Fighting Nihilism: Ch.I - Crossing the border

Story by LanceTails on SoFurry

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Lance shrugged. Did it matter anyways? Did anything matter?

He shivered, shoving that question away once again.

The first wave of nihilism had hit him hard; but by the time, he had learned to live with it, cope with it, ignore it. What else could he do than not caring about not caring about anything?

He closed his eyes, plugging in some earphones.

Breathe in, breathe out. Find a rhythm. Keep it up, whether there is motivation or not.

As he opened his dark brown eyes, the muscles in his thighs flexed and he jumped forward.

Smack. Two meters fall were transmitted into his bones; pain rushed through his brain, but he did not care.

He did not care as he started running, his head aching with pain. He pushed himself forward, clenching his teeth, a grim expression dominating his face. He did not even hear the instruments. He was just buried under an avalanche of pain, but that avalanche kept rolling, kept him rolling.

He did not care as he nearly hit a tree. He never actually ran into one; even though his mind did not have a concrete destination, his micro navigation still prevented him from running into obstacles.

He did not care as the woods his escape had started in ended; he just wanted to be away, wherever that might be, so he ran into that one direction, straight down the range land.

Sweat covered his dark orange striped fur; he did not have the time to go for the run a lot in these times, but his shape still allowed him to keep up the speed over quite a long time.

His eyes started capturing the scenery. The sun had already set under the horizon; but there still was enough light for him to run. The fields under his feet consisted of dry, long grass; autumn was close and the grass nearly pricked his feet. Some horses were on his left side, busily doing horse stuff, so he did not mind. On his right were some buildings; a large shed and some additional buildings, but as soon as his brain had recognized them, they already started shrinking.

He sighed. "That's how life is... stuff appears, stuff disappears... and so do we... and who cares? Nobody does. Yay."

His gaze slipped over the edge of the woods he was heading into. The sun behind them had set the clouds into a beautiful orange and gave the forest shades that made it hard to realize single trees; soon he'd vanish inside and just become one of them. He smirked. One of the trees... like Fluttershy.

Upping the pace a little bit, he jumped over a rill and entered the forest.

The air quickly became colder and his breath visible; he shivered slightly, clearly not liking the feeling of being too visible. Not that he did not like to be found by someone... but it did not have to be today. He just wasn't in a talkative mood.

Suddenly his ears heard a little cracking noise. He turned his head; right on time to see a gray shadow approaching on his left. He quickly crouched to the ground, avoiding being hit by it, but he felt razor sharp teeth slicing through his skin right at his shoulder blades. Pain was sent through his body, but he ignored it pretty well, getting up on his feet swiftly, aiming to bring a lot of distance between the creature and himself, but this plan was ruined as a blow against his back sent him tumbling to the ground. Lance flinched, pressing his paws against the ground to get up again, but heavy weight stopped him from doing so.

"I'd not try to run away. This is canine territory and there are many of my people around here to stop people from trespassing."

Lance groaned. "The old territory claim and defend game? Are you serious? I was just jogging my way through-" "Shut it", he was interrupted, "and listen. We are not playing games here and you wont be playing games with us. One more word and-" "One more word and what?"

Lance's mood had become defiant. Those idiots might have fallen into their own word of anarchy; but his country still was a democracy and they couldn't just kill him for trespassing some territory that didn't even exist.

"Your decision. So... have you noticed that you didn't even see my face and identify me?"

Lance swallowed. Point for him; the law sure wouldn't chase a gray shadow. But playing his defiant rile, he laughed silently. Playing a role completely had always been his pleasure; since he did not feel or care about anything it was even easier for him to do so.

"I understood, wolfy. So what's gonna happen next? Are you gonna cut me into cute little slices and send me back to my family?"

The creature behind him laughed.

"Playing tough, huh? Guessing I'm a wolf? Guessing I'd kill you? Well, you sure are a little extreme... I'd not kill you just for trespassing. All I want is to make sure that you'll never do it again... And for that, I shall just mark you!"

Lance screamed as he felt sharp pain running down his back. But he clenched his teeth , ignoring it as good as possible. Sarcastically, he shouted back between his teeth: "I'll never do it again! I promise!"

