Call Me Master

Story by Negitive-Zero on SoFurry

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I don't know if I'll continue this, but if I get enough comments I just may

"Call me Master"

His name was Sven, an otter. An emotional wreck he walked the same streets day after day; couldn't get over the fact that his parents had kicked him out without notice. Then again, they always liked his brother better, and when he came out it pushed them over the edge. To make matters worse, when he went to his now ex-boyfriend's apartment to ask for a place to stay he found the chubby dog, mercilessly plowing some incredibly obese pig in his bedroom.

All the fights were behind him now. Every remaining day of that week he cried himself to sleep on a park bench, he had nothing; he was too foolish to save any money and his parents sure as hell wouldn't give him any, and with no money or probable homes to go to he had no need for anything but the clothes on his back. Now his days were made up of him watching the cars pass by, or people walking, or walking himself; scanning the sidewalks for enough abandoned change to buy something to eat. A feat that was only achieved enough to keep him alive. As the days went by he began to notice someone looking at him from their car at least twice a day, a bear, and it wasn't but a few days later he actually said something to the otter. The black car parked before his bench in the park, with a low hum the driver's window rolled down to reveal the bear's round face. "Hey there, can I talk t' ya for a while?" His voice was sort of deep and rough, but was thrown out with a kind, gentle tone.

"Did I do something wrong, sir?"

"No, no. I just wanna talk t' ya, if you get in it might not feel so awkward... For me of course."

He was hesitant, after all, the bear pretty much stalked him for the past week, but then again, if he did do something to him, it wouldn't matter. His parents all but disowned him and he had no ties to anything. He got up. The padding of the car seats made them seem like a jeweled throne compared to the hard wooden bench he called home. Sven savored the comfort, not knowing how long it would last.

The bear put the car into drive. It was at this point when the otter really began to question the safety of the situation, "W--Where are we going?"

"I thought we could go to my house, get you something to eat. You looked starved, boy!"

He was both surprised, and overjoyed, at the statement. "You're n--not kidnapping me or anything, right?"

"Oh heaven's no," he chuckled, "If I was, d' ya think I'd ask you to get in my car?"

"...No, I guess not." He looked looked the bruin over nervously; he was rather obese, his white button-down shirt strained to keep his massive torso covered, it hugged the curves of his fat, sagging pectorals, and the roll of fat trailing to his back as well as his belly which was large enough that it pressed against the steering wheel. Moving down, the fox saw one of his thick thighs, his black dress pants did the same as his shirt, only they fit better and it looked as though he had to squeeze his hulking form into the car.

"Like what you see, boy?"

Sven was snapped from his thoughts, "Oh, s--sorry sir," he apologized, in his nervous state he brought his shoulders up and tucked his hands between his legs.

"It's no big deal, I think you're pretty cute too otter boy, so quit bein' so nervous I won't hurt ya. What's your name?"

"It's Sven. Sven Green." He felt himself blush, it was nice to hear something kind considering what had happened to him recently.

"Well Sven, my name's Bill. I'd shake your hand, but I'm drivin' and I consider you getin' in my car handshake enough."

The bear smiled warmly at the otter and continued to drive. The silence grew thick, the boy didn't know what to say; it was only broken when they had arrived at Bill's apartment, but even then Sven stayed silent, excited that he was going to get food and by the look of the bear leaving the vehicle, there was plenty to eat. As he walked his eyes followed the massive rear of the bruin leading him, watching it bounce and jiggle with each step. He wanted to touch it, to knead the large cheeks and a number of other things that got his member hard.

After entering, Bill immediately stripped down to his white briefs. Sven gasped at the sight; they outlined every curve they covered, leaving almost nothing to his imagination, from the side he caught a glimpse of the large bulge between the bear's tree trunk legs as he turned into what the otter assumed was the kitchen. He took the chance to sit on the couch next to him, it would be embarrassing to be caught with an erection by a complete stranger. "What'll ya have? Anything in particular?" He asked, his round face peeking out of the kitchen archway.

"No thank you, sir."

"Alright, I was just gonna make dinner unless you want something faster?"

