Love From the Snow

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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A short story that I finally finished. The second half was completed one month ago, then first half took a little backtracking.

Edit: Edited by zelback3

Edit 2: small fixes (nothing more than a word or two in a sentence).

The ground crunched quietly beneath my boots as I made steady strides through the four inches of packed snow. Air fogged as my breath made contact with its frigid surroundings, creating a pseudo-smoky appearance that quickly dissipated. I seldom walked this deep into the woods, but the winter scenery was far too picturesque to pass up. My huge swathe of land consisted mostly of backwoods and meadows where a tribe of foxes dwelled. Even though I rarely caught a glimpse of one, and the fact that the land, on paper, was mine, I gave them great distance and respect. They, after all, knew the land that was legally owned under my name far better than I ever would. My ears then picked up a barking noise far away. I frowned and stopped in my tracks as the distant barking steadily grew closer. It was the typical barking of a hound dog that a hunter would track with. I reached for my flare gun and fired a warning shot into the snowy sky. A pistol always lent its comforting weight on the other side of my holster in case things became troubling. Everything froze in silence for a single second before the barking rapidly grew more distant.

'Better they run from me, than me after them.' I thought wryly. People crossed my property line plenty of times to hunt illegally, but it rarely went to the point of me needing to hunt them down. Taking a few more steps out, I noticed something entirely new. I looked down seeing a few bloody droplets in the snow with strange paw prints heading to my left. I had heard a few shots earlier in the morning when I set out from my house. Perhaps this was the cause? Curiosity taking advantage of me, I followed the scarlet trail a short distance to its end. Instead of finding a deer or coyote (which I was expecting,) I gasped seeing a large figure instead, lying in the stained snow. It was one of the tribal foxes that lived deep in my land, a very elusive group, which I was occaisonally lucky to catch a glimpse of while walking around outside. "Is anyone else here?!" I said aloud. I looked around only seeing her sort of paw prints and my own, larger, boot prints. Hopefully other foxes would be around the trees. The silent winter weather didn't respond with only my worried breathing to listen to. The poor creature was bleeding on its arm and leg, staining the snow a crimson red. Looking a little closer, I realized it was breathing weakly, and needed medical attention immediately.

Without hesitation, I bent down and carefully picked her up doing my best not to move the injured sites more than I had to. The vulpine morph was indeed a female, judging from where I glimpsed at the torn bloodied clothing. Surprisingly, even with so much fur, she didn't weigh very much. despite the fact that the plethora of fluff could've hidden anything from me. She was apparently unconscious, judging from a lack of response, as I hurried through the mostly dense area of trees. Nearly five minutes had passed before my house and back door were in sight. I couldn't call an ambulance, when I did get back inside my home. Tribes that refused to be domesticated lacked plenty of basic rights for sticking to tradition, and I didn't have half a million Sluckas in my pocket to pay the medical bills. Being in the army for three years as a medic never hurt though, as I dashed over to the living room couch to properly set her down. Legs elevated, I listened to her heart. The fox's breathing was shallow, possibly from shock or maybe exhaustion. I tore my coat off and retrieved a medical kit I had stowed away.

It was kind of a surprise that I had kept the clunky metal box stuffed with medical supplies hidden, but living on such a large piece of forested property you could never be too safe. I carefully took her only two garments of clothing off, a white loincloth of sorts and long sleeved vest, both thinly made out of treated animal hide with a soft leathery feel. Setting the torn, bloodied pieces aside, I could see the injuries to their full extant. Neither looked pleasant, as both were matted and scruffy. I really didn't want to, but I had to shave the areas of fur off in order to properly clean and tend to the two wounds. Using an electric razor, I carefully removed small sections of fur starting with her arm. It wasn't too bad, only a small spot had to be shaved where an open wound was still trickling out dark red. I then used the electric razor to carefully remove the thick fluff at her thigh. Partial blood clots and lots of clumped fur made the process difficult, but doable. After piling the reddened stained fuzz on the carpet floor, I pursed my lips and grimaced seeing the bloody wounds. It looked like she had been hit with buckshot that you would use to hunt small game. I focused attention to the worst wound on her thigh and immediately applied a local anesthetic.

A pair of thin surgical forceps was able to do the trick for extraction for each little bit; and finally, I pulled the last of the shot out of her leg and dropped it into the small tray with a metallic clink. Only one hole was large enough to require stitching before I had it bandaged up neatly. The arm wasn't bad compared to her leg. Barely five minutes passed before I had it fixed and wrapped up neatly with gauze and bandages as well. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I took a deep breath and exhaled sitting back in the chair. Her breathing was soft and stable, no longer erratic, which definitely put me at ease. Having taken care of everything that I could at present, I sat back in my chair and looked over my "patient." Without a doubt she was a tribal arctic fox that lived somewhere deep in my property. The arctic vixen's fur was mostly white from what I could see. It was even purer than the bandages, but there was evidence of a marble pattern.

Not only were her ears dusted grey and tipped black, but her back and lower legs had different shades of grey coloring it randomly as well. There were even two spots of light grey radiating out from the outer edges of her eyes that I had failed to notice earlier. Her hands resembled paws, but through the shape of a hand, if that made any sense. There were black pads on her palms, and thick clawed finger tips that deeply contrasted to the surrounding white fur. I leaned forward wondering if the pad was cold. To my surprise it was warm and soft as I picked her hand up. It was also very flexible, going from a standing paw shape to a fist easily. Her legs were like that of an animal, digitigrade. A large fluffy white tail tipped with black rested on the couch as well, slightly damp from the snow that had stuck to it. She also had various grays along her back in a mostly straight line. The arctic vixen's hair also caught my attention. The long and completely white hair trailed off the edge of the couch; but it wasn't real hair, it was actually longer fur from the back of her head and upper neck. I blinked and looked up at the ceiling, away from her strange yet elegantly distracting appearance.

I needed to think about helping her. Was she in shock, a coma, or just exhausted from being chased? How long would I have to keep her in my home to recover, and would another tribal fox find me to retrieve her? I had a lot of questions boiling around in my head without any clear answers. The evening wore on into the night as I kept guard over her until her body finally moved into consciousness. The fox mumbled something beginning to stir. I edged forward on the chair eagerly waiting for her to say something. "Are you feeling better?" I asked watching her rub over an eye with the good arm. Her ears flicked up hearing my voice as her eyes shot open revealing an icy blue. We stared at each other in complete silence for a few stone silent seconds, my eyes intently searching her blue ones. She broke the stare and tried rolling off the couch hastily.

"Stop, you're injured!" I cried, stepping forward only for a paw-like hand to lash out and cut me. I winced backing off, but still kept an eye on her in case she ended up hurting both of us. The vixen growled looking at her bandages as she tried to get up, only to lay back down sounding a loud, sharp cry. She looked at her arm and leg, then me trying to stop her. I knelt beside her and she tried scooting away from me with a fearful whine followed by a growl.

"Calm down, I am not going to hurt you." I held my hands up to show that I didn't have anything threatening. She didn't seem very convinced and raised a clawed hand at me defensively. Slowly, I held my hand out, palm facing her, and reached out to her. The vixen made a whining noise, unable to back up any further. Finally, I grasped the vixen's paw gently, almost startling her. The animalistic growl and grip lessened as I carefully held her. She was very warm despite how cold it was outside. We sat staring at one another unsure of what to do next. The darkness of night outside ensued, but thankfully the staring contest was ended with a yawn from her.

"Rest. You will need your rest." I said seeing her eyelids begin to droop. The arctic vixen slowly tired out and fell asleep despite her blue eyes constantly trying to watch me. Worried over her well being, I brought a blanket and pillow and made a quick bedspread on the floor. If she needed anything I would be right there to help, no matter how much the fox didn't want it. Turning out the remaining lights, I settled down and fell asleep to the sounds of her gentle breathing.