The second cut hurt more than the first one. Lance felt blood dripping from his back.

"Say that again", he heard from behind, "but this time, mean it!"

He felt the canine's claw press right between his shoulder blades.

"I'll never... never_ever_... fuck your sister again!"

The wolf growled. "Stop... joking!"

The next thing Lance felt was teeth cutting the skin around his neck. This pain was not new to him and he actually quite enjoyed it, so he dared another reply. "You are really enjoying this, huh? Using your teeth, getting personal? If you were searching for closeness, you could have just asked for it!"

Lance began enjoying this. This little play really meant something to him... in an odd way. Maybe he could-

Suddenly, he felt the fabric of his pants tear apart. He shivered and tried to turn around to put an end to this, since this was now to far for him, but he only felt the creatures muzzle fixing his head with a bite, whispering right into his ear.

"You're right, I'm enjoying this... but I will never ask, since the purpose of this is clearly not your enjoyment!"

Lance flinched. He wouldn't... no! He felt something hard press against his bare back; and this time he was sure it wasn't a claw. His voice dropped, being quiet and deep as usual.

"You're losing control..."

The wold laughed. "Oh no, I'm in control of myself, for sure... and now let's see how I control you!"

Lance felt something hit his head, the thing itself falling down on his side. He turned his head; it was a stick.

"I'd recommend you to take that, or you'll soon have more than one wolf on your back!"

He quickly bit into the stick. He liked the taste of wood; it gave him a little calmness. The wolf himself bit into Lance's neck. Lance felt the wolf's paws on his hips. He swallowed, knowing what would now happen.

He felt the wolf's tip rubbing between his butt cheeks. Lance sent a short prayer towards heaven, praying that the cock pressing against him wasn't as big as he imagined. His prayers were declined.

The wolf pushed his head into Lance's opening. Lance whimpered. The teeth dug deeper into his neck, he could barely hear the wolf moan around the meat in his mouth. Then he pushed deeper.

Lance's sphincter resisted him hardly; never having been taken before left him as tight as solid wood. Lance's screams were hushed by the stick his teeth were attached to; but they still made all birds in a radius of ten meters fly away. He felt the wolfs cock strike against his opening, and finally, he pushed in. A little moan escaped Lance's mouth, but the wolf didn't notice. Lance just waited for him to be finished pushing in.

But the wolf didn't stop, he pushed in centimeter after centimeter, plunging himself completely into the tiger. He stopped as his lap brushed against the furry back. "Well, that is one tight ass. I hope you don't mind me breaking it." He started pulling out.

Lance's fur erected around his neck; this feeling was more unpleasant than the wolf pushing- right as he thought this, the wolf pushed in again, ramming his cock against Lance's prostrate. Lance bit harder on his stick; the wolf wiggled around a little, sending Lance's body into shivers, and finally started thrusting hard and deep. With every thrust, Lance felt himself being torn apart a little more. The teeth digging into his neck deeply added to this feeling; he wished, the wolf had just killed him. But the wolf enjoyed himself quite good, grunting while burying himself deeply in the tiger's ass.

Precum leaked out of his tip, mixing with Lance's juices, and he sped up the pace, slamming against the tiger.

"Never" Slam. "Cross" Slam. "The Border" Slam. "Again!"

Lance just whimpered; he could already feel the wolf's knot forming inside of him and he was sure that he was not gonna tie with him.

The wolf tightened his grip around Lance's neck and put his paws onto his hips, violently pressing him against him, his cock hitting Lance's inner walls hard. He panted heavily and shook several times before unloading load after load of cum directly into Lance. Lance felt his stomach grow; the wolf shot and shot, waves of cum spurting inside Lance's ass.

The wolf's knot had formed completely by now and stretched his virgin ass way to far to be healthy; but the wolf violently pulled back, pressing his paws against Lance's back and finally pulling out, injuring his prey's entry badly and ripping it apart. At this point, Lance lost consciousness and fell into darkness.

~to be continued

This is my first story! Please give me feedback!