My Pack chapter four

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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#4 of My pack

Here is chapter four, yes there is rape. However I sectioned it off so you can easily skip over that part. I clearly labeled the place where it starts between two sets of horizontal lines. Just skip where it says skip and move to the next black line to pass the actual rape scene. For those who enjoy the rape scene I say this, I was upset writing it. I wrote it for the character development and the elements it adds beyond that. I don't condone rape, I am actually afraid of it myself. Which is why that element exists in this story. Hope everyone enjoys this, and still reads this chapter despite that element. Without any further delays, here it is. Enjoy

I barely made it to my second class on time. Settling in for a lecture about the American Government. The Professor was a nerd when it came to the subject. The golden lab would ramble on about the founding fathers and how the structure has changed for the worse. If he was any older I would have swore he floated over on the Mayflower himself. I did my best to focus and take notes while he wrote on the over head projector.

He had to be the only teacher that still used the old style of overhead projector. Not just at the University but everywhere. In high school power point presentations made the overhead projector obsolete. Classrooms had projectors installed on the ceiling. Modern times, it seemed, had yet to make their way into this last piece of antiquity. Funny how class always seems to go slower when you have other places to be.

The time to end class finally came and we were given our freedom by Mister Turner. I quickly packed all my stuff into my bag and made for the door faster than I usually did. I wasn't looking forward to talking to Eric, we went over all that before many times. But I told him that I would and I couldn't go back on that. The first time I told them, I couldn't even tell them fully.

Now as I walked back to the house, I just wanted to tell it to him and go back to normal life. I looked up at the blue sky above me. My life started before that night, skipped over it, and picked right back up with the next morning. The days of that event filling my every waking moment were long gone. I sighed and unlocked the front door. Waiting for Eric in the living room.

I didn't have to wait long. "Hey babe," he said before sitting next to me. I felt his arm across my shoulders and I gave in. "Alright kitty, let's do this, hopefully for the last time." I took a deep breath and got ready to tell him everything that happened. Starting with the morning before the event took place. Eric pulled me against him for support and I started.

It was winter, Christmas was only a few days away. I woke up, after having slept in. I climbed out of bed and threw on some clothes. It was the weekend so my parents were home. I could smell breakfast down in the kitchen. Not noticing the collar around my neck I stepped into the hallway and made my way down to get something to eat.

Everyone else was already awake. Aiden was half finished with his breakfast when I walked in. My dad was reading the newspaper, while my mom was busy getting me a plate of food. She turned to face me and immediately noticed the black leather collar around my neck. Complete with the bone shaped tag. "When did you get that?" she asked me reaching for the tag with her free hand.

My right hand shot up to the tag. I held it tightly in my hand so she couldn't read it. "Let me read that. You in a gang or something?" she asked knowing full well collars weren't a symbol of gang membership. "Kimber has a girlfriend. Kimber has a girlfriend." Aiden said over and over. "Aiden, you're not twelve. So who is she?" Dad asked while my mom tried to wrestle the tag from me.

"I don't have a girlfriend. It's nothing, can we please just drop it?" I heard the words come out but it seemed like I was the only one who did. "Kimber William Keller, you will unhand that tag now." I growled softly, getting annoyed. "Fine, read the damn thing. Just didn't want to tell you guys right this instant." I let go of the tag and looked to the side while my mom read it.

She looked up at me, "Are you serious?" I sighed and looked down at her. "Yeah it's serious. Why would I walk around with a declaration like that if it wasn't true?" She looked over at dad, "Did you know?" He shook his head, not really understanding what was going on. "No I didn't tell him about it. I'm gay, they are mine. Big deal, can we just move on with life?" My mom just stormed out of the kitchen without saying another word. Slamming her bedroom door behind her.

I laid my ears back and sighed. "Go figure," I muttered. "Care to run that by me again, without the attitude this time." My dad said. I turned to face him, "I'm gay and Eric and Torban are my boyfriends. We've been dating since September." My dad nodded slowly, Aiden just got up and left the room as quietly as he could manage. "I'm not upset about it, you're still my son. Just would have been nice to know sooner is all. Plus, the whole two boyfriends thing. Not really something canines traditionally do. Do they make you happy?"

"Yeah, happier than I have ever been. Straight people don't have to deal with the loneliness we do. It feels like a war zone out there sometimes. The comments people make, the genuine hate. They have protected me. Things are turning around at school. The atmosphere is more welcoming to us. Not everyone is accepting, but those who are make it known. I didn't tell you guys because I was afraid. I'm not Eric, I cant sit here and explain the biological and statistical aspects of it. All I can say is, this is who I am."

