Izers Life 4: Army Slave Part 1
#4 of Izer's Life
Izer's is now part of the military, and it seems like he is doing well, but will this be enough to protect him?
(c) to me
This is 18+ Anyone under that age should get lost
Izer's Life: Army Slave Part 1
The Jeep ride was uncomfortable, and Izer kept getting his tail crushed by the seat he was sitting on. Pulling up to the Military base Izer was pushed out roughly landing face first in the mud. He groaned and got up scraping himself off before walking inside the military base's reception room interior was impressive, there was plenty of seating, and plants in every corner. One wall was cut away to make the receptionist who was wearing a formal military uniform. The wall to the left had a display cabinet which contained pictures of the top generals and their names, and allot of posters about wanting people to volunteer for the armed forces. There were some trophy's in a cabinet close to the door showing off the fact that this particular training base was one of, if not the best in the forces. Izer walked up to the counter slowly trying not to drip mud on the clean, polished floor.
"E...excuse me" he said a little fearful
"Hello, may i help you?" She answered looking up at him
"Y..Yes ma'am" he Answered sharply "I'm Izer, i was recently purchased to work for the military"
"Ah another slave" she said standing up and straightened her top "And just what state do you call this?" he jumped as she gestured to him, his belly swiftly going to blue
"I...I'm sorry Ma'am I.."
"Arriving covered in mud! Dripping it everywhere!" She gestured to him and then walked around the desk to be in front of him "How Disgraceful! You Pathetic slave!" He whimpered loudly but didn't move as she approached. She held a ruler in her hand, and raised it to strike him as punishment only to have her arm grabbed.
"Corporal!" A Deep male voice said from behind her "What is the meaning of this ruckus?"
"G...General? Sir!" He quickly saluted and stepped to face him "I was about to punish this slave for his disgraceful appearance"
"Really now...?" he trailed off looking to Izer "Whats your name?"
"I...Izer Sir" Izer jumped a little when he asked
"Let me guess, your driver was a Sargent Leroy?" He asked now walking round him like he was inspecting a piece of meat
"Y...Yes sir"
"He pushed you out of the Jeep didn't he?" Izer whimpered softly fearing punishment if he didn't tell or if he did
"Y...Yes sir" Izer admitted lowering his head
"And these marks" The general cleared away some mud from Izer's side making him flinch "Did he hit you with anything, and if so what did it do?"
"Yes sir... he pushed something against my side there... it was so painful, like everything was on fire... i couldn't move and then i collapsed and still couldn't move"
"I thought as much" The general gave a smile to Izer then turned to look at the Receptionist "Given that information what would your assumption be?"
"Standard hand Taser Sir" she said sharply and informatively
"Correct, Altho it is not standard procedure to carry one off base, and definitely not when bringing in new recruits" He said with a smile "Also, this is the ninth time a slave has arrived in this fashion. Inform Leroy that i intend to file disciplinary charges"
"Yes sir" she said saluting
"Now you will Have Izer here escorted to the medical bay for treatment before he commences training" She saluted again and the general clamped a hand on Izer's shoulder "You may be a slave young man, But we still have regulations and procedures that should prevent this from happening again" he smiled to Izer, getting a smile in return before he walked off.
Basic training had been brutal, but Izer had passed so far with flying colours, along with the rest of the people in his unit. He was the youngest and the only slave of the group so the others, ranging between nineteen to twenty five, watched out for him making sure he kept up. The two years flew past, and they all got closer as friends. He was the only Seahorse Lizard in the whole group, the rest being female humans. They apparently placed them together because Izer wouldn't try to fuck them, and the simple fact that female humans carried the baby's as did . He usually didn't shower with them, usually embarrassed to show off his body to them.
"No Objections today" Tanya, the leader of the group said firmly "They said we only have a little while to shower, so you haft to shower with us today" Tanya wasn't exceptionally tall, but she carried herself with authority, she had black hair in a pony tail, deep green eyes and several tattoos from before she joined the forces.
"But Tanya" Izer groaned "You know i don't like to shower with you guys"
"Well its time to get over that" Jess one of the other girls said "I, and the other girls don't want to miss out on dinner just because you were embarrassed" Jess was tall skinny, blond and fair skinned. It surprised Izer that she had joined, or even lasted this long.
