An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 3: A Day Out

Story by notaguestanymore on SoFurry

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#3 of An Unexpected Adventure

'enter disclaimer about not owning pokemon here'

Here we go, Chapter 3. As always feedback is graciously accepted. Please enjoy.

I looked down at the tiny green form standing next to me on my couch in stunned silence. She continued to look up at me , seeping with anger and hate. I ran through what she had just said in my head. Kill him? Why? Why would she want to kill Giovanni? She didn't even know who he was a few seconds ago, so why the fuck would she want him dead?

"Nari." I searched for the right words to say before continuing. She continued to stare up at me in expectance, as if I was completely ready to murder someone. "We can't kill anyone." I couldn't think of a way to make it any more clear than that.

"Oh...right because I'm a pokemon. That's ok you can do it for me."

"Whoaaaa no. Not what I meant. I mean we can't kill Giovanni. Or anyone. It's illegal."

"I want him dead." She seemed intent on this train of thought.

"Nari. Listen to me. Are you listening?" She continued to stare at me hatefully. "Please calm down. Getting angry isn't going to solve anything." She stared at me for a few more minutes. Very slowly she seemed to calm down. I sat there in silence, waiting for her to be rational. "Are you calm?" She nodded curtly back at me. "We can't kill Giovanni." She seemed disappointed in the news that we wouldn't be able to kill was kind of freaking me out. "Why do you want him dead anyway? That's not really like you...well ok you're a little violent perhaps and like to throw people into walls for no reason, but not a murderer.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"But you just asked me to kill him for you. Now you won't tell me why?"

"I. Do. Not. Want. To. Talk. About. It." Every word was a separate sentence and I could see the anger returning to her eyes. I really didn't want to drop this subject of discussion...but on the other hand I really don't feel like being flund into a wall again. I decided to drop it for now, but I would certainly have to bring it back up at a later date.

"Alright. Alright. We won't talk about it." She nodded forcibly and sat back down on the couch. "You still wanna watch TV?" She shook her head. "Alright...well, there are a bunch of movies in my closet if you wanna watch one of those." She nodded. "Ok, I'll be right back." I went to my room and opened up my closet. In the bottom of my closet piled into stacks were movies. A few hundred of them. I didn't have many hobbies and there wasn't a lot to do in town so I watched a lot of movies. I grabbed about ten of them and went back into the living room. I handed the stack to Nari and she studied them intently for a while.

"Are these all the movies you have?" She asked after a while.

"Hm?" I hadn't really been paying attention to her. "Oh, no I have loads more."

"How many?"

"I dunno, hundred or so."

"Ah...neat. I wanna watch this one." She handed me a movie and we started watching it. It was some sort of action movie or something. I wasn't really paying attention I was pretty exhausted and I started dosing off. I turned my head to see if Nari was enjoying the movie. As I was turning my head I saw her head move and her attention focus back on the TV. Was she watching me? That's weird...and kind of creepy. Why would she watch me? Maybe I'm tired and just seeing things. That had to be it. I shook the thought from my mind and faced the TV again. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

I woke up as the sun was rising. Light shone in through my unguarded windows and splashed onto my carpet. I stretched my arms then suddenly realized there was an unidentified weight on my leg. Looking down I was shocked to realize it was Nari. Apparently sometime after I had fallen asleep she had laid down and used my leg as a pillow. She was still laying there on her side facing the TV, she must have fallen asleep sometime during the movie. I needed to get up to shower, but I didn't want to disturb her. She looked so cute lying there, sunlight shining on her fur, making it glow. Then I had a thought. I had never touched her before. I checked to make sure she was sleeping and tentatively reached my hand toward her back. I ran my fingers through her fur marveling at how soft it was. I stopped quickly though, if she woke up while I was touching her she would surely be pissed. I carefully lifted her head and stood up. I slid her pillow under her head and made my way to my room. I grabbed a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. I checked my wounds to make sure they were still healing well and jumped into the shower.

I felt refreshed after my shower. I toweled off and got dressed before heading out to get breakfast. When I left the bathroom I heard the TV on, I guess Nari had woken up.

"Morning." I said to her as I walked into the living room. She must not have been paying attention because when I said that she jumped in surprise.

"M-morning." She responded quietly. Weird. Why was she being so quiet...and stuttering? Maybe it's because I startled her. I brushed it off as nothing and made my way into the kitchen.

"You want any breakfast?" I called back to her in the living room.

"Already ate." Her voice seemed to have regained some of it's confidence when she responded. Looking into the sink I found a dirty plate and glass. I made myself a sandwich and threw myself down on the couch next to Nari. When I did she moved over, huddling against the arm of the couch.

