Journal of a Changed Slave: Ch.2

Story by Zorah Zsasz on SoFurry

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#2 of Journal of a Changed Slave

Here's chapter two. I'm trying out the more saucy stuff, heh Blushes... Let me know how this is all working out. Any critiques still welcome ^^


My sense of time is still completely screwed up, and there are no windows or clocks, or anything else I could use to help gauge it. I think I slept for a while, off and on. The only person who came in to bother me was a man who left a pitcher of water and a bowl of food. I think it was dog food, but I was so hungry I didn't have the presence of mind to care much.

I was a little calmer after the day before, having had a little bit of time to digest my situation. I still felt despair eating at me, but I wasn't quite hysterical anymore, at least. I took a bit of time to acquaint myself with my new body, wondering how on Earth they managed to accomplish such a feat. At the time I shied away from my new female bits, or, at least I tried to. Every time I looked down at my chest I felt my heart well up with shame and confusion. I had always been pretty comfortable with my sexual identity, but that had definitely changed now.

My skin was completely covered in smooth, soft scales, with wider, band-like scales across my belly. They were so snug and smooth that my body still felt like human skin for the most part. Instead of nails, my fingers and toes ended with dark claws. Otherwise, besides being more slender and delicate than I remember them, my hands still retained their humanoid shape, and the claws didn't seem to make anything harder on me. Not writing, at least. They weren't really sharp, barely enough to shred a hole in my mattress to hide my new journal in, with some work.

My feet, though, were a different story. They were still mostly humanoid in shape, but the arch of my feet was somewhat longer. My toes had much larger claws on them, and they were longer than most human digits anyway. Strangely, I also had only four toes on each foot, with my smallest one being re-purposed as a dewclaw of sorts. I could still walk on my heels like a human, but it felt... off. I was much more comfortable on my tip-toes.

My face... Well, I didn't have a mirror, but I could feel that I had a snout, filled with large, fairly sharp teeth. My tongue had become long and forked, though it didn't seem to hamper my speech much. Not that I had anyone to talk to. Plus, the feminine pitch of my voice only made me feel worse about it. From the glance I got in the mirror from before, my eyes had become the slit-pupiled yellow ones natural to the Lizardfolk. In all, I was perfectly indistinguishable from the rest of the species.

I spent a lot of time just curled up on that uncomfortable mattress, my mind wandering. My new tail seemed to have a mind of its own sometimes, coiling around me like it was trying to hug me, to comfort me. It sure didn't help, though. I kept thinking about Jessica... She'd never even recognize me like this. Even if she did, she'd never take me back. Neither of us could live like that...

I whimpered, unable to help but to explore my female parts. My male instincts couldn't help but be impressed by how perfect my figure was. Of course it was; it was tailor made. I was still shocked at how sensitive my nipples were, and that was nothing compared to the sensations I felt between my legs. Even rubbing at the slit was enough to make my spine shudder and a groan find its way up my throat. Surely normal women couldn't be this sensitive. Was it because I used to be man? Did Scaly women naturally feel this way? Was it something they did to me..?

After working myself close to another orgasm, I tore my hands away from my chest and my crotch, refusing to stimulate myself any further. Rather than seeing the beautiful Lizardfolk woman they had shaped my body into, I only saw a freak. Every jolt of pleasure, every ounce of femininity made me feel sick. This wasn't my body. This wasn't ME.

I was yanked out of my depressed stupor when I heard my cell door open up. The two men who had restrained me before walked in, followed quickly by Chris. I was strong enough to stand on my own now, and that's exactly what I did, backing away from them as well. I still had tears running down my face, which they all noticed immediately. I clenched my teeth and dried my eyes as Chris smiled. "How're you doing, Zack?"

"Go to hell..." I responded, trying my best to sound menacing despite my girlish voice. He only laughed at me.

"It's been two days. I think that's enough time to get adjusted to the new... assets." He said, ogling my breasts. Without thinking I covered them with my arms, only making everyone chuckle again. I felt my cheeks flush with shame... I had never seen a Lizardfolk blush before, so I had no idea what that actually looked like, but it was the least of my problems at the moment.

I tried to keep calm, looking him right in the eye. "Wh... what are you gonna do with me..?" I already knew the answer, I just had no idea what else to say...

"It's time to teach you your place a slave. All slaves have to be broken in." The two men walked up to me and grabbed my arms, yanking them away from my chest and me towards him at the same time. I struggled, but it was pointless. My slender frame couldn't hope to even put up a weak fight. He reached out and grabbed the soft flesh of my chest, squeezing gently. "And with a body like that, I think we know what kind of slave we're getting out of you." He grinned at me with his stupid, perfect teeth.

