For You

Story by DarkSoulsSauron on SoFurry

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Eli sat down in Soren's little blue

car, a smile on his face. He pulled the driver into a kiss. Eli ran a

hand across Soren's face, tasting the ghost of cinnamon gum that

Soren liked to chew. They broke apart, Eli punctuating the kiss with

a little "mwah" of pleasure. "Hey beautiful." Soren blushed a little at the

complement. "When you're done lying through your teeth, you can

tell me how your third auction went."Eli frowned a tiny bit. "And when you

are done being too modest for your own good, I'll tell you that it

went great. Better than great, thanks to you're genius. Autumn Sunset

got into a huge bidding war. The crowd went wild when I showed them

the leaves you found me and they went nuts. No one had any idea what

I was actually painting until I showed them."Soren smiled. "Did they like the

boxes? Did the vacuum seals work well?" "Oh, they worked great. And the crowd

couldn't get enough of idea that they could own what inspired the

paintings. Even the small stuff went for a good price when they found

out the could get the leaves to go with it." Soren pulled out of the gallery parking

lot"Well, aren't you the wheeler dealer. Do you think you'll do

something like that again?""Nah," said Eli, shaking his head.

"It felt kinda gimmicky to do it tonight. Doing it over and over

would look stupid. But people liked what they saw, and the bigger

gallery attracted some more people. I saw a lot of old faces too. I

think I'm starting to build myself a following." "That's good. You deserve it after

all the work you put in." Soren kissed Eli. "What do you want for

dinner?" "If I said something tasty I wouldn't

be helping much. How about that apple pork tenderloin with dates and

bacon? Do we have stuff for that in the fridge?""I was thinking about that, actually.

We've got all that stuff. I'll get started when we get home." Soren drove home, winding through the

dark, quite roads of Cavalier. They were mostly silent, basking in

each others happiness. Soren and Eli both knew how good it felt to

have a talent validated by others. Eli did it for Soren everyday when

they ate together. Pulling in to their musty apartment, The two

walked inside, Eli fumbling with the key for a second.Soren stuck his head in the fridge.

"Eli, you read my mind. I forgot I started marinating this last

night. Dinner can be ready in about twenty minutes or so." Eli smiled in anticipation of Soren's

cooking. "Sure thing. I'll help you set up?" "Thanks, dear." Eli fished the dishes out of his

cupboard, setting up a table for two, getting out the wine glasses

for a change. Neither of them were big drinkers, and Soren had a "two

drinks" rule that Eli had only witnessed him break once. But he

wasn't complaining. Putting the pork in the oven and the

sauce on the stove, Soren poured them both a glass of red wine,

raising his across the minute table. "To your continued success."Eli rolled his eyes. "You're so

stuffy. To art." Grinning, Soren nodded his head. "Fine

then. To art." Their glasses chinked together and they drank

deeply. Putting their glasses down, Eli leaned over and kissed Soren,

tasting the sweet, dry wine. "Thanks, sweetie." Eli inhaled through his nose, taking in

the fruity scents of the wine and sauce and marinade that wafted

through the lingering aroma of paint. He closed his eyes and savored

the moment of his success, the food in the oven, and his boyfriend's

hand in his. "So, Soren... This auction turned out pretty good.

Better than the last two. What do you think about getting out of this

little place? Nothing luxurious, but if we could move into the city I

could get to the new gallery without you chauffeuring me everywhere."Soren nodded as he sipped his wine.

"Are you thinking of the place you showed me before?" Eli smiled. "It's just too perfect."Soren nodded, putting down his wine and

crossing his arms. "You could afford it last month." Eli frowned, "We could

afford it last month. You'd still be living with me." Soren's face

lightened. "I- thank you."Eli rolled his

eyes. "What, did you think I'd kick you out on the streets after I

invited you to live with me? What kind of person would that make me?"Soren looked down,

