My New PEt

Story by Eli Sunfur on SoFurry

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Toby yipped as he fell forward, not realizing the door would open so quickly. He fell on his face in the lobby of the office building, luckily not to the notice of any of the various furs that were running back and forth for whatever important task they had at the time. He stood quickly and brushed himself off, glad no one saw his little spill. He striaghtened out his clothes and walked ot the front desk, the receptionist just then hanging up the phone.

"I..I am here for the internship that starts today," Toby said, a bit nervous as this was in fact his first day. The young fox smiled and showed the raccoon receptionist his badge.

The racoon took the badge and said, "Hm, you are here for the lawer internship eh? Well, lucky you. Never had a fox in this office before, espeically not a cutie like you little guy. Hm, let's see. Ah, it is on the twelth floor, room 1205. That is Mister Gregson's office. He is a nice guy, you and him will get along well." She handed the badge back and gave a quick smile before answering yet another phone call. She motioned toward an elevator on the left of her desk and Toby was off in a flash.

As he waited for the elevator to arrive, Toby looked himself over in the mirror-like door. He was skinnier than most foxes, though he was only fourteen, so that was no problem. He was very femenine in appreance, the main reason he had taken an internship instead of a place on a school team. He was very atheltic, a decent runner, but was picked on a lot for looking like a vixen dressed in boy's clothing. He even had a slightly high voice, not really feminine, but enough that he was picked on for it. As the elevator arrived, a now blushing Toby stepped inside, glad to be alone for a minute. He pressed the button marked 12 and sighed as the elevator doors closed.

After what seemed a very long time of having to listen to Mozart on the elevator intercom, the bell dinged and Toby stepped out of the elevator. He took one last moment to straighten his blue pollo and khakis before finding the office he was looking for. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Yes, who is it?" came a voice from inside, a bit absent as one usually is when busy working on something.

" name is Toby sir, the new intern from the high school," Toby said, a bit proud that he had been able to speak at all.

"Ah yes, come in Toby," the voice said again, this time louder and more focused on Toby. It was somewhat of a gruff voice, definentally a big guy.

Toby opened the door and stepped in, his sneakers brushing against the carpet, opposed to the cold tile it had been previously. Behind a large wooden desk sat a smiling wolf, appearantly solid grey, wearing a rather tight dark suit to show off his muscular build. Toby closed the door and said, "Um, hello Mr. Gregson. I am ready to work."

"Please, call me Ken, everyone does, granted I am not suing them," Ken said with a small chuckle. Toby smiled and said nothing. "Come, take a seat. I am not exactly doing anything just yet, just finishing my coffee here."

"Okay Ken," Toby said, taking the seat the wolf had indicated. He looked aorund the office, finding it to be a bit different than what he had imagined. He had expected a rather dull office, but Ken had placed up a few photos that appeared to have been taken by him, including one of a beautiful log cabin home in a mountain setting.

"My home, out of town of course," Ken said, seeing the fox staring at the gorgeous house. "I do some of my work out there on weekends, so you might get to take a tour soon. Being my assistant, you have to follow me everywhere that you can, except to court and private meetings. It really is a beautiful home. I am a photographer in what little spare time I can find these days. I have my camera here if you would like a picture taken. I can have it framed and everything. I usually keep photos of my interns, to remember them when they go onto bigger and brighter things."

"I would like that, thank you," Toby said, now turning to the wolf. He noticed what appeared to be a photo binder nearby, locked with a small key lock similar to those on diaries. He wondered if that was the album Ken kept of his interns. It certainly looked full.

"Now then, I do not have much for you to do today," Ken said, shrugging his shoulders a bit, "I am just getting stuff back to my house to work for a bit. I have a bit of a tough case coming up, and I need the quiet to relieve the stress. If you want, you can help me get these boxes and such out to my car and I can taek you out to my house. It is about a half hour drive, and I will have you back before you are missed, unless yo get lost in the woods." He chuckled a bit at this point. "Really though, I want to show you my home office. There will be some nights where I need you to stay over, so I can show you the guest room. Staying over only happens if I am on a deadline and can not handle the workload by myself, so not often. Sound good?"

