial ideas boiling up as his entire body flushed a hot red. He had been alone for so long, locked in the damned barn, with no sight or sound of anything but himself. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right, he was young and in his prime and all of his potential was being wasted in the midst of the damn barn. There was no chance it would change either, not until he was well out of college and even then he could imagine that his parents would continue to force the issue.

It's not fair.. He growled to himself, putting some work into waxing his mother's car. I should be able to at least enjoy myself...

The girls continued giggling in the living room, the sound trickling down him and making him flare his nostrils to try and taste the scents on the air. The wolf in him growled eagerly, females, in heat, wondering onto his territory without the scent of a male on them. Unmated females. The lupine in his soul paced in anticipation as Henry slowly folded up the rag, trying to keep his hands from shaking. His father was gone, the 'alpha' was gone, the only male here was himself. He licked his lips slowly as his eyes became slightly glazed as he thought about them. Females, his females, they had come here without any mate which meant they were travelling and looking for a strong male.

The wolf instincts that reared up were more powerful than any urge to hunt, wild and frantic that pushed at his human mind that tried to stop them. Females, his females... He would have them all.... One at time he would fill them with his pups... A baritone growl trickled past Henry's lips slowly as he narrowed his eyes. He had to keep them here, he had to make sure that they didn't escape before he had bred them. The wolf rifled through his human mind ruthlessly for a way to ensure that none of them could escape without a belly full of his seed.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lydia had never been so happy as she was changing around the downstairs rec room into the ideal place to have a Halloween sleep over. Her friends were just as excited, Jamie, Teresa and Jessica were all trying their best to help her push the furniture so that they had a cleared out area in front of the TV. Teresa had brought a pile of DVD's and every horror movie ever made, it was perfect! She had plans on watching them until dawn and not sleeping at all. Though, she had been a bit amused to see Howling and a few other werewolf movies in the mix, if they only knew what was going to be out in the barn while they were tucked away in here. Not that Henry was dangerous, he was just a big puppy dog really, he didn't even try to escape from the barn. He just sulked and slept or, at most, paced. It was ridiculous that her mother had tried to say no to the sleep over.

"Alright, I think that's it." She stopped and grinned at her friends happily, looking over the spread open space before grabbing some of the pillows to toss down.

"This really is the best idea." Jamie grinned over at her. "I haven't spent the night here in ages, it's about time that we do something like this."

"Yeah, your house is so cool, like an old farm house." Teresa chirped up as they continued to get things ready for their movie marathon.

"It is an old farm house, but not a lot left of the farm now." Lydia started to get things ready, casting things about and making plans on what she was going to do for food.

Her mother had already made a few things upstairs for their party, ensuring that they would have plenty of treats for the night. It was a small consolation, especially given the fact her mother had been upset about her having the sleep over at all. She had spent the last week hinting that it would be better at someone else's house given Henry's 'condition'. It was all foolishness when said and done, she'd even peeped in the barn a few times when he Changed and saw him sprawled out and drawing with his talons. He was imposing, eight feet of wolf when standing on his foot paws, but harmless as a dog. Sometimes she thought about sneaking in to see him Change or at least get up close to him. She would never dare it with a real wolf, but he was her brother. It made her snort in amusement at all the talk that old Uncle Janus went on about.

She had been part of that conversation one night when her brother was spending the night furry, he had drawn them all together and tried to stress that a werewolf was truly dangerous. They couldn't be trusted because they ran on instinct. That's why their mother stuffed Henry the nights of the full moon, especially with near raw meat, to make sure that he didn't have a craving for hunting down prey. He was probably eating dinner at the moment, choking down food while their mother pressed more on him until he was near to bursting. Uncle Janus had spent nearly an hour lecturing, at as long as base urges were taken care of he'd be fine, but never assume. If he burned through all that food too fast he'd likely go hunting or if he grew too angry he could attack. It was all boring, stupidly boring, part of ancient traditions that were brought about by paranoia.

"Hey, I got food!" Henry's voice called down, a bit deeper than normal, making Lydia lift her head, even as Jessica stood up hastily and tugged her shirt on a bit straighter. She always had had a crush on her brother.

"Where's Mom?" Lydia met Henry at the stairs as he came down, a smile on his face. It wasn't exactly dark, but he had been told he was supposed to head to the barn early.

"She went to bed, she wanted to get some sleep before you guys and giggling woke her up." Henry offered her the stacked bag of chips, as well as the covered tray of homemade dip. "Here, I just brought this by before I headed out."

