Zatha's linage -Edited

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Story note


Zatha is a small hatchling, equivalent to about three in human years, and what ever you like in dragon years as the perception of how dragons age varies from species to interrupter. Her body design is non-anthro, very sleek and stream line, no real rump or waist to speak of. Between her hind legs, just before her tail, is a single slit with both vaginal and anal openings, also known as a cloaca, much like dolphins have. She's all black, tiny supple baby scales covering her little body. She also belongs to a brothel, harem, whore house; what ever term you wish to use, basically a lot of dragons, male and female, use her regularly. She was trained and prepared for this slowly early on in her life so she was never hurt much or often, at worse left a bit sore. She's come to enjoy her existence and she's about to have the experience of her life.


Zatha's lineage


Zatha made her way to her nest, fed and bathed after a long fun day. Ten males and seven females not a bad day for a little chick. She yawned, stretched, and settled in to wait for her nest mate, a slightly older female hatchling. Despite the long day she still had enough energy to play some before sleeping and she loved playing with her nest mate. They treated each other as equals, often sharing as tender, intimate times together as two young hatchlings can and where perhaps as much in love as any mates could be.

The hatchling went from relaxing lazily to fully alert and tense in a heart beat. She could sense something out of place, something not right. She looked around wildly but saw nothing. She tried to get her self to relax again, thinking it was only her imagination. Still she kept her eyes on the entrance, back to solid stone. Nothing could get in with out her seeing it. She watched, waiting for something, though she knew not what. After a few moments started trying to relax again, thinking her self silly for jumping at shadows like the hatchling she was. Then a paw closed around her muzzle. Her eyes went wide in with sock and she tried to scream but all that came out was soft muffled sounds. She tried to struggle but the grip was like iron, leaving unable to move her head at all.

Then the room went unnaturally dark, the chick unable to even tell if her eyes are open or closed. She sniffs at the air, trying to figure out what has her, but her attacker had no scent. It moved over her then, feeling dragon like but as if it where mimicking the form. What ever it was it had no scales, but it didn't feel like flesh either. Its form was smooth, not feeling like anything, it just was. And that touch of this creature, it made her feel so dirty, wanting to shrink away from it, yet it some how excited her as well. Zatha continued her useless struggles, trying to keep her tail down, perhaps for the first time in her life, to protect her self. It did no good though as her tail was easily moved aside by its own, the tip of her tail tucked under the toes of one of the creatures hind paws. Then she felt the thick shaft pressing up against her flanks, rubbing against her small baby scales a few times before the tapered tip pressed firmly into her lose entrance. It was thicker then anything she'd had before and made her shudder with both fear and excitement. The tip found the her very wet despite her fears as the urge to submit for use was not only something she was taught all her life to do and enjoy, it was also bread into her over countless generations. It was in her blood to give in, offer her self, and be taken and used for others enjoyment. But that was by other dragons, not this demonic creature that was now mounting her.

Suddenly her vision turned red and she squeezed her eyes shut tight to block it out. It did no good though, the red remained and resolved it's self into two glowing red eyes. With her eyes opened or closed the view remained the same, those two burning red eyes boring down into her soul. The eyes narrow slits in them, like pupils, and they where not just black but it was like looking into nothingness. Staring into their blackness was like staring off into starless space. Staring into them one could fall into them and lose them selves forever. She seemed to look into that blackness for an eternity, losing her mind and soul to them slowly. Some how she managed to drag her self back just before she was lost for good. All that happened in a heart beat, yet she gasped for air as if she'd not been breathing for hours. She panted heavily, heart racing, The paw had left her muzzle but she didn't cry out now that she had the chance, too thankful to be able to take in as much air as she could. The eyes remained though, and she forced her self to focus on the red, only the red, that horrible glowing red preferable to the black void.

The creature, this daemon, seemed to wait for her to calm down again before continuing its advances. With out warning it shoved its member deep into Zatha's body, stretching her slit out obscenely around it. She hadn't been stretched so tight since she was a yearling. It was slightly uncomfortable at first but felt wonderful yet repulsive as not only was this thing taking her not a dragon, it did not seem to be anything from her plain of existence. Its hips pressed tight to hers, hilted in her small body, tip pressed deep into her womb. Then that tip started to extend it's self, wiggling down her fallopian tube, a place only female tongues hat touched her before, moving like a thick worm in her deepest recesses. The comparison and the feeling only made her feel more dirty inside, her gut twisting with revulsion. And she was revolted by how much a part of her wanted it to continue.

At about the same time Zatha felt her mind being probed. This was a completely new experience to her and she fought it as best she could. But it was like a fly struggling against a dragon, and she was the fly. The creature pressed it's self to her mind, surrounded it, seeming not even to notice the feeble struggles of the hatchling. She could feel it feeding on her then, feeding off of her sexual energies as it forced pleasure on her. Also it fed off her very essence as it enjoyed her. As distracted as she should be with struggle for her own mind, she found her awareness greatly expanded. She could feel ever part of the creature's member in her, how its tip was feeling about in her. The shaft it's self wasn't hot nor cold; it just was, just like the rest of this demon.