I awoke in the morning with the vixen still soundly asleep above me, an arm hanging over the couch. My back cracked sulkily from the tough carpet beneath me. After checking her pulse and listening to her breathing, I decided to make a simple breakfast for her. Scrambled eggs, applesauce, and other easy-on-the-stomach foods were prepared along with a canteen of water. The smell of cooked food must've woken her up by the time I came back. She was sitting up and waiting eagerly. "Here, eat something." I yawned out, offering the food to her. Her black nose appeared to be very interested in what was on the tray. I held the plate while the vixen picked whatever she wanted, doing her best to remain polite while hungrily downing it all. I didn't know what her diet was out in the frigid cold, but she didn't seem very picky about it. I was surprised to see her grab the canteen on her own. She apparently knew what it was used for and thirstily downed the water inside. Once she had satisfied her stomach, I took the tray away and made something for myself. Sitting down at the kitchen with a creaky groan from my chair, I took a deep breath, staring at the egg I had just fried, set beside a cup of coffee. My head felt like it was spinning from the last fifteen or so hours.

'Ok, let's slow down.' I thought to myself, 'I have a complete stranger in my home, who's an arctic fox from a tribe on my land. She's injured and can't communicate with me...' I paused sipping the coffee. 'And I'm tired.' That dampened my mood as I waited for the caffeine to work its magic. This wasn't just a simple 'follow procedure on a manikin to pass a session' but a real living breathing creature that wasn't biologically human. I peeked around the wall from my chair to see her looking around my living room with a suspicious eye. This would definitely take time. I washed my plate before returning to her. The arctic fox looked at me with worry in her blue eyes as I approached.

"Now that I'm more awake. I hope you had a better night of sleep than I did." She didn't reply, but kept a close watch of what I did. I crouched beside her and looked at her covered wounds. The marble vixen fidgeted uneasily under my preening eye. The bandage on her thigh was lightly stained with dots of red from the inside, and needed to be replaced. I left and came back with the appropriate materials. Taking to my seat in the chair, I leaned over to undo the old bandage, only to hear a growl as her good leg lifted to block my hand. Her hand gripped my wrist, indenting the skin with her claws before letting me go. I winced retracting my arm, and rubbed over the spot. Her fiercely protective icy blue eyes glared back at me, despite her body being mostly immobile. She was hard headed, and it didn't make either of our troubles any easier. "Alright," I said, handing over the material to her. "You can try to put them on yourself." She took the bandages, and tucked them aside. I watched as she inadequately tore off the old ones with her good arm, leaving them in shreds on the floor and couch. The hard part came when the vixen tried to wrap the new bandage around her thigh, unable to form a tight seal. Already panting out of anger and fatigue, she stopped unsure of how to properly fix her bad arm. Finally, the fox looked back up at my knowing grin and growled before laying back down.

"Let's get you fixed back up again." I said taking the bandages back. I cleaned the wounds carefully removing anything that didn't belong, before applying an ointment. She gave a shocked gasp seeing the raw injury. A paw-hand came forward to feel over the edge of her skin only to make the vulpine shiver. Apparently she hadn't paid too close attention while tearing the bandages off. I brought the wet washcloth up, and gently cleaned any new debris away before wrapping it up once more. "If the shot had gone a few more inches in the other direction, you probably wouldn't be having any kids," I half joked as her expression didn't change. 'Alright not the best joke, but a response would've been nice.' I thought. "Can you understand English?" I asked slowly. She blinked once in response. It was rare for a native to speak fluent English, but I guess I had proof of this right before me. "That's probably why you acted the way you did." I concluded to myself, slouching back into my chair. I didn't have anything to do, and neither did she. We passed the time simply staring at one another until lunchtime when a growl from one of our stomachs interrupted us.

"Just stay here." I paused, wondering what difference saying that would make if she couldn't understand me. "I'll make lunch." I stood up to leave, despite how pleasant her blue eyes had been to stare at. A soup should be good on her stomach, since she held down what I had made for breakfast.

"Ouch!!" I grit my teeth together as some of the hot liquid spilled on me. "Stupid thing." I said in an irritable tone. I had set the soup on a tray for just such a problem. The vixen curiously waited to see what I would bring her this time as I walked back into the living room. I held the tray out for her as she sat up looking over the bowl's contents. She picked up the spoon I had on the side and smelled it before taking a bite of it. I held back a chuckle seeing her face scrunch it cute annoyance. "No. Use it to eat the soup." I demonstrated ladling the liquid with the silverware before bringing it to her lips. She opened her mouth and slurped it in, quickly figuring the process out. 'Healthy appetite.' I noted. It was cute watching her messily eat the thin soup, wetting her white chin a funny gold. She allowed me to wipe her chin clean after finishing. "Crackers?" I offered the brittle food next. The five I had brought with me on the tray were quickly devoured, leaving crumbs scattered all over the couch. The fox appeared full and gave a soft sigh. So I decided to give her some privacy and head to my room for a little research. I didn't have any books on tribal foxes, but the computer probably would. "Let's see how much I can find out about you." I mumbled to myself, typing quickly on the keyboard. There were plenty of files on native foxes in the plains, deserts, and tropics but as for the arctic foxes in my colder region, not too much was known. They were in closely knit tribal societies, as if that wasn't already obvious, and their diet was presumed to consist of local berries, roots, and animals. I scrolled down on the screen seeing a few pelts and drawn fur patterns. The only pictures available were ones shot from a distance leaving at least part of the body hidden by a tree, bush, or random forest fixture. And here I had one of the elusive arctic foxes in my home. Their paw pads maintained a stable body temperature through a system of countercurrent heat exchange despite the frigid environment. A diagram displayed how it worked, but I had no interest for that. I scrolled down the page only to hit the bottom.

"Thanks for not telling me much screen." I mumbled knowing it wasn't the interactive model. If it were, an apology would have been made in a monotone electronic voice, which would probably frustrate me further. I looked away from the screen hearing a whine coming from the living room and scrambled to my feet. Hurrying into the room I stopped by the couch where the arctic vixen rested.

"What's wrong?" She looked around the room whining and said something I couldn't even understand. Glancing down I noticed her legs squeezed together shaking uncomfortably, and it suddenly clicked for me. 'Bathroom!' Without much thought I bent over and scooped her up, carefully watching her wounds. She didn't scream in pain as I ran through the house to the guest bathroom that was closest. It was old in style and I had thoughts of renovating it, but that was a long gone prospect now. With a little grace I was able to seat her perfectly, and quickly left giving her some much needed privacy. 'Oh geez. This is going to be a hassle.' I thought wondering how long she wouldn't be able to walk to the bathroom. That all depended on the severity of her injury, and only time would tell how it would turn out. After I heard her finish, I came back in to see a relieved look on her face.

"I might need to make an adjustment for your tail." I observed, noting the fluffy appendage curled over to the side. The vixen stared back up at me with a dependent look and allowed me to carry her back without any fuss. I gently laid her back down on the couch and looked her over. The bandages would last until tomorrow morning before they became too dirty, but what troubled me was her fur. The beautiful white fluff was mostly in disarray from a lack of proper care, and desperately needed some attention. The vixen herself looked sad about the whole situation, her gaze only shifting between me and the opposing wall. Not being able to use the bathroom on your own had to be a tough concept for her to grasp until she could walk again. "Hold on for just a moment please." I said; standing up, I left the arctic fox to herself. I tried to put myself in her position. Stuck in a strange fur-less person's house who you can't understand; -who is trying to take care of you, if you could believe such a creature would actually help you,- must've been unbelievable. I wielded a brush in my hand when I came back. Her ears fearfully pinned back seeing me holding it and approach her.

"Hey calm down, it's just a brush. It won't hurt you." I held it out. A paw came out to touch it after more coaxing and she relaxed a little. "See?" I demonstrated brushing her forearm carefully. Her body shivered at first to the bristles before relaxing. I pressed on her back telling her to sit up. It was reassuring to see that she could do it on her own. If the vulpine's back was injured then there wouldn't be much that I could do for her. Using careful strokes, I combed through her fur-like hair getting rid of any knots or tangles. I couldn't help but grin seeing her triangular ears flicker as I touched them. Little pieces of debris came out while I brushed, and I set them aside accordingly. I brushed her sides and front, skipping short of her chest, neck, and lower belly. The little bits of dirt, leaves, twigs, and bits of crackers came out to slowly reveal a beautiful silk-smooth coat. I skipped her bandaged leg, but her healthy one was brushed over nicely. Her bottom leg however, was an anatomical anomaly to me.

