What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Thirteen.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Thirteen By Roofles

Rising Moon...

A howl broke through the night and on all fours a beast lunged from building to building, tearing up roof tiles and breaking ventalition shafts with it's massive body that hurtled onwards, faster than seemingly possible for a creature it size could. And all the while the full moon was looming over head, behind this wolf sized bear illuminating his path towards where he knew he should've gone that night. The school.

It had been too easy. Far too easy but Kenny hadn't complain or even thought on the matter. Letting the bestrail blood carry him on that mindless instinct not questioning or argueing with it. It always got the job done. It was the only way they could be together. It was that simple. If only as friends. Just so long as he could be around him. That was all he asked. At first...

The moon rose and his beast blood boiled in his veins hungering for so much more these days. It clouded his thoughts letting only that mindless drive... take over. Just sitting in that passenger seat while it took the wheel. So much like a wild animal. So easy to just give in and let it drive, to just sit by as a passenger..helpless as it did what it had to do. But that only worked when he was alone. Or with them. That old pack of his.

Those who had taken him in during his change, had said so many kind words and done so many things for him. All so that Kenny would feel like one of them. Like family. A family he never really had... It soon became clear just how wrong he was on that matter. To use him for what he was and take advantage of that. And at that time he was content to deal with it, put up with it. Because he thought they were the only ones that'd understand. The only ones he had. That's what he wanted to believe then. Kenny knew better now how wrong that was. How stupid he was.

Yet to be lured out so easily this night when he knew things were bound to happen, was stupid. Stupid! And his damn fault for giving in and letting it drive. It's so very easy to trick an animal when food is dangled in front of it's snout... And he fell right for it. There was a foul taste in his mouth the whole time he had been running up to that old steel mill overlooking the town. Knowing he'd find countless inside.

He could smell so many within those steel doors. The foundations alone of this human construct were weak and even as he was knocking it down he knew it was a trap. It was too easy. No resistance and those inside seemed to be wanting out just as much as he wanted in. It all tumbled, crumbling to the ground and by then it hit him. That this was all just a lure to get him away from the one thing he had been trying to protect this whole time. And he knew just who was responsible for it. Those he had tried to get away from, seemingly, ages ago. His old pack...

Across town in the school's basement Marco found himself tossed, hard, onto the concrete floor. Hands tied behind his back, a black mask over his head he hit the ground hard. "Son of a-," Marco cursed getting up onto his knees before getting kicked down again. "Really?" He turned towards the young Freshman who had done the deed. "Alex, stop that you annoying little shit."

He got another hard kicked from behind in retort. Marco growled yet his voice was but a whisper in the small room he found himself in. There was another sound. A low, deep rumbling now imiting from in front of him. A sound like a car engine. He couldn't pin point the noise it sounded as if the whole wall in front of him was protruding that freighting sound that chilled his blood and formed goosebumps on his body. And soon after a voice followed.

"Please, don't be rude to our guest." The voice was just as deep as that growl was that had stopped abruptly. It was even, controlled yet flat of any real emotion. Marco was sure there was a chuckle afterwards but it was one of those things that didn't need to be said.

Those behind him took a step back away from that voice and quickly excused themselves, making sure to ask if it was indeed ok to leave.

"You have a warm welcome to give to our new friend's... pet." And that time Marco was sure he heard the laugh as the door shut behind him.

Unsure what else to do Marco just lay there suckling on the cut on the corner of his lip. He couldn't think of anything to do in this situation, for what was there to do? So he just laid there with closed eyes. Hoping this would end.

And then, in the first time since he could remember, he prayed. Not a whisper left his lips as he pleaded, begged for something. Anything at this point. Marco wasn't sure if he was asking for help or forgiveness. And with it fresh tears began to run down his face. Not in freight but something else.

Even as the hood was pulled from his face Marco didn't acknowledge the man now walking back towards the desk.

Pouring a glass of wine for himself, Jefferson swirled it around to air it out before taking a sip. "It's been some time." He didn't wait for a reply as Marco finally opened his eyes to glare up at him, bruised face with an already forming black eye. "Skipping school IS frowned on." Jefferson said taking a seat behind the desk.

