Ice Cold Killer

Story by seirea on SoFurry

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So I don't write often, but I thought the idea for this was pretty awesome. Reine is my new human/dragon girl, shes a mercenary. Hope everyone likes it‾

"I'm sorry ma'am, but the boss isn't seeing anyone today, you'll have to come back tomorrow." The bull who was speaking was decked out in full camouflaged armor, wielding what looked to be a large machine gun. His attention was centered on the smaller half-breed standing before him. She stood around five feet tall, her skin was milk-chocolate in color. She had long azure colored hair, matching eyes as well as patches of scales dotting her body. A pair of frost-white horns also jutted out from the sides of her head. Matching her hair color were a pair of folded dragon wings and a long tail that ended in a spade. She was dressed in a modern iteration of some old tribal garb, a dress-long loincloth and bra-like top with matching gloves that went almost to her shoulder and stockings that ended at her ankle, leaving her barefoot. Despite not covering much, he could tell from the pattern that her clothing made her resistant to magic and most firearms

She looked at him and calmly crossed her arms underneath her breasts. "Tell your boss Reine is here for the job he posted." The bull sighed and pounded twice on the door next to him. " Ey' boss, there's a miss rei-" He didn't get to finish. "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE, LET HER IN!" The bull just opened the door and gestured her inside. Reine gave him a polite nod and walked into the room. She could almost feel his gaze on her ass as she passed. The door was closed behind her and a grizzled older looking bear pulled her into a hug. "Reine my dear its been far too long!" "Its good to see you, how is your family these days?" He gave her a smile and pulled away , keeping his hands at her shoulders. "Ah, they're doing just fine, but I know you're hear for important business, so lets not delay you with mindless chattering!"

She gave him a genuine smile and nodded "Alright, what is it you need me to do?" "Well as you know.. I'm running for king of this tiny backwater planet we call home. My opponent..well..he's a monster in every sense of the word. Hes a veteran of the last war and unlike most of us he can't seem to get over it. Everything he stands for threatens this planet's safety, including the half-breed citizens that I've helped settle in here. Normally I would be against methods like this but-" "You need me to kill him. You don't need to beat around the bush Jin, you helped my brothers and sisters become free, there's nothing I wouldn't do to help you." He gave her another hug and then backed away, nodding. "He..He'll be at his campaign office later this evening. He never has many guards, a bit cocky like that." "I'll be fine. Just be sure to watch the news tonight. Just in case, I wont be coming back here. Just send the usual fee to Tika after its done.. And take care of yourself, I'm sure Tika and I will come visit you and your children sometime soon, I'm sure they've grown up quite a bit." With that she turned and walked out of her old friend's office and right on out of the building.

The sunset was beautiful. It brought with it a light yet warm breeze that tickled across her exposed skin as she knelt on the roof of a nearby building, taking note of the guards stationed at the front entrance. She saw a single hallway still lit with a single door at the end guarded by two men in black suits. That must have been the place. "Well, lets pay him a visit.." She lunged from the rooftop, her wings unfolding to catch the air as she glided towards the window. With the crash of breaking glass she dove through the double-pane window, dropping into a roll to protect herself. After rolling a couple of feet she straightened up, brushing a bit of broken glass off of her shoulder. "Don't mind me boys, I'm new in town..juuuuust sight seeing." They didn't buy her shoddy excuse, both brandished telescoping batons as they rushed her. Reine's eyes took on an unnatural glow, seeming to radiate with energy. The first guard swiped at her head and was blocked by her forearm. She whipped her arm out, gripping the front of his suit tightly as she spun with him to face the window. He started to say something, but she couldn't make it out as she pushed him forward and planted her foot in his back. The only thing that could be heard as he plummeted towards the pavement two-hundred stories below, was his screaming. "That's going to where did guard number t-" starts erupted across her vision as the second guard slammed the baton into her face. She slumped to her knees, holding her face as she felt the blood begin to trickle out of nose and mouth. He grabbed her by the shoulder and twisted her around so he could hit her again. What he didn't expect was her cold stare. Blood poured down her face as she gazed up at him. "You shouldn't have done that." Like lightning she sprung up, planting him against the wall behind him, her hand gripping his throat. The guard tried to scream but something caught in his throat, he also found it was getting harder and harder to move. When he looked down, he saw his body was slowly starting to crystallize into ice. Reine kept him planted against the wall until he stopped moving, frozen solid. She pulled her hand free, making a fist before she thrust it through the frozen guard's head, completely shattering it.