Lydia took the food and glanced up to see her brother's smile, startling a bit as she met his eyes. They weren't the normal dark brown, but a pale amber, the iris larger so the whites of his eyes were harder to spot. He didn't look strange, he just smiled pleasantly and gave a wave to her friends as they giggled a little bit to each other. She rolled her eyes and gave her brother a little bit of a push.

"You better get out, we're getting his started." She tried to sound light and merry, but Henry only gave her a wolfish smile. His teeth seemed a bit longer than normal, but that could just be her imagination looking at the eyes.

"I'm sure you'll have a howling good time." He winked brightly, ignoring her eyes rolling before he turned and went back upstairs without an issue. Though Jessica made a cheerful goodbye to him in an attempt to get his attention.

"Ugh stop it, he's my brother." Lydia turned about and started to lay out the food for her friends. "C'mon, if Mom's asleep than we can have a right good time of it!"

~ ~ * ~ ~

Henry made his way up the stares, feeling the familiar tingle and ache along his bones as he did so. The wolf was snarling to get out, snapping his jaws and writhing to tear out of his confines so that he could get at the girls. The world was filled with that fragrant fertile scent, it was flooding his senses, but Henry kept a tight rein on him. It was hard, so terribly hard, but he managed it. His senses were overlaid with his lupine ones and the overriding desire to actually have a girl. He had never fucked someone, he'd had girlfriends, gotten a blow job, he had a good time, but he could only get so much pleasure from his porn stash, but now he had something better. He had fuck-toys of his own, girls that had just wandered here of their own free will. He'd never had such thoughts, but they overwhelmed the small voice of sense as he got upstairs and snuffed the air.

His mother was already asleep, he had seen to that, her nervous habit to drink wine on the nights of his Change had made it easy to crush up his father's sleeping pills into the mix. She'd gone down easily, making him promise to wake her up when it was time for him to go to the barn so that he would be locked in. He had debated going straight down and lunging to the midst of the girls to take his pick right away, but he was human enough to know better. If he tried, they'd bolt and their fertile bodies would be lost to him and claimed by another. Instead, he had carefully spent time crushing up the pills into the dip he knew that they'd end up diving into. It had taken time, especially to hide it, but they'd go down soon enough just like his mother. And there would be no barn tonight.

He stepped out onto the back porch, watching the sun sink down along the woods and felt the pulse of the moon. He slipped out of his clothes, throwing his pack against the wall before peeling out of his pants to stand nude. His sharp ears could hear his sister and her friends, the scent of them still tingeing the air as he dragged the change towards him. The moon wasn't even up as his bones began to lengthen and pop, teeth elongating and muzzle forming as the sun sank down beneath the tree line. For once in his life he began to transform outside of the walls of the barn, the fur sliding over his naked skin as his senses were heightened even further, his ears growing up. Soon, soon they'd be drugged and asleep, and soon they would bear his cubs. All of them. Even his sister.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"NNnf... sh.... Shtap..." The voice was slurred and slow, ringing into Lydia's aching head as she tried to shift, but her body felt heavy and slow.

She sank back down into sleep, her body going relaxed quiet as the sounds left away again and she forgot she was trying to move. She only came back up when there was a weak scream and a wet noise, like something popping, that brought her awake briefly and she rolled over with whimper. She felt the edge of piled pillows against her head she pried her eye open, but she couldn't keep it open for long before it was drawn shut again. Her body was refusing to obey her, even when she heard a hot licking noise filling the air and a weak whimper coming out from nearby. That was enough that she was able to stir again and partially fumble and push the pillow away from her. It was so hard, every move took incredible effort. What had happened?

She had been having such a good time with her friends, they had been watching a movie together and chatting about boys and the like, Jessica had been gushing about Henry and hinting she wished he had stayed over. Then it grew all muddled, the movie had been changed, she thought, but her memories were broken up. Everything was wrong, and she couldn't quite imagine what had happened. She fumbled and pulled at the pillow, almost groaning as she rolled over onto her stomach. It had to be the liquor, it had been stupid, but with her mother asleep she had sneaked upstairs and picked up the bottle of nearly full wine to bring down with them. They'd all had some, but it wasn't that much was it? It couldn't have been.