"How can you walk on this?" Or maybe she ran on all fours? It looked very similar to a regular foxes hind leg, only bigger. I picked her canid foot up by the main pad and immediately dropped it, surprised at how warm the bottom pads were. "Sorry." I apologized; She gave me a funny look. Picking it back up, I couldn't help but marvel at its warmth while brushing the fluff of her lower leg. For an exposed area of padded skin it really could keep out the cold. Her footpaw kept wiggling around when I brushed its bottom, making it difficult. I swallowed a cold lump seeing the digitigrade paw flex revealing a set of thick blunted black claws. If she really didn't trust me and I overstepped somewhere, then I could find myself injured pretty bad as well. Chickening out, I decided not to brush the other one. "You look a lot better with your fur groomed." I tried cheering her up despite the lack of understanding. She ran her hands down her front and sides feeling the renewed smooth silkiness. A ray of hope came alive inside of me seeing the vixen show a tiny pleasant grin. I then felt confident enough to sleep in my bed and leave her alone for the night. At least I hoped that she wouldn't hurt herself.

Walking into the living room the following morning, I was glad to see her still on the couch. Although she didn't look particularly happy when I sat down in my chair next to her. She growled, baring her teeth upon seeing me reach for her thigh.

"I need to replace your bandages again," I said holding up the new material. It took the arctic fox a moment to figure out what I was getting at, and finally eased back down, keeping her legs somewhat spread apart. Maybe she would be less hostile if the injury wasn't so high along her thigh, but I couldn't control where the injury was. After wrapping her thigh again, I moved on to her arm and quickly fixed it as well. The arm probably wouldn't need covering much longer seeing it look a lot better compared to her leg. Plus, each bandage would last longer now since the bleeding had completely stopped. I spent a good portion of the morning just watching her from the chair, not like there was anything else for me to do. I ran her to the bathroom when needed without much of a fuss. An idea must've hit her when she gave a sharp yip making me jump from my seat. Her mouth chattered out a few sounds and I responded with a blank stare. Whatever her language was, the vixen spoke through it too fast for me to even lick up on a simple word or phrase. She growled looking at her lap before motioning with her hands instead.

"Oh sewing!" I realized looking back at her tattered garment. I went and searched around the house somehow finding a spool of thread and needle, all in about twenty minutes. Returning where she had patiently been waiting, I handed her the thread and needle, along with her torn vest. The vixen didn't waste any time in threading the needle, and started to mend the damaged garment. I scooted my chair beside the vixen to watch her sew better. She chose to remain reclined while slowly doing one stitch at a time with her skilled bulky digits as if to teach me how it worked. The next day I walked into the living room early in the morning with a cup of coffee. It was cool inside despite the heat already running, but thick socks made it unnoticeable. My patient had apparently woken up was busily sewing her tattered garment and didn't even notice me come in. Flipping a switch, her ears perked up as the room became much brighter. Her cracked jaws blew a sigh a of relief seeing that it was only me. I was glad that she made her time productive even with the injury.

"I hope you're sleeping more than sewing." I joked as she diligently worked. The spool of thread was almost gone as she finished some end piece. Setting my coffee down, I watched her bite the thread in two before tying it into a secure knot. The garment looked brand new except for the old blood stains at the bottom.

"Wow, you did a great job." She grinned proudly at her handiwork, and we both looked it over. The arctic vixen said another strange tribal word that I had no hope for understanding as she held up the short sleeved vest to me. The vest was as white as snow, like most of her fur. She then pointed at me with a cute clawed finger. "Do you want me to help put it on you?" I motioned trying to hand it back to her. She pushed it back, this time tapping her shoulders then pointing to me again. "You want me to wear it?" I asked, looking over the strange thin vest. I knew she couldn't understand me, but if the fox started barking at me, I would know I was doing something wrong. Taking the garment, I slid an arm through one sleeve and then the other all while under her curious watchful stare. I looked at myself wearing the strange outfit, not very thick but still warm. Someone covered in a thick winter coat of fur probably only needed something to break the wind rather than an insulator. "It's comfortable." I said unable to stop petting it. It had to be made out of rabbit fur or their own vulpine fur to be so soft. She eagerly motioned for me to sit next to her in the chair. I did so, and the vixen smiled, feeling over the shoulder, sleeve, and my arm since it was as far as she could reach. The warmth from her padded hand could be felt through the material. I don't know why, but I placed my hand overtop of hers as the furry white appendage rested on my arm. The fur was thick but short. The vixen's tail curled slightly as she wore a grin intertwining our fingers together. Her digits were thick and warm compared to mine, especially on her fingertips where part of her hand was padded with a leathery feel. The quiet moment was ruined with a distinct beeping noise from the kitchen.

"Ah! Breakfast!" I jumped running to the kitchen. My oven was tricky to work with due to its age, and I didn't want the cinnamon rolls and biscuits inside to blacken. 'Phew, not burnt!' I set the tray on the stove to cool. My guest could probably smell them already. Walking down the hall, I heard a loud yipping noise come from the living room. 'Uh oh!' Running over I skidded to a halt seeing her standing up. The vixen was breathing through her teeth keeping her arms spaced for balance. She startled to wobble taking another step from the couch.

"Careful!" I said quickly supporting her with my body, and wrapping her good arm around my shoulders. I blew a grateful sigh as the vixen leaned on me. She was just a little taller than me, but I should've expected as much from a digitigrade arctic fox. I could smell her unique wild scent so close to me. It wasn't acrid like that of an animal, but invigorating and natural. "Ok, let's take small steps." I led my leg out slowly as she did the same. We walked from one floral pattern to the next over the carpet with baby steps. The black claws on her paws flexed to grab the surface steadily. "How do you even walk with those things?" I asked keeping both of us steady. Her body of motion wasn't drastically different, but walking on something two thirds the size of a regular foot required balance.

"Careful!" I grabbed her feeling us start to lean too far. She shifted uneasily from her injured leg to her healed one. The fox hadn't stood up for nearly a week now, and it clearly showed as she clung onto me for support with arms and a tail. By the time we worked out a rhythm, both of us were tired from stumbling around and sat down on her couch. I checked the vixen's leg back on the couch. Nothing was broken thankfully, but her left leg was undoubtably sore and needed to adjust as she healed.

"Be careful walking on your own ok?" I grinned, happy that she wasn't as hurt as I thought she was. "And I'll get us something to eat, I'm starving." I took off her vest giving it back. She was grinning too, but possibly for other reasons.

Days passed and she was starting to walk a few steps by herself, steadily putting more pressure on her other foot. For any greater distance, I was more than happy to help. I just wished there were a pair of crutches for her to use for better mobility. The arctic vixen's arm healed quicker than her leg to no surprise, and only required ointment for another day. Any other cut or scrape that I found was easily healed as well. Her existing fur could be combed over to protect the spot until new fur replaced it, and it was becoming routine to watch her leg slowly heal. The vulpine's weight was kept in check with what foods I had due to her lack of activity. It was nice to be caring for someone again like I used to when being a medic was my sole job. I felt useful again.

I entered the living room with the usual small roll of white bandage. The Arctic marble fox was laying down on the couch for the moment resting, tail flicking idly. I still had my duty of re-wrapping her leg. Sitting in the chair I leaned forward only for her to yawn and stretch.

