College Brings About Change

Story by bigbud on SoFurry

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#1 of College Brings About Change

The new professor is a nice guy, sure, but there is something strange about him that his students can't seem to shake.

As a second year student, Bruce was one of the more laid back students on the campus. Having gotten all the crazy college things out of his system in his freshman year, he was a fairly good student, and sociable guy. That's not to say he didn't enjoy the occasional party, but he found himself less inclined to drink until he can't see straight and then pass out in a random dorm room.

The summer had been kind to Bruce, his freshman 15 had spread around his body fairly evenly, and this summer's activities had only added to his build, giving him a look that one of his female friends had described as 'cuddlefuckable'. While the other male members of his hall looked like they had beach balls up their shirts, he had managed to escape that and come out looking almost better than he did the past year.

As the first week of the new semester went on, Bruce looked forward to a Tuesday/Thursday class he had signed up for. The teacher was new, so he hoped that, as the first class to be taught, it would be a breeze to pass. Psychology wasn't anything he was interested in, but if it meant an easy pass, he wouldn't exactly turn down the opportunity.

The class itself was situated in a smaller lecture hall. The tables and chairs were all made of wood and decorated in muted tones, giving it an almost cozy feel, like that of the library. The smell of coffee was apparent as well, the source of which came from a new coffeemaker that almost seemed out of place in the dated room. At the head of the room, an ornate wood desk sat front and center, already decorated with it's new owner's various knickknacks. Most of the items seemed like decorative baubles and harmless trinkets, but in the corner was a wooden carving of a large humanoid beast that was almost as out of place as the coffeemaker.

"Ah, I see my little statue has caught your eye, young man." A thin man with thick glasses and long hair stood behind the desk. His sudden appearance startled Bruce, who hadn't even heard him approach.

"Uh, yeah." he said, trying to calm his nerves. "Its pretty cool. Did you make it?"

The man beamed with pride. "I most certainly did! Its a carving of a mythical orc. Nasty brutes they are, always gallivanting around starting battles and whatnot." he shrugged. "But even in spite of that, I can't help but appreciate their design."

Bruce nodded cautiously. He talked like orcs were a real thing, not some fantasy creature you find in video games and rpgs.

"Yeah, they're pretty cool, I guess."

The man frowned, as if unsatisfied by the response. "Yes, quite." He removed his glasses, and wiped them with a cloth, and returned them to his face. "Well, enough of that. At this rate I'll ramble on about my self all day. Lets get this class started, shall we?" He ushered Bruce toward the seats. "Right right, to your seats everyone." He said, once again adjusting his glasses. "I am Professor Theodore Rudolf Van Heim, and I will be your Psychology instructior this year." He flashed a smile. "Of course, you are free to call me Professor Van Heim or even Professor Theodore. I don't expect you to refer to my by my full name and title, why, we'd never get anything done."

A few sparse chuckles were heard.

"Right, right. So, as I was saying, this is a simple introductory course to Psychology, so you won't be doing anything too advanced. My goal is to get you all interested in Psychology, and to have a basic understanding in the field before term's end. After which, you're free to sign up for the other classes, if you so desire."

He returned to his desk, and brought something up on his computer, while getting a large projector in the room warmed up. "I'm afraid I don't have much thought out in terms of curriculum yet, as this was a rather last-minute position, but I do at the very least have a movie that can provide a basic outline of what we will be learning in this course. You don't have to take notes if you don't want to, but it wouldn't hurt to right down some of the key terms you hear either."

He hit the lights and started the movie. Most everyone had opted out of the 'note taking' part, Bruce included. The movie wasn't that interesting either, and he found himself daydreaming instead of paying attention. Soon enough, the class was over, and with a start, Bruce snapped back to reality.

"Well then, that is where we will stop for today, I suppose we can continue the rest of the movie on Thursday, depending on how much of my curriculum I can get planned out between now and then. With that, I wish you all a good rest of the day."

As the class filed out of the room, Bruce felt his stomach rumble.

"I guess that class took more energy than I thought." He said to himself, as he turned in the direction of the cafe.

Brutality and Kindness are not always Mutually Exclusive Ch. 2

'Sploosh!' "GUH?" Grog's eyes shot open. Once again, his face was wet, and he was upright. In front of him, a cranky looking orc with a Mohawk stood with a bucket. After a brief moment of _deja vu_, he collected himself and looked around. This time,...

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Brutality and Kindness are not always Mutually Exclusive Ch. 1

**[TWO DAYS LATER]** 'Sploosh!' "GUH?" Grog's eyes shot open. His face was wet, and he was upright. In front of him, a nervous looking orc wearing a pair of thick goggles stood with a bucket. "What the hell, Bro?" Grog roared at the shorter male....

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Brutality and Kindness are not Mutually Exclusive CH 0

Or "How I caved in a man's skull and ate his flesh before rescuing some puppies from a burning building", the prolouge. * * * "Listen, Grog, you're too nice. If you're going to be an honored warrior, you need to get your act together or else nobody...

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