Roommates 3: Getting Back

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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#3 of Roommates

Author's Note: Finally, one that's neither solo or no-yiff. Yes, finally, there's yiffing. Enjoy.

EDIT: I likes me a bit of editing...

Roommates Three: Getting Back


Saying I was nervous would be the understatement of the century. That simply could not convey the roil of emotions I was feeling. _Some_how, I was able to keep it from affecting my walk, although my tail twitched from side to side in a fit of agitation. I could've sworn that my heart was pounding out of my chest, ready to burst through at any moment. Then, I was there. She was even more attractive up close.

Not sure if it was obvious by now, but I have a serious thing for vixens. I mean, a large part of my porn collection is dedicated to them. I'm not quite sure why I find them so incredibly attractive... but I think it has to do with my middle school Literature teacher, Mrs. Shoren. She was a vixen, and the object of my secret crush; my first crush period. She's the reason I discovered masturbation, and I haven't stopped since. The fact that one was suddenly interested in me made me all the more nervous.

And she was hot. She wore a tight, teal top and some tight jeans, both of which perfectly accented her body. Nothing was too big or out of proportion, everything was just right. She was a masterpiece... and I was loving every second of the viewing. I knew I wanted her; the raging hard-on in my pants could attest to that. I just hope she couldn't see that...

"Um, hi," I said to her, sitting down. I held out a paw. "My name's Sem."

She took it, her touch electrifying me. "I know." Wait, she knows me? She knows me??? "You're in my Lit class."

"I am?" I know I was distracted by her proximity. Otherwise it would've been inconceivable for me to say what I said next. "Are you sure? I think I'd remember somefur as beautiful as you." It took me about a second to realize what I just said. When it finally hit me, waves of heat darkened my fur. As it was black, there wasn't much of a difference... Oh, gods, I'm such a dumbass.

And then she giggled, completely throwing me off. "Well, maybe you should try looking behind you, then. That's where I usually sit."

How could I have been so obtuse? I couldn't look at her anymore. I made too much of an ass of myself. "What, what did I say?" she asked, sounding worried.

"I-it's not you," I told the floor. "I'm just an idiot." I started to get up. "Look, don't--"

Her paw was over mine. I stopped moving. I had to. "Don't go. You're not an idiot, Sem. I've seen you in class, like I said. You are much too intelligent to be an idiot. Besides, I haven't even told you my name yet."

I looked at her. She seemed sincere. I wanted to believe her... "Um, so--"

"Kiyara," she said, smiling. I sat back down then, but her paw stayed on mine. "So, Sem, now that we know each other's names, tell me about yourself."

"Um, well," I said, shrugging, "what do you wanna know?"


I meandered through the party, intent on finding Aniryl and leaving. Icarus had kissed me, long and hard, telling me to pass it onto Ani. It was a long kiss, and it got me spectacularly heated. One could say I was a walking, talking erection.

I found the doe by the stairs, just like Icarus said. However, she was talking with an iguana of some kind. The conversation was getting on my last nerve, and I was about to interrupt when her eyes caught mine. "Save me," they said, silently pleading. I guess the male wasn't very entertaining...

"Ani!" I said loudly, moving closer with my arms held wide. I saw the iguana turn to look at me.

"Croy, how are you?" she exclaimed back at me, her eyes lighting up. She half-turned, beginning to introduce us. "Agnar, this--"

I didn't let her get that far. I was way too yiffy for courtesy. My right paw slid around her waist as I pulled her to me, my left curling around her head, and kissed her, holding her in it. Initially, she resisted, but as I opened her mouth and started to wrestle with her tongue she relented, even getting into it. I slapped her ass, and she giggled. Gently, I broke the kiss, and she was left blinking. "Wow," she said after a moment, chuckling a bit.

"The kiss is from Icarus," I said softly. "He bid me tell you that the threesome is unfortunately off for tonight, he suddenly had an urge for male lovin'.

I know I was exuding musk like no tomorrow, so she could clearly guess my intentions. "Is that so?" she asked, coy all of a sudden. "Whatever do I do in the meantime?"

I pulled her against me, my left paw groping her ass. "You, me, my place, now."

"Don't you have a roommate that never leaves and you don't want to disturb or something?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not a problem," I assured her, the left paw roaming up her skirt, rubbing her pussy through her panties. I was quickly rewarded with a moan and moisture, her scent flooding the air. She grabbed my shirt and dragged me toward the door. I was only all too willing to follow.


