Eli Eli 2: Deeper Memories

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Eli, Eli 2: Deeper Memories

By Zack Gregson

(this is for 18 and over, containing incestuous sexual situations between father and son. There, had to spoil it for you whiners. Go home if you don't like it.)

It was soon becoming Autumn. The cold ghosts of Scottish summer had been exorcised temporarily by the power of Mother Nature awaking from Her sleep, the snow falling away against a weak sun. The snow would be held off for only so long to give all enough time to store food for the winter. Autumn was a time of haste, a time of renewed strength by the adrenalin caused by the ticking timebomb of Winter, a time of mating and partnerships and plans for new families, a time of working for a brighter hope of the future. It was rarely a time for sadness, and nobody had time to think that. Not from the pale sun, that great orb worshipped and revered ever since the first plants appeared. The ground smelt wet and fresh after they had been awakened from the blankets of snow that made them went into cold sleeps, hibernation for the preparation of winter. And now it was time for the plants to stretch their leaves out in great silent yawns and live once more, if only for three months or so, until the snow smothered them once more.

But not everywhere did happiness reign under the order of Autumn. One example, who this very story focuses on, lives in a small town called Dunadin, 18 miles inland from the east coast of Scotland. At number 5 Muir Road, a young furson was about to wake up. A 10 year old named Eli Campbell, a perfect blend of his vixen mother and kangaroo father. He had a fox's brush tail of blazing red and a white tip, soft hazel eyes of a vixen or a youthful fox cub, large powerful feet and legs a kangaroo along with the proud snubbed snout of his marsupial father, complete with sandy coloured fur on his back, chest, face and legs. His arms were also like a roo's, but ended in black vulpine paws. A proof of the love between his mother and father. But it was that exact subject, the reason for his existence he was in a darkening mood of.

His father, Jason Campbell, had died in the Herkland war two years ago. His mother was grieving as well as him, but she recovered better, glad for the love of her son. Eli however was more worse off. He was much closer to his father than his mother ever was. Perhaps it was the classic bond between males, and the bloodline strengthened it further. Or the fact that he had more of the kangaroo inside him than a fox. But it was more than that. It started back when he was five years old, and he suffered from nightmares endlessly as a child. His father had the duty not only as a soldier and a husband and a father, but as the banisher of nightmares. Whenever he heard his son's panicked whimpers (by his very good hearing) he came into the room, with an air of gentle power, like a peaceful dragon, and the nightmares disappeared for those nights. One night, as he did his routine of banishing nightmares and his wife had gone on a night shift somewhere, Jason had walked in naked from his bed and due to a mixture of unconscious feelings from Jason and childish curiosity from Eli, the night ended with both of them smiling naked at each other, Eli covered in some remnants of his father's male semen, especially around his lips. Markings of a physical love emerging slowly but surely between them, even though one of them was confused about his feelings for his son, and the other was happy to be so warm in the company of his father. That night was when father and son connected more. And every night when the nightmares came and then later on, when some nights were peaceful, Jason would go to his son's room and his son would suckle his father's penis again and again, with the innocent attention of a cub and the suppressed sexual feelings from both. This carried on until he was 7 years old. His mother had absolutely no idea at all about this. And Eli had no intention of telling her. He did not want his father's reputation soiled for sexual relations with his own son. He knew his father was loving, caring and absolutely consensual with the entire process of their love, but nobody else would see it like that. He knew that.

'Wakey, wakey Eli!' came the charming voice of his mother, Moira. 'Back to school with ye! Snow's gone!' She was replied to with an exasperated groan. Eli hated school, for two reasons.

One, work. No matter what, work was always a chore, and chores wasted time for what could've been used as fun.

Two, he got bullied a lot. Mainly his small size and large feet and any other part of him that the rest thought as weird. No matter what generation, there were always cruel cubs.

'Eli, you're not missing the bus to school on ma watch! Now get oot of bed!' Her voice was more forceful now, as she mercilessly whipped the sheets of the bed right out off the bed, exposing her son's body, clothed in soft blue cotton PJs.

'Ohhh, Mum, it's too cold!'

'It was colder during the holidays and you never complained. Now come on, come doon for your breakfast. I made the toast golden brown with melted butter just the way you like it.' An enticing offer, and Eli knew he had to come out of bed eventually. The mood over the day that passed of his father's death still laid inside his mind.