frowning. "Sorry. I didn't mean to imply tha-" Eli grabbed Soren's

muzzle and pulled him close for a kiss. He held them there for a long

time. "Don't be sorry sweetie. Just... don't worry about money

right now. You can worry about that when your lab starts paying you a

living wage."Soren nodded, the

oven buzzer interrupting his attempt to reply. Taking the pork out of

the oven, he dressed it liberally with the apple glaze, garnishing

with bacon wrapped dates and sliced red apples. Soren brought their

dinner over to the tiny round table. "So, when should we start

packing?" "Now," said

Eli, smiling through a mouthful of bacon wrapped date. "No offense

to the town, but I wanna get out of Cavalier." Soren smiled. "I'm

sure Wynne will be heartbroken to hear you ripping on her little

po-dunk town. We can pack up some of my stuff up. I know I've got

some boxes lying about. ""That's fine for

me. We can get some boxes tomorrow from the place you store your

piano," said Eli. The two discussed logistics over dinner, the

elation of Eli's latest success fueling their desire to move on with

their plans. Eli got up first, clearing his place and beginning to

put the food into leftover boxes. Eli was almost finished before

Soren was done with his food. "Hey, I'll finish

up," said Soren, placing a hand on Eli's shoulder. "Thanks,

sweetie," smiled Eli. "I need to fish something out of our room

real quick." He gave Soren a quick kiss on the cheek, weaving his

way out of the cluttered kitchen area, swishing his tails as he

walked. Slipping into their bedroom, he checked to make sure that

Soren was busy with the last of the dishes. Silently, Eli shut the

door, leaving it just barely cracked.Eli was peeking

form the crack of the door ten minutes later, smiling as Soren

started on the last pot. "Soren, dear," he called, keeping his

voice neutral, "Can you help me with something in here real quick?""Sure thing,

sweetie," Soren called back, leaving the pan to soak as he turned

the water off. Eli smiled and

quickly jumped backwards, waiting and smiling as he heard Soren's

heavy footfalls reach the door. The door gave the softest of creaks

as Soren walked inside their cramped bedroom. Eli grinned wider as he

saw Soren's jaw drop, his tongue slowly licking his thin black lips.

"Hey there, beautiful," grinned Eli, giving the smallest of winks

as he laid on their bed.Eli

smiled as he saw Soren standing in the doorway, his eyes devouring

his body that he had displayed for him. He was laying in the middle

of their new, king bed, his fur re-combed but stylistically tangled,

his tails fanned behind his back. He had his right arm behind his

head, his left angled so that he had his left ring and little fingers

squeezed lightly in between his teeth. He had nothing on except for

his special pair of pale pink boxer briefs, wrapped almost painfully

tightly around his assets. "Hey there,

beautiful," said Soren, grinning back. Slowly he reached down and

held Eli's hand, bringing it slowly to his lips. He kissed it,

leaning over Eli, crawling his way onto their bed so that he cast a

shadow over his boyfriend. He continued to kiss him as he reached for

the lamp, flicking it off with a finger. The two were cast into

darkness, save for a crack of street light through their shades and

the ghost of their kitchen light. Eli sighed as he

felt Soren's lips brush against his fur, moving slowly up from wrist

to elbow to shoulder to neck. Letting his fox eyes adjust to the

darkness, he found the buttons to Soren's shirt, lightly prying at

the buttons of the steel-blue shirt. Slowly, he unwrapped Soren from

his shirt, running his fingers through Soren's silver fur. Freed of his shirt,

Soren lowered himself on top of Eli, nipping his neck a bit, sighing

as they slid their hands across each others back. "Do you love

that, sweetie," whispered Soren, nipping him again. "Oh, you know you

drive me nuts, dear," smiled Eli, burying his face into Soren's

shoulder. Giggling at the tiny nips in his shoulders, Eli raked his

fingers through Soren's fur, digging his fingers past the fur and

rubbing the soft flesh beneath. Soren was a tad

chubby, but not unhealthily so. Soren didn't like his splash of flab,

especially compared to Eli, who was stick thin and washboard flat.