"C'mon Short Stuff Time to put a shine in those scales!" Lisa said loudly and picked him up, throwing him over her shoulder. Lisa was the tallest of the group with sun bleached hair, amber eyes and built like 'a brick shit house' according to the others. They had told her this to her face and she now openly accepted the nickname of 'Brick-shit'. She was kind and gentle but exceptionally strong, something she forgot from time to time which got her into trouble. The others laughed as she carried him, kicking and struggling into the shower room.
"Think fast!" She said "clothes on or off?"
"Off!" He called and she placed him down. He was set upon by the whole group of them who stripped him off while he struggled to break free. When he did finally break free, they had allowed him to and had aimed him into the showers now nude.
"You don't have anything that we haven't seen before" Tanya said stripping herself
"Yeah but..." he started and was swiftly tackled by Jess who had stripped off while they were stripping him. She rolled with him into the wall making a few things fall off of the shelves.
"What was that for?" He asked irritably
"Time to shower women!" Tanya called loudly as she and the others walked in.
The shower was uncomfortable for Izer , he didn't like showering with them, part of him still recognized that they were females, and that thought attracted him even if only slightly. Jayne, one of the other girls, assisted him with washing, scrubbing his back for him while he did his front. She grabbed his tail and scrubbed firmly with the brush getting all of the loose scales off to expose the shiny new ones. The girls chatted amongst themselves, Trying to include Izer when possible. He paid attention, but only spoke when he was offered a question. He finished his shower before they did, but instead of leaving the room he moved to the dry area and dried off then grabbed his polishing towel, using it to buff his scales to a high sheen. The girls watched as they talked, giggling every so often when he worked on the scales close to his crotch.
They put on their dress uniforms, Izer's being virtually identical to the normal except his cadet insignia had the slave mark on it that matched the brand on his shoulder, and a badge on his chest of the same thing. He didn't have boots, finding them too uncomfortable, he instead wore leather ankle cuffs which he had to buff and polish like the girls had to with their shoes. Instead of wearing trousers that would go down to his toes, he wore a pair of three quarter dress shorts that went to his knees. He stood up and straightened himself out, looking in the mirror to make sure it was all correctly placed. He joined the others once they had finished and they walked together as a unit, altho not in formation, to the mess hall for dinner.
"Ladies first" Izer said opening the door and holding it, the others laughed and walked through. He smiled and went to walk in but was quickly shoved and tumbled to the floor.
"Out of the way Slave trash" a large muscled man said shoving him with his leg
"OI!" Tanya called turning to face him "That's enough!"
"Its only a slave, It shouldn't get in the way of a freeman!" The male responded rudely "Just because he is in the armed forces doesn't mean i need to treat him like hes one of us!"
"How Dare You!" Tanya responded loudly walking over to look him in the eye
"ENOUGH" the yell was sudden and terrifying, their Commanding officer, Captain Kendo walked over and Izer scurried to his feet to salute. The man was tall and was referred to as the 'Lion of Basic' for his facial hair and personality altho he was nice to Izer and the female cadets.
"Sir!" They all said salting to him, Izer was smacked in the face hard by the male who had shoved him earlier causing Izer's nose to start bleeding from the force.
"I Said Enough Cadet!" The captain boomed stepping to be face to face with him "He may be a slave, But he is a member of these armed forces and you WILL treat him with respect!"
"But Sir" He started.
"If he is to be punished for anything it will be by a Superior OFFICER! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?" it sounded like he had roared the last line making them all cringe a little.
"SIR Yes Sir" came the response altho angrily.
"Good, Consider yourself on report! If i hear ANY word of you touching a slave on this base again, ill make YOU one!" The captain turned to walk off, handing Izer a handkerchief after seeing blood start to drip from his muzzle, thankfully not onto his uniform "Clean yourself up Cadet, your platoon is Serving in the officers mess in ten"
"Yes sir, Thank you sir" Izer responded "Ill get this back to you once it has been laundered" he pressed the cloth to his nose and the captain nodded before walking to the officers mess.
"Are you ok?" Lisa asked as Izer and Tanya walked up
"Yeah I'm ok" he reported "Just a little shook up, i thought i was past all of this sort of crap"
"You'll be fine" Jess said reassuringly as they now continued walking to the officers mess. They saluted the Senior officers as they walked in, the generals were there, and quite a few others, it was going to be a long busy dinner. They walked through to the galley and Izer finished mopping his face and grabbed a plate of hors d'oeuvres. He held them carefully aloft and walked out to the main room where the heads were all talking to each other. Tanya followed close behind carrying tray of champagne in flute glasses.