He headed to school in a morose mood, the bus wheels clanking under his seat and the metal floor. His best friend, a frog called Jimmy, sat by him.

'Hey Eli, how are ya?'

'Fine.......' his voice was not enthusiastic and he didn't even look at his friend.

'What's wrong, pal? You been kinda. . .moody lately.'

'I'm just in a mood.'

'Okay.' Jimmy did not ask further, but to try and cheer up his friend he brought out a blue Gameboy.

'I got the new puzzle game out. Wanna play 'til we get to school?'

'No thanks Jimmy. . .thanks.' Even in his mood of bereavement, he still remembered to thank his friend, who said nothing until they reached the school.

'I heard snow might come back any time, so hey, maybe we get a school day, right?'

'Yeah.' Eli's responses at this time were always sombre and short. Jimmy knew why, hearing about his father's death and he attended the funeral along with his family. He knew that all he could do with his friend was to talk to him as normally as if it were any other day. He wondered if Eli had clinical depression. Jimmy knew of it since he had a cousin who suffered the same thing.

The school day went by in a whirl of grey, green and white, Eli paying no attention to anything that he was taught to do, asked to do, or offered to do. Not all the teachers knew of his condition so some of them would think he was inattentive. Let them think that, thought the fox-roo cub, if they know I won't do anything than they won't pester me with stupid questions.

The day would become more eventful as it reached lunchtime. Jimmy decided not to bother him, as the bereaved cub headed off to a spot against the walls, a small lunch table outside that no one else went to, being a place that oozed of loneliness. It was called "the lone table" by some, appropriately. Eli merely sat there, not even eating anything, practically drowning within the depths of his depression, the hole in his heart only his father could fill. He twisted the silver chain in his paws, hearing it jingle in his grasp like little broken bells all going off out of order. He then felt a shadow pass over him. Looking up, he saw it was a tall gangly cheetah, the bully of the playground, about 2 grades higher than Eli. His face was of a brutal combination of hard eyes, close-minded mouth and strong arms and legs from years of beatings, given to others and received by others.

'Hey, bushwipe!' This was a nickname of offence to Eli, incorporating his bushy tail and the fact that kangaroos originated from the "bush" of Australia. 'Thought you were nae gonna see me today?' Eli stayed silent, not wanting to antagonise, but also not caring enough to speak.

'You gone deaf or summat?' asked the cheetah in a hard voice. 'Give me your money, now!' No movement, Eli sat there, not even looking directly at the intruder of his private depressive state.

'I'm nae gonna have you sit there and cry aboot your dead da-'

'Don't you EVER talk about my da!' One of the emotions that could break through stronger than sadness was anger.

'Or else what? You gonna cry for your da? In some grave?' Eli did not take this talk lightly, as he showed by lunging over the table at the cheetah. The bully however had quicker reflexes and punched the cub directly in the face as he flew, Eli falling backwards and whacking his head on the table, never yelping in his fits of anger. he got up again in spite of his head feeling as if it would split.

'You got some guts, bushwipe! Money, or my fist, which is it?'

'I have nae money, now piss aff!'

'No money? You give me money, Eli, or I pummel you dead!'

'Go ahead. You don't deserve any money from me, and say one more word about my dad and you'll be sorry.' Only a select few of the students, mainly the cheetah's victims and sycophants, along with those who liked Eli (including his best friend Jimmy).

'Eli, what are ya doing?' Jimmy begged to his friend, but no reply came to him.

'Take back what you said about my da, Colin!' sputtered Eli. 'Take it back or else!'

'Why should I? He's dead, he's no gonna care!'

'Take it BACK!'

'Make me!' And so the fox-roo ran at the cheetah Colin who got knocked down by a fist and was pummeled a few times by Eli, his fist hurting from the clash of knuckle against cheek bone. Colin was stronger however, and slammed his fist into Eli's nose, blood spurting instantly. Then he kneed him in the stomach, making the cub wince in pain, but he yelped when Colin slammed a fist into the same spot, bruising his stomach badly. Eli rolled over and clutched himself in pain. He could say nothing and had no time to, when Colin got up and kicked Eli again and again in the stomach, each deliverance of his foot making the cub shiver in agony.

