The Hunted Hunters

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Drako Wolf

The Hunted Hunters

Drako awoke the next day to find himself still next to Ariel. He was sticky from the night before. He smiled as he looked down at her form sleeping like she had not a care in the world. She was making small noises in her sleep, whimpering but in a good way. She then let out a quiet word "Drako"

He looked at her more intently waiting to see is she would wake up. But all she did was role over in her sleep. Drako just laughed and walked toward the cave mouth and looked outside to the new day. The storm had left a fresh blanket of snow just perfect for hiding his tracks from the night before. Drako then heard his stomach growl and he knew it was time to eat.

Drako walked out into the sun light waiting for his eyes to adjust to the sudden change of light. It didn't take long for him to find a young deer that was week from hunger. He killed it then ate as much food as he could. As soon as he was full he began to take as much of the food back to the cave as he could. It was a hard move seeing as the meat was very heavy. Then out of no where a snap broke the air.

Drako tuned around fast looking for the maker of the noise. He could smell nothing with all the blood on his nose. He wiped it off in the snow and once he came up he sniffed hard then froze. He could smell another animal in the aria. It was a different kind of smell nothing like Ariel's. This one smelled stronger but more tame like that of a wolf but also like a human's pet dog.

It was hiding well because Drako couldn't see it anywhere. He knew it was close just by the smell and he knew it to be only a half wolf. This didn't bother him in the least for he knew a hybrid wasn't that dangerous to a normal wolf and for him it was nothing but child play. What bothered him was that most hybrids served man.

Deciding to make his presence known Drako said "Who's out there."

For a long time nothing happened but once Drako tuned to leave a voice came out saying "My name's Bain leave your food or I will be forced to take it." The voice sounded a little scared.

"I'd like to see you try Bain." Said Drako

"I could kill you if I wanted." said Bain still hiding in the shadow's

"I don't think you can. By the smell of you your only half wolf." Said Drako

"What...How did you..." said Bain sounding shocked

"I can tell by the smell of a human dog in your blood. Alpha's have a way of knowing these things. So if you would come out and talk instead of hiding."

"No...You took my food three nights ago and you owe me wolf." Said Bain his voice shaking

Drako now remembered. Three nights ago he couldn't find anything to eat and with hunger grabbing at him he stole a fresh kill no one was watching.

"So what if I did, next time try eating your kill instead of leaving it unattended." Said Drako

Drako tuned and took the meat then started to move toward the direction the cave was in. He'd only gone a few feet when out of nowhere a growl rent the air and he was thrown to the ground. He dropped the carcass as he was attacked and it landed on the ground with a loud thump. Drako flew back to his feet to face his attacker.

Standing before him was a large grey animal. It was kind of mangy looking and had a mask like a wolf. Its grey fur was a dirty looking color and he had one blue eye and one yellow eye. It was like he had part wolf and part husky. For a hybrid he was big, almost as big as Drako.

Bain growled loudly at him saying "You pure bloods think you are all so powerful and make us half bloods feel like we're scum. I told you to give me the meat and I meant it."

Drako did not care what this half blood wanted he was so angry at being tackled he wanted to kill the ugly half blood in front of him. He let a snarl escape from his lips and he dove at Bain with murder in his eyes. Bain was just as mad at the wolf for his theft the other day that he did the same.

They met in mid-air hitting each other hard. Drako used his bulk to throw the smaller K9 down to the ground. Bain let out a small gasp as the wind was knocked out of him. Gasping for air he tried to get up but was stopped by Drako who had put his front paws on his chest and was holding him down. The wolf let out a magnificent growl one that made the smaller K9 cower under him.

"Like I thought you are no more than a week half blood." Said Drako

At that Bain's eyes went red and he rose fast forcing Drako off him. Then he attacked with all his energy. Drako may have been a strong fighter but when you have an enemy that is almost as strong as you and is fueled by anger there is not must he could do. Bain ripped in to Drako's flesh with all his might using his anger as a way of keeping him strong. Soon Drako was on the defensive trying everything her could to get the angry half blood off him.

The fight went on for almost ten minutes. Drako was about to just give up and run when a flash of gray flew through the air and hitting Bain in the side. Drako took his chance and pinned the angry hybrid down along side Ariel. She had come to find Drako and saw the fight and had attacked Bain.

Even with his anger Bain couldn't over come the two wolves. He finally stopped trying to get up and glared at the two wolves and said "I guess you'll kill."

"That sounds good to me." Said Drako still fuming at being almost killed by the Hybrid

"No Drako." Said Ariel

"Why not?" said Drako with murder still in his eyes

"Because I'm sure he had a good reason for attacking you and also we don't have time to be fighting right now." Said Ariel

"Why what's wrong?" said Drako

"Can you let me up I promise I won't attack or run." Said Bain

"No." said Drako putting more pressure on him

"Why did he attack you." Said Ariel

"He stole meet from me." Said Bain

Ariel looked shocked and turned to Drako saying "Did you?"

