A Very Happy Halloween...

Story by KlausNightfur on SoFurry

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#1 of Shorts!

My very first upload here on SF! I have submitted this on FA but I hear that it is much more apt to be read here. I am relatively new to writing and I know that I have much to improve upon so any and all feedback and constructive criticism is appreciated! Hope you all enjoy! :3

I am not one to dwell on the past. My memory as it stand melds days together into a monotonous droning on of everyday life. That being said there are certain items and events that stand out to me as important. My studies for one are of enough importance that I am able to ingrain necessary information into my memory for future use. Also something that seems to always stand out in my mind are those individuals closest to me and my time spent with them. Others however, I usually just associate with places or events and may not even be able to recall their names after only one meeting. There is one exception to this. I guess you could say he was important to me, though we have only met once. I still remember his eyes, green as emeralds, staring deep into mine as if searching for something. A slight glimmer of hope wells up in me every time I think of him. Hope that he is safe. Hope that we will meet again. Hope that he maybe is looking for me as well. Hope that in my eyes he found what he was looking for....

Oddly enough that entire night is still as clear as day inside my head. It was cold. I remember shivering, even with my winter coat having grown in. I grabbed an extra jacket out of my car and threw it on. I had to park a block away from the house due to the amount of people attending the party. I huffed in aggravation, it was partly my house anyway. I curled my tail around me and walked on, intent on giving my housemate Trevor a piece of my mind. The closer I got the more furs I saw. I nodded in greeting as some waved at me happily. Others went inside in groups. I could hear Trevor over the din of voices, "Everyone make yourselves at home! Just do not enter the upstairs room on the left or Vale will kill you and I both!" His laugh was obnoxious, he was obviously already drunk. He spotted me as I walked through the door. 'Well I guess Collie's do have a knack for showing when their name is called! What took you buddy?" He slapped my back happily as if nothing at all was wrong.

If looks could kill... "Trevor how many times have I asked you to discuss these things with me? What if I just wanted to relax tonight?" I sighed at the stupid grin on his face.

"Dude lighten up man. You can relax with all of us! Grab a drink and mingle! There are tons of hotties here just begging to get boned!" He grinned and nodded to something behind me. I glanced back and noticed a beautiful Leopardess staring my way. She wore what looked to be some sort of superhero outfit, though it seemed to be much more revealing on her than it was probably meant to be. Her breasts almost spilled out as if the costume was a dam holding back a rising river. Our eyes met and she winked playfully, giving me a smile that set my cheeks aflame. Trevor nudged me with his elbow, "See? You already have a hot cat wanting to jump your bones. How can you stay mad at me for this?"

I sighed and took the drink from his hands and took a long draw. "Fine, but I don't really have a costume so don't expect that much." Trevor smiled and spotted someone in the crowd. He left me standing there awkwardly surveying the furs around me. There were all manner of costumes in my immediate area. Superheroes, wizards, witches, vampires, and the list goes on with each getting more revealing than the last. I was startled by a light touch on my arm. It was the leopardess, her breasts seeming even closer to pooping out of their meager holdings. I looked up and met her eyes. She was beautiful, crystal blue eyes that stared seductively into mine. Her fur a stark white with deep black spots that stood out in great contrast.

Her tail caressed my leg as she spoke, "My... what a beautiful coat you have. Why hasn't Trevor introduced us before?" She purred as she leaned in close, her lips nearing mine.

"Trevor is not one for introductions I'm afraid. The name's Vale, and you are?" I asked, leaning back slightly, though not enough for her to get offended. She smelled wonderful.

"Mileen. It is a pleasure Vale." Her paw ran along my arm softly as she leaned in closer, her breasts pressing up against me. "I have always had a fondness for Collies... and your coat just drives me crazy. Such a deep black to go with the snow white on your muzzle and paws..... Tell me... What else does that white fur cover hmm?" Her tongue licked her lips slightly, forcing me to blush. I thought that if I had to put up with this party, that I may as well make the best of it. She grabbed my paw and began to lead me towards the stairs, her hips swaying lustily. My eyes were glued to her, until a flash of yellow drew my attention.

I looked up to see where it had come from. A Pikachu costume caught my eye, or rather the fur in it caught my eye. I felt my chest tighten as our eyes met. He was beautiful. His eyes shining with an intelligent curiosity as he watched me being pulled upstairs. I suddenly felt wrong. I stopped and pulled away from Mileen's grasp. "I'm sorry... I... have something to take care of."

Her eyes shot to where my attention was directed. She huffed angrily, "Well I did not realize that you were into that. My mistake, your loss hun." She walked away hurriedly, her attention already focusing on a large Tiger dressed as a gladiator over by the fireplace. My attention refocused on in the direction of the Pikachu costume. He was gone.

I quickly began walking towards the last place I saw him. I looked around and saw no sign of him. My ears fell and I turned to the nearest person. "Hey... did you happen to see where the guy dressed in the Pikachu costume went?"

"Dude... I...have no idea.. I just... just.." He broke down into a fit of laughter. His eyes were wide and glazed. I am going to kill Trevor. I sped off into the direction I thought I saw him go. Through the backdoor I was appalled to see that our pool was filed with fully clothed, drunk furs. I cursed and looked around trying to find Trevor to yell at him a bit more when I saw him. A stark yellow figure leaning on the fence staring at me.