Toby smiled and said, "Your house? Um, sure, okay. What do you need me to carry?"

Ken pointed to a stack of bokes, some marked evidence, some marked documents, and said, "Those five boxes need to be taken to my car. If you can grab two, I can grab the other three, and we can get going." He stood and picked up three cases with ease, stopping to tuck the phot binder under his arm. "Can't forget this, otherwise I can't add you to it during the weekend."

Toby smiled and picked up the other two cases, the smaller of teh two marked evidence shifting and the sound of things rolling around inside catching his attention. "What's in here?"

"Just some things I need," Ken said, stepping outside. As Toby stepped out after him, he shut the office door and locked it. "Alright, homeward bound we are," he said, leading Toby to the elevator and out to the parking lot. Putting the cases, and then the fox, in his car and makiing sure all were secure, he started the long drive home.


After about a half an hour, maybe more, Ken pulled the car up to the side of his house. Toby had been staring at everything the entire ride, much to Ken's amusement, and was eager to hop out of the car. "Wow, it is even better in real life than in the picture. You really live here?"

Ken chuckled as he walked around the car, standing behind Toby and placing a strong hand on his shoulder. "No Toby, we live here." With that, he suddenly forced his other hand against the fox's muzzle, the weaker fox struggling in such a pitiful way that Ken could not help but laugh. The fox soon went limp, the rag that had been forced over his muzzle falling to the ground. "Welcome home my pet, I am so very glad you like it. Lucky for me, you don't know the way back to the city, and no one knows your here."

Ken picked the sleeping fox up in his arms, carrying him inside the lavish home. He smiled and gently placed him on the couch, walking back outside and carrying in the boxes. He proceeded to carefully strip the boy, placing a collar aound his neck and snapping a few pictures of his naked, sleeping form.

"Hm, no one will no he is up here for a few days, and I need to work fast to get him used to being here. Let's see," he walks over to one box and opens it, pulling out several serums and a syringe. "Ah, one for memory eraseal, one for changin his fur color a bit, and if need be, one for changing him into a feral fox. I will save that one though, anthro pets are more fun than feral ones." He filled the syringe with the memory serum and the fur manipulation syrum. "Good thing he is asleep, or this would hurt like hell."

Ken walked over and injected the serums into Toby's arm. The fox kit cringed in his sleep, shaking a bit. Ken watched as his fur changed. It went from solid red with black tipped ears to red with white hands and feet, ear tips, muzzle, chest, belly, and tail tip. Even the tips of his headfur became white. "There, so long as the memory serum worked, no one will know it is him."


Several hours later, a yound fox kit woke in the center of a large pet bed. He looked around, eyes blurry, bit could not tell where he was. For that matter, he could not tell who he was. He sat up, trying to find some memory to tell him who he was or how he came to be here, but none came to him. He suddenly saw a wolf sitting in a chair nearby, reading a large book. The fox rose to all fours and walked over to the wolf, who lowered the book and smiled at him.

"Excuse me sir, but where am I?" the fox asked.

"At your home," the wolf replied, "You live here. You are my pet."

"Pet? Is that a good thing?" the fox asked, sitting on his haunches.

"Very good," the wolf said, reaching down and picking the fox up, placing him on his lap.

"Who am I?" the fox asked, curling up in the wolf's lap.

"You are Timber," the wolf said, "my pet."

"Oh, okay," TImber said, resting his head on his front paws. He was aware that he had fours paws, not hands or feet. Unbeknownst to him, the wolf had injected him with enough of the feral syrum to change his body, but not lose the ability to speak and think like an anthro.

"Are you hungry Timber?" the wolf asked kindly.

"Yes master," Timber said simply.

"Then I guess we should feed you," the wolf said, standing and holding the fox in his arms. He nuzzled his soft fur on his back and said, "Do you remeber anything from before you woke up."

"No master. Should I?"

"No, you should not. That is a good boy Timber."

"Thank you master," Timber said, smiling proudly at making his master happy.