Furson Profile: Snow
Name: "Snow" (Has other titles as well, but aren't as common in the native)Gender: MaleAge: N/A (Usually defaults to the age of the the user, but can attribute to the setting/s)Height: 5' 6"Weight: 130 lbs.Species: Snow Fox (Practically an Arctic Fox)Home: The Far Arctic NorthlandsOccupation: Village Retriever, Novice HunterHobbies: Fan DancingHistory:"Snow" was given as a distinguished name for him when he was young, having been born during a blizzard. It later caught on between peers, as it always seemed to snow when he was around. It has stuck with him ever since, even being called that by elder figures. "Snow", however was a rare name, and considered rather special to some, and to others simply as a laughing stalk of a name. The name is often made use of extensively in insults and mockery, especially by higher-ups, and even some hunters.As preceded by his father, he defined as a hunter in his village initially. Not proving well at it, however, he defaulted be being one of the village's retrievers (one who brings something back for the people to share). These two occupations have gathered various skills of which he now uses at his own expense. He otherwise is interested, and seeks to be a fan dancer... something he isn't particularly comfortable in sharing with others, due to fear of embarrassment, and dismissal. He practices in private on a infrequent, but regular basis.He only dreams of pursuing this passion...Appearance:Despite the rather poor living standards in his home, Snow appears as a young, well-looking Arctic Fox whose coat is a bright, snowy white. His eyes appear yellow, with black rings in the irises, and a very small snowflake marking sits behind the left eye. Hair is often a variable length, depending on situation, or circumstance. At only 5' 6", and 130 lbs., he's not the biggest person. He's observed to be very lean, thin, and slender to the look. His long tail appears very bushy, and full of long, thick fur. His nose, and paw pads are black, and have white, triangular markings on them. He's rather wide at the hips, and a bit thicker at the legs then elsewhere on his body. They still appear rather thin, however.The cloths Snow often wears are mostly composed of thick, fur-based clothing. Normal retriever's cloths consist of a blue furred, hooded cape that skirts about halfway down the torso, a shanka hat, a somewhat less thick undercoat (not furred), light, pale trousers, moccasin-type footwear, and a skirting clothing piece with four flaps cut to into it, enabling quicker movement. Gloves can be worn when in cold environments (which in Snow's case, is quite often).In some cases, pieces of the outfit are omitted, such as the undercoat, the skirting piece, the gloves, and the footwear. The trousers may also be replaces by thinner, more short-legged bottoms, often composed simply of wrapping cloth, but other
materials may be used, or a pair may be worn as well, though not as commonly. These are often worn in warm-climate environments, and worn directly beneath the other clothing wear.In very specific instances, namely in private, he dresses up as something reminiscent of a Geisha.
Along with this, he usually endlessly holds two Japanese flag fans.
Despite the limited mobility of the outfit, Snow enjoys these cloths
very much, and wishes he could wear them more often. One sign is that when wearing this attire, he seemingly smiles non-stop.Personality:Snow does not have much of a personality developed. Much of his personality isn't attributed much. He can talk to other people, but wouldn't have much to say in return. It's in essence, a developing trait of the character.Abilities and Talents:Snow is a novice hunter, and a village retriever. This means he has skills in hunting (including some forms of weaponry with it), travel, and carrying. He usually carries with him a short spear (blade-tipped), short dual-blade axe (one with a broad blade, and the other with a pick blade), and large knife, and an archery kit (bow, arrows, compact quiver, and spare strings). These items are primarily used for hunting and survival, rather than confrontation, though the spear was crafted with this in mind, as well as hunting purposes. He can adapt, and grow accustomed to other weaponry as well, given proper practice.A bit of a handy crafter from his experience in survival, he sometimes spends spare time making make-shift objects of interest. So far, he's crafted things reminiscent of weaponry, like a few swords and lances, as well as sculptures, and handfans. He's crafted them of such materials as wood, stone, clay, string, and native recipe adhesive.He's also developed a knack for fan dancing. Being a hobby of his, he tries to practice whenever he feels he can. Although no one ever sees it, he tries to emulate each detail as much as he can; Everything from the movements to the attire, the environment, and even the occasion on which it's performed. He's such a devout practitioner of the activity, that he even once spent all his money gains to buy a supply he needed to further enhance the experience. His fovorite kind seems to be that of East Asian fan dances.