Lydia pried her eyes open again and this time saw movement, but it was hard to concentrate on what was going on. She saw a flash of massive claws, and for one moment she thought that it was the movie playing on the screen, that she had just passed out for a few seconds, but then she heard a weak whimper. She focused her attention to see Jamie's body in front of her, the clothes hanging off her in rags as a clawed paw-like hand pushed against her bare breasts. A lupine head was between her legs, forcing a wet tongue up against them over and over again, cleaning up something thick and oozing out of her splayed folds. It made no sense, how had a dog gotten in here? That's all she could think about as she watched the tongue actually force itself into Jamie's body.

The girl fumbled a little, but her hands went still again when the head lifted up and the creature licked his long muzzle. He was dark grey, almost silver, with streaks that darkened at his face and forepaws, grey all over, except for something dark bloody red. Lydia frowned slightly as she realized she was staring at the slimy length of a cock hanging beneath him, pulsing and drooling with the base still looking large. She'd seen a dog hard before, and that's what it looked like. She blinked and concentrated on the sight, trying to come to terms, but her eyes blurred again. It was hard keeping them open, but she had to, didn't she? She slipped under again as she heard the wet smacking of the tongue start up, her eyes sagged shut again, unable to figure out what was happening.

She didn't know how long she was out again, it seemed like she just closed her eyes when she was opening them again, trying to get herself to stay in the here and now. It felt like she was having nightmares again, the sort where she always thought she was fully awake when she was actually still in a dream. She had dreamed that Henry was here, as a wolf, he had been doing unspeakable things. And as she pried her eyes open again she tried to look around, but it was hard to turn her head. The moment they were open she found herself staring at Jamie, her legs were splayed open wide with red marks raked along her outer thighs. Her cunny was splayed open wide, something thick and creamy oozing slowly downwards as her friend didn't move. Was she dead?

Oh god.. I'm dreaming... nightmare.. The thought made her vision sharpen a bit, and something rolled heavily against her before there was a little yip.

Lydia shifted slowly, her head felt heavy and turning it made the world swim and go dark again, plunging into strange half dreams. It was easier to struggle awake to a weak noise as she opened her eyes to see Teresa thrown against her. That was what had fallen against her before and even as she saw a slashing paw struck down along the line of her friend's back. It rippled and showed an after image as it struck down and she saw the line of her friend's shirt torn away. Teresa was on her stomach, her hips were right near Lydia's head, and they were already nude with the edges of the jeans torn apart and draped against her. She frowned a little and tried to make herself understand what was happening when the wolf stepped forward. This time he was clearer, not a nightmare in darkness, but her brother came into view with a low growl vibrating his throat.

The amber eyes flickered down towards her, brightening for a moment before he used one heavy paw to hook around Teresa's hips and yanked her ass up into the air. She had to have been out for a while, his cock was hard and drooling again, but the knot was swallowed in the sheath. She tried to whimper out, to tell him to stop, but her lips wouldn't work, she still felt as if she were in some horrific nightmare as Teresa let out a weak noise in her throat and the wolf's haunches slipped down to jab his hard cock tip right up against her exposed folds. It was horrifying, she could see the way that her friend was trying to pull away as her brother's hard cock tip suddenly stabbed up and caught against her soft mound.

He jammed forward, headless of the cries that were forced out of Teresa's mouth, the pained noise as she was splayed open by the lupine cock. His body only hunched over her, a bit of drool spilled out of his lips along her back while Lydia got an up close view of her friend's virginity being torn away by the bestial creature. Teresa had been saving herself, just as she was, but it was a broken dream now as the wolf crammed his way in and forced the folds to spread in a lewd O. He was nearly hovering the girl over her head as he kept forced his way ever deeper into her body. A hot splatter hit her, reeking of harsh musk as the precum spilling over to drool along her lips, a harsh salty tasting ooze as she tried to twist her head to one side.

Lydia jerked away, trying to escape the spill of it, the taste and scent of it, but as she jerked upwards her head swam. Her body trembled as the drugs dragged her back under again, tearing her away from consciousness and throwing her into the darkness again before she could get away. The world came back and left again, the drugs making everything surreal and strange as each time she came awake she was faced with a horror she prayed was a nightmare. She desperately hoped this was all some horrifying vivid dream that she was having due to her mother's worries and lectures. She came awake to the bestial blood red cock stabbing over and over into her friend. Teresa was struggling, crying out raggedly and writhing, but at times she went limp as the drugs pulled her back down again. She couldn't fight well, she could barely scream, Lydia could see that much as the wolf violated every last inch of her body. And through it all, she was forced to be beneath her friend as she was raped.

