Den Den's new roommate

Story by Ooraka Kutanaga on SoFurry

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My first Commission. Xensetu is care of Jade Wulf. Den Den is care of her player.

Here is a physical Reference of the Tabbit Sisters, as drawn by CelestialGoddess. she has a So Furry, and a Furaffinity site:

Den Den's day started just like any other, she woke up early for her classes to get ready, grabbed her morning hot chocolate with extra cream, and relaxed in her dorm alone. Ah, the benefits of being the only one in a dorm for two. Den Den was someone who stood out in a crowd, even among others. She was about 5'10, 150lbs, 38C breasts, and a slight hourglass figure. It was not often that they saw past her looks, as it was not often one saw a lapine with tiger markings, which is why she was registered in the school system as a Tabbit.

Now, as Den was going from first to second class, she was asked to the Dean's office immediately. Now, she never really got into trouble with anyone as she focused more on her studies, and late night video gaming runs, so she was quite disturbed as to why the Dean would want to see her.

~Oh no, maybe someone complained about the loud noises last night.` She recalled the night before, raiding with some friends where she got a bit vocal when things kept going wrong. ~Shit! I knew I should have just gone to bed early. I just hope I can play it off as a late night study session or an accident.~ Either way, whatever the reason, she knew not to dally, and explained to her professor she would be missing the class. The elderly Ursine nodded and sent Den off, promising to send the work to her later on in the night.

Reaching the Dean's office, she noticed some bags were piled by the secretary's desk, and although it looked like the secretary might be leaving, he was busy typing. The Fennec Fox didn't even look up, just motioned with his ears to go on in, that she was expected.

As she opened the door, the first thing Den noticed was the vaguely familiar ear stripes she herself had. Moving into the room, she sits down and bows her head in respect to the vulpine behind the desk.

"You wanted to see me, Dean Kyubii?" Den would look between the other Tabbit, as she was sure that was the cause. The face wasn't all that familiar, but one does not forget how stripes and markings look.

"Yes, Den Den. I called you here as you have the only open dorm space available for now, and we have a new transferral from the eastern school board. Her name is Xensetsu, and she is a Tabbit, like you." Letting them get to know each other, she dismisses them with a pass for the classes for the day. After all, the campus was big, and there was a tour needed to be done.

Around 4pm, after the last set of classes were done, the two Tabbits walked along back to the dorms to unpack, as the bags were sent up ahead of them. Once inside, Den shows Xen where her room was, all the utensils, bathroom, etc. And even showed her how to access the dorm's internet. They decided to order in, giving them time to get to know each other.

Throughout the night, they found out that Xen was 5'11, 160lb, 36C cup, and was almost identical to Den except for the pawprint on her cream furred stomach, and the eye color. They also found out they shared a liking for both girls and boys, though when brought up on the conversation of sex, both girls blushed and skirted the questions with minimal detail.

However, when asked about childhood, and where they grew up, it was odd. Xen and Den both remembered the same house from when they were younger, but they both grew up in different places. It was then they realized they were sisters, and twins at that. They spent most of the night talking about their family and finally felt whole again. As midnight rolled about, Den excused herself to go to bed, as she had an early class the next day. Xen nodded and smiles, cleaning up after the minor mess made by the Chinese food.

After a few hours, Xen decided to go to bed herself, when she heard something coming from Den's room. Wondering what it was, she tiptoed closer, and she could tell it was sounds of pleasure. Her ears were turning red as she listened, and dared peek through the keyhole. What she saw took her breath away. There was Den, or at least, the top half, writhing on the bed as one hand toyed with her breasts, and the other was not seen, but judging by the soft moans and barely audible whimpers she gave, it wasn't hard to figure out what was going on.

Needless to say, Xen hurried to her own room and made sure the door was closed and locked. Putting a cloth over the inside handle to obstruct anyone viewing inside, she began to shed her clothes and flopped onto the bed. She was thankful the dorm was moderately priced, and contained satin sheets, which she spent a few seconds rolling in. After that, she remembered what she had just seen, and was beginning to get hot and bothered herself. Sliding her hands to cover her breasts, she squeezes gently, teasing her nipples with her paw pads, and lets out soft moans, trying to keep it down. Blushing brightly, she closes her eyes and slides one hand down, slowly caressing her stomach, just as she's imagined many a lover doing. Soon, her paw has traveled along to her sex, juices already slightly matting down her furred thighs. Gasping as she dips a finger into her sex, she begins running along her g-spot. Just above where her clit was, a second slit opens up, the barbed tip of her shaft sliding free. Teasing her hand from her sex to her shaft, alternating the pleasure with each motion.