"Oh, are you still sleeping?" I stood up preferring her to finish resting. She parted her leg invitingly so I could work on her thigh. The vixen returned to her nap grinning as I returned to undoing the old bandages. The furry fox certainly didn't have to worry about a peeping tom if I were one because the winter coat made it impossible to see anything. The only thing any eyes could see were two mounds on her chest completely hidden by fur. I glanced back up to see her still smiling maybe because of a good dream or that she finally realized that I just wanted to help her, and hopefully it was the latter of the two. Her tail leisurely tapped against my face. I smiled feeling its softness and continued undoing the old bandage until it came off. I was happy to see her healing just fine. The spot wasn't inflamed anymore, and looked a healthier pink. The fur around the speckled wound was already starting to grow back replacing her pink skin with a normal furry white, or maybe it would turn grey? The healed spots where the shot hit hadn't started growing yet, but they hopefully wouldn't be far behind. "I don't think you will need these anymore." I said holding up the bandages before setting them down. She opened an eye still smiling before opening the other. I guess she understood there wasn't a need for being wrapped up like a mummy anymore. A sharp point tapped my back and I spun around to see her hind paw dangling off the side of the couch. The vixen laughed shrilly sitting up. 'Having four knife like claws in each foot isn't something I can laugh about.' I gave a relieved sigh looking over the short, new white fur on her thigh.

"So you really want to practice walking more?" Her arms stretched out towards me. I pulled the vixen up and let a furry arm wrap behind and over my shoulders. Her body heat made me unconsciously grin. I liked her warm touch. She stood with a little help and we were quickly side by side, taking slow steps together. It was actually a lot more fun to walk with her now. I would occasionally bump her side to make her use every muscle in her legs. She would giggle cutely and bump back, sometimes too hard knocking me over and then helping me back up. At least that's how it went into the evening, where her mischief play turned into a want to help with whatever I started to cook. Normally I wouldn't mind someone wanting to make me food, but the arctic vulpine was probably more accustomed to skinning wild animals rather than a dish full of variety. "I hope you like steak, rice, and broccoli with a little helping of gravy." I served both of us a full plate at the table. A bottle of steak sauce normally accompanied such a meal, but I caught the vixen drinking from it one meal and decided against using the stuff anymore. She licked her lips and didn't waste time using her hands to eat instead of using the silverware set out. Despite her animalistic hands and face, she ate daintily with a large appetite. The marble fox soon yawned slouching in the chair with a satisfied smile while I was barely halfway finished. "I wonder if table manners exist for your people." I said wiping my mouth. 'If your tribe even has tables.' I thought to myself standing up.

"Ok. If you're tired, I'll walk you to the couch if you want." I said as the vixen gave a lazy stretch. She stood up but lost her balance and threw her arms out to me. "Oof!" I grunted as I caught her quickly, finding our faces smushed together, albeit cozily.

"Hold on." My voice was muffled through her thick fluff. She moved her head to hang over my shoulder and adjusted her legs as I picked her up. "There. Are you ok?" I asked seeing how flustered she looked with her triangular white and grey ears pinned back. She hobbled back a step without any other nonverbal cues before going to the living room.

Later during the night I closed the blinds over the window prepared to go to bed. I had already wished the arctic vixen a good night's sleep back in the living room and tucked her in with a blanket. I sat down in front of the computer screen to turn it off. I looked up only to find the vixen was standing in my doorway leaning against the wall. She had followed me to my room! I felt a little embarrassed for not showing her where everything was, and that my bedroom wasn't the neatest place under the roof.

"Everything ok?" I asked as she limped inside looking around. Of course she didn't respond while approaching my bed. Her paws felt over the mattress and warm sheets before hopping up with her good leg. She gave a content sigh laying back onto the bed and resting her head on a pillow. Guilt settled over me for keeping her on the couch those past nights when there was a much better alternative available. I stood by the bedside and watched her arguably have more fun laying down on my bed than anything else since I brought the vixen inside. She peeked an eye open looking up at me and immediately tried to slide out.

"No. no. You can sleep here, I won't mind." I eased her back down before tucking her in with a sheet so the heavily coated fox wouldn't overheat. She closed her eyes and brought her paws up to feel the pillow with a rumbling murr. Come to think about it, I was pretty tired too and decided to join her. A body pillow was put between us in case either of us rolled around during sleep. "Goodnight." I shut off the light. Steady soft breathing was the only thing I heard in return laying back down in bed.

I woke up well rested with a stretch before sitting up. Across our designated barrier, the vixen was still in a deep sleep with her hair strewn all over her pillow. Her vulpine form dazzled me. She looked so perfect with the morning rays giving her the appearance of a warm glow. The beautiful white fur looked like a shining gold accenting the vixen's supple curves despite being hidden by fur. I shook my head in frustration. 'You're not supposed to be thinking about her that way Neil! She needs to be taken care of for a while.' I reminded myself slipping out of bed to dress. The cooler floor helped return my senses from their foggy slumber as I shuffled over the carpet. I must've closed one of the drawers noisily, because I could hear the arctic fox beginning to wake up. Looking over, she yawned turning her head away from the sunlight before opening her blue eyes. They nearly sparkled from the sunlight. Returning to my task at hand, I quickly pulled up my pants and put on a pair of socks. I jumped hearing a shrill yip accompanied by a static popping noise. Looking back again, I saw her grey and white fur sticking straight out nearly a foot long from her back to the bed. The vixen made a few other startled noises shuffling over until she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hold on, don't move." I went to retrieve a few things from the bathroom. I couldn't help but chuckle coming back into the bedroom with a damp washcloth and her brush. She wore an upset frown as I sat beside her and began to tame the wild fur by wetting and combing it.

"I'm sorry, but that was pretty funny." I snickered doing my best to hold in my laughing. The fox continued to pout as I brushed. I couldn't blame her for choosing to sleep on the couch the following night.

A blizzard was hitting the area pretty hard as I paused by the kitchen window to watch it snow heavily. Northern winds hit this time of year and the results were always the same; tough, blizzard-like conditions. It was way too dangerous to go out, even in a vehicle. 'If this snow gets any worse I'll have to call the Guard to drop supplies in.' I worried, pouring a second cup of the warm beverage in hand. Looking over, the arctic fox was also concerned about the snow. I watched her gaze out of the windows with a homesick look despite the terrible weather making it impossible to see anything. Walking into the living room, I approached her.

"Uh. Cocoa?" I asked holding a cup out to her. She gave a small grin sniffing the air and accepted the cup. A cooling blow was applied before her muzzle awkwardly drank from it with a loud sipping noise. The vixen smiled humming out a happy tune causing me to smile proudly drinking my own cup. Despite her muzzle making the beverage a little awkward to consume, she gladly downed the tasty treat. I joined her to look outside the window watching the snow swirl around. I didn't know where exactly she lived in the thick forest, but she had to be imagining its location in her head. Slowly, she tore her blue eyes away from the window to look at me sadly. I did my best to muster a smile.

"Want to walk together more?" I offered pointing to her leg hoping to take her mind off outside's snowstorm. She took a small step over and hooked her arm around my shoulders. "You're fur is soft." I paused to enjoy the sensation on my neck before taking our first steps. Of course she didn't respond, but she didn't mind me leaning on her for a change.

Another bowl was set aside to dry as I washed what was in the sink. It took a little bit of encouragement to get her to eat lasagna, but after the first bite, she quite literally licked her plate clean. To help pass dishwashing I had the radio on some odd station I could remember that played old Turkish music. The instruments were wild and flowing, reminding me of when I first joined the army as a medic. Life was fast paced and mostly careless, even when you had to patch someone back together. Sitting at the table, the arctic vixen was nodding her head in tune to the music while looking through a few picture books I had given her. An atlas, universe encyclopedia, and a book of famous waterfalls were among the few. I set the last washed dish aside and looked over at the fox nodding her head with the music. She wasn't even looking at the pictures in one of the open books. Instead of turning the radio off, I left it on for her before going to my room. It wasn't messy like before, but with her walking around more, I might as well tidy it up and work a little on the computer. All I ended up with was a nose full of dust and a light headache from mostly shoveling random stuff around. Leaning back on the chair, I looked over noticing the marble vixen standing patiently in my doorway. Her tail swished lazily behind her body.