"You alright?" She was acting weird. Shy almost, like she was embarrassed to be around me. "You're acting weird." She nodded to indicate that she was okay. I shrugged it off and continued to munch on my sandwich.

"Do you work today?" Her voice entering my mind startled the hell out of me. It had been quite a while since either of us had spoken.

"Oh. Uhh no, not today."

"Oh. Ok." She said it weird. Like she was happy about it, but trying to hide that fact. "So, what are we going to do today?"

"I dunno. I was thinking about going for a run later." While I was no longer in my peak physical shape, I was still in very good shape and tried to keep it that way. It had been a while since I went on a run.

"Oh...can I go?"

"Uh, yeah sure. If you want to." I was startled by her request. I was starting to be unable to tell whether she hated me or not. "No cheating and floating yourself with mind powers though."

"Damn. you caught me. It's my one advantage though."

"Cheating is cheating. If you wanna go on a run you're going to run." She nodded in agreement and turned her attention back to the TV. I smiled to myself and finished off my sandwich. I was starting to warm up to my new friend, although I remained unsure if she was warming up to me.

I could tell Nari was not enjoying the run. Her legs were a lot shorter than mine and she was having trouble keeping up. I was fine for the first little bit, but after a short while I could feel a stinging pain start creeping into my side. I slowed down slightly, but I didn't wanna give up yet. I felt I had to prove to Nari that I was tough, that I wouldn't give up so easily. I kept running, but gradually slowed my pace as we made progress through the forest. There was something I loved about running through the forest. Something about the air rushing past my face and through my hair. I loved the feel of my shoes snapping branches and crunching dried leaves underneath me as I ran. It just felt so...freeing. Like for that short time while I'm running, nothing controlled me. I was the master of myself. The peaceful illusion I built up for myself was shattered as a sharp spear of pain ran up my side again. I slowed my pace considerably, not wanting the run to end. I was eventually forced to stop by the now unbearable pain in my side. I skidded to a halt and doubled over with my hands on my knees panting, in pain and in trying to regain my breath. I clutched a hand to my side and looked up to see where we had ended up. Through the thick foliage in front of me I could see the edge of the town. Wow, how perfect, that could not have worked out better. I turned around just in time to see Nari emerge from the bushes, panting horribly. Watching her labor so intensely to breath I started to feel pretty bad about bringing her along. I then remembered she chose to come along, probably to try and show me up.

" it?" I managed to pant out in between gulps of fresh air. My lungs burned as I forced out each word. I couldn't wait to regain breath. I had to rub it in Nari's face right now.

"It's not fair. Your legs are longer than mine." I chucked at the fact that her communication was not harbored by her labored breathing.

"True, true. You did pretty good actually for such a tiny thing." I regretted saying that immediately. Still panting, she looked up at me, eyes flashing with anger. "Whoa, whoa, calm down. I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. It was just a joke."

"No height jokes." I she spoke with her mouth that sentence would have been growled at me through gritted teeth.

"Yes Mam." I saluted her sarcastically, finally catching my breath. I could almost breath normally. She smirked at my response, waving me away as she too caught her breath. We waited for a few moments until we both drew breath like normal living beings and walked toward the town.

I winced slightly as I stepped over a log on the outskirts of the forest. A pain shot through my side once again and I had to stop briefly.

"Are you ok?" Nari asked. Surprisingly there seemed to be concern in her voice.

"Yeah, just my side. Give me a second and I'll be ok." We stood there in silence as the pain subsided. It wasn't a lot of pain, but that combined with the aches from the run caused me to stop.

"Ah...that would be my fault." I look over at Nari to see her staring at the ground in shame. "I feel so bad for attacking you that day. You didn't deserve it."

"Maybe, maybe not. It really doesn't matter. The past is the past for a reason. Now come on how bout we go get something to eat?" The pain in my side had subsided once again. I bowed slightly to Nari motioning for her to walk ahead of me and lead the way. She nodded and walked past, but before her face was out of my eyesight I saw the hint of a smile on her lips. I smiled to myself as I followed the Ralts' tiny form into the town.

There wasn't a whole lot to do in Rustboro. There was the gym of course, but that was for trainers only really. There was the Pokecenter and the Market where I worked, but neither was a good place to eat. So, we went to the only restaurant in town, the Pokecafe. It was a decent place to eat. Not too great, but not all bad either. We made our way to the restaurant, me walking in front this time, with Nari trailing right behind me. We took our time as we were in no hurry and Nari had not really gotten a good look at the town before. I slowed down my pace when I looked back to make sure she was still with me and she had fallen behind quite a bit.

