A Plan is Formed

Story by Nixs on SoFurry

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#1 of Greed

*Thanks to Catdragon for writing this and the others up for me since I was too lazy :D*

A Plan is Formed

He was only in his early fifties, a time when he should have been enjoying himself with friends and family. Richard didn't have time for them though. He didn't have time for anything as he lay there, breathing shallow and labored on his deathbed.

He coughed down the water and medication before laying back.

'It will soon be over", he said over and over to himself as he made his form comfortable. A few moments later, the slight clink of his glass colliding gracefully with the heavily carpeted floor, signified the skunks entrance to slumber, a blessed retreat for Richard nowadays.

'I've almost lost hope, Jane,' Rebecca sighed her words into the phone, 'Mum won't return any calls so I'm left in charge of the rest. I don't want him to die, it.. it's just...' she sighed, fighting to hold back the tears as she gulped down a shot of brandy. 'It would be better if it ended soon.' The tears no longer held back as she openly wept into the phone.

'Carla what are you doing?' came a hushed voice from down the corridor. She waved her hand to stop them giving the game away as she continued listening at the door intently. 'I just hope there's a will, though...' Carla's eyes lit up and she moved away from the door, writhing her hands in glee as she made her way to her brother. She raised her hand and smacked the fox on the forehead with her rolled up newspaper, walking past him to read it at the table.

She readjusted her tail, sliding it through the back of the chair as she read up on the previous day's events. Tim came in moments later, rubbing his head as he moved behind her and placed his paws round her neck as he mock-throttled her.

'Why did you hit me, sis?' he asked the skunkette as he then poured himself some milk from a jug in the fridge and sat down next to her.

'Because you deserved it. Now hush, and let me read the paper in peace or I won't wrap my lips round your cock later.' Tim felt a tingle downstairs and excused himself to his room.

'Enjoy your wank, bro,' she chuckled as he left quickly, 'you'll never get inside me though', she whispered to herself, hidden under a sigh as she threw the paper down, not caring for the price of frozen O.J. shares. She smiled as Jake came in. He smiled and kissed his sister on the neck as his paws stroked over her breasts, softly caressing them, gently, as she giggled.

'Ohh get a room, you two', Jake sternly spoke to his siblings as he stuck his tongue out at the flirting duo of black and white furs, rolling his eyes after.

'Can't believe the closeness of you both; it's not right to be fucking your own brother, Carla.'

'I'm also sucking Tim's cock, Jacob - ohh, it feels so good when he coats my tongue with his seed. Next time I'll think of your cock sliding inside my ass, pounding me as I climax over and over on your shaft... anything?' Jacob shook his head. 'Not a thing.'

'Aww fuck... I will turn you straight one day or kill you in the process.'

'If you do turn me you CAN kill me, Carla.'

'Deal!' Carla shouted, then laughing she picked up Tim's glass of milk, swigged a mouthful and grimaced - before spitting it out over the table.

'Milk gone sour?'

'Rebecca's milk. Gah', she said as she cleared her throat, trying to remove the taste as she rinsed out her mouth direct from the kitchen tap. The other two laughed at her as she rinsed and spat out onto the crockery before dousing it with clean water.

'Someone say my name?', came a teary eyed skixen as she blew her nose into a tissue.

'Boys, out' ordered Carla, sternly as she looked at the other two standing in the room with her. They left without complaint, as shi walked closer to the table.

The others had never treated Rebecca as shi would have liked, but Carla had always been good to hir, never teasing about the extra set of genitals shi had been blessed with.


'Shh', she said as she wrapped her arms round her sister before kissing her tenderly on the lips and stroking hir back gently as the two hugged in silence.

'I know, Rebecca, I overheard your conversation to Jane. Hang in there, sis, I'll always be here for you, I've looked after you before and can do it again.'

'He took his meds but I found the glass on the floor. He's so weak sis, so helpless... so pathetic.'

'How's the balance, sis?' asked Carla, hoping to change the subject.

'Balance? Ohh...' sighed Rebecca as shi turned hir head away.

'How bad?' enquired Carla.

'Bankrupt, and then some. Basically, to pay off the debts, Dad needs to die and there needs to be a will or something.' Rebecca wept into Carla's shoulder, for a long time as shi was soothingly consoled by her older sister. Her sister however, had an idea - an idea she would really enjoy and her sister would eventually be grateful for in the end.

'Why don't you get some sleep, sis? You haven't slept in days, go get some rest and I'll check up on Dad for you.'

'Thanks sis, I owe you one.'

'Don't sweat it, Rebecca', the skunkette smiled as her sister sauntered off to hir bedroom to rest.

'I'll take care of everything' murmured Carla to herself as she licked her lips.

'Daddy?' Carla cooed as she gently knocked on her Father's bedroom door. She let herself in, walking in slowly with a glass of water as the male skunk turned to her, smiling back as best he could to her as she came closer.

'Daddy,' she faltered as she bit her lip and placed down the glass of water beside him, 'I'd like to give you something before you... you...'

'-before I finally go?' he finished for her, chuckling weakly, it obviously causing him some discomfort. He reached his arms out for her, in return which she nodded and pulled the covers off of him, eying the outline of his boxers.