The closer I got the more his feature struck me. He was small, his fur a soft orange underneath the hood of his costume and along his arms. His feline eyes watched me curiously. I hesitated slightly, trying to think of what I could possibly say to such a beautiful creature. Before I could speak he reached a paw up and ran it through the fur of my cheek. It was so warm, so unexpected that I could not help but gasp. He smiled and his ears twitched under his hood. His tail swayed back and forth as his eyes searched mine intently. He leaned in close, as if something had caught his eye. To my surprise, he kissed me. It was a deep, passionate kiss that left me breathless. His tongue explore my maw eagerly and I could not help but moan at the feeling. Suddenly, he pulled back. This kitty had me wrapped around his paw. I began to understand what a puppet feels like. My emotions a slave to his every whim.

He smiled and led me away, not into the house but towards the small pool house we used as a game room. I had forbade Trevor to allow anyone inside and surprisingly he had kept his word on this. My surprise was quickly forgotten though as I was pulled through and the door shut behind me. I smiled as he pushed me onto the pool table. He backed away slowly, a small smile on his face. His tail twitched as he began to slowly take off his costume. Piece by piece clothing fell to the floor. I felt myself blush at the site. He was so slender and small. His hips swayed to some unheard song as his paws ran over himself slowly. His eyes never left mine as he began to approach me. He drew me into another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. I felt my body respond eagerly to his. My paws began to explore his body, felling every inch of him as my fingers ran over his soft fur. His tail twitched back and forth happily as his own paws began to pull off my jacket. Next was my sweater, which was off in an instant. He smiled wide as his eyes took my naked torso in. His paws caressing me as he leaned in, kissing my chest and stomach. He began to rub between my legs, my pants growing increasingly constricting. Before I knew it they were undone and sliding off of me. His paws explored my hard cock with the patience of an artist. Every stroke and squeeze causing me to shiver and moan. He giggled and I gasped at the beauty of the sound. It filled my ears with a beautiful music. I looked down as his head neared my cock. He licked softly at it, sliding from base to tip and back again teasingly. He smiled and giggled at my reaction. He then took me into his maw.

My mind exploded in pleasure as his warm mouth embraced me. He bobbed up and down and moaned softly while his tongue massaged me. I was putty in his paws. I placed my paw on his head and lovingly caressed him as he continued to suck at my now throbbing member. I shivered and felt myself closing in on my orgasm. He stopped. His eyes locked onto mine as he used a paw to push me down onto my back. He climbed on top of me and placed my cock at his entrance. He inhaled deeply as he pressed himself down onto me, impaling himself on my thick member. I felt myself shiver again as his warmth overcame me. My paws went to his hips as he began to move. He gyrated and bucked on top of me. My head spun and I moaned loudly as he increased his pace. His claws protruded and gouged into my chest as a moan escaped him. I grinned and reveled in the pain and pleasure of what he was doing to me. He looked down and saw my grin, raising an eyebrow and halting his motion. As he climbed off I silently cursed as I knew I had done something wrong.

He hopped off the table and motioned for me to stand. I stood and watched him curiously as he walked over and leaned onto the table. He spread his legs and wrapped his tail around my arm, pulling me towards him. My heart was pounding as I walked up to him. I placed my cock at his tight entrance and pushed in, slowly filling him. He moaned loudly and blushed as he realized what he had done. His hips began to push back into me as I thrust in and out of him. My mind grew hazy as I picked up speed, slamming my cock into him repeatedly as he moaned and whimpered loudly. The room began to fill with the sounds of moaning and flesh slamming against flesh. The smell of sweat and sex filled the air. His moans became louder as my knot began to swell. It popped in and out of him as his body began to twitch. He moaned loudly and stood as he came hard, spraying hot seed over the table. His paws pulled arms tightly around him as I continued to pound. My knot no longer able to penetrate him I pushed hard, forcing it into him. I came hard inside of him, growling loudly as my seed sprayed into him. Our bodies convulsed in unison as he pulled me head down into a deep lingering kiss. My muzzle tingling from the feeling his lips against mine. He wiped some of his own cum with a paw and pressed it into my maw. It tasted wonderful and he leaned in close, "Now you are mine..." I lost track of time as we lay there waiting for my knot to decrease. We spoke not a word, but kissed eagerly the entire time. When I was able to slide out of him he stood, and silently dressed, his eyes still never leaving me. His smile seemed unable to leave his face as he pulled on the last piece of his clothing. He leaned in and kissed me once more, my toes curling with pleasure. "I will see you again, I promise." With that, he left.

I quickly dressed in an attempt to follow him. By the time I exited the pool house, he was nowhere to be seen. I searched all through the house for him and even outside. I asked everyone I saw where he went but no one could give me an answer. I felt my heart drop. I asked Trevor about him later that night. "Man, good luck with that. He must have come with someone else, I didn't really put a limit on who anyone could invite.. Sorry bro. I will try to ask around for you." I walked quietly up to my room. I sighed as I showered and got ready for bed.

As I sat down I noticed something laying on my pillow. A note, You are mine, and I am yours. I will see you again my love. My heart skipped a beat and I felt a tear stream down my face. "Is this love?" I asked the darkness of my quiet room. I do not remember falling asleep that night...

That was two weeks ago. I am still searching for him. My thoughts are filled with nothing but him. I am not sure what I do when I find him, but I know I must. Trevor gave me an address yesterday where someone fitting his description works. A local coffee shop that I have never actually been since inside. Trevor of course forgot his name, but it does not matter. If it is him, even if he does not remember me, it will be enough just to see him once more. Wish me luck....