I just glared at him, baring my sharp teeth at him. He only laughed again, "Get her collar." He said. My heart sank at the sound of the word 'her' used towards me. I couldn't see well but I felt the guards shift around, one of them grabbing me around my snout and forcing my head backwards. He fished around in his pocket before I felt the thick leather collar slip around my neck. They took time to securely fasten it around my neck, and I heard a faint clicking sound when he finally let go of me. It was locked, and I'd be hard pressed to get it off me now.

"You know what the best part about Scaly girls as sex slaves is?" He asked me, rhetorically. I glared at him again, this time tears flooding my eyes. The collar hung around my neck like an anchor. I could feel it squeezing my neck every time I swallowed, almost painfully. Chris ignored my discomfort and continued, "They're resilient. They don't stretch out or even age so much. You're gonna have those nice, perky tits and some great, tight holes your entire life." That comment made me whimper. It was estimated that the lifespan for Scalies was significantly longer than human ones too. That didn't put me at ease either...

"Come on, bring her out." They dragged me out of my room, once again through the hallway where the other slaves were held. They looked at me with a mixture of fear and pity. My eyes welled up with tears again as I stumbled after them. One of the guards let go of my arm, instead hooking a finger in my collar to help drag me along. We went through a door into another hallway, and through one last door before Chris stopped.

My eyes widened and my heart started pounding. God, this looked like a sex dungeon. There were cages and chains to one side of the room, nearby a wall which housed all sorts of straps, chains, whips, and paddles. The center of the room had a few tables, a padded bench, and even a set of stocks off to one corner. New tears fell from my eyes and I just looked at Chris, unable to hide my fear. He just smiled at me again. That stupid, smug-ass smile...

They forced me to my knees and he bent over, putting a hand under my chin to force me to look up at him. "Listen good, because this is the most important thing you'll ever hear." He said, looking into my eyes. "Good slaves get rewarded. Bad slaves get punished." He spoke slowly, like I was stupid. I glared again and pulled my head away from his hand, but I was stopped short when the guard holding my collar pulled on it, choking me.

"Be a good girl, and we'll treat you good. Be a bad girl, and we treat you bad." He repeated, as if I needed another explanation. "Understand?" He asked me, lifting my chin again. I nodded but he shook his head. "No, say it. Say, 'Yes Master, I understand.'"

"No..." I spat, angrily. I wasn't about to humiliate myself at his command. He looked down a moment, shaking his head a little. He got up, feigning walking away before he turned around and slapped me. Hard. It actually jolted me out of the guard's grip and I fell backwards, crying in shock and pain. He grabbed my collar and lifted me back up to my knees.

"You don't EVER tell me 'no'!" he said, his face full of rage. I couldn't help but look up at him, startled and a little scared. I don't know why it scared me so much; it wouldn't have normally... But, seeing the fear in my eyes seem to satisfy him and his grimace of rage transformed back into his smug grin. "Now, do you understand?"

"... Yes, I do..." I choked, sadly. He didn't get angry, but he waved his finger at me.

"That's not what I told you to say." He said, condescendingly. "Bad girl. Stevo, get the leash and the cuffs." One of the guards left to fetch something from one of the metal storage closets. Some instinct inside of me urged me to apologize, but I refused to heed it. He walked back over to me as his friend let go of my collar and forced my hands behind my back. Stevo, or whatever nickname they had for him, walked behind me, and I felt him snap some handcuffs around my wrists. After that he clipped a leash onto the ring on my collar, giving it a tug.

I choked a bit and shuddered, just looking up at Chris. "Look at her. She knows she's done wrong." He said to his friend. The guard who's name I hadn't learned yet laughed.

"We'll teach her, don't worry." He said, smiling, revealing a few gold teeth underneath his black mustache.

Chris pat his shoulder, "I know you will." He turned his attention back towards me. "This is Ivan. You be good for him, you hear?" He pat my nose a few times before heading out of the room. Ivan just looked down at me, smiling, while the door slid shut as Chris made his exit.

"Well, little one, it's just us now." The large man's voice was nearly at a whisper. He kneeled down to me, getting a firm grip on my leash and yanking me towards him. His breath stank horribly, probably partly due to my more sensitive nose. I could practically taste the crappy breakfast burrito he had not too long ago. "Good girl, or bad girl? Here's your first choice." He yanked me to my feet by my collar, making me gag and choke, coughing a few times when I could breathe again.

"Go lay down on that table and spread your legs for us, little slut. We're going to have some fun." He told me. I heard Stevo chuckle behind me and let out a cat call. I felt my cheeks flush even more.