They were in the old Councillor office in the dead center of schools. The floor was carpeted, bookshelves lined the dimly lit room and large blood orange drapes hung around the picture frames as if in memorial of something. Taking up the main part of the room was the desk, an equally large chair behind it and twin chairs in front of it. A couch was pushed into the corner with a large chair beside it. Leaving the already little room that much smaller as the man crawled to a standing position wiping the drying blood from his cheek.

"Well yeah, it happens." Marco said as he had so many times before in this office. So many times before the man across that expansion of a desk would console and comfort him. And now? Only a mocking humor of a smile crossed his face. His hair was neatly done and even the dagger pointed goatee on his chin was trimmed to perfection. Marco hated it.

Marco didn't take a seat even when it was offered to him and this got another chuckle from the man.

"Until the end you always fought against any kind of order given to you. You'd go out of your way to do the opposite!" Another chuckle from the man. "You really are a cat in the end."

Marco just remained silent.

"Far better than an obedient, docile pup that follows orders without even the slightest thought or disagreement. Someone that I do not need in my happy family." Jefferson swirled the wine around some more looking at the dim, maroon liquid with an almost hunger in those eyes that glowed with a dim orange light.

"And I take it." Marco just continued to frown at him. "No isn't an option here?"

"Marco, Marco, Marco." Jefferson shook his head. "You don't mind if I call you Marco do you?" He smiled as he stood up opening his arms. "This is a gift! The greatest of gifts. Immortality, strength and recovery that a normal meat would never be capable of."

"And all it cost is my humanity." Marco spat, literally back.

Jefferson went on as he collected the papers on his desk, put them in a brown folder and slid it over to him. The file itself was over flowing and Marco could see his full legal name on the end of it. "I've been watching you for quiet some time." The other man went on brushing his black hair back out of his face.

"You see," Jefferson turned to his side. "It was my idea to take control of the school. So many of you...rebels are walking around in these halls. Such perfect game." He chuckled darkly and the light above seemed to dim and those dark orange eyes were visible in the shadow cast over his face. "To mold into our perfect family. So easy to blame the parents, your friends, even the teachers!" He laughed. "And all the while, unwittingly so. You begin to rely on and trust, me."

"Unfortunately." Jefferson continued turning towards him with a frown. "There was a slight...obstacle in the way. Two in fact! Thankfully one took care of the other." He took a seat once more. "The previous Alpha was an imbecile! He let his hunger control him. So it was easy enough really." He looked up and a smile tugged at his face baring his fangs at the boy. "To get him to try and attack you.

"It would've been best if you had been bitten. Then you could replace the Alpha, well as much as the Student President of a school had power that is. I would still be the real power, just as I have been. Your mongrel," he growled glaring at him before looking towards the other side smoothing his goatee out in thought. "Got in the way. He was a problem from the start. And I thought I had dealt with it too. Apparently this...infection needs to be ripped out rather than treated."

Jefferson drummed his fingers on the desk, his claws already leaving small holes in it. "I was hoping to get another strain in my new pride." The wrinkles on his brow furrowed as he frowned. "Well that's ok." He shrugged with a laugh.

The older man moved just enough to press the intercom button. "Samuel. Could you meet me in the rec room, please." He let go and only then did he really seem to notice Marco still in the room. "I'll just have to kill two birds with one stone. And this time." He pressed his hands against the desk and pushed himself up. "It. Will. Work."

"What will?" Marco asked not wrapping his mind around it. Not wanting too.

"Currently things have been going...not well." Jefferson moved around the desk and his face softened as he put a hand on the younger man's shoulder, turning him around roughly and guiding him towards the door. "There have been many random factors. Cats have a tendency to...not follow direction well. Be more independent than others. I've had to cut several loose ends from my family. And it was so easy to get your little pet to do the dirty work for me. He's always been so good at following simple directions."

That was when Marco stopped. "Kenny was apart of your group? Your sick little...family?" Marco spat once more if only the words. He moved away from Jefferson to look at him, the older man did little to stop him finding the act more amusing than anything else. "You sick son of bitches! What the fuck did you guys do to him?"