But then again, that wasn't from being healthy. He literally was a

starving artist as of a few months ago. He had gained at least ten

pounds, but not too long ago Eli could see his ribs through his fur. Eli closed his eyes

and felt Soren's slightly rough black lips brush across his body. He

started with Eli's hands, working down Eli's slightly shaggy arms to

shoulders, neck, collarbones. Eli tilted his head back, presenting

more of his neck and slightly parted his lips. Soren accepted the

invitation, working his way up Eli's slim neck to reach the sweet,

thin, dark lips. Each kiss sent a pleasant swell through his sheath. They locked

themselves together, kissing so passionately that they broke apart to

gasp for air before coming together again. Eli let out a sigh as

Soren ran hands down Eli's slanted hips, reaching his own hands up to

hold Soren's cheeks in his hands. As they broke apart, Eli put a

slender finger on Soren's mouth. "Lie back, sweetie." Soren gave his best

wolfish grin as he let Eli push him onto his back. Eli ran his hands

down Soren's chest, rubbing Soren's belly. Soren gave a little growl

as Eli let that sultry silver fur slide between his fingers. Eli

kneaded Soren's paunch just a little bit. Eli actually loved that

little dash of flab Soren had. It made him so much more cuddleable. Eli moved his hands

south, reaching for Soren's black belt. He deftly undid the buckle,

shimmying down Soren's black jeans. Eli stepped back, eating up

Soren with his eyes. From his muscle vieled by silver fur and flesh,

to his swishing, almost-liquid tails to the magnificent tent forming

in his pants. Soren gave Eli an inviting smile. Eagerly, Eli

grabbed the straining waistband of Soren's boxers and tugged, hearing

a wet "thwack" as Soren's fully extended length was released from

its confines. Eli could feel himself swelling, his own girth pushing

its way past his own waistband, his pointed tip peeking out of his

pink boxers. Soren straightened and lowered his legs, leaving space

for Eli, which he gladly filled. Soren gave a tiny moan as Eli used

his long canine tongue to slather up Soren's member. He worked

slowly, but expertly, drawing his tongue all across Soren's exposed

flesh, lingering over the knot, tip and base of the sheath. Eli

picked up his pace as Soren panted, clamping his muzzle around

Soren's shaft as he continued to wrap his tongue around that

delicious rod of flesh. Gentle, loving hands rand down Eli's body,

hooking at his pink waistband and extracting his legs from his

panites.Soren panted

louder, giving tiny huffs of pleasure as Eli licked, slurped, and

stimulated Soren, moving his muzzle back and forth as his tongue slid

along the sides and bottom. Eli retreated farther back as spasms ran

across Soren's hips. He let out a tiny moan as Soren bucked into his

mouth, a sharp thrust of uncontrolled passion and energy that Soren

always held inside him. Placing a hand on top of Soren's pelvis, Eli

pressed downwards, keeping Soren still long enough to give Soren's

fat knot a strong squeeze. Eli smiled internally as Soren moaned,

"Oh, Eli, please." Eli gave a second,

firmer squeeze, clamping his lips tightly around Soren's shaft,

letting Soren pump himself into his mouth once, twice, three times...

Eli counted six of Soren's releases, letting the warm saltiness fill

his mouth. Call him a whore, but he liked the taste, especially if he

loved the fox attached to the cock. Eli swallowed, savoring the warm

sensation and giggling as he saw Soren spread wide on their bed, eyes

closed in lingering pleasure. Straightening up,

Eli crawled up Soren, kissing his chest and shoulders as Soren

rumbled his pleasure. Eli lay on his side, clamping onto Soren's

side, kissing his cheek and muzzle as he gently ground himself into

Soren, offering his own hard length to Soren.Soren gleefully

accepted Eli's offer, unwrapping himself in order to position the

both of them. Eli felt strong silver hands sitting him upright,

spreading his legs wide and slowly moving his arms back so Eli could

lean. Those silver hands began running themselves down Eli's body in

a sensual massage. Soren held him so tenderly, as if his body was

made of delicate glass and being too rough would shatter him to

pieces. Rough, dark lips brushed against his chest, and Eli ran his

hands down Soren's back as his love worked slowly down. Eli sighed. Eli's length was