"No, and don't call me that..." I choked, defiantly. Some part of me was proud I was still willing up put up a fight.

Ivan smiled, "Bad girl then. Good. I like them bad." He said, smiling at me. He yanked me towards that table by my leash, making he choke again. He shoved me, grabbing my head and pushing me against the table. I felt my snout slam into the side, and his hand continue holding my head down and grabbing me by the hair to keep a good grip on me. I kicked and squirmed, my hands rendered useless by the cuffs. He moved me so that my legs were hanging off the side, leaving my rear sticking out for them to gawk at.

I felt the other one lean over the table, putting his lips right next to my head, where I felt that the little indentations that were my ears were. "Look here, love... You're a plaything now. You can either enjoy it and make it easy, or fight it and make it more fun for us." He said. I just clenched my teeth, unable to turn my head to face him. I didn't respond, just trembling a little bit under Ivan's grip.

I felt his free hand reach down and grasp at my left ass-cheek, giving it a firm squeeze. I jolted and tensed up, making him chuckle at me as he did so. "Aww, I think she's still not used to being a little girl slut." Stevo said, stroking my face. Almost by instinct I snapped my jaws at him, seeing as how they were the most dangerous part of my now. Ivan held me firmly against the table, though.

"Well then, let's make her a proper woman then." Ivan said after seeing his friend yank his fingers away from my mouth. He grabbed me around the snout again and sat on the table with me, spinning me around so that I was face up again. I squirmed and thrashed, but he held me tight, hooking one arm around my right knee and pulling it up and to the side. Stevo grabbed my other ankle, lifting it upwards, leaving my tail as the only thing that could freely move. And it was basically useless, just flicking and thrashing around on the side of the table.

He angled my nose down so I was looking down the length of my body, my huge breasts heaving up and down from my heavy breathing. I could see my slit too, since my hips were being jerked upwards from their hold on my legs. I saw the brown-haired one, Stevo, lick his finger and rub it against my slit. I tensed up and squirmed again, but they maintained their hold. He started rubbing his finger up and down my folds, fast and hard, making big tears well up in my eyes as I grimaced, seemingly in pain. But to the contrary, it felt so good, and honestly, that hurt even more than any pain I could've been feeling.

"Her cunt's so wet. I think all this foreplay got her all hot and bothered." He grinned, continuing to rub at me. He pinched my clit again, rolling it between his fingers. I choked as I felt a ragged groan escape from my throat, making the two men chuckle at me.

"See? It feels good doesn't it?" He teased me, keeping a firm hold on my snout. He forced my head up and down, simulating a nod. I squealed, feeling him thrust two of his fingers into me. They smiled, probably still remembering the other night when Chris made me cum in front of them. I blushed hard, whimpering and crying, just doing my best to keep from moaning like a whore.

"Here, I know what she needs..." He pulled his fingers away from me, leaving me panting and shivering. I heard him fidgeting with his belt, and my stomach churned.

"No..." I whimpered through my held jaws. He undid his fly and out came his penis, erect and ready for me. I bucked and he grabbed my ankle again, using his other hand to stroke his manhood. I haven't seen many cocks in my life, but his was definitely much bigger than mine had been. I cried in shame and despair, feeling him rub his manhood against my slit.

"Ever have a cock in you, girlie? Back when you were a guy, did you take it up the ass?" Ivan asked me, seemingly trying to insult me.

"N-no..." I choked, both answering his question and begging him to not do what he was about to do.

Stevo just smiled. "Then this should be good." He moved his cock and pushed his hips forward, slowly inching his member into me. My eyes widened and I shivered, wanting to cry out, but I only was able to let out a pitiful squeak. I felt his thick shaft parting my insides, and no matter how much I wanted it to hurt, it just felt wonderful. There was a distinct pain of being stretched around him, but it seemed to only add more fuel to the fire.

He just kept going, slowly sinking into me. I tried to focus on the pain, focus on the bad part, but it was no use. Eventually he bottomed out in me, and I could feel his hairy hips touching my own. "Mmmm... So tight... Congratulations, you're a real girl now." He smiled, reaching up with his other hand to rub at my clit. I held in a moan, feeling him pull back out, but then starting to push back in. And again, and again.

Eventually he started to speed up, genuinely starting to fuck me now. I squealed and whimpered, using Ivan's mitt to help muffle my voice. But suddenly he let go of me, and out of my mouth came the sluttiest and lustful moans I'd ever heard. It made my ears burn, and my face flush with shame. I started crying harder, ashamed of myself, unable to help but become overwhelmed with pleasure. He just kept thrusting into me, and I couldn't keep all the moans quiet anymore.