She could taste the harsh musk clinging to her lips, her tongue as she tried to get away, but any sharp movement made it impossible to keep awake. She was dragged back down, only to come awake to a high pitched helpless noise coming out of Teresa. Lydia snapped her eyes open in time to watch as the wolf's swollen knot started to wedge and pry open the folds, it was massive, so large that it shouldn't have fit as the swollen abused lips were splayed open wider and wider. The tight ring formed a seal around it before there was a jerk and the wolf's claws suddenly clamped down against the curve of her friend's hips and yanked her backwards so the knot slammed into her unprepared body.

Lydia's head swam as she watched the furred orbs starting to contract as the wolf snarled about her. As Henry snarled out. He had already taken Jamie, where was Jessica? Was she alive? Brutalized? Still in her clothing like Lydia. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the orbs contracting time and time again and this time she deliberately rolled herself. She tried to sit up as she did so, her dizziness coming in waves as she scrambled away and nearly became sick as she did so. She could feel the sticky wetness on her cheeks as a ragged snarl erupted from Henry, a wild terrifying sound that sent her back down to darkness as she collapsed, almost happy for that fact, happy to be taken back into places where the nightmares weren't so real.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Henry snarled out and hunched his back over the drugged girl, she was slowly coming awake, but it was too late. His knot sealed him in, stretching her wide around him he shot another hot sperm-laden jet of cum into her body. He wanted her filled to the brim with his seed, he wanted her to be unable to escape being round and swollen with his cubs. He instinctively knew this was how he could pass on his genes, it was how the first natural born werewolf of his family had been made, some female had been taken by a wolf, forced to be knotted with his seed. He huffed out hotly and dropped Teresa, the girls whimpering cries more annoying than pleasing now that she was tied to him.

He didn't even bother holding her up, her weight hung off his knot so that she was that much tighter as his tip remained lodged right up against the barrier of her cervix to insure each heavy splatter was being pushed into that vulnerable womb. She was tight, so tight, every time she tried to struggle in her drugged state the walls started to contract around him, squeezing his sensitive knot while he panted and flicked his ears back against his head. The hot scent of musk, sex and female filled the air, he could still smell the other girls, though their bodies had been ravaged by him already. It was all going exactly as he had planned it.

He had finished his change on the porch and left it, prowling the grounds on all fours and enjoying the night are as the silver moon had risen higher and higher. He had even startled a rabbit and been tempted to follow it, but he lingered near the house where he could listen to the girls. They had taken a long time to actually go down, long enough that he had been ready to take his chances and risk them fleeing as he claimed one. Eventually, though, they had started to slur their speech and slow down, their giggles growing almost hysterical. It had taken time, so much time, but the sounds had stopped and then died away entirely. That was when he had stalked up the steps with a low anticipatory growl before slipping down into the rec room.

He had claimed Jessica first, she had been partially awake, struggling to keep her eyes open so she had made the mistake of attempting to run. It had been the movement that made him want her, and she had been delicious, writhing and fading in and out, but conscious enough that he had savored each and every stroke inside of her body before he knotted her. She had lost consciousness beating against his chest, tears on her face while he seeded her, and he had enjoyed it all. He'd left welts on her breasts where he'd nipped and ran his tongue over her. He'd poured himself inside of her until slowly his knot had popped out, spilling out with a wet noise before he paused to enjoy the sight of her spent body.

Jamie had been next, though he had been disappointed with her, she had been too shallow for him to knot, and she had been almost entirely gone to the drugs, she hadn't struggled at all. He liked to feel them writhe in twist, but he had still done his duty and seeded her, but not with his knot. He had been forced to use his long hot tongue to try and push his seed back into her, wanting to ensure he had the best chance of getting her with a litter, and now Teresa. With a groan he moved his paw up to shove against the small of her back and slowly peeled himself out, his knot deflating enough to pop free with a wet noise followed by a choking cry as the girl dropped onto the ground. He panted shallowly, licking his lips a few times before laying his cock on the curve of her ass.

He rumbled low in his throat, feeling the way that she tried to drag herself forward again before she went still again. The other girls were well passed out, but he didn't know how long that would last. And what would they say afterwards? They'd not even be able to describe who had bred them, only a monstrous wolf and who would believe that? He growled low in his throat before sending out a hot jet of urine over the girls back, marking her as his property as he had the other three, for they were his now. Human and wolf entirely agreed on that point, he had claimed them and that made them his. Only one female left, and the wolf shifted his eyes to his sister who was passed out where she had tried to escape too. She was half watching him with glazed eyes.