The music was starting to get on my nerves. For some reason, it seemed extremely loud, and I don't know how I failed to notice it before. Now myself and Kiyara literally had to shout to be heard.

At least we had been hitting it off pretty well. After that initial flood of embarrassment, I was able to talk to her normally. Plus, she was riveting, so there was no doubt that I was paying attention. Yet and still, she said something, and I couldn't hear her. "What?" I said, near shouting.

"You wanna go somewhere quieter? Maybe say you're dorm or something?"

Well, that was kinda forward. "Um, sure, I guess! I could show you around, I have one of those apartment dorms!"

She smiled, then proceeded to pull me off my seat and through the party, heading toward the door. As we weaved through the crowd, I thought I saw some disappointed faces, and a few on some of the many furs that I met when Croy was with me. I wondered briefly where he had got to before we were suddenly at the door and out, the sudden change in the temperature making my fur bristle. She stopped on the sidewalk, my paw still in hers. "Which way?" she asked with a smile.

I was a bit disoriented, but I was able to remember the route. Hey, I guess Croy was right. I pointed in a direction, then began to walk in it, sure of myself. However, I was surprised as she caught up to me, wrapping her arms around my left and staying close. She... smelled... wonderful.

This is going to be an interesting night.


The doorknob slammed into my spine, forcefully breaking the kiss as I hissed in pain. Ani got off me a bit. "Just gimme a sec to unlock the door," I panted to her, trembling slightly. She was panting as hard as I was, breathless from the constant kissing, each of us lusting after the other. I could swear that pre had stained my boxers by now.

"Hurry," she breathed at me, her paws curling around my waist, stroking my hard member. She pressed herself against me, giving me yet another whiff of her arousal. I had been smelling it the entire way here, and I was drunk off it. My paws fumbled a lot, but I was able to unlock the door. As soon as the knob began turning, she flipped me around, pushing me into the room, her lips fastened onto mine as I fell backward onto the kitchen table. "Take me," she panted, breaking the kiss, paws stroking my sides. "Take me right here, right now, on this table."

I was sorely tempted to. I almost did. But no, not here. I didn't know how Sem fared. If he didn't come back with somefur, I'd feel bad about abandoning him at the party. That in mind, I picked Ani up, sliding her legs around my waist and standing. "Table?" she asked, holding on.

"Bedroom," I said, kicking shut the front door as I made my way to my room, half-running. I kinda slammed her into the door, but she took the opportunity to kiss me, so it worked out. I turned the knob, twirling her around and closing the door in one motion, taking a few steps in and lowering her on my bed, our lips still locked. There was a brief pause in kissing as I had to take off my shirt, and she took the opportunity to shinny out of her skirt, taking off my pants in the same motion. A naughty smile on her face, she ran her paw up my throbbing shaft as she leaned back, taking her panties off and throwing them behind her, where they landed on the floor with a wet slap. My undershirt was next, and then we were both naked, her rubbing herself, moaning.

"Take me, and take me now."

I needed no further urging. Pre dribbled from my cock as I climbed onto the bed, aiming at the prize presented before me. Ani quickly removed her paw, spreading her legs wide for me. She placed them over my shoulders as I entered her, both of us trembling, both of us just what the other needed to cool the flame of lust. I wasted no time hilting myself, drawing back and thrusting within her. She pulled me down into a kiss, forcing me to lean against her legs and drive deeper into her. My paws fell into place on either side of her body as she held be close, crying out in ecstasy. "Harder," she cried, "harder!" I was too consumed in the smell to not obey. "YES!" she near-screamed, eyes springing open. "Just like that, right there, right there, yes, yes!"

A key digging into the lock split through my consciousness, and I stopped. Sem was back.


I'm hearing stuff, right? I thought I just heard a female voice say something to the degree of "right there," or something. Maybe it was one of the neighbors. Or, it could be Croy, already back and yiffing. I hoped it wasn't though. I didn't think that it would keep me around Kiyara, which is where I wanted to stay. Judging by how she held onto me, I thought it was safe to assume that she wanted to stick around me as well. "So, uh, here we are!" I said a little loudly, opening the door and smiling. My face became a bit fixed as I smelled the place. It was off... but in an exciting way, almost.

"Mmm, I love the way your place smells," commented Kiyara, disengaging herself from my arm and padding in. "And it's so big compared to mine! It's like a palace!"

"Whoa, whoa, back up," I said, frowning. "You like the way it smells?"

She nodded. "It smells like sex."