"I noticed things were different. Your grades have improved and you spend less time locked up in your room. Look, she will come around. She watches Ellen, just the shock of it all." I hugged my dad tightly. He returned the hug, he was my dad. Contrary to what genetics said, he was my dad. "Think I'm just going to bail and hang out with Torban and Eric for the day." I said breaking the hug. "Alright son, just be safe and let me know when you're coming back."

"I will daddy," I said pulling my cell from my pocket to text Torban and Eric. "Hey, they know"

"How?" Torban asked.

"How did they take it?" Eric asked.

"I walked in wearing my collar. Mom read it and flipped, but my dad is cool with everything." I sent

"Want us 2 come over?" Torban asked.

"We're on the way over." Eric responded.

"Eric says we r coming."

I smiled and put my phone away. We really needed a better system for talking to each other. I walked upstairs to my room. Looking through my clothes for something more form fitting. Settling on a small T-shirt and an old pair of pants that showed off my bulge and ass perfectly. Some day soon I would need to get rid of all my breeder clothes and get more that fit me.

I didn't wait long for my mates to show up. Watching the sedan pull up before I made my way out the door to meet them. "You doing alright?" Torban asked, beating Eric to it. "Yeah I'm fine for the most part. Just weird is all, figured she would be fine and that he would flip. Ya know?" Eric just shrugged, "Parents are hard to read. Just give them time."

"Yeah, I just want to get out of here for a bit. If that's alright with you guys." Eric swung open the passenger's door. "Sure, want the middle?" I nodded slowly, "Yeah." Eric slide out so that I could climb into the middle. Eric climbed in after me, snuggling into me after I put on my seat belt. Torban nuzzled my cheek, "Alright puppy. Where are we going?"

"Well, a burger would be nice. Plus we haven't seen James since break started." It seemed like a good time to just be with friends and forget about what was going on at home. "Alright, Rex's Burgers it is. We will have to wait a bit though. Doesn't open until eleven, it's only ten thirty." Torban said. Eric nibbled my cheek, "We can cuddle in the parking lot until they open." I murred softly at his nibble.

"We can text everyone else and make an event of it," Torban said. My ears perked, "Everyone? So we're going to push the Alliance onto a local business?" I asked. Eric gave me a nuzzle, "Our first outing as a group. We cant just hide in our English class talking about change. The community has to be out and proud." Torban chuckled, "Eric, always being the poster child of the fag community."

I snuggled into the lion's side with Eric pressed into me. "Alright, this day cant get any worse and everyone has agreed that we cant hide any longer. Let's do it." I said softly. Eric pulled out his cell and sent out a mass text to everyone in the group letting them know we were going to be at Rex's at opening. Torban put the car in drive and started us on our way.

We were all pretty quiet on the drive there. Torban had the heater on full blast, which felt nice until I started to roast. Both of my kitties were species that came from warmer climates. So being hot was something I would have to deal with. Eric rubbed my thigh, purring softly into my ear. "Sexy pants, should wear them more often." I murred, "Maybe I will."

"Behave you two, one of us has to drive and I hate being left out." Torban grumbled. Eric moved his hand to my knee. "Fine, we will be good." I said. Torban pulled into the mostly empty parking lot. Two cars were parked behind the restaurant. I recognized the black Fiat, "I knew James worked today." Eric gave a nod, "You sure did. Have a crush on the wolfy?" I looked at Eric, "He is my best friend aside from you two."

"Just teasing puppy, we know you wouldn't leave us. Couldn't even take off your collar." I had forgotten about the collar around my neck. "Well it feels weird not having it on. Plus it tells everyone who I belong to. The two sweetest guys I have ever met." Torban turned in his seat and held me against him tightly. "Property of the pride," he said softly. Eric sandwiched me between them firmly. "He sure is, such a loving doggy."

I murred softly, "You two sure know how to treat a guy." Torban looked up, "Looks like the munchers are here." I chuckled and gently head butted his shoulder. "Behave, someone has to take care of the naughty bits us fags cant." Eric just shrugged, "I'm indifferent on the matter. As long as they keep it in their pants." I shuddered thinking about the lack of penis in their pants. "I'm just happy they aren't man haters. Like Sabina, she don't want any of our man help." Torban said.