"Is something wrong?" I sat up. She walked in carrying the radio with the cord dragging behind her. The fox shook the thing lightly and held it out to me. "What, is it broken?" I took it and plugged it into an outlet. Loud static played back until I adjusted the knob to a station playing quiet classical music.

"You need it plugged in," I pointed over to the wall. "And these two adjust the station and loudness." I demonstrated changing it from classical to country to jazz then adjusting the volume. She grinned happily and walked out clutching the object closely. I chuckled resuming my work in front of the screen as music started playing from the other room. I wasn't one who normally complained about loudness, but I still heard music playing from the other room as I laid in my bed staring at the dark ceiling. My clock boldly stated in red numbers, 10:26. I wearily got out of bed and headed to the living room. Walking in, I found the fox staring at the radio in her lap. Her tail flicked leisurely in tune with a song being played on the piano. I'll admit that it was cute to watch, but the time was already late and I wanted to actually get some sleep. The music abruptly stopped. Her ears perked up and she quickly started twisting one of the knobs. Looking up, she spotted me holding the cord in my hand as I approached her.

"We both need to sleep okay?" I set the radio on the floor. "Sleep." I motioned with my hands to her pillow, closing my eyes briefly. The fox apparently understood and sat up looking away from the radio. "You can play music all day tomorrow." I yawned turning towards the hall, but suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist. "Yes?" I crouched back down to her again. Her paw slowly retracted before she pointed to her ear, then me, then back to her. I wouldn't understand her language in a million years, but I leaned forward regardless to hear what the vixen had to say. I watched as she leaned up and pressed her lips and nose to my forehead leaving me stunned. She's kissing me? I could feel the warm thin skin and softness of her lips, and short muzzle fur contrast with the cooler sensation that her nose provided. It was sweet and gentle but ended all too soon as she laid back down. I blinked realizing that I had been staring at her since it stopped.

"Oh. You're welcome." I said feeling my face flush a colorful red. She curiously looked up at me with her icy blue eyes as I sorted through the funny feelings buzzing inside me. It probably meant a simple thank you and nothing more, but I secretly hoped it meant more.

As each day went by I was increasingly reminded that the arctic marble vixen wouldn't be staying with me much longer. She recovered quickly and I didn't want her to leave despite seeing how she moved around without difficulty. Her gait was perfect in my view, but she still worked on balancing the healed leg on its own regularly. I sighed, fogging up a window. The sun was setting and there weren't many clouds in the sky, which meant no snow storms anytime soon. Perfect time for her to return home. I turned away from the window seeing the vixen lay down on the couch ready to go to sleep, idly watching me. With a sigh I came over an knelt beside her.

"The weather should be clear by tomorrow. I guess I'll walk you back as far as I can so you are able to return home." I pointed to the door trying to help her understand. She couldn't interpret my words but I talked to her anyway just to have someone to talk to. The fox looked over then back at me and wiggled her nose as if to agree.

"Goodnight." I stood up and bid her a good nights sleep, but I couldn't walk away just yet and hung around the edge of the hall to look back at her again. Her ears remained splayed out and dialed towards the side. She could still heard my soft breathing from that distance. The arctic vixen turned and looked at me intently.

"Goodnight." I said again finding it difficult to walk away, but somehow my legs did just that. Her curious face watched me disappear down the hall and into my room. It seemed like forever until I fell asleep that night. The thought that she wouldn't be around anymore left me feeling empty. I had been alone in my home for a long time, but now I just didn't want to go back to it. Couldn't she visit after leaving? The darkened ceiling didn't give any answers.

The following morning was sunny with only a few scattered clouds, weather that would easily permit a journey deep into the forest. I almost found myself looking for excuses as the minutes ticked by before and after breakfast, but the vixen wasn't in any apparent hurry to leave, thank goodness. My heavy winter coat, boots, and insulated overalls laid ready for action on a chair by the back door. The minutes counted down and I found myself back in the kitchen looking through the cabinets or fridge every few seconds. The arctic fox was with me looking around through a cabinet that I had left open. I found myself staring out the window until a claw tapped my shoulder. The fox held a pan in her paw and offered it to me.

"You don't have to help me cook, and besides, I don't need a pan anyway." I said turning back to the stove wondering what I should even make for lunch. Sure we had just eaten breakfast but I wanted to give both of us something filling before heading out where I could give my proper goodbyes. I folded my arms and bit my lip looking at the stove. 'What to make?' I thought trying to focus my anxious energy somewhere. I then remembered hearing a "clunk" and feeling a pain in the back of my head before falling down unconscious.

I slowly came to, hearing the sound of snow crunching nearby. I groaned feeling my back resting on something stiff as my head lightly throbbed. My limbs refused to move no matter how hard I commanded them to. Eyes opened feeling cold air gently blowing over my face, my first sight being that of the blue sky scattered with cirrus stroked clouds. Everything slowly came back to my mind, especially the fact that I had been knocked out in my own home. The snow continued to crunch above me as I twisted my head the best I could to see what was going on. I was fully clad in my winter clothes specifically for surviving in bad weather. Struggling once more I noticed the bonds keeping me restrained were a bunch of belts that came from my closet.

"What's going on?" I asked and the sled suddenly stopped. Out of my peripherals the arctic vixen's head peeked over before returning to pull the sled. "Hey!" I yelled out to her. "Untie me! Stop-" I remembered that she couldn't speak English and whatever I said was pointless. She growled and spoke a few intangible words in return anyway. 'I don't even know her name!' I thought to myself unsure of how to properly catch her attention. I remained frustrated as the arctic vixen pulled me to wherever she had destined for me. Time passed slowly as she pulled the sled through the snow. Her tail tip flicked above my head occasionally obstructing my view of the sky and numerous tree limbs. It at least reminded me that the sled wasn't being pulled by my imagination. After some time, the sled suddenly halted as I felt the front corner bump into what was presumably a tree. My head could only turn so much as I waited for her to do something. A minute or so of quietness passed before I saw her crouch beside me. The arctic vixen produced my canteen and drank from it before offering it to me. "My canteen..." I muttered leaning my head forward for a sip. She gave me a little to drink before screwing the cap back on and tying it around her waist. Her gaze noticed my worried face. The marble vixen squatted down, grinning at me, and patted my forehead as if to say everything will be just fine.

"Please untie me." I asked politely only for her to stand up again. I blew out an unsure sigh as the sled was pulled once more. The terrain wasn't the flattest and I could feel every bump along the way despite the nice layer of snow between the sled and the ground. An unknown amount of time passed leaving my thoughts to turn more unsure and hopeless. I was about to doze off when the sled began to pick up speed as a bump knocked my head against the wooden boards. The vixen gave a shrill happy bark as other voices were heard in the distance. I strained to look around without having too many bumps form in my battered head. Others came running forward and quickly surrounded the two of us, chattering in that strange tongue of theirs. The arctic vixen hugged a few foxes that looked like her before returning to me. She stooped down to the sled and finally untied the belts holding my body down. Numerous amounts of paw like hands helped haul me to my feet and brushed the snow from my clothes.

"Uh. Ok, thank you." I said and they backed up giving me some space, but effectively created a wall of fluff blocking my sight. "Miss vixen?" I looked around the circle and couldn't find the arctic fox that I had taken care of anywhere throughout the crowd. They talked and gawked at me from a respectful arm lengths distance. These new foxes were hardly dressed at all compared to me. An arm band or wrist bracelet of leather was pretty common. There might have been a small vest like piece a few women wore, but at least both genders wore a cummerbund or something to cover between their legs. Although clothing may not have mattered at all since their white or grey and black fur tended to spill over the garments making them more insignificant. The circle suddenly made room for a new taller fox. This arctic fox was dressed more elaborately than the other's less concealing half outfits. His soft leather and fur wear was infused with vivaciously colored patterns of separate threads to create complex embroideries, not to mention the parts that were dyed. He motioned for everyone to hush and they did so as I felt all vulpine eyes once again settle on me. I stepped back as he approached me. Two foxes quickly grabbed my arms as if I planned on running faster than them. Another different fox that had about an even amount of grey and white approached with an almost perfect circular leaf. The brighter yellow color mystified me as it was given to the leader standing before me. I had never seen a leaf of that shape or color before in my life.

