Unacceptable love

Story by Zenoah on SoFurry

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#2 of Black and Flame

Yaoi first time dont like dont read

Chapter 2 This feeling

(Ok so i study the work of others since my last chapter suck. Alright so here we go!)

There they were muzzle to muzzle. It was silent. Flame had felt the blood go to his cheeks. It was silent. Then a women's voice shouted "Flamedramon get back!" . Flame knew this voice was similar so he jumped back flipped and landed on his feet.



It was Angemon and Angewomon. They took to the sky's to find flame and succeeded when they heard the sound of the Terra-destroyer Blackwargreymom had fired. "Fail!"Black had yelled. That did nothing."Terra-destroyer!" Black was going to fired it at Flame. But something stopped him. This feeling that came to him. He looked into Flamedramon's eyes. Blackwargreymon's Terra-destroyer had faded. This gave enough time Angemon to grab Flame and go while Angewomon fled behind. Flame looked down as Blackwargreymon was watching them fly away. "You ok Flamedramon?" Angemom asked.

"Yes thanks for asking." He replied

"Davis is going to be really excited to see you when we bring you back to our campsite." Angemon said.

"Ok but where is the campsite?" Flame asked.

"Its really cool we found a place with a waterfall with beautiful scenery" Angewomon said quickly.

( Scene change:********************)

They three had landed and there the rest of the digimon and digidestined. Angewomon was right! It was beautiful. There were plenty of berry bush's and a huge waterfall with a cave inside. Angemon di-digivoled into patamon. Angewomon di-digivoled into gatomon. Flamedramon di-digivoled into Veemon. "VEEMON!" Davis shouted with excitement. Veemon came rushing into Davis's arms. "Are you ok buddy?" Davis asked.

"Yeah" Veemon replied. Veemon looke around and only saw Tai,Sora,T.K and Cody. " Where are the others?" Veemon asked.

"They had other things to do so we went to find you." Patomon said.

"Yea i was so worried please tell me you didn't run into Blackwargreymom?" Davis asked worriedly. Veemon thought for a second and lied.

Davis took a deep sigh and went to talk to T.K about how to stop Blackwargreymon.Veemon though about what happened today. Why didnt blackwargreymon attack him?Why did he hesitate?There were so many things to ask him. He was very stressed. He sat down near the bay of the water. He decided that he would go swim and go into the waterfall. He got up and stepped into the cold water which he shivered. He walked slowly into the water and relaxed. He was focusing on his thoughts. But then he had feeling He closed his eyes and felt his dick slowly erect. He grabbed his erection and slowly stroked it. He got this feeling and stroked faster. He let out a soft moan. Veemon's dick tensed. He was feeling something coming. He went faster. Man was Veemon enjoying it. "Oh Blackwargreymon" Veemon silently whispered. Then he shot out his seed into the water. He let out a sigh. He raised his hand and saw his cum mixed in with the water. He washed up. He turned around to see fire out and everyone asleep. Veemon had this crazy idea. As best he could he quietly got out of the water. Veemon tiptoed to sneak in and take Davis's D3(at least thats whats it called)He ran off to a place where he could armor digivolve Into Flamedrmaon.

(So here i hope u enjoy its just the second chapter)

(Do u any ideas that would you would want to be in the next chapter comment!)

Unacceptable love

Blackwargreymon x Flamedramon Chapter 1 So we meet! Flamedramon was walking along the dirt road. It sunny. He was eating a peach that Davis gave him before they got separated. Somehow Mummymon and Arukinemon succeeded. "DAVIS!" he shouted. No...

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