throbbing heavily, desperate to be stimulated as it stood poised in

front of his body. Soren grinned before lowering his muzzle slowly,

lovingly clamping his muzzle around Eli's pride, kissing the tip

before getting to work. Soren worked expertly and messily, causing

Eli to shudder as wet globs of slobber rolled down his quivering

length. His tongue danced all across Eli, touching lightly everywhere

but never lingering. As the tension

tightened within himself, Eli felt Soren retreat. Soren straightened

up long enough to kiss Eli, holding their lips together, exchanging

each others tastes within their mouths as their tongues embraced

between locked muzzles. As Soren broke apart, he began to run his

hands down Eli's washboard chest, leaving a harmless trail of blue

sparks as his fingers began to ignite.Eli felt the gentle

warmth of Soren's flames ignite as they reached his navel, traveling

farther to caress his furry sack. "Oooh... Oh Soren, don't stop."

Soren obliged, gently massaging Eli's orbs and sending soft pulses of

warmth into them. he felt himself relaxing a bit, and as he felt

his sack swell Soren's hands traveled to his length and sheath. The

same gentle massage, supplemented by soft fire sent surges of

pleasure through Eli. It took little time for him to look as though

he had stepped out of a scalding shower, his balls sagging heavily on

the bedspread and his length swollen in diameter, coaxed to it's new

size by Soren's warm caress and Eli's passionate lust. "Oh, Soren,

you''re such a size queen," huffed Eli as Soren continued to knead

his sheath and length with ignited paws. "Finish me, sweetie." "As you wish,"

whispered Soren, letting go to let Eli's swollen length sag under its

weight before encasing it in his muzzle again. Eli shuddered as cool

black lips brushed his straining knot and a wet tongue slowly snaked

south. With a warming squeeze of his sack and a pinch of his knot,

Eli let out a lusty moan, incoherent in his bliss. His back arched his

arms bracing him and pushing down into their new mattress. Through

sheer force of will, Eli didn't thrust into Soren's overfull muzzle

as he felt his knot contract, pumping his seed deep into Soren's

eager mouth. Once, twice, three times... Eli couldn't keep count as

pleasure overtook his entire being, flopping onto his back as Soren

moaned in pleasure as Eli's euphoric releases leaked from around his

lips, dripping down his softening shaft, dripping into his fur.Eli felt Soren's

tongue coax his great load down his throat, proceeding to dance along

Eli's pride to clean up their mess. He lay on his back, his arms legs

and tails spread out in all directions as Soren continued to caress

and service his spent body. "Do you wanna keep going, sweetheart?""Only if you do,"

said Soren, licking his lips. "Take me,"

whispered Eli, grinning and lifting his legs in invitation. "Right

now." "As you wish,"

whispered Soren again, lovingly lifting Eli's slender legs to rest on

his silver shoulders. Eli closed his

eyes, trying not to pant in anticipation as his soft but half-knotted

member flopped against his abs, angled upward to take Soren's pride.

"Relax," said Eli to himself. With a breath, he uncoiled

every muscle in his body. The first tip was

wet and chilly from the lube. It probed gently to find Eli's open

tailhole, slowly, lovingly entering Eli. They both inhaled deeply and

held it. Soren began to slowly exhale as he coaxed his second inch,

and then his third, and then his eighth. Eli let out his breath as he

felt Soren's swollen red knot press into his tailhole. He held up a

hand, panting as his body adapted to the sensation of his lover

inside him. It was indeed painful at the start, but Eli had taken

Soren more than a few times now, and his body was used to that

covetable girth inside him. "You all right,"

asked Soren, placing a hand on Eli's chest. Eli's response was

entirely nonverbal. He grabbed Soren's face and pulled them close,

locking their lips together so they were joined by both the muzzle

and loins. Each kiss was salty and sweet, tasting of sweat and cum

and passion. They locked lips only briefly, just long enough to brush

their tongues together before breaking apart to gasp lustily. Eli

felt strong hands press into his chest as he was pinned to the bed as

they kissed. Eli's hands were less occupied, so they began to caress

the contours of Soren's beautiful body. After a few short

kisses, Soren began to thrust, slowly withdrawing before driving

himself back in. Eli's moans escaped between their lips as Soren

thrust inward. He was always so gentle when they first started. Silly

boy had to be reminded Eli liked it rough. "Harder, sweetie,"

moaned Eli. "Please." Soren obliged. He

stopped kissing Eli to focus on his thrusts, working faster, harder,

and more arrhythmically, purposely forcing the tip of his knot down,

as though he wanted to tie them now, orgasms be damned. Eli felt his

legs being pushed farther and farther apart as Soren pounded him with

profound tenderness despite his furious pace. Eli groaned as Soren's

thrusts drove him closer to his euphoric climax, Soren panting

visibly, tongue lolling out of his muzzle as he drove himself deeper

into Eli. "Eli... I...