"Ah." The chieftain demonstrated to me as he took the leaf. My mouth was already open mostly out of disbelief from what was happening. Suddenly he took the plant and shoved it into my mouth and I spat it out disdainfully.

"Yuck! What was that for?" I said trying to squirm out of the other foxes' grip. The leader's expression was annoyed as he turned to the half grey arctic fox. They chattered once more before he picked the leaf up. He slipped it back into my mouth a second time and that bad taste started forming on my taste buds once more. I quickly spat out the foreign object again. It didn't even float halfway to the ground before being snatched out of the air by an adroit hand. This time the fox growled placing the leaf back on my tongue as I unwillingly allowed him to shove it all back inside. A new firm paw held my mouth shut as the leaf was sandwiched against the roof of my mouth. I remained standing there worried as the other foxes whispered to one another in their native language. I began to feel that breathing through my nose alone as my heart raced wouldn't be enough to satisfy my lungs. Suddenly the leaf inside started to change. The once solid plant part dissolved into a syrupy liquid and began evaporating like alcohol on the taste buds. Everyone else silently waited. The taste it brought was hazy and smothering. My brain felt as if it were crackling under an oppressive sun as it continued to dissipate.

Everything went dark while I squirmed for freedom. The restraining arms let go of me as I fell to my hands and knees on the ground. Quick jolts of pain shot through my head. Trying to scream I found that my voice had disappeared for the moment leaving me mute to the whole tribe of foxes watching. Then as suddenly as it all had begun, the bulk of the discomfort vanished leaving me surprised and a little elated. I gasped for air as the remaining side effects started to wear off, but my taste buds probably wouldn't be working properly for a day. The voices I had heard earlier were starting to sound more tangible to my ears.

"Can you hear me now?" a smooth deep voice asked out of the blue. My vision started returning, albeit it was very blurry for the moment. I sat down and looked up at all the others surrounding me.

"Who said that?" I asked rubbing over my eyes before blinking as my vision finally cleared. Two arms hauled me to my feet and kept me steady as I was led over a small distance towards a communal fire pit of sorts where I was seated on a log. The two foxes stayed beside me as I sat up staring at the large one across from me.

"I am Aithu, chieftain of the Yosegai. You saved my daughter, Vitka, from certain death," he said in his powerful deep voice. "You saved her from those hunters and took care of her inside your own home. May I have the honor of knowing your name?"

"M-My name is Neil." The taste in my mouth was still very detectable, and Aithu gave a hearty chuckle at my funny face.

"Don't worry the taste will go away shortly. I will have some food brought." The fox raised a hand and a few paw steps from behind quickly crunched over the snow.

"What kind of leaf can make us understand each other?"

"Ah, very powerful medicine we call 'The Many Tongues'. It's a secret to keep from outsiders." "That's fine, I don't want it again."

"Sorry for forcing you anyway, but I didn't think that you would've taken the bitter thing on its own." A paw came into view and handed me a small bowl.

"Oh, thank you!" Inside was thinly sliced meat skewered onto small sticks steaming from the cold.

"You're welcome guest," The new marble arctic fox replied with a bow. "Me and my mate just prepared it." Another bowl soon arrived filled with a pasty pudding like food with a miniature ladle in it. The chief was pleased to see me eat and enjoy their native cuisine.

"I see that you like our food." He smiled a toothy grin at me.

"Yes! Very much! Thank you."

"Good, but we must discuss many things." We then talked about anything at came to mind, particularly the whole reason we were meeting now. I told Aithu about how illegal hunting did occur occasionally on my property, and he told me how the tribe dealt with it. When the conversation turned to me formerly being a medic, he grew a sense of pride for me. Their equivalent of that was a shaman of sorts and was viewed importantly to say the least. Sometime during the whole talk Vitka sat beside her father dressed in something that resembled an elegant robe completely different from what she originally had. By the time we had finished talking, the sun was already low and a good number of other foxes had circled around to listen. Aithu motioned for the bowls to be taken away. "I will never be able to thank you enough for saving Vitka." He said again as I looked over to see her smiling at me.

"It was my pleasure in all honesty Aithu. Your daughter is wonderful."

"Then please Neil, allow her to take care of you now." He said extending a hand out towards his daughter. Vitka stood up and walked around the circle approaching me. I stood up as well and thanked everyone present for the meal. All of them smiled and chattered out thank you.

"Follow me please." She spoke taking my hand. My insulated glove could almost feel the heat from her pads. A good amount of the foxes that watched me talk to their chief quickly dispersed, almost melting into the snowy background. I followed Vitka around the scattered village teepees and trees. Distancing ourselves from the group, she looked more at ease. I watched her as we slowly walked together to wherever the vixen led me. She was very beautiful and her thin black lips were curled into a warm smile, hopefully thinking good of me.

"So your name is Vitka?" I asked wanting to hear her voice speak since language wasn't a barrier anymore.

"Yes, and yours is Neil." She confirmed holding my mittened hand close to her side.

"So you grew up here Vitka?" I asked pronouncing her name more clearly.

"Uh-huh." She cutely nodded her head. "It's very beautiful isn't it?"

"It is." I looked around the tepees and snow covered forest admiring the fluffy white scenery.

"Did you grow up in your home?" Vitka asked looking at me with those curious blue eyes.

"Not exactly. I had it built years ago before moving into it. I stayed there mostly alone until I found you in the snow that day." The arctic vixen nodded remembering as we slowly went around a tepee.

"I heard you were a shaman, or similar to one for many seasons."

"Yes, I was a medic years ago. I would take care of those who were injured while fighting." "It was very brave of you to care for someone like me injured in the snow." Vitka looked at me with those beautiful eyes again.

"I couldn't have left you there to die. I wanted to help."

"Was I a lot of trouble to take care of? I was a troublesome kit while growing up."

"No, not at all. It was well worth helping you every step of the way." I said reassuringly with a squeeze of my hand.

"Good. Now I can take care of you." She said with a pleased look stopping in front of what I presumed was her home. Vitka pulled a flap apart and motioned me forward. The teepee like hut structure was simple, yet efficient for the blistering cold winds outside. The only problem in my eyes were the noticeable gaps between the teepee wall and ground. A few blades of grass were clearly visible from outside, but Vitka didn't seem all that worried about it as she walked over motioning for me to take a seat beside her. I sat on a large blanket like piece in the center that was thick. The arctic vixen quietly joined me and sat down in front of me. "What do you think of my home?" She asked intently as I looked over the space.

"I like it," I finally spoke up. "It's very beautiful, but why do you leave open spaces here?" I pointed to the edge of her home where the fabric wall stopped short from the ground.

"To let fresh air in of course. Your home did smell stale compared to outside."

"I would let some fresh air in but I don't want to freeze to death." I said patting my heavily insulated wear.

"Of course. We Yosegai don't need thick clothes when we already have thick fur."

"I noticed that." I said looking over her gorgeous form. Hips, stomach, chest, and legs were all perfect. Despite the multitude of soft fur making Vitka look bigger than me, her body itself was wiry and fit like that of an athlete. My prying eyes must have been a conversation killer. There was a pause in our talking that led to a peaceful silence except for an occasional breeze.

"I still can't thank you enough for saving me." She spoke up scooting closer to me.

"You don't need to thank me, I mean you were in danger so I had to help."

"But you took care of a stranger in your own home. You were even nice and kind to me despite the lack of understanding. Please let me return the favor."

"Sure, but why did you knock me out with the pan?" I asked seeing her expression sadden.

"I thought you would only walk me back to the tree line, and I couldn't drag you back against your will. Sorry, I didn't want to hurt you though." I winced feeling the bump on my head but mustered a grin.