Jefferson raised an eyebrow. "We had many non felines in our little pack in the beginning, before even I joined." He said the word with contempt referring to their group as a pack, as if they were a stray group of feral dogs. "The Alpha excepted anyone that was...gifted as we were. Be it a mongrel or other. While I am trying to keep it pure, there was a time when it wasn't. It took great effort to get rid of the others. Much work. And he was a good tool to use to do so."

It was as Jefferson was talking, looking off as he seemed to remember each incident with a sick enjoyment that Marco saw it. An opening as he was reflecting, lost in his own thoughts. Marco moved back, slowly in half inch steps until he was able to grasp the door knob and even before the man in front of him could react Marco was gone, down the hall in a full sprint. He didn't even have the time to shut the door as he took off.

It was as he turned, skidding on the floor of the hallway that the intercom above turned on. "I'll give you the count of Ten. Do find a good hiding place. Ten..." And with that there was a count down.

"Nine." Mark reached the end of the hallway. "Eight." He grabbed the door and shook it, trying to open it up to the outside world. Locked, bolted shut almost liked the bar windows high above. "Seven."'

Marco just bolted from where he stood. No time to stop, to think. Just to act. "Six." He reached the stairway, taking two steps at a time. The halls were empty, dark and silent aside from his loud footsteps. "Five. Four..."

Marco nearly fell over as he ground himself to a halt in front of his locker. Spinning the dial several times, messing up the first he pulled it open and in turn opened his backpack. "Two." And out of it he pulled a crowbar.

"And one." And the intercom above turned off and that was when the silence really seemed to set in. Fall abound him like a heavy weight as he truly realized just how alone he was.

Heart pounding, Marco swallowed loudly turning from side to side to make sure the dark hallway (aside from the moon pouring through the barred windows) were empty. His chest lifted and fell with his heavy, rapid breath as he moved quickly down the hall. Far more silently, he waited next to a janitorial closet. Making sure the coast was clear once more Marco opened and closed the upstairs gym door, closing it as silently as he could unaware of the orange eyes watching him from the stairwell.

Sneaking across the room he fought the with old rusted lock that lead into the storage closet. Using the crowbar to try and pry the lock off.

There was a heavy yet silent footsteps behind him as Marco fought with the door, planning on using the air duct inside to get to the roof and then out. He had done it before during a gym test he rather not take.

It was only until there was a heavy breath on the back of his neck before Marco realized he wasn't alone. Closing his eyes he was about to turn, swinging widely but the next second the door screeched as it opened for him.

Marco looked into the large shirtless chest of Samuel. "What are you waiting for?" He snarled looking back and over his shoulder. "Do or die, meat." Samuel growled moving past him and inside, waiting just long enough for Marco to follow before shutting the door.

Shoving everything he could possibly move in front of it, Samuel blocked the door growling the whole time. He turned around. "Idiot!" He nearly shouted at him but caught himself in time. "You're a fuckin' idiot!" He repeated wanting to just smack the man upside the head.

There was a loud snarl from the man as he turned and nearly punched a basket ball metal cage. His fist stopped nearly an inch away. He huffed, fumed before relaxing, rolling a shoulder. "You. Shouldn't be here." He said turning to look at Marco. "Where's your pet?"

"Out." Marco just replied flatly. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or not to see the man. If this was just out of the frying pan and into the fire or what.

"Damn." Samuel bit his thumb thinking something over before turning towards him. "Why the fuck are we in here?"

"There's an air duct system in the corner we can use to get to the roof." Marco pointed towards it but didn't move, waiting for the Samuel to either tell him it was ok or to rip his throat out.

"Right, right." The other man just nodded. "What the fuck ya' waitin' for?" He snarled moving towards the location, Marco followed.

Even before the air duct was in site there was a bang on the door and the two froze. Chills crept up Marco's legs like spiders, every hair on the back of his neck was on end.

There was another bang against the door, denting it.

Silence fell in the room. And then there were three knocks on the door.

Marco moved past Samuel not giving a shit if he had a problem with it anymore and began moving school equipment out of the way to reach the ventilation shaft.