I..." "Tie us,

darling," squealed Eli, his voice a much higher pitch than normal.

Soren grunted as he drove his peach-sized knot deep into his love,

his thrust punctuated by an audible pop. Eli moaned first in a

surge of pain as that thick bulb of flesh forced itself inside him

but then in pleasure as all twelve and a half inches of Soren's girth

rammed itself into his prostate, sending surges of pleasure into his

knot and hamstrings. "Oh, Soren, my

sweet. Soren!" Eli's whole body contracted, his cheeks clenching

around Soren's length, his back, tails, and limbs arching, his pride

contracting as it unloaded across both of their chests. As he shot

his second of many spurts into the air, Eli felt a warm, viscous

sensation fill up his insides, rushing inside him in a torrent of

Soren's pleasure. Each warm spurt was punctuated by a whisper of

"Eli... Eli..." He heard his name whispered in lusty passion four

times. Soren collapsed onto Eli's sticky chest, his knot still

pushing Eli's legs apart, sticky seed leaking from his overstuffed

tailhole. Lazily, Eli sat up

a fraction to kiss Soren, both euphoric in their afterglow. "You

were amazing, love. Where'd you learn that fire trick? That felt so

good." Soren gave an

uncharacteristic giggle. "High school, sweetheart. It's better than

squeezing if you want a messy finish.""How many shots

did you coax out of me," asked Eli, combing his messy bangs out of

his eyes with his fingers. "Thirteen,"

grinned Soren. "I swallowed twice but I couldn't keep up." Eli

felt Soren wriggle his length inside him, seeing if his knot was

deflated enough to extract himself. With a wet squelch Soren freed

himself by crawling back on all fours, kissing his way down. Without

talking, Soren continued to kiss Eli's half-erect length, coaxing it

to full mast with each brush of his lips.Soren giggled as

those sweet, rough lips tickled his sensitive pride. He sat up and

embraced Soren, kissing the muzzle that was just pleasuring him.

"Soren, can I ask you something?" "Whatever you

like, sweetie."Eli kissed Soren

again. "Would you bottom for me tonight?" Soren's reaction took

Eli by complete surprise. He instantly withdrew, not being able to

meet Eli's eyes. There was a pause

as Soren hugged Eli tight. "I... I'd rather not. Why do you ask."Eli ran a hand

through Soren's blue hair. "I'm sorry if I touched a nerve, dear.

It's just, well... when you take me like you did tonight, you give me

a gift. You provide a special pleasure that only you can give me.

I'd love to do that for you too, sometime."Soren held Eli as

he laid them down on the bed. "Eli... well... last time I bottomed,

it didn't turn out well. He was big and he wouldn't listen. He really

hurt me. I just sort of... lost my taste for it after that."Eli kissed Soren

again. "I understand, sweetie. But, you understand I'd never do

that to you. I'll listen to whatever you tell me to do, even if you

ask me to stop right before we'd end it. But I'd just like to

pleasure you in the same way you do for me."Soren paused,

running a hand down Eli's bare back. "...I'd do it for you,

sweetie. Be gentle.""Thank you,

Soren. Tell me what feels good, ok?" Eli sat up, taking the lube

Soren passed him and applying much more than he would normally have

used. He coaxed his length to full mast, sitting nearly straight up

as Eli parted his legs to leave a seat for Soren. "Lower yourself.