The creature pulled back slowly, drawing its thick member out from the chick's body only to thrust back in again hard. It made no sound as it used her, hips moving quickly now, the mating quickly going from rough to brutal. Zatha had already given up struggling, she just lay there and let her self be taken. It was all she could do to keep her self from looking into the void of its eyes again. The experience was far from unpleasant physically, every savage thrust sending shock waves of pleasure through the chick's mind, the likes of which she'd never felt before, the intensity of it rocking her to the very core of her being.

And still it fed on her. She could feel it, the demon letting her know exactly what it was doing, granting her young mind full understanding of what was happening to her. With it came the knowledge she would survive this, for it had no desire for her death. This knowledge let her relax a bit and finally surrender fully, submitting her self mind and body to the will of his thing. The moment she did it invaded her mind with renewed lust. Just when the hatchling thought there was no other way she could be fucked, she found she was very much wrong. Its mind, completely alien to her own, forcibly went through her memories, taking great pleasure in seeing all the perverse sexual acts this little one had been apart of in her short life. She saw them as the demon did, the memories flashing through her mind so fast yet the chick experiencing each one in full.

Zatha could feel the effects her memories had on the creature as it pounded more savagely into her. She didn't know one could be rutted so hard. The impacts shook her small body, the creature holding her pinned to the ground as well as her shoulders pressed in against its fore legs. She didn't know how much longer she could take this, sure her body had already been pushed far beyond its natural limits, the creatures own will forcing her to keep going. It started sharing its own memories with her then; showing her scenes from other hatchlings it's used in the past. There where so many, and the acts so brutal, each one more so then the last all the way to her own. Then one more memory, the very earliest of the memories, as well as the one that connected them all. It was her family history, back to the very first harem member.

A chick, all alone, her parents having disappeared, she wondered out from her lest looking for any one. That's when the demon found her. It took her, though very gently, slowly exciting her in ways she'd never known, its very touch corrupting her. It mated with her, not once, but many times, until the once innocent hatchling no longer knew shame and was lifting her tail at the slightest hint of sexual advancement. She was completely addicted to the pleasure of the matings and the use. When the creature finally released her it was out side the very brothel that Zatha her self was born and raised. This little orphaned chick was the first hatchling member, her lust and desire at times putting some of the older most seasoned females to shame. Zatha was a direct descendant of that dragoness.

The chick had little chance to react to this stunning revelation as the creature continued to plow its member into her at a fevered pace, it's tip managing to some how worm it's way into one of her tubes each time. Through all of this she'd remained very aware of what was happening out side her mind, to her body as she was used by this thing. Its thrusts where relentless, she never knew one could be mated so hard, so fast, the only thing that kept her in place was being pinned between it and the ground and up against its front legs. There hardly seemed to be any time between each brutal thrust in to her, the force of which seemed enough to break her. Every time it drove that shaft savagely into her it sent shock waves of pleasure through her battered body and mind. She knew with out looking how much her lower belly must be bulging out, her passage distended by the thick shaft was being rammed into her body. She knew also if she could touch that obscene swell she'd be able to feel the creature moving inside of her.

Zatha could still feel that tip wiggling down her fallopian tubes each time that massive shaft was plunged deep into her body despite the speed at which it happened. In fact the demon made sure she was incisively aware of each minute detail of what it was doing to her, both in mind and body. She could feel her body tensing up more then it ever had before. She lay there whimpering, a little frightened of the building force of her pending climax of which see seemed to teeter on the edge of forever. The creature gave one final savage thrust into the chick, forcing her body forward and sending her over the edge. She cried out loudly, the first time she was allowed to make a sound beyond a whimper. Her small body convulses with the force of her climax, the chick withering under the demonic creature that's been using her for its own enjoyment. Her small paws grip the next, jaws clenched, eyes squeezed tight. She could feel it filling her womb with something, causing her belly to swell, the thick shaft not allowing anything to leak out from her violated womb.

She finally started to come down from her climax, relaxing some, panting heavily. She felt light headed and completely drained after her intense experience, teetering on the edge of passing out from exhaustion. Slowly the creature pulled out of her, those red eyes fading away, and then it was gone as if it had never been there. While it might have vanished, the evidence of what it had done remained, the chick's vaginal hole left gaping obscenely, and what ever the creature had filled her with was now left to run out of her used hole. She didn't have much time to reflect on what had just happened to her before fatigue claimed the used chick, casting her into a deep sleep.




I hope the ending wasn't too rough too rough, meaning in the reading not the act. I can only hope I did a good job of it. As it where I started this a long while ago based on an RP between me and a good friend. How ever due to a bit of writer's block I was unable to get my self to finish it. Maybe it was for the best as I now have Microsoft Word to help me out a bit more. It also allows me to save in other formats as well and gives me more options. Remember FEED BACK WELCOMED, praise and creative criticism both. I plan on making an edited version, cutting gout some things, but no real changes, just some things removed. I really really hope you've enjoyed it.

I took out a few things in this version, made few minor changes and hope it's enjoyed and hope to get more feed back