"Think they're making out?" I asked looking at the truck parked a few spots away from us. Rear facing us making it hard to see what was going on inside. "They are probably wondering the same thing about us. They aren't dating, just friends. Though they may be cuddled up to keep warm until this place opens for business." Eric said. Torban yawned, "Doesn't matter to me what they do. I'm not their keeper."

Zach rolled up on his motorcycle. Parking next to us before cutting the engine and pulling off his black helmet. His tight fitting riding gear fit his form perfectly. The horse walked up to the car and tapped on the driver's side window. Torban pressed the button to lower it. A wave of cool air rushing into the car causing him to shiver slightly. "Jump in, freezing out." Torban said plainly. The horse chuckled, "Such a puss, I'm not getting in. Either get out or I will go chat with the girls."

His asshole demeanor had toned down since the day I met him. But he was still a douche at times, just who he was. "If you can call them girls," Torban muttered. I gave his shoulder another head butt. "Chill dude, not like they are like that bitch," Zach said. "Speaking of her, she coming? I'm not really wanting to put up with her shit." Eric looked at his phone, "Who knows. She never texts back, but then again neither did you. Barb and Fey did though."

"Well my phone is a flip phone. You try texting with that." Zach said looking over at the truck parked a short distance away. I looked at the truck, Barb and Fey had stepped out of it and were making their way over towards us. "Let's go wait by the door. They will be opening in a minute." Zach said before walking towards the ferret and weasel.

"Guess we could get out now," Eric said sitting up to undo his seat belt. Torban sighed and I sat up to undo mine. Eric pushed open his door and climbed out with me following right behind. Getting a firm pat on the butt from Torban. "Guess you both like my sexy pants," I said smiling back at the lion. He climbed out of the car and closed the door behind him. Shivering slightly at the cold air as he walked around the car to pull me against him. Trying to steal my warmth.

Eric led the way up to the door where Zach and the girls were waiting. "Hi ladies," Eric said to them. "Cant wait for winter to be over," Barb said. The ferret had on a heavy jacket. "You and me both sister," Torban said to her. Between his windbreaker and my body heat he was still cold. "I like the snow, but not the cold." Fey said softly. Her ears flicked and she shivered a bit.

My ears perked when I heard the familiar metallic click of a lock. I turned and looked at the opossum who had unlocked the door. She pushed it open to let us enter. We all thanked her as we stepped into the warm building. Happy to be out of the cold. She stepped behind the counter, "What can I get you?" I walked up to the counter knowing what I wanted. "Double bacon burger, large fries and a large Pepsi."

She punched the order into her computer terminal keeping up with my quick pace. "Alright, that will be seven dollars and fifty-eight cents." I handed her a ten from my wallet and waited for her to make change. Getting back two forty-two in change. "It will be out in just a few minutes. Who can I help next?" I stepped to the side to wait. Eric pointed to the back corner, "Let's go claim those tables." I followed him and Torban to the back.

They moved some chairs out of the way. Pushing two of the rectangular tables together. I helped line the chairs back up along the tables. I tensed feeling arms slip around me from behind. Hugging my back, I looked back and saw Rem. "Hey there," I said smiling at him. He giggled and let me go. "Hi guys," he said moving to give Eric a hug. "Oh! Look!" he said excitedly after hugging Eric. He unzipped his black coat. Showing off the tight fitting pink shirt under it.

"Like it? James got it for me last week. My parents wont buy me anything femmy." Torban gave the little fox a hug. "Looks good on you," he said getting another giggle from the fennec. "Stereotypical gays, flirting it up shamelessly" Eric said. Zach walked up and took a seat. Handing me a Pepsi. "You're the best!" I said taking it from him. "Tone it down dude, just soda." he replied. I raised a brow, "Not just anything. Besides, it's pronounced 'pop' not 'so duh.'" He looked up at me, "Whatever dude."

"Geez, just for once you could act a little faggy." Rem said to him. Zach snorted, "That's your deal, I'm not a tail raiser. I prefer to act like a dude." I shrugged and sucked on the straw, drinking some of my pop. My tail swaying slowly behind me. "So what if he acts like a guy? I do too ya know." Barb said with Fey following behind her. "To each their own," Eric said taking a seat at the table.