"You lived in the forest next to the town. Why are you so fascinated by it?"

"I never went into the city. I saw it from afar, but...this...this is great. I've never been in a city before."

"City? Haha no, no my dear this is no city. Just a lowly town. Cities are much, much bigger." Her eyes widened in shock at the suggestion that a town could be even bigger. "Didn't you have a trainer before? He never took you into a city? Or even a town?" As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I shouldn't of even asked. "Shit. Sorry, that's a sore spot I know. Forget I said anything." I smiled weakily at Nari hoping she would drop it, but the damage was done. She didn't look angry or depressed like the other times her first trainer was mentioned, but she was noticeably saddened by my question. Fuck. I have to avoid that subject from now on. "Still want to grab food?" She nodded yes. Dammit, she had slipped back into her silent state. We trudged onwards to the restaurant in silence.

The restaurant was exceedingly busy. I suddenly remembered that it was Saturday and it was approaching dinner time. It would be impossible to get a table now.

"Shit. I'm sorry Nari. I don't think we're gonna be able to eat here today."

"Who the fuck are you talking to loser?" I knew that voice. I turned around to see Jason Portman standing a few yards away from me, flanked by two of his cronies. "Talking to ourselves now are we? That's a new low even for you Straitham."

"Fuck you man. Are you really still pulling this high school bully shit? Your 23 years old. Its becoming a little sad." Jason Portman was the school bully of the town throughout my middle and high school experience. He used to pick on me for being fat and then when I started losing wait and getting in shape he resorted to physical harm. He's the main reason I took all the fighting classes I did. Although I started them too late and never got a chance to get my revenge on him.

"Drop the tough guy act little bitch. We all remember what a fat piece of shit you were in middle school."

"Surprise Jason, its not the 6th grade anymore. You can't just pick on whoever you want to anymore. This isn't the schoolyard, it's life." I really didn't feel like dealing with him today, but he seemed intent on messing with me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Who's the little slut following you around?" I was confused by his words before I looked down and saw Nari standing behind my legs, hiding from view. "Looks like Straitham got himself a new bitch."

"Shut up Portman. You don't need to take this farther than it's already gone." He looked around the town square we were standing in, possibly for cops. The closest thing to us was the restaurant which was still a good few dozen yards away. The square was all, but deserted except for a few stragglers. A few passerby stopped to watch the situation unfold, no doubt hoping for a fight.

"I'll take it as far as I want you faggot bitch. Or should I fuck this little slut like I did your last one." He barely had time to finish his sentence before my rage boiled over and I launched myself at him. He obviously didn't except this to happen which was why he was stunned when I punched him square in the jaw. He fell backwards, barely stopping himself from falling down. His two henchmen started towards me, but he yelled stop before they could take more than a few steps.

"This little bitch is mine." He stepped forward past his cronies, rubbing his jaw as he did. "Little faggot Straitham thinks he's all grown up doesn't he. Get it through your head 'Alex', you'll never be anything more than a fat little bitch, who can't stand up for yourself. When he said Alex he draped it in sarcasm, almost as if my very name disgusted him. "Sure you took a sucker punch and landed a lucky shot, but mark my words. It sure as hell won't happen again." With that he launched himself at me, swinging a powerful right hook as he did. I backed up a few steps, just out of his range and watched as the punch sailed harmlessly by me. The lack of impact of his punch caused him to lose his balance and as he staggered towards me I stuck out my foot and tripped him. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. As he fell I moved position, placing myself behind him a few steps waiting for him to stand back up.

He stood up after a second, clearly surprised that his punch didn't knock me down.

"You got lucky." I smirked at him daring him to come at me again. "You know that little slut of yours used to scream my name." I froze as he brought up the subject of my ex again. He was messing with my head and I knew it, but I could do nothing to prevent it. "She used to tell me how much she couldn't stand you. How she only kept dating you because she liked the idea of cheating on you. One time she even said she wish you'd catch her so she didn't have to pretend to love you anymore." His words stung me. He was hitting a sore spot and he knew it, so he kept going. "That's because no one can love you Straitham. You're parents obviously didn't, sending you here to live with your aunt and all. No one here likes you, which is why you don't have any friends. To everyone in this town your just the weird loner creep who lives alone. And she...well," His smile turned into a knowing smirk. "she obviously didn't give a shit about you. She screamed my name every time we fucked."

