Redemption - Chapter 1: Awkward Silences

Story by The Red-Ringed Umbreon on SoFurry

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#2 of TR-RU Redemption

Part one of the series. The parts are co-writen my me and a friend, so it might take a while to update sometimes, but when I HAVE enough to post, I will.

Mavros lifted his head. He had been sleeping for a long time because the sun was setting again. He looks around, and sees the Absol. The white beast was chewing on a Ratata. Mavros sits up, his legs were not cooperating with him. He carefully moves around his precious egg, and stretches his legs, "HEY!" Mavros jumps. Nade watched him, with a piece of rodent in his mouth, "What are you doing?"

Mavros, points with his head to the cave entrance. He slowly moves to the opening, and then looks back at his egg. He was hungry, but he also wanted to know his egg would be safe. He looks back over to the Absol; the sound of cracking bones was not reassuring. Mavros quietly came back in, and wrapped himself around his egg. He shivered with the onsetting cold, and there was nothing in his belly to warm him.

There was then a sound next to him. He opened his eyes, and a headless Pidgey was on the ground. Mavros looked up, and saw Nade sitting back down. Mavros cautiously grabbed the food in his mouth. He looked to the one he was sharing his cave with, "Thank you..."

Nade scoffs, "Don't thank me."

Mavros bites into it, and sighs, "No...I think I will..."

Nade looks up, "Well, I don't except it. Not from somemon like you."

Mavros finishes eating his food, and then stands, "Then why let me stay if you don't like me?"

Nade stands up. Mavros looks at his larger, stronger body, and regretted this decision, "Do NOT mistake my PITY for LIKE"

Mavros' Rings started glowing, "What exactly is your deal?"

"I don't need this!" Nade replies, and returns to his side of the cave, "How about YOU stay over there, and NOT act like an insufferable prick!"

Mavros glowers at him, and does the same.

Mavros rests his head, but he was still watching his neighbor in the cave. He knew that he was watching him too.