Odd Girl Meets Pretty Girl, Chapter Four

Story by Boleynna on SoFurry

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Mrs. Brooks just stared at us, her mouth gaping. She looked furious. I expected her to shout something like, "Get out of my daughter's bed and put your clothes on!" or "What the hell are you doing?" but she just smiled and said, "Excuse me," and quietly closed the door as she backed out.

Vanessa giggled and jumped to her feet. She bounced over me and off the bed and knelt beside me.

"Would you like to go home?" she asked me.

"What?" I said.

What happened? Suddenly she was into me and now it was like she was kicking me out. I figured she might have just been embarrassed about her mother walking in on us in bed together.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No, it's just getting late and your mom might get worried," Vanessa said.

"But I left her a message, I told her I was staying the night with you," I said.

"Yeah but, what if she didn't get it?" Vanessa said.

"She did," I said.

Vanessa was silent.

I smiled and leaned over to kiss her but then she pulled away. Was I that gross-looking? Was I too fat? Was it my breath?

"I'm sorry, I'm being a bitch," Vanessa said.

She crawled back into bed and kissed me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Are you embarrassed?" I asked.

"No," Vanessa said.

She stroked my breasts, lightly dragging her thumbs back and forth over my nipples. I relaxed and moaned softly. She kissed my nose and nibbled my ear. I giggled. Vanessa's hand slid down my legs. My cunny throbbed.

Vanessa stroked her hand back and forth over my cunny. I closed my eyes and moved my hand down her back, over her buttocks and down between her legs but she quickly pushed my hand away and slipped two fingers inside me.

"I just want to make you feel good too," I said.

"No, no paybacks," Vanessa said.

She fingered me gently, massaging my clit with her thumb. She sucked gently at my breast.

"But it seems unfair, you giving me all the pleasure and getting none yourself," I moaned.

"I'm getting pleasure," Vanessa said softly, kissing my breast.

She turned me over on my belly and lifted me up on my knees. She licked up my thighs and over my bottom, teasing the base of my tail with her tongue. She flicked her tongue over my cunny lips and lapped gently at my lips. She drew the whole of her tongue over my clit and bit my lips. It hurt, I wished she hadn't done that. She licked up between my lips, up my crack. She lifted my tail and teased my hole with her tongue, probing and licking around it. I pulled away at first. Vanessa's tongue followed me. It's dirty there. People aren't supposed to lick others down there, right? But it felt so sensual and sensitive down there.

She licked up my back and kissed my shoulders, she turned me on my back and again and kissed me between my legs and took my hand in hers. Vanessa kissed my hand, kissing each finger tip, then she turned my hand over and kissed the palm. She kissed my wrist and kissed up my arm, kissed my shoulder and kissed my cheek. Then she brought my hand to her lips and sucked on my fingers, then guided my hand over my breast and down my belly to my cunny and stroked my fingers over my clit. She slipped her other hand beneath me and guided my free hand to my breasts. I'd never touched myself like this before, it felt so good.

Vanessa wrapped one of her arms and legs around me and reached down with her free hand to stroke herself. Her moans in my ear sent shivers down my spine, throughout my body to the tips of my fingers, my toes, my breasts. I tilted my head back as I felt myself cumming again. Vanessa cried out with me and collapsed, her head on my shoulder, her arm and leg still wrapped around me, and fell asleep. I didn't move from where I was, she looked so lovely, sleeping. It'd be a shame to wake her up, so I just closed my eyes fell asleep beside her.

The next day Vanessa was gone, I woke up alone. I put on my dress and went downstairs, Mrs. Brooks was pouring a pot of coffee.

"Good morning dear," she said.

"Good morning, where's Vanessa?" I said.

"She left. She went out with her father to church and then they'll be going to lunch later. I'm sorry, she didn't want to wake you up," Mrs. Brook said.

"Oh, that's alright," I said.

"Would you like a ride home? I can take you," Mrs. Brooks said.

"Thanks," I said.

I went upstairs and got my purse and coat. Mrs. Brooks drove me home.

I spent the rest of the day in the pool. I wondered why Vanessa hadn't woken me up or said good morning or goodbye to me before she left, and why she didn't think to invite me along. I wondered if she really was embarrassed of what happened with her mom.

I got out of the pool and dried off, then went upstairs to my room and turned on my computer. First I checked FurTube. Much to my surprise the video of me at Donna's party had not been uploaded. Then I pulled out my journal and wrote down all I was thinking and that had gone on.


Last night Vanessa and I made love. More like she made love to me. It happened after Donna's party. I was in the bathroom crying. Someone knocked on the door and I opened it up to see Vanessa. I was surprised. She was very nice to me. She dried my tears. Then we left and went for a drive and she kissed me.

Then we went to her house. She introduced me to her parents and then we went up to her room. I called Mom to tell her I was staying at Vanessa's. Then Vanessa and I made love. Her mom walked in on us but she seemed okay, she just left us alone. Vanessa and I made love again and then fell asleep.

But when I woke up this morning Vanessa was gone. Her mother, who drove me home, said she had gone out with her dad. I brushed it off at first, but it makes me wonder whether or not Vanessa really cares about me or is ashamed of me. I really like her and it's hard to believe she could be so cold to me when she was so tender with me last night. I don't know what to think.


Monday at school I didn't see Vanessa. I couldn't focus in class, though I don't think the teachers noticed. After lunch I saw Vanessa at her locker. She was alone, so I walked over to her.

"Hey Vanessa, you okay?" I said.

"Get the fuck away from me you dyke!" she snapped at me.

I couldn't speak. I was shocked. Then I realized it. This girl did not know what love was.