'Stop it!' shouted Jimmy and he tried running but got punched by Colin with a roundhouse punch backwards. The blow was unpredictable and Jimmy felt stars shatter in his bulbous eyes.

'You wanna join your pal, croaker?' The reply was empowered by fierce eyes only a bully can use against students and bring the fear of extreme pain to silence them. Jimmy couldn't help it, he was paralysed, he felt no urge to help his friend after those eyes made him whimper in shame. After two more kicks, Colin left today's victim on the black gravel of the playground, when the bell rang and they all went inside. Nobody helped the fox-roo for fear of Colin. Not even Jimmy who was too dazed from the punch and was also too frightened. The students went inside, all except the one who lost his energy to walk.

Eli Campbell could not move. He merely cried silently, nothing in his body to make him move. he felt so weak at this point, so helpless that he made not even the most smallest of effort to move from his position, slumped on his side, his stomach burning with pain as intense as an oil fire. He could think of nothing, except for the silver chain around his neck. And he decided since he could not move, he could dream, and perhaps sleep to recover from his wounds. So he began to remember. . .remember why he did not let someone tarnish his father's name.

The night that brought him truly closer to his father was back three years ago. He was 7 years old, and the night contained no nightmares for him, no personal Pandora's box he opened unwittingly by the aura of sleep. His father walked in, fully erect with his 7 1/2 inches, a pink rod that symbolised love to both of them. Eli sat up in his bed, blue PJs and that silver chain he always wore ever since that night when he was five.

'How is tonight, my son?' asked Jason tentatively.

'Good, da. No nightmares, and I'm always glad to see you.'

'Are you ready for tonight as usual?'

'Aye. . .' Eli moved over and began to lick the cock he had licked and suckled with loving attention for the past two years, his short warm panting breaths making the penis glow more red with enticing energy. Jason moaned and held his son's head with one hand, at the back of the neck, encouraging him to go deeper.

'Ohhh Eli. . .you're such a wonderful son.' Eli thanked him by going deeper on the cock, sucking it slowly, building a rhythm he had unconsciously practised by so many of these loving sessions with his father. He moved his tongue back and forth under it, then around the length, circling it, wrapping around it if he could, tasting as much of it as he could. His paws moved down to the base, where it was not sucked by his mouth, and began rubbing them softly. His eyes half-closed in love, as he sank his mouth deeper on the meat, his throat sucking with as much strength as he could make, which was enough for his father, who merely moaned and circled his hips gently, prodding the back of his beloved son's throat with the head of his cock. Eventually, he began forming an idea in his head. An idea he was afraid to use, but assured by his son's unconditional affection, that he would attempt it.

'Eli. . .stop sucking me for a while.' The cub pulled off his father's cock, licking the head with tongue extended before looking up at him, his eyes wide with untapped sexual energy.

'But why, dad? Am I doing it wrong?'

'No, no, no, you're doing very well, perfectly. But. . .there is something we could do, other than suckling each other.'

'Oh?' His eyes still remained wide, now conflicting with curiosity. 'What else can we do?'

'Well. . .it is a very special thing that only two can share together if they love each other very much. What I can do. . .is put my penis inside your bum.'

'What???' Eli had the precaution to not shout out loud, but whisper this harshly. 'That's. . .that's...ewww.'

'I know what you mean. . .it does sound gross at first. But trust me, it can feel really good if the two love each other enough. If you don't want to do it, I understand and we can just taste each other.' Eli was now in a state of conflict. Which would win, the grossness of putting a penis into an ass, or the fact he loved feeling his dad's penis in his mouth and so wondering what it would feel inside his ass. . .but he DID look a little big. But he loved his father enough to trust him. Eventually, like almost every battle in the mind of a cub, curiosity won again and he nodded.

'Okay daddy. I want to try this with you. . .you can put your penis inside my butt.'

'Are you sure? This is your choice. I will warn you that it will hurt at first, but only the first time. After that it will feel very pleasurable for both of us. Now,' he placed his paw on Eli's head, smiling at him, 'are you sure you want to try this?'