"True that," Mark said joining the group. I smiled at the snow leopard. "Welcome to the party." He gave me a nod, "Thanks." He was finally relaxing around us. Guess him not being stuffed into a locker for being a fag was proving that everything was going to be fine. If he was going to be attacked it would have been right after coming out. Rem hugged the snow leopard tightly. Catching Mark off guard. He returned the hug though and Torban gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Why does he get one and not me?" Zach asked. Rem released Mark and shrugged. Giving the tan horse a tight hug too. "Don't be giving all of those away, I want them all to myself." I turned and saw James carrying two trays. One having my food on it. "I have a double bacon and fry and three double cheese with extra pickles." I took my tray and Zach moved to take his from James.

With his hands now free he went for the fennec. Pulling him tightly against his chest. "Mine," he said growling playfully before kissing the smaller male. "Barb, they're kissing!" Fey said pointing at the two males still locked in their kiss. "So?" Barb said pulling Fey against her, giving her a kiss too. Zach laughed and started to eat his burger. "Told you they kiss," I said to Eric. He just shrugged and turned his attention to the two males. Still busy with their own display of love.

"Could you not do that in here?" the opossum asked. Torban glared at her, and Eric just shook his head. The lesbians broke their kiss and looked at the annoyed and repulsed cashier. James broke the kiss and smiled at Rem. "Excuse me for a second babe." He looked at her, bothered by the fact she came into our corner and intruded upon us like this. "Kelly, like it or not gays exist. If you want to keep working here then chill out. If not, there's the door."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine, whatever. I'm out, you deal with this all on your own. Explain that one to your daddy." James shrugged, "He wont care. I found someone who can run register in your place." She clenched her hands into fists and stormed out of the restaurant. "Rem, you're hired." He said smiling at his boyfriend. Mark just stood there with his ears lowered. "Relax kitty, it's no big deal and James took care of it."

"She is in my Math class," Mark said quietly. Zach snorted, "If she starts shit just tell my sister. She is the president of our fan club." Zach was right there, his younger sister has a strange fascination with gay males. Once the Alliance was officially formed she joined the group immediately. Sara was very outspoken when it came to Gay Rights. Mark relaxed, his ears slowly lifting back up. "Quit being a bitch, the guys on the team didn't flip you shit."

"Only because they're afraid of Torban. They know he would put them in the Hospital if they fucked with me." Zach pushed his chair back and pulled the feline into his lap. "I would mess them up too. You may not be my type, too winey, but I do like you as a friend." Rem giggled, snuggling into his wolf. "Well, I'm not a bitch and you're too much of a guy so we wouldn't work well anyway."

I rolled my eyes, "Because sex is all that matters right?" We talked for a few hours about how relationships weren't all about pitcher and catcher. After a while we started to leave on by one until it was just us and Zach. He stood up, "Well I need to be heading on." We said our goodbyes and left James and Rem to their own devices in the empty restaurant.

"What now?" I asked not wanting to go back home just yet. "Could go back to my place, I will be missed if I don't get back soon." Torban said. My ears perked, "Missed? That's a new one from you." He pulled me against him, "Yeah my uncle is in town for the Holidays." Eric sighed, "He takes some getting used to." I looked at them both, "Something wrong with him?" Eric snuggled up next to me in the car. "No, I mean nothing bad. He just talks a lot, and can be a little much to an outsider."

"Well I don't mind meeting him if that's alright. I would rather not be alone." Torban nuzzled my cheek, "Alright puppy. If you want to leave just let me know and I will take you home." Eric sighed, "Here we go." I murred, relaxing into my guys while Torban drove us back to his house. The Jang house was on the edge of town, out passed mine.

Torban parked along the curb of the one story ranch style house. His parent's cars both in the driveway along with another car, clearly a rental from the Hertz sticker on the bumper. He cut the engine and Eric sat up. I sat up as well and undid my seat belt. Waiting for Eric to do the same and open the door. Once Eric was out I slid out of the car and closed the door behind me. Torban dashed up to the front door, wanting to get out of the cold.

Torban couldn't even open the door, it swung open in front of him. Standing in front of him was a massive lion. He was broad, and at least two feet taller than Torban. Making him around eight foot something. "Torban! You are being home! Visitors too! Who do we have here!" His voice was deep and booming. Torban stepped to the side and motioned at me. "This is Kimber, the one I told you about. Kimber this is Kamau, my uncle." I stepped closer to shake his hand and was pulled into a hug that put Torban's to shame.

I couldn't breath, and I heard my joints popping. "Kimber puppy! Nice to be meeting you at last long!" Torban tapped his uncle's arm. "You're crushing my boyfriend." Kamau released me and I fell back. Torban caught me, holding me up gently. "Sorry I am feeling, my own strength I don't know." I panted softly, and made sure I could still feel my fingers and toes. "It's okay, I'll live."