The human shunned away, she was his sister and Henry felt the revulsion at the idea of breeding his own sister, but the wolf didn't. They were conflicted on it, each time he recovered he had shunned Lydia, but now all he could do was draw in a breath of her scent and run his tongue on his muzzle. Her face was marked he could smell it, it filled his senses while his cock slowly began to retreat into his sheath. He would need time to recover, but the idea of leaving one of the girls here untended made the wolf stiffen in affront. Let another male claim what was rightfully his? It didn't matter to that side of him that Lydia was his sister, for tonight, she was his bitch. He watched her eyes sharpen slightly before glazing again.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lydia felt something hot and heavy against her thighs as she struggled back awake again, she knew whatever it was had to wearing off. Every time her heavy eyes sagged shut she was more aware of the sounds in the room, more aware of the scents and thefeel of her own body. But it was the hot puff of breath and the rake of claws that made her jerk and snap her eyes open again. The claws tore at her clothing, she felt it being yanked down before a hot puff of breath hit against her folds again. It made her jerk upwards, a shudder rocked through her as a hot slimy tongue pushed out and forcibly wedged right up against her outer folds making her whimper. Her body still felt heavy, but she could lift her head to see the grey furred head shoved between her thighs.

"Henry.... Stop..." The words came out slurred, her tongue felt thick and heavy before the tongue pushed roughly against her folds and tried to wedge into her virginal body roughly.

The saliva coated her, smearing along her folds as the wolf's heavy hand paw moved up and balled up the front of her shirt. The claws raked and tore at the fabric, ripping it open in her attempt to writhe away from him. What was he doing? He'd already abused her friends, she couldn't do this to her, she was his sister. She tried to kick against him, but her legs were heavy, she just pushed against him as the tongue suddenly shoved up into her body. She'd felt her fingers, gentle touches, in the past, but this was hot and demanding, forcing and spreading her inner walls open wider and wider. She twisted away, almost choking in disgust as she felt the flatness of the tongue flicking upwards and dragging backwards again.

A low growl spilled out of Henry while the paw moved down and tore the last of her shirt free, baring her breasts while she tried to get her arms upwards to cover herself. She shifted and rolled her hips to try and get away, but the paw slammed forward and suddenly pinned her stomach down against the ground. The wolf lifted his head, the pale amber eyes glittered as he stood up and loomed over her with his lips wrinkled back. The harsh musk scent was growing thicker on the air as the paws suddenly hooked against her hips and nearly tore through her sensitive skin as he stepped forward so that she felt a wave of dizziness.

"Stop.." She trembled the words out, her body didn't want to respond as she shoved upwards with one foot and felt something hot and hard jerk against her leg.

Oh god.. no.. he can't do this... he can't.. She swallowed roughly and suddenly to paw hooked her hip and scraped roughly against her skin, flipping her over so that she dropped down on her belly.

"Henry!" She got the word out louder and pulled her legs beneath her, trying to scramble away, but jaws closed down around the back of her neck, nipping her roughly in warning.

"Best.. for.. last.." The words were snarled out, so deep and heavy that they were barely understood as the hard tip of the cock suddenly pushed along the crease of her ass.

The hot slimy length grazed back and forth, rubbing along her bare skin, still coated with the wetness from her friends' violations while the hot jets of precum were flung up along the small of her back and oozing downwards. She'd seen what that cock could do, she'd watched it spear into Teresa and stretch her open. Lydia tried to kick back roughly again, but it was no use, his paw clutched her stomach and forced her up higher so that his cock began to grind back and forth. His hot breath hit against her neck while the teeth remained firm on her skin, threatening to do worse if she moved as he huffed out hotly.

Lydia could barely breathe, she didn't want to lose her virginity like this, not only to her brother, but some monstrous wolf that had somehow drugged them all. Henry's rumble turned into almost a croon before a hot thick jet erupted out of his cock, and it wasn't precum. Piss spilled up along her back in a hot line, dribbling down along either side of her chest as she let out a weak cry. The world spun dizzily as she smelled the harsh acrid musk marking her while the cock pumped up and down laong her, helping to shoot it up higher until it was rolling down her shoulders and towards the plump rise of her breasts. Finally, the heavy form pressed along her back as he dragged his hips backwards, sliding the cock with him until it rested along the crease of her ass and pulled lower.