Reine wiped as much blood from her face as she could as she stalked down the hallway towards the office. She forcefully pushed the door open, coming face to face with her target. He wore a blue suit with a matching tie. He had his hands raised in defeat. He was slightly younger than Jin and had the distinctive markings of an ocelot. As she was about to speak he interrupted her. "WAIT! Don't kill me! I-I'll change! We can uh.. We can make a deal or something!" Entertaining the idea for a moment, Reine just nodded. He kept going. "L-listen..I know I'm not that likeable..I'm an asshole, I get that. But hey, do me a solid and I'll turn my standing on everything around, I swear!" She narrowed her eyes. "And that is all?" He nervously scratched the back of his head. "Well..I'm a pretty lonely guy, You could always use that pretty mouth of yours and-" "ENOUGH! I came here to put an end to scum like you. I leave it to Gaia to judge you." He panicked. He started to turn towards the window that led to a fire escape. Reine held out her hand, two flicks of her wrist sent a unnaturally sharp icicle plowing into each shoulder, pinning him to the nearby wall. He cried out and weakly raised his arms, trying in vain to pull them out. "Please, I'm begging you to let me go!" Reine stood in front of him, holding another of those deadly ice spikes in her hand. "Sorry, its just business." She thrust it forward into his stomach then ripped it upwards, doing as much damage as possible. It was fatal wound, but it'd still take him a couple of minutes to bleed out. He was speaking incoherently now as she covered her hand in his blood, smearing a personal message on the wall next to him. When she was finished she used the office bathroom to clean any blood off of her before exiting via the window.

A day later, Reine was laying in her room on board a passenger ship traveling back to the capital planet. A knock at the door stirred her from her half-sleep. She slid off of the bed, completely nude and answered the door. A pretty fox girl blushed brightly and apologized for bothering her. "M-ma'am, we'll be arriving at our destination in approximately three hours, I came to see if you wanted to wash up before we landed. I've been asked by my employer help you with anything you need." Reine eyed the girl up and down, giving her a playful grin. "That sounds perfect.." After a few moments of prepping, Reine was laying back against a large shower-room wall within her quarters. She sat on a fairly comfortable stool, giving ample room for the girl to work. She slid a warm wet cloth up and down her legs, almost purposefully slipping them against her inner thigh. Her hands slid down one of her legs, kneading into her foot, causing an unexpected groan of delight from Reine. "I-I'm sorry ma'am. I should stop." Reine just shook her head, pointing back to her foot. "Mnh...You'll hear no complaints from me." The fox took that as Reine's permission to continue. Her fingers massaged into the soft flesh, rolling against her toes. The relaxing foot massage lasted for a good five minutes before Reine felt something different.. She released a relaxed moan as a soft tongue slid against her foot. She wasn't going to stop her now. She leaned back as the fox girl grew more and more brave, leaving small kisses against her smooth flesh as she kissed up Reine's thigh. The next few things got a little fuzzy as far as Reine could remember. Those soft lips pressed between her legs in a kiss and as soon as she felt that wet muscle slide inside her she was in heaven. She slid her hands down, placing them on the fox girl's head as she nudged her into her now dripping sex.

The sated and extremely relaxed dragoness woke up several hours later, fully dressed and her hair freshly brushed. "Mnh...was I dreaming? I wasn't THAT tired.." She looked around the room and chuckled as she saw a disheveled fox girl curled up on the couch. They must have gone from there, because she looked like sticky mess. Although the dopey grin on her sleeping face told her that she certainly didn't mind it. She leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead before turning towards her room's terminal. She left the manager a positive note about her..helper. As well as a generous tip for her fantastic work. Reine stretched her body out and left the room. It took her ten minutes to reach the ship's main exit and when she did, she took in a deep breath. The air here was quite a bit dirtier than the planet she had just come from, but that was to be expected with a city as large as this one. Despite it all, she enjoyed the scent. After all this is where her family was. "..Its good to be back." She stretched out her wings, giving them a few light test-flaps before she jumped into the air and headed for home.