'I took those trousers off, they itched' he explained. She giggled and sat down on his lap, leaning forward and hugging her Dad before kissing him gently on the lips as her paws released him from the confines of his underwear.

'What are you..?' he started to say as he looked up to her.

'What do you think Daddy?' she answered, 'I'm going to have unprotected sex with you' she grinned, pressing her folds to his sex as he looked at her in shock.

'I do hope you like your present, Daddy, I know you will' she giggled as she slid down his thickened shaft with ease, encompassing him within her folds as she pulsed her inner muscles around his length.

'Unless you don't want my cunt around your thick cock, pressing my clit against you, as I rock and writhe above you, squirming as I finally feel you break through my cervix... would you like me to continue, Daddy?' she cajoled as she bumped down hard, his member stiff inside her slick walls.

She teased his lips with hers, leaning down carefully, licking at them with the tip of her tongue.

'I... I do' he answered, his voice fever pitched, caught in the moment. She cut him off, squeezing hard around him before pulling off her top to reveal her sumptuous breasts.

She placed his paws on her mounds as she slowly moved up and down, moaning as he softly caressed her, rubbing over her erect nipples as she shuddered.

'Fuck me, dad, fuck me'! she quietly cried, whilst moaning, as he rubbed her nipples faster. Surprised suddenly, she found something wrapped around her, pulling her - and she was underneath her Father, him thrusting inside her.

'Da...ad...' she moaned, perplexed just a little, groaning out as his member slid effortlessly into her depths, pressing her cervix almost to breaking.

'My cervix, Dad, you're too big for me to take in' she cried.

'No I'm not, Carla' he groaned as he plunged further and further, eliciting a gasp of shock from her as he continued his assault against her insides, pressing his lips to his daughters as his paws massaged her closer and closer to climax.

She lay there in absolute pleasure as he continued pleasuring her throughout her climax.

'Carla, I'm going to cum' he whispered to her, bringing her back to a more awake state.

'No, Dad, I'm in heat' she warned as he grunted before collapsing on top of her, clutching at his chest, letting out a breathless sigh. She felt his last pulse inside her and sighed as she hugged her dead Father.

'I love you Dad and I hope you enjoyed your gift... oh, and I'm on the pill really, no need to worry.'

She kissed him and held him throughout the night as she slept with his lifeless carcass, feeling the warmth escape from inside of her. Halfway through the night she rolled him over and slipped into the bathroom. She sat down and relieved herself. Squeezing out her Father's cum into her paw and bringing it to her mouth. Tilting her paw to meet her maw, she allowed the sticky liquid to slide down into her throat before she licked the rest off of her coated digits. She licked her lips. 'I've tasted better,' she exclaimed to herself, 'but only in the family.' She giggled and flushed away the last night's meal.

Hitching up her skirt back into place, she went back in his room and taking a sock, placed his medication in one paw and his cock in the other.'Do not over exert yourself whilst taking this medication' she read out loud from the instructions on the medication bottle. She shook her head and muttered 'Silly Daddy. Brought on a heart attack.' She walked out, closing the door behind her to see Rebecca there. Play it cool, Carla, she thought to herself.

'He's gone, sis' she said in all but a whisper. Rebecca nodded and reached hir arms out to hir sister, pulling her in close and giving her a tight squeeze as she let out a single tear.

'Did it look like he was in pain?' shi sobbed.

'No sis, it was peaceful. Don't go in though, sis, a man deserves dignity in death without his children looking at his frail body.' Rebecca gulped and nodded as Carla turned her round and took hir back to bed.

'I'd sleep with you tonight sis, if you asked?' cooed the skunkette, softly as they entered Rebecca's room, painted half blue and half pink with an ankh depicting hir gender, hanging above the bed.

'Please...' murred Rebecca. Carla tucked the skixen in before climbing in to bed from the other side, pressing herself against hir back, neck resting on Rebecca's shoulder.

'Rest, you sexy herm, rest,' Carla whispered before kissing her sister on the check, 'I'll sort everything out tomorrow, hon.'

Her words fell on deaf ears, Rebecca was sleeping peacefully in hir sisters arms, a smile on hir face for the first time in weeks.

'...and to the remaining loved ones; Rebecca, Carla, Jake, Tim and Jacob - I bequeath my worldly possessions. To my wife who did not come to any of her children's parties, or to my deathbed, I leave nothing to the bitch. To my beloved children I bequeath also the sum of ten million dollars to be distributed between them equally. In the tragic circumstances of any of them passing on, the money of the deceased should therefore be shared again between the remaining siblings still alive.

The lawyer breathed in deeply as he wrinkled his weasel nose, standing up to shake their paws and leave them alone with their Father's will. While the others talked over the will, Carla just smiled as she rubbed her paws together. The smile turned into a grin as she then stroked her rumbling belly. 'I can get myself a better share and leave no evidence' she thought to herself. She licked her lips and looked over to the two fox siblings of hers. 'I'd tie up Jacob, fuck him then eat him', she mused. She could hardly contain herself with those thoughts.

'What's up, Carla?' asked a teary eyed Rebecca, hir tears a symbol of both sadness and joy.

'Oh, just planning, Rebecca, just planning, hon'...