"Eric kitty, come give uncle Kamau hugs!" Eric slowly walked up and I saw him tense up when the huge male in front of us hugged him. He was more gentle this time, which I'm sure Eric was thankful for. Once back on the ground Eric sighed in relief. "Would you let those boys in out of the cold," Torban's mother called from behind Kamau. "I must excuse," Kamau took a step back into the house and moved to the side so we could enter.

Eric stepped inside, followed by me and then Torban. Kamau closed the door behind us. "Hi Mister and Missis Jang," I said greeting the pair sitting on the couch. Torban's dad was more his size, broad and tall but not massive like Kamau. I didn't even know lions came in that size. "Hello Kimber, come sit and enjoy the warmth." Torban's mom said motioning to the adjacent couch. Kamau sat down in the recliner, pushing the chair to it's limits with his size and weight.

I sat at the end of the couch nearest Missis Jang. "How have you been?" she asked me. Eric took his place in the middle, with Torban taking the far side. "Good for the most part. My parents know about me being gay and about Eric and Torban." I said lowering my ears slightly. "They give you a hard time about it?" Mister Jang asked. I shook my head, "Not really. I mean my mom flipped out a bit. But my dad seems cool with it."

"What is this cool?" Kamau asked. Torban chuckled, "It is like saying something is neat. You know? Hip and happening, popular with the young crowd." Kamau looked more confused than before. "Being with boys is popular with young crowd?" I left Torban to try and break the culture barrier while I finished my conversation with his parents. "Well you should have them over tonight, will be a good chance to meet us all."

"I will ask them," I said pulling out my phone and sending my dad a text asking if they wanted to stop by and visit for a bit. "So you two speak English like it's your first language, but Kamau is struggling with it." I said more bluntly than I had intended. "Well I left home to study in Paris at the University. My brother has been living the more traditional life. Importing and exporting goods from the coast doesn't expose him enough to this culture to make English come easy to him. He does his best though, and isn't dumb by any means. Just not something he needs to be an expert at for every day use." Torban's mom said.

"I didn't mean any offense by it. Just you two are so proficient with it is all." I said lowering my ears slightly. "It's fine dear, we knew you didn't mean anything by it. That's where we met though, both of us were studying Chemistry. Which plays into what we do out at the site. Cleaning up the mess left by decades of ignorance." she told me. I nodded and relaxed into the couch. "Yeah, I heard that their standards for containing radiation and disposing of chemical waste were pretty bad."

My phone buzzed and I checked the text. "My dad said they will stop by in a bit." Mister Jang smiled, "Good it will be nice to meet my future in-laws." Torban looked at his parents, "Dad relax. We haven't gotten that far yet. It's only been a couple of months." His mom waved her hand dismissively, "He is a nice young man. Don't rock the boat sweetie. Eric's parents like him don't they?" Eric's ears perked and he looked up.

"Yeah they do actually. But they aren't planing our wedding or anything." Eric said. Kamau just shrugged, "If you want him them make yours. Why the bush beat around? Kids in this Country, confuse me do." The door opened and another lion walked in. Taking off his coat, "Cold as balls out there." Missis Jang cleared her throat loudly, "Rolf! We have company, no need to be vulgar." He looked at us, "Oh, sorry I didn't know." He kicked off his shoes and walked down the hall, closing a door behind him.

"Forgive nephew Rolf, his father not here to discipline him." Kamau said motioning with an arm in the direction of his nephew. "They live in New York, it's rubbed off on him as you can see. The people there are rude from what I have been told." I shrugged and Eric shook his head. "No, some people just have to be like that."

"That is true I suppose, doesn't help that his father is always away on business." She said. A short while later there was a knock at the door. Mister Jang jumped up, beating Kamua to the door. He pulled it open, "Good evening my good sir, you must be Kimber's father." They shook hands, "Yeah that's my son alright. I brought my other child too. He spends enough time in his room, may as well get him out into the world."

Mister Jang motioned for them to come in. Aiden cautiously followed our dad inside. His ears held back against his head tightly. "I'm Jeff and this is Aiden." My dad said. Mister Jang smiled, "I'm Amare and that's my wife Desta. This is her brother Kamau, he flies in from the Ivory Coast every year. Our nephew Rolf is also around here, from New York." He motioned to another recliner next to Kamau's. "Please sit and get comfortable, the boys can make room on the couch for Aiden." Torban sat up and scooted closer to us, pulling Eric into his lap as he took the spot in the middle.