'Aye, daddy. I want to. I love you and trust you, daddy.' That confirmed it. He was willing to proceed. Jason nodded and so moved onto his son's bed. He then lied down on it, stretching fully with his head resting beside his son on the pillow, his cock erect in the air. He kissed his son soundly on the lips before asking him:

'Let me see your bum. . .I need to make it wet first.' Eli turned over on his back with his butt pointing at his father, tail raised to show his tight little pucker. Seeing his son lie on his tummy, tail in the air with cute little butt winking at him, made him smile as an ounce of precum spilled from his cock.

'You're so beautiful, Eli.' He then moved down to sniff at the butt, before licking it carefully, making sure he would lick every part of it with his saliva for a lubricated passage. He lapped away at the puckered ring of his son, and his son moaned dreamily at the feel of such warmth on him. It was like a lovely tongue bath, so sweet to his fur, so soft and fresh and warm to feel. Jason caressed the soft rear of his son, licking the fur of the butt as well as the tailbase and the puckered butt itself. He soon became more adventurous and pushed his tongue into his son's ass, making Eli moan and become more erect. His fox tail twitched to show his pleasure, as his father's tongue entered him as deep as he could, between 1-2 inches, lapping at the walls, swirling around them, lubricating every part of them for an easier passage. He moaned into Eli, and his son panted in shivering whimpers of joy. Soon, Jason stopped and pulled his tongue out of Eli's butt. He then chuckled and asked his son:

'Go down over to my cock, son, and gently ease yourself on it. I'll guide you.' He wasn't worried about saying vulgar words with his son, for he taught him that you only say these words when you are having sex, but not anywhere else. Eli crawled over to the throbbing wet penis of his father, rubbing it in awe. The pulsing length that created him, holding half of his life within, and he was going to experience even more with it. He was a little frightened of it. But he trusted his father and would trust him with his life. So he moved the cock down a little and as he felt the head press onto his anus, Jason moved his hands to Eli's body, and held him gently, easing his son slowly.

'Don't rush it, my son. Take your time to get used to it.' Eli did so, very carefully and slowly moving back onto the cockhead. As it finally pushed into his puckered ring, he gasped, the sudden warmth spreading into him as swiftly as air. Pushing further, he felt the first inch of his father's penis enter his ass finally. The feel of his rear being spread hurt slightly, but not enough for him to take notice.

'Good boy,' said his father, patting his sides softly, rubbing him to sooth his worries, 'now sit on it. . .and I will guide you on it.' Eli nodded and he lifted himself onto it, his father helping him as he was above the cock with an inch inside him. Jason then very carefully pushed his son down on his shaft, the inches widening his ass slowly. Eli moaned as the warmth flowed into his virgin walls, swirling within him and tightening on the cock that invaded his now-no-longer virgin tailhole. As he reached the third inch, he gasped sharply and winced as the pain began in earnest, his ass now being spread widely. As he whimpered from the growing pain, Jason moved one paw to his son's face and stroked his cheek softly, soothingly.

'Shhhh, don't worry Eli. . .I'll go slower. . .' and he did so, taking more slower time, easing his cock into his son with the precision and care a tailor places string made of a precious material through the eye of a needle. It was some time when finally, after much wincing and restraint of pain from Eli, that he finally had all 7 1/2 inches of his father's penis entirely inside him. His furry butt and fox tail brushed against his father's testicles. He panted, sweat running on his brow from the pain and the extreme warmth in his ass. He looked at his father, seeing the kind eyes filled with paternal anxiety, coalescing (if not, conflicting) with the love of a physical and emotional lover. He did not know so much of love at his age, but he knew the love of a father. That was enough to let his father be with him this way.

'Daddyyy. . .you feeell. . .so-o-o-o warm.' The roo father chuckled and stroked Eli's cheeks softly, brushing one finger from cheek to cheek across the chin.

'I love you enough to make you warm, my son.' Eli smiled, the pain lessening in his anus as his walls relaxed, his father's soothing voice calming him as his ass opened more, beginning to finally accept his father's penis.

'Now, Eli, you and I are going to do something. I want you to ride on it.'

'Ride? You mean. . .like on a horse?'