"Uungh...! S-stop! Ple-hease!" I begged, panting and gasping as he hammered into me, making my tits jiggle with every thrust. They both let go of my legs; his hips alone were more than enough to keep them spread for him. My tail coiled around his leg, weakly, at first trying to stop his thrusts, but slowly coming to help encourage them instead.

Ivan stooped next to my head again. "This is your life now, pleasing cocks. You'll learn to love it, and eventually we'll have you begging for it." He smiled and slapped my right breast hard, making me yelp again. He grabbed my nipples and pulled them upwards, causing pain to shoot up through my chest. Ugh, it hurt... but it hurt so good... I couldn't understand it. I moaned louder, just sobbing now as they raped me.

Eventually the stimulation was too much, and I orgasmed again. I tensed up, gasping and moaning. This one seemed to last longer than the other one... It seemed like minutes that my entire body pulsed and rippled. I heard Ivan break into a genuine laugh. "Ha ha ha! Aww, she's got such a silly orgasm face. Cute little bitch." He said, smiling down at me. I blushed, not realizing what expression I made to make him laugh at me. As if this wasn't humiliating enough...

Even after that, Stevo kept going. He kept it up, hard and fast, and before long I had yet another climax. I screamed out in pleasure. I had completely lost control of myself to them. It seemed to go on forever... Eventually, I felt a weird warmth flood my insides. God, he came in me... I'd been creampied. After a few final thrusts, he seemed satisfied and pulled out of me, leaving me panting and my long tongue hanging out of my muzzle. But they weren't done...

It was Ivan's turn. They switched places and Ivan shoved himself into me. He was even bigger than Stevo... The already satisfied man took up Ivan's post of tormenting my poor nipples. He grinned at me. "Wanna clean me up, love?" He asked.

"Do you wanna get your dick bitten off?" Ivan asked, grunting a little between thrusts. Stevo rolled his eyes and just slapped my cheek a few times.

He flicked my nose, affectionately, "You wouldn't do that to me, would you? Heheheh." He clearly wasn't up for taking that risk, and he was right. Given the chance I would've bit his manhood clean off. Anything to at least get back at them somehow. But as it stood, I was too weakened and controlled by pleasure and exhaustion to do much of anything. He just kept slamming into me, over and over again. I climaxed for him early, and then a second time, and a third by the time he had finished. I don't know how long they were at it before Ivan came, filling my already-stuffed sex with even more semen.

"She's an easy one. I guess having new sex parts makes them that much more sensitive." Ivan pondered, wiping his dick off on the front of my crotch. I whined, able to smell their musky scent on the air. I could taste it with every breath, like he had stuck his dick in my mouth. I just kept my eyes closed tight, tears running down my face.

"Did you have fun, slave?" Stevo asked, facetiously. I could only respond by crying a little harder, still panting from the pleasure. I felt like I was going crazy... It was the pleasure. The pleasure to these alien parts was making me sick. The helped me get to my feet and that was when I lost it. I doubled over, throwing up right there. They stepped back, yanking me back with them. I felt woozy.

"Guess not." Ivan joked. "From how you were moaning, I thought for sure you were enjoying it." They both laughed, "We'll get someone to clean that up. C'mon, you were a good girl. Well, a good fuck, anyway. You get to rest for a bit."

That sounded great... As they dragged me back to my room, I still felt sick, maybe from shame. I was dizzy, even after they let me go on my mattress. They didn't take the collar or the handcuffs off, just leaving me there. I could feel their cum oozing down my thighs now. I heaved again, but I didn't have anything else to throw up, just resulting in a painful dry-heave. They shut the door behind them, leaving me to rest.

I slept only for a little while. I had a dream this time, and strangely it was a dream of me, living my normal life... When I woke up I was disappointed and dejected, and the tingling sensation of my crotch felt that much more alien to me. How could I have possibly enjoyed that...? I managed to squirm enough to get my handcuffed arms in front of me again, slipping them from under my hips. I was a lot more flexible than I remembered being. I immediately scrambled for my notebook, trying to get my thoughts in order again.

Looking back on it, this isn't my fault. My damned body is hard-wired to be this receptive to pleasure. It wasn't a mark against me, but a mark for the man who had changed me so much. Fuck. This is getting more frustrating by the hour... Even if it isn't my fault, it was still nauseating and confusing. It's getting harder to get my thoughts in order. All I can really do now is try to hold on to my mind... I'll be as defiant as possible. I won't let them break me so easy. I just don't know how long I can last...