Aiden just stood next to dad though, not taking the empty spot on the couch. I shook my head, Aiden would probably sit on the floor next to dad before too much longer. "Why no sitting down?" Kamau asked. Aiden just shook his head, and muttered something. "Use big voice, like this, so people can better hear." I smiled, my amusement growing now. An unmovable object was about to be subjected to an unstoppable force.

My dad just sat there, unsure of what would happen next. "So talk, yes no?" Kamau asked. I chuckled and Aiden looked down at the floor. "Kamau, leave the poor boy alone. He is shy," Mister Jang said. Kamau tilted his head to the side slightly, "What is shy?" I laughed, I couldn't help it. This was better than anything I have ever seen in my life. "He gets nervous around new people," Misses Jang explained.

"Why nervous? I'm not predator, just friendly guy having talk with young canine male." My dad chuckled, starting to take amusement in the situation as well. I rubbed my hands together, thinking something along the lines of 'yes join the dark side father.' Aiden fidgeted, not knowing what to do. "Come closer, join in conversation with me." Kamau said. Aiden looked up slightly, "No, I'm fine thanks."

"Kimber, he spoke. Like, spoke spoke. With words, that we could hear. I have never heard that before." Torban said excitedly. "That better, now tell about self maybe?" Kamau asked. Torban watched on eagerly, while I was busy with the dark side. "Not really, just school." My dad was surprised at how things were turning out. "What kind of music do you like?" Eric asked. Aiden looked up a little more. "Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, mostly classic rock."

Then it was right back to silence from him. Even Kamau couldn't pry another word from him. Our parents talked a bit about what they did before conversation shifted to sports. Kamau was pretty passionate about European football, so when football was mentioned he joined in not realizing my dad meant American football. I actually enjoyed the sport myself. Soccer always seemed like a fun game to play and way more active than football.

Missis Jang brought out some finger foods. Placing various trays filed with them on the coffee table. The conversation went on until almost nine, when my dad finally got up to leave. "Thank you for having us over. You'll have to come by sometime soon." He said to Torban's parents. "It was no problem at all, you have an exceptional young man and we hope to see you fairly often." Mister Jang said shaking my dad's hand one last time.

Kamau carefully exchanged a handshake of his own. Aiden kept safely out of reach, his social meter have been full hours ago. "I'm going to stay the night, if that's alright with you?" I asked my dad as much as the Jangs. "It's fine with us, one more wont make much difference around here." Missis Jang said. My dad gave a nod, "Yeah you can stay the night." My tail wagged quickly and I hugged my dad, "Thanks."

Aiden zipped out the door ahead of dad. Mister Jang pushed the door closed once he was outside, but not before giving one last friendly wave. "Come on pup, let's go lay down." Torban said rising to his feet with Eric in his arms. "Goodnight you three," Missis Jang said. "Goodnight Mister Jang, Missis Jang, Kamau. Thank you for letting me stay the night." Mister Jang smiled at me, "You're welcome young man. Go get some rest." Kamau gave me a pat on the shoulder, "Goodnight Kimber puppy."

I followed Eric and Torban into his bedroom. He gently placed Eric on the mattress and stripped out of his clothes. Tossing his shirt and pants to the side. Leaving him in only his boxer briefs. Eric sat up to get undressed and I pulled off my clothes too. "Still free balling?" Torban asked looking at me. "Yeah, my naughty bits wont freeze with how little we're outside."

"I see your point, crazy arctic loving canine." Torban said crawling under the blankets. Eric got under the blankets, claiming the middle for himself. "I don't like the cold, but I can handle it a little better than you. Still cant get over Eric being submissive." I said getting under the covers on the other side of him. "Just because I'm toned doesn't mean I'm dominant," Eric said snuggling back into Torban. "I know, just new to me is all. Figured with two strong guys I would end up as the bitch."

"Nope, that's my position and I wont give it up ever." Eric said closing his eyes slowly. Torban nuzzled Eric's cheek, "Goodnight babe, and goodnight babe." I snuggled into Eric, "Goodnight kitties." Eric yawned, "Night big kitty, puppy." I smiled, relaxing and letting slip take me.

Alright so rape is ahead, if you don't want to read that part just skip to the next black line and you will be back to the story itself and safely passed the rape scene. It has no real impact on the story and only serves as character development from this point in the character's history onward.