"No, you're right. I probably wouldn't have followed you, but at least you knocked some sense into me." She chuckled patting my leg to my response. "They did heal correctly though right?" I asked concerned. Vitka beamed a smile and slid the robe like clothing off her body in one fluid motion letting it pool on the edge of the bedding. She proudly smoothed over the once injured areas and showed them to me. Her once bloodied leg and arm were revealed to be a predominantly snowy white like most of her fur. The vixen's body had healed without scarring to my relief, albeit the fur was a touch shorter in the two large spots but time would easily fix that. "Wow they healed beautifully." I finally thought of something to say. The arctic vixen nodded in agreement bringing her hands to my chest. Despite her fingers being similar to a paw, Vitka unbuttoned my thick coat and delicately slid it off my shoulders. The cold air cut through my only undershirt instantly as goose bumps started to form. I tried to keep my coat on to stay warm but the vixen simply wouldn't let me. "It's freezing!" I said grimacing to the cold air. Instead, she eagerly and just as suddenly pressed her body against mine to keep me warm.

The vixen's athletic chest with all its fluff squished against mine and she continued to slide the coat freeing my hands. "Still warm?" She asked cutely, her nose bumping into mine. My mouth felt dry as I decided to nod my head in agreement. The rest of my coat slid off leaving my arms and back freezing. I had to hug her to take away the brunt of the deep chill as the vixen's hands busied themselves with my winter overalls prying them off. In a minute they were gone as well along with my socks and shoes. Left merely in sleepwear, the arctic vixen edged me to the opening of the sleeping bag. Her paw hand extended and lifted the entrance open revealing a sleeping bag made inside of rabbit fur. "Go in fast, I'll join you." I didn't want to leave the safety of her warm body, but I didn't really have much of a choice. The frigid air stung my unprotected body until I made it into the sleeping bag with Vitka right behind me. I rested on my side trying to warm up as she snuggled close to me before pulling the fold down. The surroundings of the sleeping bag were dim, but there wasn't much to see other than Vitka's fur. I breathed into her shoulder fur to warm my nose and chin. Her subtle wild scent was more than welcome in my olfactory. My shivering quickly stopped with her to help warm me up. Vitka, though, didn't want to stop ridding me of my clothing and promptly began lifting my shirt up.

"No. I want to wear my shirt." I protested, but didn't undo the hug.

"I am softer," she enticed me, tugging my shirt up even further. A hand snuck under pressing its warm pad against my skin, heating me instantly.

"Okay," I complied feeling the bed warming up from our body heat. Nudity wasn't a big deal to the tribe based from how they dressed. The fabric was pulled over my head and arms before she set it over somewhere behind her in the large rabbit fur bag. Without warning she hugged me closely again just like before. A gasping moan escaped my lips feeling her soft fur in full force. She was like a heated cloud. It was wonderful, warm, and most importantly it was her. I offered no resistance when she began pulling down the hem of my pants. However when Vitka kicked them off for me, I realized she had taken my boxers as well. The arctic vixen placed a finger to my lips and silenced my nervousness bringing my eyes to her beautiful blue ones that wore a coy smile. Her furry body was still pressed against me in a deep hug as her arms held me. The warm fuzzy feeling was more than superficial as I couldn't help but return the hug without any barriers between us. A leg hooked over mine and I felt her tail curl around my thigh. The arctic vixen put a little pressure and rolled me onto my back so I was completely surrounded everywhere by soft warmth.

The arctic vixen's hair like fur even spilled around my head creating a private white shroud for us. Her eyes shimmered through the dim light as our noses nearly touched, but I was surprised by her next move. Vitka leaned forward and kissed my lips as her fur embraced my entire body. My eyes widened briefly before fluttering halfway open, but the sensation didn't last very long. When she pulled back my mouth moved but not a word came out.

"For once, you are at a loss for words." She said staring deep into my eyes with her striking blue ones. I struggled to say something to her.

"You're just so... Beautiful Vitka." Her lips curled into a grand smile that could've melted all the snow around the teepee. "I didn't want you to leave."

"I love you Neil." The words were almost surreal at first, but I couldn't wait to respond.

"I love you too." I really did dread having her leave, but now I was at her home. The vixen's hands cradled my cheeks with their warm pads and this time her muzzle slowly closed in. Her lips were thin compared to mine, and the short fuzzier fur around them made their sensations unique. Our tongues met somewhere in the middle sending fireworks off in my head until we had to pull back for air. We both breathed deeply staring into each others eyes, enjoying the moment. Something skin like and noticeably damp slid over my thigh as she moved up before the feeling settled over my groin. It was hot and slick compared to her fur. Her vulpine grin told me exactly what she wanted, and I wanted it too. Her knees dipped between my own before parting my legs slowly. I gasped feeling her body brush overtop my own, arousing it to react. I closely watched her hand snake down between our bodies before coming in contact with my rapidly hardening length. Her hips briefly raised allowing my member to stand up before being engulfed by a different slick warmth. Vitka moaned softly nestling her hips back on top of mine. I didn't remain silent very long feeling her walls rippling and squeezing against me. My hands ran along her sides feeling through the warm insulating fur.

"Didn't think it could get any hotter in here did you?" She asked and I shook my head as a moan left my lips, the first of many into the night. Her teeth delicately nibbled against my exposed skin sending brief chill bumps along my skin only to be warmed away. My hands held onto her muscular back as her light nips turned into heated kisses and licks. Her head came back up allowing our noses to touch and grabbed hold of my shoulders; tightening up briefly, Vitka did me the honor of being the first to raise her hips, then thrust downward on me. She graciously earned a pleasured moan from both of us as she prepared to repeat the action. One of my hands ventured up to her fluffy chest. Her breasts weren't very large, after all Vitka probably covered a few miles everyday to help provide for her tribe. However, they were just as sensitive and firm to the touch. Her back arched into my touch and she whined lustily increasing the tempo of her gyrations. I tenderly loved the goddess on top of me and she loved me in return. A wet slap sounded off as we both neared a blissful climax, bodies writhing together in unison.

"Ohh! Vitka!" My whole body felt as if it rose from the ground before crashing back down. As the first white rope coated the vulpine's inner walls, Vitka yipped out a high pitched moan hitting her climax. The arctic vixen's claws nearly pierced my skin, if I could feel them through my euphoria, as she ground my hips into the earth. Her walls clenched and spasmed in unified pleasure. They tugged, egging me on to fill her up. I fulfilled the duty before taking a much needed gasp of air. Vitka's body tenderly squeezed me, edging out of the wonderful experience. Pairs of arms held us tight together as we panted in a cozy cocoon that could've ironically overheated.

"That was wonderful Neil." She licked my cheek lovingly.

"You're wonderful." I replied snuggling my face into her fur. Vitka murred and kept me warm and comforted.

"Best of dreams." She said kissing me goodnight.

"I think I'm already dreaming." I joked hearing her murr happily. I wrapped my arms around her protective warm body, never wanting to let go as we drifted off to sleep together.

Waking up, I found myself in a comfortable bed like setting, but the events from last night told me that I wasn't in my own lodging. Other than my legs being a little sore, everything felt sublime laying next to Vitka. We were loosely wrapped up in each others embrace inside a sleeping bag, made entirely of soft rabbit fur. A furry leg was hooked over my front as I could clearly feel a padded toe and claw lightly digging into my leg. That beautiful bushy tail of hers was wrapped over the front of my stomach where the blackened tip occasionally flicked. I rubbed her back gently feeling over the vixen's winter coat. She breathed out a sigh and brought an arm protectively over my chest snuggling closely. Her muzzle fit daintily over my shoulder wearing a splendid smile of sleep. I couldn't have been more content. A puff of cool air reached my head from the outside reminding me it was still winter. I reached up and pulled the end of the bed down. Peeking outside of the fuzzy warmth was a world completely different. Within my reach was a light dusting of snow probably blown in from a quick breeze. Waking up with snow next to the sleeping bag gave everything a beautiful enchanted feeling.

