The Drifter Chapter Five: Rebels, Revolutions, and a Re-purposed Truck; Part 2

Story by Moa on SoFurry

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#6 of The Drifter

The Drifter meets his partner in crime.

The Drifter Chapter Five: Rebels, Revolutions, and a Re-Purposed Truck; Part II

The next day dawned with the high desert sun beaming in through the window in the room I was in. Last night at dinner I had informed Kojack that I would help him with this job, and he told me I had a few days before everything was ready. These days would be long and stressful waiting to take part in a suicide mission. For a while I layed on the bed, and stared up at the bare ceiling. I watched as the sun cast ever changing shadows on the far wall, and realized it was getting on six in the morning. I got out of bed, got dressed and left the barracks building to get some breakfast. I could already feel an oppressive heat coming from the sun before I left the shade of the awning over the door. The mess hall was across an open yard where the rebels had several supply crates, a few vehicles, and some guards. Two of the guards in the yard looked about ready to die of heat exhaustion, and I could see on of them taking a deep drink from a canteen. I opened the door to the mess hall, and smelled some meat cooking. I heard a yell from the kitchen, "It won't be ready for five more minutes!". Resigning myself to that fact, I sat down at one of the long tables, and ignored my hunger.

A minute had gone by, and I heard the chair next to me slide out, and that was when she spoke, "So, you're the guy who's going to help us out?" I looked at her. She was young, but older than myself, I'd put her at about twenty-five or twenty-four. She was a cheetah. She was also pretty thin, had some nice tits, and though I couldn't tell really, she was probably shorter than me. She looked at me with piercing blue eyes, and waited for me to answer her.

"Yeah, I know Camp B pretty well, and you guys didn't give me much of a choice," I responded. She studied me carefully. She seemed like she was trying to determine just by looking at me if I would be able to pull off the job. She stood up, and as I thought she was about to leave for good, I called out, "Hey where you going?". She turned toward me, and told me to follow her. I resolved to forget my empty stomach, and I followed her. We walked for a while out into the desert, and finally she stopped.

She turned to me and asked me, "Do you hate Epsilon?". I stared at her for a while. I studied her face, she was very serious in this question. Personally, aside from growing up in slavery, they hadn't done much against me, so I truly didn't care.

"They've never truly harmed me. The biggest crime they have against me is my imprisonment.", I answered truthfully. After a pause I added, "They also killed someone close to me.". She seemed to like that answer more than my last. "Do you hate them?", I asked.

She paused. She looked at me, then back at the base, then back at me. " I grew up in the mining camps just like you did. I was born to prisoner parents, just like you were, and I had to work, just like you. The difference between us is that I had it ten times worse than you ever would have. My father was killed in the street by security personnel, while I watched. I was seven when that happened. I witnessed one guard rape my mother, then kill her. Life went downhill from there. At age fourteen, I had sex with another worker my age. I can say that that was the only time I agreed to sex. It was amazing. From the first second that his hard cock entered my tight pussy, till he finished and filled me with his hot cum. A few days later, I saw him hauled off by the guards for stealing. He had been executed.". She paused to catch her breath. " At sixteen I was raped for the first time. I was walking back to my housing unit, and two guards stopped me. I never saw what they looked like in the dark. One of them hit me with the his rifle, then threw me to the ground. I remember dirt filling my mouth when hit the ground. I then felt as one of them cut my pants open with his knife. The fingered me in both my ass and my pussy. Then one of them entered me. It was awful, and rough, and violent. After it was over the left me in the street, cum dripping from my ass, pussy, and mouth, and some on my face. After that it happened three more times. I didn't get depressed or sad though, I got angry. I've turned my anger to hate, and that's why when we go to get those explosives tomorrow, you aren't going to fuck it up".

So that was my partner for this job. I'll admit it, I was glad it was her. She had a fire and a passion to her, and I knew that if anyone was going to end up fucking anything up in the mission, it would probably end up being me, since she wouldn't let anything stop her from destroying Epsilon at all costs. I was ready, and I wasn't as stressed out about the mission anymore.

End of Chapter Five Part 2

The Drifter