The fur that she had always wanted to touch rubbed along her smoothly along her back, caressing her and working the musky wetness into her at the same time as he drew back and started to roll forward again. She felt herself sliding back towards darkness, but struggled against the drugs as the cock tip probed along her virginal folds, smearing a dribble of precum over her as he tried to find the mark. Her legs were trembling as he jerked forward and caught right against her vulnerable opening, the hard hot tip jabbed right against the opening, wedging and splaying it open as she let out a short groaning cry. The wolf's teeth slid lower over her neck, clamping down as her brother lunged forward with a smooth powerful thrust, tearing into her body so she screamed out. Her eyes snapped open, the lingering effect of the drugs were pushed away by the burning ache of the glassy smooth cock tearing through the barrier of her virginity, pushing deeper and deeper.

Her inner walls clamped down tightly, trying to push the shaft out of her body as the powerful lupine hips pushed forward to wedge himself in deeper and deeper. Her ass was pushed up into the air as she felt a hot splatter of precum hitting deep inside of her as drool edged out around the powerful jaws. She felt first hand what Teresa had cried out about and nthe struggles, her inner muscles were forced to wrap tightly around him, molding around every last inch as the bulb of the knot jabbed roughly against her outer lips. With a harsh snarl he dragged backwards again, slowly pulling inch by steady inch with a relief as her muscles could snug down tightly. Tears rolled down her face before he plunged forward again, this time harder, driving himself all the way in until the knot started to splay her open and the tip nearly jabbed right up against the barrier of the cervix. The hot spatter of wetness hit against her cervix, oozing along it as he began to thrust inside of her, his teeth dig roughly as he hammered in and out as he violated her over and over again. She had imagined her first time a hundred times, but nothing like this, not the pain and feel of her body being forced to stretch open time and time again, the precum squelching out around the edges as it wedged forward and tried to pry her open with the knot.

The fur scraped against her, the harsh thick male musk invaded her senses as he treated her as he had her friends, brutal and animalistic as she was rocked forward time and time again. The claws scraped up along her stomach while her hips were forced higher in the air and she felt the knot roughly prying the walls apart. Her outer lips were thinned down, trying to force her to spread open enough for the thickness of the knot. She let out a high pitched cry, almost screaming out as she was yanked backwards and tears rolled down her face as her silken walls began to suckle and pull greedily around the girth. She massaged around him instinctively, caressing and pulling as the tip continued to push deeper into her, grinding right upwards and nearly hitting against the barrier of her cervix.

Her breathing came in frantic pants, swallowing down cries as every time she attempted to bolt forward, but she was suddenly yanked back. A high pitched shriek burst past her lips, she knew what he was doing, she'd seen it before, she was yanked backwards and higher up in the air until she was being forced to drive back against the bulb of the knot. Her achingly spread cunny was pried open, stretched wider and wider by the moment, the base of his knot forcing her to yawn open around him as she writhed and struggled. Drugs or no drugs, she still tried to escape what was coming, but her brother snarled and released her neck as he gave another rough yank and bucked forward.

The walls spread open wide, forming a taut ring around him the knot, stretching her to her very limits, to the point she was terrified that she was about to be torn in two. She couldn't even scream, she could only open her mouth soundlessly as it sank into her with a hot wet squelching sound. The tip suddenly drove up roughly against the barrier of her cervix, pushing it inwards as his hips pounded against her. He didn't stop, he tugged at the knot time and time again, jerking and roughly pulling her hips up into the air as he tried to pull himself out, but he was rapidly swelling open wider and wider. It was swelling and forcing her walls to strain open so wide that she sobbed out roughly and squeezed her eyes shut.

The tip of the cock lodged up against the opening of her cervix, wedging it open as the first throb spilled down the length of the glassy smooth shaft. She tried jerking away, but the knot forced her to hold still as a hot rush of sperm rich seed erupted out of his cock tip and was flung deep inside of her, the heat of it flooding into her passage and pushing inwards as her inner walls contracted and squeezed around him. Rope after hot rope, he marked her, filled her while her legs trembled and she tried to keep her weight upwards. The hot breath of her brother hit against her neck, curling along the edge of her jawline as the heavy furred orbs were pushed up against her.

Some of the hot oozing cum escaped around the edge of the knot, the wetness ran down along the crease of her sex messily while she swallowed roughly. She was sore, aching and abused, and her brother ran his tongue hotly along the back of her neck. The stroke pushed and flicked along either side of her neck messily. She felt dizzy as she swallowed and her brother gave a rough thrust forward, tauntingly wedging the tip of his cock into her cervix so she felt the next hot thud of his seed invading her womb greedily. Millions of writhing lupine sperm flooding her, pushing towards the vulnerable ova to make sure that she would swell. A strong new line of werewolves in bearing their family name.