I woke up and rolled away from Eric. Blinking a few times until I could read Torban's alarm clock. It was just after midnight, I carefully slipped out of bed and put on my pants. Pressure in my bladder taking priority over sleep for the time being. I slowly opened the bedroom door and moved out into the hall, carefully closing the door behind me. I yawned as I made my way down the hall.

Once in the bathroom I unzipped my pants and walked to the toilet. Lifting the seat up before pissing into the toilet. I leaned against the wall, having to angle my body to avoid pissing all over the floor thanks to my sheath. I groaned, just wanting to lay back down but my bladder refused to stop leaking fluid for what seemed like minutes. I jiggled my sheath to get the last drops off of it before pulling up the flaps of my pants. Zipping them up and securing the button.

I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink. Spotting something outside the window, the back light was on. Rolf was sitting there, hunched up. I snorted, "Probably drugged out of his mind or something." I pulled open the back door, the cold cement stung my foot pads. I ignored it and walked over to check on the lion. "Rolf, how long have you been out here? Come inside where it's warm buddy."

He moved faster than I expected and the wide swing caught me off guard. Rolf's fist hit me in the side of the head. I yelped in pain before he was on top of me. A low growl rumbling from within his chest. My ears fell flat and I looked up at him. "Rolf, stop please. You're hurting me." His breath smelled like alcohol and he had white powder under his nose.

He was on drugs, and fear spread even faster. I doubted I could reason with him while he was like this. Rolf punched me again, I cried out. The larger male sat up and rolled me onto my belly. Pressing me down into the cold grass. "Shut up bitch, just give me what I want." His claws tore through the denim like it was nothing. He held me in place with his knee and yanked my pants down. "Little faggot bitch wants this," he said coldly. I whimpered, "Just stop Rolf. That's the drugs, please just let me up. I'm your cousin's friend."

He smacked my ass hard, claws exposed. I yelled, fighting best I could to get away. But he just held me down. My ear flicked when he started to unzip his pants. "Gods Rolf, no not like this please." He smacked my bleeding ass again, adding four more cuts to the ones I already had. I could smell the blood, and feel it matting my fur. "Shut up, be quiet or I will make this worse."

I tensed up and closed my eyes. Okay, I could do this. Torban has mounted me before. I just have to give in and let him have what he wants from me. I shook my head slightly, no, no not like this. Someone, please come save me. I'm too weak, please. Tears streamed down my cheeks into the grass. He spread my legs with his and lifted my hips from the ground. Gods, please help me, not like this.

Rolf grabbed my tail and yanked it out of the way. I winced in pain and dug my finger claws into the ground. Torban, I need you, please. I clenched my eyes shut, silently begging for something, anything to happen to stop this. Instead what I got was his tip against my tight hole. Then he shoved into me hard. I cried out when his barbed cock was forced into me dry. Rolf growled and slapped the back of my head.

I tensed, fighting to stay quiet while he forcefully drove into me until our hips met. He moaned, not giving me anytime to adjust before he pulled back. Slamming into me hard. I whimpered and cried, fighting to remain silent while he abused me. The scent of alcohol filled the air. His thrusts became more erratic and I knew at long last he would be done. He drove into me as hard as he could, moaning loudly as he rode his orgasm. I just laid there under him, feeling lower than I ever had in my life. He pulled from me and I heard him zip up his pants.

But I just laid there, motionless. My heart racing and feeling broken. No one came, no one helped. I don't remember much after that. Just that I heard the door open a while later. I was so cold, and in pain. I didn't fight or resist when I felt arms around me. "It is okay, safe now."

I leaned my head against his broad chest and cried. Soaking his golden fur, but he didn't care. Kamau didn't say anything, he didn't have to. He could smell it, he could see it. The large lion held me in his strong arms. Ignoring the chill despite having come from a much warmer climate. He carefully picked me up and carried me back into the house. I held him as tightly as I could. Not letting go even after he laid me in the bathtub.

He turned on the water, getting it nice and hot before plugging the tub. My torn pants still around my knees. "Let go, safe now. I promise Kimber puppy, safe now." I tightened my grip before gradually letting go. Once he was free he slowly sat up. The water burned my skin, still used to the outside temperature. He reached into the tub and slowly slipped off my pants. The water was pink, and I fought hard not to break down again.