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit." Marco cursed as he saw the metal crate bolted over the opening. "When did they..." He shook his head not about to fuss over the matter and began trying to pry it open with the crowbar. "Samuel, a hand please?" He asked looking behind him only now noticing the other man had vanished. "Well shit my bricks..." He muttered working at double speed as there was another loud bang on the door.

Marco only managed to get the first bolt pried open as there was another loud bang and with it the door popped off its hinges, still attached and only slightly ajar. There was a growl from the other side as a muzzle pushed at that opening. "Marco..."

The sound echoed around in the silent room.

"This is where you say Polo." That voice spoke again and then a low, growling laugh followed.

Marco rushed, ending up cutting his palm on the corner of the crate. Blood dripped down his arm. Cursing once more he pulled his shirt off to wipe and stop the blood, and as he did there was another loud bang against the door and then true silence fell.

His breaths were heavy as he turned around only able to see the corner of the doorway. A mess of weights lifting, school equipment, gym supplies and other things were pushed into this room for storage. It allowed Marco a chance to hide as he ended up dropping the crowbar in his haste. Marco left it as he made his way crouched down and nearly on all fours trying to find wherever he could to hide.

The scent in the air was strong and the smell of blood was almost intoxicating as the beast prowled through the room. Lurking amongst the wreckage of the doorway the large striped cat moved towards the sound of the dropping crowbar. Turning the corner just in time to see it stop moving from where it had fallen.

"Trapped." Jefferson said the word aloud though his voice was deep and inhuman now. "Like a rat."

An orange paw reached out to touch the metal crowbar, dragging a finger across its length and to the drop of blood on the floor. A shivery jolt coarse through it's system as its finger touched that spot on the ground. As if it were burning hot, the paw pulled back. Those deep orange eyes dilated at the site, the smell and the feel and a hunger began to grow, eat away and gnaw at its very core.

Claws dug at the floor as it moved once more far faster than it hand been with lumbering steps as its muscles flexed and jaw clenched, a heavy breath snorting from the end of its snort as with a blood lust it moved.

It was only an inch but Marco's bloody shirt could be seen behind a stack of mats that had been pushed into a corner. The mats were moved just enough for something to be able to fit behind it and the Tiger grinned as it moved closer to that spot. Trying to contain the laugh inside as a drooling tongue licked over the side its maw. Reaching a paw out it quickly snatched the shirt, pulling it easily free. All that was there was a blood stain shirt.

With a grunting push Marco shoved with all his might against the weight case just to the side of the tiger. Various pound weights began to rain down as the whole case caved in and over onto the creature that howled in pain as one of the weight lifting bars smashed against its muzzle.

Huffing, panting and sweating Marco turned around and bolted for the door hoping to find another way out.

Jefferson growled under the weight pushing himself up and free. And then another weight pushing down as a Lion's paw pressed against his shoulders blades shoving him against the ground.

"Not so fast," Samuel purred looking down at the pitiful site. "Bested by a meat? Is this what I feared for so long?" He looked down at the beast who just glared up. "Pathetic..."

Marco moved down the hallway, stopping just in time to hand behind a wall as a two students moved by.

"It got Donald!" One of them said nearly in tears. "What do we do! What do we do!" He begged the other who just looked around, gave him a shove and then ran for it changing in mid run. "Wait!" The other begged following after him.

The other man only took a step before there was a horrific scream that was cut short.

Marco swallowed loudly not daring to look around the corner as whatever it was had taken a step forward. The sound of his own breath was masked by its heavy ragged pants.

"Marco." The voice said and with it the man moved faster than he thought he could as he barreled down the hallway.

Once more he found himself coming to a dead end. Shaking the doors he cursed as he turned around to look into those amber eyes.

"Marco..." The bloody snout said, bits of flesh and meat still dripping from the end of its muzzle. There was a loud slurping gulp as it swallowed, taking a step closer to stand in the moonlight.

Crimson red dyed that black fur. It's front paws and arms were drenched in that horrible site. Its fur matted in places, standing up in others. Looking nothing more than a wild animal. It's pupils were larger than any humans and with it a dull facade look was on its panting, open maw face. It's teeth were yellow and chunks of red meat still hung from its jaw.

"Stay back." Marco warned as it took another step.

