She was worried that he may have taken his absol as a mate, and she worried that the same thing would happen to him. mark had caught several other pokemon after he caught storm, his absol.
Slipping In
absol rubbed her bloatedness. vaporeon was done. absol could feel her liquid form holding still, presumably enjoying absol's warmth and periodic clenches. absol was on edge. so much stimulation, and everything was so sensitive.
Hero Zangoose
The absol's chest.
Absol x Luxray
When he got absol's attention, luxray grinned, thrusted forward a few times, and quivered. absol's eyes clenched tightly shut as warmth filled him.
Love of Disaster: Part Two
Pikachu "ab sol ab ab solab absol absol sol." _absol replied. "pika pika chu pi pikachu?" pikachu ask again. "absol ab, ab sol sol absol ab sol ab absolab sol absol sol."said absol. "pika, pi pickachu chu pika pika. pikachu said outload. "sol?"
In Season
It was the first mating season absol had ever experienced in her life, and possibly the worst she ever would as well. absols are, as you could imagine far and few, and therefor absol was without a mate.
A Frosty Acquaintance
"glace-" absol was quickly interrupted. "it's mistress, if you don't mind." glaceon sweetly replied, causing absol to gulp in anxiety. "gla- mistress," absol submitted without a thought.
Haunted Night For Absol
The voice pierced the thick silence and nearly made absol jump out of his fur. "we are waiting." absol turned back around to confront his restless friends who jeered him on towards his goal. "i'm going alright!" absol shouted back.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch 6
_ absol twitched her paw as scarf only stared in a humbled silence and sighed as absol darted her otherwise massive celestial eyes at him.
A Quiet Forest
_ **absol(m)/absol(f)** **flareon(m)/absol(m)** ------ an absol sat lazily under a large tree, the surrounding forest suspiciously quiet and serene.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 2
._** it left absol to twitch and cough as marill just stared at her. absol hadn't realized the desperate throbs of her chest and lungs as though to demand her suddenly numb and cold body to move and breathe. "absol?
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 1
Blurry, unfocused... shapes to that elderly absol.