Enter Kage, the Elven Prince!

Story by DanielleBlueSilver on SoFurry

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#3 of Land of the Elves


Took me about five times to finally upload this. Pain in the ass...

"Get up yeh spoiled brat! Time to get up and go pick pocketin'!" An angry male voice roared.

"Fine... Only if I can go out into the Fier Woods and hunt for myself after." The teen with ebony hair and sapphire eyes crossed his arms while sitting up on a cot demanded.

"HEHAHAHA!!! Kage, yeh really are an idiot. Yer just tryin to get away from me, eh? I wasn't born yesterday. I know how yer afraid of me and Ol' Bessie. And yeh got the scars to show it. Fine, I'll let yeh out, but if yer not back by sunhigh, Im comin' after yeh and beating you 'till I see the bones of yer back!" The man threatened.

Kage's face turned white at the thought of his back being nothing but scar tissue after the attack of the man's whip. "I promise I wont run away, Uncle Tovua"

"You better not. Now, we will be on the western side of the town and you'll be on the northern side near the woodcarvers (near Fier Forest)." Tovua ordered.

'I don't care about pickpocketing, I've been living this live for 15 years. Im gonna pack my hunting knife just so I can get some hunting time in. And hopefully i can find out why the green dragon on my pendant was glowing yesterday.' Kage thought. "Alright Uncle Tovua. Let's go."

"Remember the trick I taught yeh. Create a diversion first and then steal whatever you can get your grubby mitts on. You wanna do a quick refresher?" Tovua asked.

"Nah, Im all good." Kage calmly said, "I'll be right back, I need to go fill my canteen with water before we leave." and with that Kage opened the front door of the one room cottage walked towards the sound of trickling water. In front of Kage was a beautiful clear lake with several small streams feeding into it. He got down on his knees at the water's edge and dunked a leather canteen into the crystal water. When it was full, Kage got up and walked towards the marketplace. This was his life everyday, for 15 years.

As Kage entered the marketplace, the sound hit him like an arrow moving at full speed.There was a lot more commotion than usual and every once in a while, he picked up on some words.

"Princess....quest....forest....bandits...lost prince...." Kage managed to pick up from a fish vendor. Princess? Quest? Forest? Bandits? LOST PRINCE?!?! It was all too confusing for him to fully grasp. "Excuse me sir, can you tell me what's been happening recently? The marketplace is busier than ever."

The fish vendor laughed and ruffled Kage's hair with his smelly hand, "Well kiddo, it appears that the princess has gone on a quest to find the missing prince. He was taken away from the royal family by a bunch of bandits on their birthday 15 years ago. I guess the queen has finally spoken up! Hehahaw!"

Kage laughed nervously and walked towards the next two vendors. At the first vendor was fruit. "Create a diversion." he thought. He began to inspect the fruit and noticed a nail poking out of the wood. Carefully, he pulled it out causing the wood to fall apart and sending the fruit rolling to the ground. The man behind the table looked surprised as the fruit fell around Kage.

"Oh no! I'm sorry sir, I thought this was securely put together! Are you hurt?" the man said. He walked around the fallen fruit and began to pick up the fruit.

"Nay, I'm fine." Kage calmly said, slipping grapes and other small fruits into his pockets and walked away, the fruit vendor not even noticing. Or at least, he didn't know until someone ratted him out.

"Sir! He's a thief! He stole your fruit!" an elven woman shrieked. The vendor man looked up from his fallen fruit and glared at Kage with uncontrollable anger.

"Thief! Pest! Scoundrel! Get back here!" he shouted and darted towards Kage. He easily sidestepped the man, but guards were streaming out of the allies with their swords in hand. They surrounded Kage and for him, it seemed there was no way to escape. To Kage, this was a game.

"If you want to capture me, you gotta catch me first!" he exclaimed. Just as the guards were about a foot away from him, he jumped into the air and landed on a guards head, using him as a spring. He was chuckling to himself when the guards tried to chase him, but he was too fast for them. He ran past the startled townspeople and into the Fier Forest. With one last look, he grinned to himself and thought, "They probably didn't think I was this good of a thief." and he took out four wallets from his pocket. The looks on their faces when they realized their money was gone would be priceless, too bad he wouldn't be there to see them.

Before long, Kage was in a part of Fier that he wasn't familiar with and began to wander around. The trees were mangled and crooked and eventually night fell. He found shelter underneath a large, low canopy of leaves and made a makeshift pillow with leaves. Kage put his head down and stared up towards the stars and eventually fell asleep. If he were to go home, he would be a goner.

The Truth Comes Out

"Hikarume, may I come in?" Lady Sakura knocked on Hikarume's door. "Yes mother." Hikarume called back, quickly kicking her bow and arrows under her bed. Lady Sakura opened the door and smiled at her daughter. Despite their inverted hair colours and...

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Enter Hikarume, the Elven Princess

A very long time ago in a place to the east was a kingdom full of creatures called elves. Elves are just like humans, but their agility and senses are much keener than ours and their ears are pointed at the tip. In this land was a royal family that...