"SHUT UP!!" I had had enough. I launched myself at Jason again, an attack he clearly wasn't expecting. A look of shock took over his face as I tackled him to the ground. All I could see was red. All I could feel was rage and hatred coursing through my body. My brain had been taken over by anger and I was ready to kill Portman. I starting hitting him. The first few punches were to his body, and on the third punch I heard a rib crack. I starting nailing him in the face. One after another. I landed a punch square on his nose and heard it crack. It started gushing blood onto his mouth and down the front of his shirt. Somewhere I heard someone calling my name, but I couldn't place where it was coming from. I didn't care either. I kept nailing my greatest enemy in the face. Every punch I landed was for a time he called me a name or pushed me into the dirt. At that moment in time I wanted nothing more than to punch Jason Portman until he was dead. I wanted to keep punching him until his head was a pulverized mess splattered all over the concrete of the town square. I heard his cheekbone crack as I landed a punch on the left side of his face. My next punch landed directly on his mouth and I felt his teeth rip the skin on my knuckles to the bone. Just then I felt a hand on the back of my shoulder.

I spun around and grabbed my assailant with my left hand, lifting them into the air as I did so and drew back my right fist to deliver a punch to their face.

"Alex, please. Please stop." It was at that moment I realized the assailant I was holding was Nari and the reason I couldn't figure out where the voice was coming from earlier was because it was her voice in my head. "Please Alex. Please stop this." I could see fear in her eyes as tears started to form at the edges of them. Very slowly the anger left me. I could feel the weight of the hatred and anger leaving me. I looked at Nari trying to communicate how sorry I was, but all I could see in her was fear, and it was because of me. I had done this. At that moment I heard her voice shout in my head, "Alex look out!" I wondered what the hell she was talking about when I felt white hot pain shoot up from my leg. I looked down to see the point of a knife poking out of my calf. It slid out backwards, scraping my bone as it went causing me to scream in pain. As soon as the knife left my leg I fell forward, barely managing to toss the Ralts to the side so I wouldn't crush her as I fell on my chest. I rolled over and grasped my calf trying to lessen the bloodflow.

"Yeah, how's that feel fucker." I looked up to see Portman looming over me. His words came out muffled from his smashed in teeth. Looking at his face I could see the damage I had done. there were numerous cuts on his brow and around his eyes, streaming blood down his face in tiny rivets. The left side of his face look dented where I had cracked his cheekbone, but his mouth was the worst part. The teeth in the left side of his mouth were all cracked and one of my punches had forced him to bite into his bottom lip. It was covered in a series of cuts all streaming blood from his face down to his already soaked shirt front. He was standing slightly hunched to his left side, no doubt from where I had broken his rib and in his right hand he held a 5 inch long switchblade. The blade was dripping blood, my blood onto the concrete slabs that made up the town square. "I told you. I told you you didn't want to do this Straitham. I told you over and over again not to FUCK WITH ME!" The last three words came out as a devilish scream and I flinched as blood from his mouth was sprayed on my face. He started to stagger towards me, holding the knife out in front of him. "You're gonna regret doing this Straitham. You're gonna regret it for the rest of your short life."

"Halt!" A voice shouted from the left of us. I looked over to see Officer Jenny with her gun drawn pointed at Jason. "Put down the knife and back away. Comply now or I will be forced to use deadly force." As if to drive this point home she clicked off the safety.

"This isn't over Straitham. Not by a long shot." Jason whispered to me as best he could out of the mangled side of his mouth. He dropped the knife to the ground and raised his hands above his head. "There, knife is dropped." Officer Jenny moved forward and handcuffed him before signaling for paramedics to come take him. Before I could wonder where my paramedics where I felt myself being lifted off the ground by strong hands.

"FUCK!" I screamed from the pain in my leg as they lifted me off the ground.. I looked down at the wound to see blood gushing out from in between my fingers as I desperately clamped onto it, trying to stem the blood flow. They laid me down on a stretcher and raised me into the ambulance. "Wait...Nari...where's Nari?" I could barely get the sentence out, I was losing blood fast and I was about to pass out. I raised my head slightly and saw Nari float into the ambulance and take a seat behind my head. She nodded to me softly, assuring me that she was there. I slipped into unconsciousness.

I woke up feeling a dull pain throbbing through my body. I opened my eyes only to immediately close them due to the bright florescent lights of the Pokecenter. I slowly opened them again to see Nurse Joy standing to my left.

"Ah. I see you've woken up. How do you feel?"

"Same old same old."

