Brutality and Kindness are not always Mutually Exclusive Ch. 2

Story by bigbud on SoFurry

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#3 of Brutality and Kindness are not Mutually Exclusive

Once again, our "hero" is rudely awakened by a bucket-wielding orc.


"GUH?" Grog's eyes shot open. Once again, his face was wet, and he was upright. In front of him, a cranky looking orc with a Mohawk stood with a bucket.

After a brief moment of deja vu, he collected himself and looked around. This time, he was propped against a thick tree. Behind the Mohawk orc was the bloodied sapling that earlier had the corpse of his commander impaled on it by Grog's own hand.

"Oh, shit." He said again.

Torque dropped the bucket and crossed his arms, sighing impatiently. "If you're going to pass out again, I'm just gonna leave."

Grog gave him an exasperated look. "No, I'm fine." he said. "How much trouble am I in this time?"

The field medic and head mortician shrugged. "Beats the hell out of me. I just wanted you out of my way while I took care of the body. I just decided to wake you up after I finished tending to your wounds so you wouldn't flip the fuck out."

Grog looked down, finding his torso had a bandage wrapped around it.

"Its nothing serious, just a good scrape that needed to be flushed out. I'll check it tonight, assuming you are still around." With a dark chuckle, he picked up the bucket and left.

Grog sighed. That's three 'allies' he's killed in two days. If he by some miracle isn't charged with treason, killed, or exiled, he'll still have to spend the rest of his life wondering if everyone is waiting for him to snap again. On the other hand, he didn't particularly want to die, or be exiled either. For a brief moment he considered just leaving, but that would only make it worse if he got caught. He'd be dead for sure in that case.

He ended up spending the rest of the day sitting under that tree, contemplating the events that led to this. In two days he went from 'spoiled castleboy' to 'psycho killer'.

And yet, he didn't really mind all that much. He was tired of people saying that he was 'too soft' (emotionally, at least. nobody in their right mind would insult his weight.) or that he was 'weak'. At least now people knew he was capable of doing violent, horrible things to others.

"Maybe I am a little nutty." He mused aloud, before getting up. He wandered back to the medic tent to see if Torque would check his wounds.

Sitting on a wooden bench, the large orc let out a yawn. From his place at a table, Torque let out a bark of a laugh.

"I don't know how you could be tired, you've spent most of the last few days unconscious."

"There is a difference between blacked out and asleep. I figured you would know that." Grog said flatly, not really in the mood to exchange words with the medic.

"What the hell crawled up your ass. Usually you're more upbeat than this."

Grog shot him a dirty look as the medic approached with fresh bandages. "Its hard to be upbeat after you accidentally kill three people you're supposed to be allied with simply because you can't control your temper."

Motioning Grog to sit up, Torque wrapped the bandages around Grog's wound. "Fair enough. You gonna go explain all this to your Pa after you're done here?"

"I hadn't considered it. You think I should?"

"Well, it certainly couldn't hurt your case, hm?" He patted Grog on the back. "All done. Good luck, kiddo."

Brutality and Kindness are not always Mutually Exclusive Ch.3

After what felt like the longest walk in his life, Grog finally stood outside his father's tent. The cloth structure seemed to give of the same intimidating air that the throne room did, and Grog felt a sense of dread creeping up his spine. He was...

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Brutality and Kindness are not always Mutually Exclusive Ch. 1

**[TWO DAYS LATER]** 'Sploosh!' "GUH?" Grog's eyes shot open. His face was wet, and he was upright. In front of him, a nervous looking orc wearing a pair of thick goggles stood with a bucket. "What the hell, Bro?" Grog roared at the shorter male....

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Brutality and Kindness are not Mutually Exclusive CH 0

Or "How I caved in a man's skull and ate his flesh before rescuing some puppies from a burning building", the prolouge. * * * "Listen, Grog, you're too nice. If you're going to be an honored warrior, you need to get your act together or else nobody...

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