It didn't listen as the wolf took another heavy lumbered step. A bloody clawed paw reached up and out, those triangle ears standing up.

And then an orange mass hit the side of it, smashing the whole canine into the lockers. Fur and flesh flew as the two creatures fought, tackling over one another. Though Kenny was large, massive even the other beast was able to over power him and soon enough had smashed him into the wall.

There was a roar of pain as sink sunk into the wolf's shoulder blade and with it a whimper as the body seemed to go lifeless in its grip and fall to the ground.

Huffing, panting with cuts and blood on its body the tiger turned towards him and a grin spread across his face. "Found you." It grinned letting go of the body and moving towards him.

Marco swallowed loudly. He reached inside his shirt clutching the object inside. At the sight the tiger stopped and then laughed. "Know your place." It growled. "I'll try not to kill you. No promises." It licked the side of its muzzle as it in turned reached out.

Marco pulled the necklace out from his shirt shoving it in his face. A dull cross on a gold chain.

Jefferson stopped to look at the talisman before laughing. "This? This is what's suppose to stop me?" He reached out his paw. "There is no such thing as a G-,"

Jefferson had began but the second those fingers closed around that object, planning on ripping it away from him, there was a sizzling sound like over cooked eggs. A burning smell was sharp to their noses but Jefferson had already pulled back, reeling in pain from the silver object that had melted his flesh.

The very second the tiger had stepped back Marco snatched the cross so tightly in his fingers blood was drawn, and jammed it into the tiger's eye socket.

A powerful push knocked Marco away leaving the cross standing proudly, protruding from the tigers eye who continued to howl in pain trying to swipe the object away. However, like a thorn, it was too small for his large paws to pull free and the beast just fell backwards trying to free itself from the burning torment.

Huffing, panting and shaking Marco stood back up, rubbing his bruised side. He looked over at the crumbled remains of the creature he had once called a friend and to the snarling, thrashing beast. Smoke rose from the spot in its head and with it the cross seemed to begin to sink down, melting its way inside. Moonlight shone on the object illuminating it for the man to see before it vanished and with it the tiger stopped moving, drooling to the side with only a twitch every now and then.

"Kenny..." Marco took a step and stopped, wincing and holding his side. A broken rip possibly. A worthwhile trade he figured as he forced his body to take another step.

The young man crumbled next to the wolf looking at him, reaching out and touching his chest. "Damn." He muttered, gripping the fur to pull himself up and even. "You fuckin' douche." He muttered, closing his eyes as tears burned inside them. "I'm sorry." He said the words weakly.

He wasn't sure but there was slight movement from the canines tail as if it had wagged.

"You just wanted to be together," Marco chuckled a bit as a tear ran down his face. "Ya' fuckin' idiot." He laughed softly pulling himself up, to rest against the wall. "Look at you..."

Cuts covered the black fur body. One of his arms was twisted around facing the wrong way and the chest was sunken in a little too far. "You look like a mess." Marco muttered brushing a hand over his face.

Marco looked into that face. Reaching out he closed those eyes and opened its muzzle. Drool and blood dribbled down the other side. "Sorry." Marco just said placing a hand in his mouth. "But I can't lose you either. Not yet." He whispered a bit before snapping the muzzle shut on his hand...

Weeks later, New Moon.

Marco tossed the newspaper onto the table. Finishing his breakfast he cleaned up his plate and dropped it in the sink. Checking his watch for the fifth time he poured himself another cup of coffee.

The smell of bacon was strong in the air and Marco loved it. He sniffed, breathing in that scent with a happy sigh. Opening his eyes he looked out the closed window, hearing the birds sing in the front lawn tree. It wouldn't rain today, he knew, even if the weather man had said otherwise.

Taking another long drink he rolled his shoulder, smoothing out the suit he was wearing and headed into the bathroom.

Hair slicked back, face fully shaved he adjusted his tie looking himself over. He was taller than he had been, far more muscular as well. His suit was even straining to contain his chest and shoulders.

"Ready for the new job?" Marco asked himself looking into his reflection and into those amber tinted brown eyes. His reflection grinned toothily in reply. Clapping his hands together he moved out, singing werewolves in London.