"Cadet Izer, What happened to you?" General Aiden Smith, the general he first ever encountered and who preferred to use his last name, asked gently grabbing his face to look at him. Izers eyes darted to look at Tanya who looked back shaking her head slowly.
"Cadet?" Magor Andrew, a military tactics expert asked and Captain Kendo walked over.
"Sorry sir, he was roughed up by one of the other Cadets, Said cadet has now been reprimanded"
"Good, I'm sick of seeing reports of the Slaves being mistreated" General Leroy said taking a vol-Au-vent from Izer's tray. Kendo went to take one, but feigned indecision, using it as a way to keep Izer around, and the subject on him and slavery.
"Why don't we change some of the rules and policies then?" Kendo Said "even if its just the wording, the rule about punishment needs some correcting if you ask me"
"How do you mean?" Major Andrew asked grabbing a canape from Izer's Trey
"Izer, what is the current Regulation on Slave punishment within the military?" Kendo asked with a smile drawing all attention to the cadet.
"Regulation S-Nineteen, All slave punishments are only to be carried out by their superiors, Sir" He recited the regulation almost as if he had written it himself and Kendo smiled.
"Good Boy!" He said like he was talking to a pet dog making the others laugh and then pushed a Salmon and prawn canape into Izer's maw "Here's a treat!"
"I don't see how that needs be re-worded" General Smith said still chuckling as he watched Izer try to chew discreetly on the mouthful he had just been given "Chew and swallow Cadet"
"The problem is that all the instances i have ever encountered when it comes to the mistreatment of a slave in the armed forces, is because the one who does it,thinks that they have a right because THEY are superior to a slave" Kendo reported a little irritably "I've even seen a Cadet beat a sergeant because he thought he was the superior, just for the reason that they are a freeman, not a slave so they thought they could get away with it"
"Hmm, i see what you mean" Captain Mix, another training instructor said eves dropping in the conversation. Mix was an interesting one, and everyone enjoyed having lessons with him. He usually insisted that they called him 'Mixxy' and he tried to live up to his name, and often threw in curve ball questions and challenges just to 'Mix' it all up, he was a Seahorse Lizard, and had been lucky enough to avoid being turned into a slave.
"Maybe if we just had the word 'officer' added after the 'superior' part it would clear some of it up" Leroy said grabbing a glass from Tanya as she walked up.
"If i may sir" Izer pipped up drawing their attention
"Yes go ahead" Leroy said being the highest ranking officer
"May i also recommend the addition of regulations against mistreatment of slaves sexually sir" He said trying not to cower away from the steely gaze of all of those around him.
"How so?" Mix asked looking a tad confused
"I get allot of... looks, and glances when I'm in the mess tent or just out on the field training. I also hear allot of people who whisper about wanting to...Use me Sir"
"I Know what you mean" Mix said "I get the same treatment occasionally, If you ever think you need to, you can come seek me out, even if I'm in a Training session"
"Ill Get the regulation added" Leroy announced "From Now on, any sexual actions taken against a slave without their consent is punishable by Immediate dishonorable Discharge"
"That's a Steep punishment" Kendo said "BUT it sounds fair to me, id rather not serve with anyone who would sexually abuse someone like Cutey here" he poked Izer's nose and he meeped. If he could he would have blushed, the rest all laughed.
The rest of the night went well from then on. Izer and the other girls served dinner a few minutes latter, and then went out to have their own once the had served the deserts.
"You all terrifically did well" Tanya said sitting next to Izer "Especially you Izer"
"Thanks" he said with a smile and a a mouthful of his dinner
"I didn't know you knew the regulations on slaves that well" Jess said looking at him from across the table
"I decided to memories them" Izer admitted "i thought that they may save me at some point in the future"
"I didn't know you were getting looks or getting comments like that tho" Tanya admitted "Next time you hear something like that tell me who it was and well have Lisa beat them up"
"Hoorah!" Lisa called fist pumping the air and they all chuckled.
The weekend coming was their final exercise before graduation. It was a Live fire exercise with another platoon. They were fighting against targets not people, and had to rescue a hostage that was held within a bunker about two kilometers away from the starting position.
"How do you think they will do? Think they will make it?" General Leroy asked sitting down with captain Kendo, and Majors Mix and Andrew as the judging panel
"Not a chance" Andrew said with a smile "They wont make it"
"No one ever has" Mix said with a chuckle "we designed it to be virtually unbeatable"
"Who want to make Bets?" Kendo asked with a smile "Twenty to one that they make it"
"Five to one they don't" Mix said chuckling again and Kendo nodded "Alright Your on!"