"Ya so what he left it where anyone could find it."

"Then I think you owe him." Said Ariel getting off Bain

Drako did the same letting the small animal get up off the ground. He looked at the two wolves and said "I'm sorry for attacking you I'm just so hungry."

"You can have the meet Drako was going to eat. Drako we need to leave right away." Said Ariel

"No he can't and why what happened?" asked Drako

"The humans are hunting us. They found the den right after I had just gone off to find you. I went to the den and saw them looking around inside it. They said something about finding a wolf from Yellowstone. They want to kill you. Also stop being an ass and let him have some meet."

Drako went cold as he thought back to the humans that attacked his Family. He did not care anymore about the meet. This is why he was happy it snowed. He had a feeling the humans were following him. He looked at Ariel and said "How did you know that."

"I can understand humans my mother was raised by some as a pup and she told me what the words they speak mean. But the humans that are at the den have been tracking you they saw me and tried to chase me but I lost them a little ways back." Said Ariel

"Humans are in the aria?" asked Bain looking up from the carcass

"Yes and they are hunting for us we need to leave." Said Ariel

"But where can we go they're at the den and I have no where to hide or a place to go." Said Drako

"The den was my home so I'm not sure." Said Ariel

Bain looked at the two wolves for a bit then said "Since she was so nice to me you can come to the den I found not to far from here."

The two wolves looked at one another and finally Ariel said "I don't see anything else we can do so lets just give it a try for the night."

"We don't have time so I guess its fine but don't try anything strange or you'll regret it." Said Drako looking hard at Bain

"I wouldn't dream of it now grab the meet and follow me." Said Bain

It took a little while for them to reach the cave since the meet was so heavy. But once they did the two wolves found the place to be nice and big. It was an under ground cave that was hard to make out. This made it easy to hide from the humans.

Drako looked at Bain wondering why the smaller K9 followed him all this way. He had taken the meet a long ways from this place and it was a hard trip to make. He knew there had to be more to this than Bain was letting on.

Bain looked up from his meal and said "So Drako's your name right."

"Ya why should you care." Said Drako

"Was that given to you by your mother?"

"No it was given to me by the wolves of Yellowstone for my size and strength. It means strong one or God of War." Said Drako finding Bain's questions about his name strange

"I wasn't really mad about the meat you know I was following you because I was told of your great strength and I needed to speak with you."

"Why did you fight me then and I can't be that strong if you almost beet me?" Said Drako

"Well I was just told a story about a wolf named Drako by the wolves of the great land of Yellowstone."

"What ever it is it's not true I haven't time to listen to stories about my namesake." said Drako walking to the back of the cave and making it clear he did not want to talk any more.

"Sorry he gets a little mean when he's tired. I'm Ariel by the way I forgot to tell you before." Said Ariel

"Nice to meet you I'm Bain."

"I'll talk with him and try to change his mind so at least he'll listen to your story, in the mean time just let me work and you relax." Said Ariel

"I'll do that just don't make a mess in my cave if you do more then talk. I'll keep watch out side." Said Bain walking away

Ariel went up to her love and placed her head down on his back. He curled up more as he felt her touch. She knew he was in a bad mood so she liked his ear and smiled at him.

"Stop it Ariel I don't want to talk right now." Said Drako

"Well if you don't want to then I will have to make you talk." Said Ariel

"And how are you going to do that..." said Drako but was stopped as his new lover put her lips down to his balls and started to lick and suck them hard.

Drako moaned for a minuet but then yelled "Stop." And he backed away from her.

"Why should I Drako you're my mate and you should tell me what's wrong." Said Ariel in a sweet voice

"Like I said I don't want to talk."

"Or mate my love."

"No; you just want to butter me up." Said Drako

"Well fine then if you think I'm not worth it then I will go see if Bain can help me with my needs." Said Ariel backing away toward the cave entrance

"You wouldn't dare to mate a half blood like him" said Drako

"How do you know, you just met me yesterday how do you know I won't mate another wolf if I need it? Even if he's a half blood." Said Ariel

"I don't want you too Ariel I love you." Said Drako tears filling his eyes

Ariel froze at his words. She knew Drako was a good mate but she had never expected him to say that. She finally was able to say "Then why do you not want me."

"I do I just don't want you to force me to do something."

"All you need to do is listen to a story."

Drako sat looking at her for a long time. He didn't want anyone to tell him he should try be someone he's not. But he loved Ariel and wanted to be with her so he said "Fine I will listen to him."

Ariel smiled and went up to her mate. She licked his balls again tasting the salty taste they gave off. Drako moaned again as his member stated to come out of its hiding place. It rubbed the top of his mate head making Drako moan louder as her soft fur rubbed his hardening cock.

"Ariel stop for a moment." Said Drako panting slightly as she started to lick his member and his balls


Drako did not answer her as he got up and walked around to her back side. He saw her swollen pussy and knew she needed to be pleasured and soon. He let his long soft tongue come out and sweep along her pussy lips making her gasp. He smiled and pushed his tongue into her slit.