Slowly, her arousal grew the more she stimulated her shaft, pre leaking out the tip as she dragged her fingers up and down it's length. Soft gasps exited her mouth as she lays back and arches her back to the stimulation, her other hand squeezing her breast and teasing her nipple. Biting her lower lip gently to help keep herself quiet, she quickly flicks her ears as she heard the water running. Blushing, she imagines what her sister would look like in the shower, water cascading down her body and dripping off those breasts of hers. Xen's body picked that moment in her imagining of her sister bending down to grab something, almost as if offering to her to take her. She squeals softly, barely audible outside her walls, as she clenches her inner walls against nothing, while her shaft begins shooting her seed up and onto her stomach. Laying back and panting, Xen relaxes enough for her shaft to slide back into it's slit.

A few days later, as the two sisters were eating breakfast and chatting, Den's phone began to ring, and as she answered it, her face went from happy, to surprised. Shrugging it off, Xen finished the meal and put her dishes away, letting Den speak in peace. She knew better than to eavesdrop on conversations, one of the reasons she was transferred mid season. When she got back to the table, she sits down and smiles to Den.

"So, who was on the phone, sis? Was it some cute guy trying to get to you?" Xen smirked as she was just trying to tease her sister, tail swaying back and forth behind her.

"No, it's a friend of mine. She's currently in the co-ed dorms with her cousin, and her heat is starting. She's been given the week off from her studies, and was asked to leave. So she's going to be staying with us for a day or so, until her cousin leaves for his trip. I would have asked, but this way the two of you can meet." Den moves over and hugs her sis, giggling as she began bouncing, and set about getting things ready. "Oh, by the way, she'll be here in a few hours."

Xen's face lit up in a bit of a blush as she realized what it would mean, and how much she would have to control herself around her sister's friend. "Any idea whether she'll be sharing your room or mine?" Xen was just curious as to whether she'd have to hide more or not.

"Actually, she would need her own room, so you and I will bunk together." These words made Xen blush even harder, thankful her sister could not see her. "But it will only be for two nights, and knowing her, as she is a vixen, she will bring over some of her favorite toys." Xen could only imagine the pheromones that will be going about, and she hoped things would be alright.

Later that night, as Vivien came in and she saw the new arrival, she giggles and waves.

"Is this some new girlfriend of yours or something?" Vivien gave a wink and proceeded to Den's room before coming back out with nothing on but a smile. Her fur was red, along with a cream stomach and the underside of her D cup breasts. Murring softly, she stretches and settles onto the couch.

"No, this is my sister, actually." Xen and Den both had a bit of a blush as they sat on each side of the vixen. Both sisters leaned forward at the same time, reaching for the remote, only to have Vivien snatch it at the last second, letting the sibling's hands connect, and for a second, they blushed even more. Vivien was switching channels, only to land on the late night 'adult' stations, while she wiggles in her seat between the two tabbits.

On the screen was a female mouse on her knees, skirt around her waist and shirt ripped open. Muffled moans escaped her as she was choking down a wolf's cock, knot pushing close to her mouth. They kept going, with Vivien squirming some while she looked between the two sisters, her hands slowly sliding to her crotch. Groaning softly, she could not stop herself as she began fingering herself with soft moans escaping her muzzle. The two sisters just sat there, watching her going to town, and Xen stood up to excuse herself to the bathroom as she was feeling odd.

After about half an hour, Den noticed her sister had not returned. Standing up and heading to the washroom, her friend barely noticed, having grabbed one of her toys and continued watching the channel. Moans, growls, and slurping sounds were coming from the tv, making Den thankful she had sprung for soundproofing the room. As she approached the bathroom, she knocks on the door to see if her sis was ok.

"You ok in there, sis?" Den put her ear to the door, and heard what sounded like soft moans and whimpers coming from inside, and she went to open the door and peek in to make sure Xen was alright. However, what she saw was not what she expected. There, on the toilet, was her sister masturbating. But, instead of jilling off like she expected, Xen was sporting an erection just over the size of her hand, and was slowly stroking it. However, once she noticed the door was open, she gasps and pulls her hand away from her shaft, subconsciously licking it before reaching to push the door closed.

"No, get out.... no, nothing to see!" Xen was pushing and leaning against the door, only to forget for that second that the door opened out into the hall. Soft scream was given as she fell, only to have Den hold her and hug her.