'Yes. Just lift yourself slowly up and then sit back down, move my cock in and out of you. That's the real fun.' Eli was once more confused, but he had gone so far with this that he knew there was no turning back essentially. So, because of his inexperience, Jason held Eli by the sides, his hands under his son's arms and helped him lift off the cock. The fox-roo cub could feel his father sliding out of him, the passage easier coming out than it was going inside him. The sucking noise as it left his ass along with the very strange feel of having a fully blocked anus (feeling very like the need to go to the toilet) was not so well liked by Eli. As the cock was halfway out of his ass, Jason looked up at him and nodded before his son then sat back down on the cock, more by himself than using his father's help, the penis sliding once more into him, not so hard to do now as he was spread open, his tight ring now more widened as he hilted the dick in him again. He smiled, feeling very little pain, smothered by the warmth.

'It feels good daddy. Can I do it again?'

'Of course Eli. . .just keep riding me.' So he did, moving himself up and then down, up and down, like the rides of a merry-go-round, feeling the cock massage his young walls, as far as 7 1/2 inches into him, he soon had to moan from this new experience. His eyes half-shut in innocent lust, as his father replied in his deeper moans, holding his son tight with his arms to push him up and pull him down.

Soon, he couldn't hold himself back anymore, feeling his own son's blood pumping in the anal walls so close to the blood that pumped in his cock veins, the warmth of them together so ensnaring of their minds they could think of nothing else, and the only things that existed was them and this bed they lay on. He soon began thrusting into Eli, making him yelp, but not in pain. Eli yelped in surprise mixed with pleasure. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he let his father make sweet anal love to him, his 7-year old body so opened to new experiences now, and a new level of emotions he thought never existed until now.

The cock that shafted in and out of his ass, grating against his walls, making him shiver in pleasure as he felt them being brushed and prodded and rammed made him squeal in orgasmic tones. As he rode the cock, the silver chain on his neck bounced and jangled musically like tiny newborn birds in a birthing cacophony.

'OH, DADDY!!! OH, that feels so GOOD!'

'Eli. . .Eli. . .OH. . .GODS. . .ELI!!!!' Jason was reaching the same level of emotional and physical intensity as his son, feeling his cock enter his son's tight young warm ass, now no longer a virgin as he fucked him with as much strength he thought he could give. He shafted deep inside Eli, rubbing against the small prostate, along the pulsing walls that throbbed in unison with his penis, and deeper as he heard the squish of precum coming from inside his son. He knew he would come soon and he knew he wanted this. Jason was sure that Eli wanted it as well. He warned his son:

'I'm going to cum inside you, Eli! Oh. . .ohhh, I'm so close, I want to fill you!' Eli rode his father with maddening passion, feeling nothing but carnal pleasure, incestuous love and paternal attention. He nodded and yapped like the puppy he was.

'Daddy, fill me! I love you! Fill me, please!' And so with that request, the male kangaroo made his last thrusts inside his son, ramming the sweet little butt until he hilted on the last one, pushing Eli onto his crotch hard as he roared in his orgasm, the strongest one he ever remembered having. Eli squealed in amazed joy with him as he felt the sudden explosion of body warmth inside him. He filled his son's body with his seed, burning hot liquid of life, male milk drowning his son's prostate in heat, spreading it into opened anal walls of sweating muscle, and soon dripping out of his son's tailhole onto Jason's cock and Eli's pucker. They both panted, Eli collapsing on his father's glistening chest, the chain glinting in the dripping of sweat they made, exhausted and a little confused from the sex, but they then looked at each other and saw their eyes, both reflecting love back at each other. They knew all was well with each other and Eli crawled forward, kissing his father on the lips.

'I love you daddy. Thank you for being with me.'

'Of course Eli. And thank you for being the most wonderful son to me.' They then slept together that night. Eli's mother, Moira, never knew, as Jason had got up before she came home and nipped back to his bed, none the wiser to his wife. The love only existed between him and his son. His son knew this and believed it as well.

But now. . .three years later he had no such love. He had the love of his mother and the love of a few friends, but nothing so deep as the one he had of his father. He wanted that kind of love again. His mother would never give him that and his friends weren't connected enough to him and would never be willing. He remembered these memories as he lay beaten and bruised like a loose rotting grape, fallen and apart from the rest of the bunch. He then passed out, the wind ruffling his fur as his body rested on the blacktop of the playground. He was found by his form class teacher 10 minutes later and taken to hospital after the school rang an ambulance.

His mother then received the call 14 minutes after the ambulance picked him up. She nearly dropped the phone from shock and thanked the school office that called her, before grabbing her coat and driving her car to Swithin Street General Hospital.