"Haha. At least you still have your sense of humor. Good news though. There was no lasting damage done to your leg. The knife slid in cleanly, missing all major arteries. You got really lucky. The stitches on your side did tear, but we re-stitched them and you have nothing to worry about there. So I recommend you spend the rest of the day resting and we'll see if you're up for going home tomorrow ok?" I nodded a yes and the nurse smiled and left the room. I tried to sit up, but groaned from the effort of it and collapsed back down onto my pillow.

"You should stay still." Nari's voice appeared in my mind scaring the everlasting shit out of me. I looked around and found her sitting in the chair to my right studying me intently.

"You're here."

"Well duh. Can't exactly go home without you. You have the key."

"No I just thought...I thought you would of left."

"Why would I do that? So you turn into a monster when you're mad. We've all been there." She gave me a wink as she finished talking causing me to chuckle.

"Ow. Stop making me laugh, it hurts to laugh."

"Well get better so we can go home."

"Deal." I don't know why, but I felt good about how she said that. So WE can go sounded nice. My thoughts trailed off as I slipped back into unconsciousness.

Getting home from the center was tricky. My leg was still fucked up pretty bad so, I had to use crutches to get home. The hospital wasn't that far from my home, but the crutches made slow work of it. We arrived home just as the sun was setting. Nari opened the door for me and I hobbled inside, immediately collapsing on the couch. I sat down on one end and propped my leg on the couch. Nari took a seat at the opposite end of the catch. She sat with her legs crossed and facing me. I wondered what game she was playing, but I didn't have to wait long to find out.

"Who was that guy?" Straight to brass tacks. Alright I felt I owed her an explanation.

"Guy named Jason Portman. He has the bully when I was in middle and high school. Used to call me fat till I started losing weight. Then he started beating the shit out of me." She nodded as if that was somehow the answer she was expecting.

"He slept with your girlfriend?" I sat there in stunned silence. I couldn't believe she would ask me such a question. I started to open my mouth to say she couldn't ask me questions like that when she cut me off. "I just saw you nearly beat a man to death with your fists. If you don't want me to run away right now you better tell me what the fuck is going on." I didn't want to tell her the story, but it was starting to look as if I was going to have to. I nodded and jumped right in.

"Me and Bethany met when we were 14. It was right about the time I was starting to be in shape and she was the only girl who talked to me. We started dating not too long after we met. I...I loved her and I thought she loved me. On my 19th birthday I asked her to marry me. I thought it was the right thing to do by her. She turned me down, saying she loved me, but wasn't ready to be married. I told her I understood even though I didn't and we continued to date. Then one day she got hit by a car. It seems like a stupid ending, but it was just as sudden as that. After she died a lot of things came to light." I paused here trying to stop myself from crying. I could feel the tears trying to form in my eyes. I took a deep breath, regained myself, and forced myself to continue. "It turns out she was a bit of a whore. Slept with a bunch of the guys in town. Most notably one Mr. Jason Portman. Imagine...the guy who made your life a living hell for almost 6 years... is fucking the person you love." I again paused to control myself. Not from tears, this time it was anger. "Seeing him today...brought up all those old feelings. The feelings of hate and anger. Of revenge and jealousy."


"Yeah. I really loved Bethany and I thought she loved me too. So, I kinda figured he must be doing something better than me. He must be better than me...anyways. All that stuff he said to me today I just...lost it. All those terrible feelings came rushing out at once. I'm ashamed of it. I never want to act like that. I like being a nice guy, but I couldn't control myself. I'm really sorry I threatened you. I hope you can forgive me." My story finished and my apology made I watched Nari expectantly. She looked down at the couch for a while, brow furrowed in study.

"I forgive you. Just promise me you'll never threaten me like that again. You scared the shit out of me." She studied me closely waiting for an answer.

"I promise. Of course I-" The last part of my sentence was cut off as the Ralts launched herself across the couch and hugged me. I let out a heavy sigh as all the air was unexpectantly knocked from my body. She clasped her tiny arms around my neck and squeezed.

"I was so scared I thought you were going to die. I thought. I thought I was going to be alone again." With that said Nari started to sob into my shoulder. I was completely dumbfounded by these turn of events and couldn't do anything, but hug her back. Eventually she broke the embrace and looked up into my eyes.

"Have your eyes always been green?"

"Yeah...why?" I was a little confused and taken aback by her question.

"No reason." She continued to stare at my eyes for a while, studying them almost. Then without warning I felt her mouth press against mine.

End of Chapter 3. Man I am really pumping these out pretty quickly. I don't know how long you can expect me to keep up this pace, but I'll try to as long as I can. Fair warning for the next chapter it might be a tad shorter. I'm gonna try and shake it up a bit. Till next time.