"Remember your training" Tanya said "and we may just make it through this!"
"And when your training fails you, be creative, and if that fails, be reckless" Lisa said with a smile and a chuckle.
"Lets do this!" Tanya yelled and they all filed into formation. Izer was at the front, the sad thing about slaves was that they are cannon fodder, to protect those who come after them. More often than not they end up being more effective than usual troops as they will do almost anything to keep themselves and their colleagues safe. They moved carefully deactivating traps as they went, knowing that the platoon that was supposed to join them wouldn't be too far away. They were supposed to meet up before heading to the stronghold but for some odd reason they never showed up even after thirty minutes.
"Ok Ladies Lets move on" Tanya said directing them to the left side of the stronghold. They almost got all the way before they were spotted by one of the target drones who started shooting tagging rounds. Specially made paint rounds that act like normal bullets.
"Can anyone get a beat on that target?" Tanya called and they all looked carefully around their covers to see it was quickly getting company. Izer didn't know what he was doing till he was doing it. He ran at them, gun drawn and trigger pulled, and he soon had fired half a clip and taken out twelve target dummy's. He pressed his back against the wall of the concrete structure panting and saw the awestruck looks from the girls.
"Well that was unexpected" General Leon said sipping his coffee
"Where Is the other platoon?" Mix asked confused and looking at the field
"Not sure" Andrew admitted "They should be there somewhere, they were supposed to meet up, this will make things tricky for the girls"
"They will manage" Kendo said with a grin "They have Izer with them after all"
"True, but i didn't think that that little lizard would be capable of something like that" Andrew said and Mix chuckled
"You've never read the records then have you?" Mix said with a smile "Izer has most likely made a bond with the girls, and when seahorse lizards make a bond we will do almost astounding feats of super human like strength to protect them"
"Almost all of our base records were set by seahorse Lizards" Leon said with a smile "in fact, the first group of people to ever complete this Test had a seahorse Lizard with them"
"Yes" Mix said grabbing his mug of coffee "I still cant remember everything i did"
They slowly walked up the side of the building towards the door. Izer had a quick look to count numbers.
"Ten in total, two hostages" he said to Tanya who nodded
"Ready?" She asked and they nodded
"Ready" They all responded
"GO!" As she said this Izer was already moving, almost by instinct gun drawn. The girls rushed to keep up with him. He took out five before the target drones had ducked which were Quickly picked off by the others.
"Grab the hostages" Tanya said "Izer protect them at all costs, this isn't over yet" Izer nodded and they slowly moved out of the building and headed towards the treeline. Picking off target drones as they went.
"THATS far enough" A male voice boomed and they stopped well within the tree line.
"Who.." Tanya started before the Male platoon leader walked out from behind cover
"Well take them now" he said demanding "We Cant have a bunch of girls show up Men now can we?"
"How dare you!" Lisa called getting ready to slap him, she gasped as one of them pointed a gun at her.
"Silence woman" Izer recognized this one, It was the Cadet from several days earlier. He was pointing his gun at them and Izer whimpered softly.
"Tanya, i recognize that gun" he said fearfully "That's a BL Seven-Seven-three"
"A blade launcher?" She grumbled "Those are illegal!"
"And what are you going to do about it?" He asked with a grin
"He wont Fire"Jess said "if they killed us, they wouldn't get away with it, Lets go" she started walking pulling the two Hostage drones with her.
"STOP" he called pointing his gun at her but she didn't "I SAID STOP!" He pulled the trigger, and before Izer knew it, he had jumped and pushed Jess and the two Drones to the floor.
He groaned a little face down on the floor, having felt a sharp pain on his arms and across his belly, that was gone now replaced by a warm wet throb. Tanya, Lisa and the other girls gave loud screams and he shifted to look to see if Jess of the Drones had been injured.
"MEDIC!" Tanya Screamed grabbing her radio "Emergency! Man DOWN! I repeat MAN DOWN, request emergency evac and medical assistance! Terminate Scenario! Repeat Terminate Scenario!" Leroy couldn't believe what he was hearing from the radio, and Izer, still couldn't understand what was wrong. He groaned softly and was then rolled over by Jess who placed cloths against his belly and pressed firmly. That's when he saw the blood everywhere and a few feet away was...
"A...are those my...My arms!?" He cried seeing the two appendages, from just above his elbows laying on the ground not far away.
"Evac and Medical personnel are on the way, Squad Leader Tanya Please explain the situation" Kendo said through the Radio.