Drako continued to do this until she was close to an orgasm and wet enough for him to enter. Drako stopped and put his paws on to her back. He aimed his cock for her pussy opening then pushed it in fast. She let out a small scream that turned in to a loving moan as she had a hard orgasm. Drako could feel her loving every bit of his cock in her and he started to pump his hips back and forth hammering her pussy with every bit of cock he had.

"Drako...aaahhhh...don't...stop...aaahhhh." Said Ariel as Drako pounded her pussy

Drako was lost in the moment and put his head down to the back of his lovers neck and bit down hard. This sent shivers down his lovers spin making her orgasm more. She loved the feeling of being his bitch and the bite made it seem more like he was in full control of her.

Drako was Ariel's mate and he belonged to no one else but her. She loved everything about him from his Alpha wolf ways to how much he loved her. She still didn't know much about him but that didn't madder any more.

Bain waited in the freezing snow watching for any signs of the hunters. He couldn't hear anything from inside the cave anymore and assumed that the two wolves were done.

"What am I doing here with two wolves? They don't care for me one bit and the one stole from me why should I let him stay in my cave." Said Bain to the empty air

No one was there to answer him so he just got up and said "I guess it's just the way I am. I can't help but do the right thing."

He could see that the humans weren't coming this way and it was getting dark. Humans didn't like the night or the dark so Bain knew they were safe. He walked back into the cave only to stop and avert his eyes from the back of the cave saying "Sorry."

Drako looked at the Half blood with anger in his face and not getting off his mate he said "Get out Half breed."

Ariel saw him too but said "Drako watch your mouth. I think I could use his help with something."

Still not getting off he said "You're not mating him."

"No I'm not but I but he could use a good BJ don't you think." Said Ariel eyeing Bain's large balls

"I'll leave." Said Bain tuning to go

"No don't." said Drako looking at Bain with a sadness in his eye's "She's right I should watch what I say. Come over her and let my mate show you how much we want to thank you for your help and for repayment for my harsh ways."

"I couldn't." said Bain

"Come over her now or I will have to kill you for interrupting my fun." Said Ariel with a small growl

Bain shook at the wolves tone but did as she was told. He walked up to the female and stopped with his back legs over her head. He was inches from Drako's face. Drako didn't care he had started to hump his mate again not wanting to waste anymore time.

Bain jumped as he felt Ariel lick his cock. His cock was fully hard after four more licks. He was still a virgin and this was all so new for him. Bain's fear tuned into bliss as the female started to take his 10 inch member into her mouth.

"Aaahhhh" moaned Bain as Ariel started to mover her head back and forth along his hard cock. She would role her tongue along it as she sucked. This made Bain start to hump forward into her mouth. Soon Arial didn't even have to move her head as she got fucked by the two males. One humped her pussy and the other her mouth.

Ariel moaned loudly as she felt the two big k9 cocks pumping into her at both ends. Drako was pushing his cock so hard into her that she was going numb from the force of it.

Then Drako slammed his cock so hard that his knot entered her. This sent the two of them over the edge as Drako shot a huge load into her pussy making some leak out. Ariel let out a muffled howl as she was still sucking Bain's cock. The vibration from the howl made Bain also shoot his load hard into her mouth. It filled her up fast but she swallowed it all.

The three K9's fell to the floor all energy spent. Ariel licked off the cum from her lips but could do no more. Bain liked to smell of his cum and cleaned himself off then seeing Drako's cock pop out of Ariel and him not taking care of it. He went up and licked it off too. Drako was to tired to care if the male licked his cock clean.

Bain seemed to have the most energy and he took care of Ariel too. She had the most on her. Bain found he liked the taste of the cum too and had no problem taking care of it all. The other too fell asleep as Bain walked back to the edge of the cave mouth.

He smiled and knew that the two wolves didn't find him a unworthy animal. They had let him join in on something only the alphas of a pack are aloud to do. Bain was happy he had let them stay. But one thing troubled him and that was why he had liked licking off the cum from Drako's cock. It made him start to get hard as he though about it.

"This is bad." Said Bain but just then something moved in to woods

"Who's there?" Asked Bain looking hard in to the dark night

Something flew through the air and hit him in the chest. For a moment Bain did not know what it was but then he felt dizzy and he passed out.

"Wake up Bain." Came a voice from the darkness

"What happened." Said Bain opening his eyes then closing them as his head started to throb.

"We have been found by the humans." Said the voice that now Bain knew to be Drako's

He opened his eyes once more and found himself in a cage next to Drako and Ariel. Humans walked around them laughing at the helpless animals they had captured.

Bain looked over at Ariel and saw that she was still passed out in her cage. He looked at Drako and said "This is why I needed to tell you my story."

"Well I guess we'll have plenty of time to talk before they kill us." Said Drako glaring the humans with hate in his eyes...