"You ok? You know, no matter what you have between your legs, you are still my sister." She smiles and stands before heading off to join her friend, making a note to use the heavy cleaner tomorrow after Vivien left, and some air freshener.

The night after Vivien left, the sisters were cleaning up, though Xen was adjusting her clothes now and then, blushing was they cleaned up everywhere the vixen had orgasmed, which was kept into either the living room, or Den's bedroom. When they were finally done, they curled up on the couch and sighed softly. It was then Den noticed the tent in Xen's shorts, and cautiously reached over to rub it softly. Xen's ears shot up as he eyes opened, looking down to her sister. Den looks into Xen's eyes with a deep blush and clears her throat. Standing, she motions for Xen to follow, tail twitching out of nervousness.

Xen was lead into Den's room, and upon looking in, she gasped and blushed as she saw her sister nude, tail curled up in her lap. Den looks up, and pats the bed beside her, motioning for Xen to sit down. Xen, not being one to be upstaged, slowly sheds her clothes, shaft slid free from a slit just over where her clit is, before she curled up beside her sister. There was some soft tension before Den and Xen lean in to kiss the other, hands on each other's knee, shaking some as they were both worried about how to proceed.

Xen made the first move, grabbing Den's hand and places it on her shaft, the barbs would feel weird against her hand, as neither had had any sexual contact with another. Gasping some at the feel of another's hand on her shaft, Xen reaches up to place her hand on Den's breast, cupping and feeling how it felt compared to her own. Den blushes and groans at the feeling of Xen teasing her, her tail twitching behind her. Stroking slowly, she found the barbs almost tickled her hand, though the fact she was not told to stop kept her going.

Den's other hand was moving to tease just under the shaft, finding her sister was indeed equipped with both sets. Looking to Xen, she blushes as she inserts a finger slowly until she blinks, having reached her hymen. Swallowing some, she nods some and reaches to grab Xen's free paw to her own folds, showing she was wet, partially because of what they were doing, and partially because of the scent of a male. Xen's shaft was dripping in pre, to make sure that things went smoothly later. Blushing brightly, Xen pulls back and shakes her head some. Motioning Den onto her back, she kneels over her, asking with her body if she wants to try a 69 position, to get used to what they were doing.

Nodding some, she looks up to Xen while she got into position, and takes a testing lick to the shaft. Xen moans out softly before lowering to sniff and lick along her sister's sex, finding the taste odd, yet not completely unpleasant. Den, meanwhile, was gently suckling the tip, not sure what else to do until Xen's hips began moving on their own, pushing the cock slowly in and out of her mouth. Both sister's cheeks were bright red as they continued on pleasuring the other with their mouths and tongues. Now and then, a sensitive spot would be teased, causing a slight spasm from the other sister, causing breasts to rub against stomachs, nipples hard and sensitive.

After a few minutes, both sisters sat up and stretched, neither one used to such activities for long. Den, smiling and giggling, pushes Xen onto her back and straddles her, grinding her sex along Xen's cock, feeling the barbs run along her clit to add to the feeling. Xen's hips were twitching and wriggling, so Xen reaches up to grab Den's breasts, massaging gently like she would want her own, and in that second, their hips angled, and Xen's shaft pushed about an inch into Den, making both sisters pause and look down. After they looked back into each others eyes, they nodded in unison, and Den began to move up some and lower herself, slowly getting more of Xen within her. Soon, Xen's tip poked against her sister's hymen, and she looks up to make sure she was ok with this.

Giving a nod, Den lifts herself up so that the tip was in, and then slammed herself down, hilting Xen within her with a sharp shriek of pain. Leaning down to hold her sis close, Den's fingers would make little lines along the skin, thankfully hidden by the fur. She was in pain, as this was the first time she'd had anything besides her own fingers in her, and she was getting used to the feelings. Xen was groaning and panting hard, finally feeling something wrapped around her cock besides her own paw.

After the pain shifted to more of a dull sensation, Den began to pull off, and promptly pushed back down as she felt the barbs pulling against her. It wasn't painful, just a very new sensation, and something she enjoyed. The two sisters kept moving together, slowly building towards their peaks, the barbs adding to the situation, and shortly after they started, Xen pulls Den into a kiss as she thrusts up, cock throbbing as she began unloading into Den's walls, setting off her own orgasm. The two sisters' muffled moans were cut off by the other's mouths as they stayed still for a bit, then collapsed, Xen's shaft sliding out. The sisters cuddled up together in the afterglow, purring softly.