I'll give you the control."Tenatively, Soren

pressed his body into Eli's, sliding slowly down until Eli's tip

lined up with his tails. Soren paused, inhaling, exhaling. Inhaling,

exhaling. Inhaling, and then down. Soren slammed himself down,

forcing the first three inches of Eli's length inside him. Soren

cringed a bit. "You ok,

sweetie," asked Eli, holding Soren by his slightly pudgy thighs. Soren steadied

himself and placed his hands on Eli's shoulders. "... Yes. I'm

alright. The lube is so chilly." Soren inhaled before lowering

himself by an inch... and another... and another, slowly exhaling as

he rested himself on Eli's swollen knot. "Feeling ok?"

asked Eli, enjoying how Soren was clenching for him while they were

just sitting here. "Yes," said

Soren, a note of optimism returning. "Let's keep going." "Lie back,"

whispered Eli, pushing Soren so that he was gently lying on the

bedspread. "Tell me if you're uncomfortable, ok sweetie?" Soren

nodded. Eli kissed Soren on the cheek, cheek, muzzle, neck, and the

muzzle a second time. Their bodies reeked of the musky, sweaty scent

of sex, intoxicating to any partaking in it but disgusting to

outsiders. Eli buried his nose deep into Soren's fur, deeply inhaling

their shared scent. Slowly, with as

much tenderness as he could muster, Eli began to thrust into Soren,

sliding out until only his first inch remained. He slid back even

slower, feeling Soren's legs being pushed apart as his own length

inside, hilting his knot again. Soren gave a sigh of contentment,

squeezing Eli's hand and gesturing for him to continue. Slowly,

surely, Eli was able to get to a slow, gentle rhythm, feeling the

pleasure build within himself as Soren's body encased his girth. He

was rather loose for a boy who never bottomed. He wasn't providing

much resistance despite Eli's size."Can I pick up my

pace, sweetheart?" asked Eli, kissing Soren's chest. Soren squeezed

and nodded as a reply, sending a surge of pleasure into Eli as he

braced himself for a faster thrust. Eli's knot began to constrict

with the telltale pre-orgasm tension, his warm leakage smearing

itself inside Soren. "Eli, you're

doing great," huffed Soren, squeezing expertly. He really knew what

he was doing when balls hit the wall. Eli reached down, stroking the

hardened length that was flopping under the strengths of Eli's

thrusts. Eli's pride was working furiously, tight and sensitive to

each thrust. "I'm close,

darling," moaned Eli. "Will... Will you...""Please,"

moaned Soren, "Fill me up."Eli gave three

powerful thrusts, each one pushing Soren a bit wider. The fourth

thrust drove Eli deep inside Soren. Eli panted as Soren's warm,

gorgeous body squeezed his knot in a fleshy cell of passion. Eli

moaned, collapsing on top of Soren's prone form as he released

himself into his love. His throbbing length tingled as the warm

stickiness coated itself inside Soren. At the same time Eli felt

Soren spurt into both their chest furs, leaving them stickier and

messier than before.They panted, Eli

still stuck deep inside Soren. "Wa...was that good, sweetheart?""Yes,"

whispered Soren, grinning as his tongue lolled onto his chest. "Thank

you, Eli. Eli wriggled his

hips. He could hardly move them. "Looks like we'll be here for a

while." Soren sat up a

fraction to kiss Eli. "Who cares. I can shower tomorrow." "Don't you mean

we," asked Eli, rubbing Soren's chest as he lay his cheek on

his silver stomach."Of course,"

murmured Soren. He placed a hand on Eli's cheek, and Eli took the

other hand in his two. They drifted into sleep sweaty, messy, smelly,

tired, and completely together.

Old Faces

Soren and Eli were on the couch, lounging after a rather long Wednesday. Soren had his nose in a scientific journal while Eli lay on his silver lap, a PSP in his hands. He was running through Persona 3 again. Soren had his music out on his computer,...

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A Favor Returned

Soren fiddled with the broom as he absently swept the pristine kitchen floor. Eli clattered down the loft stairs, making Soren jump at the noise. Eli sighed. "You do realize you cleaned the kitchen this morning. And yesterday. The house is immaculate,...

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Ten Days

Soren slipped through the front door, hanging his snowy coat up on the hook. Eli was curled up on the couch, his computer on his knees. Soren sat down next to him, laying his head on Eli's narrow shoulder. "Heya. What are you working...

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