"I go get Torban and Eric," Kamau said standing up. I shook my head, "No. Please, just Eric. Get Eric, I need Eric." I was crying again, no longer able to fight it. Kamau opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. I laid my head back against the wall. I kept thinking about it, I couldn't stop. The scents, the feeling, the pain. I hit my head against the wall, and then again. "Fuck!"

Eric stepped into the bathroom and looked at me. "Puppy? What's wrong?" he asked me. I could hear Torban in the hall talking to Kamau. "Just you, please. I just cant, not right now." Eric looked back out into the hallway. "Torban, please just calm down and let me handle this." Eric said. I heard a growl and tensed up. Curling into a ball under the hot water. "My mate is attacked and I have to just stand here?"

"You're right to be angry Torban. But right now, he doesn't need that. Stay with your uncle, and don't do anything. Either of you, until I come back out. Cooler heads prevail." Eric sighed and closed the door behind him. I could hear his claws on the tile floor, getting closer to me. "Kimber, can I touch you?" Eric asked. I turned and looked at him. "Please, just hold me and stay with me. I cant be alone, please Eric just don't leave me."

Eric took off his pants and carefully climbed into the bathtub with me. I could see the hurt on his face. He pressed into my back and held me against him. My ears slowly started to rise up. "Once you're clean I will need to check your wounds." I sighed and turned away from him. "I would rather not talk about it, bad enough it's stuck in my head. I can smell it, and feel it." Eric rested his head against mine.

He was as at a loss as I was about the whole thing. But having him there with me made me feel safe. Like if Rolf came back, I would be protected. "He was drunk, and on drugs," I said softly. Eric kissed my cheek, "Doesn't make what happened right. Nor does it excuse his actions. You should press charges and it wouldn't hurt to go to the Hospital, just in case."

"You can patch me up, you wont ask questions. Besides, I don't want people to know about this. Bad enough it happened, Gods this is fucked up. Part of me blames Torban, like he let me down. My own mate Eric, how can I feel that way about him?" I fought back tears and Eric just nuzzled my cheek. "Don't hold back, just get them all out."

Eric held me until the water was too cold for us to stay in the tub. He coaxed me to stand up and get out of the tub. I just stood there while he dried me off with a towel. I sighed, staring at the wall while he inspected the cuts on my ass. "Any deeper and you would have to get stitches. I can fix them with some super glue."

I just shook my head, "Just do it Eric." I felt a little bad for snapping at him. But my patience was wearing a bit thin given the circumstance. "Okay puppy, I will have to go ask Torban for some though." I pulled my ears back, "I'm sorry about all this Eric. Just fucked up, please don't be gone too long." I looked at him, not wanting to be left alone.

"It's okay, and I will only be gone for a moment." he said before slipping out into the hallway. I looked in the mirror at myself. I was looking ragged, even after the bath. Sleep I decided is what I needed. Sleep and time, that would heal my wounds. Eric came back a short while later with a tube of super glue. "He asked about you, told him you needed some time is all. Going to be able to sleep in the same bed as him?"

I felt horrible having to think about it. "Will you be there the whole time?" I asked. Eric looked at me, "The whole time." He carefully started to close the cuts. Pinching the skin together before applying the glue. It stung but I just took it, not wanting to deal with anything else. When he finished patching me up he stood back up.

"Alright puppy, let's go to bed." Eric said. I took his hand in mine and looked at my destroyed pants. They were balled up in the corner, still soaked. He let go of my hand and wrapped a towel around my waist. Tucking the end inside so it would stay in place. Then he put his pants back on, taking my hand back in his.

I sat on the couch next to Eric, ending my story there. "You know the rest, me flipping out about booze and being uncomfortable around Torban. He apologized later, Rolf. Too much alcohol mixed with the trail mix. Just glad he quit partying before he hurt himself or someone else." Eric held me tightly, licking the tears from my cheeks. "Glad the anger is gone, you're doing a lot better puppy. Feeling up to your next class or wanting to stay home?"

"I want to go back to school. I'm better now, just that part always gets to me." I said sitting up. Eric let go of me and stood up next to me. "Come on babe, better get a move on before we're late." he said to me. I smiled at him and got to my feet. Picking up my backpack from where I left it by the door. Life was good, always will be. Things always seem their darkest before the tide turns.

There it is, as always thank you for reading and for your support. You guys are driving me to type this out as quickly as I can manage without killing the quality of the story. Please vote, comment below if you want to, and be sure to watch me for more of this, and other stories as well. Thank you all.