"Whatever's fine, I can stay as long as you'll have me."


Moments later, Bill came out and sat next to the shy otter, the smell of cooked pasta trailing after him. Sven tensed up, he had a nice view of the bruin's crotch, and the outline of his thick maleness. His eyes quickly trailed up to the vast belly, its color was a much lighter shade of brown than the rest of his body, and his breasts were even better without clothes covering them. "You're staring again," he remarked with a slight chuckle. "Where do you live if you don't mind me asking."

He began to wring his tail gently, being homeless changed people's outlook on oneself; the question made him nervous just as he was starting to get comfortable around the large bruin. I'm uh.... I don't.... have a home. My parents kicked me out, and my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me. I guess I live on one of the benches in city park, that's where I sleep anyway."

"I'm....I'm sorry.... C'm'ere." The bear wrapped his arms around the small otter, it had been so long since he'd been hugged, comforted, it made him want to cry his eyes out. It was warm, trapped against Bill's chest, deep down he felt he loved this perfect stranger; he had been kind to the otter since the moment he spoke to him and now he was being hugged like they had known each other for years. He felt a chin rest gently on his head as he was held tighter and it all came pouring out like a button was pressed, releasing the flood gates of pent up emotion onto the chest of a half-naked bear. Moments went by before Sven calmed down enough to look at anything but the bear's arm, his upward gaze was met by Bill's brown eyed stare; their lips were inches away and only growing closer.

The kitchen timer rang. "I should prob'ly get that."

On the dining room table sat two plates piled high with spaghetti and meatballs which, coincidentally, was the otter's favorite meal. He was overjoyed regardless to what it was, he didn't care; it was food. As they ate they made small talk, told stories and other, more personal things. Bill leaned back in his chair and watched the otter eat the last of his helping of the meal. He wanted the boy to be his, to use him however he wanted. He just hoped Sven would agree.

"Bill, I would say thanks but..." the otter made his way to Bill's side of the table, bringing his face just as close as it was before, "I hear actions speak louder than words."

Running a hand over the bear's vast belly in a circular motion, he gently slipped his tongue into his mouth. A soft moan escaping the bruin's mouth as he brought his prize closer to him. The belly rubbing was an nice, constant pleasure that was beginning get him hard, "Why don't we take this to my bed? I don't really like havin' sex in a chair."

He didn't wait for a response, as he finished speaking the bear took Sven up in his arms and started towards the bedroom. The otter tried to relieve his carrier of his briefs while they moved, just as the bear was doing with his clothing. Their erections sprang forth in attention next to each other, almost comparatively; Bill's short, beer can of a cock, to Sven's longer, thinner one. "Where do you want me to put it, boy?"

"I--I don't care, it's your choice."

The bruin roughly turned the boy onto his stomach, smearing precum over his rear entrance to lubricate the way. The otter gasped at the sudden pain of being opened and after a moment's rest it began again in a cycling process of start and stop until Bill's thick member was completely, and comfortably in. He moaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure as the intruder was partly removed and replaced in a slow, steady rhythm. "You're-- a tight one, boy. Ungh... but we'll fix-- that."

He picked up the pace and increased the force, bumping into Sven's prostate and loosening his sphincter's grip on the bear's cock. Bringing louder moans from each of them. The bruin began to press harder, but slowed his thrusts down to a grind to keep himself from cumming too soon; he wanted to keep it going as long as he could. The otter could tell; he started to clinch his muscles around the bear's maleness, bucking his hips to keep it moving fast. Unlike the bear, he was eager to reach his climax after not being able to relieve any of his built up tension over the last few weeks.

He felt the bear push deep into his rear and several jets of hot liquid fill him as the intense wave of pleasure of an orgasm swept over him. His seed was released into Bill's gently stroking hand, milking his half flaccid member for all it was worth. The bear slumped down next to the otter, working on licking his hand clean. "Can I ask you something, Sven?"

"I don't care, ask away."

He brought the boy closer to him, wrapped in his large arms, "Do you want a job? I'll pay ya with food 'n' a place to live."

"Oh my god Bill, that would be amazing! W--What would I have to do?"

"Call me Master."