Being cozy warm right beside nature's freeze would probably do that to most. Just out of reach on top of the sleeping bag were all of my clothes reminding me how naked I really was with Vitka. However, her fur provided a very cozy warmness that made me already feel dressed. I felt the arctic vixen stir next to me and I promptly pulled the cover back over my head. In the dim bed everything was warm and snug again as Vitka yawned before shuffling closer to me. Both blue eyes blinked open seeing me as a happy smile grew along her muzzle. She snuggled closer wrapping her soft snow white arms around my chest and brushed her whiskered muzzle under my chin.

"Morning," she said in her beautiful voice. The word morning had never expressed or meant so much to me in all of my life.

"Morning." I replied hugging her back with a kiss on her forehead, then muzzle. Vitka brought a hand up and pet over the side of my face staring deep into my eyes. Her warm pads were exceptionally soothing as they caressed my skin. Just as her thumb brushed over an eyelid, the vulpine's tongue darted out and licked over my lips making me giggle. We both let out a content sigh and silently enjoyed each other's company and warmth. She stretched her arms and accidentally pushed the top of the sleeping bag open allowing a gust of frigid air to enter. "Cold!" I gasped holding her close. My face inadvertently buried itself into her neck and shoulder.

"You're so dependent without your clothes." She smiled running her hand in a circle over my chest with that heated palm of hers. I sighed feeling the warm immediately return. "I like that. We can sleep closer." A pair of thin black lips kissed my cheek tenderly before a tongue lovingly flicked over my skin. I turned my head and rubbed noses with her earning a sweet giggle from the vulpine. "We need to start the day." Vitka spoke and I gave a nod of agreement. I wished waking up could last forever, but we did have to get up and leave the bed.

"Can you-"

"I'll fetch your clothes for you." Vitka slipped out, caressing my skin with her silky soft fur along the way, to retrieve my clothes. I had to wait for the frigid garments to warm up beside me before putting all of them on and finally leaving the safety of the bed. The cooler outside air didn't sting me as bad as the day before, especially with all the heat trapped within my clothes now. It was almost refreshing. Vitka brushed passed me now wearing a simple loincloth of sorts around her waist and the white vest like piece she fixed.

"I haven't slept that good in my life."

"Neither have I." She said with a heart melting smile. The arctic vixen walked around the small home organizing a few belongings that probably hadn't been touched in nearly a month. I couldn't help though but stare with a large grin seeing how well she walked without any help. "You're not still smiling about the last night are you?" Vitka asked seeing my jovial facial expression.

"I can't help but be happy seeing how well you're walking now."

"I have to thank you for that. There would have never been a recovery without you, but go look around the village if you want. I need to get my things back in order before I walk with you. If that's okay." I nodded and opened the door flap stepping out into the winter morning. The sun's golden rays made everything look like a moving picture that should've been taken. My breath fogged the air like steam. Was it really this cold last night while I was naked in a sleeping bag? I walked around seeing other foxes starting their day. Large fluffy bodies popping in and out of their small homes, a small fire or two with something fragrant cooking on it, and younger kits running around in the fresh snow all while barely wearing anything. There was so much to take in as I slowly strolled along. I paused and peered through an open teepee. A mother marble arctic vixen was laying down with her three young kits probably only three or four years old simply watching them sleep. One being cradled in her arm, while the other two were nestled against her front. She looked up and gave a smile before returning to watch them. I carefully sat down beside the mother and watched her kits as well. "They're beautiful." I watched as one yawned waking up.

"Thank you. They are the joys of my motherhood." She replied bringing the waking one to her breast to nurse. Nearly half of the little vulpine's muzzle disappeared into its mother's fur before I heard a quiet suckling noise begin. Two hands suddenly rested on my shoulders. I turned and looked up seeing Vitka bent down staring at me.

"Come on. Let Freyja nurse her young." She eased me to my feet. The mother chuckled and bid us farewell.

"She is practically stuck to them." I said as we walked over the lightly crunching snow.

"Being a mother is a large responsibility and a high honor, especially if you have more than one kit." She explained walking me around the village. The arctic foxes' home was fascinating itself, situated where the trees thinned out just enough to scatter some teepees around the area.

"It's a very beautiful morning." I looked over seeing the snow almost sparkle where the sunlight was reflected from it.

"It is a beautiful place, but you should see everything when spring and summer arrive. Lots of green with flowers in bloom instead of white." It was tough to imagine summer while wearing a thick winter outfit.

"Won't you be seen easier with a large white coat of fur?"

"We have a new spring coat by then, and besides, the forest provides many placed to hide and move around." With a dense forest it was clever to remain hidden when an occasional hunter dared to look around the normally empty small fields. "Are you hungry Neil?" She motioned me over to a small circle of foxes. Most of them were males sitting around a small fire pit with the exception of a mother vixen nursing her kit. The group made room and offered as much as we could drink from the pot over the small fire.

"Is he feeling much better after a long comfy slumber?" One asked as I sat down comfortably beside Vitka.

"Can he sleep with all those things on him?"

"Or does he prefer the finest fur from the snow?" The mother added with a glowing grin making Vitka's ears pin back.

"Please let me eat first, then I can answer all of your questions." I said as the group chuckled. Vitka ladled a good amount for me into a separate bowl.

"It is a morning meal soup." She explained handing me a small bowl filled with the mostly watery textured liquid. Since there were no utensils, everyone would bring the bowl to their lips and drink directly from it. I brought the steaming liquid to my lips and drank some as everyone peered close.

"Do you like it?" One asked licking their lips clean.

"It tastes great!" I admitted and they all beamed a proud smile in response. "But why are you guys so curious about my sleep?" Their proud smiles turned into smirks as they pointed to their ears. 'They can hear everything.' I realized with a jolt. I looked over to Vitka who was probably blushing underneath all that fur.

I stayed with the tribe for a couple of days before the urge of returning home finally egged me back. Believe me, bills and boredom of loneliness wasn't something I wanted to return to, but the tribe didn't own their own land legally, I did. So the best thing to do was hold down the fort at home to ensure they had a future as well as myself. It made me proud on the inside that I had helped them so much without even realizing it, and Aithu gladly expressed the tribe's gratitude on his behalf. The sad crunching of snow ensued as my house came within sight. I looked back only to see that the group and Vitka had already disappeared back into the snowy wilderness. It hurt really bad to be leaving someone I had come to love so dearly over the past month, but I couldn't keep her huddled away from her people and family now could I? I walked back into my silent house still wondering if I should've stayed longer with the group of arctic foxes. Aithu did say I could visit any time I wanted though, and I allowed him and the entire Yosegai to visit me any time as well. It did give me a hopeful feeling about seeing Vitka sooner then later. Peeling off the heavy duty clothes, I took a deep breath of her strong scent infused with the fabric.

My heart longed for her to be with me once more. I checked the living room only to give a hollow sigh. The couch, once the bed of the chieftain's daughter, now looked bare and silent like the rest of my house. I lifted the couch cushions almost expecting a farewell gift only to find strands of fur clinging to it instead. It was almost eerie how quiet it was as I walked to my bedroom. The hall wasn't reverberating the sounds of her vulpine yips when she first tried walking by herself. Upon reaching the door to my room I paused. It would be empty and lonely like it always had been before I found Vitka. No special someone to be with.

"Hello." A honey sweet voice greeted me after I stepped into my bedroom. I froze. There, situated on top of the covers, now reclined nudely looking at me with a blue eyed grin was... Vitka! My jaw fell open, unhinged, until I could think of a few words.

"What are you doing here?! You turned around with the others!" The vulpine lazily stood up as if she owned the place, and she practically did the way I had waited hand and foot on her. Vitka sashayed over to me flicking her tail side to side and brought her hands around my back in a close warm furry hug. I happily returned the embrace around the small of her back and we shared a short kiss. Her lips were as warm as ever, heating my blood from head to toe. "How?... Uh, are you visiting so soon?" I asked when our mouths parted watching the smile of those black lips spread revealing pearly white teeth. Her paw like hand traced a clawed circle over my chest coyly before resting her whole palm on top of my heart.

"I will always stay with you, my mate. My love from the snow."